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Europ Assistance Visa Europe Limited

1 promenade de la Bonnette Company under English law whose head

office is situated at:
92230 Gennevilliers Cedex
1 Sheldon Square, London W2 6TT, United
Joint Stock company with equity
Kingdom, registered under No. 5139966
established at € 35,402,785
operating via its French branch hereinafter
Nanterre Trade & Companies designated as:
Register No. 451 366 405
Visa Europe France
21 boulevard de la Madeleine
75038 Paris Cedex 01
Paris Trade & Companies Register No. 509
930 699



Valid from 01/01/2015

to 31/12/2016

Contract No. 292

* You live, we care


• Premier Assistance may not under any circumstances replace local emergency assistance

• Before taking any initiative or incurring any expense, it is necessary to:

Obtain prior approval from Premier Assistance by immediately contacting directly or indirectly
Premier Assistance, 24H/24 and seven days a week by:

* Telephone: + 33 (0) 9 69 32 10 60
* Fax: + 33 (0) 9 69 32 10 61

State the Insured Card number, status of the Insured as well as the name of the Bank Issuing the
Insured Card,
Comply with procedures and solutions issued by Premier Assistance.


The Insured must inform anyone accompanying him/her during the trip of the rules to be
observed when requesting assistance as outlined below.

If the Insured is insured under the mandatory health insurance of a nation which is a member of
the European Economic Zone (EEZ) or Switzerland and wishes entitlement to health insurance
benefits whilst travelling in one of the said countries, the Insured must be the bearer of a valid
European health insurance card (individual and nominative).

In the event that the Insured is travelling in a country not a member of the European Union and
the European Economic Zone (EEZ) or Switzerland, the said Insured must obtain information prior
to departure whether the said country has signed a social security convention with France. To
do so, the Insured must consult his or her Caisse d’Assurance Maladie (Health Insurance Fund)
to establish whether s/he falls within the purview of the said convention and whether there are
formalities to be undertaken (issue of a form, etc.).

To obtain these documents, the Insured must contact the appropriate authorities and, in
France, the Caisse d’Assurance Maladie prior to departure.

• The medical assistance certificate to obtain a visa is issued by Premier Assistance within eight
working days with effect from receipt of the written request by the Insured along with all the
requisite items to issue it. This certificate can also be obtained under the conditions shown on
the site

• During your trips, do not forget to take with you the documents proving your identity and any
document necessary for your journey: passport, national identity card, residence permit, entry
and return visas, vaccination log for pet if on journey, etc., and to check their validity dates.

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Europ Assistance, a company regulated by the French Insurance Code and referred to in this Notice of
Information as Premier Assistance enables Insureds to access the benefits described in this Notice of
Information in the event of Illness, Injury, death and legal action.
Premier Assistance also makes it possible for Insureds to benefit from specific assistance services when
travelling outside their Country of Residence.


The Issuing Bank of the Insured Card has mandated Visa Europe Limited to take out and sign this
assistance contract in its name and for the benefit of the Insured in accordance with the provisions
stipulated in article L.112-1 of the French Insurance Code. This contract is concluded for a duration of 2
years with effect from 01/01/2015 00h00 GMT.

This document is the Notice of Information which the Issuing Bank of the Insured Card undertakes to
give to the bearer of the Insured Card. The Notice of Information for this assistance contract lays down
the terms of application and validity of guarantees as well as the formalities to be undertaken should
assistance be required.
By virtue of the contract signed by Visa Europe Limited and Europ Assistance, the burden of proof that
this Notice of Information has been issued to the bearer of the Insured Card falls on the Issuing Bank of
the Insured Card.

In the event of amendments to the terms and conditions of the contract or of termination of the said
contract, the Issuing Bank of the Insured Card undertakes to inform the bearer of the Insured Card by
all means at its convenience at least three months prior to the date of amendment or termination.

In the event that the Insured wishes to obtain further information on the terms and conditions of
guarantee application, s/he may contact the Telephone Assistance Service of the Issuing Bank

A dedicated phone number is available 24/7, from France and abroad.
It is indicated at the back of your Visa Premier Card.
If not, your personal banking advisor will communicate it to you.

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In order to better understand the assistance services, the definitions of terms in italics in the text of this
Notice of Information, applicable to all guarantees, are shown below.

The following persons are deemed Insured irrespective of whether they travel together or separately
and irrespective of the mode of transport used:
The bearer of the Insured Card, his/her partner* or spouse living under the same roof and in a position
to prove the situation.
• Their single children aged under 25 and fiscally dependent on the above and, where applicable,
their children as yet unborn for the term of validity of this assistance contract.
• Their adopted single children aged under 25 and fiscally dependent on them with effect from the
date of transcription of the adoption ruling in the French Civil Register.
• The children of the holder or those of his/her partner*, unmarried and under 25, attached to the tax
residence of one of their parents.
• Their ascendants and descendants issued with an invalidity card in which the permanent disability
rate is at least 80% (article L.241-3 of the French Social Action and Families Code) living under the
same roof as the holder of the Insured Card, according to the terms of article 196 A(a) of the CGI

o fiscally covered
o to whom the holder of the Insured Card, his/her spouse or concubine pays maintenance
enabling them to benefit from a deduction of income tax.

