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Blackwell Publishing LtdOxford, UKBIJBiological Journal of the Linnean Society0024-4066The Linnean Society of London, 2006?

Original Article



Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 88, 193–202. With 2 figures

The use of colour characters in phylogenetic

Division of Biology, and Centre for Population Biology, Imperial College London, Silwood Park Campus,
Ascot, Berkshire SL5 7PY, UK
Department of Entomology, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, UK

Received 8 November 2004; accepted for publication 25 July 2005

The use of coloration as a source of characters in phylogenetic reconstruction is investigated using 54 published data
sets. Studies were divided into two categories based on a priori postulated roles of the coloration: (1) aposematic and
mimetic coloration and (2) nonaposematic, nonmimetic coloration plus dual signals. Colour characters superficially
appear to provide similar phylogenetic signal to morphological ones in the case of aposematic and mimetic coloration
but significantly less in other situations. However, the data indicated that the apparent signal in the aposematic/
mimetic studies tends to be in greater conflict with the morphological signal. It is proposed that this reflects con-
straints in the evolution of colour characters that are part of aposematic/mimetic patterns and not that they are nec-
essarily good indicators of phylogeny. © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean
Society, 2006, 88, 193–202.

ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: aposematism – coloration – crypsis – ILD – mimicry – phylogenetic signal.

INTRODUCTION have been used (e.g. nudibranch molluscs; Gosliner &

Johnson, 1999) they have resulted in greater phyloge-
Colour pattern features are involved in many inter- netic resolution, perhaps suggesting that colour char-
and intraspecific interactions, including species and acters should be used more in phylogeny. Surprisingly,
sexual recognition, mimicry, warning signals, and in two recent species-level phylogenetic studies of par-
camouflage. Colour characters are often employed in asitic wasps, Braet & Quicke (2003) on Stantonia Ash-
species identification and, although colour may vary mead (Braconidae, Orgilinae) and Areekul & Quicke,
intraspecifically due to environmental, ontogenetic, 2006) on Yelicones Cameron (Braconidae, Rogadinae)
and dietary factors, as well as genetic variation (Wiley, in which numerous colour characters were scored for
1981; Quicke, 1993; Winston, 1999), or fade in the phylogenetic analyses, coloration was found to per-
museum specimens, elements of colour patterns can form better than morphology in terms of how well
nevertheless provide reliable features for species iden- colour characters fitted on to the most parsimonious
tification. Indeed, in some groups of organisms, spe- tree (MPT) obtained from simultaneous analysis of all
cies level taxonomy has relied heavily on colour characters. Initially, these results suggest that color-
characters because of their relative morphological ation may provide at least as much phylogenetic sig-
homogeneity and the lack of fresh material for molec- nal as does morphology, if not more. However, we
ular or other studies. However, the utility of colour fea- predict that colour features included in aposematic,
tures for phylogenetic reconstruction has not been Batesian, and Müllerian mimicry patterns will not
rigorously investigated, and they appear to have been evolve according to the same rules as morphological
deliberately excluded by many workers because of characters or nonaposematic colour characters. Thus,
worries over their plasticity. In some cases where they colour pattern elements may not be as free to evolve
independently of one another, selection acting to main-
tain a successful pattern (Quicke, 1992). By contrast,
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
†Current address: Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, we suggest that morphological characters will in gen-
Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. eral be more free to evolve independently of one

