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Richard Rorty’s Objectivity, Relativism, and Truth: Philosophical Papers, Volume 1 is a collection of papers
that explores the implications of philosophical pragmatism in several areas, including natural science,
mind–body issues in philosophy, and perspectives on liberal democracy and social change. Similari-
ties between Rorty’s pragmatism and Skinner’s radical behaviorism are explored in each of these
three areas. Although some important and interesting differences are found regarding the role of
science in social change, most areas show remarkable similarities between the two systematic per-
Key words: radical behaviorism, pragmatism, philosophy, science

The emergence of the experimental anal- Although its origins can be traced further
ysis of behavior was accompanied by a dis- back (e.g., see Catania & Hineline, 1996), the
tinctive and evolving set of scientific practices last decade has seen accelerating growth of a
that, for better or worse, have generally fallen literature of radical behaviorism (e.g., Chiesa,
under the term radical behaviorism (e.g., Day, 1994; Lattal, 1992; Leigland, 1992, 1997;
1983; Skinner, 1945, 1974). As a set of verbal Smith, 1986; Todd & Morris, 1995). This lit-
practices, radical behaviorism has been one erature has served to describe the historical
of the ways that the behavior-analytic scientif- context of radical behaviorism, to follow its
ic community has been distinguished from systematic implications, and to explore rela-
more traditional varieties of psychological sci- tions between radical behaviorism and other
ence. areas of science and philosophy. Important
The task of defining, clarifying, describing, themes have been found in common with
exploring, and extending the implications of radical behaviorism and the ordinary-lan-
radical behaviorism is useful in a number of guage philosophy of the later Wittgenstein
ways. Beyond the immediate purposes of (e.g., Day 1969a), as well as similarities with
making assumptions, goals, explanatory prac- a generic interpretation of phenomenology
tices, and related issues explicit and open to (Day, 1969b) in the sense of ‘‘the study of
critical review (e.g., Leigland, 1997), it is use- phenomena’’; a consequence of Skinner’s
ful in responding to critics who have misun- (e.g., 1931) interest in staying at the level of
derstood and misconstrued the results or im- one’s observations without appealing to stan-
plications arising from radical behaviorism or dard forms of reductive theory (e.g., Leig-
the field of behavior analysis (e.g., Koch, land, 1997). Other sources have documented
1976; cf. Day, 1992; see also Staddon, 1993, important relations between Skinner’s sys-
and commentaries), as well as providing a ba- tematic views and Machian positivism (e.g.,
sis upon which new conceptual or methodo- Day, 1980; Marr, 1985; Smith, 1986, 1995)
logical proposals generated within the field and pragmatism (e.g., Day, 1980, 1983; Hayes
may be evaluated, and in general, allowing & Brownstein, 1986; Schneider, 1997; Zuriff,
the future development of the scientific field 1980).
to take place ‘‘self-consciously’’ (e.g., Hine- Pragmatic themes have appeared in the be-
line, 1992). havior-analytic literature in part because it is
clear that Skinner’s views on the goals of sci-
Rorty, R. (1991). Objectivity, relativism, and truth: Philo- ence, as well as his general view of truth,
sophical papers Vol. 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University could be described as strongly pragmatic in
Address correspondence to Sam Leigland, Department character (e.g., Day, 1980, 1983; Hayes &
of Psychology, Gonzaga University, Spokane, Washington Brownstein, 1986; Zuriff, 1980). More recent-
99258-0001 (E-mail: ly, the term pragmatic has appeared in discus-


sions of behavior-analytic science as a contex- natural science, and reveals a number of im-
tualistic worldview (e.g., Hayes, Hayes, & portant thematic similarities between Rorty’s
Reese, 1988; Morris, 1993, 1997). According pragmatism and Skinner’s radical behavior-
to the taxonomy of worldviews described by ism (see also Lamal’s, 1983, review of Rorty,
Pepper (e.g., 1942), a characteristic of con- 1979). The book is a collection of philosoph-
textualism is a pragmatic truth criterion of ical papers written in the 1980s, and is orga-
successful working, which may be contrasted nized into three sections. The first section
with, for example, the mechanistic world view concerns a pragmatic perspective on natural
with correspondence as its truth criterion. science and its relationship to the rest of cul-
Contextualism has been described as the phil- ture. The second section explores and ex-
osophical foundation of behavior analysis (at tends certain pragmatic themes arising from
least in the context of Pepper’s taxonomy; the work of Donald Davidson, a contempo-
e.g., Hayes et al., 1988), although Pepper’s rary philosopher who has been interpreted
mechanism-contextualism distinction has also by Rorty and others as contributing to prag-
been the subject of criticism (e.g., Marr, matic philosophy in substance if not in name.
1993). Nevertheless, contextualism has been The third section examines issues of liberal
and continues to be a useful way to summa- democracy from a pragmatic perspective. The
rize some of the salient features of behavior- present review will characterize a central
analytic science. theme from each of these sections in turn,
Although many behavior analysts may thus exploring possible relations of each to radical
associate pragmatism with Pepper’s contex- behaviorism as a scientific system.
tualism and with such standard phrases as suc-
cessful working and effective action, there are
much broader issues to be considered in re- ANTIREPRESENTATIONALISM
lating pragmatism to behavior analysis. Prag- Perhaps the most efficient way to charac-
matism, as it has developed in academic phi- terize pragmatism according to Rorty is to
losophy, is a sophisticated and complex set of state it as a view that questions the legitimacy
views; it is not a singular, unitary, organized of a particular set of traditional philosophical
system (any more than is behaviorism or cog- issues or problems. Through the influence of
nitivism; for an excellent overview, see Mur- Locke, Descartes, and Kant, these problems
phy, 1990). Further, pragmatism is neither a have been central in the agenda of academic
philosophy of science nor a philosophy of philosophy, and may be viewed as central
psychology, but is instead a philosophical per- philosophical concerns of the traditional
spective that evolved in the context of and in fields of epistemology and related areas. Rep-
response to a variety of traditional issues in resentationalist in character, these problems
academic philosophy. As such, the agenda of take as a central assumption that the mind
philosophical pragmatists will likely appear (or in later analytic philosophy, language) has
somewhat alien to behavior analysts who are special properties or processes that provide
mainly interested in basic and applied sci- for the accurate representation of reality.
ence. Nevertheless, a number of themes de- Knowledge claims are to be assessed regard-
scribed by pragmatists are clearly relevant to ing the accuracy of representation, and phi-
natural science in general and to behavior- losophy’s task in pursuing such questions is
analytic science in particular. thus foundational with respect to questions of
The most prominent advocate of philo- mind, language, and knowledge (e.g., Rorty,
sophical pragmatism in recent years has been 1979).
Richard Rorty. His 1979 book, Philosophy and The literature of pragmatism has endeav-
the Mirror of Nature, and subsequent writings ored to show how this view of ‘‘mind as the
have been central to contemporary philo- mirror of nature’’ may be dispensed with,
sophical discussions on the implications of thus making irrelevant some traditional dis-
pragmatism (e.g., Lamal, 1983, 1984; Rorty, tinctions in philosophy, such as the distinc-
1989). The focus of the present review is Ror- tions between mind and body, between ap-
ty’s 1991 book, Objectivity, Relativism, and pearance and reality, and between language
Truth: Philosophical Papers Volume 1, a book and fact. Within the pragmatic tradition, such
that emphasizes issues of pragmatism and problems and distinctions are viewed as