The following persons are deemed Insured only when staying with their grandparents holding an
Insured Card and exclusively for the term of the trip and irrespective of the means of transportation:

• grandchildren who are single and aged under 25.

* Proof of P.A.C.S. status provided by a P.A.C.S. certificate and proof of common-law status shall be
provided by a declaration of joint residence or partnership or in the absence of such an honour
declaration of marital status and/or proof of domiciliation in the name of the Insureds drawn up in
advance of the request for services.

Airline tickets
Regular airline in economy class.

Insured incurring the Event.

Any medically noted bodily injury, caused by the sudden action of an external cause affecting the
Beneficiary and unintentional on his/her part.

Insured card
Visa Premier card.

Any Illness or Injury prompting a request for intervention from Premier Assistance.

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The term France shall be deemed to mean:

Definition (1) for the following benefits and services “Advance on hospitalisation expenses”
(1.11), “Supplementary reimbursement of medical expenses” (1.12): Mainland France
(including Corsica), the Principality of Monaco, the Overseas Departments and Regions
(Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guyana, Réunion and Mayotte), the Overseas Communities
(French Polynesia, St Pierre and Miquelon, Wallis and Futuna, St Martin and St Bart’s), New

Definition (2) for all other benefits and services: Mainland France (including Corsica), the
Principalities of Monaco and of Andorra, the Overseas Departments and Regions
(Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guyana, Réunion and Mayotte), the Overseas Communities
(French Polynesia, St Pierre and Miquelon, Wallis and Futuna, St Martin and St Bart’s), New

Pathological state, duly noted by a fit and proper medical authority, requiring medical care and
presenting a sudden and unforeseen nature.

Family member
Spouse or partner, children, grand children, sibling, father, mother, parents-in-law, grand parents of the

Country of Residence
Country in which the Insured resides for more than 90 consecutive days when making the request to
Premier Assistance.

Premier Assistance
Europ Assistance, a company regulated by the French Insurance Code.

Location of the main, standard establishment of the Insured in his or her Country of Residence.

First class train ticket (seated place in 1st class, bunk in 1st class or sleeper).

Motorised leisure vehicle (car/motorbike), appropriately insured, the gross vehicle weight (GVW) of
which may not exceed 3.5 metric tonnes.

“Pocket bikes”, quads, go-karts, registered mini-cars not requiring a driving license,
vehicles for the commercial transport of passengers, vehicles used for deliveries
(messaging, home delivery), taxis, ambulances, hire cars, courtesy vehicles, driving
school vehicles and vehicles with a displacement of less than 125 cc and hearses are

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Insureds are entitled to benefits and services described in this Notice of Information
concerning medical assistance insofar as they have Insured status arising from the same
Insured Card.

The guarantee shall enter into effect for the Insured on the date of subscription to the Insured Card
and is dependent on the term of validity of the Insured Card. The guarantee is automatically
terminated at the same dates in the event that it is not renewed or in the event that the Insured Card is
withdrawn or blocked by the Issuing Bank or by the bearer of the Insured Card.

A declaration of theft or loss of the Insured Card does not suspend guarantees.

The guarantee shall apply worldwide without mileage deductibles for all travel by the Insured:
• If the Country of Residence is France:
in the Country of Residence
outside the Country of Residence for the first 90 days of travel.

• If the Country of Residence is outside France:

outside the Country of Residence for the first 90 days of travel.

These terms and conditions are valid for all benefits and services excepting “Advance on
hospitalisation expenses” (1.11), “Supplementary reimbursement of medical expenses” (1.12),
“Replacement driver” (1.13), “Assistance in the event of legal action” (4), “Assistance in continuing the
journey” (5), “Forwarding of items” (6), for which the terms and conditions of application are stated in
the relevant description as well as in the summary table of assistance services (cf. “SUMMARY TABLE OF
ASSISTANCE SERVICES” at the end of this Notice of Information).

The following are excluded from this Notice of Information: countries in a state of civil or
foreign war, acknowledged political instability or civil disturbance, riots, acts of terrorism,
reprisals, restrictions on the freedom of circulation of goods and persons (irrespective of
the cause, in particular, health, security, climatic, etc., reasons), strikes, explosions,
disintegration of the atomic core or any other case of force majeure. (This list may be
modified. Information is available from Premier Assistance).


