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Name: sinni

Exercise 4: Endocrine System Physiology: Activity 4: Measuring Cortisol and Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Lab Report

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 40% by answering 2 out of 5 questions correctly.

1. Cortisol
You correctly answered: d. is a hormone important in the body's response to stress.

You correctly answered: d. is a tropic hormone that stimulates cortisol release.

3. CRH
Your answer : c. will reduce cortisol release through negative feedback.
Correct answer: b. has a tropic effect on the anterior pituitary gland.

4. Cushing's syndrome refers to

Your answer : d. a hypercortisolism caused by an adrenal insufficiency.
Correct answer: c. a hypercortisolism, which could be iatrogenic.

5. A condition of hypocortisolism
Your answer : c. can only result from an insufficient amount of adrenocorticotropic hormone.
Correct answer: d. refers to low levels of cortisol in the blood.

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Experiment Results
Stop & Think Questions:
Normally high levels of cortisol would inhibit release of
You correctly answered: c. both ACTH and CRH

Which hormone(s) stimulate(s) the pituitary gland to release ACTH?

Your answer : c. CRH and cortisol
Correct answer: a. CRH

Experiment Data:

Patient Cortisol High/Low ACTH High/Low

(mcg/dl) (pg/ml)
1 3.00 Low 19.28 Low
2 35.81 High 13.82 Low
3 40.63 High 88.52 High
4 2.03 Low 103.39 High
5 49.30 High 18.70 Low

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Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 66% by answering 4 out of 6 questions correctly.

1. Under normal conditions, if the amount of secreted CRH increases, then

You correctly answered: c. the amount of secreted ACTH will increase.

2. Under normal conditions, if the amount of secreted ACTH increases, then

You correctly answered: d. the amount of secreted CRH will likely decrease.

3. Under normal conditions, if the amount of secreted cortisol increases, then

You correctly answered: b. the amount of secreted ACTH will likely decrease.

4. If a hypersecreting pituitary tumor develops, then an expected outcome is

Your answer: c. hypoglycemia in the blood.
Correct answer: a. a diagnosis of Cushing's disease.

5. If a hypersecreting adrenal cortex tumor develops, then an expected outcome is

You correctly answered: b. abnormally low levels of CRH due to negative feedback.

6. A patient's chart lists the diagnosis of Addison's disease. Therefore, you expect
Your answer: d. hyperglycemia in the blood.
Correct answer: b. abnormally high levels of ACTH.

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Review Sheet Results
You have not completed the Review Sheet.

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