CHARPTER 1 & 2 Research 1

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Dianne,Dulay Villanueva
Maria, Josabeth, Navarro
Diana, Bianca,Felipe, Catbagan
Jennifer, Tizon, Bautista

Senior High School (GAB)

Practical Research 1


Agoo, LA Union

October 2020


Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Practical Research 1

(Senior High School), this quantitative thesis entitled, “Stress Management Among

DMMMSU Senior High School Students” is hereby presented by Dianne,Dulay,

Villanueva, Maria, Josabeth, Navarro, Diana, Bianca, Feelipe, Catbagan, Jennifer,

Tizon, Bautista and Malinda, Sirue.


Research Adviser


The study aims to determine the ways to manage the stress with different

strategies and its relation to their health. The researchers used the questionnaire

method to identify the stress that experienced by the students of DMMMSU Senior High

School S.Y.2020.

The researchers found out that there are many ways to manage stress for them
to reduce their stress experiences. Through this research, the students of DMMMSU

High School towards the stress management as a topic after presented and analysed. A

total of 70 selected students served as respondents in this study.


It is the researchers’ great honor and privilege to express their gratitude to all those

who extended their hands and minds to help them in making this research possible.

With all due respect, the researchers would like to acknowledge the following persons:

Mrs. , for giving the researchers the opportunity to conduct this research.

Mrs. Sheldy, Mangaser-Peralta, For proofreading the study and for lending the
materials that was needed by the researchers, for advising and coaching them.

Senior High School students, the respondents of the study who willingly

cooperate to this study.

Family, friends and classmates, for giving a never ending support.

For the Almighty God who never fails to give the researchers a blessing of

Thank You So Much!

The Researchers

Table of Contents




Introduction ….. 1
Theoretical Framework ….. 3

Research Paradigm ….. 4

Statement of the Problem …..

Significance of the Study ….. 8

Objective of the study ……

Scope and Delimitations ….. 9

Definition of terms ….. 10


Local Literature and Studies ….. 12

Foreign Literature and Studies ….. 14


Research Design ….. 22

Participants of the Study ….. 23

Instrument of the Study ….. 25

Data-Gathering Procedure ….. 25

Data Analysis and Interpretation ….. 27

Ethical Considerations ….. 28


Table 1 – Substantial Statement of Participants’ Lived Experience in

Taking Accounting Subject for the First Time ….. 30

Table 2 – Clusters of Meaning ….. 32

Essence ….. 40

Verification ….. 41


Summary of Findings ….. 43

Conclusions ….. 44

Recommendations ….. 45



Stress is very common problem being faced today. Individual will experience stress

in one or the other time. It can affect almost all of us at some point in our lives. Stress is

response to pressure our threat. Under stress we may feel tense, nervous or an edge. It

is the feeling of being too much mental or emotional pressure. Pressure turns into stress

when you feel unable to cope. Many of life’s demands can cause stress, especially

work, relationship and money problems, and when you feel stressed, it can affect

everything you do. It can affect how you feel, how you think and how your body works.

Sleeping problems, loss of appetite and difficulty concentrating are common sign of

Everyone feel stressed from time to time, some people may cope the stress more

effectively or recover for stressful events more quickly than others. Stress is body’s way

responding to any kind of demand, it can be caused by both good or bad experiences.

According to David Fontana “Stress is a demand made upon the adaptive

capacities of the mind and body.” These definitions capacities of the mind and

represents those conditions under which individuals have demand made upon them,

that they cannot physically or psychologically meet, leading to breakdown at one or

other of these levels.

Stress is usually thought of in negative terms. But it can manifest itself in both

and negative way. It is said to be positive when the situation offers an opportunity for

one, to gain something. Eustress (the Greek word ‘Eu’ means good) is the term used to

describe positive stress. It is often viewed as motivator, since in its absence the

individual lacks the spirit necessary for speak performance. Distress is the term used to

indicate negative stress. Stress isn’t always bad. In small doers, it can help you perform

under pressure and motivate you to do your best. But when you’re constantly running in

emergency mode, your mind and body pay the price. If you frequently find yourself

feeling frazzled and overwhelmed, its time to take action to bring your nervous system

back into balance. You can protect yourself by learning how to recognize the sign and

symptom of stress and taking steps to reduce its harmful effects. We can learn to

manage stress and anxiety by understanding what causes you feel stressed and train

our self to focus on calming thought or action. Any type of mental pressure can bring on

stress. It is not a sign of weakness and things don’t have to be extremely bad in our life,

it is simply a result of any type of mental strain that we are unable to cope with everyday

issues that may of us will experience can result in stress.

