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STUDENT NO: 59022086

UNIQUE NO: 848971



Open Rubric


1.1.1. Appropriate
1.1.2. Fair
1.1.3. Manageable
1.1.4. Intergraded into work or learning
1.1.5. Current.


1.21. Assessment for learning teachers use the classroom assessment process and
continuous flow of information about learner’s achievement which it provides in order
to advance not merely check on student learning. It is a daily assessment that is
used to monitor and enhance learners learning through teacher’s observation and it
is also used to identify learner’s skills and knowledge gap and they by assist the
teacher in planning the lesson and also the assessment.

Assessment of learning: summative assessment takes place after a learning event or

period usually a semester or year or a specific phase of learning. The difference
assessment results lies mainly in the fact that the assessment results are now tested
against a set of criteria.

1.2.2 assessment as learning: It is a self –assessment done by the learner in they

take responsibility for their own is the process of developing and
supporting learners metacognition learners are actively engaged in the assessment
process that is they monitor their own learning.

Assessment in learning: learners learn all the time and teacher do not formally
assess everything they are learning. One for instance observes that someone
learned to speak without having a script oral unprepared speech. This assessment
does not focus on the end results of learning but in the whole the process of learning
in order to make teaching and learning meaningful for the leaner.

1.2.3. Authentic assessment: Realistic and relevant and involves learner

performance in real-world situations or simulations there-of. Provide each learner
with a variety of opportunities, to demonstrate competence in different ways and
different context.

Systematic assessment: Used to evaluate the appropriateness of the education

system. Involves raising the level of student academic achievements increasing
equity of student learning outcomes, and improving student’s ability to learn by
enhancing the process of teaching and learning.

1.2.4. play base assessment- a type of clinical evaluation technique used to assess
the functioning of children in the area of emotional and behavioural domain

developmental qualities using both, it is used to measure skill performance during
natural child play - reference: internet

Cognitive development assessment- is a series of activities are administered by an

accredited psychologist to assess various areas of cognitive ability including fluid
reasoning- measures the child’s ability to solve novel problems independent of
previous knowledge and it is also an exploration of the learners thinking processes,
problem solving strategies and reasoning is integral to the process of assessment .
Reference: www.fwa.coza/assessments cognitive.


Full description of what is a learner’s portfolio

Can be most effective method of determining a learner's progress - is thus a

meaningful collection of evidence that reflects the learner's efforts, progress and

• Displays learner’s strengths, weaknesses, capabilities and progress over time.

• Demonstrates to learners, teachers, parents and other stakeholders the progress,

growth and achievements of the learner in relation to expected outcome of learning

• Should cover examples of work in all learning outcomes and should be

representative of different types of activities.

• According to the DBE the portfolio should be in the form most appropriate for the
learning area and age level of learners. E.g. In arts and culture a learner may have a
test book, a sketchbook and music DC, DVD, cassette or videotape.

• All enclosed pieces of evidence form part of portfolio, hut only the recorded pieces
will be used to determine progression or promotion the next grade.

• Recorded pieces of evidence should reflect that a variety of skills have been
assessed using a variety of assessment methods.

• Integral part of learning and should be introduced to learners at early stage,

preferably at beginning of year.

• Learners need to know beforehand what is expected of them.

• In portfolio assessment it’s important to get assessment input from as many

sources as possible e.g. learner self-assessment, peer assessment, parent
assessment and teacher assessment.

2.2. Four classification of barriers

Socioeconomic barriers > severe poverty

Systemic barriers > lack of basic and appropriate learning and teaching support

Medical disabilities barriers > sensory disability

Education related barriers > insufficient support of educators

2.2.2 Three types of alternative assessments

> Alternative assessment based on alternative attainment of knowledge- for learners

with a significant cognitive disability. This assessment targets learners with
significant intellectual/cognitive disabilities. Their assessment for the grade content
covered is assessed at a reduced depth, breadth and complexity of the content,
concepts, and skills. (Autism, multiple disabilities, traumatic brain injury.

> Alternative assessment based on modified attainment of knowledge- for learners

with disabilities who are working on grade-level content that is covered in the general
assessment. The assessment activities target learners with moderate intellectual
disability and are working on grade-level. Their assessment activity is developed in
such a way that affords them more time to master the content, concepts and skills,
and their grade work load is reduced. It targets learners who are partially blind or on
skills programs.