© 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 88, 193–202 193
194 B. AREEKUL and D. L. J. QUICKE

another because, in most studies, they will be sampled apparent phylogenetic signal per character. The poten-
from numerous functionally different systems. If so, tial dominance of one partition over the other was
then colour characters will not display the same level tested by assigning different weights to each partition
of homoplasy as morphological characters on MPT to in an additional series of combined analyses (differen-
which they contribute (Braet & Quicke, 2003). tial weighting) and then comparing the resultant tree
with those from equally weighted analysis. Similari-
ties between these trees were assessed using the
MATERIAL AND METHODS agreement subtrees (AST) option implemented in
PAUP* (version 4.0b10) (Swofford, 1998). If MPTs cal-
culated from each weighted analysis resulted in more
CHARACTER FIT than ten trees, ten randomly selected MPTs were com-
Fifty-four morphology-based phylogenies, including pared with the MPT(s) from the equally weighted
between 3% to 66% of colour characters, for which analysis (Østergaard, Boxshall and Quicke, 2003).
original data sets were available either in the litera- In total, 12 weighted analyses were performed
ture (from the internet or directly from the authors) for each data set, with morphological characters
were assembled to investigate the behaviour of color- upweighted 1.25, 1.5, 2, 5, 10, and 1000 relative to
ation in phylogenetic reconstruction (Table 1). We colour ones and vice versa. Although none of the data
divided the data sets a priori into two categories based sets had anywhere near 1000 characters, a weighting
on the nature of their colour characters: (1) apose- of 1000 : 1 was used instead of infinity to overcome the
matic and/or mimetic coloration (termed A/M) and possibility that trees will become much more unre-
(2) nonaposematic, nonmimetic coloration (e.g. cryptic solved when one partition is assigned zero weight
coloration, sexual, and species recognition) plus (because fewer characters are available to provide res-
ambiguous dual signals (termed NA/NM) (Table 1). olution), which would cause a misleading reduction in
The data sets were then reanalysed with all charac- the number of taxa retained in the AST. This is espe-
ters treated (i.e. ordering and weighting) as in their cially likely to be problematic when morphological
respective original studies. Heuristic tree searches characters are weighted zero because the remaining
were carried out on the whole data sets (i.e. simul- colour characters on average comprised a smaller pro-
taneous analysis of colour and morphological portion of the total character set.
(noncolour) characters) using PAUP* (version 4.0b10) If the two partitions provide equally strong but
(Swofford, 1998). Each search comprised 1000 random conflicting signals, then the MPTs from an equally
additions, followed by tree bisection reconnection weighted analysis are likely to represent, at best, a
branch swapping on a maximum of one tree compromise, and giving either partition greater and
(NCHUCK = 1 CHUCKSCORE = 1). Although this greater weight will lead to trees that tend more to
strategy will not generally find most parsimonious reflect the signal in that partition and, consequently,
trees with large data sets, it enables a lot of tree space the proportion of taxa retained in the ASTs from the
to be explored in a reasonable time, and the trees MPTs from such differentially weighted analyses and
found are generally likely to be fairly similar to the an equally weighted one will decline rapidly with the
MPTs. The morphological and colour character parti- degree of differential weighting. In the case of two par-
tions were then mapped separately on to the MPT(s) titions providing equally strong apparent phylogenetic
from the simultaneous analysis of the whole data set, signal, on average, a plot of the proportion of taxa
and the ensemble retention indices (RIs) were then retained in the AST(s) (from differentially weighted
calculated for each partition. and equally weighted MPTs) vs. up-weighting factor
will be symmetric.
The degree of asymmetry in the proportion of taxa
DETERMINING RELATIVE SIGNAL STRENGTH OF retained in ASTs with upweighting colour vs. nonco-
PARTITIONS lour characters (or vice versa) is a measure of the
The second important consideration is whether one degree of real conflict between the apparent phyloge-
data partition carries more apparent signal than the netic signals originating from the two character
other. Thus, data constituting one partition may fit partitions as opposed to conflict due to differential
poorly on to the MPT from simultaneous analysis of amounts of noise (Dolphin et al., 2000). By contrast to
both partitions either due to real conflict in the trees Østergaard et al. (2003), when two partitions support
they support or because one data set simply contains different phylogenetic hypotheses and one is dominant
more noise, and therefore the other will be dominant to the other (i.e. it carries stronger apparent phyloge-
in the combined analysis. Dominance of one data par- netic signal), upweighting the dominant partition will
tition over the other could be due either to the number not reduce (or will reduce relatively less) the number
of characters in the partition or to the strength of the of taxa retained in the AST(s) (from the differentially