pointless (although some of the pragmatist ical explanation. The reason why such expla-
philosophers have edged toward a concern nation meets with more success than, say, as-
with one or another of these issues at various trological explanation, is that there are no
times; e.g., Murphy, 1990; Rorty, 1979, 1991). planetary influences out there, whereas there
really are atoms out there.
The pragmatist philosophers have thus had The antirepresentationalist is quite willing
two primary tasks: first, to show in what ways to grant that our language, like our bodies,
the traditional problems may be construed as has been shaped by the environment we live
useless linguistic contrivances, and second, to in. Indeed, he or she insists on this point—
explore the implications of philosophy, sci- the point that our minds or our language
ence, democratic politics, and culture without could not (as the representionalist skeptic
the perspectives that have granted impor- fears) be ‘‘out of touch with the reality’’ any
tance to those traditional problems and is- more than our bodies could. What he or she
sues. Pragmatism has thus been described as denies is that it is explanatorily useful to pick
a philosophy that is edifying rather than sys- and choose among the contents of our minds
or our language and say that this or that item
tematic, and therapeutic rather than con- ‘‘corresponds to’’ or ‘‘represents’’ the envi-
structive (e.g., Rorty, 1979, 1991). ronment in a way that some other item does
Rorty (1991) summarized his epistemolog- not. On an antirepresentationalist view, it is
ical critique in the following way: ‘‘By an an- one thing to say that a prehensile thumb, or
tirepresentationalist account I mean one an ability to use the word ‘‘atom’’ as physicists
which does not view knowledge as a matter do, is useful for coping with the environment.
of getting reality right, but rather as a matter It is another thing to attempt to explain this
of acquiring habits of action for coping with utility by reference to representationalist no-
reality’’ (p. 1). The notion of a physical world tions, such as the notion that the reality re-
in which humans and other organisms inter- ferred to by ‘‘quark’’ was ‘‘determinate’’ be-
fore the word ‘‘quark’’ came along (whereas
act directly is not in question. Instead, Rorty that referred to by, for example, ‘‘foundation
questions whether it makes sense to speak of grant’’ only jelled once the relevant social
minds, of language, or of a particular vocab- practices emerged). Antirepresentationalists
ulary (e.g., the technical vocabulary of phys- think that attempt hopeless. They see no way
ics) as more or less accurately representing that to explain what ‘‘determinate’’ means in such
world. In extending the pragmatist tradition, a context except by chanting one of a number
Rorty makes the case that no vocabulary, for of equally baffling words, and so they see the
example, may be said to more accurately rep- realist’s use of ‘‘determinate’’ as merely incan-
resent reality than any other; there are, rath- tatory. . . .
er, different vocabularies to suit different hu- Antirepresentationalists . . . see no way of
formulating an independent test of the accuracy
man purposes. of representation—of reference or correspon-
Pragmatism as antirepresentationalism has dence to an ‘‘antecedently determinate’’ re-
a number of implications for how we speak ality—no test distinct from the success which
of science. In the standard forms of scientific is supposedly explained by this accuracy. (Ror-
realism, for example, it is usually claimed that ty, 1991, pp. 5–6)
the success of science is explained by a meth-
od and vocabulary that more accurately de- Thus the success of science is not under dis-
scribe the world than do those of alternative pute (although Rorty will contend that the
pursuits. Although there has been some var- success of science is defined with respect to
iation among pragmatist philosophers on only certain of human goals; namely, goals re-
matters of science (e.g., Murphy, 1990), Ror- lating to, as he says, ‘‘prediction and con-
ty’s antirepresentationalism may be illustrated trol’’). What is under dispute is whether this
with the following passage: sort of success may be explained by appealing
to the notion that scientists are somehow in
On [the realist] account, the reason why greater touch with reality, or with the way the
physicists have come to use ‘‘atom’’ as we do
is that there really are atoms out there which world is, in and of itself.
have caused themselves to be represented There are, of course, a number of issues
more or less accurately—caused us to have raised by such a view of science (and it should
words which refer to them and to engage in be noted that Rorty’s pragmatism is not to be
the social practice called microstructural phys- dismissed simply as ‘‘antirealism,’’ because a

number of philosophical positions that go by istotelian cosmology, whereas Galileo’s admirers

the latter name share representationalist as- took it as shattering the crystalline spheres once
sumptions as well; Rorty makes a case that the and for all. But the datum itself, it might be ar-
realism–antirealism distinction serves no use- gued, is utterly real quite apart from the inter-
pretation it receives.
ful purpose in philosophy). Certainly one is- The pragmatist meets this point by differ-
sue that needs to be addressed is the rela- entiating himself from the idealist. He agrees
tionship between science and ‘‘facts.’’ There that there is such a thing as brute physical re-
is a sense in which science produces facts, sistance—the pressure of light waves on Gali-
whereas other fields produce various kinds of leo’s eyeball, or of the stone on Dr. Johnson’s
fuzziness that may be placed somewhere on boot. But he sees no way of transferring this
a dimension between the extremes of useless nonlinguistic brutality to facts, to the truth of
argumentation and squishy information. The sentences. The way in which a blank takes on
harder the facts, the harder the science the form of the die which stamps it has no
(some relations between positivism and prag- analogy to the relation between the truth of a
sentence and the event which the sentence is
matism will be discussed below). How is the about. When the die hits the blank something
‘‘hardness of fact’’ to be interpreted from an causal happens, but as many facts are brought
antirepresentationalist account? Here it is into the world as there are languages for de-
useful to take up the following passage, quot- scribing that causal transaction. As Donald Da-
ed at some length, from Rorty (1991): vidson says, causation is not under a descrip-
Science, it is said, deals with hard facts, and tion, but explanation is. Facts are hybrid
other areas of culture should either imitate, entities; that is, the causes of the assertibility
or confess their inability to imitate, the scien- of sentences include both physical stimuli and
tists’ respect for brute factuality. . . . [The our antecedent choice of response to such
pragmatist] offers an analysis of the nature of stimuli. To say that we must have respect for
science which construes the reputed hardness the facts is just to say that we must, if we are
of facts as an artifact produced by our choice to play a certain language game, play by the
of language game. We construct games in rules. To say that we must have respect for un-
which a player loses or wins if something def- mediated causal forces is pointless. It is like
inite and uncontrollable happens. In some saying that the blank must have respect for the
Mayan ball game, perhaps, the team associat- impressed die. The blank has no choice, nor
ed with a lunar deity automatically loses, and do we. (pp. 80–81)
is executed, if the moon is eclipsed during
For Rorty, facts are verbal statements, but this
play. In poker, you know you’ve won if you’re
dealt an ace-high straight flush. In the labo- is not to say that facts, hard or otherwise, are
ratory, a hypothesis may be discredited if the mere social contrivances or conventions. The
litmus paper turns blue, or the mercury fails description of a given fact, for example, may
to come up to a certain level. A hypothesis is be relatable to, or under the influence of, a
agreed to have been ‘‘verified by the real given environment–behavior interaction or
world’’ if a computer spits out a certain num- class of interactions, but the description of the
ber. The hardness of fact in all these cases is fact, as a verbal event, necessarily involves the
simply the hardness of the previous agree- complexities of a history in a particular verbal
ments within the community about the con- community along with all of the other factors
sequences of a certain event. The same hard-
and contingencies affecting the describer
ness prevails in morality or literary criticism if,
and only if, the relevant community is equally (Skinner, 1957). The metaphor of the hard-
firm about who loses and who wins. . . . ness of a fact may be interpreted in terms of
This pragmatist analysis of the hardness of the restrictiveness of the verbal contingencies
data may seem to confuse the causal, physical that operate in a particular verbal community.
force of the event with the merely social force Compare this view to the following passage
of the consequences of the event. When Galileo from Skinner’s (1957) Verbal Behavior, in
saw the moons of Jupiter through his telescope, which the study of scientific methodology is
it might be said, the impact on his retina was given brief interpretation:
‘‘hard’’ in the relevant sense, even though its
consequences were, to be sure, different for dif- A . . . sequence [of methodological inquiry] in
ferent communities. The astronomers of Padua science might be as follows: (1) relatively ab-
took it as merely one more anomaly which had stract responses specifying particular proper-
somehow to be worked into a more or less Ar- ties of stimuli prove useful, (2) the scientific

community arranges contingencies of rein- Wittgenstein’s picture of the relation of lan-