Theoretical Framework

In 1884 and in 1885, theorists William James and Carl Lange might have separately

proposed their respective theories on the correlation of stress and emotion, but they had

a unified idea on this relationship - emotions do not immediately succeed the perception

of the stressor or the stressful event; they become present after the body’s response to

the stress. For instance, when you see a growling dog, your heart starts to race, your

breath begins to go faster, then your eyes become wide open. According to James and

Lange, the feeling of fear or any other emotion only begins after you experience these
bodily changes. This means that the emotional behavior is not possible to occur unless

it is connected to one’s brain. the term 'stress' refers only to a stress with significant

negative consequences, or distress in the terminology advocated by Hans Selye, rather

than what he calls eustress, a stress whose consequences are helpful or otherwise.

Stress produces numerous physical and mental symptoms which vary according to

each individual's situational factors. These can include physical health decline as well

as depression. The process of stress management is named as one of the keys to a

happy and successful life in modern society.[1] Although life provides numerous

demands that can prove difficult to handle, stress management provides a number of

ways to manage anxiety and maintain overall well-being. Despite stress often being

thought of as a subjective experience, levels of stress are readily measurable, using

various physiological tests, similar to those used in polygraphs. Many practical stress

management techniques are available, some for use by health professionals and

others, for self-help, which may help an individual reduce their levels of stress, provide

positive feelings of control over one's life and promote general well-being. Evaluating

the effectiveness of various stress management techniques can be difficult, as limited

research currently exists. Consequently, the amount and quality of evidence for the

various techniques varies widely. Some are accepted as effective treatments for use in
psychotherapy, while others with less evidence favouring them are considered

alternative therapies. Many professional organizations exist to promote and provide

training in conventional or alternative therapy

Research Paradigm


Figure 1. Input Process Output

Figure 1 shows the Input, Process and Output (IPO model) of the study based on

the systems approached which involves the input, process and output. The first box

shows that the researchers will gather study through asking structured questions to their

respondents. Researchers will use question. The next box shows the process which

presents that the researcher will use instrument such as: structured questionnaires of

the respondents. The aftermath of this research will provide future researchers the

knowledge about how students manage stress.


This study focuses on management of students of DMMMSU Senior High School.

Findings will help formulate to improve our knowledge about stress and can help to

relieve the stress of students who are experiencing this problem

Specially, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the student’s profile of students in terms of:

• Age

• Gender

• Strand

• Type of Family

• What are the activities that the respondents perform in order to manage their


• What are the possible symptoms a stressed person could experience?

• What is the implications of the study for the student of DMMMSU Senior High

Significance of the Study

The result of study will be beneficial to the following:

Students. The result of this study could help the students to enrich their knowledge

about stress, this can be also the guide of the students to cope their stress.

School. The result of this study could help the school/community to identify the
problem that can cause stress the students especially to the students to make an action

to resolve the stress problem.

Division. The result of this study could help the Division to be informed about the most

commonly experience stress of students in DMMMSU High School.

Objective of the Study

• To identify the students’ profile in terms of age, gender, strand and type of family.

• To know the activities that the students do in order to manage stress.

• To formulate suggestions and plans that may guide the students to manage their


Scope and Delimitations

The entirety of this study focuses on the Stress Management of Senior High School

Students of DMMMSU.

The respondents were Senior High School students constitute to four(4) sections.

Moreover, the study is merely delimited in DMMMSU Senior High School for
academic year 2020.

Definition of Terms
Anxiety is the mental disorder characterized by feelings of anxiety and fear.
Distress is an extreme anxiety, sorrow or pain; bad stress

Eustress is a moderate or normal psychological stress interpreted as being

beneficial to the experiencer; Good stress

Emotional Coping it means to invest own conscious effort, to solve personal

and interpersonal problems, in order to try master, minimize or tolerate stress and


EPAS- Electronics Products Assembly Servicing

GAS- General Academic Strand

Stress is a state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in your life,
work, etc.
Book (Local)

According to Criszelda Torres (2015) the program was evaluated over a one-year

period (using comparison and control groups) and has been shown to improve coping

skills, self-esteem, quality of relationships and mood, as well as reducing the frequency

and impact of stressful life events and daily stress-levels of depressions and anxiety

also decreased following participation.