© 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 88, 193–202
Table 1. Classification, source and retention indices (RI) for colour and morphological characters. Studies in which colour characters have a larger RI than
morphological one are indicated in bold

No. of No. of Ratio colour

Ref. noncolour colour RI RI RI/morphology
Organisms A/M Data source abbr. characters characters morphology colour RI Comments

Cidaria Treitschke (Lepidoptera: No Choi (1998) a 24 6 0.737 0.778 1.056 Cryptic

Leucopine spp. (Diptera: No Gaimari & b 15 3 0.875 0.889 1.016 Cryptic
Chamaemyiidae) Tanasijtshuk (2001)
Urosaurus spp. (Reptilia: Squamata: No Wiens (1993) c 29 5 0.846 1.000 1.180 Cryptic
Cnemidophorus spp. (Reptilia: No Grismer (1999) d 12 6 0.500 1.000 2.000 Cryptic
Squamata: Teiidae)
Oneida Hulst (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) No Solis (1991) e 9 7 1.000 0.800 0.800 Cryptic
Juditha, Lemonias, Thisbe, Uraneis Yes Hall & Harvey (2001a) f 40 29 0.921 0.862 0.936 Mimicry
spp. (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae)
Cacophis spp. (Serpentes: Elapidae) No Scandon (2003) g 13 6 0.500 0.500 1.000 Cryptic
Nerthra alaticollis (Heteroptera: No Cassis & Silveira h 18 2 0.765 1.000 1.307 Cryptic
Gelastocoridae) (2001)
Anopheles spp. (Diptera: Culicidae) No Anthony, Harbach & i 19 5 0.586 0.500 0.853 Cryptic
Kitching (1997)
Charis cleonus complex (Lepidoptera: No Harvey & Hall (2002) j 32 4 0.875 0.885 1.011 Mixed,
Riodinidae) cryptic/
Hepialid moths (Lepidoptera: No Brown et al. (2000) k 60 3 0.820 0.667 0.813 Cryptic
Polygonia, Nymphalis spp. No Nylin et al. (2001) l 46 51 0.731 0.726 0.993 Mixed signal
(Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)
Characidiin fish (Characiformes: No Buckup (1993) m 48 16 0.748 0.894 1.195 Cryptic
Rheumatobates spp. (Heteroptera: No Westlake, Rowe & n 98 4 0.846 0.732 0.865 Cryptic
Gerridae) Currie (2000)

© 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 88, 193–202
Bonjeanis Irwin & Lyneborg (Diptera: No Winterton et al. o 43 13 0.779 0.554 0.711 Cryptic
Therevidae) (2000)
Chelinini (Pisces: Labridae) No Westneat (1993) p 68 18 0.901 0.832 0.923 Sexual
Phalangogonia Burmeister No Smith & Morón (2003) q 30 2 0.721 0.400 0.555 Sexual
(Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) recognition

Charis and Calephelis (Lepidoptera: No Hall & Harvey (2002b) r 13 18 0.833 0.746 0.896 Cryptic/
Riodinidae) sexual

A/M, Aposematic or mimetic coloration.

Table 1. Continued

No. of No. of Ratio colour

Ref. noncolour colour RI RI RI/morphology
Organisms A/M Data source abbr. characters characters morphology colour RI Comments

Coladenia Moore (Lepidoptera: No De Jong (1996) s 14 9 0.862 0.735 0.853 Dual signals
Cryptodacus, Haywardina and No Norrbom (1994) t 26 24 0.863 0.754 0.874 Cryptic
Rhagoletotrypeta (Diptera:
Ceratitis spp. (Diptera: Tephritidae) No Meyer (2002) u 14 16 0.938 0.375 0.400 Sexual
Pandivirilia spp. (Diptera: Therevidae) No Webb & Metz (2003) v 28 2 0.794 0.500 0.630 Cryptic/