forcement which constrain speakers to re- guage to the world is much the same as Da-
spond to isolated properties, and (3) the rules vidson’s. They both want us to see the relation
and canons of scientific thinking which gov- as merely causal, rather than also representa-
ern classification and abstraction are studied tional. . . .
to explain the effectiveness of (1) and (2) and From a Wittgensteinian or Davidsonian or
possibly to suggest improved behavior and Deweyan angle, there is no such thing as ‘‘the
practices. (Skinner, 1957, p. 430) best explanation’’ of anything; there is just the
explanation which best suits the purpose of
Here the business of science is interpreted in some given explainer. Explanation is, as David-
terms of behavioral processes and contingen- son says, always under a description, and al-
cies of reinforcement; for example, discrimi- ternative descriptions of the same causal pro-
nation and abstraction. As the usefulness (e.g., cess are useful for different purposes. There is
with respect to prediction and control) of the no description which is somehow ‘‘closer’’ to
abstractions becomes recognized within the the causal transactions being explained than
the others. But the only sort of person who
scientific community, further contingencies would be willing to take this relaxed pragmatic
evolve in which scientific behavior becomes attitude toward alternative explanations would
constrained, or discriminated with respect to be somebody who was content to demarcate
the properties described through the special science in a merely Baconian way. (p. 60)
characteristics of the verbal community. The
hardness of a fact, in this sense, may be crude- The behavior of a pigeon in a standard op-
ly summarized as a matter of social convention erant chamber may be described and ex-
that arises out of shared goals and verbally me- plained in different ways. Anyone who has
diated discrimination training. taught an undergraduate laboratory course
Because the hardness of a scientific fact has observed the ease with which new stu-
may be tied to the conventions of a scientific dents describe the behavior of the observed
verbal community, in verbal communities in pigeon in ordinar y-language intentional
which those conventions do not hold, the terms (e.g., ‘‘He wants to figure it out, and
hardness and even the factualness of the fact he has the idea, but he doesn’t quite under-
may be difficult to communicate. For exam- stand it yet’’), and such descriptions or ex-
ple, in a criminal trial, hard scientific evi- planations would be interpreted by the radi-
dence, such as DNA testing, may have its cal behaviorist as the product of an extensive
hardness compromised by challenging the in- history in a particular verbal community in
tegrity of the scientific procedures, either in conjunction with the interactions under ob-
the particular instance or as a practice in gen- servation, and they may in fact be analyzed as
eral, but in any case, a given juror may re- such (e.g., Leigland, 1989). In the laboratory
spond to the evidence as neither hard nor course, the representationalist view might be
factual if he or she has had no contact, his- argued in the following way: The pigeon
tory, or training in a relevant scientific com- doesn’t really have any ‘‘ideas’’ or ‘‘under-
munity. standing,’’ of course, because the reality is
Both radical behaviorism and pragmatism that the interactions are the effects of contin-
are thus without philosophical first princi- gencies of reinforcement. Alternatively, one
ples, in the sense that there is no metaphysi- could take the position that terms such as
cal grounding in one set of facts, rationalistic ideas or understanding may provide a kind of
assumptions, ontological commitments, or everyday-language description of some of the
the like. Different descriptions of facts, like effects under examination, but in order to
different explanations, serve different pur- work effectively with the phenomena, to re-
poses, or couched in behavior-analytic terms, liably predict, produce, and control the inter-
different tacts occasioned by a given array of actions, we need an additional history of
events may arise from different kinds of con- training beyond the ordinary and the special
tingencies affecting human behavior in inter- way of speaking that goes with it, and that is
action with the rest of the environment. the technical scientific vocabulary of contin-
Rorty (1991) relates the views of several gencies of reinforcement. The same can be
philosophers on the issue in the following said of the technical vocabularies of physics,
summary: chemistry, and biology.

If this simply concerns how we talk about such an influence has been difficult to specify
science, however, then what does it matter? (although John Dewey and William James
For the present it may be noted that the prac- have been cited as influential in Skinner’s
tice of science involves both nonverbal and graduate training at Harvard; Skinner, per-
verbal practices, and it is likely that there are sonal communication, 1984; see also Schnei-
advantages to developing scientific verbal der, 1997; Skinner, 1979).
practices that minimize ineffective practices Given this mix of influences, it is not sur-
and ineffectual discussion. In its critique of prising that Skinner’s radical behaviorism has
the traditional philosophical agendas, this has been frequently described in terms of both
been the central function of pragmatism with Machian positivism (e.g., Day, 1980; Smith,
respect to the verbal practices of philosophy. 1986) and pragmatism (e.g., Day, 1980, 1983;
Understanding both the traditional philo- Hayes & Brownstein, 1986; Zuriff, 1980).
sophical agenda and the interesting verbal What complicates this picture is that from the
strategies of the pragmatic philosophers in perspective of philosophical traditions, as
disarming that agenda may be useful in ex- Murphy (1990) has noted in a different con-
tending and adapting the verbal practices of text, ‘‘Of course, pragmatism had always been
behavior-analytic science. In what follows, the anti-positivistic’’ (p. 82). What this means is
case will be made that a basic compatibility mainly that pragmatism would oppose any of
may be seen between philosophical pragma- the varieties of positivism insofar as the latter
tism and radical behaviorism as a system of would assume that there are facts to be gotten
science, and although the two fields certainly from scientific investigation that would serve
have their differences (also to be noted be- as the foundation of knowledge or truth. As
low), there may be surprising areas of mutual we have seen, pragmatism has assumed the
support as well. task of attacking such foundations of any kind
from any source, and tying all terms, facts,
Skinner and Antirepresentationalism and foundations back into human language,
To what extent can Skinner’s radical be- culture, and history.
haviorism be described in antirepresentation- How are we to reconcile the positivism-
alist terms? Skinner’s published writings, pragmatism conflict in the case of Skinner?
spanning some 60 years, present a remark- For present purposes (and for the sake of
ably consistent systematic position. That some brevity), the issue may be summarized in the
inconsistencies may be found is not surpris- following way. First, some characteristics of
ing, given the sheer amount of writing and Machian positivism may be seen in Skinner’s
the variety of targeted audiences. One possi- work, as documented by Smith (1986; see also
ble inconsistency is worth examining briefly, Marr, 1985). In spite of these influences, how-
however, because it bears directly on a prag- ever, a core ingredient of positivism as a phil-
matist interpretation. osophical position or set of assumptions may
Of the many influences upon Skinner’s be largely missing in the case of Skinner. That
work that might be noted, a few sources have is, in surveying Skinner’s scientific writings, it
had particularly conspicuous and well-docu- is difficult to find any emphasis upon foun-
mented influence. Skinner’s views of science dations of knowledge, despite Skinner’s oc-
had been greatly influenced by the work of casional references to the importance of
Francis Bacon (e.g., Bjork, 1993; Skinner, facts. Radical behaviorists, like philosophical
1979; Smith, 1986), Ernst Mach (e.g., Bjork, pragmatists, value scientific facts not because
1993; Day, 1980; Marr, 1985; Skinner, 1979; they are unassailable, indubitable, objective
Smith, 1986), and Jacques Loeb (e.g., Bjork, foundations of knowledge due to the privi-
1993; Day, 1980; Skinner, 1979; Smith, 1986). leged status of science as a window on reality,
To these three should be added a fourth ma- but rather because such facts may be con-
jor source, the American functionalist-prag- strued as rules for effective interaction with
matist tradition in psychology. Although the the world. Further, and most important, all of
functionalist and pragmatic character of Skin- Skinner’s work on verbal behavior (e.g., Skin-
ner’s radical behaviorism has been docu- ner, 1945, 1953, 1957) argues very strongly
mented (e.g., Day, 1980, 1983; Hayes & against the possibility of such foundations
Brownstein, 1986; Zuriff, 1980), the source of and the traditional distinction between the

