Revolution in The Sky The Lockheeds of Aviations Golden Age

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The years between 1927 and 1937 are
known as the golden age of aviation—
a time of heady achievement, technolog¬
ical innovation, and the romantic pio¬
neering spirit of Charles and Anne
Lindbergh, Wiley Post and Will Rogers,
Amelia Earhart, Roscoe Turner, and
Jimmy Doolittle. These years saw the
continents and oceans spanned by air¬
planes, the polar regions explored, and
records set for distance, speed, altitude,
and endurance.
All this was made possible to a very
great degree by one aircraft type: the
fabulous single-engine Lockheed, first
and best known as the Vega, with the
later models Sirius, Altair, and Orion.
Only 198 planes of this type were built,
but their contribution to the history of
aviation jsimmeasurable.
In this revised and updated edition of geles-New York

: Expedition
his widely acclaimed but long-out- ic Expedition

of-print classic, Richard Allen tells the lYork-Buenos Aires

exciting story of the design and blientes

construction of the Vega, and of the men

and women who flew her into history. World via Harbour Grace

i-Harbour Grace-Biscke (Hung.)

With its revolutionary semi-mono- ace-Culmore (Ireland)

coque, stressed-skin design, the efficient nadyr (Siberia) c/ftlani

|und the World
Vega had a strength-to-weight ratio su¬ DR—Australia-Oak land

perior to the airplanes that had come be¬ id

xico/ D.F.-New Yorfc

fore. She could carry more passengers ila

(or fuel) a greater distance than had been
previously possible. And though she was
made of wood and fabric, her new de¬ HS1 SURVEY FLIGHTS

sign would point the way to the light¬
weight all-metal airplanes of the modern
uth Atlantic-N.Y.

Richard Allen's brilliant evocation of -D^cjzp£ion & d3 '
this whole period of aviation history, Jsi ana
WILKINS—2nd Meant Antarctic Expedition

WILKINS—1»t Meant Antarctic Expedition 1929-30

(Continued on back flap) Aufarcttca

The Lockbeeds of Aviation's Golden Age



The ourhor is grorefu! ro rhe following companies, individuals, and insrirurions, pasr and
present, whose generosity mode illustrations available for inclusion in this book: The
Aeroplane, Harold Andrews, Juan Arraez, P. Dadre, John C. Barbery, Joseph H. Barry,
Jim Barron, Warren M. Bodie Archives, Walter J. Boyne, Peter M. Bowers, Braniff Inter¬
national Airways, J. (\ Brinkley III, Richard M. Bueschel Collection, James Carmody,
Harvey Christen, Lionel Clark, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Continental Airlines, Thor Dahl,
Harry Davidson, R.E.G. Davies, John M. Davis, Carlos Dufriche, Felipe Ezquerro, Angelo
Emiliani, Herbert G. Fales, Lesley N. Forden, General Electric Company, Robert J. Glea¬
son, B. F. Goodrich Company, Patricia Groves, Daniel P. Hagedorn, H. Allen Herr, Gerald
Howson, Stephen J. Hudek Collection, David D. Jameson, Lloyd R. Jarman, Walter
Jefferies Collection, Chalmers Johnson Collection, T. R. Judge, William A. Kelly, Leo J.
Kohn, Gregory C. Krohn Collection, William T. Larkins, Edward Leiser, Lockheed Aircraft
Corporation, Lockheed Air Terminal, Charles G. Mandrake Collection, Jusro Miranda,
K. M. Molson, Morrison Flying Service, National AirMuseum, Northwest Orient Airlines, Pan
American Grace Airways, Paramount Productions, Edward Peck, Dr. Daniel A. Poling,
Pratt 6 Whitney Aircraft Corporation, Rev. Boardman C. Reed, Theron K. Rinehart,
Matthew E. Rodina, Jr., Franklin Rose, Irving Rosenberg Collection, James A. Ruorsala,
San Diego Aerospace Museum, Thomas Sarbaugh, Warren D. Shipp, A. J. Shorrr, Cecil O.
Shupe, Richard K. Smith, Socony Mobil Oil Company, M. K. Sponholz, Paul L. Stephenson,
Bryan B. Sterling, Emil Strasser, Tallmanrz Aviation, Inc., Robert Taylor, Don Thomas,
Roscoe Turner, John W. Underwood, Adolfo Villasenor Collection, Truman C. Weaver,
Walter Walsh, William F. Yeager Collection.

Frontispiece: 1930s International Nickel Company executive

Herbert G. Fales's Lockheed Vega over a Florida lagoon.

Copyright © 1988, 1964 by Richard Sanders Allen

All rights reserved. No parr of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by
any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from rhe
Published by Orion Books, a division of Crown Publishers, Inc., 225 Park Avenue South,
New York, New York 10003,
owon and colophon are trademarks of Crown Publishers, Inc.
Manufactured in rhe United Stares of America
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Allen, Richard Sanders
Revolution in rhe sky/Richard Sanders Allen—Rev. ed.
p. cm.
Bibliography: p.
Includes index.
1. Lockheed airplanes—History. 2. Aeronautics—History
I. Title.
TL686. L6A37 1988 88-9839
629.133'340423—del 9 CIP
ISBN 0-517-56678-8
10 987654321
Revised Edition
To My Son
Robert Dish op Allen

A Letter from Charles Lindbergh ix

A Personal Word xi
1 Thunder Our of Burbank 1
2 Seekers of a Dream Plane 0
0 From on Inglewood Hayfield 12
4 Over Polar Wasres 19
5 Coasr ro Coasr 29
6 Racing Time and Space 42
7 Spanning rhe Norrh Arlanric 50
8 Across rhe Pacific 65
9 Girdling rhe Globe 74
10 Longer, Fasrer, Fiigher 86
11 Shrinking rhe World 94
12 Airliners ar Flome 111
10 Airliners Abroad 105
14 Sinews of War 146
15 They All Flew Lockheeds 159
Selecred Bibliography 181
Appendix 182
Scale Drawings 182
Building rhe Lockheeds 198
Supplemenr A Individual Histories of C/n 1-214 207
Supplement B: Known Registrations 205
Supplement C Model Specifications and Quantities 208
Supplement D: Condensed Production List 242
Supplement £• Average Performances 242
Supplement F-. Standard Equipment ond Typical Prices 240
Supplemenr G-. Types Produced by Years 240
Supplemenr H: Advances Recorded 1928-36 244
Supplement /.- How Lockheed Owners Named Their Plones 246
Index 249


October 6, 1964
Dear Mr. Allen:
I returned lost week from on extended trip abroad, and my wife handed me rhe copy
of Revolution in rhe Sly which you so considerately sent us. Very many thanks.
I have been reading your book wirh interest and, as you can imagine, with some
nostalgia. I am impressed by your derailed research and resulting accuracy. Obviously rhe
manuscript involved a great many dedicated hours.
For your records I will amplify slightly rhe story of ordering rhe first Sirius. I wanted to
obtain a low-wing, long-range plane for my survey flying. (Low-wing for safety in a forced
landing, wider wheel spread, quicker take-off from tough fields, better vision in airporT
traffic, etc.) Nothing of this kind was being built in rhe United Stares. I met Jerry Vulree at
rhe Cleveland National Air Races in 1929. I had flown Lockheed Vegas and liked them.
Vulree and I discussed low-wing types—advantages and disadvantages. I offered to buy
o low-wing Lockheed at rhe price of the standard Vega, and rhe deal was concluded on
this basis. I am under the impression that my check to rhe Lockheed Corp., for $17,825.00,
included rhe engine. (I am nor certain about this.) All engineering and tooling costs of
rhe new type were to be borne by Lockheed and written off on hoped-for future orders.
My recollection is to rhe effect that our flying suits were heated by rhe engine gear-
driven generator (page 36).
I had ordered a retracting landing gear for rhe Sirius, and a wing wirh this gear was
completed shortly before our 1930 transcontinental, record-breaking, flight. Bur rhe gear
looked to me so wobbly that I did nor want to attempt a heavy-load rake-off on it, and
left it at Burbank for further development. I intended, at that rime, to have rhe rerracring-
gear wing installed on our Sirius. Later plans for converting rhe Sirius to a seaplane resulted
in out never operating rhe plane wirh a retracting gear. The Army Air Corps asked for rhe
rerracting-gear wing, and I authorized the Lockheed Corp. to turn it over to rhe Army.
On page 94, it is stared that Carranza attempted his fatal New York-Mexico City flight
in a replica of the Spirit of Sr. Louis. Actually his plane was basically rhe regular Ryan
model, equipped wirh additional fuel ranks.
On page 104 it is stared: "Pan American had cached gasoline and supplies at prear¬
ranged way stops, and wired money ahead for such purchases in Siberia and Japan."
Actually, I arranged and paid for all gasoline and supplies used on our flight to rhe Orient
in 1931. Pan American did furnish rhe radio equipment we carried in rhe Sirius, since it
was by far rhe most advanced available. We used Canadian Air Force gasoline caches in
northern Canada. The Standard Oil Company arranged to send fuel to our Siberian stops.
On our'1933 Arlonric-suivey flights, Pan American organized and financed rhe ground
and water expedition which worked wirh us in rhe Jelling in rhe Labrador-Greenland
areas of our survey. At a number of landings we used fuel cached or carried by rhe
As you store in rhe book, I was working as consultant to Pan American. In this connec¬
tion I wonted to become acquainted wirh northern routes and flying conditions. The
results of my surveys and experience were, of course, fully available to Pan American. Bur
I conceived of, and, wirh rhe exceptions outlined above, financed, rhe 1931 Orient and
1933 Atlantic survey flights myself.


The above is simply factual information, a result of rhe consulting relationship I main¬
tained with Pan American and other organizations. It was my business to keep abreast
of airline problems in general. My flights with rhe Sirius were independent of bur closely
related to (in most instances) rhe organizations I was consultant to. This arrangement
seemed to work our advantageously from all standpoints, including Pan American's.
On page 105 it is stated that "Instead of rhe original orange, her [rhe Sirius's] wings
and rail were now red." I am not under rhe impression that rhe color was changed.
According to my memory, it was always an orange-red (black and orange so it would
have the maximum contrast under various ground-color conditions in case of a forced
landing and search).
All of rhe above items are derail, and stared as a matter of interest and record. On the
whole I think you have achieved extraordinary accuracy in your bools. Regardless of how
much research one does, it is impossible to keep minor discrepancies from slipping in. My
congratulations on a fine job go to you along with my appreciation.
With best wishes,

To Mr. Richard Sanders Allen


This book is concerned wirh rhe single-engine Lock¬ planes deserved serious research and investigation. Seek¬
heed, o very special kind of airplane, and a glamorous ing data, I found rhe stories behind rhe planes were
symbol of a Turning poinr in aviation history. available only in bits and pieces. An overall account of
Recent literary emphasis has been on rhe achieve¬ this glamour plane of aviation's Golden Age had never
ments and design of military aircraft in both World Wars, been chronicled.
yet the intervening years of peace had their share of In this book, I have tried to pay tribute to these first
great planes and heroic flyers as well. This period saw Lockheed airplanes, rhe very sight of which could fire so
rhe phenomenal growth of aviation, even in rhe face of much admiration, and to their builders, owners, and
an economic depression, and it was accompanied by pilots. What I have pur together in rhe pages beyond is
avid public interest in airplanes and adulation for their nor a "company history" of rhe Lockheed Aircraft Corpo¬
pilots. ration. Rather, it is simply rhe story of rhe background
As a boy, I was part of rhe great air-minded throng of and accomplishments of these nearly two hundred sin¬
Americans who ran outdoors to watch rhe skyborne pas¬ gle-engine Lockheeds, which were produced between
sage of any airplane. Like thousands of others, I kept 1927 and 1937.
scrapbooks, built models, hung around flying fields. Clear Assembling this book has been largely a seeking-out
in my mind is rhe Saturday that my big brother rook me of rhe written, photographed, and remembered fact. My
to the airport at Newark, New Jersey. There, parked on old clippings were a nucleus, and the aviation and gen¬
rhe apron, was a shiny red-and-whire Lockheed Vega. eral press and magazines of rhe period provided basic
The dare was October 26, 1929. Though I had my first groundwork. Over a period of three decades, I have con¬
plane ride rhe next day from famous Roosevelt Field, it sulted, either in person or by mail, some five hundred
was an anticlimax after seeing rhe wonderful Vega at people who were directly involved in rhe story of rhe
Newark. To me that sleek, cowled and panted ship was Lockheed Vega and its wooden and metal sister ships.
Aviation. Just delivered from rhe Lockheed factory in Cal¬ Their cooperation has been overwhelming.
ifornia, rhe plane was like a living thing, just aching to The components of aviation history, though compara¬
be flown, an object of speed and power and rhe kind of tively recent, can be nebulous. The memories of fifty
beauty that a boy can best appreciate. years ago can be excellent, haphazard, or even nonex¬
Thar spark of youthful enthusiasm lay smoldering istent. One man who was on the spot will recall an event
through thirty years of work that only occasionally as happening "just this way." Another will be positive of
touched on flying and airplanes. It was rekindled in 1958 an entirely different time, place, even people. To add to
when my son rucked in my Christmas stocking a model rhe confusion, contemporary newspapers may give still
kit of the famous Vega Winnie Mae. Nostalgic, I pro¬ different versions.
ceeded to dig our from rhe attic my tattered clipping In many cases I have arrived at what I believe is a
"file" on aircraft. Putting rhe model together, along wirh reasonably accurate account only by comparison, deduc¬
poring over the frail old newsprint brought it all back: tion, and downright guess. The evidence of photographs
those daydreams of airborne journeys, and rhe hours is usually conclusive, bur once in a while even these were
spent searching through each week's rotogravure section retouched, or faked—and so provide a trap for rhe re¬
for such pictures as those showing the Lindberghs in rhe searcher.
Orient, Post and Garry tired bur game in Berlin, and all The historical and factual sketches, rabies, and charts
rhe parade of Lockheeds wifh their young and smiling in rhe Appendix have been compiled from basic infor¬
pilots. mation in the files of rhe Federal Aviation Administration
What, I wondered, ever happened to all those famous and rhe Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, and from mate¬
Lockheeds and rhe men and women who flew them rial supplied by serious students of aviation history.
through uncharted skies? As a writer on historical and
engineering subjects, I began to feel strongly that these When I began to do research on rhe early Lockheed


airplanes, I had only my dog-eared file of newspaper and Stephen J. Hudek; David D. Jameson,- Lloyd Jarman; Wal¬
magazine clippings daring from 1928-01. Bur my fellow ter Jeffries; Chalmers A. Johnson,- Phil Juergens,- Leo J.
aviarion historians and many interested individuals are a Kohn; Gregory C. Krohn; William T. Larkins,- Harvey H.
generous lot. Support for and contributions to the project Lippincort; Charles G. Mandrake; Robert C. Mikesh; Erik
came, literally, from all over the world. The people listed Miller,- Ken Molson,- Don Rampton,- Rev. Boardman C.
below are only a small portion of those who con never Reed; Lester G. Robinson,- Matthew E. Rodina, Jr.; Irving
be sufficiently thanked: John C. Barbery; Joseph H. Barry,- Rosenberg,- James Ruotsala; Kenn C. Rust; James J. Sloan;
Owen Billman; Warren M. Bodie,- PeterM. Bowers; Walter Emil Strasser; Bob Taylor; John W. Underwood; Janz Van-
J. Boyne,- Dustin W. Carter,- Harvey Christen; Mark Cleven¬ derveer; Adolfo Villasenor,- Truman C. Weaver; William F.
ger; Lesley N. Forden; Janet Greene,- Stephen Greene; Yeager.


. rhe door blew off, bur they continued on ro Mines field with
rhe wind howling and eddying through rhe cabin. There Yankee
Doodle taxied triumphantly up in front of rhe grandstand—rhe sole
entry to complete rhe race."

T he dusty Midwestern airfield lay basking in the

fall sunshine which slanted off the roof of the
new tin hangar. The crowd had driven our from
town in Model As, plus a Mormon and Packard
"Those biplanes now, they're Wacos, and there's two
Great Lakes, and that one coming in—yep, it's that lady
pilot in on American Eagle."
Quickly the boy pointed our rhe broad-winged Bellan-
or two, and by now was strung along the make¬ cas, the Fairchild monoplane, and rhe hulking bimotored
shift rope barrier, snacking on pop and Crackerjack. Straw Curtiss Condor. The landing of two gleaming all-metal
boaters and cloche hats shielded eyes that searched the Ford Trimorors caused a minor stir among the spectators.
horizon, eager to spot the approach of the lead planes Finally, swooping our of rhe sunlight, two new planes
of the 1929 National Air Tour. made a thundering pass over rhe field and all eyes
Before long, specks appeared in rhe distance and swung to watch. Just a glance recognized them as far
grew larger to become airplanes. Their engines filled rhe different from the bulky, square-cut ships that had pre¬
sky with an increasing hum as, one by one, they took ceded them.
shape: rhe metal, wood, fabric, and wire products of The freckled kid was fairly hopping with excitement.
America's budding aviation industry, sent our on display.
Steeped in the lore he'd found in rhe pages of Model Winnie Mae, grearesr Vega of rhem all, gets ser ro rake off from
Airplane News, a youngster in knickers importantly an¬ Harbour Grace, Newfoundland, for Arlanric leg of Posr and Garry's
nounced the arrivals to a knot of grownups near by. round-rhe-world flighr in 1931.


"Lockheeds!" he shoured above rhe din of rhe snarling plane clad in aluminum alloy, as did the Ford Motor
engines. "Boy, whara plane!" Company with its famous Ford Trimotor.
The perfectly streamlined shapes banked steeply at Pitted against this array of biplanes and fabric-covered
rhe end of rhe sod field, and circled to land. Descriptions monoplanes, plus rhe two newfangled metal jobs, the
like "winged bullet," "torpedo plane," and "flying cigar" early Lockheeds were a complete innovation in style and
went through rhe crowd, and rhe bull voice of rhe an¬ performance. Their unique single-shell, wooden mono-
nouncer came in snatches from a megaphone: ",.. now coque construction pur them far ahead when it came to
landing ... Lockheed Vega, made in Burbank, California speed and long-range capability, and they immediately
... piloted by Mr. Post... rhe red one is flown by Captain proceeded to outclass everything that flew.
Hawks... a Lockheed Air Express... this plane holds These fast wooden monoplanes, built in six distinct
three transcontinental speed records...." models over a period of seven years, brought stream¬
As the sleek planes taxied to a stop down the line, the lined good looks to workaday aircraft. Between 1927
boy's eyes were shining. and 1934 rhe consensus of rhe flying world was that
"Lockheeds!" he breathed, almost reverently. "Gee, Lockheed built the fastest, finest, and most desirable air¬
how I'd like to fly in one of those!" planes on rhe marker.
His desire was echoed many rimes in the late twenties Even with massive public recognition and flyers' accep¬
and early thirties. Thousands of air-minded kids during tance, only 198 Lockheeds of this early single-engine
these years of aviation's Golden Age could spot a Lock¬ series were built. But no other group of aircraft, produced
heed in seconds. The image of their speeding, bullerlike in such small numbers, ever made so great a contribution
shape became etched on the mind of anyone who read to aviation.
a newspaper and followed rhe exploits of men and From rhe little factory in Burbank, California, came
women like Colonel Lindbergh, Wiley Post, Amelia Ear- many glamorous airplanes, record-breakers and ocean-
hart, and Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith. hoppers almost as famed as the pilots who flew them.
It wasn't just kids. To fly a Lockheed was the ultimate Then, after rime and distance were conquered, a good
wish of hundreds of top pilots who witnessed rhe planes' share of the first Lockheeds became workhorse commer¬
rocketing entry onto rhe aviation scene, and a surprising cial airliners, carrying mail, passengers, and cargo over
number realized their ambitions. far-flung airways on through rhe years. Individual pilots
Many of rhe famous aircraft manufacturers were well flew them simply for pleasure; they were also rhe nu¬
established when rhe first Lockheed Vega made its ap¬ cleus of America's great fleet of executive transports.
pearance in 1927. There was Boeing in Seattle, Curriss- Best-known model of rhe original line of speedy
Wright at Garden City, Consolidated in Buffalo, and Doug¬ wooden Lockheeds was rhe high-winged Vega, the most
las in Santa Monica. All these companies considered the famous of which was Wiley Post's world-circling Winnie
Army and Navy their only real and steady customers, and Mae. A later model, rhe low-winged Orion, introduced
for years they concentrated primarily on biplane devel¬ fully retractable landing gear and high-speed schedules
opment. Their output consisted of two-wingers of varying to infant airlines in both America and Europe. In between
sizes, their framework skeletons of wood and welded were other versions that regularly took rhe air from Bur¬
metal tubing covered by taut, highly doped, and painted bank: the parasol-wing Lockheed Air Express and rhe
fabric. After months and years of resting with the armed specialized long-distance Explorers. The Lockheed Sirius
services, "the big four" developed and marketed an oc¬ found fame with rhe trail-blazing survey flights of rhe
casional commercial model. But monoplanes from their Lindberghs. And a final two-seater was rhe Alrair, from
factories were a long rime coming. which was evolved rhe U.S. Army's very first low-wing
Other good firms built fine aircraft, too. There was Fair- fighter plane.
child of Farmingdale, Long Island, Bellanca of New Cas¬ All these models made aviation history. A list of Lock¬
tle, Delaware, and Travel Air of Wichita, Kansas—all heed records and "firsts" runs to hundreds of entries, and
pioneers in rhe building and sale of passenger mono¬ includes dozens of speed records, unprecedented round-
planes. Their products, with broad braced wings and the-world and intercontinental flights, plus pioneer cross¬
boxy fuselages, were a common sight at any sizable ings of both rhe Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Men and
airport. Another popular job was the Ryan Brougham, women recognized as the finest flyers of the era flew
rhe 5-passenger version of Lindbergh's famed Spirit of Sr. Lockheeds over every continent of rhe globe.
Louis. The Vega and its sister ships brought into useful being
From Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey, came rhe Amer¬ rhe present-day concept of streamlined airplane config¬
ican-built Fokker Universals, with their big unsupported uration. Thus barely half a lifetime ago, and in rhe space
cantilever wings. Only rwo companies made all-metal of a few short years, they carried out a true revolution in
planes. The Hamilton company of Milwaukee, better rhe sky.
known for its propellers, built a well-designed mono¬ With their coming, aviation outgrew rhe box kite.


T he srory of rhe fabulous Lockheeds could be said

ro open in 1913, wirh rhe rakeoff of o gawky
biplane rhar gave lirrle promise of rhe srream-
lined performers rhar were larer ro blaze rhrough
her fearure srories were published in rhe San Francisco
Chronicle. Allan, slowed by poor healrh as a child, never
finished grammar school, bur his morher supplied an ed-
ucarion wirh her fine ruroring.
rhe sky. Acrually, rhough, ir began wirh rhe Young Loughead and his older brorher Malcolm en¬
dreams of Allan Haines Loughead, a Californian whose joyed ranch life, bur much preferred Tinkering wirh ma¬
Scors-lrish name, in irs phoneric spelling, became rhe hall¬ chinery. Ar seventeen Malcolm gor a job as a mechanic
mark of some of rhe world's mosr famous aircrafr. in San Francisco, working on Whire sream mororcars.
Red-haired Allan was rhe son of John and Flora Haines Allan also forsook raising grapes and prunes when he
Loughead, and rhe youngesr of his morher's four chil¬ reached seventeen, and wenr up ro rhe big city himself.
dren. Ar rhe rime of his birrh in 1889 rhe family lived in His firsr job was in a hardware srore ar $10 a week, bur
Niles, inland from rhe sourheasr shore of San Francisco he soon rook a cur in pay ro work, like Malcolm, as an
Day. Allan's parenrs separared when he was young, and auromobile mechanic.
his morher rook rhe family ro Alma in rhe Sanra Cruz Meanwhile, Vicror, rhe eldesr of rhe rhree brorhers,
foorhills, where she operated a rhirry-five acre fruir ranch.
College rrained and ralenred, Mrs. Loughead derived Lougheads' second ship: F-1 was world's largest seaplane in 1918,
exrra income from wriring novels and poerry. Some of had 74 foot wingspread and a triple rail.


worked os a consulring engineer in Chicago, where he and landed triumphantly in one piece. Of his firsr solo he
spelled his name Lougheed. He was one of rhe founder said:
members of rhe Society of Automotive Engineers, bur he "It was partly nerve, partly confidence, and partly
was an aerodynamics theorist and writer on rhe side, and damn foolishness, bur I was now an aviator!"
his Vehicles of rhe Air and Airplane Designing for Ama- Allan had barely an hour and a half in rhe ait himself
reurs were widely read, discussed, ond used by would-be when he began working as a "flying instructor." He also
aeronauts—including his brothers. indulged in a brief career as an exhibition flyer, which
Through Victor, Allan Loughead found work in 1910 came to an abrupt end at Hoopesron, Illinois. Piloting a
as an airplane engine mechanic in Chicago and soon water-soaked and underpowered Curtiss, Loughead left
had a chance on the side to make his first flight. Sharing the ground in fine style, bur could nor gain altitude. His
the sear of a homemade airplane erected in a Chicago journey into rhe late-afternoon dusk was suddenly inter¬
barn, Allan was "copilot": he manipulated the aileron rupted by contact with some low-hanging telegraph
wires while rhe ship's builder worked rudder and eleva¬ lines. Like a paper glider, rhe fragile Curtiss came to
tors. It was one of rhe first recorded dual-controlled flights gentle rest in a tangle of wires, hanging with one wing
in aviation history. impaled on rhe cross-arm of a pole. Allan switched off
The thrill lingered with him as he tuned the power rhe engine, which was still popping, and scrambled un¬
plant for rhe plane of his employer, James E. Plew, a hurt from rhe dangling wreckage.
truck distributor who was trying to break into aviation. Experiences on the county-fair circuit taught Loughead
Plew's Curtiss-rype pusher, with a 35-hp engine, was what was good—and bad—about rhe flying machines
made ready for demonstration flights from a nearby race of 1911. Nor trusting his luck too far, and with a wife to
track. Allan yearned to be more than just rhe man who support, he returned to San Francisco to work in a garage
adjusted sparkplugs and carburetor as he watched with until such rime as he might be able to build an airplane
envy while rhe regular hired pilots tried to get rhe ship of his own. The design for a 3-place seaplane was al¬
off the snow-covered ground. When they gave up, Plew ready occupying his mind. It should be a tractor type,
listened to rhe pleas of his ersrwhile mechanic—and with rhe engine ahead, he thought: he was tired of wor¬
gave him a try. Cocky young Loughead coaxed rhe flimsy rying about a heavy motor mounted behind, hanging
pusher into the air, gradually orienting himself to the there in readiness to crush rhe pilot should rhe plane
controls and the shoulder harness that worked the aile¬ come down nose firsr.
rons. Jerkily, he circled around and around rhe track oval The self-taught birdman often discussed aerodynamic
problems with his brother Malcolm, and at length rhe
two mechanics joined forces to build their own plane. A
hydroplane was rhe logical choice because of rhe unlim¬
ited facilities in and around rhe Day area, and San Fran¬
cisco's longtime interest in boating. Cannily rhe
Lougheads termed their brain child rhe Model G to give
rhe impression that this was their seventh, rather than
firsr, foray into aircraft manufacture.
The brothers kept their jobs and worked every other
waking moment on their airplane. To help them, Max
Mam lock of rhe Alco Cab Company invested $4,000 in
their enterprise. The Lougheads contributed their rime,
tools, and design skill, together with a great deal of
elbow grease. For a year and a half, a small former
garage at the corner of Pacific Avenue and Polk Street
was rhe scene of ever-increasing activity as rhe new air¬
plane rook shape.
Model G, rhe first Loughead-built airplane, was a siz¬
able ship. A biplane, its upper wingspread was 46 feet
and its triangular fuselage was 30 feet long. It was
equipped with mid-wing ailerons, and, in rhe manner of
French design, rhe entire rail swung on a universal joint.
The main center float was an affair like a sled, and out¬
rigger pontoons kept rhe wing rips from dipping into rhe
Allan and Malcolm's firsr design: lanky Model 6 is airborne June water. When its Kirkham 6-cylinder engine burst its crank¬
1913 over San Francisco Day. case after fifteen minutes of operation, rhe designers
Model G on land ro show off features making it one of the earliest ranging further afield, rried ro sell rhe Chinese a Curtiss
successful tractor-type seaplanes. Note rare horseshoe Kirkham ra¬ pusher, only to hove rhe plane confiscated as contraband
diator ro cool 80-hp Curtiss V-8 power plant, open-air passenger
by rhe British ar rhe outbreak of World War I.
Borh brothers would occasionally knock off work and
go up in rhe Mother Lode country ro prospecr for gold,
subsrirured on 80-hp worer-cooled Curtiss V-8 power bur never returned wirh more rhan a nugger or two. The
plonr, wirh rhe Kirkham's horseshoe-shaped radiaror re¬ Model G, gathering dust in storage, bothered them. Then
rained. The Model G had only one insrrument: an old came rhe opening of San Francisco's Panama-Pacific Ex¬
rachomerer taken from a motor boar. position in 1915 and an opportunity to use rhe ship.
On rhe afternoon of June 15, 1910, Allan and Malcolm Backed by fresh capital, rhe Lougheads boughr conrrol
eased rheir creation inro rhe waters of rhe Golden Gare of rheir plane and picked up rhe flying concession ar rhe
from rhe beach ar rhe foor of Laguna Street, jusr west of Pan-Pacific. During fifty flying days ar rhe fair, they safely
rhe Army's transport dock ar Forr Mason. Allan climbed carried more rhan 600 passengers and made themselves
in, starred rhe engine and, swinging inro rhe wind, got $4,000. Allan and Malcolm decided ro move ro Sanra
rhe G on srep. Soon rhe slap of rhe waves below ceased Barbara afrer rhe exposition closed. Since rhe gas rank of
and rhe plane was airborne. The ship was very sensitive rhe Model G held only eighr gallons, rhe boys couldn't
ro handle, bur a short hop was enough ro show rhar arrempr ro fly rhe ship rhe 300-odd miles south, so rhe
monrhs of work had produced success. Allan, highly plane had ro go by flatcar.
pleased, returned ro rhe beach and rook Malcolm Early 1916 found them serried in southern California
aboard. This rime rhe "hydro-aeroplane'' made a 10-mile and launching a new project: rhe Loughead (pro¬
flight, cruising around rhe island of Alcatraz, soaring in nounced "Lock-heed") Aircrafr Manufacturing Company.
grand style some 300 feer above fascinated spectators For rhe third rime, rhe energy and obvious ability of Allan
on Marker Srreer. and Malcolm arrracred financial backing. Ir came in rhis
The Lougheads' Model G was one of rhe first successful instance from Burron R. Rodman, a Sanra Barbara
rractor-rype seaplanes ever built. It was highly unusual for machine-shop owner. Anrhony Sradlman, a friend from
this render age of flight in rhar ir could carry more rhan Allan's exhibition flying days in Chicago, was made fac-
one person. rory superintendent. Operations began wirh a handful of
The G was well proved, bur a minor landing mishap workers in rhe rear of a Stare Srreer garage, jusr a block
and general financial conditions pur rhe plane in storage from rhe Sanra Barbara warerfronr.
for rwo years. Allan wenr back ro his old trade of keeping The new company proposed ro build a 10-passenger
San Francisco's motorcars in running condition. Malcolm, flying boar, an unprecedented design which called for

slow and painstaking workmanship. During rhe summer

Top company personnel with Curtiss H52L-rype seaplane built for
o twenry-year-old archirecrural draftsman and parr-rime rhe Navy: Malcolm Loughead in gun turret behind (lefr ro righr)
auro mechanic became aware of whar was going on in Norman 5. Hall, Anthony Sradlman, Burton R. Rodman, Allan Loug¬
rhe garage. John K. Norrhrop, son of a local conrracror, head, and John K. Norrhrop.
was inrensely inreresred in rhings aeronaurical. Neverrhe-
less, ir is said rhar he walked pasr rhe facrory again and
again wirh studied casualness, before making up his
mind ro go boldly in and ask for a job.
The Lougheads pur rhe shy rowhead ro work on rhe
hull of rhe new flying boar, already called rhe F-1 model.
Dy concentrated personal study, Norrhrop had mastered
stress analysis. And, despite being younger rhan any of
rhe shopworkers, he ser ro work successfully ro design
and stress rhe wings of whar was ar rhe rime rhe world's
largest seaplane.
Ir was a real monsrer. The F-1 's upper wing stretched
ro a length of 74 feer, rhe lower ro 47 feer; on booms ro
rhe rear was a triple rail. And rhe ship was powered by
rwo 160-hp Hall-Scorr warer-cooled engines.
Construction of rhe big flying boar proceeded slowly.
Allan and Malcolm flew rhe Model G on passenger and
charter business to help pay rheir renr. One 60-mile flight
gave rhe plane rhe distinction of being rhe firsr ro hop
rhe Sanra Barbara Channel off rhe California coast.
Then rhe United Srares entered World War I, and ir was
hoped ro sell rhe new F-1 ro rhe Navy, bur rhe flying boar
was nor completed until March 1918. Wirh hasre ro have
rhe big plane evaluated by rhe government, Allan and base was made in 181 minures, and ser a new nonsrop
Malcolm, pioneer flyer Carl Chrisrofferson, and a news¬ over-water mark.
paperman, ser our ro fly from Sanra Barbara ro San Naval authorities kept rhe F-1 in San Diego for several
Diego. The 211-mile journey ro rhe Navy's Norrh Island months. The Lougheads meanwhile got an order for rwo
more seaplanes, ro be builr ro rhe srandard specifications
of a Curtiss HS2L. In rhe interests of national defense, rhe
Riders overflow F-1 for cameraman in rhe heydey of $5 joy hops,
bur acrual capacity was 10 including pilots. company invested some $5,000 ro better rhe basic
design, bur unfortunately was never reimbursed. The bril¬
liant facrory superintendent, Tony Sradlman, experi¬
mented wirh bulletproof fuel ranks for rhe flying boars,
and young Jack Northrop was released from military ser¬
vice to work on them. Wartime employees rose ro a top
of eighty-five. Though completed too lore ro see any
acrual patrol service during rhe war, rhe pair of Loug-
head-builr HS2Ls were duly accepted by rhe Navy.
When Allan and Malcolm gor rhe F-1 back from Uncle
Sam, they decided ro convert her into a landplane: rhe
F-1 A. The flying-boar hull was replaced wirh a special
reardrop nacelle, below which hung a rricycle landing
gear. The fittings for rhe wire wing bracings were molded
in streamlined shapes with rhe idea of reducing wind
resistance. Test shapes were hung in a wide glass rube.
A workman wirh a good ten-cenr stogie was derailed to
puff smoke happily into rhe rube. Intense and alert, Jack
Norrhrop would sir and watch rhe cigar smoke flow
around rhe varied Shapes he had designed, making
drawings and nores. In rhe end rhis crude wind-runnel
Converted to wheels os the F-1A, the big ship is ready for 1918
coasr-ro-coQsr flight

work resulted in the addition of 10 miles an hour to the

speed of the F-1A.
In 1918 the Lougheod brothers decided on on effort
to focus public attention on their big plane: they dis¬
patched the ship on o transcontinental demonstration
flight. With O. 5. T. (Swede) Meyerhoffer and A. f\ (Dob)
Ferneau os pilots, and L. G. Flint as mechanic, the heavy
biplane got away from Santo Barbara just a few days
after the Armistice. Fighting terrific winds and storms, the
F-1A covered 415 miles in 6 hours and 10 minutes, made
a forced landing on the desert at Tacna, Arizona, and
then went on to Gila Dend to gas up. During the next
takeoff a mesquire bush fouled a propeller and the big
plane went up on her nose in a dry creekbed. Swede,
Dob, and Flint escaped injury, bur the damaged F-1 A
never got to the East Coast.
The faithful Model G, having often kept the little com¬
pany solvent, was at last retired in 1918. With scant sen¬
timent, the engine was sold and the framework of the
Lougheads' first airplane was junked for scrap. The F-1,
again fitted as a flying boat, rook her place in the duties
of raking passengers for rides from the beach at Santa
Barbara. Journey's end in Arizona: pilots and mechanic walls away bur
The 1919 season for tourists was a brisk one, with plane is sent home to Santa Barbara for rebuild—and change
flights at $5 a hop. Another source of income was the bach to floor-equipped F-1.

morion picture business. Mounted in the front cockpit, far

out ahead, a rotating movie camera could record all
manner of histrionics going on in rhe rest of the plane
while in flight. One novel charter involved a wedding
performed aloft—during which rhe best man became
violently airsick.
By and large, rhe F-1 was an excellent ship, flying slow
and steady, lazily droning back and forth above the Cal¬
ifornia coast. In October 1919 rhe U S. government char¬
tered her for rhe use of King Albert and Queen Elizabeth
of rhe Belgians while on their visit to southern California.
Allan Loughead rook Their Majesties on a long flight to
Santa Cruz Island and back, during which the King flew
the plane himself. The King was so impressed with rhe
F-1 and her builders that he awarded Allan and Malcolm
the Belgian Order of rhe Golden Crown.
Like rhe little Model G, rhe giant flying boat survived
years in rhe air with only minor mishaps, and no injuries
JP . :hM to passengers or crews in hundreds of hours of flying
Malcolm (lefr) and Allan Loughead man rhe dual controls of rheir time. After barnstormers dropped the prices for passenger
reconverted flying boat hops to as low as a dollar, rhe Lougheads sold rhe flying
boar to a syndicate that intended to start an air service
Ad in 1919 uses views of four planes to plug versatility and hint at
a buzzing assembly line.


Publicity debut for rhe 5-1 at San Francisco's Civic
SUCCESS Center, with film starlet Mary MacLaren.
Builders of Commercial Aircraft

H-S 2 L. ol H’S. 2.L 5**pUn»

Tfy, u-.lf V.J N-..,
»uil» t..V4l*»v r

■Sport Biplane-Model 5-1

Contractors to U.S.Nav,y

Incorporated under Lavis of California


n'otp'M *••>«< i»«(ir

lX)UGHEADWoS5?SSSr) » «»pA//W»Jpr 44M’y«) ik*v<

SantaBarbara,Califor ni a *>» Liv 'a S*- tv.fjc


ro rhe omusemenr centers on Carolina Island. The ven¬

ture failed ro get airborne, however, and rhe F-1 lay sadly PROCESS OF MANUFACTURING CURVED FORMS OF PLYWOOD OR FIBROUS COMPOSITIONS.
abandoned on rhe beach ar Sanra Barbara until idle APPUCAIION FILED AUG. 12, 1919,

vandalism reduced her ro kindling. ,

1 425 113 , . Patented Aug. 8, 1922.

Readying for posrwar aeronaurical expansion, rhe

Loughead Aircraft Manufacturing Company sank
$29,800 in whar they hoped would prove ro be rhe long-
soughr "poor man's airplane," a flying machine rhar
would rake rhe place of rhe automobile in every back¬
yard garage. The company was nor rhe first, and certainly
nor rhe lasr, who rhoughr its brain child would be rhe
answer ro this will-o'-rhe-wisp envisioned by all aircrafr
The Loughead bid was rhe 5-1, a true revolurion in
aircrafr design ro which scant arrenrion was paid when ir
was first introduced. Ir was only a tiny, single-engine crafr
—srricrly a sport job for rhe individual flyer—yer irs con¬
struction and design were far in advance of irs rime and
offered a preview of things ro come.
The S-1 was pur together in a way rhar made ir unique.
The fuselage was builr wirh rhe monocoque—from rhe
French, meaning "single shell"—construction in which

Original parenr issued ro Malcolm Loughead for rhe making of

plywood fuselages in curved forms.

First successful molded shell, fined ro frame for 5-1 's fuselage.
Unique monocoque process devised for rhe midget biplane was
later used in construction of historic single-engine Lockheeds (see
also Appendix).

rhe srrengrh of rhe whole comes from rhe outside skin posed engine called rhe XL-1. It was mounted on rhe
rorher rhon from internal bracing. Around a framework nose of rhe cigar-shaped biplane and offered next to no
of concentric hoops, sections of plywood covering were wind resistance.
attached to give rhe fuselage rhe near, smooth appear¬ When it came to wings, Jack Northrop had a method
ance of a tapered tube. for research as unusual as his cigar-smoke wind runnel.
The idea of a wooden monocoque fuselage was nor He and his men collected barrels of dead fish, dumped
new, bur the process developed to build rhe S-1 was, and them in a vacant lor near rhe waterfront; and there,
in addition was both effective and valuable. Before 1919 oblivious to rhe stench, studied rhe braking action of rhe
rhe occasional assembly of this type of plane required seagulls that came swooping down to feed. From Norrh-
rhe laborious application and gluing of each strip of ply¬ rop's sketches came a lower wing for rhe 5-1, which
wood over rhe rounded outline form. could be turned vertically to act as an air brake—a fore¬
It was during their preoccupation with seaplanes that runner of today's widely used landing flaps. And, in order
Malcolm and Allan Loughead, Jack Northrop, and Tony to accommodate rhe midget biplane in a garage, as
Sradlman thought our and patented a unique method promised, rhe wings could be readily folded back along
of making fuselage shells. They used a concrete mold of the tapered fuselage.
rhe 21 -foot length desired for rhe 5-1. In this were placed The 5-1 was rest-flown at Redwood City, California, by
three thicknesses of spruce plywood strips, alternately laid a young flying instructor, Gilbert G. Budwig. The ship
and well swabbed with casein glue, and the whole set proved every bit as good as she looked. Budwig reported
in position by clamping a cover on rhe mold and inflating a 75-mph top speed, and fine handling in rhe air. The
the rubber bag within it. Kept under pressure for twenty- whole ship weighed only 790 pounds, and landed so
four hours, rhe half-shells thus produced could be joined slowly that rhe air-brake wing was seldom if ever em¬
to make beautiful streamlined fuselages, with no outside ployed.
cables and pulleys necessary. Loughead Aircraft embarked on an extensive advertis¬
To power the little dream ship, Allan Loughead and ing campaign for rhe plane. Since rhe 5-1 was only 21
Sradlman designed a 2-cylinder, 25-hp, water-cooled op- feet long, it could be transported and exhibited practi¬
cally anywhere. The plane that was "small, reliable, and
economical" and "within the reach of every automobile
Loughead-Sradlman engine delivered 25 hp, top 75 mph.
owner" went to shows and public gatherings all over
And nobody bought one.
The reason for its lack of sales was simply poor riming.
At another dare and place a single-cockpit sport biplane
with rhe unique features of rhe 5-1 might have sold very
well. But in 1919 rhe market for such a ship was nonex¬
istent. Hundreds of war-surplus Curtiss JN-4s and De Havil-
land trainers were available, brand new, for as little as
$050, and the Liberty engines to power them could be
had for peanuts. Those who wished to continue their
wartime piloting, or sample rhe joys of rhe air for rhe first
rime, went our and bought a new Jenny or DH, still in its
Thus, despite its revolutionary design, imaginative con¬
struction, and great potential, rhe S-1 Sport Biplane was
a glorious flop. Unable to find a commercial market, rhe
Loughead Aircraft Manufacturing Company suspended
operations in 1921 and its assets were liquidated.
For nine years rhe ingenuity and energies of the Loug¬
head brothers—and for five, those of Jack Northrop and
Tony Sradlman—had been expended on just three air¬
planes of original design and two built to government
specifications. With a closed factory and no prospects, rhe
chances that the four designer-manufacturers would ever
build another airplane appeared exceedingly slim. Yet
their efforts so far were jusf a start on what was to come.

Sleek and sporty', litrie 5-1 had foldable wings.



M frer rhe Loughead Aircraft Manufacturing Com- to rhe auto world on rhe first Chrysler motorcar, brought
/» pany of Santa Barbara closed its garage doors, our in 1924. More contracts brought public acceptance
f ■ rhe men involved went their separate ways. and soon Malcolm's brakes were a complete financial
Malcolm Loughead had already done spec- success.
JL m racularly well, developing rhe hydraulic four- Allan Loughead became associated with rhe Califor¬
wheel brakes he'd installed on an old Paige roadster nia distributor of rhe new brakes. In addition, he was
back in 1916. He moved to Detroit to be near rhe auto¬ kept busy selling real estate in rhe burgeoning area
mobile manufacturers and set up a firm to produce rhe around Los Angeles.
brakes he'd patented. Tired of being called "Log-head,'' Jock Northrop went to work for Douglas Aircraft in
Malcolm used rhe phonetic spelling of his name for rhe Santa Monica, where he did design work on several
first time: his new business was the Lockheed Hydraulic models, including rhe Cruisers which rhe U.S. Army flew
Brake company. around the world in 1924.
It rook patience and persistence to sell rhe auto com¬
panies on hydraulic brakes—"Suppose rhe fluid all leaks
Open for business: officers of rhe new Lockheed Aircraft Co., are
away?"—but the great advance was accomplished (left to righr) general manager Allan Loughead, president Fred £
when Walter P. Chrysler introduced Loughead's invention Keeler, vice president Den Hunter.


The clean lines and unique construction of rhe ill-rimed gether a stock prospectus and went ro see one of Jay's
lirrle S-1 continued ro fill rhe minds and imagination of associates, Fred E. Keeler.
both Northrop and Loughead. Occasionally they met and Keeler's line was brick, tile, and china; he knew little
talked about getting together ro produce a new plane. of airplanes. And for this proposed investment there was
This time, they reasoned, it would be made bigger nor no finished sample which experts might examine and
just a lirrle personal sport craft, bur a cabin ship, with report on as to sales potential. Keeler could only judge
ample room provided by rhe lack of interior bracing. rhe caliber and enthusiastic determination of rhe men
Northrop roughed our some tentative drawings for a who brought him rhe prospects of an unborn company
pilor-and-4-passenger airplane. His concept was ro make which hoped to build a wonderful new rype of airplane.
it exceptionally clean in appearance, commodious, and Fred Keeler leafed through rhe papers carefully and
faster than anything available. It would be a ship with made up his mind. Then and there he offered ro pur up
racing characteristics for rhe commercial field. rhe entire $25,000 necessary to found a company and
Loughead, as a pilot, contributed his practical experi¬ build a prototype. One thing rhar helped him decide was
ence and mechanical knowledge. Northrop, rhe vision¬ rhe known success of Malcolm's hydraulic brakes, in
ary nonflying designer, felt that here was an opportunity which he already had a well-paying investment. As a
for producing rhe aerodynamic dream of rhe decade. businessman, Keeler felt that rhe name Lockheed had
There was no question that rhe unusual monocoque already been widely advertised and accepted by rhe
fuselage would be rhe base of the design. Built 6V2 feet public. An airplane with such a name would be off to a
longer than rhe S-1, it would make rhe ideal shape for good start.
mounting a radial Wright Whirlwind engine. This power Using $22,500 from Keeler and $2,500 from Allan
plant, the best on rhe marker and already in general use, Loughead, a Nevada corporation called rhe Lockheed
got 200 horsepower from its 9 cylinders. Aircraft Company was formed in December 1926. In re¬
Though Allan was afraid nobody would want ro fly in turn for his investment and controlling interest, Fred Kee¬
a machine that did nor incorporate visible means of ex¬ ler became president. Allan was vice president and
ternal support, Jack Norrhrop's studies led him to hold our general manager and Ken Jay was secretary-treasurer of
for the thick, internally braced, full cantilever wing al¬ rhe new firm. To keep his fingers on the purse strings,
ready pioneered and used successfully by Anthony H. G. Keeler made his lawyer, Ben Hunter, executive vice pres¬
Fokker. The Flying Dutchman was already famed for his ident of Lockheed; his assistant, G. Ray Boggs, also had a
design of German combat aircraft before coming to rhe hand in rhe management.
United States in 1922 to establish his own airplane fac¬ Operations began in a small rented building near rhe
tory. Northrop knew that, with care, he could adapt a corner of Sycamore and Romaine streets in Hollywood.
Fokker-type wing, making one weighing scarcely more Allan Loughead, who clung to his real estate work in
than a braced-and-cloth-covered fabrication, yet far order to make ends meet, appeared at the plant about
stronger. four o'clock each afternoon. He kept rabs on progress
Financing for rhe new venture was accomplished in a and offered suggestions—some used and some not—
roundabout manner. Loughead and Northrop first inter¬
ested W. Kenneth Jay, an ex-Army Air Corps instructor
from Iowa, who now made a living as an accountant in
Los Angeles. Convinced that rhe proposed airplane First Vega came our of this little Hollywood plant near corner of
would have a commercial market, rhe three put to¬ Sycamore and Romaine streets.


first Vego even before it was finished. He bumped into

an old World War flying pupil, ex-Lieutenant John W.
Frost of San Francisco. A debonair bachelor, Frost had
been making a living in New York as a stockbroker and
bond salesman. Now he was anxious to get back into
Through a brother, Jack Frost had connections wirh rhe
San Francisco Examiner. Wirh an important event like rhe
much-ballyhooed Dole Race coming up right in its back
yard, it was unthinkable that the Hearst chain's original
newspaper should not be raking an active part. The Frost
brothers suggested that rhe Examiner buy the new Lock¬
heed airplane as its own entry, with Jack to fly it.
Publisher George Hearst, Jr., an aviation enthusiast
himself, was sold, bur he drove a hard bargain: he got
rhe Vega as an entry in the "pineapple derby" for only
$12,000. Loughead, Jay and their associates knew rhe
sale price represented a loss, bur considered the prestige
Sandbags rest the 41 -foot wing, whose long spars and reinforced of selling to Hearst and rhe entry of their plane in rhe
ribs are covered with sheers of plywood veneer. race to be well worth it.
All the officers and nearly everyone from rhe twelve-
on speeding rhe project along. Wirh Jock Norrhrop as full- man factory turned our for rhe first trial flight of rhe Lock¬
time (and only) engineer, Tony Sradlman bock os factory heed Vego. Following an American tradition, they chose
superintendent, and a dozen carpenters and helpers, it their holiday, July Fourth, a Tuesday, for rhe auspicious
was like the old days in Santa Barbara. The little factory's occasion. Wirh rhe wingless plane rowed rail first behind
sheet-metal walls began to reverberate wirh rhe buzz of a truck, they trekked cross-town to a large hayfield near
saws, rhe rapping of tack hammers, the slap of casein Inglewood. Here, in what later became rhe southwest
glue on plywood. Nearly $17,500 went into the first corner of rhe Los Angeles International Airport, rhe Vega
Vega, including tools and equipment for rhe tiny factory. was assembled.
Slowly rhe beautiful streamlined wooden airplane Edward Antoine Bellande was chosen to fly rhe plane
took shape. Jack Norrhrop did all rhe engineering, de¬
signing, drafting, and stress analysis involved. It was he
who suggested "Vega" as rhe name for this first model. Aviarion's new star prototype Vega is 27 feer 6 inches long, 8 feer
In addition to being short and easy to remember, there 4 V2 inches high, wirh 200-hp Wright Whirlwind engine for 135 mph
rop speed. Handcrafted ship is all wood except for engine mount,
was a feeling of astronomical speed and distance in
rail cone, wire wheels, and fittings.
using rhe name of one of the brightest stars in rhe fir¬
While construction of rhe inanimate but lovely new
Hollywood "star" proceeded, rhe flight that would make
history and trigger rhe wholesale advancement of avia¬
tion rook place. Charles A. Lindbergh landed in Paris,
nonstop and alone from New York, on May 21, 1927.
The aviation boom was on. Only four days later James
D. Dole, Boston-born head of rhe Hawaiian Pineapple
Company, offered a $25,000 prize to rhe first flyer to cross
from rhe North American continent to Honolulu. To be
sure, there were already similar prizes on the boards for
the first Dallas-Hong Kong and Paris-Cleveland flights.
What gave Jim Dole's offer real momentum was a sec¬
ond prize of $10,000, and a starting dare of August 12.
Starving barnstormers and manufacturers, hungry equally
for money and publicity, pricked up their ears at the
news. This meant a race to Hawaii.
Lockheed's secretary, Ken Jay, found a buyer for rhe
Vega arrives or OaIsland, where (lefr ro rig hr) race pilot Jack Frost off precisely or 4 p.m. She was faster than anything he'd
takes over from Eddie Dellande, Jack Northrop, Allan Loughead,
ever flown and Dellande marveled ar rhe way rhe plane
and Ken Joy. As the Golden Eagle with 2788 registration, plane
sets intercity records.
responded to rhe slightest rouch of stick and rudder. He
was up for an hour, an unusually long firsr hop, lazily
climbing, banking and swinging back over rhe heads of
on irs crucial firsr flighr. An ex-Navy flighr insrrucror from rhe anxious warchers again and again. Finally he
rhe Gulf coasr of Mississippi, lirrle Eddie Dellande was a touched her down, raxied up ro rhe waiting men and
barnsrormer, skywriter, and crop dusrer, and had been cur rhe switch. Pushing back his goggles wirh a flourish,
resting new airplanes off and on since 1915. Eddie climbed our.
Eddie ran up rhe 200-hp Wright J5C, tried rhe controls, "Doys, she's a dandy!" he said. "A real joy ro fly!"
and sent dust plumes eddying across rhe sun-drenched On a second hop, it was firring rhar Jack Northrop, who
grass. Waiting our rhe hear of rhe day, he lifted rhe Vega had conceived rhe airplane and had been in consranr
arrendance as ir rook shape, should be irs firsr passenger.
His agile mind was already awhirl wirh minor improve¬
Jack Northrop earns honor of fitting crank ro start the engine for
ments for Vegas ro be produced in quantity, as well as
Vega's maiden flighr July 4, 1927. Wing was removed for rail-first
haul across town ro this hayfield, today parr of Los Angeles Inter¬ entirely new low-wing and seaplane configurations.
national Airport Less rhan six weeks remained before rhe Dole Dace


ccwwx / jl,'f£z?yr~'L

y ift
C_ I *'fLOnnflu I 100 CWS- L jSU^-r
I BAGS I • c^«^//is==s|Sga»|

Heorsr published rhis curoway ro show his racer's exrro emergency gator would be necessary for rhe flighr because an error
equlpmenr for rhe long over-warer flighr. of as lirrle as wo degrees might cause rhe plane ro miss
rhe Hawaiian Islands entirely. To navigate for Frosr, rhe
starring dare. Eddie Bellande flew rhe Vega up ro Oak¬ paper hired wenry-four-year-old Gordon Scorr, from
land, and Jack Frosr rook delivery. Painred a bright or¬ Sanra Monica, California. A friend of Jack Norrhrop's,
ange with red trim and rhe first "srar" trademark, rhe Sourh African-born Scorr had been employed as an en¬
Lockheed was well christened Golden Eagle by rhe gineer ar Douglas Aircraft, and rhe year before had nav¬
Hearsr organization. In rests rhe new ship quickly proved igated a racing yachr from California ro Honolulu.
itself rhe nation's swifresr commercial airplane. Frosr flew Frosr rook rhe Golden Eagle through speed runs and
ir between Los Angeles and Oakland in as lirrle as 0 instrument checks ar Oakland, while Scorry prepared his
hours and 5 minures, and on subsequent rrips established charts and passed his navigarion resrs before a Narional
new records for various passenger and cargo payloads. Aeronauric Associarion commirree rhar had been given
This firsr of rhe Lockheed series differed from larer- rhe task of supervising rhe race. To help Scorr rake sights,
model Vegas in rhar ir had an open cockpit foward, and a special navigarion harch was cur in rhe Vega's fuselage
a triangular vertical fin. Also, because George Hearsr in¬ jusr behind rhe trailing edge of rhe wing, complere wirh
sisted on every known safety precaution for rhe Oakland- a folding windshield.
Honolulu journey, many modifications were made for Though rhe Hearsr entry was ready ro go on rhe origi¬
rhe Golden Eagle ar rhe lirrle Lockheed factory in Holly¬ nal race dare, Jack Frosr, in a gesrure of pure sportsman¬
wood. The wheels and srrurs were made dropable ro ship, originared a "pilot's agreement'' ro postpone rhe
ease a possible forced landing ar sea. Large flotation evenr for four days. This would allow rime for orher flyers
bags were installed in rhe wing rips, beneath rhe pilot's and a lasr-minure arrival ro srill qualify for rhe 2,439-mile
sear, and in rhe enrire rear of rhe rubular fuselage. These over-warer flighr. Everyone agreed rhar rhe ex-broker was
were all connected ro a carbon dioxide borrle and, by a a real square shoorer. A familiar figure in his bow rie and
special Norrhrop-designed nozzle, could be inflated in checkered whire plus fours, Frosr and young curly-haired
less rhan sixty seconds. If rhe gasoline was dumped and Scorr kept busy attending ro rhe final derails on rheir
rhe empty ranks added ro rhe flotation system, ir would plane. Ar rhe lasr moment rhey decided ro chuck a
be possible ro support over 8,500 pounds—nearly wo heavy radio rransmirrer and rake only rhe receiving set.
rons more rhan rhe fully loaded weighr of rhe airplane. Finally, on August 16, 1927, there were eight airplanes
In addirion, rhe base of rhe fuselage was packed and on rhe dusty, unfinished Oakland Airport, as ready as
padded wirh cork, and special rubber snips were pre¬ rhey ever would be ro start rhe derby. Hell benr for Ha¬
pared ro seal every door and window crack. In rhe event waii were wo Travel Airs, wo Dreese monoplanes, a
of a dirchmg, ir was believed rhar rhe downed plane Swallow, a Duhl sesquiplane, a scrarch-builr Goddard,
could sray afloar for ar leasr rhirTy days. and rhe Lockheed. Their pilots included Arrhur Goebel,
These prepararions appeared more rhan adequate, Bennerr Griffin, and Martin Jensen, all ro become fa¬
bur a rubber life rafr was also provided, provisioned wirh mous. Some had navigators along; and rhere was a lone
food and warer, and equipped wirh paddles and a girl passenger, arrracrive wenry-wo-year-old Mildred
24-foor square of silk sail. A removable compass could Doran of Coro, Michigan. One Dreese and rhe Goddard
be installed in rhe rafr, and there was a variety of rockers, crocked up on takeoff. Bennie Griffin soon broughr his
Very flares, and smoke bombs for arrracring arrenrion. Travel Air back wirh a hor engine, os did Bill Ewin wirh
Ir was believed rhar rhe services of a comperenr navi¬ his Swallow.

rines, Coast Guard vessels, and rhe rwenry-eight scouring

planes of rhe carrier Langley. Their reports were all
equally laconic: "No word. No sign."
In Honolulu, Jim Dole, distraught by rhe tragedy his
well-meant offer had brought, offered $10,000 each for
news of either missing airplane. In San Francisco, George
Hearsr, Jr., put up another $10,000 for word of rhe
Golden Eagle. Doth Denham Scott, brother of the missing
Gordon, and Ken Jay of Lockheed, Frost's friend, went
our on the Langley. For days they watched as her planes
combed the empty waters of the Pacific.
It was a long, quiet drive back ro Los Angeles for Allan
Loughead, Jack Northrop, and Gordon Scott's sister,
Sheila. There was very little conjecturing, though each
was wondering what could have happened, for they all
had rhe greatest confidence in rhe Vega and her crew.
Pilor Jack Frost and navigator Gordon Scott just before takeoff for
Hawaii on August 16, 1927. What did happen?
The dangers of long overwarer flights were only slightly
known in 1927. There were always darkness, storms, and
Of rhe four planes rhar actually lefr for Hawaii, only winds to contend with. Blind flying, our of visual contact
rwo would come wearily in ro Wheeler Field north of with sky or sea, could cause even the best of pilots ro
Honolulu more than 24 hours later. misbelieve his instruments, and pur his plane into the
Frost and Scott's brightly painted Vega was rhe second tight inadvertent downward maneuver so aptly called
plane ro leave the field. The Golden Eagle, its ranks rhe "graveyard spiral."
topped with 360 gallons of gasoline, lifted easily from The 110-mile cruising speed of the Vega with extra
rhe sandy runway, and at rhe boundary markers was 200 tailwinds as rhe goal was neared could have taken Frost
feet up. Climbing steadily, she swung our above rhe Day and Scott far beyond rhe Hawaiian Island group, where
toward rhe city beyond. Frost waggled his wings in fare¬ their gasoline supply would have been exhausted. There
well ro rhe cluster of people waving from rhe roof of the was always rhe possibility of carburetor ice-up, even in
Examiner building in downtown San Francisco. Then the rhe relatively warm air of rhe Pacific. The Golden Eagle's
plane was an orange speck above the Golden Gate, radio should have been able to home in on rhe trans¬
heading our toward rhe Farallons and rhe vast reaches mitter on Maui, bur both it and rhe earth inductor com¬
of rhe Pacific Ocean. pass protruding above rhe fuselage were far from
The Golden Eagle was never seen again. foolproof. And there could have been errors in naviga¬
The ill-starred race was won by Arthur Goebel and tion, failure somewhere in rhe usually dependable Whirl¬
William Davis, Jr., flying rhe Travel Air monoplane Woo- wind engine, or an unknown weakness in the still new
laroc. Martin Jensen and Paul Schluter, who flew and Vega. There were many, many opinions and theories,
navigated rhe only other plane to complete rhe hazard¬ one about as valid as another.
ous trip, found it hard to believe rhar rhe Golden Eagle, No indication of rhe fare of Miss Doran was ever found,
with its superior speed, had nor arrived long before their bur tantalizing clues concerning rhe Golden Eagle turned
gaudy Dreese monoplane Aloha. The red-whire-and-blue up, enough ro warrant further intensive investigation by
Duhl two-winger piloted by Augy Pedlar and carrying relatives of Frost and Scott. Weeks later rhe radioless fish¬
Mildred Doran was known to be notoriously overloaded ing schooner William H. Smith reported seeing "a piece
and underpowered. Race officials, though saddened, of driftwood painted bright yellow" floating in mid-
were nor surprised when rhe ship did nor turn up in Pacific. Because rhe Smith's captain had known nothing
Hawaii. But where were Jack Frost and Gordon Scott in of rhe Dole Race, he let whatever it was he saw go
their well-equipped Lockheed Vega, considered by uninvestigared.
many to be the pace-setter? Assuming that rhe Golden Eagle had gone into the
As rhe hours passed, it was evident ro all rhar rhe sea, why didn't she float? Particular pains had been
Golden Eagle and rhe Miss Doran must be down. The taken ro keep her and her crew riding rhe waves. Even
Acting Secretary of rhe Navy, E. W. Eberle, authorized with a killing crash, wouldn't there have been floating
what was to be rhe greatest air-sea search in history up debris from a wooden, cork-lined airplane? Perhaps
ro rhar rime: 540,000 square miles—from rhe Farallons there was, but by rhe rime it had bobbed and been
in sight of rhe California coast ro points 50-miles south of battered about in rhe ocean, or eventually come ashore,
Diamond Head—were covered by destroyers, subma¬ it might have been too small, and unrecognizable.

Rumors Trickled in ro Honolulu from various islands, of what they had seen by an elaborate set of rests of
reporting rhe hearing of an airplane engine, rhe sighting various lights, rockers, and flares sent up by a party lo¬
of "a yellow monoplane"—even reading rhe Golden cated on the mountain. The searchers next endeavored
Eagle's license number, NX 910, on the wing. These were to comb the area that seemed a common focal point of
at first discounted because of the similar color and regis¬ origin far up the volcano. Among almost impassable
tration (NX 914) of Jensen's successful Aloha. rocks they found dried beds of sirupy black basalt, inter¬
Harder to refute were rhe claims by seventeen wit¬ spersed by steaming cones and fissures in a landscape
nesses from different places along rhe coast of rhe main that might have been imagined by Dante. The molten
island of Hawaii. They all reported sighting red and green lava from an eruption in 1926 was still cooling far below.
Very flares on rhe slopes of 13,680-foor Mauna Loa, on A man walking on rhe thin shell could easily break
both rhe nights of August 18th and 21 sr. Captain E. R. through and rumble unseen into rhe suffocating fumes
Block of rhe Army and stationed at Kilauea, had been so of a sulphur hole. In this ever-changing inferno, rhe
convinced that a plane was down that he and a ser¬ wreckage of a 41 x 28-foot airplane could have promptly
geant had started on foot up the mist-shrouded volcano been obliterated. Denham Scott went home still con¬
immediately after rhe flares were sighted. Unhappily, rhe vinced that along rhe 8,000-foor contour of Mauna Loa
sergeant suffered an attack of acute appendicitis, and lay some hidden evidence of the lost airplane that would
rhe pair were forced to return to rhe post. never come to light.
Denham Scott, with faith in both his brother's navigat¬ Nearly two years after the Dole Race, a last effort was
ing ability and rhe worth of the Vega, went ro Hawaii in initiated by Ezra Frost of New York, brother of rhe missing
1928 and spent five months in further search. He talked pilot. Using eleven Army planes and forty men from Luke
to Marty Jensen, who, long after rhe race, was more than Field, a 10-square-mile area was carefully photographed
ever convinced that the Golden Eagle had reached Ha¬ and a resulting aerial mosaic painstakingly scrutinized. If
waii. Scott also learned that during rhe excitement and rhe lost Pacific flyers and their Golden Eagle ever lay on
pressure of rhe immediate search, an Army plane had rhe slopes of Mauna Loa, by that rime they had doubtless
been sent ro scour rhe big island; however rhe report that been mercifully buried under volcanic ash and rhe cra¬
it had done so was in error. During each day of that ter's lava flow.
period in August, rhe lava-strewn slopes of Mauna Loa
had been entirely obscured by fog rolling in ro meet rhe
steam from its crater.
Doggedly, Scott quizzed the people who had sported Farewell look or rhe first Lockheed: note open cockpit forward,
rhe arching, 30-second flares, and verified rhe accuracy triangular rail, last-minute NX 913 license.