The Insured undertakes at the request of Premier Assistance to communicate to it:

• Any document to evidence the place of Residence and the length of the trip (photocopy of the
passport for the entry visa in the country, proof of residence)
• Any document justifying the quality of the Insured (disability card, certificate proving cohabitation,
copy of the tax declaration subject to having previously blanked out all information shown therein
except his or her name, address and the persons comprising his or her household considered for tax
• The original documentary proof of the expenses for which reimbursement may be requested. Any
service not used may preclude payment of compensation.
• When travel is organised and covered:
Return the original unused travel documents in the Insured’s possession
Reserve the right for Premier Assistance to use them
Reimburse Premier Assistance the amounts obtained as reimbursement.

Along with any other documentary proof that Premier Assistance may deem necessary to appraise
entitlement to assistance benefits. In the absence of documentary proof requested by Premier
Assistance, it shall refuse to meet the costs of assistance or shall invoice back expenses which have
already been incurred.

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Premier Assistance shall intervene under the clearly specified condition that the Event which prompts it
to provide the benefit is uncertain at the moment of departure.

• The amount guaranteed is stated inclusive of taxes.
• Advances on expenses: “Advance on bail” (4), “Advance on lawyers’ fees” (4), “Advance on funds
on site” (5.2) shall be issued subject to the condition that the Insured, a Family Member or a third
party discloses in advance to Premier Assistance all useful information and issues a written approval
to debit the corresponding amount from his or her bank account.



In the event that a Beneficiary falls ill or is injured whilst travelling, Premier Assistance doctors will
contact the local doctor to whom the Beneficiary was referred following the Event.
The information gathered from the local doctor and possibly from the usual doctor enable Premier
Assistance doctors, upon its doctors’ decision, to instigate and organise according to medical
requirements only either the return of the Beneficiary to his or her Residence or transportation under
medical supervision where required to an appropriate hospital facility near the Residence:
- by light medical vehicle,
- by ambulance,
- by Train,
- by Plane,
- by medical aircraft.

Similarly, as determined only by medical requirements and upon a decision made by Premier
Assistance doctors, Premier Assistance may initiate and organise in some cases, transportation firstly to
a nearby health care centre before considering transportation to a facility near the Residence of the
Beneficiary. The Premier Assistance medical service may carry out all operations to search for a
suitable medical facility.

Only the medical condition of the Beneficiary and compliance with current health regulations are
taken into account in making the transportation decision, the choice of the means used and the
choice of the hospitalisation location where applicable.

• Accordingly, it is formally agreed that the final decision to be implemented shall be exercised
without appeal by Premier Assistance doctors in order to avoid any conflict between medical
• In addition, in the event that the Beneficiary refuses to follow the decision considered the most
appropriate by Premier Assistance doctors, the Beneficiary shall formally discharge Premier
Assistance from any and all liability, in particular in the event of a return by the Beneficiary’s own
means or should his medical condition worsen.


If following an Illness or Injury for established medical reasons not requiring hospitalisation a Beneficiary
is required to extend his or her stay at the Event location, subject to prior approval from the Premier
Assistance doctor, Premier Assistance shall cover hotel costs, room and breakfast for the Beneficiary to
the extent of €125 per night for a maximum of ten nights.

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When a Beneficiary is transported as part of Service 1.1, Premier Assistance shall organise and meet the
cost of transportation by Train or Airline for other Insureds travelling with him to the location of the
hospital or the Beneficiary’s Residence.


If a Beneficiary is hospitalised at the location of the Event and Premier Assistance doctors do not
recommend “Transportation / Repatriation” (1.1) for 10 days.
Premier Assistance will organise and meet the costs of a return trip by Train or Airline for a person
designated by the Beneficiary or by a Family Member to go the Beneficiary’s bedside.
No deductible for the duration of hospitalisation is applied in the following cases:
The Beneficiary is a child aged under 15
The Beneficiary is considered in a critical condition by Premier Assistance doctors.


In the framework of 1.4, a Beneficiary is hospitalised at the place of the Event and the doctors of
Premier Assistance do not advocate any Transportation/Repatriation (1.1) for 10 days, Premier
Assistance covers hotel costs, room and breakfast exclusively, of the person who has been chosen or
the person already present at the bedside of the Beneficiary, up to €125 per night and for a maximum
of 10 nights.


In the event that the Beneficiary has been hospitalised for ten days and can still not be transported as
per service 1.1. In addition to service 1.5 Premier Assistance will meet the cost of additional hotel
expenses, room and breakfast only, for the person who has been chosen or the person already at the
bedside of the Beneficiary’s bedside to the extent of €125 per night and for a maximum of 3 nights.


In the event that the Beneficiary residing outside France has been transported to a nearby country
under the conditions of benefit 1.1, Premier Assistance shall meet the cost of an Airline or Train ticket to
ensure his or her return to the Country of Residence as soon as his condition does not require that a
doctor or nurse accompany the Beneficiary.
Premier Assistance shall also meet the cost of the Airline or Train ticket to the Country of Residence of
the Insureds who accompanied the Beneficiary initially in the nearby country.


