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Garment is very important part of the country.

More that 76% foreign incomes gets from this

sector. Day by day this sector is expending their business more frequently. So this sector is

providing lots of employment. If anyone wants to work in any organization in Bangladesh

garment sector will always be open for him or her. In order to acquire more practical

knowledge about garment related business the internship program is very necessary

Buying houses started their journey in Bangladesh approximately after 1980. This house acts

as a medium of garments industry. Without the garments support buying house cannot do

anything. Therefore every buying house needs to build up a good relationship between them.

Basically Buying houses try to communicate with buyers of other countries who want to buy

products. Then they contact with garment factories in Bangladesh who can make those kinds

of products and fulfill buyer’s demand. Like this they create a contract between these two

parties. Sometime buying houses make their own sample section, so that they do not have to

go to factories for colleting sample and they can attract customers faster and easily. On the

other hand, they create a show room of their product to attract the buyer. Moreover, this

house maintain the merchandiser to follow up the product processing line perfectly and also

build a quality assurance team for checking the actual quality of the product.

1.1 Introduction

Buying houses started their journey in Bangladesh approximately after 1980. This house acts

as a medium of garments industry. Without the garments support buying house cannot do

anything. Therefore every buying house needs to build up a good relationship between them.

Basically Buying houses try to communicate with buyers of other countries who want to buy

products. Then they contact with garment factories in Bangladesh who can make those kinds

of products and fulfill buyer’s demand. Like this they create a contract between these two
parties. Sometime buying houses make their own sample section, so that they do not have to

go to factories for colleting sample and they can attract customers faster and easily. On the

other hand, they create a show room of their product to attract the buyer. Moreover, this

house maintain the merchandiser to follow up the product processing line perfectly and also

build a quality assurance team for checking the actual quality of the product.

1.1.1 Process of Buying House Activities

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Contact with the Buyer



Send L/C to the Garment

Develop the product

Inspection by Buying House

1.2 Back ground of the Study

Garment is very important part of the country. More that 76% foreign incomes gets from this

sector. Day by day this sector is expending their business more frequently. So this sector is

providing lots of employment. If anyone wants to work in any organization in Bangladesh

garment sector will always be open for him or her. In order to acquire more practical

knowledge about garment related business the internship program is very necessary.

1.3 Methodology

1.3.1 Sources of Data

All necessary information in the study has been incorporated and collected from the primary

sources as well secondary sources.

The primary sources are:

• With the direct discussion and observation with the responsive person of British Council
• Face to face interview with the top personnel who actually arrange the workshop.

The secondary sources are:

• From annual reports, booklets, manual. It also collected from published documents,

office circulars, souvenir, published papers and reports of different workshops.

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Complete working paper or document for shipping

Attach one copy with the product Send one copy to the bank


1.4 Objectives of the Report

General objective

• The general objective of this assignment is to fill partial requirement of BBA degree.

Specific objective

• Besides fulfilling the degree requirement, this report intends to cover comprehensive

analysis on merchandising activities in RMG sector.

• Report also studies how important merchandising activities on RMG sector.

1.5 Scope of areas

As I am doing my job in this organization I can move many areas of its working place. I can

take valuable information directly from the spot, worker and buyer. So better opportunity

need to take required information and also to implement steps to the concern area.

1.6 Limitation

Sometime confidential reports cannot be taken from the authority. Sometimes worker cannot

express their real problem accurately. Some high officials refuse to help properly.

2.1 Company Overview

CRL FASHION is a BUYING HOUSE which does its business with garments related

product. This buying house does its business with many other factories. There are five
factories are also working under this buying house. Munni Garment Ltd. is one of its own

garment factory.