T he sadness and sense of unexplained failure rhar

followed rhe loss of the Golden Eagle lingered
on unril dispelled by new hopes and endeavors.
A quirk of circumstances brought Lockheed an
worth of some of his theories concerning rhe region of
the North Pole. As a scientist he wanted to learn more of
Arctic weather and how it affected rhe rest of the world.
The rumors of a land mass in rhe uncharted Arctic Ocean
order from a determined man who knew what appealed to him as an explorer. And as an aviator he
he wanted and liked what he saw. desired to demonstrate rhe advantage and practicality
In 1927 rhe explorer later known to fame as Sir Hubert of trons-Arctic air transportation—nor just a dash up to
Wilkins had neither his knighthood nor his famous beard. the pole and back, but a flight across rhe top of rhe world
He was simply Captain George H. Wilkins, an energetic from North America to Europe.
and imaginative Australian who, at thirty-eight, had al¬ Sponsored by Detroit businessmen and American
ready spent nearly half his life in travel and scientific newspapers, Wilkins had tackled rhe Arctic with teams of
exploration of the world's remote areas. In fact, the hold men and expensive equipment. He had flown four air¬
of rhe Arctic was so strong on him at this rime rhar he planes from primitive and fogbound Alaskan airfields,
owned only one conventional suit of clothes for his rare
appearances in civilization. Ski-shod Vega on step in a trial hop before the flight across rhe
Wilkins had been trying for two years to establish rhe Arctic's "blind spot” in April 1928.


only ro hove his well-planned expedirions dogged by was being prepared for rhe Dole Race. He drove ro Los
bod wearher, pi lor remeriry, and a series of accidenrs. Angeles and soughr our rhe riny Lockheed facrory near
Since lirrle of a narure ro excire rhe public imaginarion Sycamore and Romaine srreers, derermined ro invesri-
hod been accomplished, by rhe summer of 1927 rhe gare rhis dream plane furrher.
explorer's baching had evaporared, unril his capiral assers Though somewhar dismayed ro find rhar rhe airplane
consisred of one whole Srinson Derroirer biplane and rhe he'd seen was rhe firsr and only one of irs kind, Wilkins
parrs of rwo smashed Fokkers. was much impressed wirh rhe monocoque consrrucrion
Caprain Wilkins's forrunes were ar a low ebb as he sar process, and rhe skill and precision wirh which rhe
ar rhe window of a San Francisco horel, mulling over his wooden ships were being builr. He mer and liked Allan
dubious prospecrs. A pilor himself, he had abour decided Loughead, and pored over blueprinrs, specificarions, and
on a solo rrip in rhe old Srinson, a lasr arrempr ro cross performance figures wirh designer Jack Norrhrop.
rhe unknown ice and fly ar leasr ro Greenland. Then, as The facrory had irs second Vega nearly complere and
he recalled in a Third srarred. Ar hand roo were Norrhrop's plans and
.. across my disranr vision flashed rhe mosr efficienr- mock-ups for rhe revolurionary low-wing, single-floor sea¬
looking monoplane I have ever seen. Ir was a fleering plane larer ro be known as rhe Explorer, and his skerches
glimpse, bur I saw insranrly and ar a disrance irs disrinc- for a parasol-wing job wirh open cockpir rhar would be¬
riveness. Ir had no flying wires; no conrrols exposed— come rhe company's Air Express model. Yer more rhan
norhing bur a flying wing. To one who had been dream¬ ever Wilkins was excired by rhe possibiliries of a Vega for
ing developmenr of airplanes for eighreen years, rhe his rranspolar flighr. His only problem was how ro buy ir.
sighr of rhis machine was rhe marerializarion of a vision. Wilkins's friends and former backers berared him for
Ir gave me rhe rhrill rhar anorher mighr experience if he warning ro use a new and unrried type of airplane. They
saw his ideal woman in rhe flesh." poinred ro rhe disappearance of rhe firsr Vega. Dur he
The "machine" was rhe Golden Eagle. Afrer much was unswayed. He had deep fairh rhar rhis srreamlined
search, rhe Caprain found rhe ship ar Oakland where ir beauty was ro be his ricker ro success.
Then he had a srreak of luck. Two of rhe planes lefr
over from his previous expedirions found unexpecred
Wilkins (lefr), Eielson and Vega No. 3. Rounded fin is rhe first builr buyers. The caprain losr no rime. He placed his order and
on an original, later was used exdusively. deposir for rhe company's rhird Vega, already parrly as-

sembled for use as a dennonsrraror. plowed field due ro a gasoline obstruction, the perfor¬
Insread of acquiring a top-heavy sraff for this new polar mance and load rests proceeded without a hitch. Our at
exploration, Wilkins decided ro be his own business man¬ Mu roc Dry Lake, rhe Whirlwind-powered Vega took off
ager, mechanic, and general facrorum. His only need, with a load in 2,700 feet, and flew at a comfortable 134
then, was ro find rhe righ'r man ro pilot his Vega and so mph.
leave himself free ro navigare, operate a radio, and Wilkins and Eielson were soon ready for their crack at
make scientific observations and recordings. Wilkins had the Arctic, and mid-March found rhe two men with their
an old and trusted friend in mind, rhe Alaskan pioneer new Lockheed at Darrow, on rhe northern tip of Alaska.
flyer, Den Eielson. The temperature was 48° below zero, so the first proce¬
Carl Den Eielson was a lean, gray-eyed Norwegian- dure on landing was immediate draining of rhe oil. The
American from North Dakota who was by now con¬ trim, colorful Vega drew admiring comments from rhe
sidered rhe Arctic's foremost pilot. He'd gone ro Fairbanks handful of residents who trooped our on the frozen la¬
in 1922 ostensibly to teach school, but his real love was goon to greet and help, while the Eskimos fought among
airplanes. Promoting a surplus Jenny, rhe ex-Army aviator themselves for rhe privilege of carrying the flyers' gear.
had been rhe first ro fly in an Alaskan winter, and he had For three weeks Wilkins and Eielson waited for good
also piloted Alaska's initial airmail service. Just about weather and prepared their rations, scientific and survival
everybody in rhe territory liked Den. He was an eligible equipment, radio and airplane. Then, on the first attempt
bachelor who could be gay and companionable on rhe to get off, one of the metal skis broke. The flyers substi¬
ground, bur was steady, reasoning, and self-reliant in rhe tuted the wooden pair and tried again. This rime they
air. And, like Wilkins, Eielson had both rhe vision to fore¬ ran our of runway, careened up rhe bank of rhe Darrow
see Arctic air routes and rhe desire to establish them. Lagoon, and came safely to rest on the snow-covered
When it came ro steadfast purpose, rhe two made a tundra.
great ream. Shifting operations to rhe adjacent and larger Elson
Meanwhile rhe Lockheed woodworkers and mechan¬ Lagoon, Captain Wilkins hired every man and boy who
ics were fitting rhe Vega to Wilkins's special require¬ came within hailing distance and set rhem to work in
ments. It was powered by a Wright J5 Whirlwind engine, digging our a new takeoff spor. For five days the Eskimos
and had extra gasoline tanks in rhe wing and two in the shoveled snow and leveled ice hummocks with picks
body of rhe ship behind rhe pilot. There was no door to and saws. Finally a mile-long runway stretched along rhe
the cabin, just hatches ro admit rhe occupants; and rhe shore of rhe Arctic Ocean. Dut it was only a scant four¬
windows were arranged to permit observation to rhe teen feet wide.
sides and down through rhe floor. Navigational readings Getring off on April 15rh was touch and go. The track
and rhe performance of his short-wave radio would be was still bumpy and undulating, and Eielson had the
good, Wilkins hoped, because rhe Vega's all-wood con¬ tough task of keeping the Vega straight. Thirty, forty, fifty
struction eliminated a good deal of metallic interference. miles an hour, the plane gathered speed. Peering aft,
To cope with deep snow he ordered a pair of metal skis Wilkins could see rhe stabilizer swaying, just missing the
—plus a spare set of wooden ones—stowed aboard snowbanks piled on either side. Too much rudder pres¬
against rhe rime they would replace wheels for use on sure, and a swing of a few inches one way or another
Arctic runways. Another feature was rhe runner arrached would bring disaster.
to rhe rear of rhe fuselage: in case of a forced landing a The howl of the Whirlwind drowned rhe dry rattle of
portion could be sawed off and converted into a sledge. rhe skis. Sixty, seventy—and the tail came up. Den Eielson
The bright orange-and-blue monoplane was hauled kept his neve and George Wilkins prayed. Then they
through rhe streets to Rogers Airport, assembled there, were off, climbing smoothly to swing our over rhe forbid¬
and rest-flown on January 9, 1928. As he had been for ding polar sea.
the Golden Eagle, little Eddie Dellande was chosen as Now began a long vigil for Leon S. Vincent, rhe Gov¬
rest pilot for this Vega, carefully circling about rhe city for ernment Teacher at Darrow, who was trained in Morse
twenty minutes. Eddie landed, taxied the ship up to rhe code. Cradling rhe little radio receiving set which Wilkins
expectant Wilkins and rhe men from Lockheed, climbed had left with him, he listened all through rhe long hours
down, and parted rhe shiny fuselage. of that April Sunday and far into the night. The hesitant
"She's a pippin," he said, and the explorer's face lit up tapping of the explorer reached back to Alaska:
with a grin of anticipation. "KDZ, KDZ. Are OK so far..."
Eielson arrived from the north the next day. "She looks Vincent picked up rhe messages every hour all
all right," was his noncommittal verdict on rhe Vega. He through rhe evening. After 2 am. he could make our only
rested the ship cautiously at first, but was soon flying her a transmitter buzz, and by 4 o'clock even this had faded
with confidence. He'd rake off, climb, and then land at into silence. It would be weeks before he learned what
near-stalling speeds. Except for one forced landing in a had become of the daring men whose hands he'd

shaken in farewell rhe previous morning. for a moment, temporarily deafened from over twenty
Dlasring along over rhe Arcric Ocean, Wilkins and Eiel- hours of rhe engine's roar.
son were doing fine. Even in rhe nighr rhey were nor After stamping snow around rhe skis ro secure rhe ship,
wirhour rhe sun ro give rhem navigarional bearings, for rhe men serried down ro munch pemmican and wair for
ir never dropped below rhe horizon. The frigid air rhe srorm ro blow irself our. Their wair lasted four days. Ir
rhrough which rhe Lockheed winged irs way was around was just as well that the charts were nor derailed enough
-45°. Benearh was a vasr expanse of ice, irs masses ro show rhe name of this sea-locked landing place. Larer
arranged by wind pressure and currenrs. rhey were ro learn rhar ir was called Doedmansoeira, or
They could have headed direcrly over rhe Norrh Pole, Dead Man's Island.
bur scienrific knowledge, nor glory, was Wilkins's objec- Leaving this snowy prison proved rhe mosr dangerous
rive. parr of rhe Arcric flight The flyers stamped and shoveled
Across a 1,000-mile srrerch, mosr of ir never before a downhill runway for rhe plane, bur even wirh rhe Whirl¬
seen or Traveled by man, rhe aerial explorers found no wind revved up ro full rhrorrle, rhe Vega refused ro
indicarion of prorruding earrh benearh rhe Arcric ice. Wil¬ budge.
kins was larer ro cable criprically: "No foxes seen"—a Wilkins gor our of his navigator's harch behind rhe
prearranged code message ro rhe American Geographi¬ wing, and pushed. The plane slid, gathering momentum,-
cal Society ro say rhar rhe so-called Arcric Land Mass was though he clung to rhe step, he soon fell off. Eielson,
a myrh. unable ro see ro rhe rear, horsed rhe Lockheed skyward
Landfall for rhe flyers was Granr Land, Canada's norrh- and wheeled our over rhe sea, only ro spor rhe forlorn,
ernmosr reach. Flying ar 6,000 feer, Eielson Turned rhe parka-clad figure alone on rhe snow. He circled and
Vega norrh and easr again, over rhe roof of rhe world plunked down in rhe drifts again.
Toward Norway's Spirzbergen. For a second try, Wilkins slung our a short rope ladder
The srurdy plane was aided by a sriff railwind ro round he'd prepared back in Barrow. This rime he ran clumsily
rhe norrhern rip of Greenland and fly on Through piles of alongside rhe ship as she began ro slide, and leaped like
high-sracked clouds. By consranr reckoning, comparing, a bareback rider ro land on her fuselage. Clutching for a
and changes of course, Wilkins continued rhe remark¬ hold on rhe smooth, rounded shape, wirh rhe rope in his
able fear of guiding rhe airplane cross-longirude reward reerh he struggled ro gain rhe open harch. Bur Eielson,
rheir destination. Eielson, cramped and sriff in rhe cockpit feeling weight in rhe back, gunned rhe ship. Just before
ahead, threaded rhe Vega through rhe massive cloud rhe skis came bounding up on step, Wilkins realized his
corridors. chances of reaching rhe harch were slim. He slithered off
After twenty hours in rhe air rhe lightened Lockheed rhe fuselage, bur was struck by rhe rail and bowled over
reached Spirzbergen, rhe goal which Wilkins had been and over down rhe slope. Eielson, in rhe air, came
trying ro attain for rhree long years. around and landed again.
The land did nor greer rhe voyagers kindly. Spray from Winded and dazed, rhe explorer discussed rhe predic¬
rhe open sea whipped high against rhe craggy coastal ament wirh his pilot By now rhey had only ren gallons
peaks, winds tossed and buffered rheir fragile plane, and of gasoline left in rhe ranks,- still, rhey were reasonably
rhey were suddenly enveloped in a raging snowstorm. A certain that a settlement was close ar hand. They deter¬
parch of smooth, snow-covered land flashed past; dead mined on one lasr try ar a rakeoff. If ir failed, Eielson
ahead loomed a mountain. Eielson swerved in rime ro would leave in rhe plane alone and Wilkins, wirh a renr,
avoid ir, and crabbed his way our over rhe ocean again. would camp unril rhe pilor rerurned wirh transportation.
His windshield was dogged now with wer snow and This rime rhe weary flyers lifted rhe rail of rhe Vega
frozen oil—he could see only by peering alternately our into flying posirion on a block of snow. Then rhey
of rhe open side windows. In rhe back Wilkins dodged dragged a log of drifrwood up from rhe beach, wirh rhe
from pane ro pane, writing directional notes ro be passed idea of poling rheir plane like a boar.
up ro Eielson who had barely rime ro read rhem. Wirh Half in, half our of his harch, Wilkins pushed and
gas running low, rhey had ro land. And quick. srrained. Eielson rocked rhe Vega wirh her rhrorrle wide
Desperately rhe pilot fought ro bring rhe Vega back ro open. For a full minute she hung, then wirh a lunge was
shore, trying ro find rhe little smooth parch again. Almost free. The breathless caprain rumbled inro rhe borrom of
blindly, wirh scribbled directions from Wilkins, he came rhe cabin, unable ro answer rhe pilot's questioning shouts
winging over ir, turned into rhe blizzard, and serried on unril rhe plane v/as airborne wirh borh of rhem ar lasr.
rhe snowdrifts. The skis touched and rhe Lockheed slid ro Ir rook only a few minures ro cross rhe five miles of
a stop in barely thirty feer. Instantly Wilkins flung our rhe open water and pick our rhe radio masrs of Green Har¬
engine covers and an empty can, rumbled our himself, bour, a Norwegian mining settlement Wirh rhe landing
and struggled forward ro drain rhe oil. Eielson sar numb of rhe Lockheed on rhe snow-covered shore, one of rhe

Safe arrival ar Green Harbour, Spirzbergen, ro win world fame and Lockheed airplane to be used in the Antarctic. Before
a knighthood—and a big Hiss for Den Eielson. leaving the company in June 1928, Jack Northrop had
proceeded with drawings and preliminary arrangements
for the low-wing, single-float seaplane with retractable
grearesr flights in aviation—2,200 miles across the Arc¬ outrigger pontoons. This revolutionary design—one he'd
tic's intercontinental "blind spot"—had come to a suc¬ started at the time Wilkins bought his Vega—was now
cessful conclusion. called the Explorer model in the flyer's honor. The fuse¬
In recognition of this achievement, Captain Wilkins lage was cur and work had begun before a final consul¬
was knighted by King George V. Den Eielson received tation between Sir Hubert and the designer brought our
both the United Stares Army's Distinguished Flying Cross the possibility of landing amid pack ice. Therefore a high¬
and the Harmon Award for the most outstanding aero¬ winged monoplane would be preferable. The Explorer
nautical achievement of the year 1928. was temporarily shelved in favor of a regulation Vega
The praise of both men for their Lockheed Vega, its joined by srilrlike bracing ro twin floats,- thus it became
dependability now well proven, was strong and sincere. the first seaplane in the wooden Lockheed series.
All the faith, careful planning, and fine craftsmanship Its companion, the veteran of the Arctic exploration,
that had gone into the ship had at last paid off. Prompted was also equipped with pontoons. In recognition of the
by worldwide publicity given the Wilkins-Eielson flight, publicity and business his great flight had brought ro
inquiries—and orders—came flooding into the office of Lockheed, the company sold Sir Hubert his new ship ar
the little California aircraft company. The pageant of cost.
Lockheed's renown had begun. With two planes Wilkins needed a second pilot. He
After their round of appearances before cheering chose another veteran of Alaskan bush-flying: Joe Cros-
crowds in Europe, Wilkins came away from Buckingham son, black-haired and smiling, with a bit of a mustache
Palace no longer plain George, bur Sir Hubert. Den Eiel¬ ro hide his youth. Joe came down from Fairbanks in the
son, ever gallant, later stated that his biggest thrill was a summer of '28 for his first flight in a Vega.
kiss from the prerty wife of the French Under-Secrerary for The sea-going monoplane was launched from a
Air. wooden ramp off Terminal Island in San Pedro Bay. Allan
Even before returning ro the Stares, the conquerors of Loughead came down ro the harbor for the occasion
the Arctic laid plans ro explore the other end of the along with Jerry Vulree, v/ho had taken Jack Northrop's
globe. There was still land ro be charred on the fringe of place as chief engineer. Tod Oviatr, also from the shop,
the Antarctic and much ro be learned about the weather donned his bathing suit and gave a hand to float the
of this little-known continent. Commander Diehard E. plane off into the salt water. Then Joe Crosson rook the
Byrd's expedition was being made ready ar this rime, Vega on an easy run, lifting her gently off the tops of the
and there was much speculation about a "race to the little waves and making a great circle out over the Pa¬
pole" between the two explorers. Sir Hubert assured the cific.
commander that his new Wilkins-Hearst Antarctic Expe¬ By September 1928 the Wilkins party and their two
dition would be a modest one: he had no thought or Vegas were headed south by steamer. Again the ex¬
intention of a flight over the South Pole. plorer purposely kept his expedition small. In addition ro
Wilkins sent a tentative order from Europe for a second himself, Eielson, and Crosson, there were only Orval Por-
Lockheed's first Vega seaplane is hauled ashore after test at San rer, o rop-norch motor mechanic, also from Alaska, and
Pedro. Designer Gerard Vultee (center) assists Wilkins's Antarctic a radio operator, Victor Olsen. Ar Montevideo, Uruguay,
Expedition ship.
planes and personnel transferred ro the Norwegian whal¬
ing factory ship Hekrorla and were carried to the whaling
station ar Deception Island in the South Shetland group.
Olsen's radio messages about their progress were re¬
layed to New York and there rewritten for public con¬
sumption by the Hearsr news syndicate, which was
sponsoring the expedition. Apparently to differentiate be¬
tween the two Lockheed Vegas flown by the explorers,
Seasoned bush pilot Joe Crosson (lefr), down from Alaska to fly
Wilkins's second Vega, which was completed as a seaplane by
Hearsr writers dubbed the planes the "Los Angeles" and
Lockheed's new chief engineer Gerard Vultee and sold at cost by the "San Francisco." Wilkins himself never named either.
Allan Loughead (righr). Sir Hubert expected a good ice sheer on the bay of the
—and he named it "LOCKHEED MOUNTAIN"
lllusrrorion and headline from an ad whose text reveals, "Caprain landing field. They even rhoughr ro dare rhe treacherous
Wilkins chose a Lockheed for his polar expedirions by air because bay ice wirh a spot landing on a 000-yard srrerch. Ben
he knew 'ir was rhe finest ship available.
tried rhis and slithered on rhe wer and glistening surface
far beyond rhe markers. The Vega crunched through rhe
rorren ice and came ro resr wirh her rail in rhe air and
U-shoped island, so he had rhe planes firred wirh skis and nose in rhe water. The whalers dragged rhe ship ro safety
slung ashore. The Vega from rhe Arcric explorarion was and Orval Porter dried and cleaned rhe brine-washed
rhe firsr complere airplane ro rouch rhe Anrarcric regions. engine. Joe Crosson larer flew rhe ship on floats from an
Bur for rhe firsr rime in fourreen years, rhe ice ar Decep- ice-free srrerch of rhe bay, bur seaplane operation from
rion Island was unreliable. An unusually warm season Deceprion Island was an extreme hazard, due ro grear
had reduced ir from a Thickness of seven feer ro a sofr, flocks of sea birds rhar scavenged abour rhe whaling
unsafe honeycomb. The beauriful landing surface Wil¬ factory.
kins recalled from previous visirs was useless. Aboard rhe Beser on all sides by unfavorable circumstances, Wil¬
Hekroria rhe men waired for berrer wearher in rhe form kins nevertheless ser ro work ro enlarge his peninsula
of a cold snap, bur ro everyone's amazemenr a mild rain runway. The lava-banked srrip, facetiously dubbed Hoo¬
fell, and rhe snow abour rhe ski-shod Vegas melred away ver Field, was a zigzag gash on rhe slope, undulating
overnighr. over rwo small hills and puncruared wirh a couple of 20-
The expedirion members and a willing work parry degree bends. Bad though ir was, rhe explorer and Eiel¬
from rhe whaler ser abour building a runway on rhe bay- son decided ro use ir December 20 in a try for ar least
side peninsula. Ir was like rhe srrip ar Barrow all over one worthwhile flighr. Ben was calm, as always, bur he
again,- bur here, insread of snow and ice, grear chunks hardly opened rhe rhrorrle of rhe new Vega until they
of cokelike volcanic ruff had ro be cleared away. The passed rhe firsr dogleg. The Lockheed bumped and
srrip was ready November 16,-1928. Wilkins and Eielson bounced down rhe firsr hill, plowed over a snowbank,
Tried a shorr run. Because of rhe lack of snow, rhe firsr lurched through a ditch, then turned ro speed up rhe
flighr ever made over Anrarcrica was accomplished in a orher hill and carapulr inro rhe air ar rhe rop. Somehow,
wheel-equipped airplane—again rhe fairhful Vega rhar Eielson kept her flying.
had served in rhe Far North. Heading south, they carried our a 1,000-mile flighr
Eielson in rhe older Lockheed, and Crosson in rhe new along rhe shore of rhe Palmer Peninsula, penerraring
one, borh flew shorr resr hops, looking in vain for a berrer deep ro rhe edge of rhe Anrarcric continent. Wilkins was
With the Anrarcric Expedition (lefr ro right).- Porker D. "Shorty" Cra¬ tightly wrapped in canvas and lefr to weather rhe Anrarc¬
mer, first pilot; Sir Hubert Wilkins; 5. A. "At" Cheesmon, second pilot; ric winter in rhe open.
and Orval Porter, mechanic.
Eielson and Crosson never came back ro Antarctica.
They returned ro Alaska ro found an airline, and Den,
while flying ro the relief of rhe icebound fur ship Nanuk
able ro map roughly, describe, and phorograph some rhe next November, crashed on rhe shore of Siberia. After
100,000 square miles of hirherro unknown territory. It weeks of harrowing search, it was Joe Crosson who
was rhe first rime that new lands had ever been discov¬ found rhe wrecked plane and the frozen body of Alas¬
ered from an airplane. He flew or 6,000 feet, plotting ka's foremost Arctic pilot.
dozens of geographical features and naming them for A new Wilkins-Hearsr expedition had meanwhile left
his friends and financial backers. Among these were rhe for Deception Island aboard Hekroria to rake up where
Whirlwind Glaciers, after his redoubtable engine, and rhe rhe earlier exploration had lefr off. Mechanic Orval Porter,
Lockheed Mountains, for his airplanes. Then there were whom Wilkins called "the backbone of rhe party," had
Capes Keeler and Northrop, for rhe president and former signed on again, and rhe pilots were another pair of
chief engineer of the Lockheed company. The first land¬ seasoned Arctic flyers. One was Parker D. Cramer, vet¬
fall on the continent itself became Hearst Land in honor eran of a round-trip flight from New York to Nome, plus
of the newspaperman. on assault on rhe North Atlantic which had ended on rhe
A falling barometer finally turned them back from rhe Greenland ice cap. From Ontario came a skillful Cana¬
forbidding snowscape where crevasses yawned and a dian bush pilot, Al Cheesman.
wheeled landing anywhere would be unthinkable. Expedition members and rhe crew of rhe Hekroria
Flying with a tailwind, their last look at Antarctica proper found rhe orange airplanes intact on the shore of Decep¬
was a prominent cape jutting our in the ice shelf. This Sir tion Island where they had been lefr. Winds had kept
Hubert named "after my friend and companion, Carl D. blizzards from covering them completely, though they
Eielson." Wilkins's superb navigation brought them di¬ still had to be dug from their snowy prisons. Sir Hubert
rectly bock to Deception Island, and Den found a hole examined rhe Vegas, found everything sound, and re¬
over rhe fog-shrouded base through which ro bring rhe marked that "plywood has its merits." With its engine
Vega safely down. lovingly ministered to by Porter, one of rhe planes was
Time and weather permitted only one more flight that assembled and in flying condition within thirty-six hours.
season. Dodging sea gulls, terns, and rhe petrels called All they needed was weather ro fly in, bur again rhe
"Mother Carey's chickens," Joe Crosson got rhe seaplane capricious Antarctic conspired against them. The above¬
off rhe harbor and flew Wilkins on a shorter journey south freezing temperatures were as unusual as those of the
ro recheck a portion of the expedition's discoveries. Then season before. With rhe aid of rhe Drirish Royal Research
it was rime ro get our of there before rhe winds and cold ship William Scoresby, the explorers set off down rhe west
of winter set in. Planning to return in September, rhe men shore of Palmer Peninsula in search of better conditions.
dismantled the two Lockheeds. The wings were stored in They rook advantage of every possible spell of good
an iron shed of an abandoned shore installation,- rhe flying weather, with the Scoresby ready ro swing a Vega
fuselages, complete with engines and rail surfaces, were on floats off into rhe water beside her. The record was

rwelve minures from deck rie-down ro rakeoff. Shorry Lurzow-Holm journeyed ro Burbank and personally su¬
Cromer gor in a couple of flights wirh Wilkins and made pervised rhe rigging of a new Vega wirh a Whirlwind
one arrempred ski-equipped hop from rhe melring ice engine. He even brought along his own mechanic ro
beside rhe anchored vessel. Mosr of rhe flying fell ro Al learn every detail of maintenance for rhis American
Cheesman, who proved Pn excellent man wirh floor model, rhe first Lockheed ro be sold outside rhe United
planes. Stares and Canada. Bryde 3 Dahl shipped rhe plane ro
During rhe 1929-30 season rhe Wilkins-Hearsr expe¬ rhe whaling grounds aboard rhe factory ship Thorshom-
dition flew 3,000 miles and charred some 1,200 miles of mer in rhe fall of 1929.
new coast. Flying from rhe research ship rhe explorer and Riiser-Larsen and Lurzow-Holm apparently spenr as
his pilors stabbed toward rhe white wastes of rhe conti¬ much rime in rhe Anrarcric seeking and mapping new
nent again and again, pushing bock rhe frontiers of geo¬ coastline as rhey did in hunting for whales. Operaring
graphical knowledge. from rhe small rrawler Norvegio, rhe naval aviarors
Dy rhe rime he was headed home on rhe Hehrorio, Sir winged rheir way from o hundred miles offshore ro rhe
Hubert's agile mind had seized on rhe idea of further Anrarcric coast between Coats and Enderby lands. They
polar research by submarine. He was also anxious ro get left rheir plane bobbing in open water, skied rhe resr of
back ro New York for a belared honeymoon. He and rhe way ro shore, and raised rhe flag of Norway. More
Cheesman left rhe whaler 125 miles off Uruguay, and reconnaissance flights were made in January and Febru¬
flew in ro Monrevideo harbor. Then they wenr to Duenos ary 1930, during which rhe Norwegians discovered whar
Aires, where they wound up rhe affairs of rhe expedition are now Queen Maud Land and Princess Marrha Coasr.
in five days. The Lockheeds, which had flown at borh Their own names, like those of Wilkins and Eielson, were
ends of rhe earth, were sold ro rhe Argentine govern¬ bestowed on prominent Anrarcric landmarks and be¬
ment. come parrs of rhe map. Hjalmar Riiser-Larsen continued
Down in Antarctica, rhe land beyond rhe Lockheed his explorations and later was head of rhe Norwegian Air
Mountains has been renamed rhe Wilkins Coast ro honor Forces.
irs discoverer. The great explorer died in 1958, believing Bryde 3 Dahl next senr rheir well-rraveled Lockheed
his original and most famous Lockheed Vega was in a on a cruise ro hunt whales in Greenland waters. This was
museum in Duenos Aires, where rhe Argentines had more rhe work for which it had originally been imported.
promised ro pur it. However, a minor crack-up damaged Day afrer day rhe Vega was senr our ro scour rhe frigid
rhe ship before rhe intention could be carried our, and warers in search of telltale spouting. The local Eskimos
through rhe years it simply rorred away in an airport
boneyord. So by rhe rime Harvey Lippincorr, a Prarr 3
Whirney representative, discovered ir afrer World War II, Norwegian Vega rests amidships between flights in 1930 to seels
ir was a sad and sodden mass of punk. whales and new land in Antarctica.
While Wilkins, Cramer, and Cheesman were mapping
rhe Graham and Palmer coasts, Commander Byrd's ex¬
pedition on rhe orher side of rhe continent pushed inland
from Lirrle America and flew over rhe Sourh Pole. A third
aerial expedition from Norway combined business wirh
land-scouring in srill another Antarctic sector.
Norwegians had been using rhe Anrarcric seas as whal¬
ing grounds for many years, and rhe work had reached
rhe proportions of a stable industry. One of rhe larger
companies, Bryde 3 Dahl of Sandefjord, Norway, con¬
ceived rhe idea of using aircraft ro spot schools of whales:
float planes wirh a good range could circle our from a
factory ship and report rhe best grounds for rhe smaller
killer-boars ro head for. The-Wilkins-Eielson Vega, shipped
home from Spitzbergen via Oslo after irs rrans-Arcric
jaunr, naturally attracted much favorable attention.
Bryde 3 Dahl determined ro have a similar plane for rheir
whaling operations. Wirh government approval, they
hired two well-known Norwegian naval pilors—Captains
Riiser-Larsen and Lurzow-Holm—ro rake care of rhe mar-
The pair did things wirh Scandinavian thoroughness.

The Viking, here leaving wirh the MacMillan expedirion of 1931, ployed in Californio os on aircrafr designer, bur rhe
went on ro many years of movie and charter work. Depression and rhe lure of rhe Norrh broughr him back
inro acrive flying. Also along os cameraman was Glenn
R. Kershner, wirh rhe bulky equipmenr for raking morion
chrisrened rhe plane Qarrrsllunl, meaning "soul of rhe picrures wirh Mulricolor, a technique involving four cam¬
whale." On rerurn ro Norway rhe ship was sold. Ir finished eras. Howard Hughes was interested in rhis new process,
our irs days on phorographic work, flown wirh skis. Srill a forerunner of color phorography.
larer rhe rugged Whirlwind engine from Qarrrsiluni had Wirhour grear fanfare Commander MacMillan, Roche¬
o furrher career os power for a propeller-driven sledge, ville, and Kershner flew rhe floor-equipped Viking our of
reporred os "rhe fasresr in rhe mounrains." Rockland, Maine, headed norrh. During rhe summer, in
One more Lockheed musr be menrioned for irs use in Labrador and beyond, rhey mopped 1,500 square miles
Arcric regions. In rhe summer of 1931 rhe famous Amer¬ of previously uncharted land and explored some 50,000
ican explorer Commander Donald D. MacMillan acquired miles of addirional rerrirory. The color film in rhe Mulri¬
o slighrly used Vega and rook ir on a survey expedirion color cameras was reporred os "beauriful," bur because
ro rhe Labrador and Greenland coasrs. Appropriately, rhe of projecrion difficulries was never released.
ship was colled The Viking. The expedirion's Lockheed was sold ro a Searrle busi¬
Pilor for rhis venrure was Charles F. Rocheville, who nessman, and flown wirh borh floors and wheels in rhe
hod.accompanied MacMillan and Commander Dyrd ro Pacific Norrhwesr and Arizona. Today ir is prominency
Greenland in 1925. Charley Rocheville hod been em¬ disployed or rhe Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan.
C rossing rheir wide country from one coast to an¬
other has always had great appeal to most
Americans. There have been (and are) records
for making the journey by every means of con¬
Oakley Kelly plugged along in the blunt-nosed, wide¬
winged Fokker T-2, built specially to fly the 2,516 miles
from New York to San Diego.
For a long time a nonstop effort from west to east was
veyance from roller skates to space capsule. To considered next to impossible. Though aided by prevail¬
accomplish the fastest trip from coast to coast in one way ing winds, a plane would have to lift its heavy overload
or another seems to be a primal urge. of gasoline high above California's coastal ranges and
Flyers hove been no exception, and the records they the Rockies during the first part of the trip. Bur by the
set have been well publicized. As early as 1911, cigar¬ spring of 1928 the Lockheed Aircraft Company had pro¬
puffing Galbraith Perry Rodgers completed the very first duced an airplane that could do it.
transcontinental aerial journey in 84 days. Flying a Wright Interest in the Golden Eagle and Wilkins's transpolar
EX named Vin Fiz from Sheepshead Day, New York, to Vega had put enough orders on the books of the tiny
Long Beach, California, he survived some seventy land¬ Lockheed factory in Hollywood to warrant moving to a
ings and numerous crashes to finish the trip. new and better plant location. President Fred Keeler,
Even the first nonstop flight across the nation took
nearly 27 hours in 1923. Army pilots John Macready and Herb Fahy in The Black Horner,


Through his connecrions in Burbank, found 20,000 square Marie Kelly, Allan Loughead's executive secretary and
feer in a building already occupied in parr by The Mission girl-of-all-work. Slightly deaf from the roar of airplane en¬
Glass Works. Burbank was only a small city, surrounded gines, Goebel announced to all within hearing:
by farms, orchards, vineyards, and acres of gravel and "I'd give my right arm to fly a Lockheed!"
vacant brushland. When rhe Lockheed Aircraft Company Art soon got his wish, and for free. They gave him a
moved in and began operations there at San Fernando couple of ferry flights to check him out, and then Harry
Road and Empire Avenue in March 1928, nobody Tucker hired rhe famous ocean flyer to pilot his Yankee
dreamed that rhe fifty-man work force in rhe shabby Doodle.
brick building "down by rhe Turkey Crossing" would An accident in another plane pur Tucker on crutches
someday expand to some 80,000 employees all over for a while and postponed his plans, bur by June he was
rhe world. ready to try the west-to-east nonstop flight. Since Goebel
The first plane built in the new plant was destined to was in Japan on a demonstration tour, Leland F. Shoen-
make the Lockheed name synonymous with speed. Or¬ hair was rhe first to rake rhe controls of rhe red-whire-
dered by a well-to-do Santa Monica sportsman named and-blue Yankee Doodle. Like so many other California
Harry J. Tucker, it was a gleaming white Vega trimmed pilots, Lee was Army trained, and had flown just about
with red-and-blue funnel stripes. This was rhe first Lock¬ everything rhar could stagger into rhe air.
heed to be fitted with the 9-cylinder 425-hp Wasp en¬ Shoenhair and Tucker made a valiant try at reaching
gine. With over twice rhe power of the Wright Whirlwind, New York. After a start from San Diego, they kept going
it was made by rhe Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Corporation as far as Harrisburg, only to find fog over rhe eastern
of Hartford, Connecticut. The combination of Wasp Pennsylvania mountains blocking the way. Prudent Lee
power plant and Lockheed airplane was soon to prove wheeled rhe Vega around and proceeded back to a
ideal. landing at Columbus, Ohio. Even so, rhe rime was excel¬
Harry Tucker, originally from Long Island, was in the lent: only 11V2 hours in rhe air.
airplane-engine business himself, associated with inven¬ While waiting for Goebel's return Stateside and good
tor Al Menasco. Though Tucker was nor a pilot, he was weather, Tucker had his plane retrimmed. Broad red-
enthusiastic about flying, and with rhe purchase of rhe white-and-blue arrows replaced rhe funnel stripes down
new Vega he was in the big rime. Here was a plane that rhe sides of rhe ship, and big heavy Old English lettering
appeared well capable of breaking all manner of speed proclaimed her to all as rhe Yankee Doodle. Harry's own
and distance records. Harry called his new Lockheed Yan¬ name was on rhe cabin door. Wirh Goebel back, another
kee Doodle, a good name and one bound to catch the name was added just below rhe little side cockpit win¬
public fancy. All he needed was a pilot. dows.
He found one in tall, handsome Arthur C. Goebel, still On August 19-20, 1928, the pair got rhe Vega off
rhe roast of rhe Coast for winning rhe previous year's Dole Mines Field at Los Angeles with a full 450 gallons of
Race to Hawaii. A Rocky Mountain boy with long experi¬ gasoline, enough to last rhe 2,710 miles to New York.
ence in aerial acrobatics and movie stunt-flying, Art Goe¬ Touching down at Curtiss Field on Long Island, Yankee
bel couldn't live forever on his first-prize money from the Doodle became the first airplane ever to fly nonstop
pineapple derby. One day he appeared at the ranch- across rhe continent from west to east, and rhe first to
house office in Burbank and leaned on rhe desk of Miss make a coasr-ro-coast hop in less than 24 hours.
Watch in hand, his brown business suit scarcely crum¬
pled, Art Goebel rose up in rhe confined cockpit to greet
Arthur Goebel and Harry Tucker wirh Yankee Doodle, rhe Vega Frank Tichenor, publisher of Aero Digest.
rhar proved in 1928 rhor "Lockheed" meant speed. "Good morning, Frank," he called. "I make it 18 hours

and 58 minures from L.A.—and about rime for break¬ vember 3, 1928, Collyer got the Vega over the coastal
fast!" ranges and across the Mojave Desert. Nobody knows
The hungry flyers also reaped financial rewards. In ad¬ what happened after the record-seekers crossed the Col¬
dition to supplying their gasoline and oil, The Richfield orado into Arizona. People in the mining camps south of
Company of California gave them $10,000 in recogni¬ Prescott saw the plane circling confusedly in the dark.
tion of their achievement. Commercial aviation had Then the Vega came roaring wide open down rocky
come a long way in five years. A stock plane had beaten Crook Canyon, crashed, and scattered itself for half a mile
the Army's specially built T-2 by almost eight hours. And through a forest of tall pines.
the best time by train was practically three days. Yankee Doodle's existence was short, but she left an
Because Yankee Doodle was a standard Vega, Art and unerasable impression: "Lockheed" now spelled speed
Harry carried their extra gas in five-gallon cans, packed in the public mind.
in the cabin. Owner Tucker paid in hard work for the In Burbank, Jerry Vultee and his men completed a
records his airplane set. He had to pump the gas by hand new Lockheed model—the Air Express—-in November
up into the wing ranks, where gravity flow would drop it 1928. Actually this ship was a complete rebuild of a
to the engine. As a can was emptied, Harry chucked it parasol-wing original, designed by Northrop, that had
out the door. Twice on his trips he lost the door in this had a brief existence earlier in the year. Pur out as a
maneuver—which naturally cut down on air speed, as mail-and-passenger carrier with the needs of airmail
well as setting up an air flow that threatened to suck the pilots in mind, the ship had a rear open cockpit. The
passenger our with the empties. plane had been tested and accepted by Western Air
After their west-east hop, Goebel and Tucker tried the Express, bur after a crack-up on its maiden flight was
Lockheed in a couple of races. Then a personality clash returned to the factory. Now the Air Express was pur
between pilot and owner brought changes. Tucker had through further exhaustive tests under the guidance of
plans for successive attempts on speed, distance, and the gifted Vultee, and received the covered Department
even altitude records. He wanted to set and break rec¬ of Commerce "approved-type" certificate.
ords, even his own, with no respire, and remarked that Like Yankee Doodle it was fitted with a 425-hp Pratt &
he had no intention of becoming a parrot, "the bird that Whitney Wasp engine, and was capable of great things
talks most and flies the least." in the line of fast flight. A further speed inducer was the
Harry's ambitions brought him a third and final pilot: fitting of a tubular Duralumin engine cowling. This spe¬
Captain C. B. D. Collyer, a lean Virginian. Missionary's son, cial enclosure for radial engines had been developed by
former aviation cadet, airmail pilot and skywriter, Charlie the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics and first
Collyer had gained recent fame for a steamship-and- tested on the Wrighr J5 engine of an Army AT-5A. The
plane trip around the world in July 1928, and had partic¬ Lockheed Air Express installation was both the first use of
ipated in transcontinental races. the NACA cowl on a Pratt & Whitney engine, and its first
Collyer had flown just a Lockheed demonstrator, and use on a commercial airplane. It gave the torpedo-
that only once, when he took the stick of the sleek Yan¬ shaped Lockheed a barrel nose and added some ten to
kee Doodle on October 24. Lifting her off Roosevelt Field nineteen miles an hour ro its 161-mph top speed.
or the bidding of his laconic new boss, he nosed the Though considered strange in appearance at first, the
Vega west on another nonstop attempt. Most of the trip cowl was quickly accepted and became a common sight
was made in fog, storms, and headwinds, and it took on all types of radial-engined aircraft.
nearly 25 hours. Through the long night Charlie Collyer, The Air Express was still an experimental job when the
aching and uncomfortable, wrestled with the controls to Lockheed company decided ro exhibit it at an air show
keep his course. His parachute straps chafed his back, in New York. A good ferry pilot would have to be found,
and he vowed he'd use padding next rime. In the cabin, since this ship was a real speed queen. As luck would
Harry Tucker pumped gas, and left a trail of tin cans have it, the pilot was right there in Los Angeles, in need
across the continent. For luck he carried a "mascot" con¬ of transportation east. He was Army Reserve Captain
trived from a dog, with toothpicks for Frank M. Hawks, a California flyer who'd been barnstorm¬
legs and tail. ing and carrying oil-field payrolls in Texas and Mexico.
When the men finally brought their Lockheed down Hawks was now working for The Texas Company, and
at Los Angeles, Tucker was the first passenger, and his had been flying the oil firm's new Vega.
Vega the first airplane, to fly nonstop from coast to coast Neither Hawks nor Lockheed's Ben Hunter was exactly
in both directions. averse to the idea of making the ferry trip a try to better
The Santa Monica sportsman could nor rest on his Yankee Doodle's transcontinental rime. Like the speedy
achievements. He wanted to turn around, fly back, and Vega, the Air Express had no special fuel ranks, and
try to better his own mark. someone would have to go along with Hawks ro pump
But time was running our for Yankee Doodle. On No¬ gas from five-gallon tins, augmenting the two 50-gallon

Parasol wing, new NACA cowl are disringuishing fearures of rhe rhe Wasp quir entirely. Frank squirmed down in his sear
rebuilt prototype Air Express in which Frank Hawks and Oscar Grubb ro peer inro rhe dimly lit cabin ahead. Oscar Grubb was
wrote a new coast-to-coast record in February 1929.
sprawled grotesquely on rop of rhe gasoline tins, sound
asleep. Exhaustion, high alrirude, and rhe monotonous
wing ranks. The someone chosen was a man wirh on drone of rhe motor in his confined quarters had done
unlikely name for an air hero: Oscar E. Grubb, rhe be- him in.
specracled superinrendenr of Lockheed's final assembly. Hawks's roar made up for rhe lack of noise from rhe
Seventy-five recrangular cans of Texaco aviarion gaso¬ stopped engine.
line were packed inro rhe rubular cabin of rhe red-and- "Hey Oscar! Oscar! Give her some gas or ger ready ro
silver Lockheed. Then Oscar Grubb was folded amid jump!"
rhem, and rhe door shoved shur behind him. The plan Poor Grubb came ro and responded on rhe pump wirh
was for Oscar ro keep rhe wing ranks pumped full. Then frenzied efforts. Soon rhe motor was barking again on all
he was ro cur up rhe empty cans wirh rinsmirh's shears nine cylinders, and rhe losr alrirude was regained. On
and make more room for himself: rhe company wasn'r rhey wenr above rhe endless clouds, wirh only rhe moon
raking any chances on losing rhe door by having him and srars for company. Twice Hawks rook a chance on
jerrison rhem. Though claiming nor ro be supersririous, dropping down through rhe soup in order ro check some
rhe superinrendenr's fellow employees wired a rabbit's visual landmark wirh his compass. He made no claims ro
foot ro rhe shank of rhe Lockheed's rail skid. being an "intrepid aviaror" and wasn'r ashamed ro
Hawks and Grubb got off jusr ar sundown on February admit he was downright scared. Afrer daylight rhe first
4, 1929. Near Flagstaff, Arizona, they climbed above rhe descent brought somerhing rhar vaguely looked like
fogbanks and wenr barreling along ar 14,000 feet. Kentucky our of rhe murk below. The second gor rhe
Grubb pumped gas. Swarhed in his big raccoon coar, cloud-dodging travelers a glimpse of rhe capirol ar Wash¬
Frank Hawks sar warm in rhe cockpit, wirh no inkling that ington. Over familiar rerrain now, rhe Air Express burned
far below him was a seething meteorological cauldron up rhe skyway ro New York and came around inro rhe
of rhe winter's worst weather. wind ro land ar Roosevelt Field.
Toward midnighr a sick cough erupted from rhe en¬ Oscar Grubb was half dead when he fell our of rhe
gine and Hawks's heart missed a bear. Frantically he cabin ar rhe end of rhe rrip. Gasoline fumes from rhe
switched from rank ro rank. The gauges read empty and sliced cans had sickened him, and rough air had com-

first ro go inro use as a company demonsrraror, was sold

ro Bernarr Macfadden of New York, rhe magazine pub¬
lisher. The lion-maned health faddist had been badly
birren by rhe flying bug, and rhis was rhe first of numer¬
ous airplanes (including five Lockheeds) he was ro own.
Afrer rhe Hawks-Grubb venture, Macfadden realized
rhar his own ship, though nor as high powered, was
probably capable of a similar flighr. He instructed his
pilot, O. K. Bevins, ro give a try. An excellent flyer and
instructor from Kentucky, Okey Bevins did his best wirh
rhe Vega in March 1929. Fouled sparkplugs brought him
down in New Mexico, and bad luck dogged his subse¬
quent journey eastward. Attempting ro rake off afrer a
forced landing on a farm near Belle, Missouri, Bevins
fractured borh legs, and washed our rhe Macfadden
Nexr ir was Harry Tucker's first pilot, Leland F. Shoen-
hair, who got himself a job and a Lockheed of his own
ro fly: rhe B. F. Goodrich rubber outfit's new Vega Miss
Silverrown. In June 1929 Lee essayed rhe nonstop jour¬
ney east, bur was signaled ro land ar Cleveland because
of fogbanks reported over Pennsylvania. Goodrich had
boughr rhe plane only rhe day before, and was raking
no chances.
A few days larer, Captain Frank Hawks, already estab¬
lished as transcontinental speed champion, was ar ir
again. On June 27-28, 1929, Hawks made two unprec¬
edented flights. Alone, he rook rhe Air Express from New
York to Los Angeles in a little over 19 hours.
Allan Loughead and Frank Hawks (who plans ro keep warm in Air Then, afrer a scant seven and a half hours of resr,
Express cockpit) wait for gas cans ro be taken aboard for the non¬
refueling, repairs, and refreshment, rhe recordseeker was
stop dash east
off again for rhe Easr. Except for a Pacific fogbank which
called for spiraling his gas-laden ship up ro 0,000 feer in
pounded his nausea. Wirh no clear recollecrion of rhe order ro dear Cajon Pass, rhe wearher was almost ideal
flight, he gasped: in borh directions. T3ur ir was afrer dark when Texaco 5
"Never again, nor for a million dollars!" broughr Captain Hawks back ro New York wirh more
Hawks propped him up. "Here's your real hero," he records.
rold rhe milling reporrers. "He's rhe one who made ir Roosevelt Field was America's best-known airport, bur
possible." ip 1929 ir did nor yer boasr any boundary or obstruction
Even wirh rhe derour by way of Washington, rhey had lights. Hawks jazzed rhe hangars ro announce his arrival,
bearen rhe Goebel-Tucker record by over half an hour. and confusedly selected rhe crossleg of rhe T-shaped run¬
The new NACA cowling had been proved ro funcrion way. He came rolling in fast and ploughed straight inro
perfecrly. rhe heavy wire fence of an adjacent polo field.
Afrer rhis flighr and rhe resulring publicity, ir was nor Despite rhis mishap Frank Hawks had accomplished
difficult for Captain Hawks ro talk The Texas Company an unusual fear of courage and stamina: he was rhe first
inro buying rhe record-breaker ro add ro irs growing fleer man ro fly alone from coasr ro coast; and he did ir in
of aircraft Back ar Burbank, Hawks had rhe Air Express borh directions wirhin rwo days. In addirion ro berrering
repainted a brilliant red, wirh white trim and rhe big star rhe rimes borh ways, he ser rhe first round-rrip record. Bur
rhar was rhe trademark of his company, and her new rhe weary caprain had no thought of triumph as he sat
name, Texaco 5. A fuel rank was firred in rhe cabin ro dejecred and deafened in his red Lockheed asrraddle
rake rhe place of a helper on long flights, and a radio rhe fense. Hauled our, he wenr fast asleep on his wife's
receiver was installed. Frank Hawks had more records in shoulder.
mind. Wirh rhese new records ro shoot ar, Lockheed's own
Before he was ready, rhere were new contenders. The resr pilot, Herb Fahy, tried rhe rrip rhe following monrh,
second Vega rhe Lockheed company had builr, and irs flying anorher Air Express. A company demonsrraror, rhe
Dernarr Macfodden's entry for transcontinental nonstop honors is sas. After repairs in Wichita, Fahy took her back to Bur¬
Vega No. 2, flown with early triangular fin. bank where she was sold to rhe General Tire & Rubber
Company as an entry in rhe National Air Races of 1929.
Frank Hawks's nonstop transcontinental records were
ship was temporarily named The Bloch Horner because
to outlive his Texaco 5, which made them. Attempting
of rhe experimenral installation of a Pratt & Whitney Hor¬
to rake off from a muddy field at West Palm Beach,
net Engine on its nose. This power plant developed 525
Florida, rhe captain caught a wheel on a parked ship
hp—100 more than rhe famous Wasp—bur was heavier
and hurled his famous plane into three others. Fortu¬
and used more fuel. Its increased diameter on rhe oval
nately this spectacular smash-up produced no fatalities,
contour of a Lockheed also meant a corresponding re¬
but rhe Air Express was a complete washout.
duction in speed to be overcome. Another innovation on
The slogan "It rakes a Lockheed to bear a Lockheed"
this Air Express was the first installation of wheel pants,
was not just boastful talk. When it came to fast transpor¬
added to cut down wind resistance. These were squared-
tation, rhe Vega and Air Express were undisputed leaders
off, hand-beaten affairs, a forerunner of the spun-alumi¬
of rhe field. With increasing demand from individuals,
num, teardrop fairings soon to be developed.
business firms, and airlines, in two short years rhe Lock¬
Fahy's record dash did not work our, even with these
heed company had built over eighty airplanes. And in
additions for extra speed. Spewing oil and smoke, rhe
the early months of rhe fateful year of 1929, aviation in
Homer came down with a scuffed piston at Kiowa, Kan-
California was booming, along with everything else in
rhe country.
Sw/nging rhe compass of Texaco 5, to prepare for a batch of The original founders of rhe Lockheed Aircraft Com¬
Ha whs's solo records. pany chose this peak rime to sell out. President Fred

Tf»«0 >

Keeler hod long ago realized o good rerurn on his in¬ file cabinet contained all of Lockheed's records. The en¬
vestment. Ray Boggs and Ben Hunrer were organizing gineering department occupied what had once been a
Nevada Airlines ro fly passengers from Los Angeles ro kitchen. Starry-eyed Jerry Vultee dreamed airplanes
Reno, using Lockheed equipment Only Allan Loughead there, and his two draftsmen, Jimmy Gerschler and Dick
was relucranr, feeling that'the firm had a grear deal of Von Hake, transferred ideas and analyses to paper.
financial stability and was bound ro go on ro greater It was this three-man staff who produced the next
things. Bur, in July 1929, Lockheed assets and goodwill Lockheed model, the low-wing, two-place Sirius, named
were acquired by a holding company, the Detroit Aircraft for the bright Dog Star in the constellation of Orion. For a
Corporation. customer, Vultee and Squier had lined up the most fa¬
Detroit Aircraft was formed to knit an organization of mous flyer in the world—Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh.
airplane builders into a sort of "General Motors of the The order came about casually. Lindbergh had been
air." Edward 5. Evans, prominent Detroit industrialist, was flying borrowed airplanes for some months, and wanted
its head, and the board of directors included R. E. Olds a ship of his own again. At the National Air Races at
and Charles F. Kettering. Cleveland he talked at length to Vultee. With the roar of
The Michigan amalgamation controlled other aircraft the "pylon polishers" punctuating their conversation,
manufacturers, such as Ryan and Eastman, and its diverse Jerry rook notes of the colonel's requirements and
interests included the well-known Parks Air College in roughed out a preliminary sketch on hotel stationery.
East St. Louis, the Grosse Isle Airport in Detroit, and com¬ Later there was a conference with Carl Squier at the New
panies to make gliders and metal-clad dirigibles. Some York Athletic Club. The participants talked far into the
of the components were merely fond hopes, and the evening and Carl came away with a diagramed table¬
Detroit people soon found Lockheed to be the biggest cloth and various Lindbergh doodles on scrap paper to
and only profitable egg in their basket. take back to California.
Production at Burbank was stepped up. There were A great deal of secrecy surrounded the building of the
grandiose plans for a new factory at Long Beach, an first Sirius. For a long time it was purposely rumored as a
assembly plant in St. Louis, and research into new models special order for Edward S. Evans, president of Detroit
and manufacturing at Detroit. To run their Lockheed op¬ Aircraft. The men in the factory learned the truth when
eration, Detroit Aircraft sent our an able manager, Carl B. a truck driver delivered a new 450-hp Pratt & Whitney
Squier. He was a most fortunate choice. A slim, dark¬ Wasp engine, supposedly for "the Evans ship."
haired, friendly man, Squier had been a county-fair con¬ "Here's Lindbergh's motor," he boomed. "What kinda
vert ro flying in his native Michigan. As an Army aviator airplane ya gonna pur it in?"
in France he'd come home with the Croix de Guerre. With the beans spilled, the factory prepared for a del¬
Then there'd been barnstorming and test-flying, and uge of publicity. Every little movement of the Colonel
work with Stinson, Glenn Martin, and his own company, and Mrs. Lindbergh was covered by the press in a reflec¬
which made Eastman Flying Boars. tion of mass acclaim and hero worship never equaled
In addition ro all-round managerial competence, one before or since. What they did, said, are, wore—all were
of Carl Squier's greatest abilities was salesmanship. He dutifully recorded; and if no statements were available,
had friends and contacts all over the United Stares, and the harried reporters made them up.
could sell just about anything that he believed in. After a As he had with his famous SpirirofSt Louis, Lindbergh
few days in Burbank, he believed in Lockheeds. wanted personally to see to the details of final assembly
The factory had been too busy to do much physical and tests of his new airplane. During the winter of 1929-
expansion, and despite the change in management the 30, he and Anne stayed with a business associate, Jack
workers in the plant on the corner of San Fernando and Maddux, in Los Angeles while the Sirius was being com¬
Empire kept right on going. Monocoque fuselage shells pleted at Burbank. Every day the famous couple drove a
continued to be processed in the concrete mold, and back street and parked in the shade of a hangar beside
everybody pitched in with a can of racks and a gluepor the factory airstrip. Mrs. Lindbergh usually stayed in the
when one was ready to be mounted on its framework. big touring car while her husband busied himself about
Nearby were the assembly shop, the painrshop, and a the plant.
drying shed aromatic with the wonderful odor of spruce After the initial feeling of awe at being associated with
plywood. Behind the factory stretched the so-called Lock¬ a celebrity wore off, the Lockheed crews found Lind¬
heed Airport, a thin strip dotted with filled gopher holes bergh a warm, agreeable, friendly person. A perfection¬
and weed clumps, and bordered on two sides by the ist, he was interested in everything that concerned his
railroad embankments and telegraph wires of the South¬ plane. Hidden from the stares of the ever-present hero
ern Pacific. worshippers in the dark, rapering recess of a Vega fuse¬
The ex-ranchhouse front office housed a little cubby¬ lage, he might talk control-rigging for hours with a me¬
hole for the new general manager, and a four-drawer chanic. Outside, assemblers Don Young, Firman Gray, or

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Check rhar bothered Carl Squier doesn T include the $5,000 already for Marshall Headle, an ex-Army and Marine flyer from
deposited on Lindbergh's new Wasp engine. Massachusetts, who was to pilot over three hundred Lock¬
heed airplanes on their maiden flights.
Tod Oviarr would bring rhe parienr Mrs. Lindbergh sand¬ On Easter Sunday 1900, Colonel Lindbergh was satis¬
wiches and a cold soda from rhe lunchroom across rhe fied with his gleaming new airplane. Early in the morn¬
srreer. ing he and Anne rook off from Glendale for the East.
The publicity had mixed blessings—and remprarions. They were bundled in bulky, electrically heated flying
A Los Angeles dealer offered Carl Squier a brand-new suits, kept warm by rhe current from a wind-driven gen¬
Cord automobile if he could jusr ger Lindbergh ro sir in erator. Casually rhe colonel announced rhar rhe flight
one long enough ro be surreptitiously photographed. It was to be made at 14,000 feet or better, in order ro rest
was a rough proposition ro resist. rhe advantages of rhe weather in rhe higher altitudes.
Squier had an anxious rime when it came to rhe final Speeding along at an average of 171 mph, rhe pair jusr
sale of rhe new Sirius. After cost considerations, countered as casually broke rhe transcontinental record. Even with
by rhe tremendous publicity value, rhe Lockheed general a fuel stop at Wichita, their elapsed time was 14 hours,
manager came up with a price of $22,825 for the plane. 45 minutes, and 32 seconds. As copilot and navigator,
The Lindberghs held a long discussion in a corner of rhe Mrs. Lindbergh automatically set a women's record for
office. They seemed ro be arguing. Carl suffered mental coast-to-coast flight. Again, it had "taken a Lockheed to
anguish. Had he asked too much and queered rhe sale? beat a Lockheed."
Finally rhe colonel came over with a check. Years later With rhe summer flying season coming on, rhe Lind¬
Squier asked his friend about rhe corner conference: bergh record was up for grabs. One man who stood a
"Slim, what was all that talk you and Anne had in my good chance of beating it was Colonel Roscoe Turner.
office rhe day you bought rhe Sirius?" Deliberately flamboyant and a Southern gentleman
General Lindbergh thought a minute and then (Mississippi via Virginia), Roscoe was always a keen com¬
laughed. petitor. He had been an ambulance driver, an army lieu¬
"Why, we were just deciding on what bank to draw tenant, and a top movie stunt pilot. In 1930 rhe Turner
the check!" attire was better known than his flying. He was always
The beautiful low-winged Lockheed was famous even magnificent in appearance, and affected a uniform of
before it was finished. After its announcement, rhe com¬ his own design consisting of powder-blue tweed coat
pany received orders for half a dozen sister ships, and with Sam Browne belt, beige whipcord riding breeches,
was rushing these to completion at the same rime. spotless boots, and all topped off by a white silk scarf and
As originally built, rhe black-bodied, orange-winged military cap with burnished wings. Though it was the
Lindbergh Sirius had two open cockpits with fixed wind¬ subject of banter and jibes, Roscoe had good reason for
shields. At Mrs. Lindbergh's suggestion a sliding canopy his sartorial elegance. In his barnstorming days it had
was devised ro cover both openings and provide more enabled him to win passengers and eat, while competi¬
comfort and ease of communication. This was an unpa¬ tors in dirty overalls fought hunger pangs.
rented Lindbergh-Vulree "first" that was to Come into Colonel Turner had been flying Vegas for Nevada Air¬
common use. Test-flying rhe new bird was an early job lines, bur was looking fora more permanent connection.
First Sirius enjoyed insronr fame because of irs owner, bur off-hand He hod his eye on rhe Horner-powered Lockheed Air
rransconrinenr records helped, roo. Sliding cockpit canopies were
Express which Herb Fahy had flown, rhe former Black
later suggested by Anne Lindbergh and became standard equip¬
Homer. Irs currenr owner, rhe General Tire & Rubber
Company, had no comperenr pilor for ir. Casring abour
in his ferrite mind, Roscoe came up wirh a promorion
idea for using rhe ship rhar was really a srunner.
He Talked Earl D. Gilmore, head of California's Gilmore
Pilor's-eye view of the Lindbergh Sirius instrument panel Oil Company, inro buying rhe Air Express ar a bargain

Charles and Anne Lindbergh, ready for Easter flight of 1930 Crop),
and with TWA Vega, later

$15,000. Turner was ro moke record flights in ir to adver¬

tise Gilmore products. The oil company used a big lion's
head os their trademark, so ro clinch the sure-fire propo¬
sition Roscoe acquired a five-month-old lion cub, and
planned to fly him as a mascot.
In March 1900 The Gilmore Lion came into being.
Painted cream with red-and-gold trim, it soon became a
familiar sight at western airports and flying events. Peo¬
ple flocked ro see the Lockheed and its snappily dressed
pilot. Gilmore, the lion cub, was a star attraction, too. He
even boasted a specially made and tailored Irvin Air
Chute, with a suitcase handle for ready carrying.
Turner and Gilmore did plenty of serious flying. Roscoe
pur his sights on the transcontinental record and, with his And new idea. Roscoe with his brainwave Gilmore.

and 54 seconds. They'd stopped only briefly in Wichira ro

replenish rhe needs of man, machine, and beosr. Gil¬
more rode proudly home on Mrs. Turner's lop.
Afrer rhe transcontinental rriumphs of Lockheed's stock
Vega, Air Express, and Sirius, rhe records began ro be
whirried away by smaller, specially constructed racing
planes rhar, because of rheir high speeds, could afford
several refueling stops en route.
For a while, exacrly whor constituted a coosr-ro-coosr
record was none roo clear. Newark, New Jersey—con¬
veniently and considerably short of Long Island—be¬
came o favorite Eastern terminus. There were nonstop,
one-srop, and mulrisrop records, wirh variations in passen¬
gers carried, payloads, directions, termini, and even rhe
age group of rhe flyer breaking rhe record.
In June 1930 two well-known aviators from Derroir
gave one of rhese variations ro rhe transcontinental
mark. They were William S. Brock and Edward F. Schlee,
best remembered for rheir 1927 flight from Derroir ro
Tokyo, which included rhe firsr direct Atlantic hop from
Newfoundland ro London.
Billy Brock was an Ohio farm boy who had learned ro
fly wirh Glenn Curtiss when hardly our of knee panrs.
Cheerful, chubby Billy had graduated from flying mail,
and had allied himself wirh Ed Schlee, a Derroir business¬
New owner, new point job, new pilot: Roscoe Turner flies the for¬ man. By rhe acquisirion of rhe right corners, Schlee had
mer Block Horner ro a new coosr-ro-coosr mark builr up a thriving chain of service srarions, and his Wayco
Oil Company held rhe Shell distributorship for southern
Michigan. Billy raughr Ed ro fly, and gave him rhe irch ro
branch our into aviorion. Afrer rheir daring and successful
flight, this pair added complete aircraft sales and service
ro Schlee's chain of enterprises. Their greatest coup was
emergence on rhe national scene, many people who being appointed as a distributor for Lockheed in 1928.
had never heard of Californio's Gilmore gasoline come For going on two years, rhe Schlee-Brock Aircraft Cor¬
ro know Gilmore rhe lion. poration sold Lockheed Vegas throughout rhe Midwesr
On May 1, 1930, rhe flyer rook his mascor and rhe Air and handled rhe sales of dozens of airplanes. Business
Express up over Donning Pass ro rhe easr in an effort ro was excellent and Ed and Billy were kept on rhe jump,
bear Lindbergh's cross-counrry rime. The plane was srill exhibiting and selling rhe speedy ships from New Mexico
firred with rhe Horner engine, and really gobbled rhe ro New Jersey. For a while rhe lively Schlee-Brock organi¬
Gilmore gas. zation was a roil rhor nearly wagged rhe dog. With a
Over New Mexico, Turner encountered srrong head¬ narion-wide distributorship and a subdealer serup, rhe
winds and terrible flying weather. The lion cub got lone¬ Derroir-ro-Tokyo flyers laid plans ro rake on rhe entire
some and tried ro crawl up from rhe cabin into rhe busy Lockheed factory ourpur. They contracted for sixreen
flyer's lop. Ar one poinr Roscoe was sure rhey would have planes a monrh, and were ready ro invest $3,000,000 in
ro jump, and only rhe rhoughr of a lion flooring genrly them.
down on some unsuspecting rancher drove him on. Ar a This rosy financial bubble was pricked by rhe sale of
short srop in Wichita, rhe Lockheed was refueled while Lockheed assers ro rhe Derroir Aircraft combine, which
Gilmore happily devoured chunks of raw horsemear. Srill hod been pur together righr in Ed Schlee's home rown.
bucking winds, rhe pair made a srop for oil in Middle- Derroir pulled rhe rug from under rhe Schlee-Brock distrib¬
rown, Pennsylvania. Then rhey ran our of gas before utorship, and set up its own sales organization. In July
reaching Roosevelr Field on Long Island, ond hod ro land 1929, at rhe crucial rime when there might have been
short or Curtiss. a deal for murual benefit, Ed Schlee lay in a Derroir hos¬
The Gilmore Lion missed rhor one, bur two weeks larer pital wirh o fractured skull. Sronding on rhe wheel of a
Turner and his furry friend roared into Glendale, Califor¬ Vega, he had lost his balance ond fallen inro rhe whirling
nio wirh o new easr-wesr record of 18 hours, 42 minures, propeller.

Billy Brock rried ro hold rhings rogerher while his parr-

ner recovered from rhe near-faral accident". After just a
few months of operation, rhe little Canadian-American
Airlines they were trying to establish in Minnesota went
broke, and its assets went under rhe sheriff's hammer.
Despite rhe change in their fortunes, rhe Detroit pair were
still sold on what Lockheed planes could do. Perhaps
another world flight, all rhe way this rime, would pur
them back on top.
In rhe Schlee-Brock shops were all rhe parts ro build a
new Vega. All that was lacking was a fuselage, which
was readily purchased from the factory. In rhe spring of
1900 Billy and Ed put together a Lockheed of their own.
It was a beautiful ship, painted a deep red with cream-
colored wing, rail, and wheel pants. There was much
secrecy about what the plane would be used for, and
rhe rumored world flight was nor denied.
To rest rhe long-distance capabilities of their Lockheed,
Brock and Schlee chose to make a double transcontinen¬
tal dash across rhe southern segment of the United Stares,
from Jacksonville, Florida, ro San Diego, California, and
return. In rhe rash of Los Angeles-New York flights nor
much attention had been paid to this route, which is
about 400 miles shorter.
Wearing his usual cardigan swearer and his "lucky"
ran-and-whire sport shoes, Billy Brock sent rhe shining
Vega skimming off the beach at Jacksonville. In rhe
cabin, Ed Schlee busied himself with a transmitter-
Ed Schlee (lefr) and Dilly Brock build a Vega and ser a new record
receiver lent them for the flight by Powel Crosley, Jr., of
because they believe in Lockheeds.
rhe radio company. Though it had only 150-warr
strength, it enabled the boys ro keep tabs on local storm
conditions and issue terse bulletins as to their own prog¬
This Sport Cabin Sirius with Jimmy Collins in rhe office couldn f crack ress.
rhe Lindberghs' rime flying east They had fine weather except for a whirling dust cone

over the Imperial Valley, and rhe Florida-California parr judged his landing, rolled inroa boundary fence, and pur
of rhe rrip wenr fine. Ir was rhe firsr nonsrop flight ever rhe Vega up on her nose. Brock and Schlee were unhurt,
made between rhose stares. Ar San Diego, rhe flyers bur rhe Lockheed had ro be shipped back ro Detroit for
stopped only long enough ro gas up and munch a sand¬ repairs. It was sold eventually to rhe Crosley Radio Cor¬
wich. The return rrip was-much rougher than Brock and poration.
Schlee had anticipated, and they dodged rhunderheads Famed resr pilor Jimmy Collins made a try ar rhe Lind¬
and bucked headwinds all rhe way. After an unsched¬ bergh record on rhe Fourth of July 1930. He was ferrying
uled fuel stop ar Tallulah, Louisiana, rhe pair got back ro a gaily painred red-and-whire special Sport Sirius ro its
Jacksonville in 31 hours and 58 minutes. This flighr, made new owner, Walter Blumenrha! of New York. Jimmy
June 17-18, 1930, was a new elapsed-rime record for a came rearing across rhe continent, bur even flying alone
round trip across rhe Unired Srares. he was far behind rhe Colonel's mark.
Since high ride prevented his using rhe beach from Then in August, Captain Frank Hawks, flying a small,
which he had taken off, Billy Brock landed with near- racing Travel Air Mystery Ship, recaptured his cross-country
empty ranks ar rhe Jacksonville Municipal Airport. Like speed rirle, and a plane builr by Lockheed was nor ro
Frank Hawks a year earlier, fatigued with nearly rwo days hold rhe record again until rhe age of jets.
and a nighr of transcontinental flying, rhe rired pilor mis¬


S ince rhey hod o berrer-rhon-even chonce ro bear

all competition, Lockheed monoplanes were en¬
tries in most of the racing meets of the late twen-
| ties and early thirties, particularly those on a
where determined men and women labored to put
more speed into their machines.
For the manufacturers and owners, a race winner
meant more business. For the mechanics and ground
national scale. crews it was the satisfaction of precision teamwork and
Primarily as competition for military and experimental the excitement of competition. For the pilot, seeking to
aircraft, there had been a National Air Paces held each make a name for himself and his plane, it was all these
year since 1924. The annual meet was staged in various plus the thrill of public approval. Seldom did a racer ever
cities, and brought manufacturers in contact with poten¬ come our with a profit, and many lost both their shirrs
tial buyers, and also served as a proving ground for ideas and their lives. Still, the surging, screaming crowds, the
and new designs. sound of flat-out engines, and the smells of popcorn and
More than that, the National Air Paces were a great hot motor oil brought them back each year. It was heady
country fair of the air, where pilots, mechanics, builders, stuff.
owners—everyone connected with the industry—could The throngs which flocked each year to the National
get together in a holiday atmosphere. Lasting friendships
were made and renewed, and the midnight oil burned Lee Shoenhair and Miss Silverrown streaking in from Los Angeles in
on beyond daylight in the hangars and sheds and tents the 1929 National Air Races.


Air Races reveled in rhe spectacles pur on for their bene¬ Thaw chose to act as navigator for his colorful new sky-
fit. Like Romans watching gfadiarors in rhe Coliseum, splitter, and installed Jack Morris, a Pittsburgh flying in¬
they chose their favorite villains, their clowns, their heroes structor, in rhe cockpit. The pair rook delivery of the ship
who could do no wrong. And, like the Romans, they in Burbank, and got it back to New York barely in rime
came with just a taste for blood—and were often re¬ to get ready for the big race.
warded. Art Goebel and Harry Tucker had made rhe first non¬
The NAR, as it was called, first had Lockheed airplanes stop west-east transcontinental hop only a couple of
in competition at its 1928 meeting, held at Mines Field weeks earlier, showing that a stock commercial Lock¬
southwest of Los Angeles. Due to rhe excitement over heed could do it. Art and Harry had Yankee Doodle's
Lindbergh, and flying in general, more than half a mil¬ racing number, 44, already painted on, and considered
lion people were expected, and rhe committee rounded their record flight a mere curtain raiser for rhe main
up cash prizes amounting to $80,000. event.
To alert national interest, rhe program included a num¬ Thaw and Morris reasoned that they had nearly 100
ber of On-to-Los Angeles races taking off from New more horses on the nose of their ship than had rhe Cali¬
York City, with different categories for planes of various fornians' Vega with its 425-hp Wasp. They rook further
engine displacements. The most appealing to adventur¬ heart when rhe veteran Goebel got lost on a simple trip
ous pilots with flat wallets was an unprecedented non¬ to Connecticut, supposedly looking for Hartford's Brainard
stop race across the continent. At the rime of rhe Field. (This was later suspected to be a hoax, perpetrated
announcement only one airplane, rhe Army T-2, had by rhe wily Goebel to mislead his competition.)
ever flown all rhe way from New York to rhe West Coast Then, at the last minute, publisher Bernarr Macfadden
without coming down to gas up. got a yen to fly in the race. It would help sell magazines.
Colonel William K. Thaw of Pittsburgh—World War He negotiated with Thaw, offering $35,000 for rhe pow¬
flyer and commander of rhe famous Lafayette Escadrille, erful purple Lockheed. This was difficult to resist, and rhe
insurance broker and railroad director—believed that Pittsburgher sold with the proviso that he and Morris
Lockheed's Vega would be rhe ideal plane to enter in would still fly the ship. The bushy-browed physical culturist
the nonstop race. He ordered one through the compa¬ managed to get his new acquisition christened TrueSrory
ny's Eastern distributor, Air Associates, Inc., of New York. It on the eve of the race, but canceled plans to go along
was to have special tanks, special bamboo-padded fuel himself. It was just as well for him that he did.
lines, and a special engine: the 515:hp Hornet by Pratt & The New York—Los Angeles Nonstop Air Race got
Whitney. This last would make it the fastest passenger under way from Roosevelt Field on September 13, 1928.
airplane in America at that time. The-ship was painted In addition to the two Lockheed entries, there were two
purple and gold, and cost the dapper colonel a neat Stinsons, a Buhl, and four Beliancas, including rhe famed
$30,000. Columbia which had flown to Germany rhe year before.
Well-known pilots like Nick Mamer, George Haldeman,
William Thaw couldn 'r rum down $35,000 for his racing Vega, in Shirley Short, Emil Burgin, and "Boots'' Le Boutillier were
1928 rhe U.5.A.'s speediest passenger plane. at their controls. As the afternoon sun stretched wing

shodows inro grotesque lengths, they took off, one by phantly up in front of the grandstand—disqualified be¬
one. cause of their stop, but still the sole entry to complete the
Goebel and Tucker, in white shirts and brown business race.
suits, acted as though they were hopping over to Terer- BernarrMacfadden's True Srory didn'r last out the night.
boro for tea. But in no time Art had Yankee Doodle's rail South of Decatur, Indiana, an oil-line break dropped the
up and was off and away in the dusk. pressure to zero, necessitating an immediate forced land¬
The Thaw-Macfadden True Srory was the last to leave. ing. Colonel Thaw propped open the cabin door and
The blast of her Horner ripped up a vast cloud of black dropped out a parachute flare, illuminating a flat ex¬
dirt, nearly smothering the spectators as she turned about panse of Hoosierdom. Jack Morris leveled off the Vega to
inro the wind. With 650 gallons of gas on board there set down. Just at the crucial moment the flare went out.
was some question as to whether the heavy racer would Blindly, Jack groped for the ground. In the dark the tail
get off. But Jack Morris had Yankee Doodle to catch, and skid caught on a fence and the Lockheed went somer¬
he didn't hesitate: of the nine ships in the race, True Srory saulting end over end in a rearing, smashing pile-up. The
used the least runway, and her lights quickly disappeared engine and wings were torn completely off. Miraculously
inro the night. the men were somehow thrown clear in a heap to¬
The first (and only) New York-to-Los Angeles nonstop gether, and regained consciousness to the gurgle of gas¬
derby was a bust. Next day found all nine contestants oline pouring from the ruptured ranks. With dislocations
down and scattered from Pennsylvania to Arizona, and and a fracture they lay for five hours on the hard, cold
one far to the north in Wyoming. ground, until daylight and their feeble shouts brought
After fighting exceptionally bad weather all night and help. Bernarr Macfadden's most expensive “true story"
all day, Art Goebel and Harry Tucker nearly made it. Then was a fast write-off, and Colonel William Thaw's bid for
the door of the Lockheed blew off while Harry was pitch¬ cross-country racing honors ended in a Decatur hospital.
ing our gas cans. Art finally decided it would be smart to Other On-ro-Los Angeles, transcontinental races of
come down ar Prescott, Arizona, to check a balky car¬ 1928 were operated on a ciry-to-ciry, elapsed-rime basis.
buretor and make sure of the gas supply. Still game, the A Lockheed Vega easily won the New York—ro—Califor¬
pair continued on to Mines Field with the wind howling nia event in its C classification that year. The plane in¬
and eddying through the cabin. There they taxied trium¬ volved was The Tesrer, which belonged to Erie P.
Halliburton of Duncan, Oklahoma.
A former oil-field truck driver who had invented a new
Pilors miraculously survived Indiana crash. and better method of cementing deep wells, tough and
Erie P. Halliburron and pilot Dob Cantwell with The Tester. Car is a vacation" with one of his company's speedy Lockheeds.
Lincoln, with 1928 California tags. Jaunty Roscoe Turner flew in from rhe west with Nevada
Airlines' Sirius, a regulation 5-place Vega with neat tear¬
wily Erie Halliburton's growing business rook him all over drop wheel pants in addition to its engine cowl—a con¬
rhe Southwest. His original Vega was the fourth Lock¬ siderable advancement over rhe 80-mph, little Timm
heed built and the first to be purchased for private use. biplane Roscoe had been flying rhe previous year. Turner
Halliburton became so sold on Lockheed planes and and Cantwell fought it out in rhe Civilian Cabin Ship Race.
their potential in business and commercial work that he Even without pants, Dob's ship delivered a couple more
started a Lockheed distributorship for his Oklahoma area. miles than Roscoe could get out of his, and Cantwell
Entering a plane in rhe derby to Los Angeles was there¬ came roaring home a winner.
fore good advertising. The elegant Turner bounced back two days later with
The oilman's second Vega, The Tester, was flown by an amazing performance in rhe big 50-mile free-for-all,
Halliburton's personal pilot, Robert W Cantwell. Jockey¬ a 1929 forerunner of rhe famous Thompson Trophy Race
ing rhe bright-yellow Lockheed in the transcontinental that Roscoe would one day dominate. Compering
journey was a breeze for Dob Cantwell, an ex-barn¬ against special Army and Navy stripped-down racers,
stormer from Texas. Competition in his class consisted of "America's best-dressed pilot" whipped his Vega around
a Fairchild 71 and a Fokker Universal, both good air¬ rhe triangular course with startling speed and verve. Ros¬
planes bur no speed packages. Cantwell and The Tester coe finished behind Doug Davis's Travel Air Mystery Ship
won each and every lap, clear across rhe continent. and an Army P-3A. Dut rhe experience of rhe race wirh
Counting local prizes given out along rhe way, Dob rook Cantwell helped, and he upped his speed some 13 mph
in $6,155, a wristwatch, and a Mexican serape. this time to rake third and nose our rhe Navy entry, a
Arriving at Mines Field, Cantwell proceeded to show Curtiss F6C6. The generals and admirals in attendance
his work was nor confined to cross-country piloting. The looked hard and long at Turner's stock airliner.
Oklahoma flyer entered the Unlimited Free-for-AII 50- The nonstop derby from Los Angeles to Cleveland wirh
Mile Closed-Course Race against favored Art Goebel. The its $5,000 prize proved a good drawing card that same
yellow Tester went flashing around the Mines Field pylons year. There seemed little reason to believe that rhe trip
with the white Yankee in close pursuit. Cantwell's rime would be as rigorous as 1928's in the other direction. The
was only 5 seconds faster than Goebel's, bur it was winner was to be decided on an elapsed-rime basis and
enough to win. Erie Halliburron and rhe men at Lock¬ could arrive at any rime during rhe ten-day meet.
heed were rightfully proud of rhe showing their planes All four entries in rhe race were Lockheeds. In rhe inter¬
had made in rhe races. ests of pleasing rhe public, rhe judges decreed that a
With his boss's blessings, Dob Cantwell was back with nonstop entry must arrive before 6 P.M. of any of rhe race
rhe Vega for rhe next year's National Air Races at Cleve¬ days. If Roscoe Turner had nor misjudged his rime on this
land. The ship had been- in use on rhe Oklahoma pro¬ requirement, his cowled and panted Vega Sirius might
moter's new SAFEway Airlines. Down at rhe outdoor have been in rhe money.
shops in Tulsa, rhe SAFEway .crew had waxed and pol¬ Sandy-haired, boyish Lee Schoenhair, who had wice
ished rhe Lockheed to a fare-rhee-well, and added rhe previously flown Vegas nonstop to Ohio, piloted rhe
latest thing: rhe NACA cowl, developed late in 1928, Goodrich Company's Miss Silvertown once again on rhe
which put another 12 mph into rhe Wasp-powered yel¬ long trip to Cleveland. He arrived early in rhe meet, while
low racer. wo other dark horses in rhe race remained in Los Ange¬
Cantwell's competition was a brother airline pilot "on les.
Roscoe Turner's Vega, Sirius, gers rhe new NACA cowl and a pair of rhe finish line. The crowd cheered rhe mail pilor's our-of-
rhe earliesr teardrop wheel pants. gas, dead-srick landing and his announced rime of 13
hours and 15 minutes—over half an hour better rhan
General Tire & Rubber Company had been Trying for Shoenhair's.
several weeks ro ger a Lockheed of rheir own ro enrer in The rwo rubber company entries had arrived, bur an¬
rhe nonsrop derby. Two Vegas, en roure ro Akron on ferry other contender remained on rhe Wesr Coast, ready ro
rrips, had been desrroyed in faral accidenrs. In despera- make a bid for rhe race money. Quier, popular John P.
rion rhe rire company officials disparched rheir hired pilor, Wood had jusr bought a new Lockheed for his Northern
Henry J. Drown, ro see if marrers could be speeded up. Airways of Wausau, Wisconsin. A major in rhe Wisconsin
Serious Brownie Drown was an airmail flyer on leave Notional Guard, Johnny Wood was well known as winner
from his job wirh Narional Air Transport and had precious of rhe 1928 Ford Reliability Tour, and had placed in rwo
lirrle rime for his racing assignment On rhe way wesr he other rransconrinenral races. Now he was afrer rhe big
mer Lockheed's resr pilor, Herb Fahy, who was languish¬ one.
ing in Kansas afrer an unsuccessful rransconrinenral rec¬ Because he intended ro fly his new Vega for passenger
ord arrempr wirh one of rhe company's demonsrrarors, and charter work later on, Major Wood elected ro use
an Air Express. Ir was rhis plane or norhing. Brownie and rhe five-gall.on-can method of carrying extra gasoline.
General Tire rook rirle ro rhe Horner-powered, parasol¬ Ward Miller, a young Lockheed mechanic, wenr along
wing ship rhree days afrer rhe races had begun in Cleve¬ ro handle rhis chore, squeezed in amid rhe gas tins. Com¬
land. munication wirh rhe pilor ahead was effected by a string
Wirh 200 gallons in rhe wings and 050 in rhe fuselage, on pulleys ro which clorhespinned notes were arrached.
rhe hasrily prepared The General Tire was a flying gas A missing engine spoiled Wood's and Miller's firsr ar¬
rank. Brownie gor her off from Los Angeles in rhe dark rempr ro fly ro Cleveland and they landed in a bean field
and was soon flying easrward ar full rhrorrle. The course near Willard, New Mexico. Using a borrle of vinegar, a
he had plorred lay over desolare rerrirory, and rhe firsr local Jack-of-all-rrades freed a stuck valve and rhe men
landmark he could identify was Forr Leavenworrh, Kan¬ high-railed rheir Vega back ro Los Angeles.
sas. Fighting fatigue, rhe pilor was kept busy all rhrough Afrer running in a new engine, rhe racers were ready
rhe long hours pumping gasoline ro feed rhe hungry for a fresh start. There was jusr enough rime ro reach
Horner. Cleveland on Labor Day, rhe last day of rhe races. Taking
Even 550 gallons was nor quire enough. Five miles off in rhe dark, Wood could see rhe flashes of a severe
from Cleveland Airport rhe engine began ro spurrer, and electrical srorm far ahead, and pur rhe Vega in a sreep
rhen cur our entirely. Brownie hunched forward in rhe climb ro ger above ir.
open cockpit, warching his air speed and stretching his Ar abour 3 a.m., when they were high above rhe dark
glide. He brought rhe big black Air Express straight in, and stormy California desert, rhe ship began ro fall off in
floating silently down in fronr of rhe grandstand and over a spin, and Major Wood snapped on rhe dash lights ro

check his insrrumenrs. Feeling rhe pull of rhe plane and en's air derby from Los Angeles to Cleveland. Its pilot was
sensing trouble, Miller insrincriyely unbuckled his safety a rhirfy-one-year-old former social worker named Amelia
belt and unlatched rhe cabin door. He was expecting a Earharr. She had been carried across the Atlantic as an
note or sign from Wood to throw out a flare, bur the air passenger the year before, and was by this rime rhe
signal never came. The last thing rhe mechanic remem¬ world's most famous woman flyer. As with Lindbergh,
bered was a terrific crash that rammed him into the publicity attended all her movements, and of course ex¬
packed gas cons. His first thought was that they had hit a tended to rhe aircraft in which she chose to travel.
mountain. Air Associates, Inc., Lockheed's distributor for rhe East
"When I regained consciousness," wrote Miller later, "I Coast, sold her one of their Vega demonstrators to fly in
was falling through space. I remember reaching for the rhe much-heralded "powder-puff derby" that summer.
rip-cord ring and getting a hold on it, bur don't remem¬ Together with Lieutenant Orville Stephens, an Army
ber pulling it as I passed our again. I regained conscious¬ pilot on leave, Amelia flew it across rhe country and pur
ness again for a minute or so and thought how quiet down at rhe Lockheed factory strip for a routine check
and peaceful it was. I passed our again and when I woke before proceeding to Clover Field in Santa Monica and
up I was lying out in the desert and the sun was just the start of rhe women's air race.
coming up." After a year of hard knocks around New York City air¬
Miller dazedly wandered in the desert for rhe better fields at the hands of a variety of pilots, Miss Earharr's
part of two days. He looked for Johnny Wood and the Vega was nor exactly in rhe best of shape. Amelia herself
plane, but found only wooden rib fragments and a wing called it a "thlrdhand clunk." Lockheed's temporary test
rip. Finally he stumbled on a blacktop road, got a ride pilot, a stocky little man with a patch over one eye, had
into Needles, California, and led rhe continuation of rhe stronger language to describe it. Lockheed prudently de¬
search by air. It was another thirty-six hours before a small cided to dismantle rhe offending ship, and replace it with
plane from Phoenix came upon more scattered wreck¬ a new demonstrator of their own.
age, and rhe body of Major Wood. The Vega had appar¬ The Earharr Lockheed was rhe biggest and fastest
ently been struck by lightning, which exploded the gas plane in the women's derby, and the hottest ship Amelia
ranks. had ever flown. Carefully she lifted rhe light green Vega
After his providential escape, Ward Miller forsook avia- in and out of control fields along the way, with only a
rion and went into rhe banking business. In Cleveland, minor ground loop at Yuma, Arizona, to mar the journey.
Brownie Brown soberly accepted rhe derby prize, and At each stop Amelia took in stride rhe hoopla that ac¬
was thankful for his own good fortune. companied the progress of rhe petticoat pilots. To her
Still another Lockheed participated in rhe air races that mind the derby was important in proving her oft-reiter¬
year, a Whirlwind-powered Vega flown in rhe first wom¬ ated statement: "Women can fly just as well as men."
She came in to Cleveland in 22-plus hours, a happy third
Henry J. Drown (center) and rhe Air Express whose dead-stick arrival behind Louise Thaden's Travel Air and Gladys O'Donnell's
ar Cleveland was winning time in rhe 1929 NAR. snappy Waco.
of his daughrer, Winnie Mae. Posr flew rhis ship a few
monrhs and rhen sadly ferried ir back ro Burbank for
resale when rhe Hall b Briscoe inreresrs suffered a busi¬
ness lull. Along wirh rhe airplane, Wiley sold himself ro
Lockheed as an exrra resr pilor. In oddirion, he held a
pioneer airline job in Mexico, being one of less rhan a
hundred licensed flyers in rhar counrry. The firsr Winnie
Mae wenr ro Nevada Airlines and was renamed ro be¬
come Roscoe Turner's racing Sirius.
Wirh an improvemenr in business, F. C. Hall boughr
anorher Vega in rhe spring of 1900, and Posr resumed
his old posirion, wirh permission ro fly rhe second—and
mosr renowned-—Winnie Mae in rhe coming races.
Again for rhe nonsrop derby ro Chicago rhe five enrries
were all Lockheeds. The pilots garhered ar rhe facrory in
Burbank ro check our rheir ships, working wirh good-
narured rivalry ro prepare rhem. Swashbuckling Roscoe
Turner readied his cream-colored Air Express, last year's
Cleveland derby winner, wirh Gilmore, his "man-earing
chipmunk," ried and panring in rhe shade of a wing. Art
Goebel blocked our all bur one window in his Vega (rhe
former firsr Winnie Mae and ex-Sirius') and packed rhe
NAR director Cliff Henderson greets Amelia Earharr after the first cabin wirh long-range ranks. Keeping very mum abour
powder-puff derby. Vega is her second, turned in for the one she ir, Lee Shoenhair raxied down by rhe railroad embank¬
later flew across the Atlantic. ment, and secretly doped rhe ranks of Miss Silverrown
wirh a red fluid "called afrer some woman"—which
turned our ro be Ethyl. Everybody's friend Billy Brock af¬
The lirrle pilor wirh rhe eyeporch who had resred Ame¬ fectionately parted rhe rail of his red-and-cream New
lia's "clunk'' ar rhe Lockheed planr in 1929, proved him¬ Cincinnari, rhe vereran of his Jacksonville-San Diego rec¬
self among rhe besr in rhe nexr year's Narional Air Races ord round trip.
in Chicago. He was Wiley Posr, a former oil-field rousr- "This is all you fellows will see on rhe way ro Chicago,"
abour from Oklahoma. Wiley had learned ro fly wirh rhe he announced cheerfully. Billy planned ro tore Cincinnari
insurance paymenrs from rhe occidenr which had cosr announcer Bob Brown along, ro broadcast from rhe
him rhe sighr of his lefr eye. Soon he had sold borh Vega for rhe Crosley Radio Corporation.
himself and his services ro Mr. Florence C. Hall, a well-ro- Wiley Posr was rhe only unknown in rhe nonsrop
do parrner in Hall b Briscoe, Inc., dealers in oil-field leases. event, which he proceeded ro win wirh a rime of 9 hours
As "F. C." 's personal pilor, operaring our of Chickasha, and 9 minures. In a horse-race finish rhar delighted rhe
Oklahoma, Posr rook rhe oilman on borh pleasure and crowd, Wiley managed ro nose our Lee Shoenhair, who
business rrips.
had lefr Los Angeles several minures ahead of rhe Win¬
Enrerprising Mr. Hall's firsr Lockheed was a beauriful
nie Mae. In elapsed rime ir was Posr, Goebel, Shoenhair,
new $20,000 Vega wirh special painr and lerrering. Like
and Brock. Roscoe Turner and Gilmore finished last, bur
rhe similar planes he larer owned, ir was named in honor
didn't mind because they were soon far more "lionized"
by rhe crowd rhan were rhe winners.
Winnie Mae or rhe beginning of her fame, as an executive trans¬ Nor evident ro rhe Chicago specrarors was rhe facr rhar
port for oilman F. C. Hall. rhe difference in rime berween Posr, rhe winner, and