Should the Beneficiary, ill or injured, under the conditions of 1.1, be unable to take care of his or her
children aged under 15 who are accompanying him and no other person accompanying him can
take care of the children, Premier Assistance shall organise and meet the cost of a return trip by Train
and/or Plane for a person chosen by the Beneficiary or by a Family Member to return the children to
their Residence. In the absence of such, Premier Assistance shall designate a person to accompany
the children to their Residence.
Accommodation and meal costs for the person chosen to return the children shall be met by the
Beneficiary. Travel documents for children shall also be met by the Beneficiary.


When a Beneficiary is transported in the framework of 1.1 and no one can look after his/her children
under 15, Premier Assistance covers, up to €200 per day and for a maximum of 5 days, the presence of
a qualified person at the Beneficiary’s domicile. Reimbursement shall be exclusively upon presentation
of an original detailed invoice.

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Should the Beneficiary, ill or injured, under the conditions of 1.1, be unable to take care of his or her pet
(dog or cat only) accompanying him and no other person accompanying the Beneficiary can take
care of the animal.
Premier Assistance shall organise the transportation of the animal to the home of a relative of the
Beneficiary or to a specialist facility in the Country of Residence of the Beneficiary.
Travel costs including kennels shall be met by the Beneficiary.
Application of this service is subject to transportation, reception and accommodation conditions laid
down by the service providers used (up to date vaccinations, securities, etc.) and to health legislation
and regulations in each country and in particular those stipulating quarantine periods.
For this service, the Beneficiary or a person authorised by the Beneficiary must send in advance to the
service provider chosen by Premier Assistance the pet’s vaccination log.


This service is provided:
In all Events outside France (Cf. France Definition (1)),
For the first 90 days of travel outside the Insured’s Country of Residence.

• This benefit shall apply only provided that, and for as long as, Premier Assistance doctors consider
the Beneficiary unable to be transported after gathering information from the local doctor.
• No advance payment shall be issued with effect from the moment that Premier Assistance can
ensure transportation and notwithstanding the decision by the Insured to remain on site.

Premier Assistance shall advance hospitalisation expenses incurred to the extent of €155,000 per
Beneficiary and per Event for care prescribed with the approval of Premier Assistance doctors.
Premier Assistance shall send in advance to the Beneficiary, a Family Member or, where applicable, a
third party, a form acknowledging the amounts payable which the recipient shall return signed to
Premier Assistance.

The signatory undertakes to refund Premier Assistance within 60 days of the date at which each invoice
was sent and independently of any and all reimbursement procedure undertaken by the Beneficiary
with regard to health insurance organisations and by any and all benefit scheme and mutual
insurance company to which he or she contributes.
In the absence of payment within 60 days of the date at which the invoice was sent, Premier
Assistance reserves the right to undertake any and all recovery proceedings it deems necessary with
regard to the Beneficiary.


This service is provided:
In all events outside France (Cf. France Definition (1)),
For the first 90 days of travel outside the Insured’s Country of Residence.

To be eligible for these reimbursements, the Beneficiary must be subject to a health insurance fund
(Social Security) or a benefit scheme and upon return to his or her Country of Residence or on site carry
out all the requisite formalities for recovering said expenses from the said fund or scheme.

Premier Assistance shall refund to the extent of €155,000 per Beneficiary and per Event the amount of
medical expenses incurred which have not been met by the health insurance organisation and by any
other benefit scheme or mutual insurance organisation to which the Beneficiary contributes.
Premier Assistance shall refund the Beneficiary expenses not met by the above organisations less a
deductible of €50 per Beneficiary and per Event, provided that the Beneficiary sends Premier
Assistance the original copies of reimbursement issued by the said organisations.

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In the event that the organisations to which the Beneficiary contributes do not meet the medical
expenses incurred, Premier Assistance shall reimburse said expenses to the extent of €155,000 subject to
transmission by the Beneficiary of all original invoices of medical expenses and a certificate of refusal
to meet said expenses issued by the said organisations.


Medical fees.
Costs for medication prescribed by a doctor.
Ambulance fees prescribed by a doctor for transportation to the nearest hospital and only in the
event of refusal to meet costs by the Social Security system or by any other health insurance
Hospitalisation expenses as per the terms and conditions for service 1.11.
Emergency dental care deemed such by Premier Assistance doctors and payment to the extent of


For Insureds or Beneficiaries whose Country of Residence is mainland France, the principalities of
Monaco or Andorra, this service is provided solely for trips in countries stipulated in the “Carte verte”
[green card]1, excluding France’s overseas Departments and Regions (Guadeloupe, Martinique,
French Guyana, Réunion and Mayotte), overseas Communities (French Polynesia, St Pierre and
Miquelon, Wallis and Futuna, St Martin and St Bart’s), New Caledonia.
For Insureds or Beneficiaries whose Residence is situated in one of the Overseas Departments and
Regions (Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guyana, Réunion and Mayotte), the Overseas
Communities (French Polynesia, St Pierre and Miquelon, Wallis and Futuna, St Martin and St Bart’s)
and New Caledonia, this service is never available.
For Insureds or Beneficiaries whose Country of Residence is located outside France, this service is not