In addition, Thessa Guillermo (2014) said that stress in health professional

reports on the latest research from around the world on the causes of stress in health

professionals and on way to intervene to reduce stress. In doing this, it takes

approaches from organizational and clinical psychology to focus on key staff groups. It

considers wider, issues such as teamwork, training and counselling services and

investigates the effectiveness of both or organizational and individual interventions.

Book (International)

According to George Essel and Patrick Owusu (2017) stress is the process by

which an individual or a person react when opened to external or internal problems and

challenges. The organism processes numerous systems to coordinate such adaptive

responses both systematic and cellular levels “by this, stress has direct effect on the

brain and the whole anatomy of the body as such failure to adapt to a stressful condition
can result in brain malfunction, physiological

problem and also many areas of psychological challenges in the form of depression,

anxiety, pain and burnout. Physiologically, stress-related disease in the form

reproduction, cardio vascular,

metabolism and gastrointestinal disease are determine by great areas of genetic and

development factors which are different from a person to a person but also symptoms of
this disease maybe similar sometimes.

Similarly, (2016) distress is a moment of great pain sorrow, acute

physical and mental suffering; affection trouble. It is as a result of an inability to handle

or deal with a challenge or problem encountered in the performance of as specific

activity or studies. Distress result in both emotional and physical pain, an example of

emotional pain is sadness, resulting to drugs, violence. Allow concentration at studies,

low participation in social activities. Most often the not distress are caused by external


On the other hand, Layton(2016) discuss that fair is a chain reaction in the brain

that start with a stressful stimulus and ends with the release of chemicals that cause a

racing heart, fast breathing and energise muscles, among other things also known as

the fight of light responses. Fear is a common aspect of human emotion that is

sentence in our nervous system. Fear is a result or instinct in human that responses to

sensed danger or unsafe. It protects and alerted us to an impending danger and that’s

help to prepare for this danger. It is a natural aspect of humans and in some cases it

very good because it can be or warning or a signal that cautions us to be very careful.

However, it is and can be short term or last longer. When a person sensed
danger the brain responses immediately and send signals which affects the nervous

system and core symptoms of these are fast breathing and heartbeat, increased blood

pressure, experienced of sensation in their legs, head, chest and hands.

Similarly, Crandall (2015) study that work stress is the same for many activities in

school. Sometimes stress is normal to students but high for a long period of time can

affect the student’s performances, physical and emotional health. If the students himself

takes care of the level of his/her stress, it will help in decreasing the health problems
and will also cause of positive impact of his/her performance.

In addition, Bakker (2012) said that normal stress arrives, remains for sometimes

and is finally finished. Noxious stress is different from normal stress which arrives

usually in the students but this noxious stress arrives in the employee. Noxious stress

also can arise to the students if he or she cannot control himself/herself, this kind of

stress is very harmful for a students and it usually leads to negative physical and mental


Previous studies (International)

According to Abbasnia Hashemian and Baba Khani(2012) the relationship

between copings styles with mental health and social adjustments of under-graduate

students(A case study, Islam branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran) the total sample

were 360 students of Islamic Azad University of Islam City. Result of this study indicated

that the social adjustments can be used as a mediator in the relationship between

coping styles will improve mental health and social adjustment in students but the use of

emotional coping styles leads to social adjustment and mental health problem among

On the other hand, Kho Soon Tye and Dahlia Zawawi(2012) explored the

associated factors related to causes of stress and coping strategies among post

graduate students. A quantitative research was carried out and the samples where the

MBA students in a renewed business school in Malaysia. Total participants were 150

students, with 57% male and 62% female. The three major sources of stress among

students were identified as academic related stress.

In addition, among the four coping strategies studied, it was discovered that
active problem coping was the most applied by many. From the findings of the study, it

also shown that race had no significant relationships with the stressors and coping

strategies. This study contributed both to the academic and the industry. For the former,

the study has manage to provide further understanding on the issue of stress

particularly among MBA students simultaneously, the same understanding is also

beneficial partially for business schools and their efforts to create a good and


Journal (Local)

Stress affects people from all walks of life regardless of age, gender, civil status,

political affiliation, religious belief, economic status and profession. It affects decision-

makers such as politician, the manager, the priest or pastor, the employee, the

housewife, the students, the out of school youths, the driver and even the jobless.