■ yW 4
Roscoe, in fifrh place, was less than fifty minutes. For a
1,760-mile trip this was certainly a good example of the
long distance reliability of Lockheed airplanes.
A sidelight of the 1930.races was the winning of the
$3,500 Searrle-Chicago derby by John Dlum. Associated
with Northwest Air Service of Seattle, Dlum flew a Whirl¬
wind-powered 5-place Vega, a plane which by that rime
was our of production and considered vastly underpow¬
The races came back to Cleveland in 1931, where
they were to become an annual affair. The cross-country
event this year was the first Dendix Trophy Race. It dif¬
fered from former transcontinental competition in that
the contestants were allowed stops to refuel en route, if
necessary, and then go on. Nevertheless another contin¬
gent of long-ranging Lockheeds was made ready—bur
without regard for this new provision: their pilots scoffed
at the idea of taking time to stop and refuel.
This year also saw Lockheed's new Orion compering.
This was a fast cabin plane, brought our early in the
season. It mounted the passenger facilities and the cock¬
pit (up front like the Vega's) on a broad, low wing that
housed a fully retractable landing gear. Lockheed defi¬
nitely had the airlines in mind as customers for this stock
plane with racing characteristics. new Orion, and had several little refinements, such as
Of the old gang, only Art Goebel was still trying with extra stabilizer fairings, to add to her speed. Slow-talking,
his special Speed Vega. Harold S. Johnson had one of the fast-flying Beeler Blevins of Georgia had another of the
new Orions to deliver in Chicago to his employers, Con¬ low-winged Orions, the properly of Asa Candler of the
tinental Airways. Known as "the man who looped the Atlanta family who made Coca-Cola.
Ford Trimotor," Harold was a rugged individual. He made Also in the starting lineup were three fleer Alrairs, sam¬
a practice of wringing our any plane he ever flew and ples of the new low-wing, rerracrable-landing-gear job
finding our just whot to expect of it before letting a pas¬ that Lockheed had evolved from the wo-place Sirius.
senger set foot in the aisle. He made no exception of the Captain Ira C. Eaker was flying an Army Air Corps com¬
mand transport Altair with civilian registration. A hand¬
The five nonsrop racers in 1930 all flew Lockheeds, and clocked in some New York City stockbroker named James Goodwin
(left to right) Arr Goebel, second; Roscoe Turner and Gilmore, fifth; Hall had a big yellow-and-black one he'd named The
Lee Shoenhoir, third; Wiley Post, first; and Billy Brock, fourth.
Crusader,- the shield painted on its side was left blank,
since the crusade was temporarily kept quiet. And then
there was lanky Lou Reichers, pilot for the irrepressible
Bernarr Macfadden. The aviation-bugged publisher was
back with another entry, a 625-hp Cyclone-powered Al-
rair with a gorgeous paint job of jet black with gold leaf.
The new mulrisrop proviso tripped up this formidable
array of talent and Lockheeds. Streaking to Cleveland in
a tiny Laird biplane named Super Solution, Shell Petrole¬
um's demon Jimmy Doolittle bear them all. Blevins, who
took off just before the famous ex-Army major did, said
that the little Laird overtook and passed his Orion over
the Mojave Desert.
"Ah thought ah was flyin' backwahd," drawled Beeler.
Blasting along the 2,046-mile airway to Cleveland,
Doolittle and his racer made two stops and still reached
W ;4 the races in 9 hours and 10 minutes. Johnson's Orion
ypt m ■. .4 rook over an hour longer, followed by Blevins, Eaker,

Goebel's Vega has long-range gas ranks for racing. Arr Goebel, who gor fifrh-place money in 1931 Dendix.

Firsr Dendix Race also broughr our (sranding lefr ro righr) Lou Reich-
ers, Jimmy Doolirrle, Jim Hall, Deeler Dlevins behind (lefr ro righr)
Ira Eaker, Walrer Hunrer, Harold Johnson.

i <> Ad ’ S'
ttt % i
Cross-continent hop was showcase for rhe new Airair, first to have open field for slower entries to cop some ready prize
wheels ruck in flush to rhe wing surface.
money. Roy O. Hunt flew an Orion in the 1935 Bendix.
Named Sheridan, rhe plane belonged to Wiley Post's old
friend and backer, F. C. Hall. It was 64-mph slower than
Goebel, and Hall. "Hard-luck Lou" Reichers, never nored
rhe fiashy racers that won, bur Roy nevertheless took
for his navigarion, "missed a few switches" of rhe railroad
fourth place and pocketed $1,000. The same year Ame¬
tracks he was following, and came down our of gas at
lia Earharr, just poking along in her "little red bus," picked
Beatrice, Nebraska.
up $500 expense money for fifth.
Knocked our of competition by a rash of racing planes
Much the same thing happened at rhe 1936 National
that were little more than flying engines, rhe long-range,
Air Races, in Los Angeles Sponsor Vincent Bendix offered
stock transport Lockheeds were withdrawn. During rhe
an extra $2,500 to rhe fastest woman pilot completing
next two years' NAR, they were conspicuous by their ab¬
rhe full transcontinental trip. When all the special and
high-speed racers either were nonstarters or cracked up
Later on there was an occasional Lockheed entry as a
en route, the stock planes—and the women—took over.
sporting gesture by a pilot or owner who was going to
With a predawn takeoff from Floyd Bennett Field in
rhe races anyway. There was always a possibility that rhe
Brooklyn, perky little Laura Ingalls roared wesiward to
favorites might be withdrawn or forced our, leaving an
disappear into the night. The Long Island girl piloted her
new, gleaming black Lockheed Orion. Flying alone, as
Amelia's little red bus was up against speed packages but still always, Miss Ingalls crossed the continent in 15 hours and
came in fifth (5heridan behind rail fin). 59 minutes. She placed second to a stock Beechcraft
Laura Ingalls In her Auro-da-Fe helps ro make Ir Ladies' Day ar the exisrence as an Alrair and rhen been converted ro be¬
1936 NAR with second place. come Jimmy Doolirrle's Shellighrning. Manrz boughr rhe
damaged Orion and had ir complerely rebuilt, wirh a
powerful Wrighr Cyclone engine ro haul ir. Various lirrle
C-17P flown by Louise Thaden and Blanche Noyes. Ben- streamlining touches added ro her speed.
dix and rhe race commirree were borh surprised and In borh 1938 and 1939 rhe California pilor flew rhe
humble when rhe rhree girls who had supposedly flown revamped Orion in rhe Bendix Trophy Pace. Using rhe
"just for rhe ride" come Trooping up ro rhe grandsrand upper alrirudes and rhe grearer 750 hp of his super¬
for rhe rrophies and rop money. charged engine, Manrz busrled off ro Cleveland and
The Lockheeds were nor quire finished as Bendix Tro¬ rwice pulled down rhird place. The firsryear he was con¬
phy conrenders. In 1938 on aeronaurical Jack-of-all- siderably slowed by encountering a high-flying hawk.
rrades named A. Paul Manrz caughr rhe racing bug. The The bird tore a hole in rhe fronr of rhe Orion's wooden
famous movie srunr flyer had several ships in his Burbank wing and lodged in rhe trailing edge, giving Paul some
hangar, bur norhing in rhe long-disrance flying caregory. anxious moments. In 1939 he recorded an average
He did know an example of Lockheed sramina, how¬ speed of almost 235 mph and reached Cleveland in 8
ever, as a resulr of preparing Amelia Earharr's Transpacific hours and 41 minures. Ir was good practice for rhe post¬
Vega in 1934. And, rhanks ro rhe vagaries of morion war Bendix Paces, which Manrz, flying a converted P-51
picrure work and charter service, Paul had long ago
Mustang, was ro win rhree years in a row.
learned ro see porenrial in planes rhar orhers had wrirren
When rhe California speed merchanr retired his bril-
off as useless. Back in Sr. Louis was a seven-year-old,
lianr-red Orion ro don barrledress as an Army colonel, rhe
cracked-up airplane, rhe one and only Lockheed Orion
single-engine Lockheeds had won and placed in Na¬
ro be builr wirh a meral fuselage. The ship had begun
tional Air Paces comperirion for over a decade.
"Who knows?" mused a Lockheed engineer recenrly;
"if somebody could have figured our a back-ro-back Twin
Paul Manrz's converted racer—rhe sole meral-fuselage Orion ever
builr—has rugged new Cyclone ro bring ir in third in rhe 1938 and
Wasp installation, and been brave or foolish enough ro
1939 Dendix Trophy Races. IPs the only Lockheed Orion srill existing fly ir, they might have got 500 miles an hour and bear
today. everything!"


T he aviorion world was aroused by rhe successful

Lindbergh, Chamberlin, Byrd, and Brock-Schlee
flighrs across rhe Arlanric in 1927. Soon all over
rhe narion ir was a rare hangar rhar did nor shel¬
cess. There were ill-advised and downright foolish efforts
which had little hope of being carried to completion. But
among them were well-planned and well-equipped at¬
tempts with a reasonable chance of gerring across.
ter ar leasr one budding transatlantic flyer. The Such a venrure was launched early in 1901 by Miss
prestige and supposed riches awaiting at the other end Ruth Rowland Nichols and Colonel Clarence D. Chamber¬
of rhe Great Circle rainbow to Europe were difficult to lin, with the blessings and rhe aircraft of rhe Crosley Radio
ignore. Veteran pilots, nonpilors, and plain publicity- Corporation of Cincinnati, Ohio. Ruth Nichols was thirty
seekers all succumbed to rhe lure. Destinations and years old, and had an overwhelming urge to fly. Blue¬
avowed purposes varied, bur rhe general idea was to get eyed and brown-haired, her gracious manner recalled
there, make a "first" or record'of some sort, and return her quiet Quaker upbringing in a well-to-do Rye, New
home to fame and acclaim. York, family. Her background was a far cry from rhe
In a rash of such transoceanic flight attempts, the par¬ rough-and-tumble world of flying which she had deter-
ticipants ignored rhe fact rhar rhe North Atlantic is wide,
cold, and unforgiving of mistakes. For a while, as many Reichers (lefr) and Macfodden with rhe gold-leaf Alrair rhar, as Miss
ocean-hoppers met with failure and death as with suc¬ Liberty, almosr reached ro coasr of Ireland.

Ruth Nichols wirh Akira, readied by Clarence Chamberlin for her minedly chosen os a career.
rransarlanric try in 1931, and (below) end of rhe flight near the Already a governmenr-licensed pilor, and a vereran of
runway at 5r. John, New Brunswick
air fours and races, Miss Nichols was casually asked by
Clarence Chamberlin ro fly one of rhe airplanes he had
designed. Ir was rhe srarr of a long associarion. The rhin,
quixotic Chamberlin, famed for his Arlanric flight ro Ger¬
many in 1927, was by rhis rime engaged in a complex
round of aviation interests including design, manufac¬
ture, and charter flying our of Jersey City, New Jersey.
Soon he had Rurh Nichols under his wing, and became
her friend and most trusted technical advisor. Together
they plotted a course of action calculated ro put her
across rhe ocean in Paris as rhe first of her sex ro fly rhe
Arlanric alone.
in endless confabs, Chamberlin and Miss Nichols con¬
cluded that an airplane wirh speed was a prime requisite
for an Atlantic flight ro be tried by a woman. It would cur
down on both rhe hours of endurance required of rhe
engine, and of rhe pilot herself. The fast Lockheed Vega,
with its long cruising range, was their first choice.
The $20,000 price tag on a new Vega was far beyond
the income of Miss Nichols, and Colonel Chamberlin's
enterprises were never noted for producing more than a
precarious living. In rhe name of sweet publicity for his
radios, Ruth charmed Powel Crosley into rhe loan of his
New Cincinnori, rhe homemade Lockheed with which
Brock and Schlee had been breaking transcontinental
The speedy ship was rhe hottest thing that Ruth had
ever touched, and she thought at first that rhe super¬
charged Wasp beyond her toes was going ro pull itself
right out of rhe motor mount. Soon she became familiar
wirh rhe gleaming array of knobs and needles on the
instrument panel, and knew how ro manipulate both

More trouble for Ruth: fire at Louisville purs Akira our of rhe Atlantic wooded embankmenr dead ahead. Wirhour a chance
running once again.
of sropping, Rurh gave rhe ship rhe gun and rhe Vega
sraggered up, clearing rhe cliff by inches, only ro carch in
srabilizer pump and rhrorrle wirh one hand, while guid¬ rhe rreerops and crash beyond. The moror doubled
ing rhe red-and-cream Vega ro a landing wirh rhe orher. under and rhe cockpir bursr wide open jusr ahead of rhe
Srep by srep Colonel Chamberlin insrilled confidence pilor's sear. Mechanically she cur rhe swirch. Gas poured
in his proregee and guided her in a progression of rrans- down rhe sides of rhe plane and hor oil boiled from rhe
conrinenral, alrirude, and speed flighrs rhar broke all pre¬ rorn rank below her. Rurh crawled painfully our and
vious records made by women. Ar lasr Crosley gave Rurh along rhe wing, while an unfeeling news phorographer
permission ro fly rhe ocean wirh his plane. snapped picrures and made no efforr ro help. By a mira¬
Chamberlin and his work crew blocked our rhe win¬ cle There was no fire, and genrle hands soon lifred rhe
dows of rhe Vega, pur exrra fuel ranks in rhe cabin, and girl down from rhe wrecked plane.
insralled a new arrificial horizon and a direcrional gyro, Two days larer, while Rurh Nichols lay in rhe Sr. John
plus rhe second Hamilron-Srandard conrrollable-pirch pro¬ hospiral wirh five broken verrebrae, Wiley Posr and Har¬
peller ever made. Wirh rhis rhe pilor could change from old Garry made rhe Arlanric leg of rheir world flighr, and
a fasr, biring pirch in rakeoff ro rhe normal one besr rhe famous Winnie Mae became rhe firsr Lockheed air¬
suired for cruising. Resplendent in a new whire-and-gold plane ro span an ocean.
painr job, rhe Lockheed also had a new name: Akira, a Colonel Chamberlin shipped rhe broken Crosley Vega
Sourh Da kora Indian word meaning "ro explore." back ro Jersey Ciry, and wirh insurance paymenrs rhe
Afrer weeks of prepararion and wairing for favorable plane was rebuilr ro carry Miss Nichols for a new assaulr
wearher reporrs, Rurh Nichols was ar lasr ready ro fly rhe on rhe Arlanric. To prove rhar she could go rhe disrance
Arlanric. Her plan was ro jump off for Paris from rhe even Though srill wearing a sreel corser because of her
gravel airsrrip ar Harbour Grace, Newfoundland. Rurh injury, Rurh flew Akira 1,977 miles nonsrop from Oak¬
and Akira lefr Floyd Dennerr Field, Brooklyn, on June 22, land, California, ro Louisville, Kenrucky, on Ocrober 23,
1931, wirh a planned inrermediare fuel srop ar eirher 1931. Nexr day bad luck srruck again: rhe ship caughr
Porrland, Maine, or Sr. John, New Brunswick. Unforru- fire while being raxied. The girl escaped unscarhed rhis
narely, Miss Nichols chose Sr. John, a field she knew only rime, bur rhe Vega was reduced ro a charred hulk. By
by hearsay. Hacked our of surrounding wooded hills and rhe rime rhe never-give-up ream of Nichols and Cham¬
cliffs, rhe New Brunswick sropover was far roo small for berlin had rebuilr and readied rhe Lockheed a rhird rime,
rhe fasr Lockheed. rhe North Arlanric honors were snatched away by an¬
Miss Nichols slid rhe shiny whire monoplane in over rhe other woman, flying anorher Lockheed Vega.
rrees and lined up for a landing wirh rhe serring sun a The conquering lady was, of course, Ruth's friend Ame¬
fiery glare in her eyes. Halfway down rhe runway rhe lia Earharr. Ir had been four years since her Arlanric flighr
dazzle was abruprly eclipsed by rhe shadow of a high, as a passenger in rhe Fokker seaplane Friendship in

their demonstrators. When it was returned to her, Miss

Earhort promptly leased rhe plane to rhe Ludingron Lines
for passenger service between Washington and Norfolk.
Ludington's air travelers had no inkling that rhe 6-passen¬
ger airliner rhar whisked them down for a holiday on rhe
Virginia beaches would soon be part of a flight across
rhe Atlantic.
Amelia Earhart announced her forthcoming trip ro only
a trusted circle of friends. In answer to "Why?" she simply
replied: "Lor rhe fun of it," or "Because I want to." The
grooming of the Lockheed was put in the charge of rhe
famed Bernr Balchen, rhe husky, laconic Norwegian-
American Arctic explorer who had gone with Byrd on on
Atlantic flight of 1927.
Jusr as Clarence Chamberlin had done for Ruth Nichols,
so Bernr Balchen readied Amelia's Vega and gave her
rhe benefit of his own transatlantic flying experience.
Balchen was soon to accompany Lincoln Ellsworth on an
Antarctic expedition, so he was able to prepare the ship
with none of the fanfare he would have elicited had it
been known that rhe red monoplane wos to be piloted
by Miss Earhort herself. At Teterboro Airport in New Jersey
rhe Arctic flyer and his men beefed up rhe Vega's fuse¬
lage, installed a new fuel system and extra ranks for a
1928. The slim, rousle-hoired woman, now rhe wife of total capacity of 420 gallons, and pur in a brand-new
New York publisher George Palmer Purnam, hod never supercharged Pratt & Whitney Wasp engine.
been able ro feel rhar she hod rightfully earned all her The flight was under way before rhe public was aware
acclaim. WilmerSrulz had done all rhe piloting rhar rime, rhar it had even been planned. Bernr flew rhe Vega to
she insisted over and over, and she had been "just a sack Harbour Grace, with mechanic Eddie Gorski in rhe cabin
of potatoes.” Since rhen, however, Amelia hod gained aft of rhe gas tanks, and Amelia catnapping on her
all kinds of flying experience in a grear variety of rolled-up leather flying suit.
weather, and piled up hundreds of hours on a number The predictions looked good for a flight to Europe the
of types of aircraft. One day in rhe winter of 1901 she next day, May 20, 1902, and Amelia got off in rhe eve¬
simply turned ro her husband over rhe breakfast table ning. She still had two hours when rhe glow of the setting
and asked him: sun could be seen—if she looked back, which she didn't.
"Would you mind if I flew the Atlantic?" She flew high at 12,000 feet and, after four hours,
Putnam never batted an eyelash. "Of course I don't headed straight into a black mass of clouds and storms.
mind," he replied; and with full confidence added, “I A weld on rhe engine's exhausr manifold began ro burn
think it's an excellent idea." through. Far worse, rhe altimeter quit.
Although she hadn't flown it a great deal, Amelia al¬ Seeking ro evade rhe storm, Amelia climbed above it,
ready owned an airplane ideally suited ro rhe venture— only to find ice piling on rhe Vega's stout wings and slush
her red-and-gold Lockheed Vega. Occasionally she flew obscuring vision through rhe windshield. Carefully she
it in her work of publicizing aviation and air travel. On a groped down again, until rhe whirecaps of the turbulent
speaking engagement in September 1930, there'd been waves below were visible in rhe darkness. If it had been
an accident while making a routine landing at rhe Nor¬ a calm sea, she could easily have gone right into it, since
folk Naval Air Station in Virginia. Coming in on rhe grass she had no means of guaging her flight height with her
field, Amelia hauled bock on rhe stick to keep rhe roil altimeter gone.
down. Amelia flew on blind, between altitudes where ice
Suddenly rhe triangular door behind her flew open. formed and where she thought rhe ocean ro be. She set
She rumbled half into rhe cabin and, struggling ro re¬ her faith in her compasses, particularly rhe directional
cover control, clamped down on rhe brakes. The Vega gyro, then rhe best blind-flying instrument available. Oc¬
went up and over in slow morion to smash on its back. casionally she sipped tomato juice, her only ration.
Amelia and a passenger were pretty well shaken up. With the coming of dawn the clouds separated, and
She shipped rhe Lockheed for repairs ro Detroit Aircraft, Amelia could see water again. There was also a long,
where it was given a new fuselage taken from one of dark shape far ahead that looked suspiciously like land.
Crowd in rhe Irish cow pasture doesn't agree that Miss Earharr's feat Ocean, bur a week earlier, o newer, faster Lockheed
had "added nothing to aviation." wirh o lone mole almost bear her to it. The man was
Louis T. Reichers, flying rhe gorgeous Alrair owned by
Wirh rhe exhaust vibrating and no altimeter readings publisher Bernarr Macfadden. Tall, thin Lou Reichers was
possible, rhe prudent young flyer decided to come down on ex-Army flyer, barnstormer, and pilot-for-hire. His gog¬
—-just as soon as an airport or suitable landing spot could gled visage and little block mustache were a familiar
be found. sight around rhe flying fields on rhe East coast, particularly
The moss on rhe horizon proved to be Northern Ire¬ in his native New Jersey.
land. Soon Amelia was circling rhe green fields of Lon¬ It was Reichers, who taught Macfadden (after a long,
donderry, searching for one nor dotted with cattle or hard struggle) to fly: rhe mercurial physical culturist ob¬
sheep. She touched the Vega gently down in a pasture tained his license or rhe age of sixty-two in 1901. No
near Culmore, 15 hours ond 18 minutes our of Harbour matter what his competition and his associates thought
Groce, and become rhe first woman to fly the Atlantic about his egotism and ethics, they hod to admit grudg¬
olone. ingly that Bernarr Macfadden's love of all phases of avia¬
Former Pot Gallagher rook her to a telephone five tion was sincere. The enthusiastic purchaser of many fine
miles down the rood. "I did it!" Amelia happily told her airplanes, rhe publisher hod bought his Alrair os rhe lost
husband in New York. of five Lockheeds (including two Vegas, on Air Express,
There were still over o hundred gallons of gasoline in and a Sirius) that he owned at one rime or another. The
rhe tanks of rhe Lockheed, on which the Irish officials Alrair was a black plane wirh on unusual top surface of
dutifully collected an import tax. gold leaf, ond the $02,000 it cost Macfadden could
Forthright Amelia Earharr Putnam minced no words in nearly hove bought rhe entire Lockheed company or rhe
her subsequent interviews: "This trip," she soid, "was sim¬ rime. Originally named The Gold Eagle, this ship is re¬
ply o personal gesture. Thor all-roo-appropriare appella¬ membered by older factory employees os "the most
tion 'a sock of potatoes,' probably os much os any other beautiful Lockheed ever built." The gold leaf was ap¬
single factor, inspired me to try going it olone.'' plied in individual small squares, potted on by hundreds
Always rhe feminist, she continued: "My flight hos of cosmetic powder puffs bought ond used just for this
added nothing to aviation, bur I hope has meant some¬ purpose. With a 625-hp Wright Cyclone engine the ship
thing to women in aviation. If it has, I shall feel it was was o bit thirsty on gas, but great for speed.
justified; bur I can't claim anything else." To provide publicity for Macfadden, Lou Reichers pro¬
America was proud of Amelia's condor. She was no ceeded to moke a number of intercity record flights, os
longer a self-styled "phony heroine," bur a great woman well os regularly showing up or air races and airport
flyer. dedications. Lou was like so many pilots of rhe rime in
Amelia Earharr was rhe first person, man or woman, dreaming of transatlantic flight, and he found his visions
to fly a Lockheed airplane alone across rhe Atlantic to be in rhe realm of possibility when at the controls of

The Gold Eagle. Knowing rhor his food-foddisr boss was hour. He scarcely realized that he was suffering from
nourished by publicity fully as much os by row carrots, oxygen depletion, and at last dreamily decided that it
Reichers sounded our Macfadden on the subject. would be best to drop to a lower altitude.
The plan was to moke a fast flight to Paris, refueling The sun was beginning to set when Reichers brought
en route at Harbour Groce and at Dublin. The 2,05CTmile Miss Liberty down through the gray clouds and tried to fly
Atlantic leg would be made in complete daylight, the for a while in sight of the wafer. According to his calcu¬
first rime that this was projected. Lou told the publisher lations land should be in sight. Skimming his black-and-
that, with such a flight, he might even get his name in gold craft barely thirty feet above the whirecaps, Lou
the Hearsr newspapers, a possibility mighty appealing to kept on for fifteen minutes, and then another ten. Sud¬
Macfadden. denly there were rocks jutting up—ugly black ones flash¬
Perhaps with the fate of the early Pacific racer Golden ing by right under the left wing. Startled and scared, the
Eagle in mind—but more likely to bolster the sagging pilot pur his ship into a steep climbing turn.
circulation of Liberty magazine—the ship was renamed. Lou wanted to find the Irish coast, bur had no wish to
In an Atlantic City ceremony that would gladden any barge into it full tilt. A rainstorm brought visibility down
public-relations man's heart, Governor A. Harry Moore of to nearly zero. With only an hour's gas, the would-be
New Jersey rechristened the ship Miss Liberty, to the noise Atlantic speedster cursed himself for ever getting into
of popping flash powders and whirling newsreel cam¬ such a mess. Sweating now, he climbed higher, search¬
eras. ing for o hole in the cloudbank. When he found one, he
Officially disassociated from Macfadden Publications was over water again. Lou looked for land, rocks, any¬
because of insurance problems, Reichers extracted a thing. Then, far off to the north, lights twinkled in the
promise from "B. M." of a $10,000 bonus if he could cut gloom.
Lindbergh's time to Paris in half, or better. It was a passenger liner, and Miss Liberty was soon
"What about navigation, Lou?” Macfadden asked. "No circling over it. In the rain and dark Lou couldn't tell much
railroads our there to follow.'' about her, except that she represented help at hand, and
The pilot assured his backer that he'd get the best he'd better make use of it. He was lost now, and he
weather forecasts and use dead reckoning on his course. knew it: his gauges showed only twenty minutes left to
As to the possibility of failure, he shrugged: "I'll be un¬ keep flying.
happy, and you'll lose an airplane." Since the Lockheed was made of wood and nearly
It was up to Lou to install extra ranks in the Alrair, and empty ranks would provide buoyancy, Lou still had hopes
make arrangements to have them filled to their total of getting out of the deal alive. Three rimes he made
capacity of 465 gallons. One rank even occupied the passes low along the dark water, blinking his lights in SOS
rear sear, thereby quashing the rumors that Macfadden signals while he flashed past the vessel. Sure that his
planned to go along himself. To give the adventure an presence had been announced, he slid the Alrair toward
authentic ring, it was announced that the trip was "in the sea alonsgide the big ship. The rail touched, and she
the nature of a survey flight to determine the feasibility skittered on the water like a skipped stone. Yanking the
of a transatlantic merchandise and messenger service." throttle and tugging on the stick, Lou tried to peer ahead.
The eager pilot hod a rough rime keeping a straight face The heavy nose of the low-winged plane plunged under
when this bit of nonsense was broadcast. the next wave and brought up short. With no rime to pull
Of all days, the weather picture looked bright for Lou in his head, the pilot's face smashed hard against the
Reichers on Friday, May 13, 1932. Despite the wails of windshield and he was knocked cold.
Macfadden's publicity boys, he left Newark Airport shortly It was half on hour before Reichers regained conscious¬
after midnight, and reached Harbour Grace in a little ness, ears ringing, head aching, and face bloody. Nose
over six hours. There he had to unload his jacket, which down and rail high, Miss Liberty floated on her broad
superstitious well-wishers had stuffed full to bursting at wing, pitching, bobbing, sliding in the trough of the
the last minute with good-luck charms. waves. The downed pilot could see nothing and felt
In landing on the barren hilltop's dirt strip, the Alrair abandoned until a searchlight stabbed out of the dark to
kicked up a rock that lodged in the horizontal srabilizer. bathe him in its brilliance. The ship was back to get him,
Lou spent an extra hour patching the hole with glue and and soon the creaking of oars announced the arrival of
sailcloth donated by local fishermen. Then he was off a lifeboat. In the heaving seas the boar would alternately
down the 4,000-foot runway, and airborne for Dublin. tower above the plane, and then seem to sink far below
The midnight start and the furious pace he was setting it. Slowly the officer in charge maneuvered in close, and
began to tell on Reichers, who was in an unheared cock¬ came within two feet of the cockpit where Lou was
pit and flying at 15,000 feet. Boring along through cloud standing groggily. Beside them the flapping rail threat¬
peaks, he shivered continuously and uncontrollably, and ened at any moment to crunch down on the gunwales
rationed himself to a big swallow of hot coffee every half of the lifeboat.

"Jump! Goddammit, jump!" yelled rhe officer. "We talked, bur one young man felr strongly enough ro
con'r hold here oil nighr!" dream of a novel protest. He was Sandor Wjlczek, berrer
Reichers jumped and wos caughr. Soon rhe liner known by his adopted name, Alexander Magyar.
loomed over rhe lifeboar, and in a few more minures he Magyar came from rhe riny village of Baraszek, and
was under sedarion in rhe ship's hospiral boy. had been a pilot for rhe Hungarian Air Force during rhe
The Arlanric flyer could nor have chosen a berrer ship dosing days of rhe war. Wirh his home disrupted as a
ro come down alongside. She was rhe 5.5. President result of rhe hared treary, he came alone ro America in
Roosevelt, less rhan rwo hours our of Cobh, Ireland, and rhe early 1920s and found work in Windsor, Ontario.
bound for New York. Caprain of rhe vessel was George Doggedly, Sandor clung ro his love of flying, bur ir was
Fried and her Chief Officer was Harry Manning, who was difficult for an alien ro find real work, particularly when
in charge of rhe lifeboar,- borh were vererans of orher local pilots were living from hand ro mourh. Nevertheless
dramaric rescues in rhe Norrh Arlanric. rhe Hungarian, wirh 4,000 hours, managed ro line up an
"Son," said rhe ruddy-faced caprain ro Lou, "ir's going occasional srudenr ro reach, and a charter job now and
ro rake seven days ro ger you back ro where you lefr then when he could afford ro rent an airplane. Coaxing
yesrerday." a bartered Canuck our of some Canadian pasture, his
Reichers had been plucked from rhe sea sevenreen mind kept going back ro his great idea.
miles sourh of Kinsale Harbour in County Cork. He had Transatlantic flights were rhe big news of rhe day. They
apparently been unknowingly skirting rhe Irish coast for had been undertaken in rhe name of goodwill, in rhe
ar least sixry miles. needs of big-rime advertising, and purely for fame and
Lucky Lou gor our of rhe adventure with only a broken forrune. Why nor, reasoned Magyar, make a flight as a
nose. Macfadden mer rhe President Roosevelt ar rhe pier grear gesture ro focus attention on rhe wrongs rhar had
in New York and rold rhe assembled press rhar, under been done ro Hungary?
rhe circumstances, his pilot had exercised fine judgment. Often jobless and usually nearly broke, rhe young flyer
A good sport over rhe loss of rhe beautiful Alrair, his lived wirh Dr. William Molnar, a Windsor clergyman. One
greatest joy was rhar his archenemies, rhe Hearsr papers, evening he broached his plan to rhe good doctor, who
carried Caprain Fried's full report of rhe rescue of Reich¬ advised seeking inspiration from the Bible. Using rhe
ers. They failed ro menrion rhe publisher's name, bur rime-honored device of opening rhe Book at random,
they did print rhe words Miss Liberty, and rhis was rhe minisrer's finger pointed ro rhe words: "These things
enough ro delight Macfadden. ye shall do." Ir was sign enough for Alexander Magyar.
Lou Reichers was right about rhe flooring qualiries of Immediately he ser abour making his idea a reality.
rhe wooden Lockheed. Two days after her ditching, rhe Starring wirh rhe neighborhood Hungarian-Canadian
derelicr was sighted srill afloar abour rhirry miles our in social clubs, Sandor earnestly outlined his grand scheme
rhe Arlanric off Fasrner Lighr. The sun gleaming on rhe and asked for modesr donations ro ser ir in morion. Soon
gold leaf arrracred rhe Swedish steamer Crown Prince rhe rail, hawk-faced flyer wirh rhe eloquent brown eyes
Olaf ro rhe scene. Her crew spenr half an hour trying ro was making impassioned pleas ar bigger garherings
salvage rhe waterlogged plane, bur finally lefr Miss Lib¬ across rhe river—which is also rhe Canada-U.S. border—
erty ro be slowly swallowed by rhe sea. in Derroir. The idea was broughr ro rhe arrenrion of Mon¬
Previous ro rhe journeys of Reichers and Amelia Ear- signor Elemer Eordogh of Toledo, head of rhe Hungarian-
harr, one of rhe most unusual rransarlanric flights on rec¬ American Clerical Society, and Franz Prarringer, editor of
ord rook place in rhe summer of 1931. The rrip irself was rhe Detroit Hungarian-language newspaper. Borh en¬
comparatively uneventful, bur rhe circumstances sur¬ dorsed it; and the word spread nationwide.
rounding irs conception and execution ranged from pol- In England rhe obscure Hungarian flyer found an un¬
ircal intrigue ro comic opera. expected ally in Lord Rorhermore, owner of the London
Afrer World War I, rhe defeated Austro-Hungarian em¬ Doily Moil. Because of his interest in rhe plight of rhe lirrle
pire was dissolved and Hungary irself dismembered. nation and his editorials in regard ro rhe Trianon division,
Under rhe Treary of Trianon rhe lirrle country losr 71 per¬ rhe British viscount was sometimes called "rhe un¬
cent of irs rerrirory and '63 percent of irs population, crowned king of Hungary." Rorhermere joined forces
emerging as a ghosr of irs former grearness, and con- wirh rhe Canadian-American movement by offering
rained in a flat, defenseless- central plain. Hungarians $10,000 ro rhe first pilor ro succeed in a nonstop flight
were uproored and separated from ancestral homes and from rhe Norrh American continent ro Budapesr.
land, with many coming ro America. The biggest windfall came from Emil Salay, owner of
Though good citizens, rhe deeply patriotic and reli¬ a large sausage factory in Flint, Michigan. The fifry-eighr-
gious Hungarian-Americans hod a common cause in pro¬ year-old meat packer had promised his farher, formerly
testing rhe Treary of Trianon, and ar garherings ir was a cavalry officer, rhar someday he would "do something
always a prime ropic of conversation. Many people for Hungary." This was his chance, and he pur up

$22,000 roward purchase of a suirable airplane wirh In order ro meer exrra expenses, and ro give rhe aver¬
which ro make rhe flighr. age Hungarian-American a sense of parriciparion in rhe
By rhis rime a sizable commirree, composed of clerics much-publicized journey, Thousands of posrcards were
and businessmen, had been formally organized in De- prepared and sold ar a dollar apiece, ro be carried on
rroir, and was benr on promoring rhe Hungarian-Ameri- rhe Jusrice for Hungary ro relarives and friends in rhe old
can Ocean Flighr. The original plans called for a nonsrop counrry. Ir was nor unusual ro find Magyar and Endres
Derroir-ro-Budapesr jaunr, wirh refueling in rhe air over Themselves hard ar work selling cards ar chariry bazaars
Newfoundland. To make rhe Trip, rhe commirree se- and srreer fairs in rhe Derroir area. During rhe winrer,
lecred a Derroir-Lockheed Sirius, a sisrer ship of Colonel ownership of rhe Lockheed passed ro rhe man who had
Lindbergh's famous rransconrinenral record-breaker. rhe grearesr invesrmenr in ir—Emil Salay, rhe mear
There was no quesrion of a name for rhe ship: ir was ro packer.
be called Justice for Hungary. Wirh rhe 1931 Arlanric flying season, Magyar and
In rhe shuffle ro fill rhe cockpirs of rhe 2-place, low- Endres were ready ro go. Caprain Endres was senior in
wing Lockheed, rhe commirree almosr ignored Alex¬ age and rank, so he occupied rhe fronr pilor's cockpir,
ander Magyar, who had rhoughr up rhe flighr ro begin
wirh. For a while ir didn'r look as if he was going, and
firsr reporrs announced rhe crew as Colonel Eugene Cza-
pary and Caprain Srephen Grosschmid. Then Alexander's
friends gor him back on rhe inside Track.
Magyar was srill a lieurenanrin rhe Hungarian Air Corps
Reserve, and so suggesred having as his copilor his old
friend and flying insrrucror, Caprain George Endres. A na-
rive of Perjamos, Hungary, rhe rhirty-four-year-old Endres
had been decorared many rimes during rhe war, bur was
besr known for a daring escape from a Siberian prison
camp back ro his own lines via Sweden. His family had
serried in Cincinnari, Ohio, before rhe war, and George
was rhe only member ro remain in Hungary. When rhe
invirarion ro parricipare in rhe polirically inspired flighr
came from America, Endres was quick ro accepr.
Magyar and Endres wenr ro California ro rake delivery
of rhe new Sirius in Augusr 1930. Ir was black, wirh whire
Trim and red wings, and rhe colorful Hungarian coar of
arms was emblazoned on rhe verrical fin above rhe Lock¬
heed Trademark. Borh pilors needed considerable famil-
iorizarion wirh rhe ship, and Magyar even rook a
refresher course in navigarion and rhe flying of larger
planes ar Parks Air College in Easr Sr. Louis, Illinois. Soon
rhe Seprember srorms commenced on rhe Norrh Alranric
air lanes, and ir was roo lore ro risk rhe long over-warer

Jusrice for Hungary' (below), with Magyar (left) and Endres, had a
special mission.

f*% •
'THE 'Hungarian American Oc^an- $ tX
flightemphasizes the injustice
done to 'Hungary by the Tria
e Treaty.
3W £$! §p| y
AZ Amerikai Magyar Ocea'i
-^Srepi^fes a vilag figyelmet i
Mfe^rfirszag ellen Trianonban
e lji <5Hv%t e 11 igazsagtalansagra
hi^ja fit.
m . Hungarian-American Ocean Flight
8005 W. Jefferson — Detroit, Mich.

One of the airmail cards rhe flyers hustled to raise money for the rhey never saw rhe Arlanric ar all. A bad rhree-hour srorm
Hungarian flight was bought and sent to Lord Rorhermere, who buffered rhe plane and knocked rhe earrh inducror com¬
promoted rhe project with news stories and a $ 10,000 prize.
pass our of whack. Despire rhis, Magyar managed ro
navigare by rhe srars, and rhe radio ser proved of im¬
wirh Lieurenanr Magyar navigaring from rhe rear. By now mense help in esrablishing bearings from unseen ships
rhey were borh confidenr of flying rhe red-and-black Sir¬ on rhe ocean below. Their landfall was a railroad srarion
ius anywhere, in any wearher. Since Lord Rorhermere's in rhe norrh of France, and rhen ir was rouch and go as
prize offer specified a flighr "from rhe Norrh American ro wherher rhe dwindling gasoline supply would rake
conrinenr," rhey decided ro refuel or rhe familiar way rhe Lockheed all rhe way ro Budapesr. Radios repotted
srop, Harbour Grace, Newfoundland. sighring rhe Sirius over Germany, Linz, and rhen Vienna.
Afrer days of wairing ar Roosevelr Field, New York, In Budapesr 180,000 Hungarians jammed Maryasfold Air¬
Endres and Magyar simply gor 'tired of lying around." drome, eagerly awairing rhe arrival of rheir counrrymen.
Againsr rhe advice of rhe famous Dr. James Kimball, High over rhe Danube Valley rhe Justice's engine
head of rhe Unired Srares Wearher Bureau in New York, coughed and splurrered. Magyar tried ro hand-pump a
rhe flying parrners lefr for Newfoundland on July 13, few more cupfuls of gas ro rhe starving cylinders. Endres
1931. Kimball had predicred fog off Cape Breron; rhe srrerched rhe Lockheed's glide. There were only a few
Hungarians found ir righr where he said ir would be, and more miles ro cover. Over familiar home ground, rhe
nearly missed rheir desrinarion. pilor finally chose a highway on which ro pur rhe Sirius
"Doc was righr," said Magyar ar Harbour Grace. "We down in rhe dusk. Two plodding farm carts blocked rhe
wont move again til he says 'go.' " road; he swerved—and landed in an adjacent field of
Two days larer rhe Arlanric wearher expert flashed rhe stumpy rows of maize. The flighr "ro do somerhing for
word and rhe flyers piled inro rhe Sirius. She was already Hungary" had brought Magyar and Endres 3,229 miles
loaded wirh 635 gallons of gas, a 150-pound radio, and from rhe bleak shores of Newfoundland to a spot near
32 pounds of mail. Ar rhe lasr minure Newfoundland Bicske, only fourteen miles from Budapesr.
posral aurhoriries blocked rhe posring of five hundred Taken immediately ro meer Hungarian Premier Counr
addirional lerrers “because of rhe polirical narure of rhe Berhlen and his Cabinet, rhe tired aerial voyagers had ro
rrip." The flyers made a low takeoff ro rhe wesr, circled disappoint rhe people who waired ar rhe airdrome. Larer
back over Harbour Grace, and headed our ro sea beyond rhe pair were rriumphanrly carried through rhe city ro rhe
Conceprion Bay. cheers of rhousands. Their welcomers included Admiral
Magyar and Endres were helped by wesrerly winds, Horrhy, Regenr of Hungary, as well as rheir backer, Emil
bur found a solid cloudbank below rheir speeding air¬ Salay, who had made rhe trip from America ro be on
plane. Excepr for a shorr srrerch off rhe European coasr hand ro greet rhem.

Our in rhe corn field near Bicske rhe fairhful Justice for rhe special mail-carrying flights that had been planned
Hungary was garlanded wirh grear streamers of fresh for Endres. Named Star of Savoy, the gift was a squat and
flowers as long columns of men, women, and children stubby biplane, nothing at all like rhe sleek Lockheed
filed reverently by to gaze at "rhe wonderful airplane that Endres and Magyar had flown from America.
that had flown from America." Later rhe slightly dam¬ The Hungarian government commemorated rhe Sirius
aged Lockheed was dismantled and carried in a colorful on two sets of postage stamps. Today the battered Wasp
procession into Budapest. It was a wild and happy rime engine, salvaged from rhe Rome crack-up, is still on dis¬
for Hungary, a nation which had so little cause or occa¬ play in a Budapest museum. This and some small pieces
sion for celebration. are all that remain of rhe fruition of one patriot's deter¬
True to his word, Lord Rothermere awarded the mination to do something for his country.
$10,000 prize to Endres and Magyar. To him, and to all The success of the Hungarians inspired other national
the people who had contributed their pennies and dol¬ groups to sponsor ocean flights that would link America
lars, the Hungarian-American Ocean Flight had accom¬ with their former homelands. There were projects to fly
plished its avowed purpose in calling world attention to to Italy, Portugal, Sweden, Spain, Poland. One of the
rhe hated Treaty of Trianon. better-equipped and -financed ventures was a goodwill
With rhe noble deed accomplished, it was a sad anti¬ nonstop flight from New York to Kaunas, the capital of
climax to find the participants arguing over rhe profits. Lithuania. This was first tried in July 1933 by Captain
The details were never made clear, bur by September Stephen Darius and Lieutenant Stanley Girenas, using a
Alexander Magyar had resumed his original name of special Bellanca monoplane named Liruanica. The pair
Wilczek and was challenging six brother officers to sword got across the Atlantic all right, but some 400 miles short
duels for alleged defamatory statements. of their goal they ran into heavy weather over Germany
Several weeks later Emil Salay was reported to be plan¬ and crashed fatally in a forest near Kuhdamm.
ning to reimburse himself from rhe profits of rhe venture, The deaths of Darius and Girenas was rhe occasion for
wirh rhe surplus to be divided between rhe flyers. To this national mourning in Lithuania. In rhe United States their
Magyar agreed, while Endres claimed he alone was en¬ sponsors felt that something should be done to complete
titled to a share. Hot Hungarian blood boiled, and a new the flight and give rhe country a place in the aeronauti¬
duel between Magyar and Endres was scheduled for Oc¬ cal sun. A new American-Lithuanian Trans-Atlantic Flight
tober 26. Only rhe pleading of the Hungarian Aviation Association was formed in Chicago to set plans in morion.
Society called off a meeting on rhe field of honor be¬ The committee chose Felix Wairkus, a twenry-eighr-year-
tween rhe erstwhile partners. The next day, romance old Chicago plumber's son of Lithuanian descent, to
replaced rapiers, and Magyar was married in Budapest make the flight. Wairkus had attended rhe University of
to Gisela Puskas. It may or may nor have been significant Chicago, and won his wings wirh rhe U.S. Army Air Corps
that rhe bride's former husband was a New York fencing at Selfridge Field in Michigan. A lieutenant in rhe reserve,
master. he ran a flying school at Kohler, Wisconsin, wirh his
Together wirh Emil Salay, Alexander Magyar (or Sandor
Wilczek) finally returned to America, in November. This
Felix Wairkus gets aboard his heavily laden Vega, hoping ro cover
rime he came as a bona fide immigrant under rhe quo¬
rhe 4,500 miles ro Lithuania in 30 hours.
tas, content at last to have accomplished his inspired
mission for Hungary.
In Budapest, George Endres somehow kept control of
the Justice for Hungary. The following May he flew the
Sirius down to Rome for the Congress of Transatlantic
Flyers called by General Iralo Balbo. Banking steeply
while coming in for a landing, Endres apparently ran into
a small whirlwind, sideslipped, and crashed. Both the
Atlantic conqueror and his radio operator, Captain J. Pit-
ray, died in rhe flaming wreckage. The accident cast a
pall of gloom over the congress. General Balbo and
II Duce himself walked in rhe Endres-Pittay funeral proces¬
sion, and over 100,000 Hungarian mourners met a spe¬
cial train returning rhe martyred national air hero to
To court rhe goodwill of Hungary, Mussolini soon made
an elaborate presentation of a new plane to replace rhe
demolished Justice, and it was used to make some of

the concrete runway and headed east in his bid for trans¬
atlantic honors.
Wairkus and Liruanica II mer more rhon just rhe sea¬
sonal srorms over rhe Norrh Arlonric. There were head¬
winds, rain, and fog. Much of rhe way he flew on
instruments, wirh no outside bearings possible in rhe vasr
Lirhuanian sramp celebrates Wairkus and his transoceanic flight of misty whiteness of day and rhe dork blackness of night
September 1935. pressing ol! around him. Like other ocean flyers, Wairkus
flew high unril ice formed on his wings, then low unril ir
melred off. By down on rhe second day Felix was sure
he wos across rhe Arlonric. Bur he was also certain rhar
forher-in-low, Anron Brorz. The association replaced rhe
he could never make ir ro Kaunas.
lost Bellanca wirh a good used Lockheed Vega from
When porches of Ireland or lost appeared through rhe
Californio's Shell Oil Company. Wairkus and Brorz read¬
fog benearh rhe speeding Vega, rhe Lirhuanian-Ameri-
ied rhe ship or rhe Kohler field, blocking our windows
can pilot decided ir would be wise ro come down, refuel,
and installing extra ranks in rhe cabin in place of rhe and rhen go on. He come winging in over rhe Sheefry
standard searing arrangemenrs. Wirh a new, white painr
Hills of County Mayo and selected whar appeared ro be
job, rrimmed wirh orange, she become Liruanica II.
a good level pasture near rhe village of Ballinrobe.
Wairkus's Vega was nor ready ro leave Floyd Bennerr
Weary from fighring rhe elements, Wairkus slipped rhe
Field on Long Island unril September 21, 1935—rather white Lockheed in for a landing. A wing caught and
lore in rhe season for a long-disrance flight, especially plowed up rhe ground, rhe landing gear crunched off
when loaded wirh 700 gallons of gasoline and a thou¬ and rhe ship skidded ro a stop on its belly. In rhe sudden
sand special airmail lerrers. Dressed in a learher jacket silence rhe dozed pilot lisrened quierly ro on Irish
ond jaunty berer, rhe lieurenanr lifred rhe Lockheed off weather forecast being broadcast especially for his ben¬
efit. A few minutes larer he was breakfasting or rhe
nearby farmhouse of Poddy Walsh.
Liruanica II cracks up in Ireland—bur plane ended its career in Felix Wairkus finished his flighr ro Lithuania in a special
Soviet Russia. plane placed or his disposal, so rhe rrip was adjudged a

success inasmuch as he really gor rhere. The damaged On this side of the Atlantic, there is no question as ro
Lockheed was repaired and shipped from Ireland ro the whereabouts of Amelia Earharr's first ocean-hopping
Kaunas, where ir was purchased by rhe Lithuanian Air Vega. A little over a year after her flight from Newfound¬
Ministry. With the communist takeover of rhe country in land to Ireland the ship was purchased for $7,500 by
1940, rhe Liruanico II is thought ro have been taken ro Philadelphia's Franklin Institute. Transferred in 1966 to
Moscow to be evaluated by Soviet aeronautical experts. rhe National Air and Space Museum, and somewhat
There is a remote possibility that portions of rhe last darkened by age, the red-and-gold monoplane was
wooden Lockheed ro fly rhe North Atlantic may still be in cleaned and refurbished for exhibit. Today it is the oldest
existence somewhere behind rhe Iron Curtain. Lockheed airplane in existence.

Built in 1928, Amelia Earharr's Vega added a record coasr-ro-coasr

flight ro its honors before she sold it in 1933.

T he enthusiasm for flying across rhe Arlanric was

never marched by flyers who even idly conrem-
plared a similar conquesr of rhe Norrh Pacific rhe
4,500-mile rrip over fog-shrouded and srorm-
Tacoma, Washington, lumber tycoon who wonred ro pur
his town on rhe Pacific air mop.
Genial John Buffelen and rhe Tacoma Chamber of
Commerce hod a man ro fly ro Tokyo. All rhey needed
lashed warers appealed ro only a handful of wos a suiroble airplane.
hardy aviarors. To srimulare inreresr, Therefore, rhe air- The pilor on whom rhe lumber dry's commirree
minded Tokyo Asahi (Morning Sun News) offered a pinned rheir hopes for world recognirion was Lieurenanr
$25,000 prize for rhe firsr nonsrop flighr, eirher way, be¬ Alberr Harold Bromley, a rwenry-nine-year-old Iowa flyer
tween Japan and America. wirh Army Training. Boyish, racirurn Bromley hod pur up
Airplanes were improving by 1929, bur a single-engine $2,000 of his own money for rhe venrure; wirh more
ship capable of lifring rhe nearly 1,000 gallons of gaso¬ cosh assured, he began ro moke rhe rounds of rhe Wesr
line necessary ro go rhe disrance would have ro be spe¬ Coosr's aircrafr factories.
cially builr. A Tokyo flighr would also require some good, Ir was or rhe Lockheed planr in Burbank rhar rhe lieu-
solid financial backing,- and, even in such boom rimes,
rhe green sruff had ro be carefully promored. Forrunarely Robbins and Jones headed for home after missing rheir tin goose
on ongel was available in rhe person of John Buffelen, a on Vega's second try ro ger ro Tolsyo.


Satisfied with her performance, Bromley flew the big

Explorer nonstop to Tacoma, where a special takeoff
ramp was being readied at Pierce County Airport. In rhe
presence of 10,000 cheering onlookers the gleeming
orange Lockheed was christened City of Tacoma by Clas-
ina Madge Buffelen, rhe small daughter of rhe flight's
A rail wheel was substituted at rhe last moment for
rhe conventional skid, to give rhe Explorer an even better
chance of successful takeoff from rhe unpaved runway.
With favorable weather predictions from rhe Aleutians
and the Kuriles, and with plane and engine in rhe best
possible shape, the chosen pilot was ready to start rhe
longest over-water flight ever attempted by man.
On Sunday, July 28, 1929, the City of Tacoma was
poised atop rhe wooden romp designed to give a boost
to her take-off run. Harold Bromley, his goodbyes said,
climbed in and listened carefully to rhe sweetly ricking
Wasp ahead. The ship was in flying position, her ranks
topped off full at 902 gallons. Gassing-up had already
taken place—during rhe cool of rhe morning. It was this
little overlooked derail that brought disaster.
As 20,000 onlookers quieted to watch, rhe Explorer
rolled slowly down rhe romp, gathering speed. At rhe
bottom there was scarcely a jar, and Bromley thought
rhar his lost worry was over. Then a splatter of gasoline
hit rhe windshield. With rail down, plus natural expan¬
The man who tried the hardest to hop the Pacific. sion, rhe fuel bubbled from rhe tank breathers atop rhe
fuselage in a steady spray, fogging rhe view ahead.
renonr found rhe experimental "seaplane" rhar designer Building up speed, rhe pilot peered over to rhe side of
Jack Northrop had started for Hubert Wilkins. There had rhe shield, only to have his goggles coat up with fuel.
been little or no engineering done: it was merely a fu¬ Desperately he brushed them back. A thousand feet fur¬
selage with rhe camber cut away to accommodate a ther on rhe rail lightened at the 60-mph pace, but rhe
lower wing. Bromley had to exercise considerable vision stinging spray of gas was blinding Bromley. He could feel
to see this dusty wooden shell as a finished airplane rhe ship wobble from rhe runway, swerving to rhe left.
capable of flying him from Tacoma to Tokyo. Bur after Then rhe right wheel crumpled on rhe rough ground, rhe
talking to chief engineer Jerry Vulree, his enthusiasm was wing followed, and in a moment the heavily loaded
aroused, and he ordered the plane completed to his Lockheed was perched on her nose in a cloud of dust.
specifications for rhe long-distance attempt. Harold Bromley leaped out as rhe ship careened to a
Within a few months Vulree and rhe factory crew had stop. Gasoline gushed from rhe shattered wing and
assembled rhe original Explorer model, Lockheed's first cracked fuselage. The massed and screaming spectators,
low-wing airplane. Its extra-long wing was broad and converging on rhe wreckage, swept aside police, Na¬
straight, with no dihedral angle—like rhe high wing of a tional Guardsmen, and a barbed wire fence. By some
Vega bur at rhe base of the fuselage. A single cockpit, miracle there was no fire, and order was quickly restored.
well to the rear, accommodated rhe pilot. The ship was The lieutenant, very low in spirits, did nor offer any alibis.
painted rhe standard international orange. "Nobody is to blame bur myself," he said. "I can do it
Test-flying rhe special job was carried our from the long if they'll give me another chance."
flat surfaces of Muroc Dry Lake, some sixty miles north of John Buffelen and rhe Tacoma committee assured rhe
Burbank. On one run of nearly a mile, Lieutenant Brom¬ flyer that financing for a new airplane was certain. In
ley got off in rhe new monoplane with 8,500 pounds, an Burbank the Lockheed factory worked like mad, and a
unofficial load record for rhe times. Jerry Vulree experi¬ new dry of Tacoma was completed in a little more than
mented during rhe rests with three types of vertical tail six weeks. Innovations on rhe second version included
surfaces on the ship, settling on a compromise of dropoble landing gear and a metal-sheathed belly skid
rounded fin and squared-off rudder, used only on this along rhe bottom of rhe fuselage. Jerry Vulree was still
particular airplane. experimenting with tail surfaces, and this Explorer v/as

came ro inverted resr in a back yard. Fahy, lucky this

rime, crawled our wirh only o broken elbow and bruises.
Dock ar his drawing board Vulree had meanwhile de¬
signed rhe successful low-wing Sirius for Colonel Lind¬
bergh. The rhird plane builr for rhe Tacoma-Tokyo flighr
srill rerained rhe grearer wingspread and single cockpir
of rhe Explorer, bur had a larger, Sirius-rype fin and rud¬
der. Two degrees of dihedral were given rhe wing for
berrer flying characrerisrics.
While wairing for his successive airplanes ro be com-
plered, Harold Bromley made ends meer wirh odd jobs
of check-flying for Lockheed, and work piloting Vegas for
Corporacion Aeronaurica de Transposes, 5.A., a Mexican
airline rhar ran from El Paso ro Mexico City and Browns¬
ville ro Mazarlan. Then in May 1930 rhe Pacific hopeful
was back ar Muroc Dry Lake for resrs of rhe rhird City of
Tacoma. Bromley did all rhe preliminary check flights
himself. Ir looked like rhis Explorer was rhe plane in
which he'd finally be heading for Tokyo.
On rhin financial ice, rhe Derroir-Lockheed manage¬
ment did nor have rhe funds ro cover Bromiey's insur-

Three endings (from top down).- hor gas foils rakeoff of City of
Tacoma No. 1; faney rail comes off in resr hop ro dump No. 2;
check pilot Den Carlin dies when heavily loaded No. 3 trips and

Bromley's three Explorers (from rop down): first has conventional

fin and rudder; second, a rebuild, wirh rudder rhar flapped; rhird
looks more like a Sirius, bur srill has lone cockpir and wide wing,
plus 2-degree dihedral.

fitted wirh an overhung, counrerbalanced rudder. Wirh

no wind runnel, he had ro "cur and rry." Unforrunarely, ir
was one of rhe ralenred designer's few bad guesses.
Tesr pilot Herb Fahy rook rhe ship up for a rrial hop on
September 18, 1929, and quickly discovered a danger¬
ous rail flutter. Three rimes he circled rhe Lockheed field
ar low altitude ro show rhe engineers how ir flapped. As
they watched, rhe offending rudder whipped loose and
fell practically ar rheirfeer, followed by rhe fin irself. Herb
went into figure-eighr contortions ro control rhe uncon¬
trollable. Off rhe east end of rhe runway rhe Explorer
dipped under some wires, swished through rhe branches
of a pepper tree, nicked rhe corner of a bungalow and

once for a full-load rest. The crucial flighr fell ro rheir own On rhe rheory rhar ir would consume far less gas, rhey
new check pilor, big, friendly Hugh V/. "Ben" Carlin, who proceeded ro install a 220-hp Whirlwind engine, replac¬
was covered until May 25. ing rhe ship's original 425-hp Wasp. Painted white, with
At daylighr on rhe day before rhe deadline rhe Ex¬ only a yellow panel for identification on rhe upper wing,
plorer was readied with 900 gallons of gas in her ranks. rhe Vega was soon ro be seen ar refueling practice over
Ben Carlin hod ro fly her, even when a leak in a gas rank rhe Texas plains, wirh rhe gas hose dangling from a big
delayed his rakeoff until rhe hear of rhe day. Harold Ford Trimoror flown by Nick Greener and James J. Mar-
Bromley drove ro a prearranged position a mile down re rn.
rhe shimmering lake bed: if rhe dry was nor off rhe The Robbins-Jones arrrempr ro fly ro Tokyo gor off from
ground by rhar point, rhe resr pilor was ro pull rhe dump Boeing Field in Searrle on July 8, 1931. Robbins was
valves. A mere half a mile ahead, rhe rwelve-foor em¬ mistaken for a visiring cowboy, and was only ler through
bankment of rhe Santa Fe Railroad angled across rhe rhe crowd when he insisted, "Man, ah'm goin' ro ride in
long level expanse of Muroc. rhar ship ro Tokyo!"
Ben gunned rhe Lockheed and gor rolling into rhe The Forr Worrh made a long rakeoff wirh her low-
wind. Apparently riding a ground cushion, he whipped powered engine, skimming rhe housetops of sourh Se¬
by Bromley's car wirh rhe rail wheel srill touching, and arrle in rhe darkness of early morning. All doy long rhe
resorted ro bounce technique ro clear by inches rhe rail¬ flyers plugged ro rhe northwest, ro be mer in rhe evening
road embankment on beyond. Floundering through rhe by rhe refueling plane over Fairbanks, Alaska. The head¬
air, rhe dry of Tacomo made a half-roll ro land on her winds were terrific, curring rheir speed ro a lirrle over 70
nose. The engine rore off on impact and rhe resr of rhe mph, bur Jones managed ro complere rhe transfer of
plane skidded on irs back another hundred yards. Fire 200 gallons of gas.
blazed around rhe hor exhausr stacks and licked up rhe Proceeding down rhe Yukon Valley, Greener and Mar-
trail of gasoline ro rhe fuselage. Ben Carlin came walking rern maneuvered rheir Ford above rhe whire Lockheed
our of rhe flames a human rorch, only a hundred feer three more rimes ro pass down rhe precious fuel. The
from rhe horrified Bromley rushing ro rhe rescue. Whis¬ crirical poinr came ar Nome, where rhe lasr conracr was
pering rhar he had been unable ro reach down ro trip scheduled ro be made. Bur rhe Forr Worrh was buffered
rhe dump valves and mumbling apologies "for wrecking by williwaws, and Reg Robbins just couldn't keep her
rhe ship," rhe resr pilor died rhar evening. steady benearh rhe lumbering "tin goose." The hose
Shaken by rhis dismal chain of events, rhe Tacoma would come ranralizingly close, only ro be swung by a
Chamber of Commerce soughr a fourrh and final air¬ howling gust away from Hank Jones's oursrrerched hand.
plane for Lieurenanr Bromley from another manufac¬ Taking on rhe full 425 gallons rhey'd need was impossi¬
turer, and any hopes of a Lockheed being rhe first plane ble, and rhe weary Texans landed ar Solomon, Alaska.
ro span rhe North Pacific appeared very dim indeed. This firsr nonstop flighr from Searrle ro rhe Nome area
Srill rhe Tokyo Asohi's $25,000 prize was rhere ro be required nearly 27 hours. Ironically, rhe weather a
claimed, and in addition some Seattle businessmen had hundred miles farther on was reported as clear, wirh a
pur up another $28,000 for rhe firsr flight "from fifty miles tailwind blowing all rhe way down rhe Siberian coast ro
of Tokyo ro ten miles of Searrle." Like rhe Japanese news¬ Japan.
paper's offer, rhis was interpreted ro mean a flighr in Robbins and Jones flew back ro Searrle for another rry.
eirher direction, and by 1931 rhere were a score of new The Whirlwind engine was a mistake, rhey decided,
aspirants in Tokyo and Searrle, hoping ro win eirher prize since ir rook so long ro cover distance rhar rhe advantage
—or borh. Among rhem were rwo flyers from Fort Worrh, of low fuel consumption was nullified. They reinstalled
Texas. They were Reginald L. Robbins, a shy rwenry-eighr- rheir Wasp, expecting berrer maneuverability in refueling
year-old ex-barnsrormer, and Harold S. Jones, a Chica¬ as well.
goan who had builr a fortune in oil. The Texans proposed The second arrempr was made less rhan a month
an excellent merhod of going rhe distance: rhey in¬ later, wirh borh engine and speed coming up ro expec¬
tended ro be refueled in rhe air, en roure. tations. The Texans refueled sarisfacrorily over Fairbanks
Drawling Reg Robbins was no stranger ro rhe opera¬ and proceeded toward Unalakeer on Norton Sound.
tion of aerial refueling. In 1929 he and a partner had Somewhere in rhe fog and clouds rhey ourflew rhe Ford
held rhe airborne endurance record, circling Forth Worrh carrying Nick Greener and Jimmie Marrern—who be¬
for 172 hours. The Tokyo flighr would simply be extend¬ come lost rhemselves afrer raking off for rhis second re¬
ing rhe merhod as needed ro cover rhe great distance. fueling.
Bachelor Hank Jones had a yen, and rhe money, ro par- Balked again, Robbins and Jones gave up rhoughrs of
ricipare in rhe flighr simply as a sporting venrure. Tokyo and came back for a landing ar Fairbanks. Ir was
The pair purchased Erie Halliburton's old record-break¬ rhe end of anorher dream of hopping rhe Pacific. The
ing Lockheed, The Tesrer, and renamed her Forr Worrh. flyers returned ro Forr Worrh prizeless. Bur Jimmie Marrern

hod acquired a rasre for long distances: o year larer he that rhe initial eastward journey above the "Great South
would be off on his firsr rry or flying around rhe world. Sea" should be made by rhe man whose name was
Before rhe 1931 season was over, Clyde Pangborn ond already synonymous wirh blazing sky trails in rhe Pacific
Hugh Herndon won rhe $25,000 Asohi prize wirh rheir —Australia's great airman, Sir Charles Kingsford-Smirh.
flighr in o Bellanca monoplane from Japan ro Wen¬ Smirhy—as all his friends called him—had been a
atchee, Washington. Royal Air Force pilot who returned to his homeland
The crewcut head of Harold Bromley appeared once "down under" after World War I, determined to get into
more on rhe transpacific scene before rhe northern route commercial aviation and to prove rhe feasibility of air
became the realm of commercial aviation. No man tried travel.
harder ro achieve a successful flighr. After his bad luck Though he made others, Kingsford-Smirh's Pacific
wirh rhe three wrecked Lockheed Explorers, Bromley had flights brought him his greatest renown, particularly rhe
essayed a west-east hop from Japan in 1930, flying a big original journey over rhe sea between California and
Emsco monoplane. He'd been driven back by winds and Australia. The hop west to Hawaii had been made sev¬
leaking exhaust gases after thirty hours above the ocean. eral times when Smithy and three companions did it in
Two years larer rhe never-give-up lieutenant was in rhe 1928; bur when they continued on ro Suva and Brisbane
picture again, flying a Lockheed Vega equipped wirh a in the second hand Fokker Sourhern Cross, rhe feat cap¬
240-hp Guiberson Diesel engine, an experimental power tured rhe imagination of rhe whole world. Larer he went
plant manufactured in Dallas, Texas. Wirh 600-gallon on ro circumnavigate rhe earth, ro break rhe London-
ranks, special dropable landing gear, and a belly skid, Sydney record, and to establish his own airline at home.
rhe Vega was made ready. Bromley was tired of being To the people of Australia and New Zealand, he person¬
made the butt of jokes about his nonsuccess, and once ified the spirit of aviation, even before his accomplish¬
more had Tokyo in mind as a destination. On May 31, ments had brought him a knighthood.
1932, he herded the Lockheed nonstop from New York Thus when a great air race from London to Melbourne
to Los Angeles, an unofficial distance record for diesel- was announced in 1934, Smirhy naturally felt ir was a
powered aircraft. Bur rhe very next day rhe Seattle busi¬ national challenge: rhe race should be won by an Austra¬
nessmen withdrew rheir $28,000 prize offer and Harold lian. He was getting old for air racing—thirty-eight—but
Bromley never did get to fly across the Pacific as a pi¬ this would be a wonderful climax ro his career in rhe air
oneer pilot. before he settled down ro flying a desk. Chief financial
With a dreary record of failure in North Pacific at¬ sponsor of the race was fellow countryman, Sir Mac-
tempts, Lockheed airplanes waited another rwo years Pherson Robertson. A contraction of his name was given
before being vindicated by rwo triumphant flights across ro rhe event, which became known over rhe world as
rhe South Pacific, the first from west ro east. It was fitting rhe MacRobertson Race. Robertson also wanted to see
an Aussie win, and made funds available for purchase of
Kingsford-Smirh's plane. Additional money for rhe ship
came via public subscription.
Duilr for projected Paris hop, Special Sirius was crashed by Capr.
George ft Hutchinson, larer became Kingsford-Smirh's Alrair, Lady Kingsford-Smirh shared rhe Commonwealth spirit of his
Sourhern Cross. various backers and therefore would have preferred a
starting line in Britain, and Kingsford-Smirh was forced to
withdraw as an entry in the MacRoberrson classic. With a
feeling rhar he had let down his backers and Australia
itself, he commented ruefully: "A nation's hero may
often become a nation's whipping boy overnight."
His decision to make the hitherto untried Australia to
California flight stemmed from a desire to rehabilitate
himself in the eyes of his countrymen. Since the Lock¬
heed had been bought for the race in which he had
been unable ro compere, the only thing left ro do was
to take the plane back ro the United Stares, sell ir, and
return the money to the people who had contributed.
With these thoughts, Smithy and Bill Taylor rook off
from Brisbane on October 20, 1934, bound for Suva in
the Fiji Islands. The tricky thing at the first stop was ro land
on the 300-yard green turf of the Albert Park Sports Oval,
which Smithy, using full flaps, accomplished in half the
distance. Then the flyers hopped over to mile-long Nase-
Kingsford-Smirh s blue Alrair os she appeared Down Under before
lai Beach, the only spot in the islands from which a heav¬
her name was changed ro Lady Southern Cross.
ily loaded plane could possibly leave.
The first attempt ro take off from the smooth, gently
British airplane. Bur when ir was found rhar nothing suit¬ curving beach almost brought an end to the flight. There
able would be ready in rime, he turned to American was a mean crosswind to contend with as the Lady
manufacturers. There were howls of criticism from advo¬ Southern Cross slowly gathered speed and Kingsford-
cates of "buy Empire" when their national hero chose a Smirh got her rail up. Nearing 60 mph, she started ro
Lockheed Alrair with which ro enter the race. edge toward the water. With bursts of throttle, Smithy
His Alrair was four years old, having originally been tried to hold the Alrair, but the wind had her rail and she
built for an abortive New York to Paris flight by George swiftly slithered across the wet sands and plunged into
Hutchinson, and then bought and flown for pleasure by the sea.
movie director Victor Fleming. Completely rebuilt at the In an instant the pilot had the engine full our in a
Lockheed factory, the ship was equipped with an early shattering roar. Water from the whirling propeller went
application of power landing flaps. Painted a light blue sluicing back over the Alrair as the ocean swirled around
with silver trim, she was named Anzoc by Kingsford-Smirh her undercarriage and reached the trailing edge of the
in hopes rhar she would pur up a good show for the wing. Skillfully, Australia's greatest airman kept his ship
"diggers" of Australia and New Zealand. slowly rolling through the softening sands, fighting ro
Haste was necessary if he was ro participate in the come around to the beach and pull her out of the water.
race. The passengers of the S.S. Monrerey had ro forgo Only a moment's hesitation would have seen the plane
deck sports for one voyage when the Lockheed was sent hopelessly mired and a certain victim of the incoming
from California to Sydney as deck cargo, lashed ro the tide. Helped by Fijian police and willing onlookers, the
liner's tennis court. As the fastest airplane ever seen in Lockheed inch by inch gained the level ground above
Australia, the Alrair created a sensation on arrival. There the reach of the waves.
was a slight delay when the government forbade use of A new takeoff at dawn a few days later was entirely
the name Anzoc, so she became instead the LadySouth- successful, beginning the 3,150-mile over-water journey
ern Cross. Then Kingsford-Smirh was flying her, breaking to Honolulu. No one had ever flown this stretch of ocean
intercity records all over the continent. On one Sydney- before except Kingsford-Smirh himself. Bill Taylor's superb
Brisbane run he gave his famous transpacific Fokker navigation kept the Lady on continuous course, and the
Southern Cross a four-hour start, caught up to her en terse radio reports of the pair gave their changing posi¬
route, and set down in Brisbane ahead of the old vet¬ tion as they traveled north and east. Using minute coral
eran. islands as checkpoints, Smithy and Taylor flew all day.
Smithy and his personable navigator, Captain P. G. The sun set on nothing but water and a tiny speck in the
(Bill) Taylor, set off for England and the race with high vast Pacific skies—the blue Alrair.
hopes, only to discover at Cloncurry, Queensland, rhar Night brought storms and flying by instruments through
the aluminum NACA engine cowl was cracked in a torrents of tropical rain. Smithy climbed to 14,000 feet
dozen places. While a new ring was being fashioned, and fumbled for the landing-light switch ro get a look at
rime ran our for the would-be racers ro arrive at the the barrage of water. Suddenly he felt rhar something
was wrong. The needle of his bank-and-turn indicator
swung over hard and stayed here. The ship was unac¬
countably spinning.
The pilot pressed both feet on one rudder pedal,
braced and straining until he thought his back would
break. He felt searing anger at himself for being unable
to do one of the first things a beginner is taught: recovery
from a spin. Motor throttled back, the Alrair spiraled down
eight thousand feet before Smithy was able to regain
control. Then, even with the engine full our, the plane
would not regain speed or height. Inexorably she
dropped through the stormy night, closer and closer to
the water. Kingsford-Smirh forced himself calmly to sur¬
vey the instrument panel, and—then he had it. The flaps
were down!
In turning on the landing lights, he had accidentally
hit the switch of the motor that controlled the flaps. The
drag had thrown the ship inro the spin and was still
P. G. Taylor (left) and Sir Charles Kingsford-Smirh on the Lady's wing
braking her. Trouble located, the pilot abruptly haired
ro receive cheers on arrival from Honolulu.
the aerial struggle and the Wasp immediately stopped
laboring, and carried rhem on once more. A woman ro fly rhe Pacific alone and rwo men ro help her do ir
The Hawaiian Islands were the 400-mile-wide target (left ro righr): technical advisor Paul Mantz, Amelia Earhart.;• pub¬
as the big blue monoplane came up on Lanai in the lisher George Palmer Putnam, her husband.
morning sunshine. Changing course, the Lady was soon
over Diamond Head, then Honolulu, and proceeded to
a smooth landing on the green grass carper of Wheeler
Field. With traditional Hawaiian hospitality, Smithy and
Dill were soon garlanded with leis.
After repairs to a cracked oil rank and a leaky fuel
system, carried out under direction of the United Stares
Army Air Corps, the Lockheed was ready for the final leg
of the long flight. On November 0-4 she flew the last
2,400 miles. The speedy Alrair brought rhem to the Cali¬
fornia coast nearly two hours ahead of their estimated
rime of arrival. When the Lady Southern Cross topped the
hills of San Francisco to drop down on Oakland Airport
she was the first airplane to fly from Australia to the
United States, and Kingsford-Smirh the first man to wing
his way across the Pacific in both directions.
A second unprecedented conquest of the western seas
rook place only two months later. Not content with her
Atlantic laurels, Amelia Earhart yearned to be the first
woman to fly the Pacific. Her old Lockheed hung in
Franklin Institute at Philadelphia, bur she had a later and
almost identical Vega, complete even to her favorite
color scheme of deep red and gold.
With this plane, Amelia had in mind a solo flight from
Hawaii to the California mainland, something that had
never been done before. She turned to a new man for
technical assistance: A. Paul Mantz, whose main work at
the rime was supplying and flying all types of aircraft for
the movies, and who was to be a winner of Dendix Races
in years to come. A master of all things aeronautical, the
knowledgeable Mantz rook over the preparation of Miss
Earharr's Lockheed.