In the event of death of the Insured or if the Beneficiary is unable to drive his or her Vehicle and any
passengers cannot replace him, Premier Assistance shall provide a driver to return the Vehicle either to
the Country of Residence, or the country in which the party is travelling by the most direct route.
Premier Assistance shall meet the cost of travel and salary of the driver. The driver shall work as per the
regulations applicable to his/her profession.
If the Vehicle of the Beneficiary is over eight years old or has more than 150,000 km on the clock or if its
condition fails to meet the standards stipulated by the French Highway Code, Premier Assistance must
be informed of such and shall reserve the right not to send a driver.
In this instance, in replacement of the provision of a driver, Premier Assistance shall provide and meet
the cost of a Train or Airline ticket to retrieve the Vehicle.

Premier Assistance shall not meet the cost of fuel, tolls, accommodation and food for the Beneficiary
and any passengers.


Following an Illness, Injury or death of an Insured, Premier Assistance may ensure the transmission of
urgent messages to the employer or family of the Insured.
Any and all texts creating a financial, civil or business liability shall be sent under the sole liability of the
author of the text.


Only in the case where Premier Assistance organises a guarantee after an Illness, an Injury or death of
an Insured, Premier Assistance reimburses up to €100 per Event, telephone calls payable by the Insured
corresponding to calls to or from Premier Assistance.
Such reimbursement shall be made exclusively upon presentation of the telephone operator’s original
detailed invoice.

1The “Carte verte” [green card] is issued by the insurance company covering the Insured’s Vehicle.
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If the Insured dies whilst travelling, Premier Assistance shall organise and meet the cost of transportation
of the remains to the location of the funeral in the Country of Residence.
Premier Assistance shall also meet to the extent of €800 all costs as follows:
- Preparation and specific arrangements
- Specific transportation arrangements
- Contribution to casket costs irrespective of the choice of service provider

Other costs, in particular ceremony, local procession and interment costs must be met by the
deceased’s family. Premier Assistance shall organise and meet the cost of a return trip by Train or
Airline for other Insureds travelling with the deceased Insured to enable them to attend the funeral.

• In the event of interment outside the Insured’s Country of Residence, Premier Assistance shall
organise and meet the costs of transporting the mortal remains to the extent of the expense which
would have been incurred by repatriating the body to the deceased’s Residence under the
conditions stipulated herein above.
• In the event of death outside the Insured’s Country of Residence and in the event of interment on
site if the Insured’s beneficiaries officially requests it, Premier Assistance shall meet only the costs of
interment or cremation of the deceased’s mortal remains to the extent of €800.


In the event that an Insured learns whilst on a trip of the unscheduled hospitalisation or death of a
Family Member. To enable him or her to attend the bedside of the Family Member or the funeral
Premier Assistance shall organise and meet the cost of the trip by Train and/or Airline up to the airport
or station nearest the location of hospitalisation or funeral in:

• In the Insured’s Country of Residence, where organisation and coverage shall apply to:
- Either travel documents for a one-way trip for the Insured and another Insured of his or her
choice travelling with him or her,
- Or return trip travel documents just for the Insured, with a return within one month after the date
of the death or hospitalisation.
• Outside the Insured’s Country of Residence where organisation and coverage shall apply to the
extent of the travel costs which the return of the Insured would have incurred to the Residence
under the conditions stipulated herein above.

• The “Early Return of the Insured” service in the event of hospitalisation of a Family Member is
provided only under the following conditions:
hospitalisation must be for over 24 hours, excluding out-patient and day care
the Insured’s return as stipulated initially for the trip may not occur within 24 hours after the request
for assistance.
• The “Early Return of the Insured” service is provided only on the condition that the Insured provides
a hospitalisation certificate, death certificate and/or any and all documentary proof establishing
the relationship with the Family Member concerned at the request of Premier Assistance.

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This service is provided:

In all events outside France (Cf. France Definition (2)),
For the first 90 days of travel outside the Insured’s Country of Residence.

If the Insured is the subject of legal proceedings following an unintentional breach of the legislation of
the country in which s/he is travelling, Premier Assistance shall:
Advance the bail amount when required by local court authorities to the extent of €16,000,
Advance an amount for lawyers’ fees to the extent of €16,000,
Meet the actual lawyers’ fees to the extent of €3,100.


This benefit shall be provided for the first 90 days of travel outside the Insured’s Country of Residence.

In the event that whilst travelling, the Insured loses or has stolen his or her identity papers (passport,
national identity card, driving license) and/or travel documents and/or the Insured Card and/or
specific vital objects. To enable him or her to continue the journey or return to his or her Residence,
Premier Assistance shall provide the services stipulated herein under.