Stress is found anywhere, that is, at home, with friends, in the office, in school, in the

classroom. It is just around the corner. It simply cannot be avoided because it is part of

being human. In fact, a lot of people experience stress everyday. It could be brought

about by many factors. The causes and levels of stress vary from one person to the

other. No person is free from stress regardless of how privileged, reasonable, clever
and intelligent he may be. Every person will be challenge a time by frustration, losses,

changes and conflicts. (Generoso N. Mazo(2015) Causes, Effects of Stress, and the

coping mechanism of the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology students in a

Philippine University. Journal of education learning volume 9 (i) Pp. 71-78)

In addition, stress is a commonly used term, and it is often used with different

meanings. The standard definition for stress that will be used in this article the

disruption of the body’s homeostasis or a state of disharmony in response is a real or

perceived or challenging situation it referred to

“stressor” when a person encounters a stressors, the body prepares to respond to the

challenge or threat. (ACSM’s Health and Fitness Journal: May/June (2013) vol. 17-

issue 3- ply-19 Jackson, Erica M. Ph. D., FACSM)

Journal (International)

Stress can exist when working of a fast place, doing difficult problem, or listening

to someone shout at you. It can be brought about through conflicts, making decision, or

otherwise straining abilities, or it can exist because of numbers social demands on time.

We have need that emotional states tend to be long lasting. Whether they are

unpleasant emotion like fear, or pleasant ones, such as joy, yet on occasion such states

may persist for long period of time, or they may teach excessively high levels. When this

happen, the result typically is labelled /”stress”/, and its manifested in psychological as

well as physiological term. Stress and its manifestations, such as anxiety, depression,

and burnout, have always were as a common problem among people in different



Krishan (2014) academic stress echoes individuals perception of academic

frustration, academic conflicts, academic pressure and academic anxiety with the

component of academic stress, academic frustration. Is a state caused by harm of some

academic-goals. Academic

conflicts is the result of two or more equal but in compatible response tendencies to

academic goals, academic pressure: occurs when the students is under heavy

demands of time and energy to meet academic goals, and academic anxiety: is an

apprehension of harm to some academic goals.

Stress is an avoidable part of the normal fabrics of human existence. Every individuals

experiences stress irrespective of age, occupation, social, status, race, cultural

background, etc.

Internet (Local)

According to Rachel Nail (2014) stress is the body’s natural response to danger.

However, stress is an emotional meant to be felt and serious circumstances not

something that occurs on the daily bases. However, daily stress has become common-

place for many Americans. Because chronic stress leads to inflammation, depression

and affects your sleep, its important to take steps to relive your stress. Exercises effect

on the body help to relive stress and hitting a punching bag can have a cathartic effect

on your stress levels.

In addition, Rebecca Treacy (2015) discuss that assignments deadlines, going to

college while holding down a job, upcoming exams stress can be a big part of student

life. The HSE defines stress as “the feeling of being under too much mental or
emotional pressure.” They say that pressure turns into stress when you feel unable to

cope. Stress isn’t categorized as an illness but is its ignored including insomnia, lack of

appetite or overeating, difficulty concentrating and some can lead to more serious

medical conditions.

Any type of mental pressure can bring on stress. It is not a sign of weaknesses

and things don’t have to be extremely bad in your life; it is simply a result of any type of

mental strain that you are unable to cope with. Everyday issues that many of us will

experience can result in stress.

Internet (International)

According to Australian Psychological Society (2012) stress is common situation

in our daily lives. All of us experience it everyday but what is stress actually? Stress is

often describe as a feeling or being overload, would uptight, tense and worried some of

us maybe have already use to with stress. Small amount of stress is beneficial, but too

much stress can be harmful. “ Stress is the trash of modern life- we all generate it but if

you don’t depressed of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life.

On the other hand, Martin Kwasi Abiemo (2015) stress maybe referred as an

unpleasant state of emotional and physiological carousal that people experience in

situations that they preserve as dangerous or threatening to their well-being. The word

stress means different things to different people. Some people define stress as events

or situation and anger. Either view stress as the

responded to their situations. This response includes physiological changes- such as

increased heart rate and muscle tension- as well as emotional and behavioural

changes. However, most psychologist regard stress as a process involving a person’s

interpretation and response to a threatening.

Similarly, Nina Rosenberg, Anchor and Garcia (2013) the study suggest that an

anxiety contributes directly to explaining the variance in depression while stress and

self-esteem might contribute directly to explain the and directly by increasing feelings of

anxiety indeed individuals

who experience stress over a long period of time are susceptible to increased anxiety

and depression and high self –esteem seems to butter against anxiety and depression

so self-esteem contribute only indirectly via the experience level of stress to explain the

variation in depression for example stress affects depression on the basis of “its own
power” and explains much more on the variation in depressive experiences than self-


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