Ocean-hopping pilots of Lockheed Vegas faced an instrument cataracts of red-brown mud. Plane and pilot were off in
panel similar to this. 3,000 feet, less than half the length of rhe field. Circling
over slopes covered with sugar cane, the pilot climbed
The powerful Wasp engine rhar hod powered her among rhe clouds rhar dotted the late afternoon sky. She
across rhe Norrh Arlanric two and a half years earlier, had would have clouds and fog all rhe way, bur no storms.
been removed before her famous Vega went on exhibit, Miss Earharr's was rhe first civilian long-distance flight
and was now in her new ship. Additional new features made with two-way radio telephone equipment. She
were a propeller with controllable pitch, rubber-encased broadcast her position, or just odd bits of thought that
metal fuel lines, and an inflatable rubber boar. popped into her head, and was entertained in turn by
With no desire to repeat rhe scary rime she'd had over Station KFI of Los Angeles. Among other messages was
the Atlantic, Amelia insisted on the installation of two one from her husband, George Palmer Putnam. He just
altimeters on her instrument panel, which also contained told his wife to talk a little louder.
an array of just about everything developed to further all- Amelia Earharr flew through a night of stars rhar
weather flying—except perhaps a robot pilot. Other ad¬ seemed to rise our of rhe sea and hang just outside her
ditions were a two-way radio telephone and an extra cockpit window. The new sun soon flared obliquely into
fuselage tank her dork sun glasses, and from its position she knew she
Amelia Earharr reported later that, compared to rhe was on course. Three hundred miles out from San Fran¬
trouble-ridden solo hop from Newfoundland to Ireland, cisco she sported a Dollar liner, lined up on its wake, and
her flight across rhe Pacific was a joyride. Though a was tickled to see rhar all three of her compasses
lengthy tropical downpour had drenched the Army's checked with it exactly.
Wheeler Field, rhe weather east of Hawaii was reported Landfall for Amelia's red monoplane was Pillar Point
favorable. On January 11, 1935, America's "first lady of on the California coast. Pulling up over a notch in the
rhe air" climbed aboard her Vega and ran up the faithful hills, the whole beautiful expanse of San Francisco Day
Wasp. It sounded perfect, and she nodded to a bedrag¬ lay below her. The Vega sailed over San Mateo and sat
gled soldier to slosh over and pull rhe chocks rhar held down on Oakland Airport just 18 hours and 16 minutes
her wheels. out of Hawaii. This time there were cheering thousands
Considering the added weight of 520 gallons in rhe to greet rhe famous woman flyer. Amelia Earharr had
extra fuselage rank, Amelia made a wonderful takeoff. become rhe first person, man or woman, to fly this 2,408-
Tail high, the Vega tore down the runway, spewing up mile stretch of the Pacific Ocean alone.

Oakland rums our ro salure a girl and a single-engine wooden

monoplane 27Vi feer long.

T he ideo of serring a record for round-the-world

Travel originared with French novelist Jules
Verne, The top science-fiction man of his day.
Verne's imaginary Phileas Fogg accomplished
the part of an adventurer, bur getting around the world
in the shortest possible rime had been his hobby for two
decades. As a young man, back in 1910, he'd brought
the record again to America, with a trip of a little under
the fear in 80 days. What seemed the impossible 36 days, a mark that stood for thirteen years. When it
in fiction became reality in 1889 when New York World was finally lowered to 28 days in 1926 by Edward S.
reporter Nellie Dly actually went around in 72 days using Evans and Linton Wells, Mears and Captain C. D. D. Collyer
ground and sea transportation. retaliated in 1928 by serring a new record of 23 days,
With the advent of the airplane, it was in the cards using a folding-wing Fairchild monoplane for all bur the
that the record would eventually be whittled down to two big ocean hops, which they made by steamship.
computation in hours. Four Lockheed Vegas were in¬ Mears and Collyer were the first Americans to wangle
volved in dashes for globe-girdling honors, and the suc¬ permission to fly clear across Soviet Russia in their own
cessful contender became the most famous Vega of all. plane, and their negotiations made it easier for others
The first American to plan a record try completely by
airplane was John Flenry Mears, a fifty-year-old New York Mears gor a crack pilot, equipped his Vega to cope with everything
stage producer. Spectacled, balding Mears did not look except old-fashioned bad luck


who followed ro do rhe some. Charlie Collyer losr his life rhar would be insralled in Siberia for rhe swirchover ro
in a rransconrinenral speed record arrempr rhe same seaplane operarion across rhe Bering Srrairs ro Alaska.
year. Less pracrical, bur norable among his publiciry assers, was
Afrer only a year rhe new Mears record was snarched Mears's mascor, a perr lirrle whire Sealyham rerrier, Tail¬
away in 1929 by rhe big German dirigible Graf Zeppelin. wind II, a gifr from movie srarMary Pickford.
John Henry, chafing and frerring, vowed rhar round-rhe- Since Mears was a nonflyer, rhe grearesr problem of
world honors would be rerurned ro America. Berween his proposed global journey seemed ro be rhe choice of
rhearrical chores he began ro make plans for a complere rhe proper man ro occupy rhe fronr cockpir. Ar firsr John
circumnavigarion of rhe globe by air, including rhe con- Henry had hopes of obraining Commander Byrd's well-
quesr of borh rhe Arlanric and Pacific oceans. known Arcric and Anrarcric pilor, Bernr Balchen. When
Ir was a real challenge, and rhe energeric rhearer man rhar did nor work our, he hired Fred Melchior, a Swedish
jumped inro ir wholehearredly. He spenr hours poring flyer on leave from rhe Junkers Corporarion of America,
over maps and charrs, masrered navigarion problems, bur rechnical delays caused rhe flighr plans ro drag on
and learned ro operare a lirrle 50-warr radio rransmirrer. and Melchior had ro rerurn ro his job as chief pilor for rhe
Early in 1900, wirh his own resources and addirional fi¬ German concern. Mears finally rook on Henry J. Brown,
nancial backing from friends and newspapers, Mears was rhe handsome airmail pilor who had won rhe 1929 Na-
ready ro go ahead. rional Air Races nonsrop derby from Los Angeles ro Cleve¬
The vereran globe-rrorrer chose as his plane a new land, flying rhe General Tire & Rubber Company's
Lockheed Vega, a beauriful maroon, cream, and silver Lockheed Air Express. Brownie rook over rhe conrrols of
job which was duly chrisrened City of New York by rhe rhe C/7y of New York and proceeded ro become rhor-
wife of rhe dry's mayor, James J. Walker. Big rippling oughly acquainred wirh her handling.
American flags graced borh sides of rhe ship's fuselage, Early on rhe morning of Augusr 3, 1930, John Henry
as did rhe grear seals of rhe world's largesr city. Before and Tailwind piled in among rhe gas ranks, radio, food,
rhe $21,000 plane lefr Burbank she was given a rear and equipmenr in rhe cabin, and Brownie raxied rhe big
navigarion harch and a Pioneer earrh inducror compass. red Lockheed our on Roosevelr Field for rakeoff.
Special firrings were added ro accommodare rhe floors "See you all in fifreen days!'' called Mears.
Even wirh rhe human and canine load, plus 338 gal¬
lons of gasoline, Brown made a record rakeoff: rhe offi¬
John Henry Mears and V.I.Pup.
cial rimer clocked rhe City as airborne in 30 seconds. Wirh
beauriful wearher, rhe rrip ro rhe Arlanric jumping-off
place, Harbour Grace, Newfoundland, was accomplished
in speedy rime. The nexr leg, spanning rhe ocean ro
Dublin, Ireland, would be rhe firsr crucial one.
Yer, afrer all rhe mericulous planning, fine wearher
predicrions, and auspicious srarr, rhe dry of New York was
nor ro be rhe firsr Lockheed airplane ro circle rhe globe,
or even ro fly rhe Arlanric. Making hasre ro be on rheir
way ro Ireland, Mears and Brown elecred ro rake off a
half hour before dawn. The feeble lighr showed lirrle of
rhe rricky gravel of rhe Harbour Grace runway, and
Brownie made his run diagonally in order ro rake advan-
rage of a sourhwesr wind. Halfway down rhe field rhe
Thundering Vega lurched inro rough ground and a rire
blew. Bumping along, rhe ship rore rhrough brushwood
and piles of srones, shedding her landing gear, wing rips,
and mosr of rhe fuselage borrom before slamming ro a
Borh Mears and Brown climbed our of rhe barrered
wreckage unhurt, bur, in rhe confusion, lirrle Tailwind II
disappeared. John Henry seemed more concerned over
his missing dog rhan rhe loss of his plane and rhe abrupr
conclusion of his global dash. Ir was rwo days before rhe
frightened mascor was found in a salr marsh and re¬
rurned ro his relieved and beaming masrer.
Despire rhe accidenr and financial loss, rhe rhearer

man's spirirs gradually revived, and he began ro make humdrum classes, Garry was always ready to fly with the
new plans ro crack rhe round-the-world record by air. Ar pilots he tutored. Bromley induced him to go along on
rhe Lockheed factory a duplicate Vega was built for him his unsuccessful Japan ro Tacoma flight attempt of 1930.
in rhe spring of 1931. It was identical to the first dry of Far out over rhe Pacific the cockpit of Bromley's big
New York, except for rhe application of Detroit Aircraft's Emsco monoplane was flooded with fumes from a leaky
wire-braced Hi-Speed landing gear. For his companion exhaust ring. Both Harolds were lucky ro survive rhe strug¬
this trip, Mears planned to have Vance Dreese, then De- gle to get back ro Japan alive. Yet only a few months
troit-Lockheed's ace rest pilot. The Vega was painred and later Harold Garty agreed to try ro fly around rhe world
ready when rhe world flyers received a crippling blow to with Wiley Post. His thirst for adventure, like Post's, was
their plans. For some obscure reason rhe Soviet govern¬ unquenchable.
ment refused permission for a new Mears flight across Preparations went on for six months, with every last
territory of rhe U.S.S.R. With his trip made impossible, John inch of the Winnie Mae and her Wasp power plant gone
Henry Mears never rook delivery of rhe second dry of over and double-checked by Lockheed, Pratt 6 Whitney,
New York, and went back ro being a sedate member of and Wiley Post in person. Everyone who ever knew him
rhe theater world. His Lockheed became rhe plane in remembers how Wiley really loved the Winnie Mae, and
which Amelia Earharr made her Hawaii-California flight how the slow-moving, laconic Oklahoman always came
and chalked up subsequent new records. alive when he was in or around the white, blue-trimmed
With Mears out of rhe running for 1931, rhe glory road Vega.
around rhe world was wide open. Plans were an¬ To train himself for rhe long hours at rhe controls, Post
nounced by a number of well-known flyers, but the practiced never sleeping rhe same hours on any rwo
equipment, rhe international connections for supplies, days of the week. He always said that breaking himself
and the money to swing it were all beyond rhe reach of of rhe habit of regular sleep was far more difficult than
most. piloting an airplane around rhe world. And for comfort
An exception among them was little, one-eyed Wiley in rhe sleepless hours to come, Wiley pulled out rhe
Post. Like Mears, he was determined ro beat the record straight-backed metal bucket seat of rhe Vega, and re¬
world flight of rhe Graf Zeppelin, and prove that air¬ placed it with a nice roomy armchair.
planes, not dirigibles, were the true transports of the fu¬ F. C. Hall cheerfully footed rhe bills for the extra ranks
ture. Wiley had the backing of his boss, Oklahoma and alterations that went into rhe Winnie Mae. Before
oilman F. C. Hall, and he had rhe use of Hall's personal long she had to have a restricted license and rhe oilman
plane, rhe sleek white Lockheed Vega Winnie Mae, couldn't even ride in his own airplane.
which Post had flown ro victory the previous year in rhe To obtain rhe proper credentials and permissions, Posr
Los Angeles—Chicago nonstop race. and Garry personally visited the Washington embassies
However, despite all his prowess as a pilot, rhe stocky of all rhe nations over which they expected to fly. Since
thirty-one-year-old Oklahoman had never made an over- Russia was nor represented in 1931, they negotiated
water flight, and knew only elementary navigation. In with Moscow through rhe Amtorg Trading Corporation of
setting our ro fly around rhe world, he needed a man New York, and received assurance that rhe Soviets
along to plot his course. Wiley knew just the one he "would nor deter'' a flight across their territory, nor would
wanted: a Los Angeles navigation instructor named Har¬ rhey officially recognize it. All rhe bills for gas taken
old Garry. aboard in the U.S.S.R. were paid in advance through Am-
Dark-haired, serious Garry was about rhe same size as torg.
Post, bur slimmer and three years younger. He hailed After weeks of waiting, Wiley Post and Harold Garry
from Tasmania, and had attended rhe Royal Australian got away from Roosevelt Field, Long Island, at five
Naval College before putting in several years as a navi¬ o'clock on the morning of June 23, 1931. They flew
gator on the merchant ships that plied rhe Pacific. Emi¬ directly to Harbour Grace, where rhey stopped only for
grating ro the United States in 1928, Garry set up a small lunch and ro gas up. It was there that Gariy discovered
school ro teach navigation ro flyers from a sailor's view¬ he'd brought only a dollar with him, which quickly went
point. His talent for aerial plotting brought him to rhe for sandwiches. His account of Posr warming up for rhe
attention of renowned Lieutenant Commander Philip Atlantic takeoff gives a typical description of his compan¬
V. H. Weems of rhe U.S. Navy, who used Garry theories ion:
and calculations in setting up his famous Weems System "Wiley let rhe motor roar our its defiance ro rhe 1,900
of Air Navigation. miles or more of open water which lay beyond the tran¬
Art Goebel and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh were among quil harbor. He cocked his one good ear to rhe rune of
rhe intense little Australian's distinguished pupils, and he the exhaust, and his one good eye was glued ro rhe
laid our transcontinental and transocean courses for flyers tachometer."
like Roscoe Turner and Harold Bromley. As a release from With rhe benefit of perfect planning, rhe Winnie Mae
Oil streaks on rhe cowl signal a new record as Harold (lefr), Wiley, for visual ground reference, Posr and Garry hedge¬
and Winnie Mae pause for a resr. hopped across Poland, Easr Prussia, and inro Russia. High
winds and rain, added ro no visibility, obliged Posr ro go
on insrrumenrs again, wirh precise insrrucrions from Garry
proceeded ro cross rhe ocean wirh no Trouble, rhe firsr in rhe back. Finally rhe Sovier capiral city loomed up on
Lockheed airplane ro fly rhe Arlanric. For Wiley Posr, who rhe flar horizon Through breaking clouds.
rhe day before had rhoughr Long Island Sound was quire In conrrasr ro rhe cheering crowds in Berlin, There was
a srrerch of warer, rhe Arlanric seemed endless. Much of only a handful of people ar Ocrober Airdrome ro wel¬
rhe flying was blind because of fogs and clouds; Wiley come rhe American flyers ro Moscow. Represenrarives of
sar our rhe long hours, jusr warching rhe insrrumenrs and an inrernarional culrural group rook rhem in row and
keeping rhe ship srraighr and level. Occasionally Garry, insisred rhey sir down ro a formal, nine-course, four-hour
busy wirh his direcrional calcularions and readings of rhe dinner. Since rhe June dawn arrives over rhe Kremlin ar
drifr indicaror he had invenred, would voice a command 2 a.m., Wiley and Harold gor only abour two hours' sleep
inro rhe speaking rube—"A lirrle more ro rhe righr, before plunging on roward rhe Easr.
Wiley"; or, "A lirrle more ro rhe lefr." The nexr Three days saw Posr and Garry and rhe Win¬
They flew Through rhe nighr and inro rhe day, and nie Mae winging rheir way across four Thousand miles of
when Harold's figures showed They were across, Wiley rhe U.S.S.R. Somerimes rhey followed rhe Trans-Siberian
ducked rhe plane down Through rhe soupy fog and Railroad, bur for rhe mosr parr Harold was always kepr
found a darker shadow emerging as land. He pur rhe busy fixing rhe Vega's exacr posirion and calling rhe rurns
Vega down on rhe firsr airporr he saw, rhe Royal Air of course up ro Wiley.
Force's Sealand Airdrome in Cheshire, near Liverpool— Posr foughr lack of sleep and rhe monorony of conrin-
jusr 16 hours and 17 minures our of Harbour Grace, and uous flighr, bur he never complained. Plunked in his arm¬
having flown righr over Ireland ro England. Since ir was chair, he had Trained himself ro rhink only of rhe rask ar
consrrucred for speed, ir was nor surprising rhar rhe Lock¬ hand, and did ir. Garry suffered mainly from a ravenous
heed made rhe fasresr Arlqnric crossing up ro rhar rime. apperire, which he was ashamed ro admir ro his sroic
Posr was so pleased ar being across all rhar ocean rhar companion.
he had ro clear his rhoughrs ro remember rhar rhe Win¬ Afrer nipping across a corner of Manchuria, Wiley
nie Mae srill had ro fly on around rhe world. Hopping on rhoughr ir mighr be well ro srop for rhe nighr and refuel
ro Hanover and Berlin, rhe pair gor rheir firsr sleep in rhe ar rhe Siberian ourposr of Blagoveschensk. Oil flares
horel ar Tempelhof Airdrome. Drowsy Wiley rhoughr rhe dimly ourlined rhe warer-covered field. As usual in land¬
noisy receprion by rhe Germans more riring rhan flying ing, Posr admonished Garty ro crawl as far back in rhe
rhe Arlanric. rail as he could, and ro “hang on like hell!" Mushing
The nexr day's rhousand-mile flighr ro Moscow was down, rhe Lockheed serried on rhe inundared airfield,
made in nearly ceiling-zero wearher. Armed wirh maps whishing up spray like a seaplane. Mud filled rhe panrs

ond quickly clogged rhe wheels. Only Wiley Posr's deli¬ at Edmonton was thoroughly soaked. Looking down,
cate touch kept Winnie Mae from doing a fast flip os she Garry said a little prayer: "Oh God, nor Blagoveschensk
slithered and slowed. Trying to keep her going toward a again!''
parch of dry ground proved impossible, and the left Wiley set rhe Vega down and, without pausing, half
wheel sank into rhe sludge—along with Wiley's heart. taxied, half flew her to the concrete hangar apron. By
Garry jumped our of rhe cabin into mud a foot deep this rime rhe eyes of rhe world were on Post, Garry, and
and ascertained that rhe Vega, though bogged, by a their Winnie Mae, for rhe flight's progress was being re¬
miracle was in one piece and upright. While waiting for ported on hourly radio bulletins. Busy flying around rhe
the arrival of a promised tractor, hungry Harold got in a world, rhe men were nor prepared for rhe public reaction
meal, a hot rub, and a nap. When he got back to rhe that burst over them or Edmonton. In rhe turmoil of pho¬
airfield with a basket of food for Wiley, he found that rhe tographers, radio announcers, reporters, and official
pilot had slogged out to rhe mired Lockheed and was greeters, somebody stuck a microphone in front of the
sound asleep in his chair. Over twelve hours went by pilot, whose mind was already occupied with thoughts
before rhe ground dried sufficiently to release rhe Winnie about mud-soaked airfields. "Say something, Mr. Post!"
Mae from rhe mud. The tractor never did come from rhe came rhe entreaty.
collective farm, so rhe task was finally accomplished by "I'm tired of sirring down," grunted Wiley.
two droshky horses and a score of grunting, very wet, "We're tired and we're dirty," added Harold, "and nor
and dirty Siberians. much to look at, anyway."
Airborne again, Post and Garry began to think that They rested while Edmontonians worked all night to
perhaps with luck they could win through to New York in clear a suitable paved runway for rhe Winnie Mae. They
even less rime than they'd hoped. At Khabarovsk they rook down all rhe electric cross-wires on the two-mile
paused for over rwenry-four hours to renew their strength concrete stretch of Portage Avenue that leads from air¬
with food and sleep, and to check over rhe Vega after port to city, and hauled rhe Lockheed over for takeoff.
her grueling hours in rhe air and her encounter with In rhe dawn light, Post let rhe Wasp out and charged
Siberian mud. full tilt down rhe street. He'd never seen anything like it,
On rhe longest jump of rhe flight, nearly 17 hours, they and got a new idea of ground speed as curbstones, hy¬
boldly struck our for Alaska. Hail and rain impeded prog¬ drants, and light poles flashed by the wing tips. Then rhe
ress, and Garry discovered that rhe Russian maps were white monoplane lifted and was off in a climbing turn
very hazy as to rhe exact locations of mountain peaks, to over rhe city, bound for New York.
say nothing of their elevations, and Post remarked that After a brief stop in Cleveland, Post and Garry landed
"the country was wild enough to scare Dan'l Boone.'' rhe Winnie Mae back at Roosevelt Field late in rhe eve¬
Beyond rhe international dare line through the Bering ning of July 1. When they climbed our, pandemonium
Straits rhe pair had rhe novel experience of living over let loose, and rhe bone-weary and disheveled men were
again a day just past. nearly mobbed by a seething, cheering crowd, a spon¬
With their landing on rhe sandy beach at Solomon, taneous demonstration of acclaim that reflected rhe re¬
Alaska, rhe flyers were back on U.S. soil. Here again rhe lief, joy, and admiration of Americans everywhere.
flight was nearly ended. While taxiing for takeoff, rhe It was the greatest thing since Lindbergh. The majestic
Winnie Mae stuck in rhe soft sand, her rail lifted, and Graf Zeppelin was just a poky old paddle wheeler. Wiley
rhe whirling propeller smacked rhe ground. Anxiously, Post, Harold Garry, and Winnie Mae had flown around
Post jumped down to survey rhe bent propeller rips, and rhe world in only 8 days, 15 hours, and 51 minutes.
then proceeded to straighten them with a wrench, a
broken-handled hammer and a big, round stone. The excitement that followed rhe Post-Garry achieve¬
The engine was still hot when Harold Garry swung rhe ment naturally brought new contenders for rhe record.
mended prop to prime it. The Wasp backfired and the Most of rhe flyers who planned hops across rhe Atlan¬
flat side of rhe blade caught him on rhe shoulder. Bruised tic, either on paper or in actuality, now added vaguely,
and momentarily dazed, rhe plucky navigator got up "... and I'll probably fly on around rhe world."
and resolutely climbed back aboard the Vega. Soon the Clyde Pangborn and Hugh Herndon tried, but their
ship was off rhe shifting sands of Solomon and following Bellanca was much slower than a speedy Lockheed.
rhe Yukon River up to Fairbanks. Here, while weary Post After delays in crossing Siberia they turned from plans to
and aching Garry snatched four hours of sleep, Alaskan fly around rhe world and made rhe first successful, and
Airways mechanics installed a new propeller they hap¬ prize-winning, flight from Japan to rhe United States.
pened to have in stock. Owners and pilots of Lockheed planes looked long¬
On rhe homestretch now, rhe pair set our for Edmon¬ ingly into rhe possibilities of breaking round-the-world
ton, Alberta, dodging Alaskan mountains and then blast¬ records, but usually gave up the idea when they found
ing for hours through a prairie downpour. Blarchford Field our how much money, careful preparation, international

Time our from rhe limelighr ro ger a fresh point job and the legend deposits, visas, and permits. The thorny question of flying
of her achievements—so far. over Russia was serried with a $1,500 advance ro rhe
Soviets, for which they were ro furnish gas, oil, and aid to
rhe world flyers at selected landing spots. Most of rhe
srnng-pulling, knowledge, ond real sramina would be financial backing came from oilmen in the Southwest
required. Any derailed study of whor Wiley Posr and Har¬ who saw in Marrern, Griffin, and their Vega a sporting
old Garry did always produces even greater respect for competitor to rheir friend F. C. Hall and his Winnie Mae,
rheir abilities. being flown by Wiley Posr.
But one determined pilot tried twice. He was James J. Christened Century of Progress in honor of rhe upcom¬
Mortem, a handsome young daredevil from San Angelo, ing World's Fair in Chicago, the blue-and-white Lockheed
Texas. Only twenty-six, Jimmie Mortem hod been a foot¬ was carefully prepared for her journey. Installation of a
ball player and donee-band drummer, and was a grad¬ rear cockpit in rhe fuselage just aft of rhe trailing edge of
uate from rhe Army Air Corps's Kelly Field. His wide grin the wing, containing a duplicate set of instruments and
and wavy dark hair were familiar ro Hollywood's stunt- controls, mode this rhe first and only dual-controlled
flying fraternity, ond later ro early airline passengers who Vega ro take ro rhe air.
droned across rhe plains of Texas. When San Angelo's Jimmie and Grif got away from Floyd Bennett Field on
Cromwell Airlines quietly folded, Jimmie acquired rhe Long Island at 5 am. on rhe morning of July 5, 1932.
company's best ship, a Lockheed Vega, and used it for Nearing Newfoundland, they ran into real pea-soup fog
charter service our of Fort Worth. The long-distance bug and lost three hours looking for a hole through which ro
had really bitten him in 1931 as a result of being pilot of ger down and land at Harbour Grace. They refueled and
rhe refueling plane for rhe a I most-successful Keg Rob¬ then Marrern, nor wishing ro tarry, got rhe Vega rolling
bins—Honk Jones flight ro Tokyo. and took off into another fogbank. Our over rhe Atlantic
A lieutenant in the Reserve, Marrern met Bennett Grif¬ rhe boys spelled each other at rhe controls, and kept
fin in Fort Worth while both men were purring in some going east either through rhe fog or above it.
training time. Bennie Griffin was an Oklahoma City pilot Marrern and Griffin never saw the ocean, bur they
who'd made a good try in rhe Dole Race ro Hawaii in spanned it in rhe record rime of 10 hours and 50 min¬
1927, but had been forded bock ro Oakland with an utes, a mark which stood for six years. Wistfully they
overheated engine. He still wanted ro vindicate himself passed up a landing in England ro bore through more
with a record flight of some Lind, and by reaming with fog over the North Sea and continue on to Berlin. This,
Martern and rhe Lockheed, rhe chances looked good. too, was a record: rhe first direct flight from America to
It took only ten minutes for rhe two Reserve officers ro rhe German capital. At Tempeihof they rook a brief rest,
agree on making a round-the-world flight, but rhe actual wolfed down a couple of steaks, and set our again.
prepororions rook ten months. Mortem and Griffin found Despite rhe speedy beginning, rhe Century of Progress
themselves rhe heads of a business enterprise—soliciting never reached her next scheduled stop. Posr and Garry
funds, arguing over contracts, and musing about fuel hod been plagued by hellish weather beyond Berlin, but

Cenrury was bearing the Post-Garry rime when a hatch srarred the touched, rolled, and then the wheels sank in the soft
trouble rhor ended this way ground to flip the plane over with a splintering crunch.
The marshy field in which the Martern-Griffin flight ended
so abruptly was at Borisov, a few miles inside the U.5.5.R.
Marrern and Griffin went bombing along Toward Mos¬
Shaken and soaked with gasoline, the men crawled
cow, by The light of a full moon. Then, wirhour warning,
out of the torn and twisted Vega and surveyed the
the metal-edged hatch over Jimmie's head tore loose
and went hurtling back against the rail of the ship. Fight¬
"Twenty-five thousand dollars gone, and failure—all
ing to control the damaged stabilizer, Marrern searched
because of a loose hatch," muttered Jimmie. Then reac¬
for a landing place. Below was a broad field with scat¬
tion set in, and he and Bennie were both violently sick.
tered haystacks that looked as good as any. He brought
The flyers considered rheir attempt a flop, bur Euro¬
the Lockheed in for a fast landing to keep control. She
pean cities gave them great ovations and receptions in
recognition of rheir fast Atlantic flight to Berlin. With rheir
fee already in hand, the Russians even underrook to
Everybody else says they did fine: bandaged Jimmie (left center)
and Grif get congratulated during a stop in Germany on rheir way crate up the smashed remains of the Century of Progress,
bach home. and return them to the United States.
Jimmie Marrern had a new idea for the next year, bur
he kept it very secret. He found some new money in
Chicago and hired Fred Fetrerman, known as "the best
man on Lockheeds in the East," to work in a hangar at
Floyd Bennett Field to rebuild the wrecked Cenrury. The
damaged wing was mated with the fuselage taken from
a Vega, one of three so-called Sranavo Eagles owned
and flown by the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey.
The striking paint job it once wore was the inspiration for
a new version, applied with artistic derail to the rebuilt
Cenrury-. a giant, glowering red eagle was outlined on
both sides of the blue fuselage, with his painted pinions
spread over the white wings and his fearsome talons
reached our to grip the wheel pants.
The trusty Wasp engine from the original Cenrury was
supercharged now and tuned fine by Pratt & Whitney.
Also installed on the beak of the red-whire-and-blue bird
was a Hamilton controllable-pitch propeller to swing. Into
the cabin and wings went special ranks, including two
that had formerly served the Winnie Mae, and some

from Amelia Earharr's rransarlanric Lockheed.

Meanwhile, ro a rrusred few, Jimmie leaked his big
secret. This year there would be no Bennie Griffin ro
check his navigation, spell him at the controls, or give
him cheerful repartee. The tall Texan was going ro at¬
tempt the first solo flight around the world. This was the
reason for his months of roadwork and calisthenics, to
prepare himself physically, and for the hours spent study¬
ing advanced navigation so he could find his way around
the globe.
Martern dropped into the Cenrury's cockpit on June 3,
1933, for another one of those dawn takeoffs. The re¬
porters nearly went wild when they finally learned that
Jimmie was going alone, and would attempt to get off
with a gross weight of 9,150 pounds. Firing up the Wasp,
Jimmie taxied our on Floyd Bennett with 701 gallons of
gas aboard. He poured on the coal, eased more than
four and a half tons of wood, metal, and gasoline into
the sky, and streaked into the northeast.
Our over the Atlantic for a second rime, Jimmie en¬
The Marrern grin ond rhe fierce new Cenrury in 1933.
countered the perils met by his predecessors. Ice formed
on his wings. To get rid of it in a hurry he pur the Vega
in a power dive, and down she went, gathering momen¬ nonstop distance record, and completed rhe first direct
tum with the load of sleet. At 2,000 feet he gingerly tried air trip from New York ro Norway.
to level off. Horses hauled rhe grounded Lockheed ro a better
CRACK! stretch of beach, and a revived Marrern left for Moscow
With a report like a cannon, the thin plywood covering after a short stop at Oslo. In rhe Russian capital he
on one wing split from spar to spar. Jimmie sat frozen, patched his split wing. He also discovered rhe cause of
expecting the whole wing to rear off at any moment. rhe heart-stopping engine failure over rhe Atlantic a tiny
Now he was down on the deck, flying blind about three piece of straining felt had temporarily clogged rhe gas¬
hundred feet above the fog-shrouded, black water. The line.
ice began to melt away. After five minutes the rigid pilot Jimmie had three hours of sleep and took off at mid¬
decided the wing was going ro hold. night for Omsk, thundering over rhe Urals in an inky
Dawn brought some relief, bur the Cenrury of Progress storm with lightning snapping at his wing rips. His tired
wasn't across the Atlantic yet. Martern got her back up ro body was temporarily refreshed by a sauna bath at
6,000 feet—only ro hove the engine quit. In the sudden Omsk, bur rhe pace was beginning ro tell on both man
silence he frantically pushed and pulled the throttle, and airplane. The quick succession of 1,800-mile solo
steadily losing altitude. Perhaps leaning the mixture hops was too much.
might have made the Wasp backfire, bur Jimmie didn't In his own recollection, Mattern's flight soon became a
think of it. He just couldn't think of anything. Eight vague series of landings, takeoffs, and accidents. There
hundred feet above the ocean she did backfire, all by had been a damaged shock cord at Omsk. Next, on rhe
herself. Fairer—backfire—then the revs started and the way to Chita, a gasline broke, and Jimmie nearly passed
engine rook hold. Once more Jimmie Martern was sure our from rhe fumes. In rhe ensuing forced landing he
his heart had stopped completely. damaged rhe Cenrury's rail, and had to wait while Sibe¬
Fighting ro avoid more fog and storms, the flyer found rian mechanics were sent ro fix it—using iron rods and
himself edging north of his original planned course ro shoe boxes, all carefully glued in place with a fabric of
Paris or Berlin. Finally he identified a rugged strip of coast old shirts. On rhe next hop of 2,000 miles rhe fagged-out
as Norway and started in search of Oslo. Shaken and pilot was unable to concentrate enough to find rhe way
unable ro compute his navigation tables properly, the to Khabarovsk,- he decided ro pur the ship down in the
exhausted Texan landed at Jomfruland Island on the Amur River and call it a day. Martern piled pillows around
shore of the Skagerrak. Somehow he pur the Vega down his head to reduce injuries and brought rhe Vega in over
safely on a boulder-strewn beach. a low, treeless island in midriver, fully expecting ro
For several hours Jimmie Martern, curled up sound ground loop in the soft sand. Surprisingly, rhe ship
asleep in a lighthouse keeper's cottage, did nor know, or touched and rolled to a safe stop. Trembling with relief,
care, that he had just flown 4,100 miles, a new solo Jimmie crawled our and fell fast asleep on rhe ground.

He awoke ro find himself surrounded by curious Sibe¬ a roboggan rill rhe engine was forced back and buckled
rians who had crossed ro rhe island in rowboars. They under as she stopped.
appeared delighted by rhe presence of this mechanical Except for a sprained ankle, Jimmie was safe and in
eagle, which had dropped in, and arranged a supply of good shape. Dur with only rhree chocolate bars ro ear,
rracror gasoline and crude oil ro speed Marrern on his his siruarion on rhe deserred plain soon became desper¬
way. Clanking and belching smoke, rhe ill-used Wasp ate. For a few days he lived in rhe wrecked Lockheed.
managed ro haul Jimmie and rhe Vega on ro Khaba¬ Then he hobbled down ro rhe wide Anadyr River in
rovsk. hopes of rescue. He fashioned a grass hur, insularing ir
Ar rhe Siberian jumping-off place for Alaska, Marrern with his maps, and slepr fitfully on rhe warm ashes left
was restored with food and sleep and hearrened by his by his fires unril rhe frosr seeped through again ro wake
continued, and phenomenal, good luck in rhe face of him. Thousands of mosquitoes swarmed abour him.
mishaps. Jimmie was already well behind rhe Posr-Garry For food, Marrern ar lasr shot a duck, only ro have ir
rime, bur still had hopes of serring a solo record rhar srolen by gulls while he went back ro his plane for an
would be difficult ro rop. He rook off for Nome ar 4 am. engine cylinder ro use as a cooking pot. A muskrat
despire adverse wearher forecasts. Sure enough, a solid proved almost inedible, as did some eggs he found.
wall of icy clouds 800 miles our turned him back rhe Seeking ro move ro a berrer position from which ro ar-
whole weary way ro Khabarovsk and rhe need ro make rracr attention, rhe srranded flyer made a rafr from drift-
a fresh srarr. wood, lashed by control cables from rhe Vega. Ir soon
On their second try rhe Vega and its game pilot gor capsized in rhe icy warer and floated away. When Jim¬
across rhe Sea of Okhotsk, over rhe badly mapped Sibe¬ mie tried ro dry himself his clothes caughr fire and he
rian mountain ranges, and wirhin four hours of a return had ro jump again inro rhe frigid river.
ro rhe American continent. Then, over rhe desolate Arctic A second makeshift rafr finally floored rhe determined
rundra near rhe Anadyr River, rhe oil lines froze and rhe Texan ro an island in midstream. On his fourteenth day
luck of Jimmie Marrern's solo world flight finally ran our. alone he built a fire which caughr rhe underbrush and
His crash rhe previous year had him srill worried abour soon swept rhe enrire island. Smoke and flames ar lasr
flipping over, so Marrern rried an unorthodox maneuver. arrracred a family of Eskimos who were making rheir
He flew rhe faltering Vega, wide open, close ro rhe annual trip down rhe Anadyr, and Jimmie was saved.
ground and knocked off rhe landing gear. Then he belly- The hungry pilot had been dreaming of orange juice and
landed rhe ship on rhe frozen rundra, sliding along like a salad, bur was very happy ro partake of dried fish. The
Eskimos rook him downriver with them, fascinated by rhe
zipper of his heavy flying suir. Ir was July 5 before they
reached rhe Bering Sea rrading post of Anadyr, and rhe
The eagle Vega bites rhe dust on Arctic rundra, and this rime no world learned rhar Jimmie Marrern was alive after all.
parrs ger shipped home ro be used again. There were srill complicarions in gerring rhe lucky flyer
Never-say-die Jimmie Mortem rakes tea wirh friends while he waits he was going ro sir on during a solo rrip around rhe
for a Russian lift ro Nome.
world.'' The quiet Oklahoman would ofren go on all-
night fishing excursions with congenial company and a
couple of bottles of beer.
bock ro American soil. He hod friends wirh planes in Posr certainly had a high regard for Harold Garry, bur
Nome, bur rhe Sovier governmenr insisred rhar one of he decided ro dispense wirh a navigator for rhe 1900
rheir own flyers should be allowed ro bring Marrern our arrempr. The available charrs of Russia were practically
of Siberia. They disporched a crock Army pilor, Sigmund useless, and much of rhe long rrip would be sear-of-rhe-
Levenevsky, clear across Russia from rhe Block Sea wirh panrs flying or low altitudes anyway. Wiley intended ro
o seaplane ro fly Jimmie over ro Nome. While wairing pur his fairh in something new: rhe Sperry Automatic
for Levenevsky, Marrern and on English-speaking Russian Pilor. This lirrle block box, developed by gifred inventor
wenr back rhe eighty miles up rhe Anadyr River and Lawrence Sperry, would faithfully hold a plane on course,
salvaged rhe engine and instruments from rhe wrecked even while rhe pilor catnapped.
Century of Progress. They were crared for shipment ro Installing rhe auromaric pilor in rhe confines of rhe
New York, via Moscow, bur Jimmie never sow rhem Winnie Mae's cockpit was no mean fear, and or one rime
again. six men from rhe Sperry planr were crowded inro rhe
Marrern breezed into New York City on July 00, 1930, Vega, rwisred like prerzels os rhey conducted coreful
fifty-seven days ofrer he'd lefr in rhe orher direction. He ground resrs of rhe device. A directional radio, lent by rhe
was flying a borrowed Lockheed, rhe meral Sranavo U. S. Army, was another valuable asset. And ro reduce
Vega, pointed like Jimmie's Century ro resemble an lubrication problems, Prarr & Whitney service representa¬
eogle. Ir was en roure from Toronto rhar Marrern mode tive Roy Peck hooked up eighteen pieces of copper tub¬
rhe firsr international radio broadcast from an airplane. ing wirh grease firrings, so rhe pilor could grease rhe
engine's rocker boxes directly from his cockpit sear. Posr
While Jimmie Marrern of Texas was preparing for his hod a fuel and advertising agreement wirh Socony-Vac-
solo effort, Wiley Posr of Oklahoma gor bock in rhe lime¬ uum Oil for this trip, and rhe firm's Flying Red Horse
light wirh rhe Winnie Mae. The famous Vega now be¬ trademark appeared on the repainted Winnie Mae.
longed ro Wiley, os irs generous owner, F. C. Hall, hod Jimmie Morrern hod gone, been losr, and finally re¬
given him rirle. Posr announced rhar he proposed ro fly ported safe by rhe rime Posr was satisfied rhar his Lock¬
around rhe world again—this rime alone. heed was ready ro fly. On Saturday morning, July 15,
Jimmie Morrern trained himself rigorously wirh early 1900, he lifted rhe Winnie Mae off Floyd Bennerr Field in
morning roadwork and calisthenics. Wiley's physical jusr 29 seconds, using only 1,900 feer of runway in "the
preparations consisted of his own peculiar methods of best takeoff ever seen of any Atlantic flyer."
sleep training, or "un-rraining." When told how Jimmie Prarr & Whirney's Lionel Clark, who hod been handling
was hardening up his muscles, Posr wryly remarked rhar Wiley's plane and preparations os well os his engine, was
rhe muscles Morrern was hardening "weren't rhe ones ready ro go ro bed for two days. "And rhere was Wiley,

bright os a daisy, starring out to fly around rhe world!"

recalls Clark.
Partly by dead reckoning, and partly by tuning his radio
to a special broadcast pur on by a London radio station,
Post shot up to Newfoundland, across rhe ocean, and on
to Tempelhof Airdrome in 25 hours and 45 minutes.
Wiley and his Lockheed Vega were rhe first man and
airplane to fly nonstop from New York to Berlin.
Using the autopilot, Post had plans for a global circuit
in just five hops: Berlin, Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk, Fair¬
banks, and New York, wirh maybe a stop in friendly Ed¬
monton "if he was tired." He made the first one all right,
but had to compromise on the rest. All the way, it was a
15,596-mile trip.
Violent storms forced the one-eyed pilot to land in
both Konigsburg, Germany, and again at Moscow. The
Sperry pilot, good as it was, conked our twice, leaving
rhe flying over rhe great Russian hinterlands strictly up to
rhe wonderful Post stamina. It was finally repaired by
Siberian mechanics at Irkutsk, who also soldered a leaky
oil line while rhe Oklahoman snatched a few hours of
sleep. After waiting our a rainstorm, Post roared into Kha¬
barovsk ahead of schedule. It was amazing, bur he
began to see that he had a chance not only to establish
a solo record, but to bear his own mark, rhe one set wirh
Garry two years before.
The P&Wmodified Wasp C now displayed wirh Winnie Mae in rhe
Wiley headed up rhe Siberian coast toward rhe Bering
National Air Museum, powered rhe Vega throughout her entire
career of record-making flights.
Strait with his autopilot functioning perfectly. The faithful
Wasp droned on and on, and the white, blue-winged
Vega passed high above forbidding mountains, seas,
Post ready in July 1933: Winnie Mae has a cabin full of solo equip¬ and Arctic rundraland, her human pilot nodding but con¬
ment, new lower hatch. fident.

The interior of Alaska was a jumble of mounrains and Posr and his plane one last punch. The clouds hung low,
streams rhar were hard ro identify. Which was the the rain come down in sheers, and pilot and autopilot
Yukon? Wiley circled and peered, and or lost mode our flew blind for seven hours. As it hod on his flight with
a landing strip beside sonne radio rowers. He come Garry, mud awaited him at Blarchford Field in Edmonton.
around, lined up on what passed for o strip—it was only There Wiley rook o rest, guarded by Mounries as he lay
700 feet long—and set the Vego down. The Winnie Mae with on icepack on his head, which ached from high
bounced, rumbled along, shed o wheel pant, cracked altitudes. The Vega was fueled and trundled over onto
her landing gear, ond went up on her nose in the grovel. Porrage Avenue, for a repeat of his touch-and-go depar¬
It looked like the end of Wiley Post's solo trip around ture two years earlier. Soon he was flashing past light
the world. The controllable-pitch propeller hod dug in poles again for another takeoff down the street, straight
and was bent beyond repair. The place where Wiley had toward the city.
come down was Flat, Alaska, a remote mining comp. Late rhar night the Lockheed and Wiley Posr touched
All the miners in Flat wonted to help. They pur Post ro down at Floyd Bennett Field in New York, ro be greeted
bed in the radio shock ond mode temporary repairs ro by a thunderous reception.
the crocked landing gear. Then they relayed o message
to Fairbanks asking for more-specialized oid. It was vet¬ The unbelievable had happened The little man with
eran bush pilot Joe Crosson who got the word, found an the white eyeparch, all alone, had piloted a single-
old fixed-pitch propeller, then flew it to Flar along with engined airplane all around the world in just 7 days, 18
two mechanics ro help install it while Post slumbered. hours, and 43 minutes. Racing over wide oceans and
They worked all night removing the bent prop and in¬ broad continents, Wiley Post and the Winnie Mae had
stalling the substitute. Joe led Winnie Mae in ro Fairbanks cur twenty-one hours off their previous record, and
for o stopover, then Wiley wos off again six hours later. gained for all time a place among aviation's immortals.
The weather on the Alaskan-Canadian border gave

I r was a certainty from the firsr rhar Lockheed planes

would be used ro establish other types of records in
addition ro those for long-distance and rransocean
flying. During the routine use and resting of the
Wirh production increasing, Lockheed couldn't go on
using the part-time services of airline pilots like Larry Fritz
or Dole Race winner Art Goebel. A regular factory test
pilot was needed to make first flights, demonstrations,
ships, there were many opportunities that could nor and an occasional sales junker. Herb Fahy's doggedness
be ignored. finally won him the assignment.
Not long after the establishment of the factory in Bur¬ The former lieutenant turned out to be a pretty good
bank, the Lockheed company had a persistent visitor. choice. In addition ro his persistence and growing expe¬
Out of a job, and enamored of the speedy streamlined rience, he had another asset useful to Lockheed public¬
ships that were regularly appearing at the shop doors, ity. This was his wife, Claire, a "pert and comely aviatrix,"
ex-Army pilot Herbert J. Fahy hung around the front office in the language of the twenties. As The Flying Fahys the
for weeks. Short, wavy-haired Herb was a fine fellow, bur couple attracted attention both ro themselves and their
nobody knew much about his flying ability. Allan Loug- demonstrator wherever they flew. Dark-haired, bouncy
head occasionally gave him short check hops and ferry
jobs just ro keep him off the doorstep. Fahy undertook
Lee Shoenhoir after he and Miss Silvertown flashed over a Florida
every such chore with enthusiasm. beach ro cop six world speed marks in 1930.

Mrs. Fohy was quire likely rhe firsr woman ro rake rhe
conrrols of a Lockheed Vega.
A resr pilor, wirh big rhings ahead, Fahy had high
hopes of joining rhe ranks of rhe rransarlanric flyers and
globe-rrorrers. Though rhis was nor ro be, Herb did esrab-
lish a mark unique in Lockheed hisrory: over May 28-29,
1929, he chalked up a world's solo endurance record,
made wirhour refueling.
Using a srock Whirlwind-powered Lockheed rigged
wirh auxiliary ranks, Fahy ralked rhe ever-willing Richfield
Oil Company of California inro supplying his 435 gallons
of gas. In rerurn rhey gor a pair of Richfield—the Gasoline
of Power decals slapped on rhe fuselage where rhey
would show up nicely in news phorographs.
Herb liked ro fly in old sneakers, a bear-up jacker, and
a green celluloid eyeshade ro shield his wide brow from
rhe encroaching California sun. In rhis ourfir, and packing
sandwiches and coffee, he climbed aboard rhe srock
demonsrrarion Vega ar Los Angeles Merropoliran Airporr.
The rakeoff was rricky, for rhe ship's 41-foor wing had
ro lifr a roral of 5,888 pounds. Afrer rhar, all rhe resr pilor Weary Herb Fahy blinks in rhe sunlighr as helmered wife, Claire
(righr of propeller), rushes ro greer him afrer his nearly 37-hour
had ro do was ro ser rhe Vega level and circle around
endurance flighr in May 1929. Fahy died in crack-up of Sirius dem-
and around rhe Los Angeles Counry landscape—and onsrraror rhe following year.
keep awake. This wenr on all day, all nighr, all rhe nexr
day. Fahy are lighrly and sipped his java sparingly. The
nighr hours were of course rhe worsr, parricularly when In a hazardous profession, ir was inevirable rhar Herb
rhe navigarion lighrs of rhe plane failed and rhe pilor should have his share of crack-ups working for Derroir-
conrinued on in rhe dark. He srayed well above and Lockheed. He twice escaped unhurr when Vega dem¬
away from rhe hills, always keeping rhe airporr lighrs in onstrators were washed our, and miraculously suffered
sighr. Wirh daylighr, rhe hours dragged and rhe Whirl¬ only a broken elbow in rhe crash of rhe second Explorer
wind engine droned on and on, and Herb's eyes foughr City of Tacoma. Then tragedy srruck ar lasr on April 25,
ro sray open under rheir shade. Jubilanr warchers below 1930. Demonsrraring a brand-new Sirius, Herb and Claire
cheered and signaled as rhe orange Vega passed rhe rried ro ger off from a rough field ar Roscommon, Michi¬
old official mark and conrinued irs endless circling for gan. The low-winged plane srruck a brush pile, nosed
more rhan an hour beyond rhe unofficial record. Ar lasr, over, and crashed on irs back. Claire Fahy was uninjured,
and wirh irs gas ranks nearly empry, Fahy ser rhe Lock¬ bur Lockheed's firsr chief resr pilor died in a hospital wirh¬
heed down. our regaining consciousness. Mrs. Fahy was killed larer
Herb's eyes were jusr slirs when he cur rhe fairhful rhe same year, when rhe engine of her Waco Taper
Whirlwind and clambered our. In chic flying rogs, Claire Wing stalled on rakeoff ar Tonopah, Nevada.
Fahy broke Through rhe crowd ro hug rhe record-breaker. Nor so arrracrive ro rhe public as competitive racing,
He'd been airborne, oil by himself, for 36 hours, 56 min- bur important ro engine and aircraft manufacturers,
ures and 36 seconds. were speed trials against rime. Speed resrs for a certified
Though he coaxed dozens of Lockheeds alofr on rheir world's record were costly and exacting projecrs because
maiden flighrs, rhe endurance resr was rhe high poinr of rhey meanr close supervision by qualified observers and
Herb Fahy's career. He rried unsuccessfully for rhe rrans- rimers who were accredited by both rhe Narional Aero¬
conrinenral record in Lockheed's Air Express Black Hornet; nautic Association (NAA) and rhe fifry-rhree-narion Fed¬
he ralked abour a flighr from New York ro Rome. Then eration Aeronaurique Internationale (FAD. Official rimers
he and Claire were going ro fly around rhe world in less were supposed ro receive a $25 fixed fee, bur many
rhan rhe twenty-one days required by rhe Graf Zeppelin. dedicated persons donated rheir services in order ro be
Bur, as for so many such projecrs, financial backing was on hand where aviation hisrory was being made.
nor forrhcoming. The Flying Fahys kepr on wirh rheir jobs Many American pilots gor rheir firsr experience wirh
—Herb flying Lockheeds for Derroir Aircraft and Claire rhe metric sysrem during rime trials. Bags of sand for rhe
demonsrraring Easrman Flying Yachrs for anorher branch loads were weighed our in kilograms on approved
of Derroir's loosely knir amalgamarion of aircraft compa¬ scales,- exacr courses were carefully measured in kilome¬
nies. ters. Special watches were used, and barographs in-

sralled in rhe airplanes ro affirm rhar rhe runs were made

Amelia Eorharr wirh rhe man ro satisfy—NAA timer Joe Nikrenr.
ar specified alrirudes. Satisfy him she did, as rhe drawing and headline of a Lockheed
Leland F. Shoenhair, chief piior for rhe B. F. Goodrich advertisemenr (borrom) indicare.
Company, scanned some of rhe hundreds of records on
rhe inrernarional books and decided ro give rhe Unired
Srares a berrer represenrarion. Lee had in mind rhe speed
records wirh various exact payload weighrs held by a
Brirish De Havilland Hound and a French Nieuporr-
Delage. Goodrich's Vega, rhe Wasp-powered Miss Siiver-
rown, should be able ro do berrer than rhe exisring marks
of almosr 160 mph ser by rhe European airplanes.
As a good srraighraway course for his arrempr, NAA
picked a srrerch of Arlanric coasrline between Mayporr
and Sainr Augustine, Florida. Ir was already a favorite spot
for automobile speed trials, for its long, level beach mea¬
sured rhe prescribed 50 km, or approximately 31 miles.
Shoenhair came down from Ohio in rhe whire, blue-
trim med Lockheed, its supercharged Wasp engine tuned
and ready for rhe speed runs. Officials sacked our bags
of whire Florida sand, and stowed 550 kg (1,102 lbs)
around rhe center of graviry in Miss Silverrown's cabin.
Then, delicate stopwatches in hand, they manned pylons
ar rhe ends of the beach, and kept in rouch by tele¬
The rubber company's piior blasted the Vega around
five laps of the course. Despite rhe drag of an unlatched
cabin door, he ser rwo world's speed-load records on
February 18, 1930. Four more marks fell rwo days later
when the sandbags were increased ro 1,000 kg—over a
ton. Lee's best rimes were an average speed of 185.452
mph for 100 km (62 miles) carrying 500 kg, and 175.997
wirh 1,000 kg.
Flying rhe shoreline route straight and level, back and
forth, Shoenhair urged every ounce of speed from rhe
Vega, flashing over rhe heads of rhe rimers for over four
hours. People on rhe beach ar Jacksonville thrilled to rhe
sight of rhe bulier-shaped Lockheed rearing along just a
few feet above the sand, engine roaring wide open.
"Here he comes!" they yelled; and, almosr in rhe same
breath, 'There he goes!"
Lee flew back ro Akron wirh rhe successful speed-load
rime trials in rhe bag and resumed his routine duties as
pilot for rhe Goodrich company. Lockheed, Pratt & Whit¬
ney, and rhe Unired Srares all had six new world's records
ro boast of—and did.
In rhe meantime, America's "first lady of rhe air," Ame¬
lia Earhart, was nor resting in her efforts to put women in
aviation on an equal footing wirh men. In November
1929 she was in California, and welcomed her first
chance ro fly a Vega wirh rhe greater horsepower of rhe
Wasp engine.
The factory pur ar her disposal a cowled and panted AMELIA EARHART-
demonstrator just rwo days our of rhe shop. This was a
7/first lady of the air77
gleaming whire Vega Executive model, complete wirh
chemical toiler and stenographic equipment. Amelia rev- Flies a Lockheed-Vega

eled in rhe pep of rhe 425 horses up fronr, and ir was responded promptly ro rhe slightest whim of rhe woman
easy ro ger her ro rry ro bear rhe exisring women's speed in rhe pilot's sear.
record of 156 mph. The level land near Carleron, Michigan, had by now
Wirh bespecracled Joe -Nikrenr of NAA ro rime her, been established as rhe official NAA sire for speed runs.
rousle-haired Miss Earharr whipped rhe sporless Vega Early on rhe morning of April 13, 1931, Rurh Nichols
around an abbreviored 3-km course ar Los Angeles Mer- made her record rry wirh rhe powerful Crosley Lockheed.
ropoliran Airport, averaging 184.17 miles an hour. Ir was To mark rhe beginning and end of rhe 3-kilomerer
Amelia's firsr official record as a pilor, and her elarion is course, rwo big whire sheers had been spread, still warm
reflected in her orherwise marrer-of-facr logbook: "Speed from rhe bed of one of rhe yawning officials. Elecrrical
run, 197 mph on one leg. Hooray!" instruments were used, and rhe requirements entailed
The following June, America's besr-known woman sweeping over rhe rimers ar rhe 500-foor level, wirh
flyer gor anorher crack ar rhe inrernarional records for round rrips ro offset any help from a prevailing wind.
women. She wenr ro Michigan ro fly rhe firsr Duralumin- Four rimes Rurh dived her ship wirh wide-open rhrorrle
fuselage Vega rurned our by rhe assembly shops of De- ro gain maximum speed, leveled off above rhe rrees and
rroir Aircrafr, resting a new NAA course near Grosse Isle tore along rhe straight course from bedsheer ro bed-
Airport south of rhe dry. The sun gor in Amelia's eyes sheer. The plane rocked and swayed in rhe bumpy posr-
during rhe firsr rrials: she whacked a bird and then missed dawn air, and rhe woman flyer had ro grip rhe stick wirh
a pylon. The next day brought berrer results. borh hands and her knees ro keep rhe red-and-cream
Vega on a steady run.
Though nor as fast as rhe wooden Lockheed she'd
The results were heartening: 210.685 mph—over 25
flown ar Los Angeles, rhe meral job performed admirably
mph better than Amelia's record of rhe previous year.
wirh varied loads and distances, and set up rhree more
Miss Earharr did nor arrempr ro regain her speed rirle, as
records for Miss Earharr—who was now, without ques¬
she had recently acquired a husband, rhe use of a new
tion, rhe world's speediest woman.
aurogiro, and more dreams of conquering oceans.
Drown-haired, blue-eyed Rurh Nichols wasn't blessed
A month before breaking Amelia's speed mark Ruth
with eirher rhe insranr fame or rhe financing Amelia
Nichols had ser a different rype of record wirh The New
acquired so readily, bur she was just as determined ro
Cincinnati. This was a high-alrirude flight, which rook
make her mark. Friendly comperirion berween rhe rwo
place on a bright windy day in March.
began during rhe Women's Air Derby of 1929, and for a To combat subzero temperatures expected in rhe
while borh girls were our after any and every record they upper atmosphere, Miss Nichols wore an outfit rhar was
could establish. Amelia's publicity was ready made, and colorful borh inside and our. Consensus had ir rhar she
sponsors sought her our. Ir was different wirh Rurh: was arrired in: long underwear, a green sports skirt, four
though ir wenr againsr her quier Quaker instincts, Miss swearers ranging in color from old rose ro lavender, and
Nichols had ro court rhe headlines in order ro attract a heavy borrowed flying suit of reindeer hide; wirh finish¬
financial backing. Her situation was emphasized by rhe ing touches of a rarran muffler, fur-lined flying helmet
legend below rhe cockpit of her Vega, The New Cincin¬ wirh badger flap, beige wool hose, rwo layers of wool
nati: This Ship Is Loaned to Miss Ruth Nichols dy the Crosley
skating socks, reindeer-hide socks wirh rhe fur rurned in¬
Radio Corporation.
ward, beaded reindeer boors and mirrens—and, finally,
In their forrhrighr efforts ro ser records, make "firsts," a parachute. The general effect was rhar of an extremely
and "bear Amelia," Rurh and her brillianr aeronautical well-padded Eskimo.
advisor Clarence Chamberlin thought of all rhe angles. Churning a special lOVi-foor propeller, Rurh jumped
Spring of 1931 found rhem preparing rhe Crosley Vega rhe Lockheed off rhe riny Jersey Ciry Airport wirh a run of
for Rurh's projected transatlantic flight, and they needed just 92 feer. Wirh only 50 gallons of gas aboard, in 1
ro know just whar rhe ship would do. They were con¬ minure flat she was up ro 2,200 feer and making a rurn
stantly resting such innovations as adjusrable-pirch pro¬ over rhe skyscrapers of New York. The Vega climbed and
pellers, high-compression .pistons, bigger and berrer climbed, heading west above rhe New Jersey hills. Fight¬
superchargers, all in addition ro other special gear. ing a vicious headwind, Rurh was soon far above rhe
The Earharr speed record loomed large as rhe one ro clouds, wirh familiar landmarks blorred our far below.
bear. Colonel Chamberlin devi'sed new wire-braced land¬ She was fairly comfortable until she reached 20,000 feer;
ing gear for rhe Cincinnati and firred rhe Goodyear Air- then her clumsy clothing could nor keep our rhe chill
wheels wirh small, close-firring wheel panrs. To avoid all from rhe —50 degree temperature just ourside rhe lirrle
possible drag, even rhe door handle and rhe shoe on rhe cockpit windows. Also, her oxygen equipment was prim¬
rail skid were removed. The souped-up Wasp engine, itive: she simply stuck a rube in her mourh, and gulped
wirh an injection sysrem of pure oxygen, was rated ar from a sreel rank strapped ro rhe wing ourside. Soon her
600 hp. Tuned ro rop shape, borh engine and airplane tongue lost all sense of feeling.

Miss Nichols's rongue was so stiff from cold as ro seem

frozen, and afrerMrs. Chamberlin peeled her our of some
of her gay padding she found ir hard ro stand alone.
Coffee and conversation, however, brought her back ro
normal. The official record was checked our as 28,743
feet: The New Cincinnati had taken her higher than any
woman had ever flown before.
Sri 11 another superlorive remained for Rurh ro achieve.
Six months larer she flew farther rhan any woman had
flown before. Jacketed upright in a steel corset she had
been wearing since her Atlantic flight crack-up in June,
rhe spunky woman gor her rebuilr Lockheed off rhe air-
porr in Oakland, California. She headed high over rhe
Rockies on a rougher roure rhan any plorred for previous
rransconrinenral arremprs, and came down some 1,977
miles east, ar Louisville, Kentucky, 14 hours larer.
Back in Jersey City, Clarence Chamberlin was experi¬
menting wirh an older Lockheed Vega of his own, a
Christmas present given him by Mayor Karl Van Wagner
of Teaneck, New Jersey, and G. Frank Croissant of New
York. The famed transatlantic flyer firred rhe ship wirh a
Rurh bundles up for high altitudes in 1931.
225-hp diesel engine on loan from rhe Packard Motor
Company. The diesel was dependable and rugged, bur
ir had an alarming tendency ro blow our irs glow plugs,
Nearing rhe rop of her climb, Rurh shor new life inro used in igniring rhe fuel. Whenever this occurred, rhere
rhe srurrering Wasp wirh a srream of pure oxygen ro rhe would be long plumes of black smoke streaming back
carburetor. The engine coughed, cleared, and rhe Lock¬ along rhe side of rhe Vega. Srarrled spectators below
heed shor up another 500 feer. Wirh rhe rwo-ron plane ofren dashed wildly ro rhe nearest phone wirh a report
literally hanging on rhe prop, rhe sky above turned rhe of an airplane "on fire" or "being shor down." Colonel
darker blue of rhe srrarosphere and rhe alrimerer quiv¬ Chamberlin usually referred ro rhe experimental crafr as
ered ar 30,000 feer. his "flying furnace," bur he christened her Miss Teaneck
Six miles up, rhe engine suddenly quir cold—our of While her Crosley Vega was being reconstructed, Rurh
gas. Numb and lighr-headed, rhe girl frantically fumbled Nichols ofren flew rhe diesel job, and once rook ir on a
for rhe reserve rank switch while rhe Vega plummeted Midwest speaking rour. She reported rhar seven our of
down like a lead weighr. Dizzily she pushed rhe rhrorrle ren instruments were jarred our of kilter by rhe pounding
open, and ro her relief rhe Wasp caught and roared Packard up front. The odor of diesel fuel permeared borh
again. Now ir was a marrer of getting down ro earrh cockpit and cabin, so rhar borh rhe luggage and rhe lady
before rhe precious five-gallon reserve supply was ex¬ herself were always slightly redolenr of rhe oil fields. Hap¬
hausted. pily, Rurh possessed borh a sense of humor and a srrong
Rurh dived through rhe deep cloud layer, peering for sromach. Fingering her slim pockerbook, she overcame
New Jersey. She emerged inro sunshine—and a wide her disrasre for rhe smelly engine when rorring up her
expanse of open ocean. Despite rhe Lockheed's 200 expenses for rhe trip: rhe flying furnace had hauled her
mph, and a continuous westward heading, rhe angle of some three thousand miles ar a fuel cost of just $15.12.
ascenr had been so steep, and rhe headwind so srrong, One of rhe firsr things Colonel Chamberlin tried wirh
rhar rhe ship had been, in effect, traveling backwards ar his Christmas presenr was ro see how high ir would go.
forty miles an hour! The same head-wind had gobbled The diesel-powered Lockheed climbed nearly 3 miles in
up rhe gas ar an alarming rare. 16 minures, and on January 24, 1932, he gor her up ro
The bemused pilor searched rhe seascape in every 19,393 feer over Floyd Dennerr Field on Long Island.
direction, and wirh relief made our rhe rail spires of lower Three Sundays larer Miss Nichols braved rhe darter and
Manhattan in rhe distance dead ahead. In a few minures odor of rhe Packard. Pointing rhe sooty cylinders skyward,
rhe concrete canyons were echoing as rhe Vega rhun- she ropped Clarence by nearly 2,000 feer, and returned
dered low, squeaking across rhe Hudson, rhe ferry slips, ro earrh wirh a new American alrirude record for diesel-
and rhe ridge ro a srraighr-on approach ro rhe Jersey City engined aircraft—21,300 feer, rhe besr for borh men
field. Rurh slipped in over rhe wires and rolled ro a srop. ond women.