“objective” and the “subjective” that has the world; a form of human behavior that is
seemed to prop them up (e.g., Day, 1980, valued not because of its metaphysical impli-
1983; Moore, 1995; Skinner, 1964, 1989a). cations but rather because of its adaptive
Thus, although some of the character of products, constrained as they are by human
Machian positivism may be seen in Skinner’s language, culture, and context. For example,
work, Skinner’s radical behaviorism may nev- Skinner summarized the difference between
ertheless be described more consistently and literary and scientific verbal practices in the
comprehensively in terms compatible with following way:
philosophical pragmatism. Logical and scientific verbal behavior differs
Examples of the pragmatic character of from the verbal behavior of the layman (and
radical behaviorism may be found through- particularly from literary behavior) because of
out Skinner’s writings. Three such pragmatic the emphasis on practical consequences.
themes may be identified. First, Skinner’s These are not always matters of mundane
pragmatic view of truth has been noted by technology. . . . It is a distinction between the
Day (e.g., 1980) and by Hayes and Brown- kinds of advantages [italics added] gained by
stein (1986), among others, and may be seen the community which permits us to distin-
in the following passages: guish between literary and logical and scien-
tific subdivisions. (Skinner, 1957, p. 429)
Scientific knowledge is verbal behavior. . . . It It should be added, however, that a close
is a corpus of rules for effective action, and
examination of this theme yields a paradox.
there is a special sense in which it could be
‘‘true’’ if it yields the most effective action pos- In looking at Rorty’s quotation above, a case
sible. But rules are never the contingencies may be made that Skinner’s position shares a
they describe; they remain descriptions and ‘‘merely Baconian’’ view of science, but it
suffer the limitations inherent in verbal be- would certainly be difficult to argue that Skin-
havior. . . . [A] proposition is ‘‘true’’ to the ex- ner took a ‘‘relaxed pragmatic attitude to-
tent that with its help the listener responds ward alternative explanations’’ of behavior.
effectively to the situation it describes. (Skin- This theme will be taken up below in an ex-
ner, 1974, p. 235) amination of the differences between Skin-
ner’s radical behaviorism and Rorty’s prag-
The extent to which the listener judges [a ver-
matism on the role of science in human
bal response] as true, valid, or correct is gov-
erned by the extent to which comparable re- affairs.
sponses have proved useful in the past. The third pragmatic theme is Skinner’s an-
(Skinner, 1957, p. 427) tirepresentationalism. The quotations in the
following series are taken from disparate
The second theme concerns the demarca- sources ranging over a period of more than
tion of science. In a passage quoted above, 40 years. From a paper based on Skinner’s
Rorty (1991) describes the pragmatic view dissertation (1931):
that ‘‘there is no description which is some- We have been proceeding, of course, upon an
how closer to the causal transactions being unnecessary assumption, namely, that there is
explained than the others. But the only sort a flexion reflex which exists independently of
of person who would be willing to take this our observations and which our observations
relaxed pragmatic attitude toward alternative approximate. Such an assumption is wholly
explanations would be somebody who was gratuitous, but is remarkably insistent. . . .
content to demarcate science in a merely Ba- [With even] less justification, we are led to as-
conian way’’ (p. 60). Indeed, Skinner’s radi- sume that there are isolated reflexes con-
cal behaviorism shares with Rorty’s pragma- cealed within the behavior of an organism,
which by proper investigatory methods we
tism the view that science is demarcated in a
may discover, and in the description of behav-
‘‘merely Baconian way’’ (recall Bacon’s early ior to state the corollary of this proposition,
and important influence upon Skinner; e.g., namely, that behavior is the sum or the inte-
Bjork, 1993; Skinner, 1979; Smith, 1986). gration of these units. (Skinner, 1931, p. 452)
This is to say that science is not viewed as a
privileged window upon the way the world From a discussion of the essay, ‘‘Behaviorism
truly is in reality, but rather is merely another at Fifty’’ (Skinner, 1964):
form of human behavior in interaction with In studying perception one is ‘‘actually inves-

tigating the stimulus conditions under which kinds of stimuli which are related to each oth-
people’’ report appearances which are at var- er in certain ways. Responses to some forms
iance with information obtained by other of stimulation are more likely to be ‘‘right’’
means. “You never get to the way it really is.” than responses to others, in the sense that
(p. 101) they are more likely to lead to effective behav-
ior. Naturally these modes are favored, but any
From Science and Human Behavior (Skinner, suggestion that they will bring us closer to the
1953): ‘‘real’’ world is out of place here. (pp. 138–
There are often many ways in which a single 139)
event may stimulate an organism. Rain is From Contingencies of Reinforcement: A Theoret-
something we see outside our window or hear
on the roof or feel against our face. Which
ical Analysis (Skinner, 1969):
form of stimulation is rain? . . . Stimulation Scientific laws . . . specify or imply responses
arising from contact may not agree perfectly and their consequences. They are not, of
with that arising visually or audibly, and we course, obeyed by nature but by men [and
may not be willing to identify one form with women] who deal effectively with nature. The
reality to the exclusion of the others. There formula s 5 ½gt2 does not govern the behav-
are still [those] who argue for the priority of ior of falling bodies, it governs those who cor-
one form of stimulation and, hence, insist rectly predict the position of falling bodies at
upon a distinction between experience and re- given times. (p. 141)
ality. . . . We are much less inclined today to
ask which form of energy is the thing itself or From About Behaviorism (Skinner, 1974):
correctly represents it. (pp. 276–277) It would be absurd for the behaviorist to con-
Also from Science and Human Behavior: tend that he is in any way exempt from his
analysis. He cannot step out of the causal
Another problem which the distinction be- stream and observe behavior from some spe-
tween physical and nonphysical worlds may cial point of vantage, ‘‘perched on the epicy-
have been an attempt to solve arises from the cle of Mercury.’’ In the very act of analyzing
fact that more than one kind of response may behavior he is behaving—as, in the very act of
be made to stimulation arising from a physical analyzing thinking, the philosopher is think-
event. Rain is something you may run to es- ing. (p. 234)
cape from, catch in your hands to drink, pre-
pare crops to receive, or call ‘‘rain.’’ Which This sampling illustrates a scientific perspec-
response is made to ‘‘rain in itself’’? The so- tive that would qualify as outside of the main-
lution was to construct a passive comprehen- stream realism found in most scientific fields
sion of rain, which was supposed to have noth- today. This is not surprising, because the ma-
ing to do with practical responses. So far as we jor influences upon Skinner, for example, Ba-
are concerned here, the problem is disposed con, Mach, James, and Dewey, were also out-
of by recognizing that many verbal and non- side of the mainstream of science and
verbal responses may come under the control
of a given form of stimulation. With the pos-
sible exception of the abstract verbal response,
no behavior need be singled out as ‘‘knowing NONREDUCTIVE PHY SICALISM
rain.’’ (p. 277)
Another area addressed in the series of pa-
Still another from the same book: pers by Rorty (1991) is the general class of
Another problem in [operant] stimulus con- ‘‘mind–body’’ problems. Such problems have
trol has attracted more attention than it de- a long history in philosophy, of course, and
serves because of metaphysical speculations take a number of different forms. The persis-
on what is ‘‘really there’’ in the outside world. tence of the mind–body controversies may be
What happens when an organism responds seen in a recent, influential, and controver-
‘‘as if’’ a stimulus had other properties? Such sial book by Chalmers (1996), in which ex-
behavior seems to indicate that the ‘‘percep-
tual’’ world—the world as the organism ex-
tensive and detailed arguments are presented
periences it—is different from the real world. in favor of a new variation of property dual-
But the difference is actually between respons- ism.
es . . . under different modes of stimulation Generally speaking, in radical behaviorism
from a single state of affairs. . . . Usually, ob- such problems are turned into problems of
jects are capable of generating many different verbal behavior, as seen in Skinner’s (1974)

chapter-by-chapter interpretations of the served function rather than physical specifi-