Following the loss or theft of identity papers, Premier Assistance shall inform the Insured of the
administrative formalities to undertake with regard to the appropriate authorities and organisations to
help make out the declaration of theft or loss and continue the journey or return to the Country of
At the Insured’s request Premier Assistance shall commission a qualified person to assist him with the
administrative formalities. Travel costs and fees for this person are the Insured’s responsibility.
Upon his return to the Country of Residence, Premier Assistance shall remain available for the Insured to
provide him with any and all information required for the requisite administrative formalities to replace
his lost or stolen identity papers.


If the Insured loses or has stolen his travel documents and/or Insured Card, Premier Assistance may,
after cancellation by the Insured of the Insured Card, advance funds to enable the Insured to pay for
expenses incurred or to be incurred on site which s/he is no longer able to settle (hotel, vehicle lease,
train, airline, etc.).
Premier Assistance shall send the Insured an advance sum not exceeding €2,000.


This benefit shall be provided for the first 90 days of travel outside the Insured’s Country of Residence.

The sending of items organised by Premier Assistance is subject to various legal provisions of the French
and foreign customs offices and to the general terms and conditions of transportation companies used
by Premier Assistance.

Premier Assistance shall not be liable in any way for:

The type and content of the transported items, the Insured remaining the only liable party for such,
Loss or theft of items, regulatory restrictions or for reasons independent of its will (strikes, acts of war,
manufacturing delays or any other force majeure) which might delay or make it impossible to
forward items as well as the resulting consequences of such.

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If the Insured is travelling and loses or has his files stolen, Premier Assistance undertakes to acquire from
the person designated by the Insured a copy of the above-mentioned files to the extent of 5 kg in
weight and shall forward such to the Insured.
File delivery costs, customs duties and other shipping expenses shall be met by the Insured who shall
inform Premier Assistance of any formalities to be undertaken to ship the said documents.


In the event that specific, vital medication prescribed by a doctor is unavailable in the country where
the Insured is staying, Premier Assistance shall look for any locally available equivalent. Should no such
medication be available and after obtaining a copy of the prescription from the Insured’s usual
medical practitioner, Premier Assistance shall look for the medication in question solely in France and
shall organise its shipment. Premier Assistance shall meet shipping costs and shall invoice the Insured
the purchase cost of said medication along with customs duties which the Insured undertakes to
reimburse Premier Assistance upon receipt of the invoice.
The said shipments are subject to the regulations and conditions laid down in France and to the legal
provisions of each country with regard to the importation or exportation of medication.

In all cases, the following are excluded: shipments of blood products and derivatives for
hospital use or products requiring specific preservation conditions (in particular cold
storage) and in general all products not available from dispensing pharmacies in France.


If the Insured is unable to obtain the spectacles, corrective lenses or hearing aids s/he normally wears
following breakage or loss of said appliances, Premier Assistance undertakes to send them by the most
appropriate means.
The request made by the Insured must be sent by facsimile transmission, telex or registered letter and
must very precisely state all the properties of the spectacles (type of lenses, frame), of the contact
lenses or hearing aids.
Premier Assistance shall contact the Insured’s ophthalmologist or hearing aid specialist to obtain a
prescription. The cost of manufacturing new spectacles, contact lenses or hearing aids shall be notified
to the Insured who must give his or her written approval and undertake to settle the invoice amount
before the spectacles, contact lenses or hearing aids are sent. In the absence of such, Premier
Assistance may not be held liable for carrying out this service.
Premier Assistance shall meet the shipping costs. Design costs for spectacles, contact lenses or hearing
aids along with customs duties shall be met by the Insured.


The Information Department at Premier Assistance may provide the Insured with information from
Monday to Saturday, 9 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. (mainland France time) with regard to the following:
• Administrative formalities to be undertaken prior to a trip or during a trip (visas, fiscal approvals, etc.)
• Travel conditions (transportation possibilities, airline timetables, etc.)
• Local living conditions (temperature, climate, food, etc.)
• Countries excluded from this contract.