Rurh rhoughr little or rhe rime obour rhe heighr she'd

reached wirh rhe flying furnace.. Dur her new recognized
marls of 19,928 feer was duly filed by rhe Federation
Aeronaurique Inrernarionale.
Today rhis offbear achievemenr is rhe only unsur¬
passed official record srill in rhe name of rhe much-
admired Rurh Nichols, and rhe only one srill held by a
Lockheed Vega.
Anorher famous flyer was also interested in rhe high
alrirudes—nor just for brief visits, bur as a place where air
rravel of rhe future might be easier. Wiley Post, after two
record-breaking trips around rhe world, was srill flying his
veteran Vega Winnie Mae in 1934. He also rook on ex¬
perimental chores as an occasional mail pilot for TWA.
For a while, Wiley conremplared compering in rhe
MacRoberrson Race from England ro Australia in 1934, Diesel-powered "flying furnace" is long gone, bur unique record
and even filed his entry. Dur rhe lure of rhe grear spaces made by Rurh Nichols in 1932 srill srands.
"up where rhe air is thin" proved a greater challenge.
Posr worked wirh Goodrich Rubber engineers on an airi-
from Mars" suir. Primitive as it was, ir ser rhe pace for
rude suir rhar would keep him alive at heights above
future use of pressurized clorhing for fighter pilots, and
50,000 feer. Dy roday's standards of G-suirs and pressur¬
was anorher contribution ro aviarion for which Wiley Posr
ized clorhing for Mercury astronauts, ir was a clumsy af¬
received far roo little credit.
fair, resembling a diver's equipment wirh laced,
In 1934, Italy held the world's altitude record with an
clumping rubber boors and a clamped-on rank helmet.
official mark of 47,352 feet. Sponsored by rhe Pure Oil
Wiley planned ro keep ir inflated wirh pressure from rhe
Company, rhe lirrle Oklahoman wirh rhe eyeparch went
engine blower and a mixing rank of liquid oxygen be¬
tween his feet. Heating elements were sewn into rhe suir
ro keep rhe flyer warm.
Rurh Nichols hopes ro add more records ro Akira's lisr afrer rebuild
The ourfir looked so weird, wirh litrle Wiley peering by Chamberlin wirh wing 14 inches lower, belly skid, and bubble
dubiously through rhe circular face plate, that it was only cockpir, bur one-of-a-kind "sunken-wing" Vega, cracked-up No¬
natural for rhe reporters to call the gerup Post's "man vember 1932, never flew again.

after it, with his attempt billed as one of the features of the well-traveled Winnie Mae was shorn of struts and
the Chicago World's Fair then in progress. Over South teardrop wheel fairings, and fitted with dropable landing
Bend, Indiana, at 42,000 feet the supercharger quit com¬ gear. A tough metal belly skid was attached to the bot¬
pletely, and no record was established. tom of the fuselage. The big Wasp engine which had
Bach in Oklahoma, Post next found a backer in oilman twice flown around the world was modified with an
Frank Phillips, and the Winnie Mae acquired the Phillips additional supercharger, a rear-end blower, and the first
77 Aviation Gasoline decals she still wears today. Twice pressurized ignition system.
more Wiley tried his suit and ascended to the dark-blue Washington's Birthday 1935 found Post and the Mae
heights. The first time the prop control froze at 51,000 at Burbank ready to make a try at the transcontinental
and the "man from Mars" could nose the Vega no nonstop speed record, cruising or substratosphere height.
higher. On the second try the altimeter froze, bur the After takeoff, Wiley released the landing gear, hurried
barograph recorded an unofficial 55,000 feet. upward, and went speeding along in the silence inside
Post really wanted to know nor only how high the his space suir, unable to hear anything except his own
regions of the upper air could be penetrated, but also heartbeat.
what speed a plane might obtain in flying cross-country Barely forty miles our, the engine began ro hear up
at those altitudes. Even a five-year-old Lockheed might and the oil pressure dropped. Wiley, his good eye fixed
be faster than more powerful, modern ships if flown in anxiously on the instrument panel, began swearing fer¬
the substratosphere. vently. Feathering the prop to a horizontal position with
Remodeled at Phillips Field in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, a special crank, he looked down to locate a proper place
to skid the Lockheed in on her belly.
Below stretched Muroc Dry Lake, the vast, thirty-mile
Wiley Posr (left), helping ro harness his "man from Mars" suir, has stretch of featureless flarland where so many planes
no idea he'll give a holiday driver firs. have been rest-flown. H. E. Mertz, proprietor of Muroc's

v,,-, ■**'<?■■■■

win 4 SEi
N -JULY /1
Path gouged by Vega's new skid after dead-stick landing on Muroc
Dry Lake in February 1935. (Right) Post leaves dropable landing
gear at Los Angeles on third stratosphere attempt

general srore, was spending rhe holiday our on rhe lake

wirh rhe unique four-wheel sail car he'd made from an
old Franklin auro chassis. Alone, wirh rhe dry lake bed
srrerching ro rhe horizon in every direcrion, he had
sropped ro adjusr rhe jib boom of his soil. Inrenr on his
work, Merrz neirher sow nor heard Posr's skillful belly
landing downwind. Wiley, unable ro release his helmer,
climbed our of rhe ship, podded sofrly up behind rhe
srorekeeper, gingerly rapped him on rhe shoulder. Merrz
srraighrened up, glanced around, and rhen wirh a srar-
rled yell "rook our srraighr across rhe lake.'' Looking back
os he ran, rhe frighrened man recognized rhe famous
Winnie Mae and slowed down. Finally he sheepishly re-
rurned ro help perspiring Wiley Posr our of rhe scary suir.
Wirh morives rhar were never discovered, persons un¬
known had dumped over rwo pounds of emery dusr ond
filings in rhe manifold inrake of rhe Wasp engine. Wiley
Posr, who didn'r rhink he hod an enemy in rhe world,
felr rorren abour ir, and so did rhe enrire flying frarerniry.
Carrying a special load of moil for Transconrinenral
and Wesrern Air, Wiley Tried rhree more rimes for a coasr-
ro-coasr record. His besr flighr, on March 15, 1935, rook
him 2,035 miles ro Cleveland in 8 hours and 4 minures.
He would have knocked on hour off rhe Transconrinenral Wiley Posr hod led rhe way ro using rhe rhin air of rhe
record if he'd been able ro conrinue or rhe pace he ser, subsrrarosphere. Wirh a normal rop speed of abour 192
bur rhe oxygen supply hod been miscalculared and Posr mph, rhe Winnie Mae hod been flown or speeds of 340
hod eirher ro come down or die. He skidded rhe Vega in mph and more in rhe rhen-unknown regions high above
on rhe gross alongside rhe airporr runway. rhe earrh. Space experrs roday rhink rhar Wiley, wirhour
Anorher arrempr in April gor him os for as Lafayerre, his realizing ir, quire probably wos rhe firsr ro hir rhe
Indiana, where rhe supercharger ler go or 33,000 feer. A powerful currenr now called rhe "jer srream.'' And Posr's
final ossoulr on rhe record .broughr Wiley only ro Wichira, cross-counrry srrarosphere experimenrs are considered as
where for rhe lasr rime rhe graceful Winnie Mae was o more lasring conrriburion ro aviarion progress rhon his
ineleganrly bur experrly slid ro earrh on her belly. hisrory-making flighrs around rhe world.
M any inrernarional flights now regularly flown
by doily airliners were nor even arrempred
until the 1920s, and what is today's routine
scheduled trip was then a pioneering adven¬
attempting a New York-Mexico City flight in a replica of
the Spirir of Sr. Louis. Colonel Pablo Sidar, with a specially
built Emsco monoplane, fell into Costa Rican seas on an
attempted Mexico Ciry-Buenos Aires flight. It remained
ture. The "first" trip accomplished by air from for a small, dapper Mexican Air Force colonel named
one place to another was always front-page news, and Roberto Fierro to redeem faith in his country's pilots.
the early Lockheeds figured prominently in this phase of The rhirry-three-year-old Fierro was one of Mexico's first
aviation development. military aviators and he had ten years of service in the
Strongly nationalistic, Mexico was struggling in 1930 to Army. Using money raised by public subscription, he or¬
support and promote flying and air travel. Gringo flyers dered the third Sirius model to be built by Lockheed. It
from the States still manned its infant airlines, and only was destroyed in the fatal accident that killed the com¬
one military flying school provided the country with pany's test pilot, Flerb Fahy; so the colonel took a later
native-born pilots. Misfortune dogged the Mexican army's ship of the same series.
efforts toward aerial recognition.
Captain Emilio Carranza, "Mexico's Lindbergh," had June 1930: young Col. Roberto Fierro's Sirius, which he and Copr.
crashed to his death in a New Jersey thunderstorm while Arnulfo Cortes fly nonstop to Mexico City.


Pure white wirh gleaming red trim, Fierro's Sirius was mand ship for the Mexican War Department. Eventually
named Anohuoc, an Azrec name for rhe "land of her¬ rhe grateful government gave it to Colonel Fierro, and
ons," an ancient lake now occupied by Mexico City. The he flew it for several years as his personal transport.
colonel hod plans for a 10,000-mile goodwill flight to Built during rhe same period as Fierro's Anahuoc was
South America ond across'rhe South Atlantic to Europe. another low-wing Lockheed designed for rhe use of Art
As a starter he wanted to complete rhe important New Goebel, rhe rugged veteran of both the Dole Race and
York-Mexico City nonstop flight, on which his friend Cap¬ transcontinental record flights. Art's plane was nor a Sirius,
tain Carranza had lost his life. but a single-cockpit Explorer like the planes built for Har¬
Cool, cautious, and conservative, Fierro and his pilot- old Bromley's proposed Pacific flights. Her eight tanks
mechanic Captain Arnulfo Cortes flew the shiny new would hold 800 gallons of gasoline.
Lockheed in easy stages to New York. After days of pa¬ Goebel announced plans for an assault on rhe nonstop
tient preparation, the pair took off from Roosevelt Field transcontinental record and a Paris to New York flight
on June 21, 1930. Wirh clockwork precision rhe Mexican later in rhe summer. He named rhe blue-and-yellow ship
flyers ricked off rhe miles down through Virginia, Ala¬ Yankee Doodle, reminiscent of rhe previous Lockheed
bama, Louisiana, and Texas, successfully avoiding a se¬ he'd flown to fame.
vere electrical storm that was sweeping in from rhe Gulf. Despite her capabilities, rhe Explorer did nor satisfy rhe
Their Anohuac reached Valbuena Field at Mexico City in famous distance flyer, and he never took delivery. She
16 hours and 35 minutes. Ten thousand happy Mexicans went instead to rhe Pure Oil Company of Chicago, to be
turned our in rhe rain to greet rhe pilots wirh shouts of flown for advertising purposes. Repainted and rechris-
"Vivo Fierro! Viva Mexico!" rened Blue Flash, rhe low-wing Lockheed was flown by
Enthusiastic well-wishers carried the army flyers inside a hired pilot, Captain Roy W. Ammel.
a hangar where President Ortiz Rubio waited to congrat¬ An ex-Army flyer and Chicago building materials bro¬
ulate them. El Presidenre proclaimed that Roberto Fierro ker, slight, bolding Roy Ammel had kept drifting back to
and Arnulfo Cortes had done a great thing for Mexico aviation after various business ventures. For his Pure Oil
bur prudently banned their flying on to South America assignment rhe captain went to California to rake deliv¬
and Europe. "Our country needs its good sons," he said. ery of the big Explorer. Fire damaged the ship after a
The record-making Sirius was put in service as a com- forced landing at Gila Bend, Arizona, and a crew from
rhe factory under Don Young had to come out and disas¬
semble it for shipment back to Burbank, it was Septem¬
And 32 years laren model of whire-and-red Anahuac srirs memo¬
ber before Ammel and rhe Blue Flash reached New York,
ries for General Fierro or his desk in rhe capiral of Mexico.
with plans for rhe first solo flight direct to Rome. Lock¬
heed's ace troubleshooter Don Young was again re¬
tained by Pure Oil to speed Ammel on his way, and there
was even some talk of stowing rhe curly-haired little me¬
chanic in wirh the gas ranks. But the fall weather over
rhe Atlantic did nor cooperate, and after weeks of wait¬
ing, Captain Ammel decided to make a lone visit to the
Army base where he had once been stationed: France
Field in rhe Canal Zone.
The first nonstop flight from New York to Panama
came off on November 9-10, 1930. The Explorer loaded
wirh 703 gallons of gas, Ammel got rhe ship off rhe
runway at Floyd Bennett Field in 2,000 feet and headed
south. He flew rhe blue plane by beacons, rhe sun, and
dead reckoning all rhe way, fighting winds that kept
blowing him off his course until he guessed he'd flown
"about a thousand miles extra." Struggling to keep
awake on rhe 24-hour, 35-minute journey, rhe Captain
sang to himself and lifted his sear to keep his head our
in the slipstream. After rhe battery in rhe Blue Flash ran
down, he read his instruments wirh a pocket flashlight.
The leather flying suit which had seemed so snug and
comfortable in New York nearly smothered Ammel as he
approached rhe tropics. In the close confines of rhe cock¬
pit he rook nearly an hour to worm our of it. He was

Duilr for long-distance flying, Arr Goebel's Yankee Doodle became extremely happy ro see rhe shores of Panama rise our of
RoyAmmel's Blue Flash. rhe Caribbean and ro ser rhe Explorer down on France
Roy Ammel and fan before Blue Flash gets off ro Panama. A return flight ro Chicago brought disaster. Transferring
ro rhe longer, unfinished airfield ar Anron, Ammel found
rhar rhe uneven terrain differed considerably from rhe
concrete of Floyd Bennerr Field back in New York; bur he
tried a takeoff anyway. The Blue Flash skidded on a wer
spot, dug her nose in rhe earrh, and reared up ro crash
on her bock. Luckily there was no fire, for Roy Ammel,
unconscious bur nor seriously injured, had ro be chopped
our of rhe wreckage. The New York ro Panama hop was
his one and only flying venrure on o national scale.
Another pilor whose appearance in rhe aviation news
was nearly as brief as Ammel's was James Goodwin Hall,
a well-ro-do, rhirry-four-year-old New York City stock¬
broker. Handsome Jim Hall's mission was ro publicize rhe
work of The Crusaders, a narional organization engaged
in helping ro end rhe federal prohibition against liquor.
During rhe summer of 1901, Jim and his flashy yellow-
and-black Lockheed were very much in rhe public eye,
dashing from dry ro city on record-sharrering flights. The
ship was one of rhe firsr Alrairs, a low-winged speed
package wirh retractable landing gear. Ir was named
The Crusader and carried rhe anri-Prohibirion group's big
shield emblem.
Hall firsr bear Roscoe Turner's 1930 Canada-Mexico
mark, flying rhe Vancouver-Agua Calienre roure in 7
hours, 48 minures, 01 seconds. Next he clipped 46 min¬
utes from Frank Hawk's New York-Havana record. Cov¬
ering rhe 1,400 miles nonstop in 8 hours and 05 minures,
Hall subsisted on only rwo oranges. He was handed a

Cuban cocktail when he climbed our ar Havana.

"This alone was worth rhe rrip," remarked Jim grare-
fully. "How about another?''
The Crusader's aerial protests against rhe dry laws con¬
tinued with new records set for rhe New York-Chicago,
New York-Monrreal, and New York-New Orleans trips.
Hall usually took one of his broker friends along for rhe
ride. In order nor to offend militant drys during participa¬
tion in rhe National Air Races, he temporarily painted out
the slogans urging an end to Prohibition.
The comerlike career of James Goodwin Hall's yellow
racer came to a disastrous conclusion on September 21,
1931. The flying broker planned a record flight to Detroit
and attendance ar rhe American Legion convention, rak¬
ing as a passenger Peter J. Drady, a well-known New York
banker and civic leader. Immediately after lifting off from
Floyd Dennett Field, Hall found himself in thick fog. He
could nor believe that rhe Crusaders bank-and-rurn indi¬
cator was functioning properly: it indicated level flight,
yet rhe Alrair was obviously in a screaming power dive.
Before bailing our himself, rhe pilot stood up in rhe
cockpit and turned to help Drady. Ar that instant rhe
plane pierced rhe lowest layer of fog above Staren Island Reword for a man with o mission. Jim Hall welcomed by o long
and plunged straight into a house. Drady was instantly cool one os he arrives from dry New York.
killed, and a housewife in her garden burned to death.
Jim Hall's parachute, which he never touched, was torn
parrly open on o brick building as he was catapulted
Eagle down on General Machado Airport jusr 9 hours and
across two rooftops to alight unhurt in a churchyard 150
3 minutes from Canada.
feet away.
Record-setting paces in Larin America had already
During rhe period in which Hall flew, lanky Lou Reich-
been set by a Lockheed Vega. Wishing to show how
ers in another Alrair was warming up for his transatlantic
closely the two continents could be linked with business
flight attempt. In October he and his boss, Dernarr Mac-
and commercial exchange, rhe Foreign Advertising and
fadden, missed setting a new Newark-A/ashington record
Service Bureau arranged for rhe use of Standard Oil's best
byjusr three minutes. The following April, Lou made rhe
first nonstop flight from Montreal to Havana. Doth the
weather and the Alrair performed perfectly on rhe rrip,
and Lou checked off landmarks on his Rand McNally "The most beauriful Lockheed ever builr" gleams for Lou Reichers
road maps with monotonous regularity. He set The Cold before Monrreal-Havana hop in 1932.
Palowar Field in Buenos Aires, they were acclaimed as
"the Eagles of rhe North."
Early in 1932 another Lockheed made the South
American circuit in 20 days. She was rhe special, modi¬
fied Orion Spirit of Fun owned by Flal Roach of movie
comedy fame. The modifications consisted of a nose six
inches longer than a standard Orion, slightly more di¬
hedral to rhe wings, and a retractable rail wheel. Anxious
to try our his new white-and-red speed queen, Roach,
accompanied by producer Arthur Loew, made a whirl¬
wind business trip to Buenos Aires and back. They trav¬
eled so fast that some of the customs formalities at
various airports were neglected and had to be
straightened out long afterward.
Stocky James B. Dickson, rhe Hal Roach pilot, got to
know rhe Orion's capabilities in short order during rhe
Buenos Aires trip. On return to rhe United Stares he set a
transcontinental record for passenger-carrying, winging
The Spirit of Fun from Newark to Los Angeles in a flying
time of 14 hours and 49 minutes. Soon Roach and Merro-
Goldwyn-Mayer Studios were planning an even greater
White and McMullen pose in civvies with their white Vega, which journey for their Lockheed—a round-the-world trip cov¬
Mortem later flew in "eagle" trim.
ering five continents.
The Spirit was shipped to China by steamer. Rather
Sranavo Vega, and rhe services of two good Army pilors, than disassemble her, Jim Dickson flew rhe Orion down
Lieurenanrs Will W. White and Clement McMullen. to San Pedro and landed on a blocked-off street near rhe
On February 14, 1900, this pair left Newark for Buenos Matson docks. Then he taxied up to a crane that slung
Aires, setting new rime records on every single leg of rhe the plane aboard ship as deck cargo.
trip. Spelling each other or the controls, they covered From Shanghai, carrying MGM vice president Loew and
6,780 miles in a little over 5 days, making only six stops his secretary Joseph Rosrhal, Dickson piloted rhe Orion on
en route. White and McMullen were rhe first to pilot a on unprecedented eight-day flight over uncharted air¬
Lockheed over rhe hump of the Andes. On arrival at ways to Johannesburg, South Africa. Wishing to view rhe
famous Victoria Falls in Rhodesia, the parry flew there on
Whire-McMullen goodwill flight ends at Palowat Field after 51V2 November 17, 1902. South African flyers marveled at rhe
hours' total flight rime from New York. streamlined Lockheed, rhe cleanest, fastest ship they'd
ever seen. Though ir hod flown from China wirh no Trou¬
ble, They wondered our loud as ro irs ability ro ger off,
heavily loaded, from The sandy Victoria Falls airdrome.
Dickson did not heed the warnings. Before climbing
into the cockpit he remarked that he "hared ro leave
the place"—and his words were prophetic. Bogged in
heavy sand, the Orion's wheels barely left the ground.
She clipped off eight trees, lost a wing, and crashed in
the brush on her back. Dickson was killed outright, bur
Loew and Rosrhal escaped wirh only burns from the cans
of tetraethyl lead that were carried to dope the plane's
The well-appointed after section of the fuselage was
relatively undamaged, and was acquired by Terence
Spencer, a Victoria Falls aviator-garageman. Spencer was
keen on converting it into the superstructure of a launch
to be used by a native chieftain in Barotseland. The spec¬
tacle of a Lockheed from Burbank ending up as a state
barge for a primitive African chief is intriguing, bur the
fuselage of the Orion rotted away in storage before
Spencer could accomplish the conversion. Jim Dickson is
buried in Livingston Cemetery, and the propeller from From Shanghai ro Johannesburg in Spirit of Fun (left to right); Jo¬
the Orion marks his grave. seph Rosthal, Arthur Loew, and pilot James Dickson.

Ir was an Englishman who first broke African and Eu¬

ropean cross-continental records wirh a Lockheed. Fie
was thirty-one-year-old Lieutenant Commander Glen Kid- monoplane. On tests, its performance was better than
ston, a wealthy British sportsman and a prominent auto they had believed possible. Just to try out the Vega, they
hopped over ro Paris wirh five people aboard, and set a
and motorboat racer. After an early retirement from the
new speed record of 72 minutes.
Fleet Air Arm, he surveyed the progress of British civil
Kidsron was so enamored of his Lockheed that he
aviation and found ir much in want of speed and mod¬
wanted to share it. Fie demonstrated the ship to various
British manufacturers and tried ro solicit their interest. Flis
Kidsron ordered a Lockheed Vega from America, a
idea was to manufacture Vegas in England under license
special job wirh long-range gas tanks and all the latest
radio equipment. One of the Detroit-built Vegas wirh
Duralumin fuselage, the ship was sent to England by
The Lockheed Glen Kidsron bought ro inspire the British: his 5-
steamer and erected at Croydon Airdrome.
place, metal-fuselage ship is the only Vega DL-1 Special model
Commander Kidsron and his personal pilot Owen ever built After his death, ir entered MacRoberrson Race as Pud-;,
Carhcarr-Jones were both delighted wirh the American ending wirh the RAAF in World War II.

wires beyond. Two hours larer rhe engine suddenly quir

wirhour warning. The commander looked around and
proceeded ro bring rhe ship ro a dead-srick landing on
rhe only clear spor of country in miles. Again he flew
through a wire fence, snapping off an iron post as well.
The Lockheed slewed ro a hair on an incline among
huge anthills.
While Hills worked ro locate rhe engine trouble, Kid¬
sron and Carhcarr-Jones straightened a bent propeller.
Then wirh rhe aid of Boer farmers rhey leveled anthills
and cleared boulders for a precarious takeoff. Tired bur
triumphant, rhe English flyers finally reached Capetown
wirh rwo full days lopped off rhe old record.
Glen Kidsron had proved rhe worrh of American-built
air transport. Wirhin a day he was forming a company ro
operate internal airlines in Sourh Africa, using Lockheed
equipment, and his proposirions ro build rhe speedy
American planes in England were still pending. Whar
might have been came ro nothing a few weeks larer.
Kidsron, on a business trip ro Durban, was killed when a
wing of his borrowed Puss Moth rore off and rhe plane
crashed in rhe desolate Drakensberg Mountains.
Capable Carhcarr-Jones continued occasionally ro fly
rhe whire-and-black Lockheed, when ir was shipped
Ready for London-Caperown record (lefr ro rig hr).- radio operator
back ro England afrer rhe death of its owner. In one rest,
T. A. Vallerte, Glen Kidsron, and Owen Carhcarr-Jones.
wirh Brirish aircraft inspection officials aboard, he flew
rhe Vega ar 205 mph in level flight. Another rime, wirh
from Derroir-Lockheed. He was certain rhar rhe planes a Dally Herald reporter, he bear a telephone call from
would be eagerly bought by fosr commercial air services Croydon ro Hanworrh. Covering rhe distance in 4V2 min¬
borh in Drirain and on rhe conrinenr. Though rhe com¬ utes, rhe rwo taxied up ro rhe hangarjusr as rhe call was
mander was persuasive and ready ro back his beliefs pur through.
wirh a tremendous cash ourlay, he got only rhe cold Like other pilots, See-Jay had his troubles wirh rhe Ve¬
shoulder from Drirish manufacturers who during rhar pe¬ ga's cockpit door. One day he ferried Sir Philip Sassoon,
riod "simply could nor enrerrain rhe idea of building an Brirish Under Secretary of Stare for Air, from Birmingham
American airplane under license." ro Lympne in a record 40 minutes. As rhe ship raxied up
The English flyer determined ro show just how insular to rhe line, Sir Philip suddenly opened rhe door behind
and backward his country was when ir came ro promor¬ him to give instructions. The startled pilot lost all his trou¬
ing commercial aviation: he and Carhcarr-Jones would ser burrons in rhe scramble ro regain control, and had
go afrer rhe London-ro-Caperown flying records. difficulty in keeping his panrs up during rhe ensuing pub¬
Glen and "See-Jay" got off from Nerheravon Field on lic ceremonies.
March 31, 1931, and proceeded ro fly ro Capetown in For three years, work for rhe Lockheed was adminis¬
jusr 6 days and 11 hours. On rhe first stages ro Cairo they tered by a rrusr ser up by rhe Kidsron family, and con¬
carried T. A. Vallerte, a wireless operator on loan from sisted of charters and rrips wirh rhe few pilots qualified ro
rhe Marconi Company. His place was taken at Cairo by fly her. One of these was Miss Marsinah Neison, rhe
mechanic G. W. Hills. Because of rhe careful advance youngest woman in England ro hold a commercial flying
preparations, mosr of rhe flight went off wirh strict preci¬ license. Occasionally Miss Neison could be found ar rhe
sion. No night flying was arrempred; mosr nighrs me¬ controls of rhe high-performance Vega, shepherding RAF
chanic Hills worked inro rhe small hours, servicing rhe officers and a couple of Brirish peers from one airbase ro
engine during rhar rime ro bear rhe tropical hear. another—a creditable fear ar rhe age of nineteen.
In Southern Rhodesia rhe English ream of record-seek¬ Early in 1934 rhe MacRoberrson Race from London ro
ers was nearly sropped. The airfield ar Bulawayo is situ¬ Melbourne was announced, a classic sporting event
ated at an elevarion of 4,300 feer, and rhere, wirh a light which has never been equaled in aviarion history. Ir was
wind and a heavy load, Kidsron had a ticklish rime leav¬ thought rhar transport aircraft wirh good long-distance
ing rhe ground. The Vega went rearing straight through performance would be rhe sure key ro success in this
a rhree-wire fence and barely cleared some high-rension great contest, and American planes were hurriedly

sought as entries. By August, no less than nine single¬

engine Lockheeds were entered. Prepared ro compere
were Wiley Post, with his world-famed Winnie Mae, and
Sir Charles Kingsford-Smirh, with his blue-and-silver Alrair.
Another Alrair was ro carry Rurh Nichols, and further en¬
tries included Orions ro be flown by Laura Ingalls, Frank
Rose, Russ Thaw, and Harry Lyon. French pilor Michel
Derroyar announced inrenrions ro compere with a spe¬
cially built Orion on which he had planted a powerful
Hispano-Suiza radial engine.
To rhis formidable array was added the Kidsron meral
Vega. When ir came right down ro rhe race deadline,
none of rhe others compered, and rhis was rhe only
Lockheed in rhe race. Sold ro an Australian, H. C. Miller,
Michel Derroyar rries his Orion in France wirh rhe 575-hp Hispano-
rhe London ro Caperown veteran was named Puck, and Suiza subsrirured for rhe original Wasp.
manned for rhe race by two other Australians, Jimmy
Woods and Donald Bennerr.
Woods and Bennerr made a good try, bur rheir lack of and nosed our over rhe Bay of Bengal norrh of Rangoon.
knowledge of American-made hydraulic shock absorbers C. J. AAelrose, another Australian flyer, reported rhar he
literally tripped them up. The landing gear on rhe Lock¬ sighted rhe Alrair heading into a raging storm about 150
heed had been malfuncrioning, and nobody knew how miles from shore and only 200 feet above rhe ocean.
ro fix ir. The Vega's old pilor, Carhcarr-Jones, had troubles Smirhy, Tommy, and rhe Lady Southern Cross never
of his own, flying a new and untried De Havilland Comer reached Singapore.
in rhe same race. The Australians rook off regardless, and Reports of flares seen in rhe lonely Mergui Archipelago,
successfully reached Marseilles and then Athens. Ar and planes flying low over rhe jungles of Siam were all
Aleppo, pilor Woods broughr rhe Lockheed in, wirh nav¬ investigated by rhe RAF, which mounted a fruitless sea
igator Bennerr crouched in rhe rail. Puck came down, and air search. Two years larer N. M. Andrews, an English
rhe ground came up, and over she wenr as rhe under¬ sport fisherman from Moulmein, found a flooring wheel
carriage collapsed. Bennerr was flung rhe length of rhe and tire bobbing in rhe Andaman Sea, off Burma. The
plane, and crumpled like an accordion against rhe door. B. F. Goodrich Company identified rhe tire by its serial
He got off wirh three broken ribs,- Woods suffered a nasty number. Lockheed's vice president, Carl B. Squier, exam¬
cur on rhe forehead. Bent and broken in rhe Syrian dusr ined rhe condition of rhe remaining portion of rhe retract¬
lay rhe sole Lockheed bid for rhe MacRoberrson first prize able landing gear. He had only one question, which
of nearly $50,000. The speed classic was won by would never be answered:
C. W. A. Scorr and T. Campbell Black in one of rhe Why had Kingsford-Smirh, rhe vereran rransoceanic
rhree De Havilland Comers specially builr for rhe long flyer, been attempting a wheels-down landing ar sea?
race. On rhe disraff side, Amelia Earharr did rhings wirh her
The England ro Australia air lanes were always fraught Lockheeds in addition ro flying across rhe Arlanric and
wirh danger. In 1935 rhey claimed rhe life of Australia's Pacific, and setting women's records for speed. Three
greatest airman, Sir Charles Kingsford-Smirh. A vereran of monrhs after her flighr ro Ireland she was back in Califor¬
rhe roure, Smithy decided ro try ro lower rhe record jusr nia ready for anorher "first." On August 24, 1932, she
once more. He wanted ro show rhar his Lockheed Alrair flew from Los Angeles ro Newark in 19 hours and 5
Lady Southern Cross might well have been a winner in minutes. Hers was rhe firsr solo flighr nonstop from coast
rhe MacRoberrson Race from which he had been forced ro coast by a woman. Though perhaps nor so dangerous,
ro withdraw. rhe 2,448-mile overland trip was greater than any of her
Kingsford-Smirh refused r.o fly rhe Alrair across rhe At¬ ocean flights, and ir was her longest rime alone in rhe
lantic ro England, and had ir shipped by boar. On his air.
return ro business in Australia, he planned ro sir behind a Wirh her transatlantic Lockheed hanging in Franklin
glass-ropped desk and leave-rhe flying ro others. "The Institute's Hall of Aviation, Amelia gave her newer Vega
England-Australia record arrempr will be my farewell a good rryour in July 1933. Even wirh a couple of stops,
long-disrance flight,'' announced Sir Charles, "and cer¬ she cur down her own rime from California ro New Jersey
tainly rhe lasr in my fairhful old ship." by nearly two hours.
Smirhy and his old associate Tommy Perhybridge lefr Amelia was officially invired ro visit Mexico afrer her
Lympne Airdrome in Kent ro make rheir bid in November momenrous Pacific flighr, and made rhe rrip in April
1935. On rhe sevenrh rhey gor off from Allahabad, India, 1935. Leaving Burbank wirh a nighr takeoff, America's
,\Vv:.'; lrtJI\rZR SRLJOINT \\ " UhJDEHCA&T UP' \\ . „^S3| >* I_\
(A\\V:v_-- \ W mvTnnPV x. Pi rrrpir*^"' -_-r-H "-

THE LOCKHEED ALT AIR.—Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith’s

machine at Croydon. Above, the working of the undercarriage
is shown.
Kingsford-Smirh's Alrair mode such a srir in England rhar this dia¬
gram of irs new features was published there in 1935 before his
farewell flight (note British license). Drawing also shows why ex¬
perts could visualize how the Lady disappeared.

rop woman pilor herded her rrusy "little red bus" south Officials were aghast when she proposed to make an
over the Gulf of California, flying in the moonlight. Morn¬ unheard-of journey: the first nonstop flight from Mexico
ing found her in a maze of mountain tableland between City to New York. In the thin air a mile and a half high at
Guadalajara and Mexico City, nor exactly certain of her the Mexican capital, her heavily loaded plane "just could
location. A high-flying bug lodged in Amelia's eye, caus¬ nor rake off," they told her. This made Amelia all the
ing Zitacuaro to be indistinguishable from Zumpango on more determined. She conferred with Charles Daughan,
her charts. With blurred vision, she dropped down to ask who had been flying Lockheeds in Mexico since 1929.
directions near the town of Nopala. Cowboys and vil¬ Daughan, locally known as Poncho Pistoles, thought she
lagers pointed the way to Mexico City with signs and could get off if a longer field were available. As in Ha¬
voluble Spanish. Arrived in the capital, Amelia had a waii, the Army was gallantly ready to aid a lady: Mexican
happy rime on her flying visit, decked our in a biue-and- soldiers filled holes and leveled sand hummocks to pre¬
silver mariachi outfit topped by a flowered white som¬ pare a three-mile runway on the dry bed of nearby Lake
brero. Texcoco.

Ar 4 am., May 9, 1935, wirh 470 gallons of gas in rhe fire ar Wilson Field in Memphis, Tennessee. Ir was com-
Vega's ranks, Amelia gor rolling. She refured rhe dire plerely desrroyed in twenty minures.
predicrions by using only a lirrle over a mile of lake bed. Wirh rhe exceprion of rhe Winnie Mae, rhe besr-known
Tearing along unril rhe ground speed builr up ro over wooden Lockheed was Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh's
100 mph, rhe Lockheed simply flew irself inro rhe air. low-wing Sirius. The colonel and his wife flew ir more
Despire—or perhaps because of—rhe admonirion of rhan four years and irs appearance as borh a land and
Wiley Posr, who rold her rhar flying over rhe Gulf of Mex¬ seaplane became erched on rhe minds of rhe majority
ico was "roo dangerous,'' Miss Earharr cur direcrly across of Americans.
rhe 700 over-warer miles between Tampico and New Afrer breaking rhe rransconrinenral speed record in
Orleans. She srreaked norrh, in consranr radio conracr April 1930, rhe Lindberghs used rhe Sirius as rheir per¬
wirh rhe dries below. Though asked ro land in Washing- sonal rranspoitarion. In addirion, rhe colonel flew ir on
ron, Amelia droned on inro rhe nighr ro Newark, where business rrips in connecrion wirh his work for Transconri-
her husband and a noisy crowd were wairing ro wel¬ nenral Air Transporr and Pan American Airways.
come her. He was conrinually seeking rhe besr performance from
Amelia's red-and-gold Lockheed Vega had once rhe plane. In Augusr he insralled a Wrighr Cyclone en¬
again raken her on a precedenr-sharrering rrip, connecr- gine in rhe ship, upping rhe horsepower ro 575, 125 hp
ing two grear ciries. This was ro be her lasr "firsr" wirh ir. more rhan rhe original Wasp. He was very inreresred in
She nexr acquired a larer-model Lockheed, rhe rwin-en- rhe developmenr of fully rerracrable landing gear, and
gine plane in which she disappeared over rhe Pacific in would probably have had his Sirius converted ro an Alrair
July 1937. had he nor had anorher type of flying in mind for rhe
The Earharr Vega was sold and used for charrer, pas¬ low-wing Lockheed.
senger-hopping, and movie work. Named Record Pan American, for whom Lindbergh acred as a Tech¬
Breaker, ir was a familiar sighr ar airporrs in sourhern nical consulranr, had ambirious ideas for expanding irs
California and Nevada for several years, and many peo¬ services. The company had long-range plans ro esrablish
ple can rrurhfully say: "I once flew in Amelia Earharr's roures across borh rhe Pacific and Arlanric oceans. Pan
plane." Am envisioned an airline of flying boars ro begin wirh,
Finally, on a ferry flighr easr in 1943, rhe ship caughr which meanr rhar all favorable landing spors, shelrered
anchorages, and rhe besr places ro esrablish bases should
be invesrigared, preferably ar firsrhand. Inrernarional
Charles and Anne Lindbergh drop In ar rhe Navy's seaplane base complicarions made such a survey a delicare as well as
ar Washington before srarr for rhe Orienr. difficult matter.

Colonel Lindbergh, known and admired all over rhe tled back around his wife as Lindbergh slid back rhe
world, was wirhour quesrion rhe ideal man for rhe job. cockpit hatch, slipped on helmer and goggles, and
He was a Thorough researcher, and in oil rhings aeronau- heightened his sear for better visibility. The wind flat¬
rical his valued opinions could be relied upon. Moreover, tened his face as he bent his energies ro gerring rhe ship
flying his own airplane and wirh his wife as copilor, he down in one piece. Anne buckled her sear belt a lirrle
was bound ro be welcomed and assisred anywhere and righrer.
everywhere. Twice rhe pilot dived rhe Lockheed down rhe steep
The Lindberghs' firsr survey flighr in 1931 rook rhem slope of rhe drowned volcano which encloses Buroron
north ro rhe Orienr, and is vividly described in Mrs. Lind¬ Bay, knifing between fog and mountain. Twice rhe bay
bergh's fine book of rhe same name. A ser of big, shiny was obscured and Lindbergh had ro open rhe rhrorrle
Duralumin Edo floors were insralled on rhe black-and- and zoom up our of rhe dork pocket inro rhe reassuring
orange Sirius because rhe grearer parr of rhe flighr was sunshine above. Then he flew bock ro nearby Keroi Is¬
ro be over oceans, rivers, and lakes—following a grear land and tried his tobogganing technique on irs volcanic
circle roure up Through Canada and Alaska, and down cone. Skimming down rhe slope over bushes, rocks, and
rhe island chain of Japan ro China. o fifry-foor cliff, rhe skilled pilor ser rhe seaplane down in
Pan American had cached gasoline and supplies ar rhe rough warer, rhe ponroons skipping from wave ro
prearranged way srops, and wired money ahead for such wove as she slowed and serried in rheir troughs.
purchases in Siberia and Japan. Colonel Lindbergh Afrer plowing through seaweed, Charles and Anne an¬
checked and weighed every bir of equipmenr before chored and slepr on rhe swell of rhe open sea in rhe lee
sroring ir in rhe forward baggage comparrmenr of rhe of Keroi. Difficulties wirh a wer engine and discharged
Lockheed, and so careful were his calcularions rhar nor barrery obliged rhe plane ro be rowed by a Japanese
one superfluous irem—eirher rourine or emergency— naval vessel inro Buroron Bay. Wirh another unforeseen
was Taken along. overnight stop on a small lake on rhe island of Kunashiri,
Anne Lindbergh nor only acred os copilor bur also ir was August 26 before rhe husband-and-wife flying
learned Morse code and rhe operarion of rhe plane's ream reached Tokyo's Kasimigaura Naval Base.
radio. She was shaky and uncertain ar firsr, bur afrer mas- Though Lindbergh scheduled rhe surveys ro continue
rering rhe inrricacies of masrer oscillator and power am¬ on rhe Asian continent, disastrous floods had swepr China
plifier proved a good hand ar rhe key and earphone. by rhe rime rhe couple arrived. They offered rheir services
Following a flighr ro Washington for lasr-minure pa¬ ro rhe National Flood Relief Commission and pur rhe
pers, passports, and clearances, rhe couple got away float-equipped Sirius ro good work in surveying rhe dam¬
from Flushing Bay, Long Island, on July 29, 1931. Their age done by rhe rampaging waters, particularly those of
roure rook rhem ro Maine, rhen Orrawa and on north ro rhe mighry Yangrze. Operating from Nanking, rhe Lind¬
rhe bleak shores of James Boy. Canadian bush pilots tried berghs flew doctors and medicines ro isolated ourlying
ro persuade them ro rake rhe established airline roure ro towns. Then they moved upsrream ro Hankow ro oper¬
Aklavik, bur rhe colonel insisted on seeing whar rhe ate from rhe British airplane carrier Hermes, whose
shores of rhe Hudson Bay, Baker Lake, and Amundsen planes were also flying mercy missions.
Gulf had ro offer in rhe way of landing spots for a visiting On whar was ro be a final trip ro report on flood
seaplane. As ir had for Wilkins and Eielson rhree years conditions, Colonel and Mrs. Lindbergh left rhe Hermes in
before, rhe enrire population of Barrow turned our ro rheir usual manner, sirring in rhe Sirius as, irs engine
welcome rhe famous flyers ro Alaska, and rendered idling, rhe plane was slung overboard by rhe ship's der¬
rhem a 'Thanksgiving dinner" in August. rick. However this rime there was just nor enough slack
The flighr on ro Nome found rhe Lindberghs held back ro derach rhe hoisting hook. In vain Lindbergh rried ro
by fog and darkness. They landed on Shishmaref Inler on gun rhe ship, fighting rhe current while rhe raur cable
rhe north coasr of rhe Seward Peninsula, dropped anchor rugged. Something had ro give.
in rhree feet of warer, and calmly crawled into rhe for¬ Like rhe blade of a huge warer wheel, rhe plane's
ward baggage comparrmenr ro spend rhe night. wing dipped—and rhe Lockheed ripped slowly over on
Afrer Nome came rhe Kamchatka Peninsula and rhen her back. Charles and Anne Lindbergh leaped inro rhe
rhe Japanese islands of rhe Kurile group. The Lindberghs' swirling Yangrze. Quickly hauled inro a lifeboat, rhey
radio welcome ro Japan was gracious, bur rhe weather looked back ro see rheir faithful plane upside down in
was just rhe opposite. Over Shimishiru To, a dark curtain rhe yellow warer, bur srill held by rhe derrick cable. They
of fog and srorm clouds blocked passage sourh and rhen fully expected ro see rhe plane go ro pieces in rhe grip
edged around ro envelop rhe speeding monoplane from of rhe pounding river. Srill rhe rough plywood fuselage
rhe rear as well. held together, even rhough half cur through by rhe sreel
Wirh wireless advice ro turn back and land ar Buroron coble. Righred in a rhree-way tussle using rhe Hermes
Bay, rhe flying colonel swung rhe Sirius about. Wind whis¬ rhe river, and a launch from an American gunboar, rhe

sturdy Sirius was finally hoisred ro safety aboard rhe Drirish by Lockheed. Bur or Angmagssalik, on Greenland's east
vessel. coast, the well-traveled seaplane finally received a real
Wirh rhe rrip brought ro an unforeseen conclusion, the name. Perched on rhe wing of the ship os it rode or
Lindberghs returned to rhe United States aboard a steam¬ anchor below rhe little settlement of red houses, a young
ship. The Lockheed went back to Burbank for repairs. Greenlander laboriously pointed it on rhe fuselage: Ting-
Two years later another survey rrip for Pan Am rook missortoq, Eskimo for "the one who flies like a big bird."
America's best-known flying couple on o complete circuit The Lindberghs proceeded over Denmark Strait ro Ice¬
of both North and South Atlantic tronsoceon routes. Their land, on to rhe Faeroes, Copenhagen, Stockholm, and
Sirius was nor only completely restored by rhe factory, bur Helsinki. Soviet Air Force plans escorted rhe visitors to a
now hod its third, and even more powerful, engine, a landing or Leningrad, and then, over a prescribed route,
710-hp Wright Cyclone, on which was mounted a Ham¬ to Moscow.
ilton controllable-pitch propeller. Instead of the original Well aware of Lindbergh's prowess os a flyer, rhe Rus¬
orange, her wings and roil were now red. sians arranged for him to land in the heart of rhe city, on
Colonel and Mrs. Lindbergh left Llushing Boy, Long Is¬ a short stretch of rhe winding Moscow River, between
land, on July 9, 1933, and headed across New England two iron bridges. On one side they erected a grandstand,
to Maine. For a short distance between Halifax and New¬ and o pork on rhe other was jammed with watchers. The
foundland rhe transatlantic veteran piloted his red¬ colonel sized up rhe situation, made a few posses over
winged Lockheed over rhe some air lone he'd pioneered the old red walls of rhe Kremlin, and let down. He whis¬
wirh the Spirir of Sr. Louis bock in 1927. Then, with the kered just over the top chord of rhe first bridge, side¬
Pan American Airways survey ship Jelling for comforting slipped steeply, then straightened out to go spanking
support in rhe seas below, rhe Lindberghs turned north along rhe river wirh plenty of room ahead. The crowds
to explore rhe coastal anchorages of Labrador and Boffin cheered, and Lindbergh's famous grin greeted rhe Red
Island. dignitaries.
Greenland, rhe world's largest island, come in for spe¬ The Lindberghs successfully cleared rhe Moscow
cial attention. The flying couple skirted nearly 2,000 bridges in their takeoff for other European capitals. A
miles of its fjord-indented south coast, recording harbor landing or rhe Les Mureaux Naval Bose on the Seine
details, currents, winds, and weather. Twice they flew resulted in a much quieter reception than young "Slim"
across rhe vast Greenland icecap, and discovered two Lindbergh hod received on his previous visit ro Paris.
hitherto unknown ranges of high mountains. It was November now, and on what should hove been
Charles and Anne hod always referred to their plane o routine flight the famous couple tried ro pierce rhe
as rhe Sirius, since it was the first of its model to be built foggy mists of central Europe.

Clear skies and sunshine finally greered rhe aerial Trav¬ miles of flight up rhe Amazon River to Manaos, and then
elers in Portugal. Sri 11 after data to help establish future on over llanos, jungle, and mountains to Trinidad. It was
airlines, Colonel and Mrs. Lindbergh inspected rhe har¬ nor until December 19 that rhe Lindberghs completed
bors of rhe Azores, the Canaries, and rhe Cape Verde their ocean circuit with a safe landing on the chilly waters
Islands. of Flushing Bay beyond rhe rowers of Manhattan.
The couple had hoped to cross to South America from They had flown 30,000 miles over four continents, pi¬
rhe French transatlantic seaplane base at Santiago in rhe oneering international air routes that would soon see use
Cape Verde Islands. But rhe hot, dry rradewind blew re¬ in both peace and war. Within a decade, great armadas
lentlessly day after day. With rhe rollers coming in from of aircraft would be winging over Greenland and the
rhe open sea there would be no chance of getting off Cape Verdes, speeding to rhe aid of rhe hard-pressed
rhe water with enough gasoline to reach Brazil. The Lind¬ Allies in England and Africa. And their courses were
berghs returned to rhe coast of Africa. made safer by rhe work of a dedicated couple who had
At Bathurst, in rhe British colony of Gambia, rhe Ting- first shown rhe way: Charles and Anne Lindbergh.
missorroq was made ready for rhe long jump to South And rhe Tingmissarroq? The famous airplane, fully
America. Again rhe wind played an all-important parr in equipped, was presented to the American Museum of
rhe flight; but here on rhe coast, instead of an abun¬ Natural History in New York, where it hung for many years
dance of it, there was barely enough to help rhe loaded from rhe ceiling of rhe Hall of Ocean Life. Later the big
seaplane even to get up on step. red-and-black seaplane went to rhe Air Force Museum at
Three rimes rhe Lindberghs attempted to leave Bath¬ Fairborn, Ohio, and is now a major exhibit of rhe Smith¬
urst, twice in rhe dawn and again at midnight. Fully sonian's National Air and Space Museum in Washington,
loaded, and with a near-dead calm, the plane refused D.C. It is the only Lockheed Sirius still in existence.
to leave the water. Lockheed built rhe eighth and last of their Air Express
The colonel was determined nor to cur down his mar¬ model on special order early in 1931. The white, single¬
gin of safety by carrying any less fuel, but instead took cockpit, parasol-wing monoplane went to rhe Atlantic
other drastic measures. Broiling and half suffocated in Exhibition Company of New York. This outfit had been
rhe cabin, he spent an entire day removing an unused formed with rhe intention of promoting rhe first New
reserve rank by cutting it apart with tinsnips. Then he York to Paris flight by a woman. With Ruth Nichols and
picked our other things to leave behind: ropes, anchor, her Vega cracked up in New Brunswick and out of the
tools, and all rhe bedding and flying suits. For personal running for a while, Atlantic Exhibition had a reasonable
gear he kept only the clothes on his back, and Anne had chance of getting a woman flyer to Paris—and realizing
just a single extra shirr. He discarded ruthlessly until rhe a sizable chunk of change from advertising publicity in
plane was lightened by over 150 pounds. rhe process.
On December 6, 1933, Charles A. Lindbergh once For their pilot, rhe promoters chose young Laura In¬
again made a direct flight across rhe Atlantic. It was galls, rhe daughter of a socially prominent New York
2 a.m. and Bathurst harbor was bathed in moonlight as family Miss Ingalls had studied music and language in
he taxied rhe Sirius our on rhe bay. Paris and Vienna, and been a pianist, ballet dancer,
With rhe Cyclone turning out full power, and the ex¬ nurse, and secretary before discovering her grand pas¬
haust stacks sparking, Tingmissarroq raced to free herself sion: flying. Laura was one of rhe first women to earn a
from rhe glassy bay In rhe light of the wing-tip lights rhe transport pilot's license. She also shocked her family with
spray sparkled, and then ceased as she struggled clear of determined aerial acrobatics, considered unbefitting a
rhe water and rose into her true element. young lady of her background. After having made 980
For just short of sixteen hours the plane bored through continuous loops in her DH Gypsy Moth over Muskogee,
the empty tropical skies. With rhe moon and stars, then Oklahoma, and 714 consecutive barrel rolls over Sr.
flying blind through clouds, rhe colonel kept his course. Louis, this diminutive fireball was in a class by herself,
Anne was at constant vigil with the radio, sending and and competition to be reckoned with by both men and
receiving, and relieved as rhe signals from South Ameri¬ women.
can stations grew more distinct and readable. With day¬ Flying out to Burbank to rake delivery of her new ship,
break came good weather, ships below for contact, Laura excitedly picked out rhe Lockheeds on rhe field
checkpoints like the volcanic cone of Fernando de No- below, and buzzed rhe factory in sheer exuberance. Her
ronha to keep the reckoning correct. Finally rhe low Air Express was a real beauty- If was rigged with eleven
green coast of Brazil appeared in rhe haze ahead, and ranks to hold a total of 650 gallons; it had special speed
rhe Lindberghs dropped down to land on rhe river south¬ landing gear,- and all rhe cabin windows were blocked
west of Natal. out. Subdued bur not awed by rhe 450 straining horses
Lindbergh next decided to vary his trip north, deviating up front, Laura carefully piloted rhe Lockheed back to
from the regular Pan American route for a thousand New York. Always one to want to know every last derail
Laura Ingalls and rhe Air Express wirh which she won rhe Harmon Race from England ro Australia. Wirh a legacy left by an
Trophy for her solo circuir of Sourh America. aunr, Miss Ingalls ordered a brand-new Orion from Lock¬
heed, and wehr our ro Burbank ro see ro its consrrucrion
concerning rhe consrrucrion and operation of her planes, and preparation. The Ingalls Orion was a gleaming
rhe "sociery aviarrix" poked and pored over every inch black, wirh red-and-gold rrim. Laura named ir Auro-da-Fe
of ir. She asked questions unril she knew all abour rhe Air —Portuguese for "acr of fairh"—and painted a cross-
Express, sometimes ro rhe exasperarion of rhe Lockheed and-crescenr insignia below rhe cockpit.
crews who were completing ir, and rhe Long Island me¬ The ship incorporared all rhe latest in equipment: a
chanics who readied ir for flight. supercharged Prarr & Whirney Wasp engine, Hamilton
Weighing less than a hundred pounds, Miss Ingalls was conrrollable-pirch propeller, landing flaps, Sperry Gyropi¬
said hardly ro disrurb rhe center of gravity while flying lot, and a Wesrporr radio compass and receiver. Laura's
her Lockheed. Garbed in a white coverall, jodhpurs or studies ranged from reports of landing techniques as
trim slacks, wirh her dark hair rucked up under a jaunry practiced by pilors who'd flown Orions, ro rhe reading of
berer, Laura cruised up and down Long Island. She a barrery hydrometer. The girl was so anxious ro keep
checked and rechecked instruments and fuel consump¬ tabs on consrrucrion rhar she even climbed rhe plant
tion, and mastered rhe techniques of blind flying wirh an fence on Sunday for an off-day review of progress.
instructor from Colonial Airways. Ir became impossible ro enter rhe unfinished plane in
Coping wirh leaks delayed installation of gas ranks in rhe race ro Australia. Instead, when she finally rook deliv¬
rhe white Lockheed, and rhe proposed flighr ro Paris was ery, Laura set her sights on rhe one significant American
nor made in 1931. Amelia Earharr Putnam's solo Arlanric women's distance record left ro be claimed, rhe first non¬
flighr rhe nexr spring defeated rhe original plans made stop coasr-ro-coasr flighr from east ro wesr.
for Miss Ingalls. The nexr year rhe doll-like flyer acquired Twice rhe riny girl in rhe big black Orion ser our, rhe
rhe Air Express herself, and proceeded ro do credit ro her first rime ro be forced down by a dusrsrorm ar Alamosa,
long training in it. Colorado, and rhe second by engine rrouble ar Indian¬
Between February 28 and April 25, 1934, Laura Ingalls apolis. On rhe Fourth of July, 1935, herfoorwas burned
became rhe first flyer, man or woman, ro complete a by a carelessly thrown firecracker, bur a week later rhings
solo flighr around rhe Sourh American continent. Touch¬ looked good for a third arrempr. In rhe dawn ar Floyd
ing rwenry-rhree counrries, ir was also rhe longest solo air Bennerr Field, Laura slid inro rhe cockpit of rhe Auro-da-
journey made by a woman up ro rhar rime. Fe and latched rhe hatch. Ar 5:30 a.m. she roared off
On March 21, Laura poked rhe cowl of rhe Air Express down rhe shorr runway and raced rhe sun across rhe
up ro 18,000 feet and nosed through rhe Uspallara Pass conrinenr. The record was hers 18 hours and 19 minutes
of rhe Andes between Sanriago, Chile, and Mendoza, larer as she rolled ro a srop in Burbank. And she'd bearen
Argenrina. Ir was rhe first rime rhar an American woman Frank Hawks's old solo rime as well.
had flown over rhis formidable range in her own plane. Nor conrenr wirh being rhe firsr woman ro fly westward
Laura reported rhe Andes crossing as "gorgeous—a alone and nonstop across rhe narion, Laura Ingalls was
magnificent joy ride!" Bur he'r complete circuir of Sourh determined ro better Amelia Earharr's record rime in rhe
America rook careful, skillful flying. The 16,897-mile jour¬ other direction. She came rocketing back ro New York
ney won Miss Ingalls a Harmon Award as rhe outstanding on September 12, 1935. Though delayed in starring by
American woman flyer of 1934. tire rrouble, Laura burned up rhe sky wirh rhe black
Her Sourh American rrip gave Laura rhe necessary ex¬ Orion. She arrived over rhe dry lights only seven minures
perience in foreign air travel ro prompr her ro enter behind rhe existing men's speed record. Watchers ar
1934's mosr exciting aerial evenr, rhe MacRoberrson Floyd Bennerr saw rhe Lockheed as ir "circled rhe Rock-

oways, came back over rhe field, circled once more over
Jamaica Day and Fort Tilden, cur over rhe ocean and
rhen came back for a landing." All rhe fancy passes were
jusr Laura showing her happiness ar breaking rhe record.
This flighr bear rhe Earharr nonsrop record of 1902 by bVi
hours, and Amelia's rwo-srop rime by over rhree.
Laura Ingalls flew rhe Auro-da-Fe for anorher year and
wirh ir placed second in rhe 1906 Dendix Race ro Los
Angeles. Then rhe Orion was sold for use in rhe Spanish
Civil War, and Laura wenr back ro more sedare flying in
a srandard Lockheed Vega.
The special Ingalls Orion was among rhe lasr of rhe
wooden series ro leave rhe producrion line ar rhe Lock¬
heed facrory in Burbank—as were two Alrairs, borh of
which saw years of service in Japan.
The two grearesr Japanese newspapers were (and are
roday) rhe Asahi Shimbun (Rising Sun News), and Maini-
chi Shimbun (Daily News). Asahi was a pioneer in pro-
moring aviarion and pur up rhe $25,000 prize for rhe firsr
nonsrop Pacific flighr, rhe one Harold Bromley rried so
hard ro make. The compering Mainichi derermined ro
provide some aeronaurical news of irs own. In 1902,
rhrough rhe Okura Trading Company of Tokyo, rhe news¬
paper imporred a fine new Lockheed Alrair. There was a
Mainichi Shimbun's goodwill Alrair (rop), which crocked up 18
slighr delay in delivery when rhe wing of rhe unassem¬
monrhs ofrer round-rrip Tokyo-Monilo flighr, and (below) irs sisrer
bled ship washed overboard from rhe freighrer which
ship, desrroyed by U5AAF raid in 1944.
was rransporring rhe plane ro Japan. Lockheed produced
a new one in shorr order. The ship was pur rogerher and
used for newsgarhering and rhe rransporrarion of publish¬ and rivalry between Mainichi and Asahi rhar rhe flighr
ing officials. never came off. Decked our in colorful painr jobs, and
In 1935 Mainichi planned a goodwill flighr from Japan wirh rhe srar-and-bars Mainichi Trademark on rheir rails,
ro rhe Philippines ro congrarulare rhe firsr presidenr of rhe rhe two Alrairs were pur ro work flying newspapers and
Republic, Manuel Quezon, on his assumprion of office. mail from Tokyo and Osaka. They also rook reporrers all
Pilored by Seizan Okura, rhe Alrair also carried flighr en¬ over rhe counrry for on-rhe-spor coverage of imporranr
gineer Tokushi Fuse, and goodwill ambassador Fukuichi news evenrs.
Fukomoro was rucked in amid rhe mailbags full of spe¬ The original Mainichi Alrair came ro an unrimely end
cial lerrers. Carried our between November 10-26, 1905, in 1907 when ir rangled wirh a smokesrack on approach
rhis was rhe firsr flighr between Tokyo and Manila and ro Irami Airporr in Osaka. The remaining Lockheed had
rerurn. Ir was also rimed ro connecr wirh rhe firsr regular ren years of useful sevice wirh rhe newspaper, and
San Francisco-Manila run of rhe Pan American Airways nearly survived World War II. In rhe aurumn of 1944 ir
China Clipper. was parked in a hangar ar Tokyo's Haneda Airporr when
A Japanese cusrom was ro wrire aurographs and good¬ USAAF bombers came over. All hell broke loose, and in
will messages on rhe fabric of rraveling aircrafr. The Lock¬ rhe language of a Japanese eyewirness "rhe Mainichi
heed's sleek sides and rail surfaces were covered wirh Alrair was seriously demolished, leaving only irs imperish¬
such scribblings, and in Manila rhe Japanese colony all able name on a page of rhe commercial aviarion hisrory
wenr carefully over rhe plane ro see if possibly Aunr Suki of our counrry."
had senr a message. Over 4,000 more convenrional ler¬ The Lindberghs' survey rrip of 1900 had been rhe only
rers were mailed ro be flown on rhe rerurn rrip, which flighr across rhe Sourh Arlanric by a wooden Lockheed.
wenr by way of Okinawa. Their floar-equipped Sirius crossed from easr ro wesr. Two
Following rhis successful junker, Mainichi ordered an¬ years larer anorher Sirius made rhe journey in rhe oppo-
orher Alrair ro be flown ro Manchuria in connecrion wirh sire direcrion.
rhe esrablishmenr of rhe Japanese pupper srare of Man- The airplane involved was originally rhe property of
chukuo. Fumio Haburo, in charge of rhe newspaper's Casey Lamberr of Sr. Louis, and larer flew as The Texas
exrensive aviarion secrion, also wanred ro fly rhe new Company's Texaco 16. How ir came inro possession of
ship on a goodwill rrip ro Siam, bur such was rhe red rape rhe Cuban Navy is somerhing of a mysrery, bur ir rurned

himself a narional hero. Twenry Thousand people

rhronged rhe Havana warerfronr ro greer him, as well os
a Cuban gunboar, five whisrling merchanr vessels and
numerus launches. The colorful Lockheed Sirius which
hod linked rhe two Spanish-speaking narions also re¬
rurned ro Cuba and was kepr os an hisroric aircrafr unril
1945, when ir was desrroyed in a hangar fire.
By 1936 ocean flying was becoming commonplace,
and flyers were hard pur ro find a place ro moke o firsr
flighr ro. Colonel Clarence Chamberlin, on old-rimer
when ir come ro Arlonric hopping, ralked some of essay¬
ing a nonsrop jump from New York ro Rome, using his
Lockheed Alrair Miss Srrarosphere. Bur he never gor
Lirrle Porrugal had yer ro be connecred wirh rhe New
World by air, a facr which ser a roll, dork, upsrare New
York pilor ro Thinking and planning. He was Joseph Cosra,
o rwenty-seven-year-old Porruguese-American barn-
srormer and charrer pilor, who operared our of Big Flars
Airporr near rhe glassworks rown of Corning. Cosra's
morher was srill in Porrugal, and rhis gave him on exrra
incenrive ro fly across rhe Arlonric.
In 1936 Joe acquired a good used Lockheed Vega for
his proposed rrip: one of rhe one-rime Sranavo Eagles
Menendez in cockpir of Cuba's 4 de Sepriembre in 1936. flown by rhe Srandard Oil Company of New Jersey. Even
dimes and nickels come hard during rhe middle rhirries,
bur rhe popular pilor's friends and neighbors conrribured
up in Havana lare in 1935. On January 9, 1936, rhe five- Toward expenses. They also held a variety show colled
year-old Sirius gor a new name. In a solemn ceremony rhe "Flighr Frolic,'' and a "Cosra Donee" ro raise addi-
Esrher Gonzalez, daughrer of rhe Naval Chief of Sraff, rional funds.
broke a borrle of champagne over rhe propeller hub and Joe beefed up his Vega's landing gear, insralled exrra
chrisrened rhe plane 4 de Sepriembre, rhe dare honoring ranks, and blanked our four cabin windows. In honor of
one of Cuba's sudden changes of adminisrrarion. The rail
of rhe ship bore rhe srar and srripes of rhe Cuban Naval
Joe Cosra finds more friends and fun rhan records.
Wirhin a few days good-looking young Lieurenanr An-
ronio Menendez y Palaez was assigned ro fly rhe Lock¬
heed across rhe Arlonric on rhe firsr wesr-eosr rrip ro link
Cuba wirh her old morher counrry, Spain. The lone pilor
sealed off rhe rear cockpir ro show rhar rhe long rrip
would be a solo venrure.
Menendez accomplished rhe flighr in a lirrle over a
He firsr headed rhe cowled and ponred Sirius across
rhe Caribbean ro Venezuela and rhen on ro Trinidad. A
leaky gas rank delayed him or Porr of Spain, and rhere
were Larin proresrarions when he discovered he hod for-
gorren his passporr on arrival in Brazil. Wirh rhe difficulries
soorhed by rhe Cuban consul, Menendez proceeded ro
whisk rhe 4 de Sepriembre across rhe Sourh Arlonric. He
crossed from Porr Naral ro Barhursr, Gambia, in a lirrle
over sevenreen hours on February 10, 1936. Flying up
rhe African coasr rhe navy pilor reached Seville, Spain,
four days larer.
In May, Menendez rerurned ro Cuba by boar ro find
They helped ro make ir one small world: chance meerlng ar the Juan, keeping a wary eye on his emergency handiwork.
Lockheed factory in 1935 gives (lefr ro righr) Amelia Earharr, Wiley Cruising along the island chain, Costa soon made Para,
Post, Roscoe Turner, and Laura Ingalls a professional look or Winnie
Brazil. After a visit with an uncle he rook off on January
Moe 5 faithful Wasp.
15, 1937, for Rio de Janeiro, with hopes of approval and
clearance for his South Atlantic attempt.
Corning, she was named Crystal City, and bore a Portu¬ The Crystal City never reached Rio. Flying in a tropical
guese cross on her roil. downpour, getting low on gas, and with darkness closing
Costa's plan was for a flight from Corning to Harbour in, Joe picked a landing spot on a ridge near the village
Grace, Newfoundland, and then on to Portugal. He'd of Conceigao do Serro. He brought rhe Vega in all righr
even decided ro rake along his father as a passenger, and had slowed ro about 40 mph when the right landing
bur just when things were ready the Srate Department gear hit an anthill and ripped off. The wing dipped,
quashed the whole project because of the Civil War rag¬ caught, and rhe plane skidded along to a jarring stop.
ing in Spain. Undaunred, the lanky flyer requested clear¬ Costa's head banged rhe instrument panel, and it was
ance for South America. He figured that if he could get rwo hours before he regained consciousness, rousing to
to Rio de Janeiro, the Brazilian authorities would let him rhe twin sounds of driving rain and dripping gasoline.
fly rhe South Atlantic and on up ro Lisbon. Nearby villagers soon found him, bur with roads impass¬
In November 1936, Joe climbed the Vega's side and able, it was a month before Joe could be flown our by
eased his six-foot frame down into the cockpit. Watchers rhe Brazilian governmenr. The would-be Atlantic flyer
in Corning last saw rhe white Crystal City as Joe wagged removed rhe Vega's engine and instruments during his
her wings and headed south. Things went well until wait, and they were eventually shipped back ro Corning.
Costa reached the Caribbean. Flying over the Dominican The rest of rhe Lockheed was hauled to rhe village as a
Republic a gas leak brought him down, and the suspi¬ local curiosity.
cious Dominicans clapped him in jail. Clearance by radio Though big Joe Costa's bid for flying fame and fortune
from Puerto Rico brought release. Joe made temporary ended in a Brazilian anthill, he gained a host of new
repairs to rhe gas line by rubbing soap into rhe crack and friends on his South American journey. He was rhe last
rying his handkerchief around ir. He winged on ro San man ro set our ro fly rhe Atlantic in a Lockheed Vega.

T he nation's infanr airlines losr no rime in adopr-

ing Lockheeds as ready-made rransporrs. Here
was an airplane rhar would snugly enclose irs
passengers in a cocoon of wood and near
flying moil on rhe governmenr's Conrracr Air Moil Roure
No.4 between Los Angeles and Salr Lake City, was a
logical prospecr.
However, ir would obviously be necessary ro rework
learher upholsrery; rhere was no chance of a rhe Vega inro somerhing rhar vereran airmail flyers
srray foor punching rhrough rhe fabric. To be sure, rhey would endorse.
would nor be as commodious os rhe "gianr" 14-passen¬ WAE's pilors were accusromed ro flying from a cockpir
ger Ford Trimorors jusr coming inro prominence. Bur wirh ro rhe rear of on airplane, and using o radiaror cop or a
rheir rhoroughbred look, rhe Lockheeds were bound ro rocker arm up ahead ro derermine longirudinal arrirude.
arrracr porenrial air Travelers. They objecred ro flying from a posirion in rhe exrreme
The very firsr Lockheed "airliner" hod a brief bur evenr- fronr end, where rhe Vega hod irs office. Lockheed's Air
ful career. This was rhe original Air Express model, devel¬ Express was rhe answer, ond developing rhe model was
oped lore in 1927 and builr during rhe nexr winrer. The 100 percenr rhe responsibility of chief engineer John K.
company felr rhar rhere was a marker for fasr, open-
cockpir moil planes, wirh a place for four passengers if Charles Lindbergh wirh rhe Air Express, which he rried a few days
rhey could be enriced ro ride along. Wesrern Air Express, before irs firsr—and lasr—flighr for WAE.