This buying house production mainly depends on this garment factory as well. Munni

Garment Ltd is a Knit and woven garment factory. This factory established on 1999 by

another owner with two line machine. Now this garments factory owned by Mr. Biplob Lodh

the CEO of this buying house. It is mentionable that for Knit and woven garment factory one

line consists of around 40 machines. It does its business mostly with Canada, Spain, Italy,

France and Poland. Its basic products are divided by three category followed by the year basis

like summer, autumn and winter. Under this category three part which is knit, woven and

sweater. For these instance each part divided by three another part which is men, women and


CRL FASHION does its banking activities with Primer Bank Ltd. All kind of Master L/C

(letter of credit) and back to back L/C are opened with Primer Bank Ltd. CRL FASHION

gives importance to product quality to achieve more market report. Also it gives importance

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to achieve more quantity to maximize its profit. Now this company has become very renown

in the field of garment factory because of its positive approach from the very beginning along

with the garment activities.

The company has a dynamic management team to control the overall operation and under

their leadership its strong workforce (designers, merchandisers, quality controllers,

technicians, compliance and supports service team members) focus on each customer to

professionally manage the entire supply chain to product design and development, through

raw material and factory sourcing, production planning and management, quality assurance

and export documentation and distribution to customers' warehouses worldwide.

2.2 Branches of CRL FASHION

CRL FASHION [Bangladesh Office] CRL FASHION [Canada Office]

BLOCK-A, HOUSE # 25 60 Halsey avenue,

BANK ASIA BHABAN (6TH FLOOR) Toronto, Ontario m4B 1A, Canada.




Tell: 0088028401377

Cell: 088-01711-637362

Web :

2.3 Company Culture

The focus at CRL fashion is pretty simple: customers, creativity, doing what's right, and delivering

results. Together, we call it "wearing your passion." And it's the perfect match for the kind of people

we attract — as both employees and customers.

Think: customer first

We make decisions with our customers in mind. We connect with our stores and create the

quality our customers' value and expect.

Inspire: creativity

We think big, take risks and solve problems. We challenge the status quo and always look for new

ideas and ways of working.

Do: what's right?

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We believe that how we do business is as important as what we do. We act with integrity, and we

give back to the communities in which we do business.

Deliver: result

We deliver the best result possible – we're committed to taking responsibility, setting priorities and
meeting our goals.

2.4 Product of CRLFASHION

 Knit

 Woven

 Sweater

All the products are manufactured for men, women and kids.

2.5 Buyers

• Road Runner Apparels, Canada

• Texville, Hong Kong.

• UFO Jeanswears, Canada.

• Ven Laere International, SA, Belgium.

• Angeles Garcia Ramirez, Spain.

• Alphadventure SL, Spain

2.6 Production Unit

• MUNNI Garments Ltd. (To provide better service and

prompt regarding shipment and Balk production, we

have established our own production unit.)

2.7 Sources

• Local Fabrics & Accessories: Bangladesh

• Import Fabrics & Accessories: China, Korea India

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3.1 Financial Feature

Every year CRL FASHION exports huge quantity of goods. These goods help to earn lot o


3.1.1 Annual Turnover

Generally its annual turnover comes average more than 1.00 million US Dollar. Some figures

are given below from the last 4 years.

Year Amount of turnover

2008 US $2.03

2009 US $1.02

2010 US $0.74

2011 US $1.97

3.2 Sales by Customer Location

CRL FASION has a very strong presence in Europe in 2011 and large part of its business

comes from Europe customers and over the years the business outside of Europe is steadily

expanding as group has been able to invest in new business, new talent & infrastructure.

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The Company Has A Dynamic Management Team To Control The Overall Operation And

Under Their Leadership Its Strong Workforce (Designers, Merchandisers, Quality

Controllers, Technicians, Compliance And Supports Service Team Members) Focus On Each

Customer To Professionally Manage The Entire Supply Chain To Product Design And

Development, Through Raw Material And Factory Sourcing, Production Planning And

Management, Quality Assurance And Export Documentation And Distribution To Customers'

Warehouses Worldwide.

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4.1 Merchandising department and its activities (KNIT & WPOVEN)

The “Merchandising” is known to the persons specially involved in garments trade. The term

has been derived from the merchandise. Merchandise means goods that are bought & sold.