term mind in the context of behavior-analytic cation as such (e.g., Catania, 1998; Day, 1980;
science. Beyond such general characteriza- Leigland, 1993, 1996).
tions, however, the specific issues involved in Rorty’s (1991) interpretation and exten-
mind–body problems have not been ad- sion of Davidson’s philosophical work lead to
dressed in the behavior-analytic literature, al- a position that is thoroughly physicalistic, ma-
though a case has been made that there are terialistic, or naturalistic, while at the same
advantages in doing so (Leigland, 1996). time avoiding the verbal traps of reduction-
In a paper entitled ‘‘Non-Reductive Physi- ism. Like radical behaviorism, Rorty holds
calism,’’ Rorty (1991) builds upon the work that we may speak of the person-in-the-world,
of philosopher Donald Davidson in constru- or environment–behavior interaction, but in
ing mind–body controversies in terms that our verbal and nonverbal behavior we may
are fully ‘‘naturalized’’ as well as disengaged never escape the context of our language,
from the traditional ontological framework in culture, or history in an effort to represent
which such problems are normally cast. This the world as it really is, in and of itself. As with
is done by showing how the respective lan- radical behaviorism, the key to understanding
guage games (e.g., Day, 1969a; Wittgenstein, such problems as mind–body is to be found
1953) involved with body and mind entail dif- in verbal behavior. In this case, Rorty (1991)
ferent goals and rules, and thus need not be proposes that in making predictions about
given the metaphysical importance that the behavior, we are faced (at least in principle)
problems have typically demanded in tradi- with two different vocabularies, but with no
tional philosophical discourse. All of this is way to translate from one to the other. The
entirely compatible with the emphasis upon physiological-biological vocabulary (body) en-
verbal behavior found in radical behaviorism tails one class of interactions and conse-
(e.g., Leigland, 1996; Skinner, 1945, 1957). quences, and the ordinary-language purpo-
In traditional analytic philosophy, the chal- sive-mentalistic vocabular y (mind) entails
lenge to working through the mind–body another. The lack of translatability from one
problems becomes the question of how to vocabulary to the other generally gets played
show that all of the mind issues somehow re- out in philosophical discourse through the
duce to physical terms or issues. Reduction- language of ‘‘ontological categories,’’ al-
ism is itself a complex and controversial topic though the latter would be viewed as an un-
in philosophy for a number of reasons, and necessary confusion by the pragmatist and
the term has varied meanings in philosophy. radical behaviorist alike. Further, the fact that
Its most common form, however, concerns there would be two such different vocabular-
the question of whether ‘‘higher level’’ phe- ies or language games involved with the same
nomena are completely explainable in terms set of contextual interactions would say noth-
of ‘‘lower level’’ processes. Thus if ‘‘mental’’ ing against a materialist outlook. Further still,
phenomena are completely explainable in in seeing that these are ‘‘merely two different
terms of biological processes (which would in ways of speaking’’ (so to speak), there would
turn be explainable in terms of chemical and be little sense to saying, in the reductionist
physical processes), then it could be said that tradition, that the one vocabulary ‘‘is really
the mental is ‘‘reducible to’’ or is ‘‘nothing nothing but’’ the other. As Rorty (1991) sum-
but’’ the physical, and the problem is solved. marizes, ‘‘The failure to hook up words or
The complexity of such reductionist strat- sentences in one language to words or sen-
egies, however, may be illustrated with an ex- tences in another language by relations of
ample from behavior analysis. That is, taking synonymy or equivalence does not, on David-
the physical to be some sort of epistemolog- son’s view, tell us anything about the ‘irre-
ical or ontological bedrock would be to en- ducibility’ of, e.g., minds to brains or actions
gage in needless metaphysics. Furthermore, to movements. So it is irrelevant to the truth
the technical terms and concepts of behavior of physicalism’’ (p. 114).
analysis (such as reinforcement and discrimina- Rorty (1991) also includes three schematics
tive stimulus function) are themselves not re- or models that illustrate progressive changes
ducible to the language of physics, because in Western philosophical views toward the re-
such terms are defined with respect to ob- lation between the human ‘‘self’’ and the

world. The first of these is ‘‘intended to rep- Rorty refers to the general notion of ‘‘how
resent the least common denominator of Pla- things look from the inside. This, indeed, is
tonism and Christianity’’ (Rorty, 1991, p. one of the standard objections to material-
117), and show two intersecting circles, the ism—that it leaves out ‘consciousness,’ how
False Self and the World of Appearances. things look from within the individual human
Contained within each of these are smaller being’’ (p. 121; cf. Chalmers, 1996). Again,
circles, representing, respectively, the True Rorty’s characterization will appear familiar
Self and True Eternal Reality. The intersec- to behavior analysts who are well acquainted
tion of the two spheres represents what might with Skinner’s (e.g., 1945, 1953, 1957, 1964,
be regarded as the ‘‘natural’’ side of the hu- 1974) analysis of verbal behavior under the
man being, the Human Body. control of private events (see also Day, 1977,
The second schematic shows a post-Kantian 1983), as in the following passage:
model that Rorty (1991) proposes is ‘‘taken
for granted by most Western philosophers The fact that human beings can be aware of
certain of their psychological states is not, on
during the last two centuries’’ (p. 118), and this view, any more mysterious than that they
that shows The Physical World (now includ- can be trained to report on the presence of
ing the human body) in complex interaction adrenalin in their bloodstreams, or on their
with a mutilayered Self, the inner core of body temperature, or on a lack of blood flow
which is the Inner (True) Self. Rorty sum- in their extremities. Ability to report is not a
marized this model as follows: ‘‘After the matter of ‘‘presence to consciousness’’ but
world was turned over to physical science, simply of teaching the use of words. The use
only the Self remained as the preserve of phi- of sentences like ‘‘I believe that p’’ is taught
losophy. So most philosophy in this period in the same way as that of sentences like ‘‘I
has consisted in attempts to specify the rela- have a fever.’’ So there is no special reason to
cut off ‘‘mental’’ states from ‘‘physical states’’
tion between the three parts of this self, as as having a metaphysically intimate relation to
well as the relation of each part to physical an entity called ‘‘consciousness.’’ To take this
reality’’ (p. 118). view is, at one stroke, to eliminate most of the
Of particular interest to radical behaviorists problematic of post-Kantian philosophy. (Ror-
is the third schematic illustrating the nonred- ty, 1991, p. 121)
uctive materialist model. As Rorty (1991) de-
scribes, ‘‘In this model the distinction be-
Rorty and ‘‘Mentalism’’
tween Self and World has been replaced with
the distinction between an individual human It should be noted, especially to the behav-
being (describable in both mental and phys- ior-analytic newcomer to such material, that
ical terms), and the rest of the universe’’ (p. the terms and phrasing in this chapter (and
121). Here we have a schematic of a human the book in general) will be unfamiliar and
body containing neural and physiological may seem mentalistic. Although this is not
processes and interactions (as Rorty indicates, the place to address the full range of issues
under at least two types of descriptions, the relevant to mentalism from the perspective of
ordinary-language mentalistic vocabulary and radical behaviorism (for various treatments
the technical physical vocabulary) next to a see, e.g., Day, 1980; Leigland, 1997, in press;
box representing the body’s environment. Moore, 1990; Skinner, 1953, 1974), we may
Connecting the two is a single double-headed summarize by saying that from this perspec-
arrow with the label ‘‘causation’’ (a term that, tive the term mentalism generally means the
for our purposes, may be taken in its Machi- taking of internal states, processes, or pre-
an-Skinnerian descriptive sense; e.g., Leig- sumed entities to be the causes of behavior,
land, 1998). where by behavior we mean any or all of the
Such a straightforward view of biological– functional activities of the organism (public
behavioral–environmental interaction is quite or private), and by cause we mean simply an
compatible with radical behaviorism and be- observed correlation (in the Machian-Skin-
havior-analytic science, but Rorty (1991) goes nerian tradition; e.g., Chiesa, 1994; Leigland,
on to address the unavoidable issue of con- 1997, 1998, in press). The objection to this
sciousness in the context of such a neat pic- version of mentalism is a pragmatic one, in
ture as this third schematic. By consciousness, that the word cause is reserved for those var-