Feature of a late-winter exhibition is the new parasol-wing "Loch- "about as stable as trying to stand on top of a ten-foot
heed mail & passenger monoplane" designed for Western Air Ex¬ rubber ball!"
press, shown with experimental fin and notice it would be in
With pilot Fred Kelly I, Western Air Express dispatched
service after March 10, 1928.
rhe new ship on its first scheduled flight on June 6, 1928.
Will Rogers, always an indefatigable air traveler, ar¬
ranged to qo along to Salt Lake accompanied by Dr.
L. D. Cheney.
Northrop. He raised rhe wing a foot and a half above rhe The maiden flight came to grief at rhe very first stop,
fuselage on cabane srrurs of streamlined tubing in order Las Vegas. On landing, rhe ship hit a supposedly sunken
to provide rhe desired forward visibility. concrete marker in the center of rhe field, did a fast flip,
In addition to rhe pilot's cockpit aft, there was room and slid to a stop on its back. Rogers, Cheney, and Kelly
for a good stack of mailbags in rhe cabin, and/or four rumbled our, shaken bur unhurt.
paying passengers. Experiments were made with a tri¬ The humorist and his pilot continued on in a relief
angular fin such as appeared on rhe first two Vegas and plane and Lockheed quietly trucked rhe damaged air¬
rhe original Explorer, bur it was discarded in favor of a craft back to Burbank. It was completely rebuilt, bur West¬
rounded one with greater area and better lateral stabil¬ ern Air Express never retook delivery of their namesake
ity. On this fin was rhe familiar WAE Indian arrowhead airplane. Instead, rhe reincarnated prototype became
insignia of rhe airline, and rhe new ship was named Air Frank Hawks's famed record-breaking Texaco 5.
Express. Another West Coast airline had been started by Jack
The new parasol-wing job was fitted with a 410-hp Maddux, a successful Los Angeles automobile dealer. He
Pratt & Whitney Wasp engine, the second application of had a dozen Ford Trimotors on rhe San Francisco-Los
this famous power plant to a Lockheed. Angeles-San Diego runs of his Maddux Air Lines; they
The ship was given exhaustive rests by both manufac¬ flew some 350,000 miles in 1928. Bur there were al¬
turer and rhe airline. In June 1928 Colonel Lindbergh, ready travelers for whom rhe novelty of flying was nor
who had come West to pick up a new plush Ryan enough. They wanted real speed.
Brougham at San Diego, made a special trip to rest-hop Eddie Beilande and Larry Fritz, who had test-flown rhe
the Air Express from Vail Field at Montebello, California. first Lockheeds, earned their bread and butter toting pas¬
Though he requested no publicity, rhe presence of rhe sengers in rhe Maddux Fords. Maddux and his pilots rea¬
magic name "Lindbergh" was nor kept entirely silent, soned that there would be additional revenue in charter
and the colonel was quoted as saying, "It is a wonderful work. In cases where extreme speed was a factor, what
plane and answers rhe need of commercial flying in a better ships could be added to rhe fleer than a couple of
splendid way." rhe slim, trim products from rhe neighboring factory in
It was Lindbergh's first flight in a Lockheed-built air¬ Burbank?
plane. The contrast between it and rhe Ryans he'd been Maddux bought its first Lockheed Vega airliner in July
flying must have been very evident. That same day C. N. 1928 and another one in August. Soon rhe bright-orange
(Jimmy) James, pioneer Western Air Express pilot, flew monoplanes were a familiar sight on the airways our of
rhe colonel's new Brougham and recalls that it was Los Angeles. Movie people chartered them for trips to rhe

deserr resorts or up in the mountains ro Dig Dear. The Firsr Vega in airline service, this workhorse was used for charter/
governor of Daja California, Mexico, was a frequent cus¬ overflow by Maddux in 1928, carried cargo for Air Express, flew for
Capirol, then hauled Varney payloads in rhe West, Mexico, and
tomer; and once a Los Angeles broker and his party were
Texas until 1937.
sped east ro Kingman, Arizona, to catch a Santa Fe train
for New York.
The Wright Whirlwind-powered Lockheeds had space
for only four people, yet it was sufficient to prove their Elsewhere in rhe country, dreams of speedy service
worth as overflow ships for a sold-our run of the big Fords. between hitherto distant cities occupied the minds of
Taking off well behind a "tin goose," the Maddux Vegas businessmen caught up in rhe aviation boom. Little one-
would cruise sedately along up to San Francisco, throttled and two-plane outfits blossomed out all over rhe map.
down so as not to pass "big brother" en route. Some would prosper and grow ro merge in the expand¬
There were mishaps of course, as with any new air¬ ing national network. The greater portion would operate
plane subjected ro the rigors of daily service for hire. with high hopes for a few months or perhaps a year, and
Probably the fasresr replacement the Lockheed plant then quietly suspend service and sell off their equipment
ever did was a job on a Maddux Vega. Test pilot Marshall —provided their creditors hadn't taken it already.
"Dabe" Headle brought the plane in late one afternoon Erie Halliburton, Lockheed's midwest distributor, had a
for a routine check. He thought that perhaps it "shook a Vega on demonstration in rhe 6,300-mile Ford Air Tour
little." On landing, it was discovered that the entire for¬ of June-July 1928. It proved ro be such a sensation at
ward end of the fuselage was broken off and hanging every grassy way stop that pilot Dob Cantwell had diffi¬
by only one motor-mount brace. Everybody, particularly culty to keep from selling it en route. The successful buy¬
Dabe, gulped—ond then set ro work. The factory hap¬ ers, two North Dakota businessmen, got delivery of the
pened to have an identical fuselage in stock, even ro its ship right after Cantwell finished our rhe Ford Tour. On
fabric painted the international orange. Working all September 17, 1928, using their Vega and a Ryan cabin
night, the crew dismantled and burned the old shell. ship, A. W. Hugh and D. H. Bartholomew commenced a
They reinstalled landing gear, empennage, motor, and daily-except-Sunday service between Minot and Bis¬
interior trim on the new one. Next morning the rebuilt marck, North Dakota, calling their line International Air¬
Vega was back flying on Maddux Air Lines. ways, Inc. Cecil Shupe was their chief pilot and Carl Den
Clarence Wood dropped the other Maddux Vega into Eielson and Lee Shoenhair also flew briefly during its short
a sandhole while taxiing to the hangar at San Diego. The and sporadic career. Since Western Air Express's mail
ship nosed over and "busted in half just aft of the passen¬ plane made only a partial trip, and Maddux's operations
ger compartment." Shipped back ro Burbank, the rigging were more in rhe nature of standby and overflow flying,
crew at Lockheed again produced and installed a new rhe Vega of little International Airways was probably rhe
fuselage in short order. After another minor accident, and first Lockheed in regularly scheduled airline service.
use as a company demonstrator, this early Vega survived Universal Air Lines, one of the predecessor companies
a decade of transcontinental and local service, flying for of today's American Airlines network, purchased wo
five other American and Mexican airlines. Vegas rhe same month that International got its start.
Conrinenral Air Express flew passengers from San Francisco ro Los and anorher via Tafr and Coalinga. Their Vega, rogerher
Angeles speedily, and went broke almost as fast wirh a Fokker and two Kreurzer Air Coaches, was repos¬
sessed by rhe finance boys afrer less rhan rwo years'
These were used on rhe passenger roure from Chicago Airline operarions of grearer magnirude were soon ro
ro Sr. Louis via Peoria and Springfield; rhe company's far- begin. Erie Halliburron wasn'r sarisfied ro be jusr a cemen-
bellied, mail-carrying biplanes flew direcr. rer of oil wells and disrriburor of airplanes. Early in 1929
On rhe Wesr Coasr was Sanra Maria Airlines, Inc, under wirh his cousin, J. C. Halliburron, he organized an airline
rhe direcrion of G. Allan Hancock, owner of an oil com¬ ro serve Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. They
pany. Caprain Hancock was rhe man who backed rhe called ir Sourhwesr Air Fasr Express,- ir was no accidenr
1928 flighr of Kingsford-Smirh from California ro Ausrralia. rhar irs inirials were 5.A.F.E.
His inreresrs were wide, ranging from yachring ro cham¬ Larry Frirz, who had successfully flown Fords and Lock-
ber music, bur aviarion was his per enrhusiasm. His Sanra heeds for Maddux in California, was broughr ro Tulsa as
Maria Airlines flew a 4-passenger Vega on a daily run ro operaring vice presidenr of rhe new line. SAFEway Air¬
Sanra Barbara and Los Angeles. When nor in use on rhe lines—rhe orher of irs unofficial designarions—began
line, rhe ship was available as a rrainer ar rhe Hancock business on April 2, 1929, flying five new Ford Trimorors
Foundarion College of Aeronaurics in Sanra Maria. between Sr. Louis and Dallas via Kansas City, Tulsa, Okla¬
A more ambirious California line was Conrinenral Air homa City, and Forrh Worrh. Halliburron's personal air¬
Express, which began flying rwo roures from Los Angeles plane, rhe brighr-yellow Vega named The Tester, was
ro San Francisco in 1928—one via Bakersfield and Fresno pressed inro sevice for use in carrying overloads on rhe
Ford runs. Wirhin a monrh Sourhwesr Air Fasr Express pur
on rhree more brand-new Vegas and four addirional
Erie Halliburton, boss of Southwest Air Fast Express, and (righr) Fords. The big rrimorors from Derroir were rhe accepred
Jimmy Wedell of Wedell-Williams Air Service. passenger airliners of rhe period, bur Lockheeds were

employed when speed was a prime considerarion. Erie transport service was being established up in the north¬
Halliburton and his backers did well with the combina¬ west corner of rhe United Stares. Using rhe region's myr¬
tion. iad bays, rivers, harbors, and lakes as landing fields, it was
SAFEway's base of operations was Tulsa, then one of to be an airline on floats.
the world's busiest airports.’The line had no hangars at In rhe spring of 1929, Joseph L. Carman, Jr., bought a
first: all maintenance work was done our in the open, new Wasp-powered Vega on pontoons, to add to rhe
and during dust- or rainstorms the planes were staked fleer of landplanes at his Seattle aviation school. Named
our and tied to automobiles. Halliburton's ambitious air Juneau and sent to southeastern Alaska, rhe Lockheed
network was run by a highly concentrated, well-orga¬ soon brought in a steady income. Swinging high over rhe
nized group of dedicated personnel, to whom overtime steep-sided landlocked inlets, it ferried men to mining
meant nothing when a job had to be done. In addition camps, supplied food to isolated settlements, or brought
to Larry Fritz and chief pilot Dob Cantwell, there were trappers' furs "outside" for sale.
Maurice Marrs, Ray Beindorf, Frank Morton, Frank Glenn, At this time rhe Alaskan canneries were plagued with
and Jimmy Haizlip to fly the Fords and Vegas. Merrill Grix thefts from their widely scattered fishrraps. Conners con¬
was chief engineer, and Dob Arnold, John Forbes, and Ed tracted for rhe Juneau to fly a varying route over rhe
Zehring kept the ships flying. Everything was daylight op¬ trapsites. Any noncompany boar seen near a trap was
eration, with the ground crews sending a telegram to reported. Fish poachers could never tell when rhe burnt-
the next airport advising that a plane had left. orange Vega would come thundering around a head¬
One of SAFEway's most lucrative sidelines was the land and swoop our of rhe mist to spot them. Thefts soon
"Sunday afternoon business" at Tulsa Airport. From dinner dropped to zero.
to dark, two or three Fords and all four Vegas were kept Carman's Lockheed was also used by rhe Alaska-
busy flying five-minute scenic hops over the city at $5 a Pacific Salmon Corporation and rhe Nakar Packing Com¬
head. The money they rook in helped keep the budding pany to transport their officials, and to act as a courier
airline in solvency. between canneries and their small boat fleers. When a
In addition to their own Vegas, Halliburton and S.A.F.E. school of fish was sighted offshore rhe sturdy Vega would
crews maintained other Lockheeds such as the Indepen¬ be dispatched with a strange, hastily prepared load: doz¬
dent and Marland Oil jobs,and a blue-and-white plane ens of bottles rolled clinking on rhe floor of rhe cabin,
called Winnie Mae, owned by an F. C. Hall of Chickasha, each tightly corked and enclosing a message advising
Oklahoma. One of the new airline's best customers was rhe proper course and rendezvous for a probable good
Will Rogers, who had a home in Claremore. The humor- catch. Alaska-Pacific and Nakar fishermen learned to hail
ist-cowboy-turned-actor liked to fly as much as possible. the Juneau's arrival with hearty waves and whistles, for
He would often charter a Vega to transport himself and rhe bottle messages meant more dollars in rhe hind
a party of friends to places like Los Angeles, Mexico City, pocket when they next made port.
or Chicago. Unlike the Fords, which bore the company The fishery work and the revenue it brought in were
name, SAF.E.'s Lockheeds were unmarked "business¬ all fine, bur Joe Carman had other far-reaching ideas. On
man's specials." In addition to the boss's yellow job with April 15, 1929, the Juneau made rhe first nonstop flight
the barrel-shaped NACA cowl, there was a red Vega, a betwen the mainland of the United States and rhe then
blue Vega, and a ran Vega, each with near leather up¬ territory of Alaska. Piloted by Anscel C. Eckmann, with
holstery to march. Robert E. Ellis as copilot, and mechanic Jack Halloran, rhe
Despite the volume of business and a tight operation, Vega made the 940-mile hop from Seattle to Juneau in
Southwest Air Fast Express became increasingly aware 7 hours and 48 minutes. Steamship travel between rhe
that it couldn't survive without an airmail contract to sub¬ same two points required three and a half days.
sidize its passenger traffic for a while. Erie Halliburton Thar same day Carman launched a new company:
tried, by joining forces with Robertson-Universal of St. Alaska-Washington Airways, designed to give Alaskans a
Louis, to obtain the "southern transcontinental route" new link by air to Stateside. There was no reason why
from the Post Office Department. There was an involved almost everything going to and from Alaska couldn't be
you-buy-me-or-l'll-buy-you deal, and finally SAFEway was moved by airplane. During rhe new outfit's first five
sold to rhe American Airways group then forming, for a months rhe Juneau, on scheduled operations, charter,
cool $1,400,000. and fish patrol, carried more than 1,500 passengers and
Southwest Air Fast Express had operated for eighteen rook in an average of $44 an hour for rhe company. The
months with no accidents or injuries to passengers or fare to Juneau was only $105, which could be produced
personnel. A record like that gave good indication that by many an old sourdough anxious to get back to his
air travel was here to stay. chosen land.
At the same rime that SAFEway was flying its first Encouraged, Carman expanded Alaska-Washington
planes across the Oklahoma flarlands, a new kind of Airways in all directions. Seaplane operation in rhe Pacific
Northwest hod rhe advanroge of purring aircraft ar a
dock only minures from rhe heart of rhe dries to be
served. Alaska-Washingron esrablished a Searrle-Tacoma-
Olympia line, a triangular service ro Vancouver and Vic¬
toria in British Columbia, and added ports of call like
Ketchikan, Wrangell, Sitka, and Skagway to the Alaskan
route. In addition, a subsidiary flying Vegas on wheels
served Wenatchee, Ellensburg, Yakima, and Pasco in
central Washington.
Over a three-year period Alaska-Washingron and its
subsidiaries were rhe owners of a real fleer of Lockheed
Vegas. They bought seven—bright and new from the
factory—and had a couple of Fairchild 71s and a Stinson
Detroiter as well. Like homing gulls the shiny orange
Vegas would come winging in to Seattle at night, and sir
bobbing in the sparkling waters of Lake Union off the
company's ramp on Roanoke Street. Next morning
would see them thundering along at 2,000 feet above
the island-dotted waters of the famous Inside Passage,
while passengers bound for Alaska peered out in awe at
a constant panorama of snow-capped mountains, ice¬
bergs, and glaciers.
Its float equipment, colorful advertising, and the scenic
terrain over which it flew made Alaska-Washingron a
true glamour line. The route was good and met a grow¬
ing need. But overexpansion, competition, and rhe first
blows of the Great Depression had to be dealt with. The
workhorse Juneau, literally worn out and hence unair-
worrhy, was returned ro the Lockheed factory. Its replace¬
ment was accidentally destroyed on rhe day of delivery.
Two other new Vegas were burned and washed our
after only a few months of service. The four that re¬
mained when rhe line went into receivership in 1932
were sadly auctioned off.
Nevada Airlines, Inc., is another name little known
today. Organized in 1929 ro fly from Los Angeles ro

The you-name-ir-she'lldo-ir Vega (below) rhar mode rhe nonstop

flight from Stateside to Alaska in 1929, and (left) how rhe arrisr
dramatized AWA service by giving Juneau an Air Express parasol
wing and rear cockpit

Reno, ir also operated a route from rhe divorce capital to stop record set earlier in rhe year by Captain Frank
Las Vegas. Among its officers were former Lockheed ex¬ Hawks's Lockheed Air Express.
ecutives Den 5. Hunter and Ray Boggs of Los Angeles. At Cleveland in September 1929, Turner placed third
Nevada's manager of operations was rhe incomparable in rhe closed-course, 50-mile event of rhe National Air
Roscoe Turner, just beginning to make his name synony¬ Races, and rhe name of Nevada Airlines was spread by
mous with speed. newspapers and movie newsreels from coast ro coast.
Roscoe organized rhe line, flew its planes, publicized Back our West, Reno was popular as a resort, and big-
it every chance he got. Nevada's backers supplied four name stars of rhe movies flew up with Roscoe and his
Vegas powered by Pratt 6 Whitney Wasp engines. With fellow pilots in the 4-place, star-named Vegas, proud ro
a 3V2-hour run for the 475 miles beween L.A. and Reno, be traveling on rhe "Fastest in rhe World." Box-office
Turner was certain rhe schedule could be stepped up. luminaries like Loretta Young, Joan Bennett, Clark Gable,
"Nevada," proclaimed Roscoe, "will be the fastest airline and Fred MacMurray hopped up to Reno, nor necessarily
in rhe world." There is little doubt bur that ir was. to shed a spouse. Still, since many of rhe customers had
The flamboyant manager of operations chose rhe old¬ in mind the tossing of a ring in rhe Truckee River after
est of his four Vegas to streamline and make into a their decrees were awarded, Nevada Airlines got rhe
showpiece for attracting attention and business to rhe nickname of The Alimony Special. Among rhe other
airline. This was the first of F. C. Hall's Winnie Maes, pilots was "Little Jack" O'Brien, decked our like Roscoe
rhe one flown briefly by Wiley Post and sold back to rhe in a uniform complete with Sam Browne belr.
factory during a period when rhe oilman had no need During nearly a year of operation, Turner's pioneer
for it. When Roscoe Turner flew rhe ship, ir was the Sirius, effort pur air transport in rhe public eye, flew nearly a
and had rhe first cowl and pants to be sported on a Vega thousand miles a day, never had a forced landing, never
used as a commercial transport. hurt a passenger. The closest they came to recording an
This was before Turner had acquired Gilmore rhe lion, injury was the rime an irate wife chased her husband
bur his fondness for mascots was asserting itself. He car¬ into a Vega. As he cowered behind a sear she pum-
ried a rabbit's foot, a teddy bear, and a live turtle on his meled him with an umbrella and berated him for losing
flights, and a likeness of the turtle adorned rhe rail of rhe a bundle at rhe gaming halls in Reno.
airplane. If it had not been for the financial crash of 1929, rhe
Roscoe maintained far from a turtle's pace in promot¬ Fastest Airline in rhe World might have kept going and
ing Nevada Airlines. Just to prove that full transcontinen¬ expanded into the big rime. Ir guierly folded, though,
tal passenger service was feasible, he flew the Sirius from and Lockheed reluctantly repossessed Nevada's speedy
Los Angeles to New York in 19 hours and 53 minutes, little fleer. Roscoe Turner went on to grearer flying
with four stops en route. Behind him in the cabin sat a achievemenrs.
police lieutenant, a navigator (rhe then-unknown Austra¬ While Nevada's pilors were winging their way ro Reno
lian named Harold Garry), a mechanic, and a reporter. and Las Vegas, Texas Air Transport established a healthy
Even with this load of four and rhe turtle, rhe plane made mail and express business flying from Fort Worth ro Waco,
rhe trip only a couple of hours behind rhe existing non¬ Houston, and Galveston. Since there was an occasional
passenger who could be stowed with rhe mailbags, rhe
company bought an Air Express complete with NACA
speed cowl.
Irrepressible Roscoe Turner finds space ro plug Chrisrmas for a Cali¬
T.A.T. had better luck with rhe ship than Wesrern Air
fornia newspaper in 1929, decorares rhe rail of his srreamlined
Vega, Sirius, with rhe likeness of a mascor rhar belies his ship's— Express had with theirs. The plane suffered an accident
and his airline's—record. at Big Spring, Texas, and had ro have a new fuselage,

Wedell-Williams bought Lockheed's last Sirius. Ir larer served Delta Down in Louisiana a lean Texan had become a part¬
Air Lines os a moil carrier. ner in one of the nation's largest privately owned flying
services. Quiet, unassuming James R. Wedell wasn't shy,
bur he was more at home with planes than with people.
bur Texas Air and irs successors—Southern Air Transport Like Wiley Post, Wedell had the use of only one eye, bur
and American Airways—kept it flying on Southwest air he could fly like a demon in anything with wings.
routes for several years. In 1927, fare pur Wedell in contact with Harry P. Wil¬
Late in 1928, Allan Loughead and Norman S. Hall liams, a millionaire lumberman, and the virtual ruler of
started our on a 2,500-mile sales trip into Oklahoma and the town of Patterson, Louisiana. The Williams mills
Texas with the hope of selling a couple of Vegas to made jobs for everyone in Patterson, and "Mister Harry"
wealthy oilmen. One result of the trip was the order for saw to ir that the town was run according to his wishes.
the first Winnie Mae from F. C. Hail of Chickasha, Okla¬ Among other things, Williams enjoyed playing police¬
homa. Piloted by E. L. Remelin, the salesmen made a man. A benevolent despot, he'd arrest a man for a real
stop at Son Angelo, Texas, where they met Carl G. Crom¬ or fancied violation and let him swear our the possible
well, another well-to-do oil operator. Cromwell was so stiff fine or jail sentence. In the end Williams would usu¬
struck with the Vega demonstrator that he bought it on ally pay it himself.
the spot. The Loughead parry had to catch a train back This avocation pur Harry Williams in contact with barn¬
to Burbank. stormer Jimmy Wedell, down on his luck and caught
A year afterward, Cromwell started an airline with rwo with a decrepit flying boar on a remote bayou, and ac¬
Stinsons and his Lockheed. He soon bought another. The cused of smuggling hooch. Jimmy talked his way our of
ships flew daily routes our of San Angelo to Dallas, San that one, then went on to sell Mister Harry on the won¬
Antonio, and Big Spring. It was on this line that Jimmie ders of air travel. Before he knew ir, Williams had his own
Mortem, as chief pilot, got to flying Vegas. Larer, when plane, and Wedell, as his personal pilot, was reaching
right money caught up with Cromwell Air Lines, Jimmie him to fly ir. Soon this strangely marched pair went fur¬
found himself in possession of a Lockheed in lieu of back ther, and a hangar and shops rose on the shore of Bayou
wages. It was to be his chance to emerge on the na¬ Teche near Patterson.
tional scene. Wedell-Williams Air Service was a major enterprise for
Flying out of Sr. Louis to Fulton and Jefferson City, Mis¬ the place and rimes. Combining Williams's money and
souri, Gentry Shelton operated a one-plane, twice-a-day labor pool with Wedell's designing genius and practical
schedule for a few months in 1900. The flyer and his flying knowledge, the Louisiana partners were involved
ground crew were occasionally chided about their small in nearly every phase of aviation. They kept over a dozen
operation. "Whaddaya mean, one-horse airline?" airplanes of various makes busy with a flying school, ae¬
snorted a Shelton mechanic after one of these jibes. He rial photography, amphibious work, and charter service.
pointed to the Wright Whirlwind engine on the nose of The special Wedell-designed low-wing racing mono¬
the company's Vega. "We've got rwo hundred and planes built in Patterson became world famous.
rwenry of 'em!" Not the least of Wedell-Williams Air Service enterprises
Looking forward in rhe cobin of a typical 6-passenger Vega, a Speedy Jim Wedell and Mister Horry Williams might hove
favorite of early airlines. gone in rhe flying game. As it was, both partners were
killed in successive flying accidents. The firm wos pur¬
chased and liquidated in 1936 by Eastern Air Transport,
was rheir airline. This began wirh flights from New Orle¬ ond most of rhe Lockheed Vegas from Patterson went ro
ans ro Shreveport and was larer extended ro Dallas and work in Mexico.
Fort Worth. Another route flew from rhe firm's own field Running or right angles to Wedell-Williams's routes
near rhe Crescent City ro Houston, wirh a way stop at were the Bowen Air Lines out of Fort Worth, Texas. Head
little Patterson, a town of 0,000 people. of this company was Temple Bowen, already a familiar
To fly rhe line, Wedell-Williams bought four new Lock¬ figure in the transport field os on operator of Southwest¬
heed Vegas plus a fifth that they purchased in ports and ern bus lines, and of rhe original Texas Air Transport.
assembled themselves. For a "piney woods" shop that Bowen's routes were flown, spokelike, in four directions:
could turn our champion racing planes, purring a Vega to Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Son Antonio, and Houston, wirh
together was a snap. Still later, rhe partners bought Dallas and Fort Worth os a hub.
a new Sirius, rhe last of rhe fixed-geor, low-wing twin- From the start, Bowen bottled for traffic wirh American
cockpit jobs ro come our of rhe Burbank factory. Airways, which flew parallel routes. His method of com¬
Even without rhe subsidy of a moil contract Wedell- petition was to lower rotes and put on foster planes than
Williams Vegas plied bock and forth on fast schedules those of his big rival. Soon four new whire-and-red Lock¬
between New Orleans and Texas for several years. heed Vegas bearing the line's flog emblem were wing¬
Horry Williams autocratically decreed just how rhe busi¬ ing north and south our of Fort Worth. To entice Texans
ness and shops should be run, and things got done. to rhe air lanes rhe passenger fores were reduced ro
Jimmy Wedell was free to dream up ond build fast air¬ railroad levels. The folding leather seats oil began to be
craft, and ro win races and break records wirh them. He occupied on every trip.
always signed autographs and letters "Speedily Yours." If American hod rhe Post Office business, and advertised:
there wos ever any rime during slock seasons for other "Fly with rhe Air Moil!" Bowen countered wirh a letter
run-of-the-mill flying chores he'd cheerfully take them on, slogan: "Fly pasr rhe Air Moil!" His Lockheeds could do it,
from on airline run ro a srudent hop. On December 27, too. American's crews were under orders nor ro wait
1933, Jimmy flew Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Trammell and rheir even sixty seconds for rhe compering planes or junction
infant daughter from Houston ro Baltimore. Baby Sue points. Bur if a Bowen pilot just missed a connection, he'd
Trammell was suffering from a brain disease and needed simply go rearing by a lumbering AA Ford or Stinson
immediate surgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Wedell Trimoror and be waiting patiently at rhe next stop.
mode this winter mercy flight in rhe face of fog and Seeking even more speed, Temple Bowen bought the
blizzards, arriving or rhe Maryland city in the middle of first two Orions to come off rhe production line or Bur¬
the night. bank early in 1931. Wirh their fully retractable landing
Had it nor been for tragedy, there is no telling how for gear, rhe new ships were the fastest transports in the sky.

Lockheed's first Orion is checked our before delivery ro Dowen Air heed Sirius, converted as a mail and cargo carrier, flew
Lines in spring of 1931. Prototype was initially called a "Sirius 6- briefly for Delta Air Lines when that line won rhe Deep
passenger cabin plane" and an "AltairModel D" (note fully retract¬
South mail contract that Bowen covered bur never
able landing gear).
The other Southwestern carrier with a Lockheed fleer
was Braniff Airways, Inc., of Oklahoma City. Taking up
Soon rhe Texas promoter was running eighteen doily
where SAFEway had left off, rhe new and struggling en¬
scheduled flights over his four routes, covering 4,500
terprise was launched by a forry-six-year-old Oklahoma
miles a day. Bowen's was rhe first 175-mph passenger
City insurance and real estate man, Thomas E. Braniff.
service in air history, and again Lockheeds were flying
With his younger brother, Paul, a World War I pilot, and
rhe fastest scheduled airline operation in the world.
two wealthy friends, Braniff went into business with
Bur rhe accelerated pace was nor enough. Unhappily,
Vegas in 1930. Soon he was expanding, and running his
though he offered to carry mail at half rhe rare per mile
B-Line clear from Wichita Falls, Texas, to Chicago via
his rivals received, Temple Bowen could nor match rhe
Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Kansas City, and Sr. Louis. On rhe
financial backing that kept American Airways in rhe air.
local scene Braniff's three-trip doily shuttle service be¬
The Bowen lines never did get a mail contract, and by
tween Oklahoma City and Tulsa was a popular feature.
1935 another "world's fastest airline'' was only a mem¬
Bowen made connections with Braniff and provided a
ory. During four years of flying Lockheeds, Bowen hod
good deal of through traffic.
suffered only one passenger accident: rhe original Orion
Like Temple Bowen's line, Braniff's had no mail con¬
was washed out at Tulsa with no fatalities. The remaining
tract, and was in stiff competition with American Airways.
ships were sold to various owners and other airlines in
It has been said that rhe company was held together by
rhe Southwest and Mexico. Temple Bowen's own Lock¬
rhe "courage, conviction and persuasiveness of Tom
Braniff.'' For six years he served as president and general
American had a fleer of six Orions. Contemporary planes in rhe
factotum with no salary. A loyal cadre of employees
background include (right ro left): Dellanca, Pilgrim, Stinson, Boeing stuck with rhe company during rhe doldrums of rhe
24 7, and Lockheed Vega. Depression. Sometimes they would go our and sell ad-
This merol Vega had already worked for Dowen, Stanavo, and alleged collusion among major carriers, refusing ro allow
Cenrral Airlines before coming ro Droniff in 1934. rhem ro bid again under rheir former names, and using
U.5. Army Air Corps planes ro fly rhe mail during rhe hiarus
before new conrracrs were ler. Among rhe successful
vonce airline rickers ro ger some rake-home pay.
new bidders was Droniff, awarded a new Chicago-Forr
Unlike Dowen, however, Tom Droniff boughr no new
Worth mail run. The "payless, canned-bean-dinner days"
airplanes. All bur one of his Lockheed Vega fleer were
of rhe D-Line were over. Ir pur on two more used merol
purchased second- or even sixrh-hand. Fully recondi-
Vegos and, wirh rhe purchase of on addirional roure
rioned in rhe Droniff shops, rhey funcrioned as ade-
from Dallas ro Flousron, Corpus Chrisri, and Drownsville,
quarely as Dowen's facrory-new ships; and cosr much less.
Droniff Airways could adverrise irself os exrending from
Droniff flew irs schedules wirh grim dererminarion, and
rhe Grear Lakes ro rhe Gulf.
was one of rhe very few nonmail-carrying "indepen¬ Though increased rraffic worranred purring on 10-
dent" ro survive rhe lean years. passenger, twin-engine Lockheed Elecrras in 1936, one
This persisrence paid off. Early in 1934 rhe Posr Office of rhe original lirrle fleer of Vegos was kepr on srandby
Deparrmenr canceled rhe airmail conrracrs because of for anorher four years. All rold, rhe D-Line had eleven of
rhem, plus o merol Vega on lease from Derroir Aircraft.
Mid-Conrinenr Airlines had much rhe same back¬
On hand ro speed D-Line's first mail flight, May 17, 1934, are broth¬
ground and a srory parallel ro rhor of Droniff. In 1928 ir
ers Tom Droniff (left) and Paul Droniff (righr). C. R. Smith (far right),
longtime head of American, takes delivery on an AA Orion from was rhe rhoughr of a young flyer in Sioux City, lowo, ro
Lockheed's Lloyd Stearmon. provide air service between his home rown and rhe Min-

neapolis-Sr. Paul region. Backed by his farher, a prosper¬ In the course of procuring and rebuilding his various
ous creamery executive, A. S. Hanford, Jr., commenced Vegas, the elder Hanford met Thomas Fortune Ryan III, a
operations on his aerial short line. young financier from San Francisco. Ryan was involved
After four years of modest operation, Hanford's Tri-State with the reorganized Lockheed company in California,
Airlines, Inc., still flew just the one round trip a day to and bur he was really more interested in airlines. In 1936 he
from the Twin Cities, using two secondhand Vegas. Ex¬ joined the renamed Hanford Airlines at their base in Kan¬
pansion came gradually and, like Braniff, the Hanford sas City and rook over operation of the Midwest network.
line was saved from oblivion by the acguisirion of nor Steady respectability attracted additional capital from
one, bur two, mail contracts after the cancellation trou¬ other investors. With Tom Ryan at the controls, Hanford's
bles of 1934. Soon Hanford's Lockheeds were wafting airway became Mid-Continent Airlines in 1938, and went
letters clear from Chicago to Winnipeg, and from Kansas on to become a major carrier before merging with Bran¬
City to Bismarck, North Dakota. Before long they ab¬ iff in 1954.
sorbed Rapid Air Transport, which had an Omaha-Sr. Weathering the Depression was no cinch for a strug¬
Louis route. gling air transport company. Many hardly got off the
The Hanfords, farher and son, did not let the new pros¬ ground. The year 1931 was a particularly bad one for
perity go to their heads. They cannily procured more the smothering of infant airlines. There was W. E. Weth-
Vegas and built up a small bur competent organization ee's Midland Air Express, for instance. With George Halsey
to keep them flying. Jack Seay, a longtime employee, as chief pilot, he set two Vegas to winging the long miles
recalled that he was hired simply because he had some from Kansas City to Cheyenne, Wyoming, and north to
experience with plywood and could parch holes or Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Empty sears at that rime made
cracks in "the pickle barrels," as the doughty Lockheeds the routes appear unprofitable. Chicago-Derroir Airways
were dubbed by the ground crews. flew two rebuilt Vegas on their short line a few months,
After the younger Hanford's death in a sport plane and gave up Then there was Continental Airways, con¬
accident, A. S. Hanford, Sr., continued in active operation necting Chicago and Washington with high-speed sched¬
of the airline, using a fleer of four Vegas and three Fords. ules and the services of top pilots like Harold Johnson
Two-way radios for mail and night operations were in¬ and Russ Mossman. Added to mounting deficits and
stalled in the planes, a difficult job to do in the close overexpansion, Continental had bad luck: both their
confines of the tapering, thin wooden rail of a Lockheed. a I most-brand-new Lockheed Orions were destroyed in a
At least one grunting and cussing mechanic discovered Chicago hangar fire.
that he had stuck his foot clear our through the side of Misfortune also struck the New York, Philadelphia &
the plane. Washington Airway Corporation, better known as the
Ludingron Lines. This efficient and tightly operated com¬
Ill-fared Continental Airways gets a boost when delivery flight of muter service between the big Eastern cities was run by
this Orion wins second in 1931 Dendix Race. Eugene Vidal and Paul F. "Dog" Collins, both A-1 air

transport men, while the purse strings were held by the

air-minded Ludingron brothers of Philadelphia. Seeking
to step up their schedule with a 68-minute nonstop
Washingron-Newark service, Ludingron put on a new
Orion, only to lose it in a disastrous crash after only o few
weeks' operation. For the remainder of their two years'
competition with the bigger, mail-carrying Eastern Air
Transport, the speedy runs on the Ludingron Lines were
handled by Consolidated Fleersrers, plus Amelia Earhart's
transatlantic Vega on lease.
Two sister ships of Ludington's Orions had gone to an¬
other Eastern line, Pittsburgh Airways. This company—
organized by Jim Condon, ex-U.S. Navy, and former barn¬
stormer Ted Taney—was a pioneer in flying passengers
across the forbidding hump of the Alleghenies.
Philbin's # 104 offers overnight hops from N.Y.C. ro L.A.
Condon and Taney had ambitious plans for their new
subsidiary, New York & Western Airlines, with a route
from New York to Pittsburgh via Camden and York. In Idaho, and Pasco, Washington, had been the first con¬
addition to the bright new Orions, they leased the first tract carrier ro get the U.S. mail into the air.
three metal Vegas to be assembled by Detroit Aircraft, By 1931 Varney was back in Oakland with a small line
with option to buy. Business languished despite this for¬ to Sacramento and an exclusive agency to sell Stinson
midable array of equipment, and NY&W ran for only five airplanes. He had sold his mail routes in the Pacific North¬
months. The Detroit organization, already in receivership, west ro United Air Lines—and was suddenly a million¬
was stuck with five somewhat-used airplanes. aire. A great one for entertainment and free spending,
Philip H. Philbin of Denver rook over the ex-Pittsburgh Walter Varney might have settled down to enjoy his
Orions the next summer for his recently formed Air Ex¬ money then and there. But the Cord-controlled Century
press Corporation. This was a new idea in transport—an Pacific Airlines set up their own ground units ro service
exclusive air freight line operating coast to coast. In ad¬ the Stinson Trimorors they'd begun flying in California.
dition to the pair of Orions, Philbin picked up Midland Air Motor tycoon Erretr Lobban Cord, of the Auburn Auto¬
Express's three Vegas, one a vereran that had begun mobile Company, also owned Stinson Aircraft, and Var¬
service with Maddux Airlines in 1928. Under the direction ney was angry at this interference in "his" territory.
of Vance Breese, Air Express's operations manager, all "We'll get the fastest commercial plane on the mar¬
five Lockheeds were rebuilt in Detroit. Windows were ker," he told Franklin Rose, his young and trusted assis¬
blocked our and the Vegas were fitted with an extra- tant, "and fly circles around their damn Stinsons!" And
streamlined special Speed Gear. they did.
The silver express fleer was put to work on the trans¬ The Varney Speed Lines were born when the vereran
continental airway, flying lobsters to Los Angeles and operator sat down and wrote out a check for six Orions.
fresh flowers back to New York. Famed transpacific flyer Frank Rose, as president and general manager, rook the
Clyde Pangborn was an Air Express pilot, along with Jess order and flew down to Burbank. To Lockheed's Carl
Hart, Russ Mossman, Harry Van Liew and "Chief" Bohan. Squier and his tiny staff, floundering with absentee man¬
They worked in relays with the Orions to lower the trans¬ agement from Detroit, the $100,000-plus check was
continental transport record three rimes until it stood at manna from heaven. (Later, in much the same way,
13 hours and 50 minutes. Varney was to help buy the whole nearly defunct Lock¬
Phil Philbin's freight line was a preview of things to heed Aircraft Corporation.)
come in the expanding air transport picture, bur a few Sparkling white with red trim, the Varney Orions were
years ahead of its rime. Without funds to continue oper¬ six of the most beautiful airplanes ever to launch a full-
ations during the bank holiday of 1933, the Air Express fledged airline practically overnight. The sleek ships were
Corporation went out of business. named for winds from all four points of the compass, plus
On the West Coast the name of Walter T. Varney was Winter and Coast The advertised schedule was Oakland
well known in the airmail business. Son of a San Francisco to Glendale in 1 hour and 58 minutes. Passengers were
advertising billboard executive, Varney stayed in aviation given a shiny new dime for each and every minute it
after World War I and operated a successful flying school took over that to reach their airport destinations. The
and charter service out of San Mateo, California. In 1926 flight time ro Sacramento was 22 minutes, with the same
his pioneer 460-mile route from Elko, Nevada, to Boise, offer. Some of the pilots were Monte Sharpe, Joe Taff,
(Continued on page 128)


Base of Years Operating

Name Operations Early Lockheeds Types

Air Express Corporation New York, N.Y. 1932-03 3 Vegas, 2 Orions

Alaska Air Express, Inc. Seattle, Wash. 1933-36 1 Vega
Alaska Airlines, Inc. Anchorage, Alaska 1944-46 1 Vega, 1 Orion
Alaska Air Transport Juneau, Alaska 1936-42 2 Vegas
Alaska Coastal Airlines Juneau, Alaska 1942-58 2 Vegas
Alaska Southern Airways Seattle, Wash. 1933-34 2 Vegas
Alaska Star Airlines Fairbanks, Alaska 1942-46 1 Vega, 1 Orion
Alaska-Washingron Aiways, Inc. Seattle, Wash. 1929-32 7 Vegas
American Aiways, Inc. New York, N.Y. 1930-35 4 Vegas, 6 Orions, 1 Air Express
Arrowhead International Airlines Duluth, Minn. 1929-30 3 Vegas
Bowen Air Lines, Inc. Fort Worth, Texas 1930-35 6 Vegas, 2 Orions, 1 Sirius
Bran iff Aiways, Inc. Oklahoma City, Okla. 1930-39 11 Vegas
Canadian-American Airlines, Inc. Sr. Paul, Minn. 1929-30 2 Vegas
Capitol Airlines, Inc. San Bruno, Calif. 1933-34 2 Vegas
Central Airlines, Inc. Pittsburgh, Pa. 1934 4 Vegas
Chicago-Detroit Aiways Chicago, III. 1931 2 Vegas
Continental Air Express Los Angeles, Calif. 1928-30 1 Vega
Continental Air Lines, Inc. Denver, Colo. 1937-41 1 Vega
Continental Aiways, Inc. Chicago, III. 1931-32 2 Orions
Cromwell Air Lines San Angelo, Texas 1929-32 2 Vegas
Hanford Airlines, Inc. Sioux City, Iowa 1932-38 6 Vegas
Inland Air Lines, Inc. Casper, Wyo. 1938-41 2 Orions
International Aiways, Inc. Minor, N. Dak. 1928-31 1 Vega
Irving Aiways Juneau, Alaska 1936 1 Vega
Maddux Air Lines, Inc. Los Angeles, Calif. 1928-30 2 Vegas
Mid-Continent Airlines, Inc. Kansas City, Mo. 1938-42 2 Vegas
Midland Air Express, Inc. Kansas City, Mo. 1931-32 2 Vegas
Middle Stares Airlines Akron, Ohio 1929-31 2 Vegas
Nevada Airlines, Inc. Los Angeles, Calif. 1929-30 4 Vegas
New York, Philadelphia & Washington Washington, D.C. 1931 1 Orion
Aiway Corp.
New York & Western Airlines, Inc. Pittsburgh, Pa. 1931 3 Vegas, 2 Orions


Evolved to/Acquired by
Present Company Remarks

Express only

Alaska Airlines, Inc.

Alaska Coastal—Ellis Airlines Merged 1939 ro become Alaska Coasral Airlines
Alaska Coastal—Ellis Airlines

Alaska Airlines, Inc

Also briefly operated Inrer Citair Airlines, Wenatchee, Wash. (1930)
American Airlines, Inc Used various ones over different periods
Combined 12/29 with Canadian-American Airlines

Braniff International Airways, Inc. Plus 1 Vega leased only (1931)

Capitol Speed Lines, Inc, (1934)

United Air Lines, Inc.

Continental Air Lines, Inc.

Braniff International Aiways, Inc. Also called Hanford's Tri-State Airlines, Inc.; n/c ro Mid-Continent Airlines (1938)
Western Air Lines, Inc.

Trans World Airlines (TWA)

Braniff International Aiways, Inc.

Plus 1 Vega leased only (1931); also called Ludingron Lines

Also called Pittsburgh Aiways, Inc.



Dose of Years Operating

Name Operations Early Lockheeds Types

Northern Airlines, Inc. (N.D.) Minor, N. Dak. 1928 1 Vega

Northern Consolidated Airlines Anchorage, Alaska 1948-52 1 Vega
Northwest Airways, Inc. Sr. Paul, Minn. 1930-05 3 Orions
Pacific Alaska Airways Fairbanks, Alaska 1934-06 1 Vega
Rapid Air Lines Corporation Omaha, Nebr. 1900-04 1 Vega
Santa Maria Airlines, Inc. Santa Maria, Calif. 1928-29 1 Vega
Shelron-Jefferson Airways, Inc. Sr. Louis, Mo. 1930-01 1 Vega
Southwest Air Fast Express Tulsa, Okla. 1929-00 4 Vegas
Texas Air Transport, Inc. Fos Wosh, Texas 1929-02 1 Air Express
Transcontinental & Western Air, Inc. New York, N Y. 1901-37 4 Vegas, 3 Orions
Universal Air Lines Chicago, III. 1928-31 2 Vegas
Varney Air Service, Ltd. Alameda, Calif. 1931-34 1 Vega, 6 Orions
Varney Speed Lines, Inc. (Southwest Division) El Paso, Texas 1934-07 5 Vegas

Washington-New York Air Line, Inc. Washington, D.C. 1929-00 2 Vegas

Wedell-Williams Air Service, Inc. Patterson, La. 1900-06 5 Vegas, 1 Sirius

Western Air Express Los Angeles, Calif. 1928 1 Air Express
Wyoming Air Service, Inc. Casper, Wyo. 1905-08 0 Orions


Aerovlas Centrales, S.A. Mexico, D.F. 1934-06 0 Orions

Cla. Mexicana de Aviacion Mexico, D.F. 1906 2 Orions
Commercial Airways, Ltd. Edmonton, Alta., Canada 1929-44 1 Vega
Corp. Aeronautica de Transposes, S.A. Torreon, Coah., Mexico 1929-03 10 Vegas
Llneas Aereas Mineras, S.A. Mazarlan, Sin., Mexico 1907-44 11 Vegas, 1 Orion

Llneas Aereas Occidentals, S.A. Burbank, Calif. 1904-05 2 Vegas, 4 Orions

New York, Rio & Buenos Aires Line New York, N.Y. 1900 2 Air Express
Pan American Airways, Inc. New York, N.Y. 1930-02 2 Air Express
1905-06 2 Orions
Pan American-Grace Airways, Inc. New York, N.Y. 1900-35 2 Vegas
Swiss Air Transport Co., Ltd. Zurich, Switzerland 1902-05 2 Orions
Transposes Aereos de Chiapas, S.A. Tuxtla, Chiapas, Mexico 1935-42 5 Vegas


Evolved to/Acquired by
Present Company Remarks

Norrhern Consolidared Airlines, Inc.

Norrhwesr (Orienr) Airlines, Inc
Subsidiary of Pan American Airways
Draniff Inrernarional Airways, Inc. Also called Rapid Air Transport; absorbed by Hanford Airlines (1904)

American Airlines, Inc. Also called S.A.F.E. or SAFEway Airlines 1

American Airlines, Inc. Became Southern Air Transport (SAT), then American Airways
Trans World Airlines (TWA) Also leased 1 Alrair (1931) and 1 Vega (1934-35)
American Airlines, Inc.
N/c to Varney Speed Lines, Inc. (1933)
Continental Air Lines, Inc. N/c to Varney Air Transport (1935), to VAT, Inc. (1936), to Continental Air Lines, Inc.
Plus other Vegas leased; also called United Stares Air Transport, Inc,, Washington
Flying Service

Western Air Lines, Inc.

Western Air Lines, Inc. N/c to Inland Air Lines, Inc. (1938)


Pan American World Airways, Inc. Subsidiary of Pan American Airways

Pan American World Airways, Inc. Subsidiary of Pan American Airways
Later Canadian Airways, Ltd. (1931)
Called C.A.T.
Called LAMSA; then Lineas Aereas Mexicanas, SA. (1944-49) and operated by
United Air Lines, still LAMSA
Called L.A.O., Mexican operation by Varney Air Service
Pan American World Airways, Inc. Operated in Argentina; called NYRBA; bought our by Pan American Airways (1930)
Pan American World Airways, Inc. Air Express used in Argentina,- Orions used in Mexico

Pan American-Grace Airways, Inc. Chilean operation,- called Panagra

Swissair Central European operation
N/c to Cfa. Aeronautica Francisco Sarabia, SA. (1939)

Doug Fairbanks, Mary Pickford, and rhe Maurice Chevaliers add

glirrer ro Varney's heyday. Nore rhe boarding ramp behind them,
which rhe line was one of rhe firsr ro offer as a luxury rouch for air

Orion's performance and Frank Rose's experr handling add up ro

a sale ro King Carol of Romania.

(Conrinued from page 123)

Avery Black, Vic Hoganson, Jack Evans, and Freddie Ham¬

Varney had grown up ro appreciate rhe value of ad¬
vertising and publicity. His public relations department
was Warren Burke, who had served in Hollywood and
knew how to work most of the angles. Movie stars like
Arlene Francis, Maurice Chevalier, Jane Wyatt, and Con¬
stance Cummings were induced ro ride in Speed Line
ships and were well photographed doing so,- nameless
starlets had hair-pulling battles for rhe chance to climb
rhe wing of an Orion and pose prettily. Burke's pictures
often splashed rhe Varney name in newspapers from
Lubec to Los Angeles.
This was an airline whose like had never been seen
before, a bright spot in a depression-stricken industry.
Cord's Century Pacific operation withdrew from rhe field
in a rout. Flushed with success, Varney bought out Capitol
Airlines, his only competition on rhe run to Sacramento.
Next came acquisition of the Air Ferries, which linked rhe
cities of rhe Bay area. At 5 p.m. a tired businessman could
be whisked by amphibian from San Francisco's down¬
town Ferry building across rhe Bay ro Oakland and be in
Los Angeles in ample time for a dinner engagement.
And a spotless Graham-Paige sedan would deliver him
to the door at either end of his trip.
The glamor of Varney's Speed Lines couldn't last. In
March 1933 the East Wind, groping for the Oakland field
One of Central Airlines' hastily acquired fleer of used Vegas, and not afford to overlook this speedy low-wing transport that
(righr) Varney Air Transport Vega. Continental Air Lines used one was being turned out in Burbank. They had been leary
on standby until 1941.
of the ship's retractable landing gear, which originally
was a mechanical wind-up affair. But then Lockheed
in rain and sudden overcast, smashed blindly inro two engineers got the bugs our of it and it became a simple
houses and killed fourteen people. The public's reaction matter of "about 18" shots of the hydraulic pump, with
to the disaster did much to nullify flamboyant news- signals to indicate whether full up or full down. By '33
spreads of happy Varney air travelers. the big airlines were willing to trust the Orion and the
Varney always had a deal in the offing, and made a new managers of Lockheed who were building it.
contact with King Carol to promote o possible Romanian First to buy was Transcontinental & Western Air. With
national airline. Frank Rose, in Europe with the West people like Colonel Lindbergh, Jack Frye, and Larry Fritz
Wind to prepare for the 1934 MacRobertson Race to in the management, TWA knew the planes and had
Australia, was shuttled off to Bucharest to demonstrate already acquired considerable experience with Vegas.
the Orion and its capabilities to the king. After some Four of these, bearing the big Indian-head-and-arrow
struggles with protocol the California pilot rook His Maj¬ trademark, or just plain TWA, were already employed on
esty for a lengthy hop, and sold the Lockheed on the various schedules, supplementing the airline's bigger
spot. Unfortunately the airline never materialized, and Fords and Fokkers. They had bought a used wooden
soon afterward a Romanian army pilot clobbered the Vega and, after a trial lease, finally purchased the first
ship on a mountain north of Bucharest. three Detroit-Lockheed metal jobs, which had already
A better proposition was Varney Speed Lines' South¬ seen service with New York & Western. Also leased for
west Division. This was established in El Paso, Texas, when a short period was the one and only Altair DL-2A, a
the line finally picked up one of the canceled airmail fast open-cockpit moil and cargo carrier. This experi¬
contracts in 1934. Under Lewis H. Mueller and Avery mental job was belly-landed in TWA service at Colum¬
Black, the Southwest Division operated one round-trip a bus, Ohio, in October 1931. Returned to the factory,
day from El Paso to Albuquerque and Pueblo, Colorado. it was converted to an Orion as Jimmy Doolittle's
They flew three very much used Vegas, and carried only famous Shellighming, and is still in existence today.
nine passengers in the first fifteen days of operation. The order for the faster Orions pur TWA in a better
Luckily the mail subsidy of 17 cents a plane-mile kept competitive position for the expanding, faster mail sched¬
the sturdy old pots percolating, and before long rwo ules on its central transcontinental routes. Three of them,
more Vegas were added. based at Pittsburgh and Kansas City, flew mail in relays
It is ironical that of all the Varney enterprises, its little from Newark to Los Angeles, along with Northrop Alphas
Southwest Division was the only one to survive and grow and parasol-wing Consolidated Fleetster 20As.
of itself. Named successively Varney Air Transport and TV/A pilots who checked out in wooden Lockheeds,
VAT, Inc., its Vegas were gradually replaced by larger metal Norrhrops, and the wood-and-meral Fleetsters
twin-engine equipment. Though the famous name of thought the Orion the most stable and the easiest to fly.
Varney has vanished from the air transport rosters, that They voiced doubts, however, about the Orion's retract¬
little fleer of Lockheeds became the nucleus of equip¬ able landing gear, which the two competitors did nor
ment for today's Continental Air Lines. have. With a cruising speed of 205 mph, though, the
Bowen, Varney, and a foreign airline were flying the Lockheeds were by far the fastest.
Orions with success. The growing major networks could Motor trouble seemed to curse TWA's Orions. After only
Vv'ilt/ Post, Piio

v ^ xrA &
fa fr()


Transconrinenral & Western Air still used wooden Vegas, jazzing up

their first ship with a speed ring half-cowl (rop) and hiring Wiley
Owl hfyu/

years of service wirh dozens of pilots on rhe rransconri-

nenrai mail routes.
Post to carry mail like this on Winnie Mae's great stratosphere ex¬
During rhis period, Wiley Post was flying his famous
periments in 1935.
Winnie Mae for TWA during rhe course of his experiments
wirh rravel in rhe stratosphere. When he decided ro retire
rhe fairhful Vega and obtain a newer plane, he bought
two months' service, rhe firsr one dropped inro rhe Mis¬ Transconrinenral 6 Western Air's third Orion. Fitted wirh
souri River when o gas line clogged on takeoff from rhe wing of Pure Oil's old Explorer named Blue Flash, ir
Kansas Ciry; pilot E. J. Noe was killed. The second suffered was rhe ship he flew ro Alaska wirh Will Rogers.
engine stoppage wirhin sighr of rhe Albuquerque Airport. American Airways had rheir order for Lockheed Orions
Pilor H. H. Holloway slid rhe ship ro a srop on rhe desert on rhe books soon afrer TWA's. They had six builr and
with wheels retracted. Thar Orion was repaired and pur delivered by September 1930. Painred AA's color scheme
back ro flying. Ir finished our a rough rhree and a half of blue wirh orange trim, they were an arrracrive fleer.

This Orion ended as a Spanish warplane, bur here, in AA trim, ir's a of St. Paul got in line with an order for three of rhem for
cargo carrier wirh windows blocked our. its new Northern route. The Orions proved ideal for NWA's
high-speed service between rhe Twin Cities and Seattle.
Lockheed incorporated rhe latest special features in
these Orions, rhe last to be purchased originally for airline
American pur rhem ro various uses as eirher mail-and- work. Powered with 550-hp Pratt & Whitney Wasp en¬
cargo carriers, 5- and 6-passengers jobs, ora combination gines, they could climb at a rare of 1,450 feet per min¬
of borh. They flew rhe long mail routes such as Arlanta- ute. In addition, Northwest's ships had rhe first wing flaps
Los Angeles, Newark—Fort Worth, and Cleveland-Nash- to be installed on a Lockheed airplane. Wirh rhem, land¬
ville. ing speed was cut to between 55 and 60 mph, enabling
After only two months' service, one American Airways a payload increase of some two hundred pounds.
Orion came to grief near El Paso. Pilot J. G. Ingram was The Northwest Orions were painted white, wirh a
only 800 feet up after takeoff when he felt a sudden jar black wing and broad black arrow trim and rhe NWA
and discovered rhe plane was on fire. Standing erect in insignia in red and gold. Passengers who luxuriated in
rhe smoke-filled cockpit, he managed to tug our and toss the folding leather-covered sears found rhe planes quiet
off several mailbags before his clothes began ro burn and smooth to ride in, the wood and thick upholstery
and he rook ro his 'chute. He suffered injuries as a result acting as insulation against motor noise and vibration.
of such a low-altitude jump, bur felt worst about rhe dog The Orions flew from St. Paul on west wirh full loads.
he had ro leave behind, howling in rhe cargo bay of rhe In rhe summer of 1934, NWA pilot R. L. Smith, flying
doomed airplane. an empty Orion from St. Paul to Chicago, set a new
The Orions were kept busy for a year, and then it transport record of 2 hours and 40 minutes between rhe
seemed that rhe State of Tennessee was a jinx for Amer¬ two cities. Once, when a pigeon was sucked into an air
ican to fly mail over. Within seven weeks in rhe winter of scoop, the resulting dead-stick landing wirh flaps was
1934-35, rhe line lost three of its Lockheeds. One carried our safely. Northwest had good performance and
cracked up in Memphis. A second, 150 miles off course no trouble from their Orions, and went on to purchase a
in the fog-shrouded Cumberlands, smashed into rhe top new fleer of twin-engine Electros from the revitalized
of Dig Pilot Mountain near Sunbrighr, Tennessee, killing Lockheed company.
pilot Russell Riggs. Pilot John W. Johannpeter jumped One NWA Orion went to a charter line in Texas, and
safely from a third Orion and rhe ship came plummeting rhe other two, wirh an ex-American Airways job, were
down in a farmer's yard near Shiloh Battlefield. acquired by Dick and Joe Leferink's Wyoming Air Service,
The remaining fwa American Airways Orions were Inc., of Casper, Wyoming. Starting as a short line, Wyo¬
sold when Civil Aeronautics Authority edicts successively ming flew south ro Denver and Pueblo, and north ro
discouraged further use. of single-engine passenger Billings, Montana.
equipment on major networks. One saw another de¬ In 1937 it picked up another mail-flying contract ro
cade of service in rhe Rocky Mountains and Alaska,- the serve the Black Hills region and east to Huron, South
other found oblivion in the Spanish Civil War. Dakota. Under Wyoming, the colors of rhe NWA Orions
Before rhe CAA rulings, a procession of Orions came were reversed, and became glossy black wirh a starburst
out of Burbank ro fly for major carriers. Northwest Airways on rhe cowls. Among other WAS pilots were Jerry
Wing flaps, Wasp 51D1 power planrs mean bigger payloads for rhe when his parachure failed ro open.
Orions on NWA's run ro Searrle in 1933-35. Cenrral had ro srarr business in a hurry ro ger rhe mail
going afrer rhe period ir had been flown by rhe Army
planes. From humble beginnings wirh small remodeled
Brooder, Ken Turner, and Bob Garrerr. The company be¬ single-engine Lockheeds, rhe line evenrually became
came Inland Air Lines in 1908, and rwo of rhe fasr black Capiral Airlines, a rop comperiror for Midwesr and Easrern
Lockheeds wirh rheir dependable Wasp engines flew rhe Traffic unril irs merger wirh Unired in 1961.
lonely plains roures unril rhe early 1940s. As rhe Unired Srares srruggled Through rhe Depression
The cancellarion of airmail conrracrs in 1934 brought in rhe mid-1930s, rhe major airlines began ro acquire
many changes in rhe lines crossharching rhe U. 5. air bigger, rwin-morored rransporrs. Their expanding loads
map. In addirion ro rhe emergence of Braniff, Hanford, and passenger Traffic warranred rhe new Douglas DC-2s
and Varney's Sourhwesr Division inro rhe lerrer-roring pic- and DC-3s, Boeing 247Ds, and Lockheed 10 Elecrras. The
rure, rhere was Cenrral Airlines of Pirrsburgh, Pennsylva¬ older, smaller planes rhar had kepr rhe schedules on rhe
nia. network were relegared srricrly for mail and express haul¬
Cenrral was really rhe reincarnarion of rhe old bank- ing, or for srandby use. Gradually rhey were pulled off
rupr Pirrsburgh Airways. Jim Condon and Theodore Taney rhe runs and sold ro smaller operarors, or ro companies
were running rhings again, backed by John and Richard ourside rhe rhen forry-eighr srares. Many wenr ro Alaska,
Coulrer, sons of a Greensburg, Pennsylvania, coal mag- a vasr rerrirory where flying was rhe sensible—ofren rhe
nare. Wirh rhe covered mail conrracr secure, Condon only—way ro ger back and forrh. Alaskan bush pilors
hired our-of-work pilors from some of rhe purged bigger liked a well-proved, dependable airplane wirh plenty of
airlines and ser abour building up a fleer ro fly rhe roure wingspread and a slow landing speed. Most of rheir
from Washingron ro Derroir. As a sropgap measure rhe "fields" were scarcely rhar: jusr sandbars, or srrips of
line boughr four secondhand Lockheed Vegas. gravel nesrled between mounrains. The flyers really pre¬
Cenrral's Vegas came from some odd sources and ferred biplanes, or rhe wide-winged, pokey Fairchilds, Pil¬
needed considerable remodeling ro become mail and grims, and Bellancas. Bur rhey did ger a few Lockheeds,
passenger carriers. One was Margery Duranr's old Ariel, and pur rhem ro good use.
vereran of many miles of domesric and foreign vaga¬ Afrer Alaska-Washingron Airways' valianr bur shorr-
bonding. Anorher was Sranavo's meral Vega, which lived efforr ro pur service ro rhe Terrirory on a permanenr
"never did quire fly srraighr." From Derroir came rwo: rhe basis in 1929-32, a number of small bush-flying services
Miss McAleer of rhe polish company, and rhe News's for¬ and one-man airlines sprang up. Nick Bez of Searrle rook
mer phoro- and news-garhering ship. over a couple of Alaska-Washingron's Vega seaplanes
Operarions manager Ted Taney was an early martyr and some of rheir roures, ro srarr Alaska Sourhern Air¬
ro rhe growrh of Cenrral Airlines. In Seprember 1934 a ways. His line was succeeded by Pacific Alaska Airways,
Vega was charrered ro carry a load of rear-gas canisrers a srepchild subsidiary of big Pan American.
ro Providence, Rhode Island, for help in quelling riors Pan Am wanred rhe Alaskan operation as a prelimi¬
sremming from New England rexrile srrikes. Taney per¬ nary ro a direcr Transpacific roure. They procured rhe ser¬
sonally flew rhe assignmenr. Meering dirty wearher over vices of one of rhe region's besr bush pilors—rugged,
rhe Alleghenies, he was forced ro jump, and losr his life dark-haired Joe Crosson—who had flown in borh rhe
Despire four major crock-ups, Mirow Vega flew in Alaska for nine icepacks for as.much as seven hours ar a stretch during
years. rhis mission; and if rhe rhrorrled-down Wasp had ever
taken a notion ro quit, rhere would have been absolutely
no possible landing place. Nome was grareful when rhe
Arcric ond Antarctic. Wirh a hodgepodge fleer of casroff Columbia arrived safely, bur rhe modesr Jefford dismissed
aircraft, Crosson did rhe besr he could os division man¬ rhe fear as just another job.
ager, bur was glad ro standardize eventually on Lock¬ Mirow's Vega went eventually ro rhe larger Alaska Air¬
heed's new twin-engine Electros. Pacific Alaska's lines organization and flew until 1944. Her last accident
remaining old float-rigged Vega went to Texas and then made impossible any furrher rebuilding down in Searrle.
ro further service in Panama, far from rhe Land of rhe Gordon MacKenzie, a Vega pilot since Alaska-Washing-
Midnight Sun, where she had always flown. ron Airways days, broughr her down beside rhe South
Another hard-birren Lockheed rhar flew over Alaskan Fork of rhe Kuskokwim River afrer motor trouble and fire
terrain for a decade was a Vega broughr norrh in 1935. at 1,800 feet. Skillfully sideslipping onto a willow-covered
This was a former Shell Oil ship rhar had been "practically sandbar only 300 feer long, MacKenzie threw rhe burn¬
washed our." Rebuilt, the plane was purchased by Hans ing plane broadside againsr rhe saplings. The four pas¬
Mirow, an ex-oiler from a German freighter who had sengers and pilor scrambled our unscarhed.
learned ro fly, and picked Nome, Alaska, as a good place Srill another Vega flew in Alaska for nearly a quarrer
ro make a living ar ir. of a cenrury. Formerly parr of Phil Philbin's old transconti¬
Only because ir was cheaper ro have ir repaired than nental express fleer, she was firred wirh floors instead of
ro replace ir, the Mirow Air Service Vega survived nearly rhe Hi-Speed landing gear, and set ro work in 1933 by
ren years of rugged Alaskan bush-flying and airline ser¬ Alaska Air Express. Flying our of Searrle up rhe channels
vice, mounted alternately on wheels and skis. The month and bays of rhe Inside Passage to Juneau and Anchor¬
of April seemed ro be a poor one for rhis airplane. Every age, the silver Lockheed was larer painred white and
orher April, from 1936 ro 1940, rhe Mirow Vega was named Nugger.
badly cracked up, and just as regularly senr "ourside" ro In 1936 rhe Vega went into regular freighr-and-passen-
be rebuilt. The boys in rhe woodshop ar Northwest Air ger service wirh Alaska Air Transport of Juneau. Sheldon
Service in Searrle got ro know intimately each gore and Simmons, founder, president, and manager of rhe com¬
diaphragm of rhe Lockheed's body. pany, was her principal pilor, and rhe ship went wirh him
One of Mirow's pilots was Jack Jefford, comparatively when he became co-manager of rhe new Alaska
new ro rhe Territory, bur a pioneer in precision and instru¬ Coastal Airlines three years later.
ment flying in rhe Arcric. Jefford flew rhe Vega in 1939 Now painred blue-black wirh bright yellow rrim, Shel
to guide rhe icelocked steamer Columbia ro a clear Simmons's Vega was a familiar sight on Alaska Coasral
channel and bring in rhe-miners and summer supplies roures in rhe southeastern arm of rhe Territory. By June
for Nome's short trading season. This was accomplished 1954 she had flown approximately 1,200,000 miles.
by circling rhe vessel as she slowly nudged her way Wearing our rhe original Prarr G Whitney Wasp C Engine,
among icebergs, guiding her wirh directions sent by a rhis work-horse Lockheed went on wirh a new Wasp Jr.
homemade broadcasting set Because rhe Lockheed In 1952 her strong broad wing held up rhe collapsed roof
was on wheels, Jefford kept her our over rhe jagged of a Sirka hangar, and rhe sranch ship was larer ferried


Why rhe eorly airlines wanted Lockheeds: Nugger srill sleekly effi¬ The end for rhis vereran of rhe skyways came on Jan¬
cient after twenty-five years of rugged service. When rhe Vega uary 15, 1958. Flying 'Trip 40"—a sourhern circuir our of
crashed in 1958, it was then rhe oldest—and last—of rhe single¬
Juneau—rhe Vega was rorally desrroyed in a crash on
engine series to work as a scheduled carrier.
rhe shore of Kadashan Bay across from Tenakee, Alaska.
In rhe course of a forced landing, Caprain Fred B. Sheldon
by air ro Juneau for minor repairs. By rhe end of 1957 was killed and rwo passengers seriously injured. Invesri-
she had logged some 10,496 hours: rhe oldesr, rhe lasr, garion showed rhe probable cause of rhe accidenr ro
and rhe only Lockheed of rhe single-engine series srill have been wholly avoidable: The airplane had simply
flying for a regularly scheduled air carrier. run our of gas.

oreign air service operators kept on eye on all Wop and Vic bought a Lockheed Vega in February
developmenrs in rhe Unired Stores as aviarion 1929, and proudly ferried it from Burbank to Edmonton.
boomed afrer 1927—and none more sharply It was a far cry from the little open-cockpit Avians and
rhan rhe Canadians. Moths they'd been using, for it could carry four passengers
The Dominion, with its vasr distances, was wait¬ or a good payload behind rhe Wright J5 engine. Swoop¬
ing to be knit together with air routes. One bush pilot in ing in low over Blatchford Field, Wop treated rhe watch¬
particular realized that flying over the Canadian plains ers to a demonstration of power and speed. "It's like a
and Northwest Territories called for no ordinary aircraft, giant orange cigar!" exclaimed one spectator.
but required fast and powerful ships that could get men The orange cigar had work to do. On May 21, Wop
and goods to far-distant places in a hurry. He was Captain flew her on the first official airmail flight from Edmonton
Wilfred R. "Wop" May of Edmonton, Alberta. to Grande Prairie near the western border of rhe prov-
May was already famous for his service in World War I
with rhe RAF and for trail-blazing flights over parts of rhe
This heavy-duty ski insrallarion got Canada's first Vega on and off
Canadian wilderness that no other pilot had ever dared airstrips across rhe prairie provinces and up ro the Dominion's Arctic
attempt. Dy 1928 he had organized Commercial Air¬ shores for 15 years. Plane had CF-AAL registration until it went ro
ways, Ltd., with Victor Horner as a partner. Nicaragua.


Schtee-Drock ship drones north over Minnesota in 1929. Vega later eighteen months, and ir was only rhe financial failure of
flew for Hanford, ended in Mexico in 1943. rheir backers rhar pur rhe company on rhe auction block,
ro be boughr and eventually absorbed by rhe larger Ca¬
nadian Airways system.
ince. Commercial Airways had rhe conrracr ro do ir every During irs long Canadian service, Wop May's Vega
Tuesday. Nexr came a governmenr subsidy for carrying achieved many "firsts." As a feature of an air meet, May
mail clear ro rhe shore of rhe Arcric Ocean. From Edmon- made an early morning srarr and flew rwo passengers
ron ro Aklavik in rhe Norrhwesr Terrirories is 1,800 miles. 800 miles easr, recording rhem as rhe firsr men ever ro
The roure had hardly ever been flown in rhe shorr mid¬ ear breakfast in Edmonron and lunch in Winnipeg.
summer season, yer Commercial was ro inaugurare ser¬ One novel charter service involved special delivery of
vice ro rhe Arcric in December. ice cream. Frozen and packed by an Edmonron dairy,
Afrer long prepararion and careful planning, Wop May rhe perishable sweer stuff was whisked norrh in rhe Lock¬
and his pilors—Cy Decker, Idris Glyn-Roberrs, and Moss heed ro marker in subarcric towns, where ir sold well ro
Durbidge—were ready. They used rhree new red Bellan- serrlers, miners, Indians, and Eskimos during rhe shorr bur
cas and rhe orange Lockheed on skis. From Forr Mc- warm summers. And when Commercial Airways was al¬
Murray, Alberta, ro Aklavik rhey worked in relays ro haul lowed ro issue rheir own special semi-posral sramps for
five rons of Chrismnas and philatelic mail, wirh rhirreen use on rhe mail runs, ir was rhe Lockheed Vega, firsr of
stops on rhe frozen bays and lakes along rhe Mackenzie rhe cabin-ship fleer, rhar was porrrayed.
River route. Perhaps due ro rhe low horsepower of irs Wrighr power
Stoked down on some windswept inler, rhe engines of planr, Commercial's Lockheed did nor prove very satisfac¬
rhe planes were shrouded wirh heavy tarpaulins. Oil tory on floats—bur ir flew thousands of miles on wheels
would be quickly drained and rhe skis jacked up ro pre¬ and skis. Canadian Airways larer transferred ir ro rhe Man¬
vent rheir freezing ro rhe ice. The parka-clad flyers of rhe itoba area, operating ir our of Winnipeg ro cover routes
roure ofren slepr wiirh perishable medicines and regis¬ ro rhe Flin Flon mines and Sioux Lookout. Afrer an un¬
tered packers snug, bur lumpy, in rheir bedrolls. In rhe usual record of fifteen years in airline service, rhe ship
morning came rhe chore of boiling up motor oil over a was sold in 1944 for still more bush-flying in Central and
balky wood srove, and hearing rhe cylinders of a Whirl¬ South America wirh famed barnstormer Jimmy Angel.
wind in far-below-zero remperarures. This would have ro Two orher airlines wirh Canadian connections oper¬
be accomplished under a rarp wirh a blowtorch in one ated briefly during rhis period. Doth were a parr of rhe
mirrened hand and a fire extinguisher ready in rhe orher. expanding Lockheed distributorship of rhe Schlee-Brock
Operating whar was then rhe most northerly and long¬ Aircrafr Corporation of Derroir, Michigan. Derroir-ro-Tokyo
est scheduled airmail roure in rhe world rook gurs, good flyers Ed Schlee and Billy Brock were interested in more
planes, and money. Wop May and his Commercial Air¬ fhan jusr selling and sevicing rhe stream of new Lock-
ways ourfir had all rhree. They ran rheir Arcric airline for heeds pouring our of Burbank. They figured rhar rhe

planes could be pur ro good use hauling passengers in flying time to 1V2 hours, but with increased business
places rhar lacked air transport. Funkhouser needed airplanes that could carry more pas¬
Their firsr subsidiary was Arrowhead Inrernarional Air¬ sengers.
lines, flying from Dulurh, Minnesota, ro Port Arthur, On¬ Panagra's green-and-silver Vegas were put on the
tario. With a float-equipped Vega, Billy Brock flew the Chilean sector of the 1,900-mile route between Lima,
first trip of this over-water route on September 11, 1929. Peru, and Santiago. With the addition of the Lockheeds,
Almost simultaneously Schlee-Brock acquired Canadian- Pan American-Grace's Foreign Air Moil Route No. 9 be¬
American Airlines, Inc. This outfit flew from Sr. Paul-Min- come both the world's longest and fastest airmail route.
neapolis up ro Winnipeg, Manitoba, with way stops or The Chilean government reserved passenger service to
Saint Cloud, Alexandria, Fergus Foils, Forgo, and Grand its own National Air Line, so Panagra planes and pilots
Forks. It was a 4-hour trip, compared to 15 hours by train. flew the long, lonely stretches with no load except mail
Within o few months both lines were combined under —up and down the barren coast of Chile once a week,
the name of Canadian-American, and five new Lock- with five full days of flying.
heeds were pur on ro fly the routes. Special oildroulic skis One of Panagra's pilots was Robert C. Reeve, later
were mounted on the Vegos for the winter trips. With famed for flying over Alaska's bush and glaciers, and still
the exception of Alaskan runs, this was probably the firsr later head of Reeve Aleutian Airways. Based at Arica,
use of skis on a regularly scheduled American passenger Chile, Bob Reeve flew the Santiago run without a radio
airline. ond precious little in the way of instruments. In a Vega
Jolly, rotund Billy Brock, os president and operations or the slower Fairchild 71, he'd cruise along, munching
manager of Canadian-American, proudly proclaimed bananas and perusing magazines and newspapers from
that the thousands of miles of level terrain mode C-A the Stores. When the weather closed in, he'd fly thirty or
"the safest airline in the world." Said Billy, "There's an forty miles out over the Pacific, where there was always
emergency landing field on each side of every fence!" ot least o 100-foor ceiling and no jutting mountains.
Canadian-American Vegos buzzed over fences and Reeve blew a rire and wrecked a Vega at Santiago in
the frozen coastline of Lake Superior for a few months January 1931. Panagra's loss wos ultimately Alaska's
and then were quietly flown away for sale to new own¬ gain: He rook this excuse to resign and head for the For
ers. Capital to maintain Schlee-Brock's multiple opera¬ North. The other shiny-cowled Lockheed at Santiago was
tions hod simply vanished. kept in standby service until 1935, a tiny predecessor of
Though specially designed for fast mail-hauling, the Panagra's fleet.
Lockheed Air Express was late in coming on the marker. European development of commercial aircraft wos
Therefore, in addition to the prototype flown by Western snail-slow compared with progress being mode on this
Air Express and Texas Air Transport's job, only two others side of the Atlantic, so it was natural for transport lines to
of this model sow airline use. These were bought in Jan¬ heed the streamlined, well-designed planes turned our
uary 1930 by on outfit with both a long name and a by American builders.
long route: New York, Rio & Buenos Aires Line. In 1931 two competing companies in Switzerland
NYRBA had the mail contracts to fly from Miami oil combined to form a notional airline, Swissair. Interested
down the east coast of the South American continent. It in obtaining new high-speed equipment for fast sched¬
was o seaplane operation, using big Consolidated Com¬ ules, they sent Balz Zimmerman—one of their two direc¬
modore flying boots, the Lockheeds, and the somewhat tors—to the United Stores ro look around. Zimmerman
more commodious Consolidated Fleetster 17s and 20s— listened to the blandishments of many eager manufac¬
oil equipped with pontoons. turers—then ordered two Orions, to be powered by Cur-
New York, Rio & Buenos Aires flew its smaller planes tiss-Wright Cyclone engines. These red Lockheeds were
on the mail routes of Brazil and Argentina. Among their the firsr American transport planes ever exported to Eu¬
pilots were Howard C. Stork, who pioneered airline instru¬ rope, ond so topped a market U.S. aircraft manufacturers
ment flying; Eddie DeLarm, the Cherokee Indian aviator,- hove been supplying ever since.
Bill Grooch; and N. C. Browne. The line was absorbed by Crated and shipped to Zurich via Antwerp, the Swissoir
the growing Pan American Airways system after nine Orions were put on the express flights to Munich and
months of operation. Pon Am stored the single-engine Vienna in May 1932. Their run to Vienna was 100 km/
planes in Argentina and later sold and junked them. ph faster than anything then flying on the continent, and
Over on South America's west coast was another Zimmerman ond his pilots regularly clipped minutes off
American moil carrier, Pan American-Grace Airways, the advertised schedules. "Der rote Orion" was the sen¬
flying from Cristobal, Canal Zone, to Santiago, Chile. In sation of the European flying season that year.
1930 Panagra bought two Lockheed Vegos from Robert Another famed Swiss pioneer aviator, Walter Mirrel-
E. Funkhouser's Washington-New York Air Line. The ships holzer, was the other director of Swissair, and used the
had been used in lowering the Woshington-Nework Orions for some fast survey flights in 1933. First wos a
Only known Air Express on floors. Named Maraca, rhe NYRBA Line
registered her in Brazil for jusr a month in 1930.

