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Dilla Fitri Salsabila


In order to meet their professional responsibilities, pharmacists
have become more patient-centered in their provision of pharmaceutical
care. Pharmacists have the potential to contribute even more to improved
patient care through efforts to reduce medication errors and improve the
use of medications by patients. Using effective communication skill is
essential in the provision of patient care. This chapter describes key
elements within patient-centered care and introduces the critical nature
of communication to this process. Subsequent chapters provide specific
examples of communication skill development and strategies to enhance
patient-centered communication.

A. Translation
Dalam memenuhi tanggung jawab mereka, apoteker menjadi lebih
berpusat pada pasien sesuai dalam pelayanan farmasi mereka. Apoteker
berpotensi dalam berkontribusi lebih banyak lagi untuk meningkatkan
perawatan pasien melalui upaya untuk mengurangi kesalahan
pengobatan dan meningkatkan penggunaan obat oleh pasien.
Menggunakan keterampilan komunikasi yang efektif sangat penting
dalam penyediaan pelayanan pasien. Bab ini menjelaskan bagian
penting dalam pelayanan yang berpusat pada pasien dan
memperkenalkan sifat kritis komunikasi untuk proses ini. Bab-bab
selanjutnya memberikan contoh spesifik pengembangan keterampilan
komunikasi dan strategi untuk meningkatkan komunikasi yang
berpusat pada pasien.

B. Sentence structure = Simple Sentence

1. (AC) In order to meet their professional responsibilities, (S)
pharmacists (V) have become more patient-centered in their
provision of pharmaceutical care.
2. (S) Pharmacists (V) have the potential to contribute even more
to improved (O)patient care through efforts to reduce
medication errors (conj) and (V) improve (O) the use of
medications by patients.
3. (V) Using effective communication skill is (Adj) essential (O) in
the provision of patient care.
4. (S) This chapter (V) describes (O)key elements (AC) within
patient-centered care (Conj) and (V) introduces (O) the critical
nature of communication to this process.
5. (S) Subsequent chapters (V) provide (O) specific examples of
communication skill development (Conj) and (O) strategies to
enhance patient-centered communication.

C. The reason why that structure is used

Because this paragraph only introduces an initial overview of this
chapter. It don’t need complicated sentences to make an overview.

D. Identify specific terms related to pharmacy

1. Pharmacists : apoteker
2. Pharmaceutical care: Pelayanan farmasi

In establishing effective relationships with patients, your
responsibility to help patients achieve desired health outcomes must be
kept in mind. The patient is the focus of the medication-use process.
Your communication skills can facilitate formation of trusting
relationships with patients. Such a relationship fosters an open exchange
of information and a sense of “partnership” between you and your
patients. An effective communication process can optimize the chance
that patients will make informed decisions, use medications
appropriately, and ultimately, meet therapeutic goals.
A. Translation
Dalam membangun hubungan yang efektif dengan pasien,
tanggung jawab Anda untuk membantu pasien mencapai hasil
kesehatan yang diinginkan harus selalu diingat. Pasien adalah fokus
dari proses penggunaan obat. Keterampilan komunikasi Anda dapat
memfasilitasi pembentukan hubungan saling percaya dengan pasien.
Hubungan seperti itu menumbuhkan komunikasi terbuka dan rasa
"kemitraan" antara Anda dan pasien Anda. Proses komunikasi yang
efektif dapat mengoptimalkan peluang bahwa pasien akan membuat
pilihan yang logis, menggunakan obat secara tepat, dan pada akhirnya,
memenuhi tujuan terapi.