The term “Merchandising” may be defined as: Person who merchandises the goods,

specifically for export purpose. Garments merchandises means buying raw materials &
accessories, producing garments, maintaining required quality level and exporting the

garments within schedule time. From the above definitions, we can say that a person involved

in garments merchandising needs a wide range of knowledge & skill to perform his job

successfully. The job itself is “technical and general as well”.

4.1.1 Merchandisers should have the following basic qualifications:

 Good Command in English and adequate knowledge of technical terms for accurate

and efficient communication.

 Good knowledge of fiber, yarn, fabric, dyeing, printing, finishing, dyes, color

fastness, garments production. Etc,

 Clear conception of the usual potential quality problems in the garments manufacturing.

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 Good knowledge of the usual raw material inspection systems &garments inspection


 Knowledge of the quota system used in each of the producing countries, duty rates,

customers regulations, shipping and banking documents etc.

4.1.2. Highlights of merchandising works

1. To collect buyers addresses.

2. To establish contact with the buyers sending formal letters/profile.

3. Receiving buyer's response and providing price quotation along with making of

sample as counter/approval.

4. Receiving samples comments from the buyer.

5. To furnish the pro-forma invoice and sending the buyer.

6. Taking necessary steps to develop lab-dips of the materials (FAB & ACC)

7. Receiving the master L/C & verify clauses of the L/C both in technical and

commercial point of view.

8. To confirm floor booking of the order with factory.

9. To confirm transfer authentication of the L/C in favor of fact.

10. Pushing the factory taking initial procurement to open the back-to-back L/C by bank.

11. Searching reliable fabric and accessories sources and finalize supplying of the

required materials relevant to the order.

12. To monitor the shipment of raw materials and arrival in the factory.

13. To monitor of the supplying materials while receiving factory.

14. To order the test cutting with quality.

15. Check/inspect/advise for the bulk production.

16. To monitor production, quality and delivery.

17. To advise factory if buyer change any instruction both in technical commercial point

of view to the order.

18. Collecting order from the buyers.

19. Sending Samples to the buyer for approval.

20. Collecting accessories form different Suppliers.

21. Giving order to the specified garment factory.

22. Communicate with all the respective parties.

23. Coordinating the whole process at a regular manner

4.2 Product Offering

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Its products are offered to the customer through physical samples to the buyer, soft copy of

samples through website, internet, e-mail etc. Besides when buyers come to Bangladesh CRL

FASHION'S CEO along with the merchandiser meets with them to show different type of


4.3 Exchange and Transaction

Buying House people and buyer's people exchange then- views regularly to solve each

problem. They regularly communicate mainly with e-mail and internet messengers like

Skype, yahoo, Google talk etc. Besides more clarification they send samples or documents

through courier service holder.

4.4 Price negotiation & Order confirmation

Price negotiation is the most important part of merchandising and marketing. Order

confirmation depends on how cleverly and logically one can negotiate price with buyer.

Competitive price is the key element of price negotiation. To make competitive price first of

we have to know about the product that buyer want to buy from us. Then we will calculate

the raw material price, manufacturing cost & shipping terms of the product.

4.4.1 How to prepare garment price

There are processes for fixation of export prices which are as under:

1. FOB (Free On Board).

2. C&F (Cost & Freight).

3. CIF (Cost, Insurance & Freight).

FOB means 'free on board' i.e. exporter doesn't bear the cost of freight of ship or air. It is

buyer (Importer) who himself bears the freight of ship or air.

C & F means Cost of Freight i.e.

FOB (Cost) + Freight of Ship = C & F.

In the case ship or air freight is carried by the exporter while quoting price, the exporter

quotes price a bit higher than FOB. The whole responsibility including the sending of goods

to the selected port of the importer is shouldered by the exporter ship or air. Freight may vary

from place to place and shippers to shippers.

CIF means cost insurance & Freight In this case in addition to the bearing of freight the cost

of insurance is also borne by the exporter. The exporter, while quoting CIF price, quotes
much higher than C&F value i. e; C & F + Insurance=CIF. Normally we can add 1-2%

insurance charge with CIF price.