Hypselodoris spp. (Nudibranchia: No Gosliner & Johnson w 46 13 0.676 0.738 1.092 Cryptic/
Chromodorididae) (1999) aposematic
Prosciara Frey (Diptera: Sciaridae) No Vilkamaa (2000) x 62 2 0.685 0.577 0.842 Cryptic
Gulls (Aves: Larinae) No Chu (1998) y 131 50 0.691 0.677 0.980 Cryptic
Fideliini (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) No Engel (2002) z 26 2 0.926 0.500 0.540 Sexual
Therini (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) No Choi, (2000) aa 38 11 0.709 0.513 0.724 Cryptic/
Rionid butterflies (Lepidoptera: No Hall (2002) ab 75 29 0.867 0.815 0.940 Cryptic
Phrynosomatid lizard (Reptilia: No Reeder & Wiens ac 142 15 0.675 0.608 0.900 Cryptic/
Squamata: Phrynosomatidae) (1996) sexual
Elachistidae spp. (Lepidoptera: No Kaila (1999) ad 120 10 0.769 0.578 0.752 Cryptic
Finches (Aves: Fringillidae) No Chu (2002) ae 172 53 0.534 0.407 0.762 Sexual
Sitobion Mordvilko (Hemiptera: No Jensen (1997) af 29 19 0.688 0.650 0.945 Cryptic
Enallagma spp. (Odonata: Zygoptera) No May (2002) ag 30 18 0.752 0.564 0.750 Sexual
Agapostemon spp. (Hymenoptera: No Janjic & Pecker ah 127 23 0.513 0.479 0.934 Cryptic/
Halictidae) (2003) sexual
Homalolinus and Ehomalolinus spp. No Márquez (2003) ai 52 5 0.788 0.493 0.626 Cryptic
(Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)

© 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 88, 193–202
A/M, Aposematic or mimetic coloration.
No. of No. of Ratio colour
Ref. noncolour colour RI RI RI/morphology
Organisms A/M Data source abbr. characters characters morphology colour RI Comments

Flycatchers (Aves: Tyrannodae) No Birdsley (2002) aj 58 10 0.732 0.534 0.730 Sexual

Hypanartia spp. (Lepidoptera: Yes Willmott et al. (2001) ak 23 30 0.789 0.841 1.066 Mimicry
Ariconis spp. (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae) Yes Hall & Harvey (2002a) al 18 9 0.969 1.000 1.032 Mimicry
Heliconiinae genera (Lepidoptera: Yes Penz & Peggie (2003) am 179 6 0.687 0.417 0.607 Mimicry
Synargis spp. (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae) Yes Hall & Harvey (2002b) an 31 22 0.903 0.772 0.855 Mimicry/
Charis gynea group (Lepidoptera: No Hall & Harvey (2001b) ao 9 8 0.824 0.824 1.000 Cryptic/
Riodiniidae) sexual
Josiini moths (Lepidoptera: Dioptinae) Yes Miller (1996) ap 71 15 0.848 0.812 0.958 Aposematic
Passion-vine butterflies (Lepidoptera: Yes Penz (1999) aq 136 10 0.828 0.816 0.986 Mimicry/
Nymphalidae) Aposematic
Enoclerus spp. (Coleoptera: Cleridae) Yes Mawdsley (2001a) ar 17 18 0.719 0.685 0.953 Mimicry
Acherontia Laspeyres (Lepidoptera: Yes Kitching, (2003) as 53 12 0.806 0.794 0.985 Mimicry
Aulicus Spinola (Coleoptera: Cleridae) Yes Mawdsley (2001b) at 11 6 0.414 0.846 2.043 Mimicry
Morpho butterflies (Lepidoptera: Yes Penz & DeVries au 89 31 0.598 0.558 0.933 Aposematic
Nymphalidae) (2002)
Eterusia (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae) Yes Yen et al. (2005) av 31 49 0.988 0.813 0.823 Mimicry
Adelpha spp. (Lepidoptera: Yes Willmott (2003) aw 39 75 0.534 0.609 1.140 Mimicry
Bonesioides spp. (Coleoptera: Yes Freund & Wagner ax 29 5 0.684 0.475 0.694 Mimcry
Chrysomelidae) (2003)
Stantonia spp. (Hymenoptera: Yes Braet & Quicke (2003) ay 81 24 0.609 0.655 1.078 Aposematic
Eulithis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Yes Choi (2001) az 40 11 0.402 0.328 0.816 Mimicry

