Manufacturing Lab Manual

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Activity #1

1. To establish a company name and logo for a manufacturing company.
2. To define the function of pharmacist in manufacturing company.

3. To determine the manufacturing company and its function.


pen and paper

1. Decide for a company name and logo.
2. Rationalize the chosen name and logo.


Rxcellence Manufacturing and Co. is a pharmaceutical company designed to

manufacture nothing but excellent medicinal drugs. The Rxcellence
Manufacturing Company has helped in providing numerous amount of
medicinal drugs to different Pharmaceutical Companies around the world,
giving nothing but pure excellence. The aim of this company is to provide
better form of medications which would help in enhancing our current
healthcare systems. Rxcellence Manufacturing and Co.'s logo was put into
one circle because circle has no beginning or end which represent as life since
medicine is used to treat certain diseases in our life. Also circle represent
unity, commitment and love to the community in order to have a better
service to the customer. Inside of the circle is consist of a bowl of hygeia
which is one of the symbol of the pharmacy. The bowl represent a medicinal potion and the snake which is
wrapped around the bowl represent healing since we provide a medicine that can heal someone's condition.
The leaf symbolize our life. In our logo the leaves are biten by a snack which symbolizes that we can provide
healing to the illneses that someone experien6cing with the use of our different drugs. Inside the bowl of
hygeia is a pestle. Pestle is commonly used in a pharmacy to prepare ingredients or substances by crushing
and grinding them into a fine paste or powder. Below the bowl of hygeia is a capsule which means that our
business venture is about providing medicines to everyone which it is affordable and accessible to all.

1. What is a manufacturing company? What is/are its functions?
- An manufacturing business is any business that utilizes crude materials, parts, and segments to collect
completed products. Manufacturing business can decide to sell their items legitimately to shoppers, to
different makers, to merchants or to wholesalers.
- The manufacturing function is essentially answerable for executing and working the creation
framework so as to deliver the item. Manufacturing may likewise incorporate buy, dissemination, and
establishment just as the physical production of the segment. The manufacturing function ought to stick to the
particulars set somewhere near the plan office, which ought to have investigated segments and considered
the end work, something that manufacturing can't do due to absence of data. In the event that maintainability
is one of the significant components, at that point the plan office ought to likewise determine the low-
ecological effect fabricating condition.
2. What are the different departments found in a manufacturing company? Give the function/s of each
Production- is the functional area responsible for turning inputs into finished outputs through a series of
production processes. The production Manager is responsible for making sure that raw materials are provided
and made into finished goods effectively.
Quality (Validation)- the purpose of a quality department is to ensure profit margins by reducing inefficiencies,
operations errors and product defects. In addition, the purpose also must include proactively improving
capability and capacity of operations through new methods, tools or skills.
Operations- is responsible for making sure that customer orders are filled on schedule. This responsibility
covers managing production rhythms, and also syncing manufacturing timelines with availability and delivery
of materials needed for production.
Research and Development- includes activities that companies undertake to innovate and introduce new
products and services. It is often the first stage in the development process. The goal is typically to take new
products and services to market and add to the company's bottom line.
3. What is/are the function/s of a pharmacist in a manufacturing company?
Pharmacist in an manufacturing company has practical experience in making medications and meds,
liable for deciding whether prescriptions created by drug organizations have both right fixings and right
measure of the fixings, research drug mixes and grow new meds dependent on research. Tests drugs for
effectiveness and security, manage the creation cycle to guarantee prescriptions are delivered precisely.
4. Draw a typical organizational chart of a manufacturing company.
A business name is regularly your initial introduction with clients. They see a sign with your name, and
they either recall it or they don't. In any case, this is frequently your early introduction with entrepreneurs and
speculators. The correct business name can likewise help separate you among expected financial specialists
and logo can be depicted as the substance of an organization. Frequently, it's the main thing that a potential
client will see about your business. A logo is significantly more than only a picture; it is a state of
acknowledgment for customers and a significant establishment for the marking of your organization. It is
frequently said that clients structure a supposition about an organization in no time. An all around planned
logo is a simple method to pass on to potential clients that your business is proficient, reliable, and gives
quality products or administrations.