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♦ Expenses incurred without prior approval from Premier Assistance or not formally
stipulated in this Notice of Information, expenses not supported by original
♦ Requests falling within the purview of local emergency assistance organisations such
as the emergency ambulance department, fire department, etc.
♦ Events occurring in countries excluded from this guarantee or outside the dates of
validity of the Insured Card.
♦ An Event with its cause in Illness and/or Injury which existed beforehand was
diagnosed and/or treated with hospitalisation (continuous hospitalisation, out-patient
hospitalisation) six months prior to the request for assistance, which shall apply to the
occurrence or worsening of the said condition.
♦ Organisation and cover of transportation as specified in paragraph 1.1
“Transportation / Repatriation” for minor illnesses which can be treated locally and do
not prevent the Insured from continuing the journey.
♦ Requests for assistance relating to medically assisted procreation or deliberate
termination of pregnancy.
♦ Requests concerning surrogate procreation or gestation and its consequences.
♦ Search and rescue costs of all kinds.
♦ Medical, surgical or pharmaceutical expenses incurred in the Country of Residence,
whether or not they result from an illness or accident occurring outside the Insured’s
Country of Residence.
♦ Optical expenses (spectacles or contact lenses, for example), costs of medical
appliances or prostheses (in particular dental prostheses).
♦ Expenses related to treatment of pathological conditions which are not emergencies,
expenses to purchase vaccines and vaccination costs, health check expenses and
medical treatment prescribed in the Country of Residence, costs of medical or
paramedical services, purchases of products whose therapeutic nature has not been
acknowledged by French law.
♦ Consequences of incidents occurring during motorised trials events, races or
competitions (or their trials practices) of all kinds, consequences subject to current
regulations requiring prior approval from the authorities whenever the Insured takes
part as a competitor.
♦ Journeys undertaken for a diagnosis and/or treatment purpose.
♦ Consequences of civil or foreign wars, acknowledged political instability, civil unrest,
riots, acts of terrorism, reprisals, restriction the freedom of circulation of goods and
persons, strikes, explosions, natural catastrophes, disintegration of the atomic core or
any other force majeure.
♦ Consequences of situations with the risk of infection in an epidemic context, exposure
to infectious biological agents, exposure to chemical agents such as combat gas,
exposure to incapacitating agents, exposure to latent neurotoxin requiring
quarantine, preventive measures or specific surveillance by international health
authorities and/or local health authorities in the country where the Insured is staying
and/or national authorities of the country of origin.
♦ Consequences of the use of medication, drugs, narcotics or similar products which
are not medically prescribed or of the excessive consumption of alcohol.
♦ Consequences of suicide attempts.

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♦ Consequences of deliberate acts by the Insured or consequences of injurious acts.
♦ Spa treatment, intervention for cosmetic purposes and any consequences, stays in
treatment centres, physiotherapy, re-education, chiropractics, check-up visits and
associated expenses.
♦ Damage occurring to the Insured under military authority.
♦ Restaurant costs, expenses relating to excess baggage when return home by regular
airline, customs duties, trip cancellation costs.
♦ Securities required after driving whilst under the influence of alcohol or as a result of a
deliberate act.
♦ Situations arising from strikes.


Premier Assistance may not be held liable for failure or delays in providing services:
Resulting from events of force majeure as usually recognised by the jurisprudence of
competent courts and tribunals or the following events: civil or foreign wars, riots,
recognised political instability, acts of terrorism, reprisals, restriction on the freedom of
circulation of goods and persons (whatever the reason, in particular sanitary, security,
meteorological…), limitation of air traffic, strikes, explosions, disintegration of the
atomic core.
In the event of delays and/or the impossibility of obtaining administrative documents
such as entry and return visas, passports, etc., as required to transport the Insured
within or outside the country in s/he is, or entrance in the country as recommended by
Assistance Infinite doctors for hospitalisation.
In the event of recourse to local public services or operators who Premier Assistance
must approach by virtue of local and/or international regulations.
In the event of restrictions likely to be opposed by the carriers of persons (including in
particular airline companies) for persons suffering from certain pathologies or for
pregnant women; restrictions applicable up to the start of the transport and likely to be
modified without notice (hence for airline companies: medical examination, medical
certificate, etc.). Consequently, the repatriation of such persons may only be
undertaken subject to the absence of refusal by the carrier and obviously the absence
of unfavourable medical advice regarding the health of the Insured or the child to be


Premier Assistance is subrogated to the extent of compensation paid and services rendered by Premier
Assistance with regard to the rights and actions of the Beneficiary against any and all persons liable for
the Events which required Premier Assistance’s intervention.
In the event that the services rendered to implement the agreement are covered in part or whole by a
prior insurance policy taken out with another company, Social Security or any other institution, the
Company shall be subrogated with regard to the rights and actions of the Beneficiary against the said
other company or institution.

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As per the provisions stipulated in article L 114-1 of the French Insurance Code:
“All actions derived from an insurance policy are prescribed for two years with effect from the event
prompting their existence.
However, this term shall apply:
1. In the event of reticence, omission, false or inaccurate declaration concerning the incurred risk,
only from the date at which the insurer becomes aware of such
2. In the event of a claim, only from the day on which interested parties become aware of such if
they can prove they were unaware beforehand.
When the action of the Insured against the insurer is caused by third-party recourse, the prescription
term shall apply only from the day on which the said third party instigated legal action against the
Insured or has been compensated by the Insured.”

As per the provisions stipulated in article L114-2 of the French Insurance Code:
“Prescription shall be interrupted by one of the ordinary causes for interrupting prescription and by the
appointment of assessors following a claim. Interruption of prescription of an action may also result
from the sending of a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt by the insurer to the Insured
with regard to the action for payment of the premium and by the Insured to the insurer for settlement
of compensation.”
The ordinary causes of interrupting prescription are stipulated in articles 2240 to 2246 of the French Civil
Code: acknowledgement by the debtor of the right against which prescription is made (article 2240 of
the French Civil Code), requests before the courts (articles 2241 to 2243 of the French Civil Code),
forced implementation action (articles 2244 to 2246 of the French Civil Code).