© 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 88, 193–202
Alabagrus spp. (Hymenoptera: Yes Sharkey (1988) ba 35 20 0.813 0.761 0.936 Aposematic
Yelicones spp. (Hymenoptera: Yes Areekul & Quicke bb 57 29 0.497 0.540 1.087 Aposematic
Braconidae) (2006)

A/M, Aposematic or mimetic coloration.

198 B. AREEKUL and D. L. J. QUICKE

weighted and equally weighted analyses) compared provide a valuable source of phylogenetic signal.
with upweighting the other partition. This is because, Seven of the cases in which coloration had a higher
in the latter case, even when a small or moderately RI were in the A/M category, a significantly higher
higher weight is given to the other (nondominant) par- proportion than in the NA/NM category (χ2 = 4.12,
tition, the nonupweighted (dominant) partition is still d.f. = 1, P < 0.5) which would appear to suggest that,
able to have an influence on the tree. in A/M cases, coloration is potentially a good indica-
Asymmetry in plots of the proportion of taxa tor of phylogeny whereas, in NA/NM cases, it was
retained in ASTs in each category was assessed using more homoplastic. However, differential weighting of
the Wilcoxon matched pairs test to compare the mor- colour and morphological characters in the NA/NM
phological upweighted proportions of retained taxa category showed a marked degree of asymmetry in
with those from equivalently upweighted colour char- the proportion of taxa retained in the ASTs with mor-
acters. The proportion of taxa in ASTs with different phological characters generally providing a stronger
weights were compared between A/M and NA/NM cat- signal (Fig. 1). This asymmetry was significant
egories using Mann–Whitney U-tests. with relative partition weights of 5 : 1 and higher
(Table 2), again indicating that the colour characters
provide a weaker phylogenetic signal. However, in A/
M cases, the asymmetry was far less marked and the
The proportion of colour characters in A/M and NA/ difference between upweighting colour and upweight-
NM data sets was not significantly different (t = 1.53, ing morphology was only significant with the most
d.f. = 30, P = 0.136) and therefore revealed differences extreme weighting (1000 : 1) (Fig. 2, Table 2). How-
in the apparent phylogenetic signal strength are ever, comparison of Figures 1 and 2 shows that the
likely to be intrinsic to the type of data rather than lower asymmetry in the case of A/M studies is not
the relative numbers of characters. Fourteen of the due to the effect of upweighting colour characters
54 phylogenies (26%) have the RI of colour characters being less, but that upweighting morphology (left side
higher than morphological ones (Table 1) suggesting of graph) led to a more marked reduction in the pro-
that, in a substantial number of cases, coloration may portion of taxa in the ASTs. Comparison of A/M and

Non-aposematic/ non-mimetic coloration (NA/NM)
a,b,c,d,e,f,g, h
100 k
80 q
60 u, v
40 aa
20 af

0.001 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.67 0.8 1 1.25 1.5 2 5 10 1000
Relative weighting of colour character partition

Figure 1. Percentage of taxa retained in agreement subtrees from equally and differentially weighted analyses for
NA/NM studies. The median values are indicated in black; letters refer to published data sources (Table 1).