"The Red Orion " is chosen for stamp to commemorate 25th anni-
Panagra mail carrier at Santiago before its crack-up. versary of Switzerland's airmail service.

direcr Switzerland-North Africa flight—Zurich ro Tunis continental route from Maramoros, Tamaulipas, on rhe
and return via Rome—all injS hours' flying rime. Then Gulf of Mexico, ro Mazarlan, Sinaloa, on rhe Pacific.
Mirrelholzer flew rhe Lockheed 4,500 km ro Naples, Ath¬ Hull didn't economize on aircraft and he didn't econ¬
ens, Istanbul, and Belgrade, rerurning via Ravensburg, omize on ralenr, either. He wanted experienced men
Austria, and establishing'ciry-ro-ciry speed records all rhe who could srarr and run a sizable air network right from
way. scrarch. The majority of C.A.T.'s original personnel were
Demonstrations like rhese showed whar American North Americans: ex-Army Major Bernard A. Law of Sr.
planes could do, and set European carriers ro buying U.S.- Louis, a onerime flying associate of Colonel Lindbergh's,
builr equipment. The pracrical Swiss pur rhe Orions back was manager of operations; Paul Braniff working wirh
ro steady, fast hauls on rhe Vienna express run, and kept Law supervising operations,- Lloyd Anderson, rhe chief
them in service until larger planes became a necessity in pilot, who held Mexican license No. 10 (Hull himself had
1935. The ships were quietly sold ro rhe Republican Air No. 30); and, among rhe wo dozen other Yankee pilots,
Force, afrer rhe srarr of rhe Spanish Civil War in 1936. "Little Jack" O'Brien, formerly of Roscoe Turner's Nevada
However, ir was rhe airlines crisscrossing Mexico rhar Airlines. From New Zealand came Lowell Yerex, ex-RAF.
made fullest use of Lockheeds as passenger- and cargo- Soon more pilots and employees came down from rhe
carriers. For rwo decades nearly forty of rhe srrong, sleek Srares ro join rhe ourfir. Harold Bromley, his plans for a
ships would be a familiar sight on dusty flying fields from Pacific flight set back by rhe crack-up of his second City
Nogales on rhe Sonora-Arizona border down ro Cheru- of Tacoma, rook a job wirh rhe Hull sysrem. He ferried a
mal in rhe Yucatan Peninsula. new Vega down ro rhe Mexican company in rhe aurumn
Theodore T. Hull of Los Angeles brought rhe first Vegas of 1929; wirh him was another newcomer, a young me¬
inro rhe country in 1929. Hull, a rhirty-six-year-old banker chanic-pilot named Gordon S. Barry. Also temporarily our
with a private pilot's license, had gor rhe idea of servicing of work and thus glad to be flying Vegas south of rhe
rhe Republic with an airline while on a flying rour of border was a stocky flyer from Oklahoma who gor Mexi¬
Larin America. He reasoned rhar making rhe big jump of can license No. 96 in rhe name of Wiley Post Neither rhe
converting Mexican rransporrarion from slow rail and aurhoriries of rhe Republic nor C.A.T. officials saw any¬
even slower muleback ro airplanes would be an excel¬ thing wrong in hiring a one-eyed airline pilot.
lent business proposition. On August 11, 1929, Theodore Hull and a Mexican
In rhe lush days of early 1929 rhere were enough newspaper reporter srowed rhemselves in wirh rhe mail-
financial backers in rhe Unired Srares who agreed with bags to pioneer another and even longer roure: from
him. He formed Corporacion Aeronaurica de Transposes, Mexico, Disrriro Federal, rhe capital city, ro Ciudad Juarez,
5. A., picked up a couple of used Ryan Broughams, and Chihuahua. Lloyd Anderson and Jack O'Brien rook rurns
rhen paid $18,500 apiece for some of rhe first Wasp- in rhe cockpit of a new Vega for rhe 1,104-mile inaugu¬
powered Lockheed Vegas ever pur directly ro work on a ral flighr.
passenger airline. Wirh Torreon, Coahuiia, as rheir central base, C.A.T.
C.A.T.—as rhe company was always called—began ships were soon flying daily trips in four directions across
operations on March 9, 1929, flying rhe 638-mile trans¬ rhe country, and covered a branch from Chihuahua up
ro rhe borderrown of Nogales as well. Prarr & Whirney
had ro send a resident service representative ro arid Tor¬
reon airport ro keep all rhe Wasp engines of rhe line's
Lockheeds humming.
Ir wasn'r all easy flying. Ar Guadalupe, Nuevo Leon,
Harold Bromley added ro his repurarion for bad luck by
flipping over a new ship. Ar Mazarlan, on rhe Pacific
Coasr, C.A.T. pilot Julian Wagy had another Vega badly
damaged in a collision with a military plane coming in
ro land. In Ocrober 1929 srill another Lockheed was de¬
molished in a fatal crash against a hill near Monterrey,
Nuevo Leon. A month later a brand-new Vega—one
only four days our of rhe factory—met a similar fare:
Flying north from rhe Federal District, pilor John A. Car¬
michael and rhree passengers, including rhe Governor of

Smooth lines make a sole to Swissair■ view at factory shows first

ship with interim US. registration on wing.

major carrier had it nor been for the North American

stock market crash of 1929, and the subsequent drying-
up of capital from rhe north. The Mexican line had also
had competition from rhe burgeoning Pan American Air¬
ways system, whose subsidiaries were blanketing rhe
country and establishing parallel routes.
Tragedy dealt rhe telling blow to C.A.T. on November
25, 1931. Ferrying a new Bellanca monoplane from
Wilmington, Delaware, to rhe company's base in rhe
Republic, Theodore Hull had trouble overSunbury, Penn¬
sylvania. The ship, its engine inexplicably wide open,
dived straight into the shallow Susquehanna River.
Dreams of expanding rhe Hull system died with rhe
Bernard Law kept rhe line in operation our of Torreon
for a few more months, then closed down, bankrupt, in
1932. Two of rhe line's flyable Vegas went to Paul Mantz
Theodore T. Hull (lefr), founder of CA T. in 1929, and (right) Lloyd back in California. Another went at auction to satisfy a
Anderson, chief pilor for rhe pioneer line. judgment in favor of a disgruntled mechanic who
claimed to have been fired without cause. Law stayed
long enough to liquidate C.AT. and then went into rhe
Aguoscdienres, were killed when rheir plane hir a moun¬ mining business. By 1933 the only vestige of rhe once
tain in rhe overcast. prosperous airline was one old Vega body, a few Lock¬
Hull's system attracted business and expanded its heed wings that needed recovering, five used Wasp en¬
routes despite minor and major accidents. In 1900 it gines, and $500 worth of assorted Lockheed parrs—
carried 2,280 passengers; rhe first half of the next year struts, landing gear, diaphragms.
saw nearly double that number. The Vegas all operated The "old Vega Body" was destined to fly again. Law
rheir first flights with U.5.A. registration, but were gradu¬ sold it to a Chicago charter operator who mated it with
ally licensed by rhe Mexican civil aviation authority. a used Vega wing from Detroit, and flew rhe result for
Perhaps rhe CAT. line might have developed into a four years. The Lockheed that went on rhe block was
sold for less than $4,700 (pesos), a good reason for such
a bargain being that it had no instruments and no sears.
One of Mexico's earliesr airliners (cerrificare no. 14), this Vega It was bought and pur briefly in service by a tiny line on
opened Hull’s Mexico, D.F-Texas mail route. rhe Yucatan Peninsula: Cia. de Transposes Aereos, plying

Varney switched to Mexican registration under rhe

name of Lfneas Aereas Occidenrales, 5. A., moving his
headquarters south from Alameda, California, to operate
rhe line our of Grand Central Air Terminal in Burbank.
Franklin Rose was again president, with a son of rhe ex-
president of rhe Republic, General Plurarco Elias Calles,
as second in charge.
The five remaining Varney Speed Lines Orions flew
from Los Angeles to Mexico, D.F., three days a week, plus
another run clear down to Tapachula on rhe Chiapas-
Guatemala border. Along with rhe airmail there were
always passengers, express, freight, and, more often than
not, a good-sized gold shipment to go winging high
above rhe heads of frustrated bandidos.
Since rhe winds of Larin-American politics are subject
to sudden change, rhe departure of Varney's L.AO. from
the Mexican scene was precipitate. One day L.A.O. was
in operation: The next day found Pan Am's Aerovias Cen¬
trales flying rhe Los Angeles-Tapachula run.
With rhe sudden cancellation of Varney's contract, his
Walter Varney (for right) and Frank Rose stand by as movie actress
Jane Wyatt christens L.A. O. flagship.
pilots had to fly four Orions our of Mexico in a hurry to
avoid attachment by a zealous oil company. The Winter
Wind got off and away with just ten minutes to spare,-
between Merida on rhe north coasr and Payo Obispo, bur rhe Coast Wind was caught, to be sold eventually to
now Cherumal. international agents for use in the Spanish Civil War.
Early in 1934 Walter Varney got an offer to run an Aerovias Centrales used three of their own Lockheed
airline slanting down rhe length of rhe Republic of Mex¬ Orions over routes similar to those flown by rhe ousted
ico, together with the fat mail-carrying contract which his white-and-red Varney ships. Pan American and its subsid¬
California operation lacked. There was express, too, and iary alternated in operating our of Brownsville, Texas,
rhe opportunity to snatch work from under rhe nose of with U.S.A. registration, or from across rhe Rio Grande our
the Mexican affiliate of Pan American Airways. of Matamoros, Tamaulipas, with Mexican papers. These
particular Pan Am Orions had an unfortunate history, all
Four of Varney's Orion fleer that flew Mexican routes for Lfneas three being demolished in accidents within two years.
Aereas Occidenrales, 5. A, in 1934 and 1935. Down in rhe southernmost stare of rhe Republic, a

young flyer named Francisco Sarabia ser up a brand-new in operation, bur renamed the company Cia. Aeronau-
line ro conrinue rhe former L.A.O. service from rhe na¬ rica Francisco Sarabia, S. A., in her husband's memory.
tion's capital to Tapachula. He based it in Tuxtla Gutierrez Effego Cabrera, Sarabia's chauffeur, married rhe widow
and called it Transposes Aereos de Chiapas, S.A. and helped conrinue rhe airline.
Sarabia relied on California airplane broker Charley CAFSSA mechanics and maintenance men thought
Dabb for rhe equipment that would make his TACSA nothing of completely overhauling a Lockheed right our
operation “Mexico's largest independent airline.'' Dabb on an open, windswept airport, rigging primitive block
bought and resold to him several good used Lockheed and tackle ro hoist engines and wings, and ignoring the
Vegas, including The Blue Streak, the Executive model lack of shade and protection a hangar would have
once owned by William Gibbs McAdoo, and Miss Stream¬ given. In 1940 rhe line needed an airplane: Sarabia
line of the General Tire & Rubber Company. crews quickly pur together a composite Vega, using rhe
Ferrying one of his Vegas south in December 1908, wing of one damaged ship and rhe fuselage of another.
rhe boyish Sarabia ser a new speed record of 6 hours and It could be rightly said that, as a result of the skill and
04 minutes for rhe 1,650-mile Los Angeles-Mexico, D.F., prowess with which Mexican woodworkers parched up
flight. This ser him ro planning other long-distance at¬ damaged Lockheeds, any restored Vega in rhe Republic
tempts. He bought rhe Gee Dee racing plane Q.E.D., by rhe 1940s was likely to be “an amalgamation of parts
renamed rhe tricky speedster Conquistador del Cielo, and and pieces flying in formation." Using planes of this na¬
made a record flight nonstop from rhe Mexican capital ture, and other ships leased, the Cabreras kept their Sa¬
to Washington, D.C. As he took off June 7, 1909, from rabia line going until 1942. Then, with rhe stringencies
Dolling Field for rhe return flight, Sarabia was killed when of war and litigation, they lost their routes to rhe bigger,
his Gee Dee crashed in rhe Potomac River. Pan American-subsidized Cia. Mexicana de Aviacion.
Dock in Tuxtla, Sehora de Sarabia tried ro keep TACSA Even before rhe Sarabia system went our of business,

Francisco Sarabia, who built TACSA with four used Vegas. Keeping Sarabia ships on the flight line is up ro skilled crew, here
making on-the-spot repairs ro a cracked-up Vega,- result (below)
has fuselage of red plane, wing of white one—and dual registra¬
Barry's pilots don't get second guesses on this one-way strip, however, ir was eclipsed by srill anorher counrry-wide
whacked our of the mountains at Tayoltita. operation. AfrerCAT. folded in 1932 mechanic-pilor Gor¬
don 5. Barry drifted over to Mazatlan, where he was hired
Making an airline (lefr ro right).- Gordon 5. Barry, Judith Barry, Capr. to fly the planes of the San Luis Mining Company. San
Marcial Huerta Jones, and, refueling on the wing, Capr. Abraham Luis, a California concern, built an airstrip "nor much big¬
Carasco. ger than the deck of an aircraft carrier" at Tayoltita, Du¬
rango, and used planes to carry our the gold and silver
from their mines in the Sierra Madres.
Barry/ became adept at herding the company Orion
up a narrow canyon, in and out of the one-way Tayoltita
field. With the brown hillsides thrusting up violently on all
sides, it rook an expert to drop a Lockheed onto the short
airstrip with a cargo of mail and mining supplies, or to
get it off with a payload of gold. You got in and our, or
else: there was no chance to haul up the landing gear
and go around again.
In 1936 Gordon Barry formed his own airline. He called
it Lineas Aereas Mineras, S.A., with the idea of catering
exclusively to the needs of Mexican mining firms. Gor¬
don's parrner in the venture was Miguel A. Zuniga of
Mexico, D.F. No stranger to Lockheeds, Zuniga had been
the company's representative in the Republic back in the
palmy days when Fred Keeler and Allan Loughead
headed the Burbank factory, and both he and Barry
were sold on the Vega's capabilities for transport in the
rough country they intended to serve.
Based at Mazatlan, the new mining airline began op¬
eration with the San Luis company's old Orion. Then, like
Sarabia, Barry and Zuniga became one of Charley Babb's
best customers for good used Vegas. All told, LAMSA flew
eleven of them, the largest Vega fleer ever owned and
flown by any airline outside the United Stares.
7b (jQ&DOki S BP SPY and JUDITH, his lovely wife
with my greatest admiration for their struggle for-
LAMSA in Mexico's skieSj and their unforgetabie

Gordon Barry married pretty Judirh Martinez of Maza- World War II and the lack of replacement equipment
flan, and gradually his line expanded its business and forced changes in Barry's LAMSA. In a state of national
began to carry passengers, mail, and express in addition emergency, the Mexican federal government called in
to mining supplies and precious metals. LAMSA territory United Air Lines from the United States to finance and
included most of the old C.A.T. routes, plus a new one operate the 1,500-mile, border-to-border airline which
down the length of the Republic to Salina Cruz, Oaxaca, Gordon and Judirh Barry had worked so hard to build.
and Suchiare, Chiapas. United changed the name to Lfneas Aereas Mexi-
Unlike Theodore Hull, who had first brought him south canas, S.A., and continued flying the routes with larger,
of the border, Barry made a practice of hiring and train¬ twin-engine planes. Still, as long as the faithful Vegas
ing Mexican personnel. Through the years some twenty- were flyable, the new LAMSA kept them airborne. The
seven Mexican pilots put rime on Vegas, flying for LAMSA. last of the old Barry fleer, and the last Lockheed in for¬
By 1942 the veteran Lockheeds were carrying over 5,000 eign airline service, was finally dismantled and scrapped
passengers a year, and hundreds of Mexicans who had in 1949.
never seen a train considered air travel commonplace.

This view of rhe interior arrangements of a LAMSA Vega was drawn

specially for Revolurion in rhe Sly by Adolfo Villasenor of Mexico,
D.F., as a tribute ro his friends rhe Barrys (see left, below). 5r. Villa¬
senor gor "Lockheed fever" as a youngster, when C.A.T. ships
stopped ar his home town of Zacatecas in 1929. The plane he
pictures, consrrucrer's c/n 121, is also shown raising off from rhe
Tayolrira mountain strip on a previous page.

1*1*9 1943

F or rhe Three years following rhe appearance of

rhe firsr Lockheed Vegas in 1927, military flyers
had admired rhe fleer ships, and foughr ro ger a
chance for a ferry flight during rheir leaves. These
casional personnel, and all attached as an afterthought
to various flying fields and headquarters posts.
The idea of speeding commanding officers ro various
distant military units in a matter of hours appealed ro rhe
planes had speed and range, something sorely Air Corps. They were well aware of what the civilian
needed in rhe United States Army Air Corps of that day. record-breakers were doing, and conceived a speed
In a berween-rhe-wars era, with serious talk of total dis¬ plane of rheir own—a "command transport."
armament, rhe Air Corps consisted of a small group of With niggardly appropriations from Congress to be
loyal officers and men, getting by with little rank and less eked out, General James E. Fechet, Chief of rhe Corps,
pay, bur well aware of rhe dangers that might arise if cautiously ordered tests ro begin in 1930. The Army bor¬
America neglected adequate air power. rowed planes at firsr, making trials with a Consolidated
Army squadrons were composed of stubby, maneuver- Fleetsrer, two Lockheed Vegas, two Lockheed Alrairs,
able little Curtiss and Boeing pursuit and arrack planes, and a couple of Northrop Alphas. They were in rhe YC
big lumbering Keystone bombers, and Douglas observa¬
tion ships. There were no transport squadrons, only a Test pilot Marshall Headle indicates how new landing gear will pull
handful of Fords and Fokkers for carrying cargo and oc¬ up flush with wing surface of experiment plane.


series of Air Corps model designations: "Y" for “experi-

menral," and "C" for "cargo and transport."
Jumping ar this first chance to spread their wings and
enfold the military marker, Detroit Aircraft and Lockheed
engineers pur together a Duralumin Vega with Hi-Speed
landing gear. They gave special attention to streamlining
derails, and installed an experimental "doughnut" rail
wheel set nearly flush with the fuselage. On the nose
was hung a Pratt 6 Whitney Wasp power plant, hopped
up by supercharging to nearly 600 hp. The resulting Army
Air Corps Lockheed, designated the Y1C-17, was one
whale of a speed package. Her top was a healthy 221
mph, and she was faster than any plane, fighters in¬
cluded, that the Army could pur in the air.
Testing the shiny new beaury fell to Captain Ira C. Hi-Speed wire-braced landing gear reduces drag, helped make
Y1C-17 the Army's fasresr ship in irs day
Eaker, a career officer from Texas. Chunky and intense,
Captain Eaker had handled the stick of just about every¬
thing the Army had managed to juggle into the sky. The
year before, along with Major Carl Spaatz and Lieuten¬ —but he had exhausted the gasoline in his fuselage
ants Halverson and Quesada, he'd been chief pilot of the ranks and was switched to wing ranks. Then he noticed
Question Marti, the Air Corps's Fokker, which established the gas-pressure needle drop to zero. The V/asp engine
a world's refueling endurance record of 150 hours aloft. began to spit and die. On the reserve tank the same
Seeking to find just how fast and how far the special thing happened; and this time the engine wouldn't re¬
Lockheed would travel, Eaker made ready to assault the start. Vainly working the wobble pump, the captain
wesr-ro-easr nonstop transcontinental record set by Cap¬ switched from rank to rank. It was no good. The plane
tain Frank Hawks in The Texas Company's Air Express. was in a gentle slide, and Eaker turned her south toward
Preparations to squeeze our every iota of speed included the Ohio River.
even such small items as removing the door handle and In the sudden quiet behind the motionless propeller,
streamlining the hinges. Special ranks filled the 4- the Army flyer slid open the little side window and
windowed cabin and were topped off with 486 gallons peered ahead in the whistling airstream. He was con¬
of Ethyl gasoline. In the cool morning hours of March 10, sidering a bail-out when he saw that he could just stretch
1931, Eaker and the Vega were ready to go. his glide to a meadow on the other side of the Ohio.
Lights of the Long Deach Field glistened on the silvery Jockeying quietly in over some tall trees, he touched
fuselage and rocking yellow wing as the captain twice down at about 75 mph. The ship rolled across the field,
tried to coax the heavily laden speed ship into the air. It tore through a fence without a tremor, and turned over
was dead calm. Squashed under the 3-ton weight, the in the plowed wet ground beyond. Eaker came to rest
tires and doughnut rail wheel set the ship to swerving standing on his head in a welter of broken glass and
dangerously. Eaker had their pressure boosted to 85 oozing mud. He could smell dripping gasoline and then
pounds. At the last minute Sergeant Roy Hooe, his me¬ battery acid. Struggling to get our of his seat belt and
chanic and also a veteran of the Question Marti's flight, parachute harness, it took him twenty minutes to get
clambered up to the cockpit and tucked a small hatcher upright, crawl back over the gas ranks, and chop his way
in among the captain's belongings. Eaker grinned. out of the sealed door. Sergeant Hooe's hatcher turned
Just then a little breeze sprang up and the Vega was our to be a godsend.
trundled into position for a third try. Lifting a load of a Later investigation disclosed that specially installed,
thousand pounds more than her own weight, she was rigid gaslines had leaked and admitted air to shut off the
off the runway under Ira Eaker's steady hand, and air¬ flow. The bartered and wrinkled Y1C-17 was salvaged
borne in 4,000 feet. Hooe and the tiny crowd saw the and taken to Wright Field, bur never repaired. The Air
ship climb steadily until her lights disappeared in the Corps reported that their Vega's 1,740-mile trip was ac¬
darkness. complished in 7 hours and 20 minutes. Despite the un¬
The Speed Vega streaked through the night across the fortunate ending, the significance was very evident: no
continent, averaging about 240 mph. Captain Eaker was loaded airplane had ever flown so far, so fast.
amazed and very pleased: flying ar 16,000 feet into the Having forcefully shown how useful a command trans¬
dawn he'd arrive over New York far ahead of the old port plane could be to the Army, Ira Eaker went back to
cross-country record. Before nine o'clock he was across Burbank for another Lockheed. Thirty-five and a bache¬
the Mississippi and over the hill country of southern Illinois lor, flying was the thing he lived for.
Specially streamlined, this single-place Speed Vega impressed rhe Lerring down ar San Diego, Gray rhoughr abour rhe re¬
Army even rhough ir clocked only 33 flying hours. rracrable landing gear—which Eaker hadn't. There was
no communication berween cockpits, so Firman slid
This rime rhe plane had srill anorher innovarion. Lock¬ down in his sear, srrerched our a long leg and kicked rhe
heed engineers—rhe ream of Jimmy Gerschler, Dick Pal¬ caprain in rhe sear of rhe pants. Franric pointing, sign
mer, Dick Von Hake—had worked our some ideas for a language, and rhe mouthed word "gear" got rhe Army
fully rerracrable landing gear. This wasn'r a drawing-up flyer ro wind down rhe wheels.
of rhe wheels inro a prorruding bubble, like rhose of rhe Srill confident of a cross-conrinenr speed record ro
much-publicized Boeing Monomail, bur involved com- prove rhe worth of rhe Air Corps's Lockheeds, Caprain
plerely enclosing rhem in rhe surface of a slick, clean Eaker rried again. The Alrair was nor as souped up, or
lower wing. specially streamlined, as rhe Speed Vega had been, bur
The new gear was firsr rried in Seprember 1900, using rerracrable landing gear gave rhe low-winged job a
a rebuilr Sirius demonsrraror. The ship was mounred high good 30 more miles per hour than irs predecessor, rhe
on horses in rhe shop ro undergo resr afrer resr. The Sirius.
original gear was enrirely mechanical, wirh a system of Taking off from Burbank on April 11, Eaker had hopes
cables and pulleys cranked by hand. In rhe hor rin of reaching Long Island in 11V2 hours. He recorded rime
hangar a rigger in rhe forward cockpir cranked and by smoking—"one cigar, one hour"—and occasionally
sweared, while down below Von Hake and his men munched on an apple. Ar a rwelve-minure refueling stop
carefully warched again and again as rhe big Airwheels in Wichita, he was a minute and a fraction ahead of rhe
rucked rhemselves inro rhe wing. Finally ir was approved Hawks record. Things looked good and he serried down
for flight, and rested by Marshall "Babe" Headle. ro enjoy his cigars.
Colonel Lindbergh was interested in having this gear Again bad luck dogged rhe caprain's efforts. Over
installed on his Sirius, bur ended up wirh alterations ro Newark, Ohio, rhe clurch on his supercharger began ro
accommodate floors in preparation for his Norrh Pacific slip and rhe plane losr power. There was nothing for ir
survey flight of 1931. The plane wirh rerracrable landing bur ro turn back and finish rhe flighr ar Port Columbus.
gear was carefully wrung our all during rhe winter, and Eaker was disappointed bur his tribute ro rhe Alrair was:
rested by several top flyers. The company gave ir a new "I've never flown a more comfortable and more satisfac¬
"star" name ro march irs orher models, calling ir rhe tory plane." On his recommendarion, rhe Army Air Corps
Alrair. rook formal rirle ro rhe ship and designated ir rhe Y1C-
Vance Breese, rhe famous California aircraft designer 25. Once again "no plane ever flew so far, so fasr": flighr
and resr pilot, was connected wirh Derroir-Lockheed dur¬ rime was 9 hours and 40 minutes.
ing rhis period, and flew rhe Alrair ofren. There was talk A sister ship of rhe first Alrair—rhis one remodeled
of his herding ir around rhe world wirh John Henry Mears from a DL-2, or metal, Sirius—was also procured by rhe
instead of rhe second Vega that rhe rhearer man had Army in 1931. Wirh irs blue fuselage and yellow wing
ordered. Breese and Mears senr rhe ship rocketing across polished ro high luster, ir was assigned as rhe personal
valley and mountains ro ser a new Oakland-Burbank command plane of F. Trubee Davison, Assistant Secretary
record of 92 minutes in March 1931. of War. As executive assistant ro rhe Chief of Air Corps,
Soon afterward rhe Army and Caprain Eaker rook over General James E. Fecher, Caprain Eaker flew both Lock-
rhe Alrair for some more long-disrance resting. Firman heeds our of Washington's Bolling Field.
Gray of Lockheed's final assembly occupied rhe rear The Duralumin Alrair (designated rhe Y1C-23) had an
cockpir on Eaker's firsr hop in rhe low-wing speedster. improved rerracrable landing gear, operated by a hy-

draulic oil pump. Ir was used ro fly General Fecher and 20 refused to lower all the way. The secretary, due for a
Secretary Davision about the nation on Air Corps matters. party with friends, considered bailing out; then, after an
Eaker flew the secretary ro rhb air maneuvers of 1901, animated consultation with the pilot, ir was decided ro
and the general on inspection tours, including a trip risk a wheels-up landing. If Eaker could do it, they could,
down ro France Field in the Canal Zone. too. Pere Quesada, though he had only two hours' flight
Out for distance and speed flights the wooden Aitair rime on Alrairs, carefully circled Mirchel Field and hope¬
(Y1C-25) remained Ira Eaker's favorite. She was still in fully pumped the gear again. It still stuck halfway. Then
civilian colors and license when he entered her in the he fishrailed the 20 down ro just above the ground and
National Air Races at Cleveland in the late summer of let her drop. She slid ro a screeching halt in less than fifty
1931. The captain himself wore a simple business suit feet, and the unruffled Davison hopped out ro keep his
instead of his usual leather jacket, jodhpurs, and boors. dinner dare.
Outdistanced by Jimmy Doolittle in a fast Laird biplane, Between Ira Eaker and Pere Quesada, the two Lock¬
and Harold Johnson and Deeler Blevins in their new heed Alrairs were belly-landed at least five rimes with
Orions, Eaker brought the Aitair cross-country ro fourth comparatively little damage. What had seemed a dan¬
place in the first Bendix Trophy Race. gerous thing eventually became commonplace with the
This was nor enough for the captain, and he tried the exigencies of World War II.
unusual. With a defiant pirate's skull-and-crossbones em¬ The wooden Y1C-25, kept at Wright Field in Dayton for
blazoned on her rail, Eaker entered the Aitair in the evaluation, was stripped in September 1902 and burned
closed-course, 50-mile Thompson Trophy Race. This was ro rest the efficiency of bottled carbon dioxide as a fire
the first and only rime a Lockheed ever compered in the extinguisher. Secretary Davison's Duralumin Y1C-20 was
Thompson. Pitted against the small, specially built racers given tests in the full-scale wind runnel set up by the
—Gee Bees, Lairds, a Wedell-Williams, and Benny How¬ National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics at Langley
ard's tiny Pere—Eaker put the big Aitair flashing around Field, Virginia, in 1902. Experiments showed variable re¬
the pylons with the best of them. sults in takeoff characteristics using 8-foot-O-inch, 9-foor,
After completing the Thompson race in fifth place, Ira and 3-bladed propellers. Mounted in the huge drafty
Eaker gave the crowd an extra thrill. He found that the hangar at the runnel's open maw, the Lockheed resem¬
cables had jumped the pulleys of his landing gear, and bled a pretry blue-and-yellow bug about ro be swal¬
the wheels just wouldn't wind down. Circling Cleveland lowed by a hungry carp.
for forty-five minutes to use up his gas, the Air Corps pilot With the change in Administration and Davison's de¬
finally set the Y1C-25 down on her belly, sliding along in parture, the Airair bore the Capitol dome insignia of Boll¬
a cloud of dust and splinters. ing Field. Gradually it was relegated to workaday chores,
It wasn't the first rime he'd done it. On the way ro and flown by noncoms. The last single-engine Lockheed
Panama in the other Aitair he'd made a wheels-up land¬ ro serve in the Army Air Corps, ir received the obscure
ing in Mexico, with General Fecher aboard. There was designation Detroit T-23, and in 1942 was reported
little damage that rime outside of a bent propeller. scrapped at Pennsylvania's Middletown Air Base.
Later in the year ir happened again. After ferrying Sec¬ Also built by Detroit Aircraft for the Army was a stan¬
retary Davison to North Beach, New York, Lieutenant El- dard Duralumin Vega, designated the Y1C-12. This was
wood Quesada found that the hydraulic gear of the Y1C- tested and evaluated by the Wright Field pilots in 1930-
01, and is supposed ro have been equipped with a spe¬
Debur of o new Lockheed star. no longer a "special Sirius," final cial metal wing developed by the materiel division of
version is named Airair, becomes Army's Y1C-25. the Air Corps. As strictly a cargo carrier for Army use this

Only Sirius DL-2 model builr. Convened ro Alrair and sold ro U5AAC. Army Air Corps's second Alrair has meral fuselage, is used ro rrons-
pon rop brass as rhe Y1C-23.

particular Vega did nor inspire much enrhusiasm in irs was a notable break with tradition when Washington
pilors. They reported ir "almost impossible" ro enter, and, and Doyton agreed ro try out on experimental low-wing
for comfort, "just fair." It rook off too slowly, landed too fighter airplane.
fast, and was said ro hove a tendency ro spin or low Robert J. Woods, on engineer for rhe Detroit Aircraft
speed if rhe conrrols were handled abruptly. Corporation, mocked up a design for Army inspection in
The Y1C-12 was considered an ugly duckling among March 1931. Based mostly on Alrair experience, it had a
rhe Air Corps's eagles and was attached ro a number of metal-skinned fuselage and rail surfaces, enclosed back-
squadrons os a transport and courier plane. After twice to-back cockpits for pilot and gunner, and was ro be
surviving minor crock-ups while assigned ro rhe 36rh Pur¬ powered by a huge 600-hp Curtiss Conqueror V-1570C
suit Group, or Langley Field, it was scrapped in 1935. liquid-cooled engine. All this was mounted on a regular
With success as a speedy transport in both high- and wooden Lockheed wing, with mechanical retractable
low-wing versions, Lockheed planes were naturally landing gear. Detroit-Lockheed was delighted with their
prominent in rhe thoughts of Air Corps planners. But it fighter's prospects, and felt that the project might just
prove a way our of their financial doldrums. Called rhe
XP-900, rhe prototype was assembled as a joint effort of
Y1C-23 undergoes resrs in gianr wind runnel ar Langley Field, Vir¬ both Detroit and Burbank, and delivered ro the Air Corps
ginia, in 1932. on September 29, 1931.
Woods and rhe others who contributed design and Y1C-12, assigned ro cargo duties with 36rh Pursuit Squadron at
workmanship did a superb job with rhe XP-900. It was Langley Field. Flew 999 hours for USAAC.
rhe very first monoplane fighter ever bought by rhe
United Stares military, as well as rhe first with retractable
suit plane as rhe YP-24. They had it for resting at Dayton
landing gear. The trim ship was armed with a .00-caliber
for just twenty days, and flew it only twenty hours.
and a .50-caliber machine gun synchronized to fire
In rhe cool, bright morning of October 19, 1901, rhe
through rhe 3-bladed propeller, plus another.00-caliber
YP-24 was flown off from Wright Field for one of a series
weapon for rhe gunner in rhe rear cockpit. Powerful,
of routine checks. At rhe controls was Lieutenant Harrison
maneuverable, lethal, it was far ahead of its time—a
G. Crocker, a veteran Army flyer and test pilot for the
vision of rhe fighters that would later fill rhe skies in World
Evaluation Unit. He'd mastered rhe intricacies of all types
War II.
of military planes, and already had a couple of hours'
The Army evaluation pilots found that rhe XP-900
flight rime on this one.
could climb 1,820 feet per minute and breeze along at
Crocker, dressed in a heavy flying suit and moccasins,
214 mph. This was over 40 miles an hour faster than the
pur the ship through her paces and rook her up ro 22,000
Berliner-Joyce P-16s for which it was under consideration
feet ro try her climbing ability. For a time he lazily circled
as a replacement. The advent of a monoplane fighter
was an eye-opener for designers of military equipment
all over rhe world. The plane that almost saved rhe day: XP-900, 2-place pursuit ship
On acquisition, the Air Corps designated rhe new pur¬ built at Detroit for rhe Army in 1931.
XP-900 predicts shape of future military aircraft as it malses rest run violent maneuvers. He spun, looped, dived, and snap-
over Detroit before delivery to Army. rolled rhe airplane. The wheels didn't go down, bur one
vigorous gyration managed to slap them up into rhe
Dayron. Then, deciding ro land, rhe Lieurenanr pushed wing, and the rest pilot locked them there.
rhe control lever for rhe landing gear over ro release and Now it was rime to try a belly-landing. Captain Eaker
began ro wind rhe wheels down. had done it twice already, and Lieutenant Crocker was
Snap! gome ro try. Granted, the ship was new and unproved,
The tubular shafr broke off or rhe bolrhole jusr above and rhe Curtiss in-line engine considerably bulkier than
rhe universal joint rhar connected it ro rhe crank. With rhe Wasps which powered rhe Alrairs. But Crocker was
rhe trouble righr there in rhe cockpit beside him, Crocker confident in his ability to pur rhe ship down, and to him
could do nothing. Turning rhe shafr by hand was impos¬ rhe risk appeared less than ditching his plane and falling
sible, and from this position he couldn'r see rhe wheels. ro earth under a piece of silk.
The rest pilot circled Wright Field and rhe ground crews Coming in for a try, rhe rest pilot got a wave-off. Gen¬
sow his predicament. One wheel was stuck portly down, eral H. Conger Pratt, Chief of the Materiel Division, had
rhe other dangled loosely. A training plane was quickly arrived on rhe scene and made a quick decision. Another
dispatched to fly alongside the YP-24, with rhe words
wheels half down chalked on its side where Crocker
couldn'r fail to see rhe warning. Crash at Dayron gives YP-24 (former XP-900) a total of 20 flying
Crocker nodded and then began to throw his ship into hours, bur Army Air Corps ordered five more.

ship was senr up, rhis rime with rhe chalked command: man's ofren misplaced fairh in machines. Harrison
Crocker wasn'r one ro rhink of rhese rhings. He was back
Sadly rhe Lieurenanr rurned roward rhe long reserva- ar his desk, hard ar work, inside rhe hour.
rion ar Fairfield Air Depor, loarh ro leave rhe snappy Even rhough rhe prororype was gone, rhe fighrer de¬
fighrer, bur now under* orders. Fie leveled off ar low sign developed by Bob Woods was worrh some more of
speed, srood up in rhe cockpir, and cur rhe swirch. Bun¬ rhe some. The Army placed orders wirh Derroir Aircrafr
dled up and dragging rhe sear chure, he clambered over for five Y1P-24's ar $27,600 each, and rhen Topped ir
rhe sidejusr as rhe plane fell off in a spin, slowly whirling wirh anorher for five arrack versions of rhe pursuir ship, ro
roward rhe earrh. Wirh a prorruding propeller below and be designared YA-9s.
a srabilizer above, rhis was no rime ro jump. Clinging ro Had Derroir-Lockheed been able ro fill rhese conrracrs,
rhe padding, Crocker paused, rhen reached back in ro rhe joinr firm mighr have been in rhe milirary airplane
level rhe ship off only 500 feer above rhe ground. The business rhen and rhere, and for good. However, righr ar
crew, which had raced up ro rhe jump sire, srood perri- rhis rime Derroir folded wirh a crash as resounding as rhar
fied as rhe pilor calmly climbed back in rhe cockpir, of rhe XP-900. Lockheed was dragged along wirh rhe
srarred rhe engine, and zoomed rhe ship back up ro holding company inro receivership. Worsr of all, rhere
4,000 feer. was no money ro build pursuir and arrack planes, and
Crocker's second arrempr ro leave wenr well. His chure rhe Air Corps conrracrs were defaulred.
boomed open, and he slowly drifred down ro suffer no Our of rhis fiasco Lockheed ar leasr salvaged rhe mem¬
more damage rhan "a couple of banged-up fingers." ory of an airplane-rhar-mighr-have-been, and rhe knowl¬
The pilorless YP-24 made rwo wide circles of rhe air edge rhar rhe design lived on ro make a decided
depor, slowly losing alrirude. Once ir headed srraighr for conrriburion ro narional defense. Bob Woods wenr from
rhe crowd rhar had garhered and, as rhey scarrered for defuncr Derroir Aircrafr ro rhe Consolidared company in
rheir lives, capriciously veered away. Traveling ar high Buffalo, ro redesign rhe YP-24 as rhe almosr idenrical YP-
speed, ir srruck rhe field on one wing rip, bounded inro 25. Despire rhe loss of rwo prororypes in faral crashes
rhe air in a dusr cloud, and crashed ro a srop a hundred during resrs, rhe Air Corps accepred rhe planes and from
feer farrher on. The accidenr invesrigarion ream found Them came rhe Consolidared P-30, ordered in quanrity
only a hole where rhe big Curriss engine had buried irself. in 1935. Woods's revolurionary concepr of a low-wing
Few pieces of rhe wing remained rhar were bigger rhan fighrer became somerhing rhar all rhe major aircrafr
a shingle. Amazingly, rhe cockpir which Crocker had va- companies of rhe world were ro emulare. Years larer, rhe
cared was virrually inracr, irs clock srill ricking away in rhe Lockheed company was ro build more of irs own fighrers
sudden silence. —rhe P-38 of World War II, rhe Korean conflicr's jer P-80,
In rhe fall sunshine rhe brighr broken meral of rhe and rhe F-104, bulwark of a more modern worldwide
snapped gear shafr shone up accusingly, a reminder of defense. The half-forgorren lirrle Derroir-Lockheed XP-900
on which hopes were pinned and dashed in 1931, was
rhe firsr of rhem all.
XRO-1 embodies rwo firsrs for rhe U.5. Navy, has a Cyclone engine Wirh all rhe acriviry going on in rhe Army, ir was nor
for flying pasr rhe Army. like rhe Navy ro be hesiranr in acquiring a command

Instead of his pale-blue uniform with irs Sam Browne belt,

rhe irrepressible Roscoe handled rhe ferry flight dressed
in a dark business suit, derby hat, spars, and gloves.
The ship was designated rhe XRO-1, and was kept and
maintained at the Anacosria Naval Air Station. Vance
Breese demonstrated it for Washington aviation and mil¬
itary editors ar 240 mph. Colonel Lindbergh, after being
shown how ro draw up rhe landing gear, is reported to
have coaxed it four miles faster than rhar.
The ship was taken up on cautious early flights by
Lieurenant R. B. Pirie; then as many naval pilots as pos¬
sible were urged to become familiar with it and make
recommendations. Secretary Ingalls flew it a good deal
himself on various trips about rhe nation, and rhe Alrair
was considered his personal command plane. Another
of Anacosria's chief rest pilots also pur a good many hours
on rhe blue-and-whire XRO-1. He was Lieutenant AP.
"Putt" Storrs, famed for his acrobatic flying with rhe Three
The Army and Navy command transports and rhe YP-
24 fighter were developed and used by a country ar
peace. It remained for Spain, torn by civil war from 1936
to 1939, to give Lockheed aircraft their baptism of fire.
The part played by American airplanes in rhe Spanish
conflict is little known, but more than a hundred of them
were used by both sides. Late in 1936, rhe Spanish Re¬
public began negotiations for secondhand airplanes,
seeking air power of all types to combat rhe Italian
squadrons and rhe German Condor Legion rhar were
being used against rheim by rhe insurgent forces of Gen¬
eral Francisco Franco.
Soviet Russia sent both men and airplanes ro the Span¬
ish Republic and was adequately reimbursed with Span¬
ish gold. Hot-and-cold support for rhe Loyalist cause also
came from France and Mexico. The United Stares en¬
deavored ro maintain a policy of nonintervention, but
ran into complications in rhe enforcement of an em¬
bargo on war material, including aircraft of all types.
Tactful Mlsrer Turner sheds his uniform ro deliver The Navy's new
Willing to pay top prices, rhe Spanish embassies in
Alrair command rransporr ro Anacosria.
Washington and Mexico City set about procuring used
transport planes. Purchasing commissions and indepen¬
rransporr of irs own. Assisranr Secretary of rhe Navy for dent buyers were sent from Spain, and even rhe Com¬
Aeronaurics was young David S. Ingalls. Largely ar his munist International network was empowered ro make
instigation, a new metal Alrair was purchased from purchases. In rhe confusion, rhe various agencies found
Derroir-Lockheed in October 1931. The Navy went its rival themselves bidding against each other and created a
service one better, and hung a 625-hp Wright Cyclone seller's marker.
power plant on rhe nose. The profits to be gained in such traffic were consider¬
Secretary Ingalls wanted to see naval aviation give able, and it was natural that a few men cynically ignored
some consideration ro a plane with retractable landing rhe first, toothless "moral embargo" imposed by Presi¬
gear, and the Lockheed was rhe first U.S. Navy aircraft to dent Franklin D. Roosevelt. Until Congress could pass a
be so equipped, it was also rhe first low-wing monoplane real embargo act rhar covered Spain, they rushed about
in naval service, with rhe exception of imported Junkers rhe country, acquiring old airplanes.
float planes and a racer. It was a cloak-and-dagger business, with changing
The Alrair was rested by Marshall Headle before being middlemen, false-front "import-export companies" and
flown East for delivery by none other than Roscoe Turner. fast-switching "citizens of unknown nationality." The

Store Deportment frowned on the deals, bur could do Orion, bought os on entry in the MacRobertson Race of
little to holt shipments when.o bonafide export license 1904. By order of Pierre Cot, the French Air Minister and
had been applied for legally, and issued. a supporter of the Spanish Republic, this plane was flown
The Spanish Republicans knew the speed and cargo- to Madrid in July 1906 by Edouard Corniglion-Molinier. His
carrying capacities of Lockheeds, and asked for them passengers were the famous French writer Andre Mai-
specifically. It was up to U.S. aircraft brokers to scrounge raux and his wife, making a preliminary trip to Spain prior
around and find a supply to fill the demand. The answer to Malraux's involvement in the establishment of on "in¬
to "What happened to all the Lockheed Orions?" is a ternational" squadron of hastily acquired French bomb¬
simple one: of the total of thirty-five built, fourteen were ing aircraft. The new Spanish ambassador, Alvaro de
sold and delivered to the Spanish Republic. A Sirius and Albornez, was flown bock to Paris.
a Vega brought to sixteen the Lockheeds to see service The French Orion was shortly pur or the disposal of the
with the Loyalists. Spanish Government. For a few days it shuttled bock ond
Rudolf Wolf, Inc., ostensibly a Wall Street dealer injure forth between the two countries, carrying government
ond burlap, sent Orions to Europe on the Dutch freighter officials and news correspondents. Then a forced landing
Woolhaven. Among their exports were two that once in the province of Teruel, Spain, ended its usefulness.
flew for Varney, on ex--Norrhwesr Airways job, and the Spanish mechanics reportedly sawed off the wings!
planes formerly owned by Dr. John R. Brinkley and Laura Swissair's two bright-red Orions were acquired in
Ingalls. (A sixth, on ex-TWA cargo ship, force-landed in France ond sent on direct to Spain. Still bearing their Swiss
Ohio while being ferried to New York for shipment.) registration letters they were often flown by Joseph Ros-
Accompanied by two American aircraft mechanics, marin, a veteran transport pilot from Brooklyn. Rosmorin,
Wolfs shipment was consigned to a dealer in the Neth¬ one of the war's first American volunteers, flew in Spain
erlands, bur was off-loaded at Le Havre, where the for over a year. He piloted the Orions as courier planes,
planes were assembled. Flown to Le Bourger, Villa- transporting Republican military staff and government
coublay, and Toussus-le-Noble airfields, they were tested personnel between Alicante and the various barrlefronrs.
and approved by French pilots of the Cenrre de Essais des In one fifteen-day period he flew more than o hundred
Avions Nouveaux (CEPANA) before delivery to Spain. hours. Occasionally Joe and the ex-airliners were pressed
The French Air Ministry hod acquired Michel Derroyar's into service carrying bodly needed munitions to the fight-

Thirteen more fast Orions like F. C. Hall's Sheridan went to the

Spanish Republican Air Force as warplanes. One of two Orions sold by airline through France.

Swissair's first "Rote Orion. “ Phillips's Orion bought by Spanish agents.


Dr. Brinkley's Cyclone-powered Orion escaped ro Algeria in March ing lines. Attacked by Nationalisr fighters, he wrore off
1939, the only Orion ro survive rhe conflicr. one "Red Orion" in a successful wheels-up landing wirh
a load of Spanish V.I.P.'s.
American pilor Joe Rosmarin flew Orions on rransporr missions in The embarrled Spanish Loyalists counted upon aid
rhe Spanish Civil War. from Mexico. Among rhe procurers of aircraft were Gen¬
eral Robert Fierro, Fritz Deiler, a German-Mexican, and
Carlos Panini, who was about to start his own airline.
General Fierro sent both his own personal planes, rhe
Sirius Anahuac, wirh which he'd made his famous New
York to Mexico City flight in 1900, and his Vega, a veteran
of C.A.T. airline days. Spanish Republican ships, dodging
Nationalist cruisers and Italian submarines, slipped our of
Vera Cruz across the perilous Atlantic with these planes,
plus six more Orions that had once flown for the airlines
and for Oklahoma and Texas oil operators.
The white Anahuac, assigned ro rhe Basque front, and
rhe black Orion Auro-da-Fe are both reported as "crashed
in Spain." Other Lockheeds were doubtless destroyed on
the ground by wave after wave of raiding Nationalist
Fiats, Heinkels, Dorniers, and Savoia-Marcherris.
Another American volunteer pilor, Edwin Lyons, re¬
called flying the Vega on cargo runs between Quintanar
de la Zarga and Madrid. The high-powered Orion Doctor
Brinkley III was reportedly shot down, while still carrying
rhe doctor's name and her U.S. registration numbers. The
news services got hold of rhe story that Brinkley and his
airplane had both perished in rhe fighting. The doctor
himself happened ro be incommunicado on his yacht off
Nova Scotia that summer and it took considerable ex¬
plaining ro convince his friends and patients that he was
hale and hearty and far from Spain.
Despite rhe story, rhe Brinkley Orion appears to have
been rhe only Lockheed of this series to survive rhe Span¬
ish Civil War. When hostilities came ro an end more than
fifty planes were flown our of Republican Spain. Among

rhem was rhis sole Lockheed Orion, flown ro Oran in signed the Heinkel He 70, unofficially dubbed "Der Blitz."
French Algeria on March 00,. 1939. Ir was eventually Still another Orion-like low-winger produced in Germany
turned over to the victorious Nationalists, and its ultimate was the Junkers Ju 60 and Ju 160 which followed. These
fate is unrecorded. six-passenger transports were operated by Lufthansa be¬
A footnote ro the participation of Lockheeds in the tween 1933 and 1939.
Spanish Civil War was provided by a Czechoslovakian Finally, in 1932, the Kharkov Aviation Institute ream of
airplane, the trimotored Avia 51. This aircraft was devel¬ designers in the Ukraine produced the KhAI-1, a Russian
oped by Robert Nebesar, who had worked as an aero¬ six-seater, low-wing, monocogue-fuselaged transport
dynamics engineer for Detroit Aircraft and then returned with a marked resemblance to the Orion. A number
to his native Prague. Cigar-shaped and streamlined with were reportedly intended for the Moscow-Tiflis express
cowls and pants, the metal plane clearly showed the services of the Russian airline Aeroflot, and some were
influence of the designer's days in the Motor City. utilized for pre-World War II military transport in the
Just three of Nebesar's 7-place trimotors were built in U.S.S.R.
1933 by the Czechoslovak Aircraft Works. They were sup¬ Though the Spanish war took the cream, by 1941
posedly sold ro Estonia, bur in actuality shipped to Spain. there were still some single-engine Lockheeds in good
In the course of delivery, the tramp steamer transporting condition—good enough to be conscripted into service
the three airplanes reportedly was sunk without a trace. in World War II.
The appearance of the Lockheed Orion, and espe¬ Don Marshall, Lockheed Aircraft representative at Dal¬
cially its performance on the European routes of Swissair, las, sold his Vega, the last one built, ro the Army Engi¬
contributed ro the design of other transport aircraft, all of neers' Los Angeles District. It was given an Army serial
which were soon to be put to military use. number and designated a UC-101.
The British designers A. H. Tiltman and N. S. Norway Similarly, the third-from-last Orion, the former Early Dird
(the latter the famous novelist, "Nevil Shute") acknowl¬ owned by the Derroir News was acguired in 1942 by the
edged that a photograph of the Orion influenced their War Department; in Army drab, it was called a UC-85.
decision to build a low-winged cantilever monoplane Nicknamed Scunleburr, this ship was flown during the
with retractable landing gear. The result was seen in the war our of March Field, California. Its usual pilot was Colo¬
Airspeed A5.5 Courier, and the Airspeed Envoy, which nel A. Paul Mantz, who was certainly no stranger to Lock¬
evolved into the ubiguitous Oxford trainer used by the heeds of the type.
Royal Air Force. Two other Vegas, an old Wedeli-Williams Air Service
The German airline, Deutsche Lufthansa, wanted a transport, and a former Phillips Petroleum ship, were sold
faster small transport to match Swissair's speedy Orion. to the Army Engineers operating our of San Francisco.
For rhem the Heinkel-Flugzeugwerke Company de¬ The latter plane was destroyed in a hangar fire at Van
Nuys, California. The former was reported only as in ser¬
vice "outside the continental limits of the United States."
Designer Robert Nebesar based Czech rrimoror on his experiences Its actual use in the war effort is unknown. Clarence
with Lockheed DL-Is. Chamberlin's Altair Miss Srrarosphere also went to the

Drafted in WWII is USAAF's Orion UC-85, former peacetime news- rown record-breaker of 1931. After cracking up in the
go rherer Early Bird. MacRoberrson Race this metal job was sold to parties in
Australia. Five years later, at the outbreak of the war, the
Army Engineers. Used for some early anriradar resring, ir Vega was impressed into the Royal Australian Air Force.
was wrirren off in a Californio accident. As an RAAF A42-1 it performed various chores at the
As thousands of aircraft poured from the factories, military airfields "down under." The ship still had its old
there was soon no real use for "draftees" such as the Wasp engine, which finally became unserviceable in
Vega UC-101 and the Orion UC-85. They were pur up for 1944. The Aussies endeavored to install other engines
sale even before the war ended. Don Marshall of Lock¬ and were going to try another Wasp from a smashed
heed bought back his Vega and then sold it again at a Sikorsky amphibian when the war ended and there was
good profit through broker Charlie Babb. The surplus no need.
Orion went to Danny Fowlie of Van Nuys, California. As rhe wrecker's torch cur up the Vega in October
One more Vega can be classed as a World War II 1945, there was no thought that here was rhe ship that
participant. It was Glen Kidston's old London-ro-Cape- had once been rhe fastest airplane on rwo continents.
Mirplones designed for rhe exclusive use of lorge Wirh its smoorh fuselage ro pass rhe airflow rhe Vega
IM corporarions hod rheir origin only a lirrle over Execurive was advertised as "reducing noise and vibra¬
ll fifty years ago. During rhe twenties, rhe well- tion ro a degree rhar dicrarion, typing, or raking a nap
known Fokker and Ford Trimorors were occasion- may now be included in rhe flying program of progres¬
A Aally refinished by individual owners os "flying sive businessmen and women who would make rhe
offices." Dur ir remained for Lockheed ro pur o business most of hours spenr in air travel.''
airplane into srandard producrion. This was rhe specially Lockheed's first Execurive was soon sold ro rhe Inde¬
equipped Vego Execurive. pendent Oil 6 Gas Company of Tulsa, Oklahoma, and
The prororype Execurive model come our of Burbank was used by rhe firm's vice president, Gillette Hill, for
in rime for exhibir or rhe Derroir Aircrofr Show of April business trips and sales promorion. The whire-and-blue
1929. Srandard equipmenr in rhis businessman's airplane Vega gathered good publicity as rhe official plane for
included a folding desk and a brand-new rypewrirer, con¬ rhe International Air Derby run from Mexico City ro Kansas
vertible searing, currained windows, and a lavarory. Since City in 1930. And in devising an emblem for Indepen¬
pre-Depression execurives were expecred ro mix business dent's Tailwind Aviation Gas, rhe Lockheed was com-
wirh pleasure, "a big comparrmenr for golf clubs and
luggage" was provided. Firsr Execurive Vega begins by carrying oilmen. Sriii flies roday.


bined wirh rhe compony's "big I" trademark Among the crowds that flocked about his cage, the lion
Before long, Independent was taken over by the Phil¬ could always sense rhe presence of either Turner or his
lips Petroleum Corporation of Bartlesville, Oklahoma, longtime mechanic, Don Young, and had a special type
and they traded rhe first Executive job for a newer Vega of growl to greet them. But the uncanny thing was that,
in a deal wirh Parks Air College of East Sr. Louis, Illinois. among the hundreds of planes that pur down and took
Phillips Petroleum owned and flew three Vegas and off from the terminal, Gilmore always came alert wirh
two Orions over a period of nine years. Aviation-minded recognition on rhe arrival or departure of rhe Lockheed
Frank Phillips, founder of rhe company, was rhe generous in which he'd flown so many miles. Since it was rhe only
sponsor of such famed flyers as Art Goebel, Bennie Griffin, Air Express flying in rhe area, perhaps he recognized it
and Wiley Post. Will D. (Billy) Parker, the popular, long¬ wirh a special lion's sixth sense, or by some peculiar swish
time manager of Phillips's aviation department, flew rhe of rhe parasol wing inaudible to human ears.
Lockheeds all over rhe country in sales work, paced rhe Eventually, title to the sturdy Air Express went to Colo¬
National Air Paces derbies, and set up a few intercity nel Roscoe Turner himself, and when nor flying racers he
records of his own. Promoting Phillips 77 Aviation Gaso¬ used it for personal transportation for eight years.
line for individual and airline use throughout rhe Mid- Through an arrangement with the Macmillan Petroleum
and Southwest, Parker's company bought the very last Corporation of Long Beach, California, he flew rhe ship
Lockheed Orion ever built. And later they acquired the as Roscoe Turner's Macmillan Ring-Free Express and pub¬
final Vega to come off rhe assembly line in Burbank. Billy licized their products as he had those of Gilmore Oil.
Parker, who flew rhe ships for nearly a decade, probably Roscoe had quite an affection for rhe ship and referred
had thousands of hours on both types. to it as "my baby." Finally, after eleven years of rough
Over in Ponca City was the Marland Oil Company, service, rhe plane was declared unairworthy, and Don
another Oklahoma oil producer and competitor of Phil¬ Young reluctantly dismantled and scrapped it.
lips's. To check pipelines and deliver executives to distant And Gilmore?
cities in a hurry, Marland bought a Lockheed Vega early Since rhe lion had so long been his companion and
in 1929. Ray Shrader, later in charge of operations for friend, Roscoe Turner put Gilmore in a Los Angeles pri¬
Braniff Airlines, got his first experience wirh Vegas as Mar- vate zoo, and paid for his upkeep for over twenty-five
land's pilot. The company was soon merged with Conti¬ years. When rhe famous lion died in 1957, his pilot ar¬
nental Oil Company, and rhe triangular Conoco ranged for a taxidermist's services and flew Gilmore east
trademark replaced that of Marland Oil on rhe ship's to a permanent resting place in rhe Turner Trophy Room
wings. After four years the original Vega was traded in at his Indianapolis home.
on a new one equipped with Goodyear Airwheels and "He's nor one of rhe trophies," explained Roscoe. "The
the NACA cowl. The second Conoco Lockheed had an trophies belong to him as much as they do to me."
extra-long existence as an executive plane: Continental After Roscoe's wings were folded in 1970, Gilmore was
pilots flew rhe red-white-and-green plane until 1944. sent to Washington to grace rhe racing exhibit at rhe
Mention has already been made of Roscoe Turner, his National Air and Space Museum.
lion cub Gilmore, and their work in publicizing Califor¬ The first Lockheed Vega to be sold to a major oil cor¬
nia's Gilmore Oil Company. On July 16, 1930—three poration went to a subsidiary of The Texas Company in
weeks after making a new cross-continent record—man, rhe summer of 1928. Bert E. Hull, president of rhe Texas
lion, and Air Express set a new mark for rhe three-nation Pipe Line Company, used the plane to survey routes and
flight from Vancouver, British Columbia, nonstop to Agua completed jobs from rhe air. Painted red, wirh white trim,
Caliente, Baja California, Mexico, of 9 hours, 14 minutes Hull's Texaco 2 was piloted all over rhe Southwest on
and 30 seconds. pipeline business. At the controls of rhe Whirlwind-pow¬
Even when not breaking records, rhe two made a ered ship were company pilots Frank Hawks, Bert Pid-
stellar publicity ream. At rhe best hotels they simply coke, or Matt Nieminen. Hawks soon became famous on
signed rhe register "Roscoe and Gilmore," and were uni¬ a national scale, flying rhe oil firm's Lockheed Air Express
versally accepted. Unfortunately rhe lion grew fast, and Texaco 5 on its transcontinental record-breaking trips.
soon his 500-pound bulk was more payload than Roscoe President Hull recalled his pilots handling rhe early
could afford to carry. Vegas "as carefully as if flying an empty eggshell"; and
After 25,000 miles of .flying, Gilmore had to be that wings and fuselages were occasionally punctured by
grounded, and was pur on exhibit in a special enclosure Texas hailstones. In checking a pipeline installation far
on rhe grounds of rhe United Air Terminal in Burbank. our on rhe plains, it was customary to buzz rhe adjacent
landing area until the crew below drove off the grazing
herds of cattle or sheep. In 1931, using a Vega and
The Execurive model Vega Included a porroble typewriter and a
concealed lavatory that was accessible when a passenger sear was makeshift landing fields of this nature, Texas Company
folded down. pilot Hal P. Henning conducted officials on a 5,000-mile
Moror installation for a Wright Whirlwind engine (lefr) and a Pratt wooden Lockheeds was Standard Oil of New Jersey.
& Whitney Wasp (righr).
Manager of their newly formed aviation department was
Edwin E. Aldrin, who went to Burbank in September 1928
to take delivery of rhe second Pratt & Whitney Wasp-
four of oil-field properries in Oklahoma and Texas. engined Vega to be produced. The red-and-whire ship
In addirion ro rwo Vegas operared by rhe pipeline was used to test various blends and aviation gasolines
subsidiary, and Frank Hawks's short-lived bur well-remem¬ and oils produced by Standard. In the spring of '29, Major
bered Air Express, The Texas Company also flew a Sirius. Aldrin shipped rhe Vega ro Europe. Accompanied by his
This was Texaco 16, a rwin-cockpir job brightly painted wife, Marion, and a mechanic, he rook a 6,000-mile busi¬
red and white, which was used for publicity at air shows ness trip to France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland,
and for fast transport in 1902-03 by aviation department Czechoslovakia, England, and The Netherlands. Since this
manager J. D. "Duke" Jernigan. was rhe first Lockheed ever seen on rhe continent, it
A second major oil company to buy and fly rhe attracted crowds each time rhe Aldrins set down at an
airdrome. And even with a leisurely trip, it was a fore¬
gone conclusion that rhe ship would set a few new Eu¬
Standard Oil of New Jersey's Vega, piloted by Maj. Edwin E Aldrin ropean intercity speed records.
(righr), toured rhe U.5. and gave Europeans their first sight of a Later in rhe year, this first Standard Oil Vega was
Lockheed. traded in on a newer model equipped with oversize

wheel ponrs, and rhe NACA cowl. The original Wasp en¬ combine, Shell Perroleum producrs were sriil new ro
gine wenr inro rhe new ship and before long hod hauled many Americans in rhe early 1930s. In 1929 ex-Army
rhe successive Lockheeds some 65,000 miles. This plane, flyer John A. Macready was hired by Shell Oil of Son
colled No. 1, and on idenrical sisrer ship, No. 6, flew for Francisco ro organize on aviorion deparrmenr. The per¬
rhe Sranavo Specificariom Board, a subsidiary formed by sonable major, Three rimes winner of rhe Mackay Trophy
rhe Srandard companies of New Jersey, Indiana, and Cal¬ and onerime holder of world's disronce, durarion, and
ifornia ro coordinare norionolly rhe promorion and sole olrirude records, had pilored rhe Army's T-2 on rhe firsr
of Sranavo Aviorion Gasoline and Oils. Since Sronavo's rransconrinenral nonsrop flighr in 1923.
Trademark was o symbolic eagle-airplane, rhe two Vegos Srandard, Richfield, and orher California oil companies
were given impressive poinr jobs in rhe form of gianr were very much in rhe aviorion business and Shell hod
American eagles whose brood wings srrerched along rhe been criricized for dragging irs feer. Major Macready
full canrilever of rhe Lockheeds and whose oursize clows changed oil rhis. Ar firsr he simply builr goodwill for Shell
reached down rhe wheel fairings. Oil and publicized rhe name. Many execurives and pro-
Informally dubbed rhe Flying Trademarks or rhe Sran¬ specrive cusromers were raken in Shell planes for rheir
avo Eagles, rhe colorful ships were based or Newark Air- firsr pleasure rrips alofr. Exhibirions, record-breaking hops,
porr, and flew everywhere and ofren. Ar one rime Major and flying jusr a cur above pure barnsrorming pur rhe
Aldrin held on unofficial rransconrinenral record wirh red-and-yellow scollop emblem very much in rhe public
No. 1. On a business Trip—wirh srops or Albuquerque, eye.
Tulsa, and Dayron-his flying rime for rhe whole junker Gradually, Macready and his pilors conracred airporr
was only 15 hours and 40 minures. owners and officials, and ser up a chain of ourlers for
Dorh Major Roberr E. Ellis and Lieurenonr Will W. Whire Shell aviorion producrs. They raughr orher company sales
were associared wirh Sranavo os assisranrs ro Aldrin. Ellis personnel rhar rhis unrapped marker was worrhy of fu-
flew one eagle-Vega from Miami ro Newark in 8 hours rure developmenr—which called for many hours and
in 1930, and Whire was copilor on rhe record-breaking many miles of day in, day our flying. Prominenr among
flighr rhe orhership made ro Buenos Aires rhe some year. rhe aircrafr flown by rhe aggressive and popular major
The No. 1 evenrually had rhe colors of irs eagle poinr were a pair of Lockheed Vegos. Decked our in rhe famil¬
job reversed when converred inro Jimmie Modern's sec¬ iar Shell colors, one was srarioned ar Alameda, Californio,
ond Cenrury of Progress. Sranavo Vega No. 6 also ap¬ across rhe bay from company headquarrers, and rhe
peared in borh whire-eagle and red-eagle versions orher in Searrle. Over a fourreen-year period (1930-44)
before sole in 1936 ro Joe Cosra as rhe Crystal City. Shell owned and flew a Lockheed fleer rhar included
Though backed by a long-esrablished inrernarional four Vegos and a Sirius.

John Macready promotes a new image, more sales for Shell. One of Shell Perroleum's rop assets.• Jimmy Doolittle.

The Sirius wos o very early experimental model, built Jimmy Doolittle in meteoric trips across the country with
at the same time as the prototype for Colonel Charles A. racing planes, and in winning trophies or the National Air
Lindbergh in late 1929. Lindbergh and Macready ex¬ Races. One of his accomplishments was to fly the Shell
changed ideas on their new ships and the colonel flew Vega to victory in the Transport Race at the 1930 NAR in
the Shell job on rests as well as his own. Macready recalls Chicago. For several years both Jimmys could be found
the Sirius as "a good airplane." He flew it on a 3,500- either flying a Lockheed our of Sr. Louis on oil company
mile tour of the Pacific Northwest and Canada and also business, or setting records with a series of fast, specially
raced the low-winger over a mile course at Alameda for built racing planes sponsored by Shell. It all helped sell
an unofficial speed record of 206 mph. aviation—and petroleum products.
After only a few months' operation Macready had the Short and chunky Jimmy Doolittle got hold of another
fast ship at an air show in Tracy, California. Seeking to Lockheed in 1932. This was the experimental Alrair with
give the crowd a thrill, he pur the Sirius in a power dive, wooden wing and metal fuselage that had been flown
with the idea of zooming up again just over the heads briefly as a mail plane by Transcontinental & Western Air.
of the spectators. On the way down, the plane devel¬ Lockheed was barely keeping in existence as a company
oped a terrific wing flutter. The major, shaken about as at the time, but managed to convert the ship to an
badly as the Lockheed, managed to land safely. Walking Orion. This was accomplished in the deserted factory by
away white-faced, he pur in a call to Burbank and told chief engineer Dick Von Hake and his assistant, Jimmy
the company to "come and get it." Apparently, though Gerschler. Working without pay, Miss Nina Wyatt typed
it had been flown full our on the rime trials, this particular the stress analysis and paperwork on the plane, and be¬
Sirius could nor withstand the strain of a power dive. came Mrs. Gerschler as a result of the association. The
Returned to the factory, it was never flown again. trio's combined efforts produced the only metal Orion
What Shell Oil was doing for aviation on the West ever to rake the air.
Coast, the Shell Petroleum Corporation of Sr. Louis pro¬ Called Shellighrning, the Orion was beautifully painted
posed to accomplish in the Midwest. On the recommen¬ with scalloped wings and big Shell emblems on the nose
dation of Macready and other astute officials who knew and tail. Jimmy Doolittle made hundreds of trips in this
men, this company hired another well-known Army avia¬ Lockheed, and the ship was very much in evidence at air
tor: James H. Doolittle. shows, airport dedications, and business conclaves across
Major Jimmy Doolittle hailed from California. For years the territory of all three Shell companies in the United
he was an irrepressible daredevil, and those who read of Stares. The presence of the famed racing pilot was
his exploits in test-flying and racing airplanes in the twen¬ enough to insure good attendance at any air event.
ties were apt to forger that he had also earned a doctor¬ Perhaps the most unusual use made of the Shellighr¬
ate in aeronautical engineering atM.l.T. Jimmy could nor ning was a special flight in the summer of 1932. This was
only fly like a demon, bur knew the technical side of the George Washington Bicentennial Airplane Flight to
airplanes and their engines. He was the first man to per¬ commemorate the 157th anniversary of the founding of
form an outside loop in an airplane, and the first to make the U.S. Postal Service. The plan was to fly in one day over
a completely blind flight—fears he planned ahead as all the American towns visited by George Washington in
carefully as if for one of his air races. his entire lifetime. Mailbags would be dropped at rhriry
Shell Petroleum purchased a $25,000 Lockheed for significant historical spots.
Doolittle, a sleek panted and cowled Vega with special Jimmy Doolittle took up the idea with enthusiasm and
Executive interior. Jimmy was to use it to promote the enlisted the aid of Alpheus F. Maple, editor of Shell's New
company out of St. Louis, as Major Macready was already York house organ, to go along and drop mailbags. As a
doing for the other Shell organization on the West Coast. crowning touch, they also took Miss Anne Madison Wash¬
Doolittle expected to leave Mirchel Field on Long Is¬ ington, great-great-g rand niece of the first president, in
land with his wife and iwo boys on February 27, 1930. the plane as passenger.
He realized that the Vega was overloaded with house¬ Jimmy got the Orion off from Kittery, Maine (Washing¬
hold baggage when the cockpit door behind him came ton's visit farthest north), in the early dawn of July 25,
unlatched and he nearly rumbled into the cabin. The 1932. The route rook him over Boston, Providence, New
ship shed its landing gear and dug into the frozen sod Haven, New York, and all the tiny places made famous
on its belly. Nobody was hurt, but the major's first day as by the Father of his Country. It was a problem in both
a civilian oil company employee was nor exactly auspi¬ navigation and landmark identification for Jimmy to pick
cious. our places like Monmouth Courthouse, New Jersey; Val¬
Shipped back to Burbank and rebuilt, the Vega served ley Forge, Pennsylvania; Wakefield, Viginia,- and Sunbury,
both Doolittle and James G. Haizlip, another ex-Army and North Carolina.
airline pilot who joined Shell at the same time. Soft- Al Maple, as a peacetime bombardier, next sent bags
spoken, handsome Jimmy Haizlip shared honors with plummeting down to watchers at Winchester, Virginia,-

Doolirrle and his famed Shellighrning, only meral Orion ever built, light, Maple let out the lost mailbag, which landed al¬
furnish rhrills or conventions and moke o 2,600-mile flight in one most or the feet of the postmaster standing on the
doy ro carry commemorative U.5. moil in George Washington's
parade ground or West Point. George Washington would
never hove believed that Jimmy Doolittle covered all the
places in the span of o single day, from dawn to dusk.
Forr Necessity, Pennsylvania; and Point Pleasant, West Vir¬ The entire 2,600-mile flight rook Shellighrning just 15
ginia. Turning north the speeding Lockheed cut across hours and 40 minutes.
western New York from Forr LeBoeuf (Waterford, Penn¬ Manufacturers of rubber products also hod a good field
sylvania) to Fort Sranwix (Pome, New York), and then in the aviation industry, both for advertising and devel¬
among the Adirondack foothills to Crown Point and Ti- opment of new products. Mention has already been
conderoga. made of the B. F. Goodrich Company's Lockheed Vega
Miss Washington "enjoyed every bit" of the trip. But it Miss Silverrown, and the racing, cross-country, and speed-
wos o weary Jimmy Doolirrle who, flying low and follow¬ trial work done with her by company pilot Lee Shoenhair.
ing the railroad tracks and Hudson River, finally headed In addition ro transporting executives, the ship was used
down the last stretch to New York. In the summer twi¬ in experiments with various airplane tires, brakes, and
wheels, during which the white speedster went by the
more prosoic designation of Test Plane No. 3.
Miss Silvertown is fitted for rubber "overshoes" to combat wing ice-
up. Goodrich Company's speed queen mode first complete test of
One of the greatest contributions to safe flying—the
De-icers on any aircraft in 1931, innovation wos standard transport first De-icer—was rested initially by Goodrich in 1901. The
equipment thereafter. pulsating rubber overshoes were designed to be or-

roched ro rhe leading edges of borh rhe wing and rail and was flown for a rime with an eagle paint job by
surfaces of an airplane, and inflated by compressed air Stanavo, whose pilots declared that it "flew cockeyed."
ro break off ice accumulations—rhus making it possible Ray Brown didn't seem ro have any trouble jockeying
for rhe airsrream ro carry rhe ice away. After extensive rhe shiny metal Vega, and it carried rhe officials of Gen¬
rests in a refrigerated wind runnel at Akron, and explor¬ eral Tire on business and pleasure jaunts until 1941.
atory application on a mail plane, Goodrich completely Other businesses made use of rhe speed and eye-
equipped their Lockheed with the De-icers. appeal of Lockheeds. The Prest-O-Lite Storage Battery
Billy Brock first flew rhe rubber-shod Miss Silverrown Corporation of Indianapolis had a white Vega, Presr-O-
above rhe Ohio landscape and found no noticeable dif¬ Lire II, which was in rhe charge of company pilot Dick
ference in the ship's stability. Then test pilot Charlie Mey¬ Knox. Elmer O. Beardsley and Walter F. Piper of Chicago
ers circled the white Vega high into rhe wintry clouds, used a red-and-gold Vega in their business of manufac¬
deliberately picked up a good thick layer of ice, and turing foundry machinery. The partners were pilots who
successfully eliminated it. Further rests by Jimmy Doolittle flew nor only for pleasure bur also for getting a part ro a
on Shell Petroleum's Vega and rhe Orion Shellighrning customer in a hurry. When rhe first Beardsley & Piper
proved rhe worth of De-icers. The next year Goodrich's Lockheed was accidentally destroyed by fire, this unusual
inflatable rubber boors were adopted as standard equip¬ pair of flying executives immediately bought another.
ment on scheduled transport planes and military aircraft. And proceeded to pilot rhe ship some 60,000 miles a
Another Akron firm, rhe General Tire & Rubber Com¬ year for a decade.
pany, had already had experience with one Lockheed. Out of Detroit, Captain Russell Young flew a beautiful
They briefly owned rhe Hornet-powered Air Express black-and-yellow Vega Executive for McAleer's Polish. The
which Henry J. Brown flew ro bear out Goodrich's Miss Miss McAleer advertised rhe product on its wing, and red
Silverrown in the 1929 transcontinental nonstop race. In cans of McAleer's were painted on rhe fuselage. Naturally
1904 General got another Lockheed, rhe former Shell this was one airplane that could always be counted on
Petroleum Vega which had been flown by Doolittle and to be kept shined ro a brilliant luster, and its dazzling
Haizlip. General's pilot was Ray V Brown, an Army- appearance did much to sell rhe product. C. H. McAleer,
trained flyer who came with rhe ship from Shell. Used for head of the company, developed an even glossier polish,
executive transport primarily, General's plane was which was claimed ro add from 2 ro 5 miles per hour to
named Miss Srreamline. rhe speed of rhe Vega.
The rubber company's wooden Vega was succeeded Miss McAleer was completely radio equipped, includ¬
in 1937 by one with a Duralumin fuselage, Miss Srream¬ ing a set for passengers and a broadcasting loudspeaker.
line 2nd. This ship had been an airliner in the Southwest, This voice from rhe sky could be heard for over a mile,
telling rhe countryside below rhe merits of McAleer's Pol¬
Ray Drown and Miss Streamline 2nd fly for General Tire.
One Vega used in business was built under unusual
circumstances. Richard Von Hake, rhe Lockheed chief
engineer who personally assembled Jimmy Doolittle's
Orion, was laid off during rhe company's reorganization
days of 1932-33. He bought a metal Vega fuselage
from rhe defunct Detroit Aircraft Corporation's receivers
for $2,000 and had it shipped to California. Von Hake
himself assembled rhe DL Vega with a stock wooden
wing, and readied it for sale through the virtually asset-
less Lockheed company.
The ship went from Burbank to John Morrell & Co., a
well-known meat packing firm, and was flown our of
Ottumwa, Iowa. Piloted by Cliff P. Kysor, and known as
Morrell's Pride II, the two-tone green Vega was primarily
used to bring customers into Morrell's plants at Ottumwa
and Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The Pride, after a subse¬
quent career as an airliner in rhe Southwest and Alaska,
is still in existence, the only remaining Vega with a
Detroit-built Duralumin fuselage.
In the 1930s Parks Air College of East Sr. Louis, Illinois,
was one of rhe notion's best and most popular schools of
flying instruction. Oliver L. Parks, a top auto salesman,

First known flying ambulance is this Aerial Transport Vega, the reacher of history and marh. He was coaching high
Invalid Coach, fitted our in January 1929. school arhlerics in Santa Cruz, California, when he caught
rhe "Lindbergh fever" in 1927 and learned ro fly. He was
founded rhe school in 1927, and Trained Thousands of good enough ro hold down a job as personal pilor for an
aircrafr and engine mechanics as well as pilors. Like Lock¬ exacting taskmaster publisher William Randolph Hearsr.
heed, rhe air college was affiliared for a rime wirh rhe Early in 1931 Morrison acquired a damaged Lockheed
Derroir Aircrafr Corporarion combine, and obrained Vega for $5,000, and had ir pur in shape ar rhe factory.
Vegas for srudenr insrrucrion. Parks's candidares for raring He knocked around wirh rhe ship for a while, flying our
as rransporr pilors all hod ro pur in rwelve hours' solo rime of Mills Field in San Francisco, and then ser our ro find a
buckled in one of rhe school's Lockheeds, of which rhe less crowded base of operations.
college owned Three over rhe years. Ofren rhe wooden In rhe spring of 1932, Red's wanderings rook him ro
ships from Burbank were repaired or complerely rebuilr rhe grass and sod field rhar passed for rhe Municipal
by mainrenance srudenrs in rhe shops ar Easr Sr. Louis. Airport or Helena, Montana. A lone specraror, Jake Fritz,
Orher Lockheeds were pur ro similar uses in flighr- and greeted rhe pilor on his arrival, and introduced him ro
ground-rraining schools rhroughour rhe narion. rhe county commissioner in charge of rhe field. Then and
Lawrence B. Talbor's California Aerial Transporr pur rhe rhere were laid rhe foundarions of Morrison Flying Ser¬
narion's firsr commercial air ambulance inro operarion in vice. And ir was a sample of Red's persuasive enthusiasm
1930. A Lockheed Vega painred whire wirh big red rhar Jake Fritz became his firsr flighr srudenr.
crosses on each side, ir conrained a suspended, form¬ Scratching our a livelihood in a strange rown was no
firring bed, rigged ro remain level during flighr. Equip- picnic for rhe red-headed barnstormer. He srumped rhe
menr included a firsr-aid cabiner, srrerchers, hor pads, stare, selling all rhe sightseeing hops he could promote
blankers, sheers, and pillows. There was room ro sear an for his Vega, and gave advance insrrucrion in ir ro bud¬
arrendanr docror and nurse ar rhe bedside. ding rransporr pilors. There was no place Red wouldn't
Larry Talbor's Invalid Coach was kepr on call in rhe go for a charrer, provided rhe air was flyable and rhe
rransporr company's hangar ar Los Angeles Municipal Air- ground landable. Wirh his Whirlwind-powered Lockheed,
porr. Lareron, Joe Lewis-and Viola Neil operared a similar he might rum up ar Wolf Point, Montana, wirh a rancher
Vega as rhe Aerial Hospiral Service our of Union Air Ter¬ wirh carrle for sale, or ar Los Angeles Metropolitan Airport
minal in Burbank; and in 1938 Laurerra M. Schimmoler wirh o rired businessman and party, ser for a Hollywood
endeavored ro found an Aerial Nurse Corps, urilizing a fling. Ir was said rhar "by a combinarion of ebullience,
chartered Vega from Unired Air Services ar rhe same fearlessness, and unfailing energy, Red Morrison sold rhe
field, people of Helena—and Montana—on aviation as a ser¬
Typical of rhe charrer flyers who made good use of vice."
Lockheed looks, speed, and reliability was R. E. Morrison. Red lost his beloved and weil-cared-for Vega in rhe
Red was a University of Kansas graduare and former spring of 1935, after five years of daily flights. Making a

explosion" in rhe cabin behind him. There was a mo¬

ment's dead silence. Then giggles began, and more
laughter told him ir was only rhe popping cork of an
extra-powerful bottle of champagne.
The stocky boss of United Air Services gradually added
flying in rhe movies ro his list of services, and it became
rhe work for which he was chiefly noted. Camera mounts
were devised ro fir anywhere on any rype of plane, and
mock-up aircraft interiors were supplied to rhe studios ro
use for close-up scenes. If Paul Manrz foresaw a need for
some special equipment, he'd either buy or build it.
In rhe course of this work Manrz probably owned, con¬
trolled, or had rhe use of a greater number of Lockheeds
than any pilot of rhe times. Over a thirty-year period he
had at least seven Vegas in his stable, plus a Sirius and
an Orion.
Manrz used his Vegas for flying sequences in such mo¬
tion pictures os Wings in rhe Dork, wirh Cary Grant and
Myrna Loy, and The Bride Come C.O.D., wirh Berre Davis
Red Morrison, whose Vega flew every day for five years. and Jimmy Cagney. In 1938 he cracked up a Vega wirh
rhe markings of Barrancas Airways on location at Sr.
George, Utah. Though Paul stepped our unhurt, rhe ship
forced landing high in rhe mountains of sourhwesr Mon¬ was a washout and all rhe scenes of Only Angels Have
tano, rhe ship's landing gear ler go. Ir wasn't feasible ro Wings in which ir appeared had ro be shot all over again.
remove rhe plane from such a remote area: Morrison Wirh lethal-looking "bombs" under rhe wings, rhe Manrz
walked our and simply left ir there. Though Red died in Sirius appeared in movies as a dive bomber. And in rhe
a 1942 bomber crash, rhe Morrison Flying Service, which tradition of Hollywood make-believe, rhe Orion, wirh Brit¬
he starred wirh his faithful Vega, was continued by his ish markings, passed for a shot-up fighter, crash-landed
widow, operating a charter service out of Helena Munic¬ on rhe tarmac.
ipal Airport. For rhe great aviation epic Men wirh Wings, Manrz
Best known for his movie stunting and air racing, A. mustered his full force of camera planes and vintage
Paul Manrz started a charter business in 1930. An Ala¬ aircraft, and spared no expense ro strive for true authen¬
meda, California, boy, Manrz got his training from rhe ticity. In the script, Fred MacMurray, preparing to fly to
Army, and for a spell operated a flying school at Palo Paris, overshoots Roosevelt Field and lands in rhe cold
Alto. In 1931 he breezed into Union Air Terminal at Bur¬ Atlantic Searchers Ray Milland and Andy Devine find him
bank with a little J5-powered Srearman. He had only a perched disconsolately on rhe wing of his nearly sub¬
few acquaintances, so he had to start on rhe flighrline merged Vega Miss Porricio. Just after rhe hero's rescue
wirh rhe rest of rhe helmer-and-goggles boys, ballyhoo- the plane dramatically and realistically sinks. So skillfully
ing for hop customers and an occasional student. Despite were rhe air and process-screen shots of this sequence
rhe Depression, Manrz prospered, while other ambitious made that most moviegoers firmly believed that rhe trim
pilots found themselves without financial lift under their white Lockheed had actually been sacrificed in making
wings and had to settle back into humdrum lives. Paul's the movie.
secret was service as good or better than commercial Wirh excellent foresight that movies and television
airlines could offer. His motto of Anywhere—Anytime would always need typical airplanes representative of
meant something, and before long the Mantz-operated rhe passage of rime and rhe pageant of aviation history,
United Air Services, Ltd., had five planes going on charter, Manrz procured and preserved dozens of old airplanes.
forest patrol, student training, or exhibitions. Some were stored and others kept in flying condition.
For speed in transporting rhe movie moguls and stars From an aeronautical boneyard of planes, parrs, and
of Hollywood anywhere in the Western Hemisphere, Paul pieces, he could either produce an original or build a
acquired two Lockheed Vegas and kept them ready to replica authentic enough ro pass inspection by movie
fly at the ring of a phone. Mexico was a frequent desti¬ buffs and aviation historians.
nation, or the gambling halls of Nevada. On one flight Wirh a partner, Frank G. Tollman, Mantz set up Tall-
to Las Vegas a party from rhe flicker colony was in full mantz Aviation, Inc., at the Orange County Airport in
swing as Manrz headed his Vega across rhe Mojave Des¬ Santa Ana, California. In rhe stable of their “Movieland of
ert. Seated up in the office, Paul felt and heard "a terrific rhe Air" were two Lockheeds.