> Alternative based on grade-level attainment of knowledge- for learners with

disabilities or learning difficulties who need testing formats or procedures that
provide them with equal opportunities to demonstrate their attainment of content
which is at the same grade-level as the general assessment .The assessments are
designed for learners who need special testing formats or procedures. It targets
learners who are blind, have communication, physical disabilities, dyslexic, or have
hearing loss.

2.2.3 How involve parents to participate in the assessment of a learner

Teachers need to involve parents from the start of the school year by explaining the
assessment that is going to take place during the year. Teachers need to involve
parents by organise regular discussion with parents. This can be done by sending
out newsletter or individual interview. Teachers need to be mindful of the fact that
there are still many parents who had received no formal schooling at all. Teachers
need to get to know the parents and let them know about the learners barriers.
Establish contact through home visit.


3.1.1 Five basic principles of observation

> Be unobtrusive - move into the background and do not interfere with what you
are about to observe

 Be objective - do not allow your own values, experiences, and opinions

influence your interpretations
 Your attention should be focussed - focus your observation on a specific learner,
behaviour, situation,
 Concern or identified goal. As observation is a multi-skilled activity, your attention
should be focussed.
 Observe verbal and non-verbal behaviour. Posture and body language can be
important clues to behaviour
 Be careful of early reactions, suspend judgement - wait before drawing
conclusions and other interpretations of meaning until after observation.

3.1.2 What will be the role of school based assessment

> Is to create a state of mindedness with regard to the feedback: giving learners as
much help as they need to progress. Supporting teachers to ensure they can
effectively implement the curriculum ensuring that effective moderation practices are
put in place and that they are being in implemented.

> Acknowledging achievement first and treating weaknesses as targets for

development. Analysing assessment results identifying problem areas and executing
action plans.

> Providing time for learner to read and respond to feedback and by following up
previous feedback. Monitoring teachers in their delivery of the curriculum and
providing them with feedback

3.1.3what should be included in a learner’s report card

Standard details: name of a learner, school, grade, class and school stamp. Date of
birth, term/year.

School attended profile, names of registration, teacher and subject teacher’s dates of
closing and opening

> Grades marks/figures: percentage/code levels obtained for each subject an

indication of how the final promotion marks were calculated. An explanatory key for
the codes of the national coding system.

> Comments : written comments should be given on how learner is progressing in
relation to previous performance and the requirement of the subject , how the learner
is participating in class, what the learner need to do to improve the learner attitudes
and involvement.

3.1.4 beside the learner, is a parent or caregiver who is entitled to the learners feed
back because the parents have to check or oversee his/her child’s performance and
progress of the learning content of a particular learning areas in order for a parent to
diagnose and assist were the child is lacking or weaknesses.

3.1.5four guidelines for conducting the oral assessment

1.Good listening skill are essential. The golden rule is to listen and not talk.

2. use silence to give the learner time to think about the question.

3.think carefully before marking remarks and comments. Be careful not to get into
debate with the learner. Do not pass judgements on what the learner has said.

4. know when to interrupt. You should only interrupt if the learner has obviously
misunderstood the question or is rambling on in a confusing and irrelevant way

Question 4

Haptic learning style

These learners learn best when they are involved in learning through moving,
touching, experimenting and experiencing things. Hands-on experiences, working
with peers, going outside the classroom to investigate. They use movement as a
memory aid. Role-play, physical activity, songs, presentations dramatization’s,
collage, brainstorming, experiments.

Visual learning style

Learn best when they see pictures of what they are studying. Observe things
carefully. Like to work with text, pictures, illustrations, maps, read notes, write
summaries. Learn and remember things by writing them down - benefit from writing
formulas and instructions on cards and reviewing them. Research, map reading,
written materials, diagrams, collage

Auditory learning style

Learn best through sounds, music, listening to people. Learn well when the teacher
is interesting and clear. They like to tell stories and make jokes. Review notes by
reading aloud and talking to somebody. Group work, pair work, survey, songs,
presentations, storytelling, dialogues, brainstorming

4.2. three reasons why the assessment should be moderated

> the assessment should be moderated in order to determine whether an

assessment is or was credible or not. If not the moderator will overturn the assessor
judgement and indicate what steps should be taken to ensure credibility.

> because the moderator assures the quality of the entire assessment task.

> Because the moderator will also check the assessment documentation against the
school policy and the requirements regarding the technical layout, format act.


Black, p&William,D1999. Assessment for learning: beyond the black box. London:
king’s college Earl,l2004.Assessment as learning: using classroom achievement to
maximize student learning. Thousand oaks, CA: Corwin

Total = 87 / 100 (87%)


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