As per article L114-3 of the French Insurance Code:

“As an exemption to article 2254 of the French Civil Code, parties to an insurance policy may not
amend the term of prescription even by joint agreement, not add causes for suspension or interruption
of the said term.”

Complaints - Disputes
In the event of a complaint or dispute, the Insured may contact the Customer Feedback department
(Service Remontées Clients), Europ Assistance, 1 promenade de la Bonnette, 92633 Gennevilliers
If the period for addressing the complaint must exceed ten business days, a holding letter shall be sent
to the Insured within the ten-day period. A written reply to the complaint shall be sent within a
maximum of two months from the date of receipt of the initial complaint.

Supervisory authority
The supervisory authority in question is the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution – ACPR – 61
rue Taitbout – 75436 Paris CEDEX 09.

Freedom of information Act

As per French law dated 6 January 1978, amended by the 6 August 2004 law concerning information
technology, files and freedom, the Insured may request disclosure, amendment, rectification and
destruction of any and all information concerning the Insured which may be included in any and all
files used by Europ Assistance, its representatives and professional organisations concerned.
Right of access and rectification may be exercised in Europ Assistance, Customer Feedback
department, 1 Promenade de la Bonnette, 92633 Gennevilliers cedex.
Europ Assistance undertakes not to disclose any information as specified above directly or indirectly to
unauthorised third parties.
However, in compliance with the French Freedom of Information Act and with the provisions of the
French Criminal Code with regard to professional confidentiality, in the event of a dispute and/or court
action, information strictly required for such may be sent to Visa Europe France.
Furthermore, Insureds are informed that telephone conversations they have with Premier Assistance
may be recorded for test purposes, but also in the framework of the quality of services and the training
of staff. Recordings are kept for two months with effect from the date of the recording.

The Insured may agree to or oppose the recording by indicating his or her refusal to his or her contact.

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Below is a summary table of the assistance services and benefits, the terms and conditions of application of such
are stated in the above paragraphs.
Assistance Services Country of Residence located Country of Residence Reference
in France located outside France paragraph
Travel Travel Travel Travel
in the Country outside the in the Country outside the
of Residence Country of of Residence Country of
Residence Residence

Transportation / Repatriation Yes Yes (1) No Yes (1) 1.1

Beneficiary extended stay costs Yes Yes (1) No Yes (1) 1.2
Return of accompanying parties Yes Yes (1) No Yes (1) 1.3
Hospitalisation presence Yes Yes (1) No Yes (1) 1.4
Payment of accommodation Yes Yes (1) No Yes (1) 1.5
Extended accommodation Yes Yes (1) No Yes (1) 1.6
Return to the Country of No Yes No Yes 1.7
Child care Yes Yes (1) No Yes (1) 1.8
Custody of children under 15 Yes Yes (1) No Yes (1) 1.9
Transportation of pets Yes Yes (1) No Yes (1) 1.10
Advance on hospitalisation No Yes (1) No Yes (1) (2) 1.11
Supplementary reimbursement No Yes (1) No Yes (1) (2) 1.12
of medical expenses
Replacement driver Yes (3) (4) Yes (1) (3) (4) No No 1.13
Transmission of urgent messages Yes Yes (1) No Yes (1) 1.14
Reimbursement of telephone Yes Yes (1) No Yes (1) 1.15
Death of the Insured Yes Yes (1) No Yes (1) 2
Early return of the Insured Yes Yes (1) No Yes (1) 3
Assistance in the event of legal
- Advance on bail No Yes (1) No Yes (1) (2) 4
- Advance on lawyers’ fees No Yes (1) No Yes (1) (2) 4
- Payment of actual lawyers’ No Yes (1) No Yes (1) (2) 4
Assistance in administrative No Yes (1) No Yes (1) 5.1
Advance on funds on site No Yes (1) No Yes (1) 5.2
File forwarding No Yes (1) No Yes (1) 6.1
Shipment of medication No Yes (1) No Yes (1) 6.2
Shipment of spectacles, contact No Yes (1) No Yes (1) 6.3
lenses or hearing aids
Information prior to departure Yes Yes Yes Yes 7
(1) During the first 90 days of travel
(2) Except for travel in France
(3) Only for travel in the countries stipulated in the “Green Card” excluding France’s Overseas Departments and Regions (Guadeloupe,
Martinique, French Guyana, Réunion and Mayotte), the Overseas Communities (French Polynesia, St Pierre and Miquelon, Wallis and
Futuna, St Martin and St Bart’s) and New Caledonia.
(4) For Insureds or Beneficiaries whose Residence is situated in one of the Overseas Departments and Regions (Guadeloupe, Martinique,
French Guyana, Réunion and Mayotte), the Overseas Communities (French Polynesia, St Pierre and Miquelon, Wallis and Futuna, St
Martin and St Bart’s), New Caledonia, this service is never available.

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