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During the fixation of FOB price of a T-Shirt following notes are to be followed


1. Cost of fabrics/Dzn. garments.

2. Cost of Accessories/Dzn. garments.

3. C.M (Cost of Manufacturing) /Dzn. Garments.

4. Cost of embellishment (if any) likes print, embroidery, etc

5. Commercial cost.

6. Commission (if any)

Order of 10000 pieces of Knit

Fabrics: 100% cotton, single jersey 160 GSM (white color)


Half chest 56cm

Back length 74cm

Sleeve Length 25cm

Arm Hold 25cm

Shoulder 49cm

Neck (inside) 16cm

Front neck droop 9cm

Back neck droop 10cm

Neck rib width 2cm

Bottom 56cm

(B/L + S/L) * 1/2 CHEST *2




B/L + S/L 1/2 CHEST*2

74 56

+25 *2

99cm 112

+8 +8

107cm 120



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Style A

Fabrics 2.75 * $ 6.75 = $ 18.56

Accessories =$ 2.00

CM (cutting & Making) =$ 3.00

= $ 23.56/dozon


1 pc = $ 23.56/12

= $ 1.96

Add: FOB = $ 0.12

= $ 2.08/pc CNF

Now, 10000 * 2.08= $ 20800

Order of 9000 pieces of Woven


Fabric Booking (16 yds * $ 2.50) = $ 41.60

Accessories = $ 6.00

Wash = $ 2.00

CM (Cutting & Making) = $ 16.00

Packaging (7*.80) = $ 5.60

Total = $ 71.20

Per piece = $71.20/12

= $ 5.93 FOB

4.5 Fabric booking

After receive order confirmation from buyer we chase buyer to provide us PO sheet (purchase

order) which includes color & size wise break down of the total quantity. Then we will go for

knit fabrics booking. Yarn is the first element of knit fabric. So to make fabric we have to

book suitable yarn from home or abroad. To import yarn from abroad it need approx 44/45

days and to buyer yarn from Bangladesh it need approx 20/30 days. After receive yarn we go

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for fabrics knitting and then coloring of the fabrics. After dyed fabrics is ready to make


4.6 Trim booking

Various kinds of trims are used in Basic T-Shirt. To buy or make booking for trim firstly we

have to know from buyer what kind of trims they required for their T-Shirt. After collection

trimming information from buyer we have to develop the same and need to get approval.
Then we will book trim from respective trim manufacturing house. It is very important to buy

all the necessary trims before start garment production.

4.7 Product development (KNIT & WPOVEN)

Product development is another important responsibility for RMG merchandisers. Before go

to bulk production various stage of sampling has to pass in order to develop a product for end

user. Those are below:

1. Initial Sample

2. Style Approval

3. Pre-production (PP) Approval

4. Photo Sample

5. Shipping Sample

4.7.1Initial Sample

At first buyer sends us a sample detail, then we make a sample, just to make sure that the

style is perfect, that is called initial sampling. In initial sampling color or fabric is not a


4.7.2 StyleApproval

Every style has a number which we call reference number. From the reference number

according to the information from the initial sample we try to make the style which is given

by the buyer with the actual fabrics. Then send this style to the buyer for approval.

4.7.3 Pre-production (PP) Approval

In pre-production sampling we make a sample with actual fabric and other materials

according to the order description. Then we send it to the buyer to get approval that exactly

this kind of products are going to be send to them.

4.7.4 Photo Sample

Photo sampling is showing a photo of a sample to the buyer. It can be a photo in website or in
projector etc.

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4.7.5 Shipping Sample

When products are send for shipment, s sample from every style is sent to buyer to show

them this products are sent for shipment. In shipping sample one piece of every kind of

product is taken, like style, color etc.

4.8 Pre-production (PP) Meeting

After preparing pre-production sample and before production, a meeting is held after getting

pre-production sample approval; this meeting is called Pre-production (PP) Meeting. After

getting pre-production approval we take the comments of buyer and do this meeting with

factory manager, cutting master, production manager, finishing in charge, merchandiser and

other people who are involved in production. On the basis of the comment of buyers there we

discuss what they have to do, not to do and how they have to do the production etc.