Activity #2

1. To create a sample of the packaging materials needed in drug production.
2.To differentiate between primary and secondary packaging.
3. To determine the importance of leaching from adsorption.


pen and paper
laptop and printer

1. Choose a product to be manufactured in your company.
2. Make a sample of the packaging materials needed for your product.
3. Indicate if the packaging material is a primary or secondary.


Secondary packaging:

1. What are packaging materials? What are the guidelines for packaging drug products?
Packaging material is a material, printed material, utilized in the bundling of a drug item, barring any
external bundling utilized for transportation or shipment. Essential bundling materials are those that are in
direct contact with the item.
Guidelines for packaging drug products, aspects of bundling; the parts of bundling to be considered include:
the elements of bundling, the determination of a bundling material, the testing of the material chose, filling
and amassing, disinfection, stockpiling and stability.Packaging materials and terminations. To guarantee the
viability of an item during its absolute timeframe of realistic usability, drugs must be viewed as a mix of the
therapeutic item itself and the bundling, Quality affirmation parts of bundling. Guaranteeing patients and
purchasers to get excellent medications, the quality administration framework must consider if the necessary
nature of bundling is to be gotten, the prerequisites of the public specialists and the applicable enactment, the
item, the creation cycle, the producers' inside strategies. Insurance of nature has gotten progressively
significant lately. More prominent consideration has been paid to the removal and reusing of waste, and
enactment has been presented in numerous nations and quality details.
2. Differentiate primary packaging from secondary packaging. Give examples.
Primary packaging is the bundling that most intently ensures the item. It can likewise be alluded to as
retail or customer bundling. Essential bundling in the drink business would be the container or can the
refreshment is put away in. The name on the jugs or jars is likewise viewed as a major aspect of the essential
bundling while secondary packaging is overwhelmingly creased cardboard bundling print completed to an
exclusive requirement, for example, being litho printed with very much idea out marking and plan, because of
the fundamental part it needs to play in the promoting channel.
3. What are the different types of glass? Describe each. How does it differ to plastic bottles?
Type I- A borosilicate plan, this sort is typically saved for parenteral (injectable) items, especially those
that are soluble in nature. It is multiple times more tough than soft drink glass.
Type II- A soft drink lime glass treated with sulfur in the toughening stage to diminish salt solvency. It is utilized
for parenterals - some of the time soluble, yet almost certain acidic or impartial.
Type III- A customary soft drink lime (rock) glass that has been tried and demonstrated to be at or under a
predefined extractives level. It is expected for more touchy items, however for the most part isn't utilized for
4. Differentiate leaching from adsorption.
Leaching is the misfortune or extraction of specific materials from a transporter into a fluid (for the
most part, yet not generally a dissolvable). what's more, may allude to: Leaching (agribusiness), the loss of
water-solvent plant supplements from the dirt; or applying a limited quantity of abundance water system to
evade soil saltiness while adsorption the cycle by which a strong holds particles of a gas or fluid or solute as a
slender film.

A good packaging is good for-reason, ensures its substance, spares assets and limits its carbon
impression by utilizing vitality effective method of creation and reasonably sourced crude materials. So as to
accomplish this measures, we can't overlook the significance of the ideal plan, ease of use and compelling
materials cycle to arrive at the ideal earth well disposed bundling. Product packaging has numerous significant
functionalities. Presently, is all bundling tricky? The appropriate response is truly clear. No. Bundling is a need
for a scope of various ordinary items. Subsequently, more imaginative, reusable and economical bundling are
being made each day. That is the current course. Another course is bringing your own packs and holders, as it
were, reusing what you as of now have, and purchasing more items in mass.

Activity #3

1. To make company stickers.
2.To differentiate green, yellow, and red stickers.
3. To state the importance of cGMP.


pen and paper
laptop and printer

1. Make your own stickers for approved, rejected and quarantined drug products.


1. What are the different type of stickers? Describe each. What is/are its uses?
Green sticker- means accepted and pass all the test.
Yellow sticker- means wait, on hold and quarantine.
Red sticker- means rejected.
2. What are the guidelines in using stickers in the manufacturing company?