© 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 88, 193–202

Aposematic/ mimetic coloration (A/M)


80 an
60 median
40 aw

0.001 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.67 0.8 1 1.25 1.5 2 5 10 1000
Relative weighting of colour character partition

Figure 2. Percentage of taxa retained in agreement subtrees from equally and differentially weighted analyses for A/M
studies. The median values are indicated in black; letters refer to published data sources (Table 1).

Table 2. Comparisons of the proportions of taxa retained Table 3. Comparison of proportions of taxa retained in
in agreement subtrees with different weighting of morpho- agreement subtrees between NA/NM and A/M studies at
logical vs. colour characters within NA/NM and A/M cate- each relative weighting level (Mann–Whitney U-test)
gories (Wilcoxon test)
Weight P-values
Morphological characters
Weights NA/NM + dual signals A/M 1000 0.0099*
10 0.0136*
1.25 0.8720 0.2941 5 0.0104*
1.5 0.3754 0.1956 2 0.0359*
2 0.0612 0.3378 1.5 0.0885
5 0.0095* 0.1834 1.25 0.1335
10 0.0011* 0.0921 Colour characters
1000 0.0002* 0.0276* 1.25 0.0548
1.5 0.1446
*Significant P values (P < 0.05). 2 0.0951
5 0.0838
NA/NM studies showed that this became significant
10 0.1635
when morphology was upweighted by a factor of two 1000 0.2420
(Table 3). This pattern indicates that there is greater
conflict between the morphological and colour parti- *Significant P values (P < 0.05).
tions in the A/M cases. Although theoretically incon-
gruence length difference tests (Farris et al., 1994) between the incongruence in each case (Dolphin
could be used to investigate this, the analyses would et al., 2000).
be impracticable because of the very large number of The above results indicate that the way colour char-
replicates that would be required to differentiate acters behave in phylogenetic reconstruction varies

© 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 88, 193–202
200 B. AREEKUL and D. L. J. QUICKE