iables that can be, in least in principle, di- an opened door ‘‘leads to the belief’’ that it
rectly observed and manipulated, and thus is raining outside). Rorty’s ‘‘belief’’ is de-
private events or experience would fall within scribed in this passage as stimuli, but here we
the language game of behavior rather than of may say that a repertoire of behavior has
cause, even though such events may enter into been changed (or a network rewoven) in part
a controlling relation (along with myriad oth- through interaction with private or public
er variables) with respect to behavior (e.g., verbal behavior, which in turn had been oc-
Day, 1983; Skinner, 1945, 1953, 1957, 1964, casioned by environmental events (e.g., Skin-
1974). ner, 1957). In any case, an autonomous, orig-
In philosophical writings such as Rorty’s, it inating, causal, mental force (a “master
is not the use of ordinary-language mentalis- weaver”) is absent.
tic terms as such that would indicate mental- Rorty (1991), following Davidson, turns the
ism in this sense. A frequently occurring traditional agenda of mind versus body as an
phrase such as ‘‘beliefs and desires,’’ for ex- issue not of metaphysics but of mere verbal
ample, can be understood as serving a de- behavior; a matter of a given state of affairs
scriptive function only. There are other in- under two kinds of descriptions, two vocabu-
stances in which ‘‘mental states’’ may be laries, two nonsubstitutable repertoires of ver-
included or implied under the the term bal behavior. One of these repertoires serves
cause, but it is safe to say that Rorty’s nonre- the expedient function of ordinary verbal in-
ductive materialism must always be able to teraction within the larger verbal community;
link up private events with historical and en- the other serves the functions and goals of a
vironmental events, conditions, and context. scientific verbal community. To these two, be-
The following passage is illustrative: havior analysts would advocate a third vocab-
But once we drop the notion of ‘‘conscious- ulary, a technical scientific vocabulary that
ness’’ there is no harm in continuing to speak bears relations but not equivalence to the
of a distinct entity called ‘‘the self’’ which con- other two (cf. Leigland, 1996) but that has
sists of the mental states of the human being: shown itself to be more effective than ordi-
her beliefs, desires, moods, etc. The important nary language in situations in which predic-
thing is to think of the collection of those tion and control are of prime importance
things as being the self rather than as some- (e.g., Leigland, in press).
thing which the self has. The latter notion is a
leftover of the traditional Western temptation
to model thinking on vision, and to postulate LIBERAL DEMOCRACY,
an ‘‘inner eye’’ which inspects inner states. BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE,
For this traditional metaphor, a non-reductive AND SOCIAL CHANGE
physicalist model substitutes the picture of a
network of beliefs and desires which is contin- The third section of Rorty’s (1991) collec-
ually in the process of being rewoven. . . . This tion of papers concerns issues of liberal de-
network is not one which is rewoven by an mocracy and culture. Pragmatism has been
agent distinct from the network—a master controversial in its interpretations of society
weaver, so to speak. Rather, it reweaves itself, and culture for some of the same reasons as
in response to stimuli such as the new beliefs radical behaviorism has been; for example,
acquired when, e.g., doors are opened. (Rorty, both challenge the traditional notions of hu-
1991, p. 123)
man nature, absolute values, and other foun-
In this passage, then, we see a notion of self dationalist perspectives.
that is descriptive and devoid of an autono- The first of the papers in this section, en-
mous agent. The general picture bears simi- titled ‘‘The Priority of Democracy to Philos-
larities to Skinner’s characterization of the ophy,’’ argues, contrary to much contempo-
concept of self as ‘‘representing a function- rary philosophical work, that although the
ally unified system of responses’’ (Skinner, concept of liberal democracy is in need of
1953, p. 285). Rorty’s ‘‘beliefs’’ in the last sen- discussion and philosophical articulation, lib-
tence of the quotation above would qualify eral democratic politics may nevertheless be
under the term response or behavior, as a func- advocated without appeal to either (a) phil-
tional activity of the person in response to a osophical justification in terms of metaphysi-
changing environmental condition (as when cal first principles or universal values on the

one hand or (b) metaphysical theories of hu- such a criticism is characteristically leveled
man nature, rationality, or the Self on the against pragmatists by realists, and in fact im-
other. The latter point means the rejection of poses a realist perspective onto pragmatism
a metaphysical view of human beings as the when the criticism is made. That is, for a phil-
basis for justifying a particular set of political osophical position to imply that ‘‘every belief
practices. Rorty makes use of the work of must be as good as every other’’ could only
Dewey and philosopher John Rawls in de- make sense if such beliefs were viewed from
scribing the issues involved, and the following some sort of detached, objective, ‘‘god’s eye
passage illustrates the character of the argu- view’’—the very perspective that pragmatism
ment: denies.
Rather than relativism, Rorty (1991) de-
This conclusion [regarding human nature as scribes pragmatism in terms of ethnocentrism,
justification] may seem liable to an obvious
a term that here refers to ‘‘an inescapable
objection. It may seem that I have been re-
jecting a concern with philosophical theories condition—roughly synonymous with ‘hu-
about the nature of men and women on the man finitude’’’ (p. 15). That is, ethnocen-
basis of just such a theory. But notice that al- trism simply refers to the fact that given the
though I have frequently said that Rawls can contingent and historicist view of human be-
be content with a notion of the human self as a ings offered by pragmatism (and fully shared
centerless web of historically conditioned be- by radical behaviorism), it is impossible to es-
liefs and desires, I have not suggested that he cape or transcend the cultural perspectives
needs such a theory. Such a theory does not that one has acquired. Thus, even though the
offer liberal social theory a basis. If one wants pragmatist would not advocate his or her own
a model of the human self, then this picture
cultural views and practices through a ratio-
of a centerless web will fill the need. But for
purposes of a liberal social theory, one can do nal appeal to the absolute character of the
without such a model. One can get along with culture’s values, for example, or by arguing
common sense and social science, areas of dis- that these cultural practices and values tap
course in which the term ‘‘self’’ rarely occurs. into the true nature of human beings in a
(Rorty, 1991, p. 192) particularly effective or appropriate way, he
or she may nevertheless argue in favor of
In this passage we see the pragmatist themes such cultural practices by, for example, com-
at work again; the rejection of metaphysics paring their procedures and products with al-
(normally as a useless distraction, if not a haz- ternative views. That such arguments would
ard) and the emphasis upon a characteriza- not succeed in persuading all to whom they
tion of philosophy ‘‘at ground level,’’ where might be presented would not be surprising;
the concern inevitably comes around to the he or she would be making no assumptions
practical, the ever yday, the person-in-the of rationalism on the part of the listener.
world versus the disembodied abstraction, the Some listeners might bring to the discussion
idealized, the person as rational autonomous cultural views so contrary or foreign that the
agent. pragmatist might deem the attempt at per-
Such a lack of grounding, however, often suasion to be not worth the effort. But note
gives rise to charges of relativism, a topic that that in casting the advocacy of cultural views
is addressed at various points throughout the or practices in this way, we have once again
book. The charge of relativism may come in left traditional metaphysics behind, and have
different forms, some of which are described once again arrived in the middle of a verbal
and compared briefly in one of the first pa- interaction.
pers in Rorty’s (1991) collection, entitled Another concept discussed by Rorty (1991)
‘‘Solidarity or Objectivity?’’ One of the sim- and of interest to radical behaviorists is that
plest and most common criticisms of relativ- of freedom. The final paper in the series is
ism asserts that the views under criticism im- entitled ‘‘Cosmopolitanism without Emanci-
ply that every belief is as good as every other. pation: A Response to Jean-Francois Ly-
In philosophy, such a view is commonly held otard.’’ In addressing some issues arising
to be self-refuting, because if the assertion ap- from Lyotard’s postmodern philosophy, Rorty
plies to itself, then all contrary beliefs must makes the case against philosophical assump-
be just as good. Further, as Rorty points out, tions that social progress involves a liberation