4.9 Merchandising activities on production follow up

1. Cutting

2. Making

3. Wash

4. Finishing

4.9.1 Cutting

Before sending the fabric to cutting section we unfold the fabric and keep it in open air for

one or two days. We do that because when the fabric is kept folded it remains squished. But

when air passes through it comes into original texture. If we cut the fabric without doing this

it can shrink or lose after cutting.

4.9.2 Making/Swing

Sewing section is the section where cutting part are joined to make a garments. In sewing
section sewing machines are set up according to the kind of final product.

4.9 3 WASH

After making the product we send it to wash section. There are different types of wash like

fade wash, strong wash, silicon anjime wash etc.

4.9.4 Finishing

Finishing section is the last part of production. When sewing completed then finishing and

packing started. Thread cutter workers are cutting loose thread. Iron man workers are ironing

goods. Then Packing man workers are putting goods in to poly bag and export carton. But

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there should have balance process from thread cutting to carton process. Iron people must be

increases as per the demand of packing people. Boiler should be always in fit position.

5.1 Merchandising activities on Quality control

The main objective of quality control is to ensure that goods are produced to the first

customer (Direct Order) and hopefully to the second customer (Recorder/Alter order/ new

order) as well. If both customers can be satisfied then the manufacturer products are more

likely to continue to be in demand,

Satisfactory quality can only be ensured through (from the manufacturer point of view)

 Knowing the customers’ needs.

 Designing to meet them

 Faultless construction- manufacture.

 Certified performance and safety.

 Clear instruction manuals.

 Suitable packing.

 Prompt delivery.

 Feed back of field experience.

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Satisfaction quality can be ensured from the customer from the customer's point of view by


 Right Product.

 Right Quality.

 Right Time.

 Undamaged Condition

5.2 How can quality be achieved?

 Goods must be designed to meet customer's needs and make manufacturing process

and maintenance easily.

 They must be made exactly and consistently to the specified design.

 Marketing must ensure accurate advertising, trade description with constant feedback

for improved design.

 Total commitment to organized design.

Actual Quality Level (AQL) International Standard for Garments

Batch Size (Units) AQL-1.0 AQL-1.2 AQL-2.5 AQL-4.0
















26-50 13 0 8 0 5 0 12 1

51-90 13 0 8 0 20 1 13 1

91-150 13 0 32 1 20 1 20 2

151-280 50 1 32 1 32 2 32 3

281-500 50 1 50 2 50 3 50 5

501-1200 80 2 80 3 80 5 80 7

1201-3200 125 3 125 5 125 7 125 10

2301-10000 200 5 200 7 200 10 200 14

10001-35000 315 7 315 10 315 14 315 21

35001-150000 500 10 500 14 500 21 315 21

150001-500000 800 14 800 21 500 51 315 21

500000+ 1250 21 800 21 500 21 315 21

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Maximum buyer of the world follows this above chart for inspecting their garments. When

garments will be ready for shipment, an inspector should follow the above acceptance level

of quality products. It is applicable for all types of garments. So this chart is very important

for Quality Control and Quality Inspection of a Garment. Factory will have to follow and

work on the basis of this chart. Factory should have to submit their AQL report to the
respective buyers before shipment

5.3 Principles of Quality Management

 The main objectives is to prevent errors by early detection and action

 The need to make the requirement complete and clear at all levels, from this

specification of a large system to the individual work construction and terms of


 The detection error by monitoring both product and the method by which is produced.

 The prevention of errors at all earliest

 The total involvement all concerned of the contribution to the final products quality.