according to the biological role of the colour pattern. Choi SW. 2000. A cladistic analysis of the Therini: a new syn-
The direction of the difference is in agreement with onym of the Cidariini (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Larentii-
our prior expectation that colour characters involved nae). American Museum Novitiates 3295: 1–25.
in strongly conserved patterns, such as in Müllerian Choi SW. 2001. Phylogeny of Eulithis Hübner and related
and Batesian mimicry or particular cases of aposema- genera (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), with an implication of
tism, cannot evolve as independently from one wing pattern evolution. American Museum Novitiates 3318:
another as many morphological ones might because 1–24.
Chu PC. 1998. A phylogeny of the gulls (Aves: Larinae)
changes in any element of such colour patterns are
inferred from osteological and integumentary characters.
likely to reduce the mimetic relationships. This will
Cladistics 14: 1–43.
have two consequences: (1) colour characters involved
Chu PC. 2002. A morphological test of the monophyly of the
in A/M studies may be more phylogenetically con-
cardueline finches (Aves: Fringillidae, Carduelinae). Cladis-
strained and (2) because they are directly related to
tics 18: 279–312.
the colour pattern as a whole, they may show strongly De Jong R. 1996. The continental Asian element in the fauna
structured evolution possibly giving rise to an appar- of the Philippines as exemplified by Coladenia Moore, 1881
ently strong phylogenetic signal that is in conflict with (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae). Cladistics 12: 323–348.
the morphological signal. Thus, we caution against Dolphin K, Belshaw R, Orme CDL, Quicke DLJ. 2000.
including colour characters from A/M patterns in phy- Noise and incongruence: interpreting results of the incongru-
logenetic reconstruction. ence length difference test. Molecular Phylogenetics and
Evolution 17: 401–406.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Engel MS. 2002. Phylogeny of the bee tribe Fideliini
(Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), with the description of a new
We would like to thank P. C. Chu, J. P. W. Hall, M. S. genus from southern Africa. African Entomology 10: 305–
Engel, and L. Packer for providing us with their data 313.
sets and comments on the biological role of colour. We Farris JS, Kallersjo M, Kluge AG, Bult C. 1994. Testing sig-
thank Andy Purvis, David Orme, Pia Østergaard, and nificance of incongruence. Cladistics 10: 315–319.
Shen-Horn Yen for helpful discussion. Freund W, Wagner TH. 2003. Revision of Bonesioides Labois-
sière, 1925 (Coleoptera; Chrysomelidae; Galerucinae) from
continental Africa. Journal of Natural History 37: 1915–
Anthony TG, Harbach RE, Kitching IJ. 1999. Phylogeny Gaimari SD, Tanasijtshuk V. 2001. A new leucopine genus
of the Pyretophorus series of Anopheles subgenus Cellia (Diptera: Chamaemyiidae) with species attacking Ceroplas-
(Diptera: Culicidae). Systematic Entomology 24: 193–205. tes wax scales (Hemiptera: Coccidae) in South America. Sys-
Areekul B, Quicke DLJ. 2006. Systematics of the parasitic tematic Entomology 26: 311–328.
wasp genus Yelicones Cameron (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Gosliner TM, Johnson RF. 1999. Phylogeny of Hypselodoris
Rogadinae) and revision of the genus from North, Central and (Nudibranchia: Chromodorididae) with a review of the mono-
South America. Systematics and Biodiversity, in press. phyletic clade of Indo-Pacific species, including descriptions
Birdsley JS. 2002. Phylogeny of the tyrant flycatchers of twelve new species. Zoological Journal of the Linnean
(Tyrannidae) based on morphology and behavior. Auk 119: Society 125: 1–114.
715–734. Grismer LL. 1999. Phylogeny, taxonomy, and biogeography of
Braet Y, Quicke DLJ. 2004. A phylogenetic analysis of the Cnemidophorus hyperythrus and C. ceralbensis (Squamata:
Mimagathidini with revisionary notes on the genus Stanto- Teiidae) in Baja California, México. Herpetologica 55: 28–42.
nia Ashmead, 1904 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Orgilinae). Hall JPW. 2002. Phylogeny of the riodinid butterfly tribe
Journal of Natural History 38: 1489–1589. Theopeina (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae: Nymphidini). System-
Brown B, Dugdale JS, Emberson RM, Paterson AM. 2000. atic Entomology 27: 139–167.
Phylogeny of New Zealand hepialid moths (Lepidoptera: Hall JPW, Harvey DJ. 2001a. A phylogenetic analysis of the
Hepialidae) inferred from a cladistic analysis of morpholog- Neotropical riodinid butterfly genera Juditha, Lemonias,
ical data. Systematic Entomology 25: 1–14. Thisbe and Uraneis, with a revision of Juditha (Lepidoptera:
Buckup PA. 1993. Phylogenetic interrelationships and reduc- Riodinidae: Nymphidiini). Systematic Entomology 26: 453–
tive evolution in Neotropical characidiin fishes (Characi- 490.
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Cassis G, Silveira R. 2001. A revision and phylogenetic anal- Charis gynaes group (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae) with com-
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Choi SW. 1998. Systematics of the genus Cidaria Treitschke Hall JPW, Harvey DJ. 2002a. A phylogenetic review of
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© 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 88, 193–202

Hall JPW, Harvey DJ. 2002b. Basal subtribes of the sification and natural history. American Museum Novitates
Nymphidiini (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae): phylogeny and 3374: 1–33.
myrmecophily. Cladistics 18: 539–569. Penz CM, Peggie D. 2003. Phylogenetic relationships among
Harvey DJ, Hall JPW. 2002. Phylogenetic revision of the Heliconiinae genera based on morphology (Lepidoptera:
Charis cleonus complex (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae). System- Nymphalidae). Systematic Entomology 28: 451–479.
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202 B. AREEKUL and D. L. J. QUICKE

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© 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 88, 193–202

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