of the human Self or of some intrinsic human But if people were actually free to do as they
nature. Rorty’s substitution for such meta- pleased, even if only occasionally, a science of
physical conceptions of human freedom is a behavior was impossible, and some critics dis-
notion of ‘‘freedom’’ in the sense of ‘‘free missed my book out of hand on those
grounds. But I was not arguing the issue of
and open discussion’’ among individuals or determinism. Whether or not one was actually
cultures, where such free and openness is free [in the ontological sense] had little to do
cashed out in terms of ‘‘persuasion rather with whether one [experienced freedom] and
than force.’’ The following passage is illustra- the historical struggle for freedom was a strug-
tive: gle for the [experience], not the [ontological]
fact. . . . What lay beyond freedom and dignity
The pragmatist utopia is thus not one in which was the future of a world in which those and
human nature has been unshackled, but one other valued [experiences] could still be en-
in which everybody has had a chance to sug- joyed. (Skinner, 1989b, p. 113)
gest ways in which we might cobble together
a world (or Galactic) society, and in which all As a term examined in verbal context, free-
such suggestions have been thrashed out in dom has been interpreted in the radical be-
free and open encounters. We pragmatists do haviorist literature to be, in a crude sense, the
not think that there is a natural ‘‘moral kind’’
coextensive with our biological species, one
reciprocal of coercion (e.g., Sidman, 1989;
that binds together the French, the Ameri- Skinner, 1953, 1971). In behavior analysis, co-
cans, and the Cashinahua. But we nevertheless ercion is played out technically, of course, in
feel free to use slogans like Tennyson’s ‘‘The the operations and processes of aversive con-
Parliament of Man, the Federation of the trol—negative reinforcement and punish-
World!’’ For we want narratives of increasing ment (e.g., Catania, 1998; Sidman, 1989)—
cosmopolitanism, though not narratives of but in any case they would appear to be
emancipation. For we think that there was equivalent to Rorty’s (1991) reference to
nothing to emancipate, just as there was noth- force. Thus, for Rorty, a ‘‘free, liberal demo-
ing which biological evolution emancipated as cratic society’’ would be one in which social
it moved along from the trilobites to the an-
thropoids. There is no human nature which
progress is achieved without aversive control
was once, or still is, in chains. Rather, our spe- but with cultural evolution based on the con-
cies has—ever since it developed language— tributions of its members via appetitively
been making up a nature for itself. (Rorty, based verbal exchanges among themselves
1991, p. 213) and with other cultures. What remains to be
examined is the role of a science of human
The notion of freedom as construed in behavior in such a society.
terms of interactions characterized as persua-
sion rather than force has similarities to Skin- Rorty, Skinner, and ‘‘Scientism’’
ner’s discussions of the same topic. Like Ror-
ty, Skinner disconnected the term freedom American pragmatism has, in the course of a
from its traditional metaphysical linkages, hundred years, swung back and forth between
and treated the entire issue in psychological- an attempt to raise the rest of culture to the
behavioral terms. As a property of verbal be- epistemological level of the natural sciences
and an attempt to level down the natural sci-
havior, the term may be subjected to a func-
ences to an epistemological par with art, reli-
tional analysis (e.g., Leigland, 1996; Skinner, gion, and politics. (Rorty, 1991, p. 63)
1945), at least in provisional form, in an ef-
fort to identify some of the conditions under Rorty would attribute the former position de-
which it occurs in verbal interactions. As scribed in this passage to Dewey, for example,
such, freedom is not treated as an ontological and would take the latter position himself.
state but rather as a “psychological experi- Throughout the book, he criticizes scientism,
ence” or phenomenon. Such a treatment may described as a representationalist view of sci-
be seen in the following passage from Skin- ence as a privileged window on Reality. Ac-
ner’s (1989b) new preface to Beyond Freedom cording to this view, science employs a special
and Dignity (originally published in 1971; Method that provides information on the
where Skinner had used the term feeling, I true nature of things; for example, when we
have substituted the term experience; cf. Skin- assert that a table is ‘‘really just’’ or is ‘‘noth-
ner, 1953, chap. 17): ing but’’ a collection of atoms, and so on.

Because Rorty would demarcate science in a unencumbered by metaphysical seams but

‘‘merely Baconian way,’’ science is viewed as describable in terms of functional activities. If
epistemologically no different than art, reli- it is possible to describe Skinner’s work in
gion, literary criticism, and politics. What is such antirepresentational, pragmatist terms,
different about science, as we have seen, is its however, then how are we able to arrive at
ultimate contributions to prediction and con- Skinner’s outspoken advocacy of science?
trol. Rorty elaborates as follows: That is, if one were to take the view of science
as the Method by which the ‘‘underlying re-
This pragmatic view that science is whatever ality’’ of the world may be seen through the
gives us this sort of power will be welcome if
veil of ‘‘mere appearances,’’ then a special ad-
one has developed doubts about traditional
philosophical inquiries into scientific method vocacy of science (scientism) would follow
and into the relation of science to reality. For quite naturally. If science is merely one more
it lets us avoid conundrums like ‘‘what meth- (important, granted) form of human activity,
od is common to paleontology and particle then why should science carry more weight
physics?’’ or ‘‘what relation to reality is shared in planning for the future then, say, philoso-
by topology and entomology?’’ while still ex- phy or politics?
plaining why we use the word ‘‘science’’ to Of course, Skinner’s work is widely regard-
cover all four disciplines. (Rorty, 1991, p. 47) ed as scientistic in the sense that his work,
particularly in his later years (e.g., Skinner,
From this perspective, it makes little sense
1971), strongly advocated the use of science
that science would be metaphysically privi-
as a way of solving human problems from the
leged, because, as Rorty goes on,
personal to the cultural and global. The key
What is so special about prediction and con- to understanding Skinner’s scientism, how-
trol? Why should we think that explanations ever, is not representationalism, realism, or
for this purpose are the ‘‘best’’ explanations? reductionism, but rather the historical influ-
Why should we think that the tools which ence upon Skinner of the work of Francis Ba-
make possible the attainment of these partic- con and Ernst Mach. Following the traditions
ular human purposes are less ‘‘merely’’ hu- of Bacon and Mach, Skinner frequently iden-
man than those which make possible the at- tified the task of science with such terms as
tainment of beauty or justice? What is the
relation between facilitating prediction and
prediction and control, effective action, and the
control and being ‘‘nonperspectival’’ or like, but took an additional and unusual step
‘‘mind-independent’’? (Rorty, 1991, p. 58) in advocating basic and applied science di-
rectly to the context of human affairs itself.
It is important to point out that in these pas- In the arena of human affairs, prediction and
sages, Rorty’s references to prediction and control may not be the only goals of interest
control are not directed to Skinner’s work, to all members of a culture, but some of the
but to science in general. Rorty’s pragmatism other goals of interest may be found to have
is thus antiscientistic in the sense that science important relations to prediction and control
is not a window on Reality or Truth, but rath- because these are relevant to how reliably
er one of many kinds of important human such goals may be achieved.
endeavors. Rorty would not deny any of the Further, Skinner’s writings on the applica-
accomplishments and contributions of sci- tions of a science of human behavior to social
ence, but would advocate in favor of the ac- planning (e.g., Skinner, 1953, 1971) were di-
complishments and contributions of the artist rected toward the role of such a science in the
and poet. In separating such discussions from designing of better cultural practices (e.g.,
the traditional metaphysical issues, ‘‘we would more effective in the long and short term, less
have much less trouble thinking of the entire destructive, etc., where these assessments must
culture, from physics to poetry, as a single, also take place in cultural context). How are
continuous, seamless activity in which the di- we to make improvements in a given cultural
visions are merely institutional and pedagog- area, such as education, unless we are able to
ical’’ (Rorty, 1991, p. 76). make improvements in educational practices?
As we have seen, Skinner’s radical behav- The point is that conspicuous problems may be
iorism is consistent with such a view; a culture said to point to a need for intervention and
as human environment–behavior interaction influence—prediction and control—and sci-