 Establish a total forward and backward control system, allowing flexibility for


5.4 Purpose of Quality Control

It is a long standing trading of any organization to offer the customers first quality

merchandise. The purpose of this quality control program is to assist manufacturers in

meeting the high standards. In addition, company's quality control program can also help the

supplier with their operation. Quality control program not only help spot and reject defective

items, but more importantly they pinpoint production operations that need special attention,

thereby reducing the number of defects in future production. This type quality control

provides basis for management decision in the manufacturer's plant. For the purpose of this

manual; the defect refers to* a condition that renders merchandise of second quality and or

unacceptable because the defect is one or more of the following:

1. It is conspicuous.

2. It will affect the salability of the product.

3. It will affect the serviceability of the product.

4. It is significantly different from the specification.

5. It is understood that all performance and legal requirements be following to the letter

(that is L/C or any other contact between the buyer & seller) with no division allowed,

including requirements of the following:

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1 Flammability

2. Refurbishing (Cleaning)

3. Labeling

5.5 Quality Process

CRL FASHION is weak in research on production but their quality is 100 percent ok. Quality

procedure starts from cutting to packing. Their quality and inspection procedures go ahead

with following steps.

 At first factory has to handover the order to merchandiser and QA people. This team is

responsible for this order. Every morning they have to discuss the whole status in the

daily meeting with General Manager.

 Factory will make the sample for final changes and comments from the buyer on the

products. QA and merchandiser will study together with approved FIT samples and

the comments from buyer.

 After receive the fabrics and accessories in the company they send it to the factory,

one of the QA and merchandiser concerning that particular order will stay in the

factory from morning to evening.

 CRL FASHION tells their factory to makes pre production meeting before going into

production. Merchandiser and QA inspector of the company go to the factory at the

time of pre production meeting, check the samples, patterns and final comments from

buyer and if they are satisfied then they give instruction to the factory people for trial

 QA inspector evaluates trial production and then approve for bulk production. As seen

as bulk production is started QA inspector goes for inline inspection. Initially every

day, then every alternative day, depends on the situation.

 In the middle stage of production if standard for quality result is acceptable then it is

given permission for pre-final inspection. Here it is checked for case pack, carton

quality, shipping mark, assortment, presentation etc.

 After pre-shipment result is acceptable it is permitted for doing final inspection and if

is pass this is approved for shipment.

 Quality procedure will be included in the cutting section. Quality department must

advise how to control perfect measurement for concern garments. How to minimize

consumption. And etc.

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6.1 Merchandising activities on goods delivery to buyers destination

6.1.1 Booking to forwarder

After making final inspection merchandiser received packing list from packing section which

contain the list of carton, how many pieces garments in the carton, weight of the carton,

number of pieces of garment to be shipped etc. Refer to this information merchandiser make

booking to sea or air forwarder.

6.1.2 Export Documentation

The documents which to be submitted by a C&F agent for export:

An exporter should have to submit the following documents to the customs authority of a


1. Shipping bill of entry

2. Export L/C

3. Packing List
4. Commercial Invoice

5. UD/UP

6. VBF-9A. From to be supplied by the C&F agent

7. Export Permission form (EXP).

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6.1.3 Bill of Landing (B/L)

It is document issued by an eerie (railroad, steamship, or trucking Company) which serves as

receipt for the goods to be delivered to a designed person or to his order.

B/L describes the conditions under which the goods are accepted by the career and details

 The quantity of the goods

 Name of vessel

 Identified marks and numbers

 Destination

Invoice: Below point are including in the invoice:

 Name and address of the buyers and the seller

 The Date and term of the sale

 A description of the goods

 The price of the goods and

 The mode of transportation

6.1.4 Payment release

After prepared invoice, bill of landing and other required documentation we send it to buyer's

nominated bank for payment release.

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7.1 Research and Development

Research and development is very important part for any company as well as factory also.
CRL FASHION is not well equipped with this idea. Moreover this company is moving

forward to achieve this practice. Every month its honorable CEO makes arrangement meeting

about how this company can make more production, how they take more order from buyer,

what are the main obstacles for production in the factory? For this purpose executives of the

company thinks to give more intention in their factory to evaluate the actual performance of

each section by face to face interview with operator, worker, supervisor to take exact

information regarding production related problem. It is mentionable that production process

starts from garment Cutting section up to Finishing packing section. All the problems are

taken from production related people and accordingly management takes the solution. Weak

operators are replaced by strong operators. Sufficient cutting parts are needed to supply to

direct production department for achieving balance production. Sometimes there are some

types of fabrics which cannot cut more at a time as the direct production department requires.