Stickers are significant in the assembling organization. It opens up various choices for marking, shading
decisions, and designs that help put your item in its best light. Knowing your Product: Manufacturers get made up for
lost time with their plans and neglect to ensure that their mark will function as expected for its utilization. Odds are that
name should face buildup and different types of mileage and you don't need your name tumbling off the first occasion
when somebody contacts it. Using Free Resource: Designing an expert looking mark isn't a simple undertaking. There are
huge amounts of free assets out there that can assist you with planning and picture your marks before sending them to
the printer. This permits you to ideate and create completed plans to stick inside your financial plan. Try not to Reinvent
the Wheel: If employing a professional item name designer and need to give a plan brief, or planning them yourself, its a
smart thought to work from plans that you as of now love. Try not to waste time in the event that you don't need to. Do
Exploration In to Printers: The last stage in name making measure is getting them printed appropriately. This aspect of
the cycle can represent the deciding moment names, so ensure that you do your due industriousness early.

3. What is cGMP? Why is it important?

cGMP refers to the current Good Manufacturing Practice regulations enforced by the FDA. CGMPs
provide for systems that assure proper design, monitoring, and control of manufacturing processes and
cGMPs provide for systems that assure proper design, monitoring, and control of manufacturing
processes and facilities. Adherence to the cGMP regulations assures the identity, strength, quality, and purity
of drug products by requiring that manufacturers of medications adequately control manufacturing
Stickers can even be as incredible as your business cards or flyers at such occasions since they permit
you to get a particular message to your crowd. Stickers likewise give you a reasonable method to change your
message starting with one expo then onto the next, contingent upon the crowd you are working with and is a
sort of name: a bit of printed paper, plastic, vinyl, or other material with pressure delicate glue on one side.
They can be utilized for improvement or for utilitarian purposes, contingent upon the circumstance.

Activity #4

1. To be able to make a sample of a BMR.
2. To determine the function of a QA personnel.
3. To state the importance of BMR.
pen and paper
laptop and printer

1. Make your own BMF for your manufacturing company.


1. Define the following:
a. master formula- is a master document for any pharmaceutical product. It contains all information
about the manufacturing process for the product. Master formula record is prepared by the research and
development team of the company and all other documents like BMR and BPR are prepared using master
formula record by the manufacturing units.
b. batch manufacturing record- is a written document from the batch that is prepared during the
pharmaceutical manufacturing process. It contains actual data of the batch manufacturing and whole
manufacturing process step by step. Documents and the proofs are attached to the BMR during the
manufacturing process.
c. batch packaging record- is important document because it contains all information about the
packaging process of the batch and requirement of GMP documentation. It must contain everything about the
packaging process.
d. quality control records- reports containing recorded data, paying little mind to the medium or
trademark, which exhibit the viability of the quality management system and that give proof that items meet
administrative necessities and conform to determined item prerequisites.
2. What is the function/s of a QA personnel during drug production?
They guarantee that all pharmaceutical products are produced to a sheltered and reliable quality
standard. Quality Assurance experts are responsible for instituting a scope of practices that help ensure
a drugs quality.

3. Explain the importance of signing and writing your initials in the BMR during drug production.
The importance of signing and writing, the initials in the BMR is significant in light of the fact that
it provides the course for examiners to survey the general nature of tasks inside an organization and the last

This activity batch manufacturing record are basic records for guaranteeing quality and administrative
prerequisites are accomplished. They ordinarily contain data that identifies with the accompanying parts of
the assembling of a cluster of item: Dates of start and finish of production. Records all materials utilized and
measures of each utilized and ensure the weight verification of all dispensed materials is completed and
signed prior to manufacturing, ensure the environmental condition log is written as per instruction given in
BMR, check the Line clearance is verified by QA, and ensure the sieve/screen is used as per mention in the
batch record.

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