ence is a form of human activity that is well a set of philosophical traditions and assump-
suited to these goals. Part of what seems un- tions, and to follow the implications when
usual about Skinner’s case is the idea of apply- certain traditional distinctions, questions, and
ing scientific practices to human behavior itself issues are disposed of. Skinner’s (e.g., 1974)
as a subject matter. What the practices would radical behaviorism, on the other hand, was
yield would be the usual products of science, directed to the community of scientific psy-
or ‘‘rules for effective action.’’ Such rules chology; Skinner’s work raised fundamental
would not represent reality but would simply questions regarding the mainstream tradi-
provide another example of the historical ad- tions of psychological science. Readers from ei-
vantages of science in those areas to which it ther tradition would likely find the writings
has been applied; namely, that rules derived of the other to be unfamiliar in style, termi-
from direct interaction and study of a phenom- nology, and issues addressed.
enon are generally more effective than rules Rorty’s (1991) few comments on Skinner
derived primarily from other verbal, cultural, or are revealing; at times there appear to be in-
historical sources. direct references to points of common
Skinner’s central idea was that producing ground. In most cases, however, it is clear that
better cultural practices was a matter for em- Rorty takes Skinner to be scientistic in the
pirical research and experimentation. Al- representationalist sense, and takes Skinner’s
though there are a variety of problems to be notion of science to be reductionistic. The
solved in the development of a truly compre- following two passages are illustrative:
hensive science of human behavior and its as-
sociated applications, progress has been made One consequence of giving up notions of
in a number of areas (e.g., education; see, e.g., truth as accuracy of representation, or as cor-
Johnson & Layng, 1992, 1994; for a more com- respondence to how things are in themselves,
prehensive treatment of cultural issues, see is that we pragmatists cannot divide up culture
Biglan, 1995). The idea of cultural experimen- into bits which do this job well and those
tation may be found in the pragmatist tradi- which do not. So we are deaf to Skinnerian
tion as well, as seen in the following: attacks on notions like ‘‘freedom’’ and ‘‘dig-
nity,’’ deaf to the appeal of ‘‘scientism.’’ A
Both Jefferson and Dewey described America Skinnerlike, but holistic, naturalization of the
as an ‘‘experiment.’’ If the experiment fails, theory of inquiry brings with it an inability to
our descendants may learn something impor- take seriously a Skinnerlike reductionism.
tant. But they will not learn a philosophical (Rorty, 1991, pp. 109–110)
truth, any more than they will learn a religious
one. They will simply get some hints about Like Dewey’s (and unlike Skinner’s) [David-
what to watch out for when setting up their son’s] is a non-reductive naturalism, one which
next experiment. Even if nothing else survives does not assume that every important seman-
from the age of the democratic revolutions, tical term must describe a physical relation-
perhaps our descendants will remember that ship. (Rorty, 1991, p. 135)
social institutions can be viewed as experi-
ments in cooperation rather than as attempts As we have seen, a close study of Skinner
to embody a universal and ahistorical order. It and the technical vocabulary of behavior-an-
is hard to believe that this memory would not
be worth having. (Rorty, 1991, p. 196)
alytic science shows that a reductionist char-
acterization does not fit. First, the technical
terms of behavior analysis are not reducible
to physical terms alone (i.e., measures of
CONCLUSION movement through space over time). Second,
To make a case that philosophical prag- the functional analysis of verbal behavior
matism and radical behaviorism have certain (e.g., Skinner, 1945, 1957), an important as-
perspectives or assumptions in common is pect of the radical behaviorist systematic po-
not, of course, to say that there are no differ- sition, would have to argue against taking the
ences. First, it is important to emphasize that physical as foundational in any epistemologi-
work such as Rorty’s (1991) collection of pa- cal or ontological sense (although physical
pers is directed to the philosophical com- terms and measures would certainly be im-
munity; the task of pragmatism is to question portant for many practical scientific consider-

ations; e.g., Catania, 1998; Day, 1980; Leig- havior) and (b) the more useful of the two
land, 1993, 1996). in avoiding useless metaphysical distractions.
Skinner has undoubtedly acquired the rep- There does appear to be at least one sig-
utation as a reductionist from two sources. nificant disagreement between Rorty’s prag-
One of these is Skinner’s wide-ranging use of matism and Skinner’s radical behaviorism.
the word physical throughout his writings, al- The issue concerns the role of science in so-
though the term functional might have been cial planning. In Skinner’s view of global hu-
a more consistent choice of terms on many man problems, there is a great urgency to
of these occasions. A second source can be find more effective solutions, and science
seen in some of Skinner’s rough translations presents itself, as it has in other areas of hu-
from ordinary-language terms to the techni- man endeavor, as a way of abstracting rules
cal vocabular y of behavior analysis (Day, for effective action. In this case, of course, the
1977; Leigland, 1996). A representative ex- rules describe abstracted regularities of hu-
ample is the following: man environment–behavior interaction, or
‘‘contingencies of survival,’’ ‘‘contingencies
It is of no advantage to say [italics added] that of reinforcement,’’ and ‘‘contingencies of
[occupational] therapy helps the patient by cultural evolution’’ (e.g., Skinner, 1971,
giving him a ‘‘sense of achievement’’ or im- 1989b).
proves his ‘‘morale,’’ builds up his ‘‘interest,’’
Interestingly, Rorty argues for a view of a
or removes or prevents ‘‘discouragement.’’
Such terms as these merely add to the growing human being as a ‘‘contingent web of beliefs
population of explanatory fictions. One who and desires,’’ wherein people and societies
readily engages in a given activity is not show- develop not with respect to an intrinsic Na-
ing an interest, he is showing the effect of re- ture or Essence, but rather through chance
inforcement. We do not give a man a sense of and happenstance alone. From this, Rorty’s
achievement, we reinforce a particular action. recommendations for social progress involve
To become discouraged is simply to fail to re- (a) coming to terms with this contingent view
spond because reinforcement is not forthcom- of human beings, and with this, promoting a
ing. (Skinner, 1953, p. 72) sense of human solidarity, and (b) thrashing
out alternative courses of action, policies, and
To emphasize the first seven words of this pas- practices for the culture through noncoer-
sage is to illustrate the pragmatic reinterpre- cive, open discussion by all concerned. To the
tation; that is, if one is to do such therapy former, the radical behaviorist would join the
effectively, there are important advantages to pragmatist in promoting antiessentialist and
going beyond the ordinary language and or- antrirepresentationalist views of human be-
dinary practices—such are the advantages of ings. To the latter, the radical behaviorist
science in all areas of application. However, would join the discussion with recommenda-
note that the wording of the passage also tions on certain kinds of changes in the ways
speaks strongly to a reductionistic interpre- things are done, and with studies illustrating
tation; that is, Skinner seems to be saying that their feasibility and effectiveness. In this dis-
the ordinary-language terms ‘‘really are’’ or cussion they would also urge the following:
‘‘are nothing but’’ the technical terms. To solve the problems that face us today, at
At this point one might be tempted to raise some point we must go beyond discussion to
the question of which interpretation is the the achievement of effective action.
real, true, or genuinely representative inter- Despite such differences, however, there is
pretation regarding Skinner’s work and for a central issue upon which the two would
radical behaviorism as a scientific system. By agree. The pragmatist and the radical behav-
this time it should be clear, however, that for iorist would see no way for any human activ-
both the radical behaviorist and the prag- ity, whether verbal or nonverbal, to transcend
matist this would not be the most useful way or stand apart from human language, cul-
to phrase the question. The pragmatic inter- ture, or history. In a passage often quoted in
pretation is offered here as the reading that Rorty’s writings, the view may be summarized
is (a) more consistent with the larger impli- in the words of William James (1981), that
cations of the greater part of Skinner’s writ- ‘‘the trail of the human serpent is thus over
ings (especially those dealing with verbal be- everything’’ (p. 33).

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