In this situation cutting department need to do overtime, even it requires a whole night. This

way finishing and packing section goes forward to achieve delivery date.

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7.2 Findings

From the beginning of discussion we found many positive and negative things in the CRL

FASHION. Some cases this buying house is doing better than other manufacturing company

and some cases doing not satisfactory. These can be happen because it is really difficult to do

better in all area. Its mission is found to make the company larger in future. But company

Organogram is not perfect. Decision making power can be decentralized to achieve more

fruitful result. Company Research and Development sector is comparatively poor. It can take

more positive steps to gain powerful R & D. It is mentionable that only R & D can show the

way how the company will make its future plan to run proper business.

Its production department is not also well equipped with plan and process. In the same way it
is found Finishing department, packing department, store department could be more strength

if proper steps are taken. The marketing plan, marketing strategy, marketing process is found

more or less satisfactory. But with the help of this kind of marketing plan company cannot

survive in the long run. It has to take updated marketing strategy.

If I talk about company’s financial features I must say it is expectable. Company’s growth

rate increases sometimes highly and sometimes very slowly. This kind of unparallel growing

will not indicate bright future in the business.

7.3 Recommendation

Different parts are discussed in the many area of the company. I have found many areas

where the company is not doing well. But this company can do better in future if proper steps

are taken. From my concept I would like give following recommendations:- Factory’s mission and vision
must be well set up from the very beginning. Its vision

should be specific and very logical. It can take minimum 12 to 15 years to reach its

targeted vision. Its vision must be with human benefit related. Its vision should avoid

dominating others in the illegal way. In the same way its mission should be acceptable

level. It should set up its strength accordingly in the balance way. From the beginning

it can recruit skill worker and well machineries. To keep those skill workers for long

time there should have proper benefit and remuneration.

 Company Organogram should be set up properly. Managing Director should

decentralize his/her power to different sectional Director. In the same way Director

should decentralize their power to different sectional boss. But nobody should be

released from one’s responsibility. This way each sectional boss can achieve his or her

targeted work.

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 Company should set a Research and Development team. This R & D team should

work with company’s different activities. This R & D will find out the weak area and
accordingly necessary steps should be taken by the concern management. This R & D

will do report on company’s worker, laborer, working place, working environment,

supply chain related, marketing related etc.

 Productivity should be increased with proper production plan and steps. This

production plan will be done by production manager and his subordinates who are

directly related with production. He should discuss with Cutting Manager,

Accessories Manager, Finishing and Packing Manager.

 Technological materials should be properly utilized for all area where necessary.

Computer based pattern, design, marker should be utilized. Internet, e-mail should be

properly established in all area of the manufacturing unit.

 There should have strong HR department which will looks after the benefits and

packages for all types employee. This Team should recruit proper people.

7.4 Conclusion

Buying house type companies are very important for Bangladesh. Because more than 76% of

the country’s foreign incomes are earned from this line. More than 2 million people are

engaged with this sector. So country’s economic situation becomes more and stronger for this

buying house sector. So buying house must be well equipped by hook or by crook. CRL

FASHION is also renowned BUYING HOUSE Company in the present sector as well as

garment market in Bangladesh. There are lots of problems are existing in the company and its

factory. These kinds of problems cannot be removed in short. It will take time. This is very

positive indication that now a day's high educated peoples are coming in this sector. CRL

FASHION is now bearing more than 15 MBA holders in the current operation both company

and factory. Moreover some peoples are pessimistic about future of CRL FASHION. But I

think this is not correct. This factory is now going up word day by day. As I have gone

through the inside and outside of this company I have given some advices for the betterment
for future. If CRL FASHION tries to follow my recommendations I am sure that in future this

factory will be within the TOP TEN in Bangladesh Buying House sector.

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