B. Sentence structure = Simple Sentence

1. (AC) In establishing effective relationships with patients, (S)
your responsibility to help patients achieve desired health
outcomes (MA) must be (V) kept (AP) in mind.
2. (S)The patient (V) is the focus (O) of the medication-use process.
3. (S) Your communication skills (V) can facilitate (O) formation of
trusting relationships with patients.
4. (S) Such a relationship fosters (V) an open exchange (O) of
information (Conj) and (O) a sense of “partnership” between you
and your patients.
5. (AC) An effective communication process can optimize the
chance that (S) patients (V) will make (O) informed decisions,
use medications appropriately, and ultimately, meet therapeutic

C. The reason why that structure is used

Summary is a paragraph that contain the conclusion of this
chapter. Conclusion usually use simple sentences to make the the
reader know what is the elements key of this chapter.
D. Identify specific terms related to pharmacy
1. Medication-use process: Proses kagunaan obat
2. Therapeutic goals: Tujuan terapi

Page 18 CASE STUDY 2.2:

In this example, the mother understood the words on the label,
but she put them into a different context and thus derived a different
meaning from the one intended. Apparently, the original pharmacist did
not have the opportunity to talk with the mother when she picked up the
antibiotic prescription to ask her how she was going to give the
medication to her son. In other words, the pharmacist did not ask for
feedback from the mother on how she interpreted the message on the

A. Translation
Dalam contoh ini, si ibu memahami kata-kata pada label, tetapi ia
menempatkannya dalam konteks yang berbeda, sehingga memperoleh
makna yang berbeda dari yang dimaksudkan. Tampaknya, apoteker asli
tidak memiliki kesempatan untuk berbicara dengan si ibu ketika dia
mengambil resep antibiotik, untuk menanyakannya bagaimana cara dia
memberikan obat kepada putranya. Dengan kata lain, apoteker tidak
meminta umpan balik dari si ibu tentang bagaimana dia menafsirkan
pesan pada label.

B. Sentence structure : Compound sentence and simple sentence

1. (AC) In this example, (S) the mother (V) understood (O) the
words (APos) on the label, (Conj) but (S) she (V) put (O) them
into a different context and (APu) thus derived a different
meaning from the one intended.
2. Apparently, (S) the original pharmacist (V) did not have (O) the
opportunity to talk with the mother when she picked up the
antibiotic prescription to ask her how she was going to give the
medication to her son.
3. In other words, ( S) the pharmacist (V) did not ask for (O)
feedback from the mother on how she interpreted the message
on the label.
C. The reason why that structure is used
Because this paragraph informs case study about the effects of the
communication error between the mother and the pharmacist so a
compounding sentence and simple sentence is needed.
Compounding sentence contain at least two independent clauses.
These clauses are joined by a coordinating conjuction.
D. Identify specific terms related to pharmacy
1. Pharmacist: Apoteker
2. The antibiotic prescription: Resep antibiotik


The receiver can also alleviate some misunderstanding by offering
feedback to the sender. After receiving the message, receivers should
summarize the key elements of the message. In later chapters, specific
skills are offered to improve your ability to give feedback and to receive
feedback from others.

A. Translation
Penerima juga dapat mengurangi beberapa kesalahpahaman
dengan memberikan umpan balik kepada pemberi. Setelah menerima
pesan, penerima harus merangkum kata kunci dari pesan tersebut.
Dalam bab-bab selanjutnya, keterampilan spesifik diberikan untuk
meningkatkan kemampuan Anda memberikan umpan balik dan
menerima umpan balik dari orang lain.

B. Sentence structure : Simple Sentence

1. (S)The receiver (V) can also alleviate (O) some
misunderstanding (AM) by offering feedback to the sender.
2. (AC) After receiving the message, (S)receivers (V) should
summarize (O)the key elements of the message.
3. (AP) In later chapters, (S)specific skills (V)are offered to improve
(O) your ability to give feedback and to receive feedback from
C. The reason why that structure is used
Because this paragraph only describe the way to using feedback to
verify perceptions. To describe something we only need the simple

D. Identify specific terms related to pharmacy


Information :
S: Subject
V: Verb
O: Object
Conj : Conjuction
MA : Modal of Auxiliary
Adj : Adjective
AC : Adverb of Condition
AP : Adverb of Place
APos : Adverb of Position
APu : Adverb of Purpose
AM : Adverb of Manner

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