Parrs of Only Angels Have Wings had ro be re-shor after Paul Manrz For a decade rhe Tallmanrz Vega, builr in 1929, was
(righr) clobbered his "Darrancas Airways" Vega.
rhe oldest Lockheed srill flying. As The Viking, she carried
Donald MacMillan's Arctic photo party of 1901 and also
Film stars Fred MacMurray and Andy Devine on location for Men spent many years as rhe Elizabeth Lind, operating on
Wirh Wings with one of Mantz's vintage Vegas. floats our of Seattle. Manrz and Tollman bought her in
1956 and, in anticipation of a proposed motion picture
on Amelia Earharr, had rhe Vega painted red and gold
and relicensed wirh Amelia's old number. The film was
never shot, bur the plane did appear in The Carpetbag¬
gers. Next, Continental Airlines leased rhe ship for the
company's thirtieth anniversary. In 1964 rhe paint trim
was changed to the red and white of Varney Air Trans¬
port, Continental's immediate ancestor, and the Vega
was sent on a national publicity tour. No longer flying,
and srill in VAT livery, this Vega is now on exhibit at rhe
Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan.
The other Tallmanrz Lockheed was rhe only Orion srill
in existence. Originally builr as an Altair in 1931, rhe ship
went from TWA to conversion as rhe Shellighming made
famous by Jimmy Doolittle. Paul Manrz himself flew it in
rhe Bendix Faces of 1938 and 1939, and bought it back
from later owners in 1955. After both Manrz and Tollman
were killed in airplane accidents, their company's assets
were dispersed. The Orion eventually went ro Swissair. It
was repainted in rhe original brilliant red-and-white
scheme of their first wooden Orion of 1932, and the
airline presented the restored metal version ro rhe Swiss
Air Transport Museum in Lucerne, where it hangs today.
The Detroit News was rhe first newspaper to adapt an
airplane ro rhe needs of a modern metropolitan daily.
Aeronautics editor of the News was young James V. Pier-
sol, who reasoned that rhe paper should have a plane

equipment. Special aerial cameras were mounted for

shooting air views from the open door. The cabin could
be blacked out for use as a darkroom, and there was a
typewriter and desk for use of flying reporters. In addition,
provisions were mode for quick conversions of the Lock¬
heed from wheels to either floats or skis. With an initial
outlay of $27,709.50 the News had a plane-of-all-work,
ready to fly to the Arctic or the tropics at short notice.
Frank Byerly was chosen as pilot, to be supplemented
by Jimmy Piersol. The cameraman was William Kuenzal,
who had made the first aerial photograph of Detroit from
a Burgess hydroplane back in 1912. The Vega itself was
painted a special shade known as Detroit News Bed and
cream lettering proclaimed the name of her owners.
During the first year of operation The News Lockheed
flew nearly 46,000 miles on work that included coverage
of news stories, aerial photography, and the distribution
of newspapers. On wheels, skis, and pontoons the ship
Frank G. Tollman (on wing) and A. Paul Manrz operated a collec¬ made 388 flights over thirty-one states and provinces.
tor's paradise with foresight—and profit Among the diverse assignments given the plane were
the reporting and photographing of forest fires in north¬
ern Michigan, finding and interviewing a missing witness
of irs own. The ship should be able ro carry 500 pounds 300 miles from the scene of a crime, delivering papers
of newspapers in a comfortable closed cabin, and should to businessmen on a cruise of the Great Lakes, and bring¬
have an unobstructed full cantilever wing to expedite ing back special photos of the Detroit Tigers opening
aerial photography. Speed was the prime requisite, and spring training in Florida.
it was not strange that Piersol's choice was a Lockheed The publishers estimated that the Vega cost just 62
Vega. The publishers thought long and hard about ap¬ cents a mile ro operate, including the pay of pilot and
proving the purchase, bur once it was made they were cameraman, and that in irs travels some three million
never sorry. people must have seen the plane close enough to read
Bought in the summer of 1929, the Derroir News Vega Detroit News on its wings and fuselage. Piersol's flying
was equipped with landing lights and night-flying aids, crew made excellent use of the Vega for five years. Then
and stocked with blankets, rations, and other emergency they traded her back to Lockheed for a brand-new Orion,
which would prove even more useful at newsgarhering.
Named Early Dird, it was one of the last Orions ro come
Derroit News's Vega covers headline events on wheels, skis, and out of Lockheed's assembly hangar.
floats, made nearly 400 special flights for stories. The Detroit News's radio station WWJ was by now an

Early Bird 's camera pod can aim ar news for rhe Detroit daily, while Still there were a number of men and women of means
on-board reporter radios his story to rhe newsroom. who could both afford rhe plane and a personal pilot to
fly it.
integral parr of rhe newspaper and would play an im¬ Oil operators of Texas and Oklahoma who had struck
portant parr in rhe design features of rhe new plane. it rich were excellent customers for rhe early Vegas, and
Again it was aviation ediror Jimmy Piersol who chose rhe hired ex-barnstormers to pilot them across rhe great dis¬
Lockheed, and went our ro Burbank to supervise person¬ tances of the Southwest. Tulsa's Lockheed dealer was Erie
ally rhe construction of this one. Though rhe popular P. Halliburton, an airline operator and rhe wealthy paten¬
rrend in 1934 was toward metal construction, it was tee of a process for cementing oil wells. He sold a num¬
thought that the wooden monocoque design was still ber of Vegas ro his friends—and every plane being used
rhe best ro minimize camera vibration and rhe back¬ for speedy business transportation was likely to produce
ground noises encountered in broadcasting. a well-heeled customer for another.
Piersol and Lockheed engineers contrived to install a F. C. Hall, the Oklahoma City oil-lease broker, owned
complete broadcasting station in the cabin of rhe new three successive Lockheed Vegas, all named for his
Orion, with a special FCC license for either voice or code. daughter, Winnie Mae. He paid his pilot Wiley Post $250
They arranged openings for cameras in the bottom of a month; good wages for rhe rimes. Later on, he had an
rhe fuselage ar both sides and at rhe rear. In addition, in Orion, and still later, a twin-engine Electro.
a pod mounted flush in rhe left wing was a special aerial Other Vegas were owned by John J. Moran of rhe
camera, controlled by the pilot and aimed by pointing Moran Drilling Company, Wichita Falls, Texas,- by William
rhe plane ar the subject. Like rhe newspaper's old Vega, H. Dunning's Sequoia Oil Company of Fort Worth, and by
there was still ample room for flying reporters and their rhe Julian Oil and Royalties Company and rhe Kessler Oil
desks. b Gas Company, both of Oklahoma City. G. W. Mennis
Piersol usually piloted -rhe Early Bird himself, and for of Fort Worth's Texas Worth Tool Company died in his
years rhe red-and-cream ship was a familiar sight over Vega in an accident in 1930 near Alvord, Texas.
Detroit, with its bulbous camera eye winking ro record Jobe Pundr of rhe American Liberty Oil Company of
rhe news and sports events of the day while WJ radio Dallas flew a speedy Sirius. Later there were Orions criss¬
reporters gave on-the-spot descriptions. crossing rhe skies above Tulsa, flying for rhe Barnsdall Oil
Lockheeds were universally covered, bur the original Company and John Mabee's Mabee Consolidated Cor¬
price tag of $20,000 ro $25,000 for a new ship made it poration. L. E. "Red" Gray flew many of rhe Southwest
hard for an individual to go our and buy one outright. oilmen, and another popular pilot was Frank Hover.

gli The oil operators did nor hove a monopoly on the

privately owned Lockheeds. Asa Candler, Jr., son of rhe
founder of rhe Coca-Cola firm, owned three of rhem.
When his first Vega was burned in a hangar fire at At¬
lanta, he quickly bought another. Then he acquired one
of rhe earliest Orions—rhe ship his pilot, Beeler Blevins,
flew in rhe 1901 Bendix Race to Cleveland. Morgan Bel¬
mont of rhe Wall Street firm of August Belmont b Com¬
pany had an early Executive Vega, which was piloted by
Ernest L. Benway.
New York's Guggenheim family, well known for their
support of all manner of aeronautical activities, owned a
Lockheed Air Express, and larer a Vega. The parasol-wing
job was always kept in immaculate condition, and was
piloted by young Russell W. Thaw. In 1902 the ship was
purchased by rhe prominent Proresranr minister Dr. Dan¬
iel A. Poling. Chicago social reformer Raymond Robins,
Poling's associate in rhe Allied Forces for Prohibition
movement, had recently disappeared—a victim of am¬
nesia, as it turned out. Meanwhile, Poling had had his
whire-red-and-blue Lockheed christened Raymond Rob¬
ins in honor of his missing friend.
With Russ Thaw as pilot, Poling made a truly whirlwind
political tour, stumping thirty-one stares in behalf of Pres¬
ident Hoover and rhe cause of Prohibition during rhe final
weeks of rhe '32 campaign. Though rhe contest ended
with defeat for rhe Republican candidate, this pioneer
trek demonstrated rhe value of flying as a vote-gathering
technique of the future.
Smiling Russ Thaw went back to piloting rhe Guggen-
heims, after his journeys with Poling. Their next plane, a
Lockheed Vega, had been completely rebuilt at rhe fac¬
tory. Incorporating rhe latest aeronautical improvements
as they came on rhe marker, rhe Guggenheim Vega was
one of the first certified airplanes—rhar is, receiving an
Approved Type Certificate from rhe U. S. Department of
Commerce—to be equipped with rhe hydraulically op¬
erated Hamilton two-pitch propeller. Its takeoff perfor¬
mance was phenomenal, and Russ frequently got rhe
Lockheed off the ground in less than five seconds.
During a South American junket, Thaw, while flying
Mrs. Edmond A. Guggenheim, had a tangle with some
stumps on a field in Surinam. The Vega was shipped
back ro California for repair, and its next owner first saw
the ship in pieces on the floor of rhe factory in Burbank.
He was Herbert G. Fales, an official of rhe International
Nickel Company in New York.
Fales personally flew rhe white, blue-trimmed Lock¬
heed for both business and pleasure. With its five ranks
holding 232 gallons, the ship had a range of 1,200 miles,
enabling rhe Nickel executive ro cover every parr of rhe
United States, and go into Canada and Mexico, with a
Plane rhar inaugurared airborne politicking is Raymond Robins
Crop); Continental Oil's Vega (second) finally went ro Alaska, Ruth
minimum of refueling stops. Fales put 750 hours on the
Nichols raced Asa Candler's Orion (third); Phillips's Vega (bottom) plane during six years' ownership, and recalled rhe Vega
larer worked in movies. as "a very fine airplane."

A similar Vega named Ariel was ,rhe property of Miss

Margery Duranr, daughter of auto manufacturer W. C.
Durant. Miss Durant hired Charles La Jorre of Santa Mon¬
ica, California, to pilot her on travels over three conti¬
The Ariel seemed to have an affinity for boundary
fences. Twice it tangled with them, once at Roosevelt
Field and again at the airport in Santa Barbara, California.
Miss Durant sailed for Europe with the white Lockheed in
April 1931. With La Jorre as pilot and Everett Smith as
traveling mechanic, she made a successful 7,000-mile air
tour of England, France, Italy, North Africa, and the Near
Miss Durant liked to fly and she liked to cook. About
the rime that Charley La Jorre's seat was beginning to
feel hard and his eyes weary from scanning the endless
sands of Egypt, she might hand him up a plate of cinna¬
mon roast and a steaming cup of coffee, prepared on a
little Srerno stove. During these open-flame sessions, me¬
chanic Smith worried about gas fumes from the fuel
ranks directly overhead, and would stand by with a fire
extinguisher at the ready. Miss Durant never learned to
fly the Ariel, bur it served the much-traveled lady for three
years before it was sold to an airline.
Another aviation enthusiast—though nor a pilot—was
William Gibbs McAdoo. Well established as an industrial¬
ist, McAdoo had been Woodrow Wilson's Secretary of the
Treasury, boss of the railways during World War I, and a
leading candidate for the Democratic nomination for the
Presidency. In 1929, as a corporation lawyer with offices
in both Los Angeles and Washington, the sixty-five-year-
old McAdoo purchased a Lockheed Vega for his personal
transportation. He remarked wryly that it was "faster to
go to Washington by plane than by way of the Electoral
Equipped with desk, r/PewrireT and chemical toilet,
McAdoo's Vega was one of the special Executive models,
and was named The Blue Streak His pilot was Army-
trained Harry Ashe, a safe and sane flyer who in three
years transported the lawyer-politician over 140,000
miles. In October 1930 the Srreak carried Ashe, McAdoo,
and a secretary from coast to coast in 16 hours and 11
minutes—an unofficial record.
Another prominent, bur more controversial, Lockheed
owner was Dr. John R. Brinkley of Milford, Kansas, and
larer of Del Rio, Texas. Brinkley, a dapper and goateed
North Carolinian, was fabuloulsy well off as a result of his
much publicized "special operation" involving the trans¬
planting of goat glands to produce rejuvenation. He was
both denounced as a charlatan and hailed as a medical
The owner of yachts, diamonds, Cadillacs, and the
world's most powerful radio station, Brinkley was a natu¬ Pilor Russell Thaw Crop, lefr) and Dr. Poling on rheir whirlwind rour
ral prospecr for a personal airplane to transport him in 1932, and (below) Dr. Brinkley poses with vigor galore while
between ports of his medical empire. Carl Squier, Lock- George MacDonald beams from the office.

heed's general manager and rop salesman, journeyed

ro Milford in a renred car, hoping ro sell rhe docror on an
Orion. Brinkley nor only ordered, bur rook such a liking
ro Carl rhar he offered him a free operarion if he ever
needed ir. In rhe meanrime he insisred on sending rhe
bemused Californian back ro his horel in Kansas Ciry in o
limousine, wirh a driver ro follow behind wirh rhe renrol.
The check Squier received was like norhing rhe man
from Lockheed hod ever seen before or since: ir hod dr.
john r. drinkley in huge lerrers from corner ro corner.
When rhe new whire-and-black Orion was finished,
rhe name wos prominenr on rhe fuselage. Brinkley, flam-
boyanr for a purpose, was our for all rhe publicity mile¬
age he could run up, and rhe official name for rhe ship
was, os mighr be expecred, Docror Drinkley III.
The Kansas medico hired George A. MacDonald ro fly
rhe Orion, and prudenrly regisrered rhe ship in rhe pilor's
name in order ro avoid any unpleasanrness should rhe
plane be involved in law-suirs. MacDonald shurrled rhe
docror berween Milford and Del Rio, and ro anywhere
else in rhe counrry rhar he had a mind ro go.
The Docror Drinkley III had a 645-hp Wrighr Cyclone
engine on rhe nose, and for a period wos probably rhe
fasresr privarely owned cabin monoplane in rhe air. To
balance rhe weighr of rhe big Wrighr, MacDonald had ro
srash a couple of 100-pound sacks of sand in rhe rail.
Brinkley had enemies, and on one occasion his Orion
was cleverly saboraged in such a manner rhar rhe land¬
ing-gear lock would break when rhe plane rouched
down. Ir happened: rhe wheels folded, rhe plane bellied
in and slid ro a grinding hair. As rhe dusr serried, Mac
ducked his head and Turned ro rell rhe docror and rhree
orher porrly genrlemen ro "ger our quick."
Bur rhe narrow oval cabin was complerely empry, rhe
folding sears uprighr as Though rhey had never been
occupied. The amazed pilor rhen discovered rhar his pas¬
sengers were all garhered abour rhe cowl, wairing for
him ro ger our.
Afrer rhree years of inrensive flying Docror Drinkley III
was Traded in on one of rhe new twin-engine Lockheed
Elecrras. The Orion subsequently served rhe Spanish Loy¬
alists as a high-powered transport for military and political
personnel during rhe bloody Civil War of 1936-39.
In addition ro rhe business executives who used air¬
planes for speedy rransporrarion, there was a small and
select group of men and women who simply and un¬
abashedly flew for fun. They were "sports flyers," a rerm
rhar has gradually gone our of style and use, bur which
aprly described a person ro whom flying was as much a
sport as moror boaring or polo, and who usually had rhe
money ro indulge in ir.
A number of this group liked rhe looks of Colonel Lind¬
Margery Duranr and Ariel are greeted by British officers at Cairo in
1931, and (below) Howard Hughes, manufacturer-pilot noted for bergh's new low-winged Sirius, and wanted ones of rheir
being camera-shy, visits with airplane broker Charles H. Babb (righr) own. Young Stafford L. "Casey" Lamberr of rhe Sr. Louis
in Glendale, California. pharmaceurical family was very much in rhe marker, so
> i ^ wm*» ■ £ v ^ j£/7 W1

S*» 1

Despite crash of demonstrator (top), Casey Lambert bought a new


-** "V
disposing of ir ro another sports flyer: Bernarr Macfadden.
TO** \ • '
Though rhe publisher finally soloed and flew small
CRAFT planes, he left rhe flying of his various Lockheeds ro hired
pilors, and normally only traveled wirh rhem as a passen¬
ger. Ir is significant rhar all rhree of rhe Lockheeds in
MODEL which Macfadden flew personally were open-cockpir
jobs. The technicalities of rhe aircraft didn'r inreresr him
particularly. Whar got him was rhe joy of being up there,
masrer of his ship, wirh rhe control stick in his fist and his
head in rhe slipstream.
Another New Yorker who shared rhis passion was Re¬
Idenrificarion plore carried by ConrinentaI Oil's Vega rhroughour
ginald L. "Pete" Brooks. A mainsray of rhe exclusive Avia¬
nine ownerships until the ship was damaged beyond repair in
1954; the "194" is Lockheed factory's serial number. Plate was tion Country Club on Long Island, Pere bought and flew
stolen by the Reverend Father Doardman C. Reed. rhe Lockheed Air Express rhar went ro rhe Guggenheims
and then ro Dr. Daniel Poling.
There were women sports flyers, too. Amelia Earharr,
Derroir-Lockheed senr resr pilor Herb Fahy ro Missouri wirh Rurh Nichols, and Laura Ingalls were all originally in rhis
a brand-new demonsrraror. On April 12, 1900, Herb rook class before graduating to more than amareur status.
Lambert up and raughr him a bir of how ro handle rhe Also prominent for a rime was Mrs. Joan Fay Shankle of
streamlined, randem-cockpir ship. Larer in rhe day Cas¬ Boston, rhe first licensed woman pilor in Massachusetts.
ey's friend Herbert Condie showed up and narurally In 1930 Mrs. Shankle bought rhe fourth Lockheed Sirius
wanted a ride, too. Fahy was generous wirh rhe com¬ built, and ir didn'r bother her a bir rhar irs regisrrarion
pany ship. number was 13W. She and her husband, Army Air Corps
"Go ahead, Casey, you rake him. You can fly it just as Caprain Clarence E. "Chris" Shankle, flew rhe plane on
good as I can," said Herb. cross-counrry journeys, and Joan participated wirh ir in
Lambert and Condie rook rhe Sirius up, circling over Sr. rhe 1931 National Air Races ar Cleveland.
Louis. Purring her through her paces, rhey were in a shal¬ The Shankle Sirius was usually hangared ar a privare
low dive ar around only 190 mph when the ailerons airstrip that served rhe couple's ranch near Tubac, Ari¬
began ro flap and rhe wings began ro flutter. Casey and zona There was even an aircraft and engine mechanic
his friend watched numbly as both ailerons vanished and hired from Lockheed living rhere ro keep rhe ship flying.
parrs of rhe wings detached rhemselves in rhe airsrream. Occasionally Joan and Chris pressed rhe low-wing speed¬
There was nothing ro do bur nose rhe ship up under full ster into such lowly chores as carrying grain and feed ro
power and rake ro rhe silk. Lockheed losr a demonsrra¬ rhe ranch. Once while in flight some loose bales of hay
ror, one of rhe very few ro be destroyed by structural were sucked completely our of a loose baggage com¬
failure. partment door, and were scattered all over rhe Arizona
Unfazed by rhe accident, and his sudden initiation into landscape while rhe Shankles flew blind. Wirh rhe intro¬
rhe Carerpillar Club, Casey Lambert srill liked rhe Sirius duction of retracrable landing gear, Mrs. Shankle had rhe
and quickly agreed ro buy another, provided rhe engi¬ Sirius converted ro an Alrair, and rhe Wasp engine was
neers installed counrer-balanced ailerons. He flew ir for supercharged for peak performance. Afrer faithfully serv¬
over two years wirhour any trouble, bur was of rhe per¬ ing rhe lady for frequent rrips from rhe Southwest ro New
sonal opinion rhar ir was "rhe mosr dangerous" aircraft England, rhe plane was eventually acquired by Colonel
ro come our of Burbank. Clarence Chamberlin and named Miss Stratosphere.
The mixed reception of rhe Sirius didn't bother other As rhe Lockheed company began production of its all-
prospective buyers. H. Walter Blumenrhal ordered one metal, twin-engine Electro model, rhe manufacture of
shortly afrer Lambert got his. In July 1900 freelance resr rhe wooden planes was gradually currailed. In 1934 San
pilor Jimmy Collins delivered rhe Sirius ro irs New York Francisco's W.P. "Frank" Fuller of rhe Fuller Paint Com¬
buyer—wirh an unsuccessful try ar berrering rhe trans¬ pany family, purchased rhe very last Vega ro be built.
continental record thrown in. Soon rhere were second-hand planes coming on rhe
The Blumenrhal Sirius was a beautiful ship, painted red marker, and those who flew for pleasure could scour rhe
wirh whire teardrop rrim. Ir was a special model called a aircraft brokerage firms in search of a good used Lock¬
Sport Cabin Sirius, and had borh rhe tandem cockpits ro heed, often one rhar had had a parr in making aviation
rhe rear, and a small four-windowed cabin ahead. A history.
novice pilor, Blumenrhal actually rook flying lessons in Charles H. Babb of the Grand Central Air Terminal in
rhis Lockheed, considered by mosr ro be a prerry hor ship. Glendale, California, sold dozens of used Lockheeds in
Blumenrhal kept rhe Sporr Sirius for rwo years before rhe thirties and into the forties. His customers were air-

Lasr Vega was builr in 1934, went ro W. P. Fuller, next ro U5AAF as bished the planes as they came in, and readied them for
rheir UC-101, then ro Charles Dabb for resale. sale. Stored in Charley Babb's hangar was rhe wing of
rhe Blue Flash, rhe Explorer which RoyAmmel had piled
up in Panama afrer his record flighr from New York in
lines, foreign buyers, execurives and sports flyers. Charley
1930. The Explorer's wing was nearly 6 feer longer rhan
Babb probably held rirle ro more Lockheeds in his life-
those of rhe standard Lockheed Sirius, Alrair, and Orion.
rime rhan any orher man. There was seldom a monrh
Babb also had a fuselage of one of Transcontinental &
bur whar rhe lisr of Babb's Bargains contained one or
Western Air's Orions. It seemed a perfectly natural thing
more Vegas, with an occasional Sirius, Air Express, or an
to mate rhe two into a complete airplane.
Orion for sale. Depression prices for used Vegas ranged
The California aircraft broker found a surprising cus¬
from $9,500 for a Wasp-engine job with panrs and cowl,
tomer for his bastard Orion-Explorer. Wiley Post, with his
ro $2,250 for a workhorse older model with a Wrighr
Winnie Mae highly modified for her stratosphere flights,
Whirlwind engine. Orions went for from $17,500 down
needed another, reasonably priced ship for his personal
ro $10,000, depending on equipment and condition.
transport. He bought the hybrid plane in February 1935.
Broker Babb nor only sold whole airplanes, bur dealt
When Wiley's friend and fellow-Oklahoman Will Rog¬
in componenr parts as well. His shops rebuilt and refur¬
ers suggested a leisurely trip around the world in reverse
of rhe famous Post speed trips, the flyer jumped at the
Converred from Sirius, rhis Alrair was flown by rransarlanric flyer chance. He was weary and discouraged over rhe appar¬
Clarence Chamberlin. Name reads: miss stiwosphepe—she's the tops. ent failure of his stratosphere flying, and needed a vaca-

rion. With rhe Winnie Mae srored in Bartlesville, in rhe plane and taxied across rhe river ro take off into
Oklahoma, rhe famed pair decided ro rake rhe newer the wind. Wiley Post rocked the Orion to get ir up on
Orion, There would be no records this rime—jusr a plea¬ step, and roared off the water in a steep climbing turn.
sure rrip up through Alaska, Siberia, Russia, and perhaps The dripping floats flashed in rhe half-light of rhe Arctic
home by way of Iceland and Greenland. Posr was far summer night.
from a rich man, and Rogers volunteered to pay rhe Only fifty feet up rhe engine stopped cold. Like a dish
expenses. pushed from rhe edge of a table, rhe plane fell off,
Will Rogers—cowboy, humorist, acror, well-loved pub¬ dragged a wing in rhe water and crashed on its back.
lic figure—had been called "America's No. 1 air passen¬ The "man with a rag on sore eye" and rhe "big man
ger," and ir was probably rrue. Will loved flying, made with boors" did nor answer when rhe seal hunters called
friends with all his pilots, boosred aviation every chance loudly. Clair Oakpena ran most of the way to Barrow
he got. No stranger to Lockheeds, by 1935 he had flown with rhe news, and an Army Signal Corps operator ra¬
over 500,000 miles in both scheduled and unscheduled dioed it to a shocked and unbelieving world. The lives of
planes, and never rook a train if he could help it. Among one of America's finest flyers and of her best-loved hu¬
his goals was gradually to become the "world's airplane morist had come ro an end in the shallow water beside
reporter": barring out his daily newspaper column, giving rhe bleak Arctic tundra.
rhe Rogers slant on things from wherever the news was In Washington rhe Smithsonian Institution had long
happening. been interested in acquiring the famous Winnie Mae for
Will and Wiley made ready for their trip. They rook rhe
Orion on a shakedown flight to Oklahoma, using rhe
fixed landing gear which came with rhe ship. This gear Joe Crosson waves ro Rogers (on wing) and Post as rhey ger ser ro
was eliminated in favor of pontoons, for much of rhe leave Fairbanks on rheir nexr-ro-lasr rakeoff. Wreck of rhe Orion-
Explorer (below): shallow warerar Walakpi, Alaska, shows why rhe
Arctic and trans-Siberian route that was to be traveled
flyers were killed insranrly.
would be over water. A big pair of Edo floats was fitted
on rhe red-painted plane at Seattle, and rhe vacationists
prepared to leave for Juneau and rhe Far North.
There had been some fears expressed about rhe safety
of rhe hybrid Orion. She had a big 550-hp Wasp engine
and a 3-bladed propeller on her nose. Lockheed engi¬
neers had refused to have anything to do with the
makeup of the plane to begin with, and of course did
nor approve of giving the half-breed rhe additional
weights of floats. Even Wiley Post himself must have
known that rhe ship was dangerously nose-heavy. Bur he
was one of rhe world's most skillful pilots, and probably
felt he had rhe ability ro handle her.
Post and Rogers left rhe States early in August. Jaunty
Will had explicit faith in his pilot. "Old Wiley will have ro
duck his head when we pass that Arctic circle," he wrote.
"We're off for somewhere in a Red Bus...."
"Somewhere" was a broad tidal river, flowing into rhe
Arctic Ocean fifteen miles south of Barrow, Alaska. On
August 15, 1935, Posr and Rogers left Fairbanks, bound
for rhe jumping-off point that in other years had wel¬
comed Wilkins, Eielson, and rhe Lindberghs.
Eskimo seal hunters near rhe native village of Walakpi
saw the "big red bird" coming winging up from rhe
south, very low. When it landed near their tents, a "man
with a rag on sore eye" and a "big man with boots"
climbed our and asked the direction of Barrow. Clair
Oakpena, spokesman for rhe hunters, pointed north
across the featureless terrain.
Post tinkered with rhe engine a few minutes while
Rogers, as might be expected, "jusr gabbed" and ex¬
changed grins with rhe Eskimos. Then rhe pair got back

irs Narional Air Museum. When approached on rhe sub¬ 1983 ro Tom A. Thomas of Frederick, Oklahoma. Colonel
ject, Post would usually say rhar.he couldn'r afford ro give Thomas's Mid-America Air Group uses rhe Vega for ex¬
rhe ship away, any more rhan he could his auromobile. hibit and limited flights.
He needed ir in his work. Even when awarded one of his David D. Jameson of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, is rhe current
numerous medals, a gold one, Wiley remarked: owner of rhe other Vega still airworthy. A restorer and
"Say, I may have ro hock rhis thing sometime ro get pilot of other antique aircraft; Wacos, Monocoupes, and
gasoline." a Ryan Brougham, Dave had a longtime burning desire
Josh Lee, Congressman from Oklahoma, Thought that ro own and fly a Lockheed. He got his wish fulfilled early
something tangible should be given Post to show rhe in 1963.
appreciation of rhe nation, and introduced a bill ro Jameson's Vega was built back in 1929, rhe original
award him $25,000 as a sort of "national gift." By a quirk Executive model first owned by the Independent Oil &
of fare this bill came up for consideration on the floor of Gas Company of Tulsa, Oklahoma. After being flown for
Congress on rhe very day that news of rhe fatal crash in over a decade by Midwestern owners, the Lockheed
Alaska was received. By an alteration the money went went to Mexico as an airliner toward the end of World
to Mrs. Mae Post, and "by arrangement" she in turn pre¬ War II. Ir was damaged in minor accidents several rimes
sented the faithful Winnie Mae to rhe Smithsonian. bur was always repaired by competent Mexican wood¬
Paul Garber, curator of rhe Institution's Air Museum, workers. Among other replacement parts, this first Exec¬
was sent to Bartlesville for rhe Winnie Mae. He found her utive Vega got most of a new fuselage, and rhe large
in a hangar with a black bow tied on the propeller. rail from a later model.
Garber decided not td risk flying rhe famous plane back Hycon Manufacturing Company of Pasadena, Califor¬
to Washington, and packed and crated her in a freight nia, returned rhe plane ro the United States in 1956.
car in which he rode himself. Hycon wanted rhe predominantly wooden airplane for
Later rhe Smirhsonian representative went looking for geophysical exploration work, using rheir Varian Magne¬
rhe original landing gear to put with rhe white-and-blue tometer. After the tests were complete rhe old Vega
airplane. He had to let his boss know his wherabours went ro a buyer in Texas, who damaged rhe ship in
daily, and on return was called on rhe carpet: landing.
"I want an explanation of these facetious telegrams At rhis point rhe giant General Electric Company
you've been sending me!" stepped in. They wanted one of rhe rare wooden birds
Garber was surprised. What had he sent that was face¬ for a special purpose, and rhis was rhe only one avail¬
tious? The official tossed over a sample: am in Dallas able. In conjunction wirh rhe United States Air Force, G.E.
LOOKING FOR WINNIE MAE'S PANTS. was conducting extensive tests ro evaluate equipment
The Winnie Mae, still battered and grimy from Post's designed as countermeasures to radar. A wooden, high-
stratosphere flights and rough belly-landings, hung for performance airplane wirh shielded engine was just
over twenty years in rhe main building at the Smirhson¬ what they needed. They proceeded ro make the Vega
ian Institution. In recent years rhe ship has been com¬ over to rheir requirements, using thousands of dollars ro
pletely restored and repainred, and is now a major rebuild rhe Lockheed, whose interior was stripped ro
exhibit of rhe Narional Air and Space Museum. Thousands make room for rhe complicated USAF equipment. The
of visitors each year learn rhe story of rhe Winnie Mae, or antiradar rests ran from 1957 to 1961, and rhe results are
relive their air-minded youth at the sight of her—beauri- still classified. Droning about in the high altitudes above
ful, yet somehow lonely: as if waiting for Wiley ro pur his Schenectady and Rome, New York, as well as Dayton,
deft touch on her controls and make her airborne once Ohio, General Electric's vintage Vega fulfilled purposes
more. which its designers and original builders back in Burbank
Today, two Lockheed Vegas are still flying. Robert Tay¬ never dreamed of.
lor, long-time president of rhe Antique Airplane Associa¬ Missions complete, rhe Lockheed, painted a drab non-
tion, finally got title ro one in 1964. Ir was rhe DL-1B merallic white, was pur up for sale. Dave Jameson
Special job which a la id-off Lockheed engineer assem¬ bought rhe rhirty-four-year-old airplane on the last day of
bled from a metal fuselage and stock wooden wing in 1962 after months of negotiation.
1933. Taylor and a partner, Jack Lowe, had the bent and Dave's path as owner and pilot of rhe onetime first
rotted "remains" of rhis Vega trucked from California to Vega Executive was nor an easy one. When gingerly
Ottumwa, Iowa, rhe base from which ir had first flown resting rhe ship at Schenectady, before ferrying her to
for the Morrell meat packing company thirty years be¬ Wisconsin, Jameson found the brakes weak and
fore. After a four-year rebuild and resrorarion, beginning crunched his prize into a snowbank alongside rhe run¬
in 1965, the Vega was flown intermittently by Bob Taylor. way. The Lockheed had ro be shipped ro Oshkosh on a
On loan, wirh a red-paint job, ir appeared in rhe 1976 truck.
TV special "Amelia Earharr." Taylor sold rhe ship late in Wirh landing gear, wing rip, and a main bulkhead ro

Dave Jameson's Winnie Mae, rhe last airworthy wooden Lockheed The result, after six years of rebuilding, was rhe beau¬
Vega. It's rhe same airplane pictured on page 159. tiful "new" Winnie Mae. Dave Jameson toured rhe coun¬
try with her, eliciting starry eyes at every stop. Ar antique
aircraft fly-ins, whenever a judging contest was held, rhe
be replaced, Jomeson worked slowly and carefully, wirh Vega was named Grand Champion. Now insured for
rhe assistance of especially qualified older-aircrafr me¬ $500,000, Dave's blue-and-white dazzler is currently on
chanics Presron Snyder and Hugh Ziebell. A complete loan as an exhibit in rhe Experimental Aircraft Associa¬
overhaul was accomplished, and it was decided to give tion's museum ar Oshkosh.
the ship a paint job and trim to march Wiley Post's Win¬ When these two remaining examples are gone from
nie Mae as she appeared ar rhe height of her fame. Dave the skies, rhe log books of the revolutionary early Lock¬
even acquired rhe original registration number: 105W. heed aircraft will be closed forever.

Aeronaurical Chamber of Commerce of America, Inc., Aircraft Lindbergh, Anne Morrow, Hour of Gold, Hour of Lead. New York,
Year Book New York, 1926-1904. 1970.
Balchen, Bernr, Come North With Me. New York, 1958. --, North to the Orient New York, 1905.
Bennerr, D.C.T., Pathfinder. London, 1958. -ListenI The Wind. New York, 1908.
Carhcarr-Jones, Owen, Aviation Memoirs. London, 1934. Lougheed, Victor, Vehicles of the Air. Chicago, 1909.
Civil Aeronautics Board, Handbook of Airline Statistics. Washing¬ Mattern, Jimmie, Cloud Country. Chicago, 1936.
ton, 1961. Myles, Eugenie Louise, Airborne From Edmonton. Toronto, 1959.
Clarke, Basil, Atlantic Adventure. London, 1958. Nichols, Ruth, Wings for Life. Philadelphia, 1957.
Collins, Jimmy, Test Pilot. Garden City, 1905. Parsons, Bill, The Challenge of the Atlantic. Sr. Johns, Nfld., 1980.
Collinson, Clifford, and Capr. F. McDermott, Through Atlantic Post, Wiley, and Harold Gatty, Around the World in Eight Days.
Clouds. London, 1934. New York, 1931.
Corrigan, Douglas, Thar's My Story. New York, 1908. Potter, Jean, The Flying North. New York, 1947.
Davies, R.E.G., A History of the World’s Airlines. London, 1964. Reichers, Louis T,, The Flying Years. New York, 1956.
-— Airlines of the United States Since 1914. London, 1972. Reynolds, Quentin, The Amazing Mr. Doolittle. New York, 1950.
-, Airlines of Larin America Since 1919. Washington, 1984. Rosebeny, C. R, The Challenging Skies. New York, 1966.
Day, Beth, Glacier Pilot New York, 1957. Satterfield, Archie, and Lloyd Jarman, Alaska Bush Pilots in the
De La Croix, Robert, They Flew the Atlantic. Paris, 1958. Float Country. Seattle, 1969.
Earharr, Amelia, The Fun of It New York, 1902. Smith, Henry Ladd, Airways. New York, 1942.
-, Last Flight. New York, 1907. Taylor, P. G., Pacific Flight London, 1905.
Ellis, F. H. and E. M., Atlantic Air Conquest London, 1963. -, The Slsy Beyond. Boston, 1960.
Emme, Eugene M, Aeronautics & Astronautics. Washington, Thaden, Louise, High, Wide and Frightened. New York, 1908.
1961. Underwood, John, Madcaps, Millionaires and "Mose." Glendale,
Field, John C. W., Bridging the Pacific. Sutton Coldfield, England, Calif., 1984.
1951. Wilkins, Capr. George H., Flying the Arctic. New York, 1928.
Forden, Lesley, Glory Gamblers. Alameda, Calif., 1986.
Fraser, Chelsea, Heroes of the Air. New York, 1940.
French, Joseph Lewis, editor, Conquerors of the Slsy. Springfield, Also Consulted
Mass., 1902. AAHS Journal Lockheed Star
Garber, Paul E., The National Aeronaurical Collections. Washing¬ Aero Digest Los Angeles Times
ton, 1956. Air Classics Model Airplane News
Grierson, John, Sir Hubert Wilkins London, 1960. Air Progress New York Daily News
Hawks, Frank, Speed. New York, 1901. Air Travel News New York Herald Tribune
-, Once To Every Pilot. New York, 1906. Airway Age New York Times
Heinmuller, John P.V., Man's Fight To Fly. New York, 1945. American Airman Pacific Flyer
Hoagland, Roland W., editor, The Blue Book of Aviation. Los An¬ American Modeler Popular Aviation
geles, 1932. Antique Airplane News Quadrant Aerographic
Hoare, Robert J., Wings Over the Atlantic. London, 1956. Antique Airplanes San Francisco Chronicle
Jablonski, Edward, Alranric Fever. New York, 1972. Armchair Aviator Sport Aviation
Juergens, Philip L., Of Men and Stars. Burbank, Calif., Lockheed Aviation Sportsman Pilot
Aircraft Corporation, 1957-1958. Aviation Quarterly The Aeroplane
Juprner, Joseph P., U.S. Civil Aircraft, Vols 1-9. Los Angeles, 1962- Aviation Week U.S Air Services
SI. Esso Air World Western Flying
Kingsford-Smith, Sir Charles, My Flying Life. London, 1937. Flight Wings/Airpower
Larkins, William T., U.S. Navy Aircraft 1921-1941 and U.S. Marine Flying Wingspan
Corps Aircraft 1914-1959. New York, 1988. Historical Aviation Album







Venturi Tube (port f starboard fusel a ge side)

C/N 15 5 r VEGA DL-1 Special , G-ABGK was built in

1^30 for LtCdr Glen Kidston of Londonr to be used
for sport and business flying. Set London-Paris
recordr 'J3l; London-Capetown speed record ''Bl-
LOCKHEED Used by Kidston estate for charter work 'J31-34 •
Vega Sole Lockheed entry in MacRobertson Racer London

to He 1 bourne ^34; crashed Aleppor Syr i a

and withdrawn- Shipped to Australia &
rebuilt for private owner- To RAAF as
A42-1 -'42-45- Scrapped ^45 after IS yr
service- Australian civilian registra-
tion was VH-U V K

-JnFlight Position
(both sides)

Yenturi (starboard)
Wings t Tail Surfaces
Yellow, Otherwise
Bare Metal


Y 1C -17
LOCKHEED- Y 1C-!7 C/N 159
In Black- Metal fuselage
Canopy Framing Wood wing & tail
Bare Metal
S peed Vega
FAST”; L. A .-TOLU, KY., 1740 mi, 7hr 20mint 10 MAR 31. PILOT- IRA C. EAKER, CAPT., A.C.
# AV 240 mph, 16,000ft. — LOCKHEED DL-IB SPECIAL, 600 hp Sup WASP.

Vega PL -1 Special

Wood Wings 4 Empennage

Metal Fuselage

For the NacRobertson Trophy attempt the

race number 3b was carried on the tail
in large black digits. Leading digit
was on the fin below and aft the Lockheed
trademarki trailing digit was on. the
rudder• Australian registration_was
carried- bJheel pants were removed and
ow pressure tires installed-

Entire A/C Painted

White -Markings
4 Trim -Black

Underwng Landing Lights

(retracted wen not in use)

Air Express ARROW



Apr'28 AT THIS TIME WAS 4897.

Afl[R EXPRESS NODEE silver,thin black outline



BLACK 7955

C/N EX-2, Nov’28




m.pi c:[ o

v \ .. :
^-SILVER c/n 75, May ’29
RIGHT. {This aircraft later became Roscoe Turner’s
^Gilmore Lion*7-}

LOCKHEED Air Express C/N EX-2

Model 3





-tin it ^ s relatively short life Texaco 5 had each style of

exhaust system used with the Wasp engine-}



Personal transport XRO-1 9054
Asst Sec Nav(Aer)

P i lot
Wright Cyclone
625 hp 6 HORIZONTAL TAIL. Model DL-2A

Y1C-25 AC 32-393
© Pilot IRA C. EAKER, Capt. AC

■ ■ ‘ ■ '^T

r. ' t' >\ >t r .* •/’ •• /-i '• /*. \< jJ-'X t . .• ;T, vrr,.


Sole example Model 8A
Prototype (ex Sirius) in factory colors fortrans-US try *
wheel well
covers & '31NAR (Bendix4th, Thompson 5th); to US A AC same
*No airplane ever flew colors as YIC-23.
so far so fast before.
Burbank-Columbus 9hr4Qmin.

C/N 213
Model 8F

Destroyed at Haneda (Tokyo) 0 12 3 4’

* Controllable Prop by USAAF bombs, late '44. I I I I .J aircra,t(34>

{Earth inductor compass removed.

LOCKHEED Sirius Replaced by more modern navaids-l

Final configuration, Lindbergh Sirius. The long chord

cowling covers a 71D HP Cyclone; Hamilton controllable

dayglo. Name, ^TINGNISSARTOcJ^r painted in irregular

letters on both sides r probably white- Floats and
struts anodized metal- Registration gloss black.

C/N ILL SIRIUS flAi NR-115-W, built for trans-At 1 ant i c flight New York to
Hungary■ Accomplished via Harbour Grace, NF in July ^31- Pilots were
Alexander flagyar and George Endres- Crashed, burned at Rome, Italy, flay ^ 33 .



‘Add Venturis here,both sides



NC-799W ORION 9D-2

o s 10
1 I ,i i i—I -_I




"SWISS air,k


<n x —
o •
— K


C/N 190*

490 HP
LENGTH 27*6"
— 12222

** 650hp *HB-LAJ (& H)
WRIGHT Journal of the American Aviation Historical Soci¬ WERE FIRST U.S.
ety, Vol 1 No 1, Spring 1H5L, VA Survey of Lock¬
heed Orion History^, Chalmers A. Johnson- AIRLINERS SOLD
BUMPED Air Classics, Summer L4, Issue 2 - Photo of Ta 1 1 — IN EUROPE, SET
COWLING. mantz Orion in spurious American Airways markings
This is NC-12222, the former °She I I i ghtn i ng'7, 1 a-
ter raced by Paul ilantz- The sole metal fuselage INSPIRED He-70,
Orion, it is changed from normal appearance by
racing fairings, various landing gear parts miss¬
ing, wrong cowling, etc■ (REP AF) '36.
Air Progress, Aug-Sep L3, vSixty Best Commercial
Airplanes^, Peter PI. Bower's •
(Above) The Swiss Air Transport Museum restored and painted c/n
180 to look just like c/n 189 did when Swissair flew it

(Below) A closer look at the Hungarian coat of arms on the rail of

Justice for Hungary (see scale drawing on page 190).


Since rhis book is about individual airplanes and rheir achieve¬ Nevada corporation formed 12/10/26). Fred E. Keeler, presi¬
ments ar the hands of rhe men and women who flew rhem, a dent; Allan H. Loughead, vice president and general manager,-
cerroin amount of data concerning rheir builders, designers, and Ben S. Hunter, executive vice president; W. Kenneth Jay, secre¬
manufacturing processes was presented in only general terms in tary-treasurer,- John K. Northrop, chief engineer,- Anthony Sradl¬
rhe main body of rheir story. Such information is presented in man, factory superintendent.
capsule form below so that rhe simultaneous making of aviation Built prototype Vega and four others in small factory in Hol¬
history by Lockheed airplanes may be better undercrood and lywood, then moved 3/28 to Burbank, Calif. Brought our rhe
appreciated. Air Express (1928) and Explorer (1929). Jay and Northrop left
company in 6/28, succeeded by Whitley C. Collins and Gerard
THE MANUFACTURERS F. Vulree. Approximately 77 airplanes completed or under con¬
The Lockheed company went through a number of corporate struction by rhis management up to 7/29. Complete change of
changes in its half century of growth from producer of a single officers ar that time except for chief engineer Vulree.
home-built airplane to today's industrial giant. They are: 1929—01: Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, Burbank, Calif, a
1912—10: Alco Hydro-Aeroplane Company of San Fran Division of Detroit Aircraft Corporation, Detroit (commonly
cisco, formed to finance rhe building of rhe Loughead brothers' called "Detroit-Lockheed"). Edward S. Evans, president; Carl B,
first creation, rhe Model G. Principal investor was Max Mamlock, Frirsche, vice president; James Work, general manager. After
head of rhe Alco Cob Company. negotiations beginning in April, rhe Detroit combine, both a
holding and manufacturing concern, acquired 87 percent of
1916—21: Loughead Aircraft Manufacturing Company of rhe assets of Lockheed in July 1929.
Sanra Barbara, Calif. Burton R. Rodman, president; Allan H. Detroit (DAC) set up Lockheed Aircraft Corp. (LAC) as a divi¬
Loughead, vice president; Malcolm Loughead, secretary-trea¬ sion. Carl B. Squier was appointed general manager, and sent
surer; Anthony Sradlman, factory superintendent; John K. North¬ to Burbank, succeeding rhe former officers. Approximately 90
rop, engineer. This company built rhe F-1 Flying Boar, two airplanes built under rhis management, including 11 with Dur¬
Curtiss H52Ls for rhe U.S. Navy, and rhe S-1 Sport Biplane. It was alumin fuselages assembled in Detroit. Brought our rhe Sirius
liquidated in 1921. (1929). Chief engineer Vulree succeeded by Richard A Von
1926—29: Lockheed Aircraft Company of Los Angeles (a Hoke early 1930. Brought our rhe Alrair (1930) and rhe Orion
(1931). From rhe Detroit shops came rhe XP-900 (Army YP-24)
(1931). Both DAC and its LAC Division went into receivership
First Detroit-built metal Vega was flown by both Lindbergh and 10/31. Detroit Aircraft Corp.'s assets were subsequently liqui¬
Earhart, leased and finally sold to Transcontinental & Western Air dated.


1901 —02: Title Insurance & Trust Company of Los Angeles, THE ENGINEERS
Receivers for Lockheed Aircraft Corporarion, Burbank. Carl B.
Many men contributed to the design and construction of the
Squier continued as general rrTanager during receivership,
early Lockheed airplanes. Among them were:
which lasted from 10/27/01 to 6/16/02. Small skeleton crew
built four airplanes during this period. The company's assets Allan Haines Loughead (Lockheed). Born Niles, Calif,
were purchased 6/02 for $40,000 through the efforts of invest¬ 1/20/89. A self-taught mechanic and engineer. With brother
ment broker Robert E. Gross. Capital for the purchase was sup¬ Malcolm designed a 3-place tractor seaplane, built it, and flew
plied by Walter T. Varney, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Chappeller, it from San Francisco harbor 6/15/13. The brothers established
Jacqueline 5. Walker, and Thomas Fortune Ryan III. the Loughead Aircraft Manufacturing Co. (q.v.) and built the
F-1 Flying Boar, 2 Curtiss seaplanes, and the S-1 Sport Biplane.
Since 1902: Lockheed Aircraft Corporation of Burbank, Calif
With Malcolm, John K. Northrop, and Anthony Sradlman, Allan
(a California corporarion formed 6/21/02). Lloyd C. Srearman,
devised the Lockheed process for making monocoque fuse¬
president and general manager,- Carl B. Squier, vice president
lages. With Northrop and others founded the Lockheed Aircraft
and sales manager; Robert E. Gross, treasurer,- Cyril Chappeller,
Co. (q.v). Contributed much to design and construction of the
secretary,- Richard A. Von Hake, chief engineer,- Hall L. Hibbard,
original Vega and, as general manager, supervised company
assistant chief engineer. The new company concentrated on
affairs 1927-29. Withdrew from the company in 7/29 on pur¬
repair jobs and conversions of existing Lockheed aircraft, while
chase by Detroit Aircraft Corp. interests.
planning and building a new transport, the Electro. Walter T.
As president of Loughead Brothers Aircraft Corp., Ltd., of Glen¬
Varney soon sold our his interest to engage in new airline
dale, Calif. (1930-34), Allan designed the 5-place Olympic (or
ventures, and Thomas F. Ryan rook similar action later. In 1900
Alcor) Duo-Four, a high-wing monoplane with rwin Menasco
Hall Hibbard became vice president and chief engineer; Courr-
C4 125-hp engines, mounted side by side on the nose. In 1934
landr S. Gross joined the firm as assistant treasurer; and from
he finally changed his name to Lockheed. A new company,
Michigan came Clarence L. Johnson as a flight rest engineer.
Alcor Aircraft Corp. of San Francisco (1937-39), saw Lockheed
The new Electro was test-flown on 2/20/04, and after its in¬
building the Alcor C-6-1 Jr. Transport, a low-wing 8-place job
troduction all efforts were placed on production of all-metal,
with engines mounted similarly to those of the Duo-Four. Only
twin-engined aircraft. Twenty-three of the "old" single-engine
one of each of these experimental airplanes were built. During
Lockheeds were built between 1902 and 1907 by the new
WW II, he was associated with firms in Grand Rapids, Mich., that
management, completing the series. Lloyd Srearman resigned manufactured aircraft parts, and later engaged in Southern
as president 12/04, to be succeeded by Robert E. Gross, who
California real estate. Semiretired, he lived in Tucson, Ariz., until
was to head the company for over a quarter of a century. Gross
his death in 1969.
died in 1961.
The Electro series of the 1900s established a worldwide rep¬ John Knudsen Northrop. Born, Newark, N.J., 11/10/95. Famil¬
utation for Lockheed as a manufacturer of airliners. An order iarly called "Jack." Son of a contractor in Santa Barbara, Calif.;
from abroad in 1908 brought about warplane configuration of worked as garage mechanic and architectural draftsman; en¬
the then-current type, the Lodestar, As "Hudsons," 0,000 gineering training largely self-taught. Worked with Loughead
bombers went winging from Burbank to Britain to face the brothers and designed wings of their F-1 Flying Boar (1916-
Nazi onslaughts during WW II. With entry of the United States 17). With Allan and Malcolm Loughead and Anthony Sradl¬
into the war, some 16,000 more military aircraft poured from man, devised the Lockheed process of forming monocoque
Lockheed plants, among them the P-08s, the highly maneu¬ fuselages, and developed the S-1 Sport Biplane.
verable Lightning fighters that served on all fronts. With Douglas Aircraft (1923-26), and then with Lockheed
From the Gross-directed Lockheed Aircraft Corp. next came Aircraft Co. (q.v.) as chief engineer. Designed and built the first
the P-80 Shooting Star, the first jet aircraft to be made opera¬ Lockheed Vegas, the Air Express, and began work on low-wing
tional with the Air Force, and forerunner of an improving series model, oriqinally planned as a seaplane. Resigned from Lock¬
of over 8,000 that served through the Korean War with distinc¬ heed 6/28.
tion. For the Navy, the company produced over 1,000 patrol With ex-Lockheed treasurer W. Kenneth Jay formed Avion
bombers and antisubmarine warfare planes, ranging from the Corp. of Glendale, Calif., later the Northrop Aircraft Corp. divi¬
P-2 Neptune to the new P-3A, which bears a proud old Lock¬ sion of United Aircraft & Transport Corp., and still later the North¬
rop Corp., a subsidiary of Douglas Aircraft Co., Inglewood, Calif.
heed name: Orion.
In the postwar commercial field, luxurious four-engined Lock¬ (1929-37). Chief engineer for these companies, during which
heed Constellations set new standards and schedules on the rime he developed a series of low-wing, all-metal transport
world's airlines, to be followed by the prop-jet Electro transport, aircraft, the Northrop Alpha-Delta series, which somewhat re¬
sembled, and were in airline competition with, the Lockheed
and the Jersrar for executive flying.
Orion. Cofounder (1939), president and director of engineering
Today Lockheed has diversified its interests and grown in a
of present-day Northrop Aircraft, Inc. Retired (1952) to engage
number of directions. The company's C-130 Hercules family of
in consulting work from his home in Santa Barbara, Calif., until
troop-cargo transports can carry unbelievable loads to far
his death in 1981.
places. Lockheed's 1500-mph F-104 Srarfighrer was the bul¬
wark of Western Defense, and its components were produced Anthony Sfadlman. Born Kourim, Czechoslovakia, 1/12/86. Ed¬
in seven nations. Equally famed are the U-2 high altitude and ucated in Prague,- an early designer, builder and pilot of air¬
reconnaissance aircraft. Lockheed divisions build the Polaris craft. Associated with small early aircraft firms in Illinois and
fleer ballistic missile for the Navy, the Agena space vehicle, Michigan (1911-18), experiments with seaplanes in Wisconsin.
rocker escape systems for Mercury and Apollo, and rocker mo¬ Became plant superintendent for Loughead Aircraft Manufac¬
tors for the Army's Mauler. Other branches are engaged in ship¬ turing Co. (q.v.). With Allan and Malcolm Loughead and John
building and heavy construction, development of the Aerogyro K. Northrop, devised the Lockheed process of forming mono¬
rigid rotary-wing aircraft, and the carrying our of important sci¬ coque fuselages. Superintendent of construction for Lockheed
entific research programs in space travel, communications, and Aircraft Co. (q.v.). Later an aeronautical engineer and consul¬
oceanography. tant in San Francisco, where he died at 96,

July 19, 1932. g. vultee 1,867,786


Filed July 28. 1930 3 Sheets-Sheet 1

Retractable landing gear parent issued ro Gerard Vulree, used on

Lockheed Alrairs and Orions.

Gerard F. Vultee. Dorn in California in 1900. Nicknamed and now recognizable as the "V" in the Convair Division of General
usually called "Jerry," his name often appears as "Gerald." Dynamics Corp.
Attended California Institute of Technology (1921-20), where Richard A. Von Hake. Came ro Lockheed Aircraft in 1929 as
he studied some of the first courses offered in aeronautical a draftsman and assistant to Jerry Vultee. A rare combination
engineering. Worked for Douglas Aircraft (1926) and came ro of pilot, engineer, and business manager, Von Flake worked
Lockheed in 1928 as assistant to John K. Northrop. First job on the Explorer and Sirius with Vultee, and became chief engi¬
there was to check Northrop's stress analysis of the Vega and neer of the company early in 1930 when Vultee resigned. Fie
Air Express. Became chief engineer of Lockheed on Northrop's was kept at work during Depression-ridden "Detroit Aircraft
departure 6/28. Directed the application of the low-drag NACA days" at Lockheed, and worked on the development of fully
engine cowling in its first commercial use; on the original (re¬ retractable landing gear in converting the Sirius ro the Alrair.
built) Air Express (1928-29). Developed low-wing design Also responsible for the Orion, plus many repair and modifica¬
begun by Northrop to produce the Explorer and the Sirius, the tion jobs.
latter along specifications laid our for requirements of Col. During a lay-off period in 1933, while the newly reorganized
Charles A. Lindbergh. company got going, Von Hake bought the components and
Left Lockheed early 1930 ro supervise drafting and engi¬ assembled a metal Vega on his own, using a small crew. Ike-
neering courses at Curriss-Wrighr Technical Institute in Los An¬ hired by the new Lockheed management (q.v.), he was factory
geles, and briefly served as chief engineer for Emsco Aircraft superintendent 1933-C.40.
Corp. of Downey, Calif. Vulree's design for a 10-passenger sin¬
The work of both Vultee and Von Hake was supplemented
gle-engine transport accepted and built by Airplane Develop¬
by project engineers James Gerschler and Richard W. Pal¬
ment Corp. of Glendale, Calif. (1932), with which Vultee
became associated. Firm later called the Vultee Aircraft Division
Jimmy Gerschler, who came ro Lockheed as a draftsman in
of Aviation Manufacturing Corp., building arrack bombers and
1928, was closely associated with all the early developments
trainers. Vultee, who finally learned ro fly, was killed with his
in Burbank. He analyzed and approved many standard Lock¬
wife, Sylvia, in a private plane accident near Sedona, Ariz.,
heed models, and contributed special modifications such as
1/29/38. Company continued as Vultee Aircraft Corp., and is
the design of the dropable landing gear for Wiley Post's UAnnie
Carl D. Squier (left, rear) and Richard A. Von Ha he. Dick Palmer was a Vultee associate who worked our the
mechanics of the Lockheed fully retractable landing gear, and
later that which operated hydraulically. After leaving the com¬
pany, he designed a record-breaking racer for Howard Hughes,
and trainers and warplanes as chief engineer of Vultee Aircraft
Working independently in Detroit was Robert J. Woods,
who engineered the Detroit-Lockheed XP-900 fighter for Army
evaluation. Woods was later a project engineer for Consoli¬
dated Aircraft, and became chief engineer of Bell Aircraft Corp.,
Buffalo, N.Y.
With Lockheed's new owners in 1932 came Lloyd C. Steor-
man (1898-1975), already a famous name in aviation. As
president and general manager of the reorganized company
he planned a design for a single-engine, 10-passenger, all-
metal transport, bur it was shelved in favor of the twin-engined
Electro. Srearman's capable assistant, Hall L. Hibbard, suc¬
ceeded Von Hake as chief engineer of Lockheed in 1933.
Also connected with the engineering and many modifica¬
tions of the final Vegas and Orions to come off the production
line were George H. Prudden, famed for his design work on
early all-metal aircraft, and Clarence L. "Kelly" Johnson, who
first flew with Wiley Post and Kingsford-Smith in 1933 as a
young flight-test engineer,

Lockheed's wooden monocoque fuselage construction was of
particular importance as a practical demonstration that a
stressed-skin structure allows the same interior height and
breadth of fuselage at a 35 percent saving of the cross-sectional
area, while reducing drag and saving much weight and ma¬
terial. The ideal streamlined shape of the wooden Lockheed
set a fashion for this general-purpose type of plane, and both
inspired and influenced a worldwide development in the de¬
sign of later, larger, all-metal rranports.
The monocoque (French for "single shell") fuselage as first
devised consisted of a perfectly uniform rube of plywood: stiff,
strong, fish-shaped in contour, with transverse diaphragms or

L.m,- |

Single-shell fuselage in rhe making: nore cover for monocoque attached a long, inflatable-rubber bag marched to rhe depres¬
mold and (left) half-shell drying. sion in rhe mold.
Only rhe best-sliced, vertical-grain spruce veneer was used in
making Lockheed fuselages, rhe three thicknesses of rhe com¬
pleted skin totaling between 5/32" and 3/16" in all. The inner
bulkheads spaced ar intervals to hold rhe plywood skin rigidly and outer layers, about 1/24'' thick, ran longitudinally from
in place. Building up rhree-plys of such a structure on a form nose to rail, while rhe center ply was 1/16" spruce with rhe
with each thin piece individually glued and racked in place grain ar right angles to rhe other two layers. The gore-shaped
was an expensive and laborious process, and rhe result was longitudinal strips tapered from approximately 1" wide ar rhe
often warped and unstuck in spots before completion. Only a ends to 6" ar rhe center. They were first stacked in bundles of
very few early aircraft were constructed in this manner. thirty and cur to rhe required shape. Next they were mocked
The Lockheed process was devised in 1918 for building rhe up on a fuselage framework with a few racks, and jointed with
fuselage of rhe little 5-1 Sport Biplane ar Santa Barbara, Calif. It strips of paper rape in their proper relation,- then they were
was rhe joint development of ideas and practical application stacked like folding screens until rime for use.
pur foiward by Malcolm Loughead, Allan Loughead, John K. The middle layer of short plywood strips running in rhe other
Northrop, and Anthony Sradlman. The four men received exclu¬ direction was also laid up over rhe wooden form, with its stub
sive parent rights for its use. ends attached all rhe way around to a 2 x 3 band of lami¬
The inventors first made a wooden pattern in rhe dimensions nated spruce called the "transfer ring."
of one half a fuselage, suspended it with rhe curved surface When a fuselage was to be made, everybody in rhe shop
downward in a long box, and filled rhe spaces between with was called in and armed with a brush and a pot of casein glue.
a good grade of reinforced concrete. The resulting mold resem¬ The outer layer of plywood stripping was placed in rhe mold,
bled a long bathtub of rapering depth. Over rhe concrete mold and rhe inner surface liberally sloshed with glue. Ar rhe same
was hung a wooden cover, to rhe underside of which was' rime the middle layer was coated on rhe outside, and picked

up as q unir by means of rhe Transfer ring ro be placed inside rhe whole shell was under pressure ar 15 ro 20 pounds per
rhe firsr. The second layer was in rurn coared, and rhen rhe last square inch, or 150 rons over rhe whole half-fuselage. The shell
layer placed inside rhe orher two. ftexr, rhe cover was lowered remained under rhis uniform pressure in rhe concrere mold for
and bolred down by means of "I" beams and bolrs ser in rhe twenty-four hours (larer reduced ro eighr), and was rhen placed
concrere, and air pressure applied ro rhe inflarable rubber bag. on a drying rack for removal of any excess moisrure. All rhe
Expanded, ir nearly filled rhe space between rhe cover and rhe wooden Lockheeds were manufacrured using 10-ro-30-ron
plywood shells. concrere molds of rhis type, and rhe process was employed
Wirh ample manpower, rhis procedure rook only abour successively ar rhe planrs in Sanra Barbara, Hollywood, and
twenty minures from rhe firsr vigorous applicarion of glue unril Burbank.
The skelron framework ro which rhe fuselage half-shells
were joined consisted of elliprical, laminated spruce rings, rang¬
ing from 0" square ar rhe bulkheads where wing and landing
Fuselage framework being readied for applicarion of finished half¬ gear would be arrached, ro only %" square, back near rhe rail.
shells. The Lockheed labor force would again be called in for rhe
Fining plywood halves ro fuselage rib cages.

Wing skeleton.

Solid, one-piece spars and wooden wings raise shape.

Final assembly line, with engine abour ro go on an Orion.


rocking session—using barbed, cemenr-coared brass nails—ro

assemble rhe fuselages.
Curring our windows from rhe finished fuselage was a simple
procedure, and rhe piece removed for rhe door opening was
made inro rhe door irself. The ourer surface of rhe shell srrucrure
was carefully sealed, sanded complerely smoorh, and rreared
wirh rwo coars of sand surfacer before being painred wirh final
coars of shiny lacquer.
Two dozen of rhe earliesr Lockheeds were finished wirh only
rhe bare wood surface for a base. Then ir was decided ro apply
a fabric covering over all, and heavy sheers of unbleached
muslin were srrerched our and evenly bonded ro rhe wooden
fuselage's oval surface. These were lacquered ro an even
higher gloss, and provided a srronger and smoorher exrerior.
Several complere half-shells were always kepr in srock ar rhe
facrory, even long afrer producrion of wooden airplanes had
come ro an end. They could be used for borh major and minor
repairs ro a damaged fuselage. Fora small hole, rhe repairman
simply removed rhe plywood secrion between bulkheads, and
carefully spliced in a new secrion.
The original Burbank facrory was fronred by an office in an
old ranch house, wirh room for rhe engineers' drafring rabies
in irs former kirchen. The planr irself covered only 23,000 feer
of floor space, wirh mill and glue rooms, an assembly secrion,
a meral firrings deparrmenr, machine shop, sheer meral de-
parrmenr, and small lumber sheds. Wings were firsr insralled
on rhe field behind rhe facrory. Larer, rwo hangars were
erected ro serve for final assembly, painring, and storage.
The thick, bur graceful, cantilever wings were constructed
wirh long spars and covered wirh sheers of rhin spruce plywood
veneer. Their reinforced ribs used a modified stiffening truss
based loosely on rhe Prarr parent design. Ir usually rook ren of
rhe factory's ace "wood butchers'' a week ro assemble a wing
from precur srock parts. A mutt named "Conracr" was a longtime factory mascor.
The meral-firrings deparrmenr fashioned items like Lockheed
landing gears and rail skids, and rhe welded sreel rubing for
rhe motor mounrs rhar exrended forward from rhe lasr bulk¬
head ar rhe nose of rhe airplanes.


C/n 1-214

Note: There ore 217 accountable c/ns—1-214, plus the NR or R = Restricted

special c/ns EX-2 and 619, and rhe XP-900 with no c/n. NXorX = Experimental
N = since 1948
KEY Mfg = Dare given by manufacturer as to: when aircraft was
Registered owners are in capirals-and-small-capirals. Obvious completed; or dare of delivery; or dare of first flight;
middlemen, dealers, short-term operators, etc., where nor im¬ or approximation of any of these.
portant, hove been omitted. Formal names given planes are Eng = Type and serial number of original engine installed.
in italics (as Winnie Mae, etc.). Manufacturers abbreviated as:
C/n = Serial number given by manufacturer (from rhe Brit¬ WW = Wright Whirlwind
ish "constructor's number," used internationally). P&W = Pratt & Whitney
Type = Designation given by manufacturer (as Vega, Orion, WC = Wright Cyclone
etc.). ATC = Approved Type Certificate with number, awarded
Model = Number, or number-and-letter symbol, assigned by after testing by rhe U.S. Department of Commerce.
rhe manufacturer to a modification of a given type Special jobs were covered by ATC Memos.
(asAlrair8D, etc.).
DL = Metal fuselage (from "Detroit-Lockheed," Other abbreviations:
which as used in Model designation indicates Acc = Accident
combination of a Duralumin fuselage made CAA = Civil Aeronautics Authority; irs predecessor, rhe Bu¬
by Detroit Aircraft Corp. with a wing made by reau of Air Commerce; or its successor, rhe Federal
Lockheed Aircraft Corp., Burbank, Calif., a Di¬ Aviation Agency.
vision of Detroit Aircraft Corp.). DAC = Detroit Aircraft Corp., Detroit (1929-31)
Reg = Registration (/.e,, license) number assigned aircraft LAC = Lockheed Aircraft Corp., Burbank, Calif.
by rhe U.S. Bureau of Commerce (later Civil Aero¬ L/g = Landing gear
nautics Authority), or by rhe corresponding agency NAR = National Air Races
of another government. U.S. prefixes: P = Place (as 5P, meaning a 5-place ship)
None = very early usage, or Temporary Ptd = Distinctive coloKs), etc.
NC or C = Commercial T/o = Takeoff

On 1 On 2 First Lockheed demonstrator; flown by

Type Vega Type Explorer LAC rest pilots 1927-28. Ferried by R. C.
Model 1 Model 4 Moffat to N.Y.C. for use of first Eastern
Reg X 2788, NX 913 (Also X 1013, Reg NR 856H distributor for LAC, Air Associates, Inc.,
2779 & 2804—nor applied) Mfg 6/18/29 Roosevelt Field, N.Y. Sold to Bernarr
Mfg 2/1 to 6/15/27 Eng P&W Wasp #1555 Macfadden, N.Y.C. (1928-29), cost
Eng WW J5 #7550 ATC none $19,400, Used by reporter Zoe Beckley
ATC None flight N.Y.C.-Mexico City 8/28 to inter¬
Started 1927 with fuselage for low-wing
view Pres. Plurarco Calles; nonstop L.A.-
First Lockheed Vega. Built in Hollywood. job; planned 1928 as a single-float, re¬
N.Y.C. attempt 3/29. Wrecked r/o Belle,
First application for experimental license tractable outrigger-pontoon seaplane for
Mo., 3/29/29.
5/9/27. First rest flight by Edward Bel- possible use by Sir Hubert Wilkins. Com¬
lande 7/4/27. Sold to George Hearst, San pleted as low-wing monoplane with
On 4
Francisco (1927), as an entry in rhe Dole wheels for A. Harold Bromley, Tacoma
Race from Oakland to Hawaii. Prd or¬ (1929), to be used Tacoma-Tokyo flight; Type Vega
ange, red trim,- named Golden Eagle. ptd orange; named dry of Tacoma. Model 1
Took off Oakland 8/16/27, with John W. Badly damaged r/o acc Tacoma 7/28/29. Reg X 3903, R-48 (Argentina)
Salvageable portions returned to LAC, re¬ Mfg 1/9/28
Frost, pilot, and Gordon Scott, navigator.
built using old reg, new c/n 116 (q.vO. Eng WW J5CAB #8160
Missing, no trace found. Wore: LAC made
regular application 5/24/27 for "4-pas¬ ATC none
senger Vega Mfg's #50." Built in Holly¬ Bought by Capt. George H. Wilkins, San
wood "about May 1, 1927, for tests and C/nO Francisco (1928-30) for 1928 Detroit
demonstrations." Temp. Lie #2779 is¬ Type Vega News—Wilkins Arctic Expedition. Special
sued 6/1/27, bur was changed to #2804 Model 1 hatch behind wing, windows in fuselage
6/2/27. In rhe confusion of early licensing Reg 3625, X 3625 bottom; ptd orange, blue trim. Flown by
procedures, five different registration Mfg 12/1/27 Lr. Carl Ben Eielson and Capt. Wilkins
numbers were apparently assigned to Eng WW J5CA #7634 from Barrow, Alaska, to Green Harbor,
Lockheed Vega c/n 1.) ATC none Spirzbergen 4/15-20/28. First trans-Arctic


airplane flight; first plane to fly over Ant¬ Station, Ariz., 11/3/28. Collyer, Tucker Reg NC 7044
arctica (11/16/28). Stored outdoors at De¬ killed. Mfg 7/31/28
ception I. (South Shetland Is.) between Eng WW J5 #8952
C/n 8
Wilkins-Hearst expeditions of 1928-29 ATC 49
and 1929-30. Given to Argentine Republic Type Vega
Airliner Maddux Air Lines, Inc., Los Angeles
(1930-c. 1948); cracked up before Model 1
(1928-30); prd orange; cost $13,500.
planned exhibition tour. Left to rot away Reg 5885
During routine check at LAC engine
at Moron Airport, Buenos Aires. Mfg 6/29/28
broke off almost entirely just ahead of
Eng WW J5A #8420
cockpit; replaced overnight with dupli¬
ATC none
Gn 5 cate orange fuselage. Curtiss-Wright
Test-flown by Art Goebel. Sold to Air As¬ Flying Service, Inc., Inglewood, Calif.
Type Air Express
sociates, Inc., Roosevelt Field, N.Y. (1928-
Model 3 (1930-31); H. T. Booker, Stockton, Calif.
29); used as demonstrator. Washed our (1931-34); Loren L. Miles, Los Angeles
Reg 4897
Garden City, N.Y., 5/19/29; minor injuries
Mfg 4/12/28 (1934-35). Grand Central Charter Service,
to pilot, five passengers. Glendale, Calif. (1935-45); with WW J5
Eng P&W Wasp #272
ATC none #D9071; named Miss Pamela, later Miss
C/n 9 Patsy- used in movie Men wirh Wings. Leo
First Air Express; second Lockheed com¬
Type Vega Yoder, Los Angeles (1945-46); Sumner N.
pleted with P & W Wasp; first LAC prod¬
Model 1 Case, Kansas City (1947-49). Fletcher C.
uct flown by Col. Charles A. Lindbergh
Reg NC 6526, XA-BHG (Mexico) Handley, Kingfisher, Okla. (1949-52),
(6/28). Sold Western Air Express, Inc, Los
Mfg 7/6/28 with P&W R-985 AN-1; used to fly whis¬
Angeles (1928); badly damaged WAE
Eng WW JSC #8554 key into dry Midwestern states. Scrapped
maiden trip in landing Las Vegas 6/6/28,
ATC none 1952.
bur no injuries. Returned to LAC; on re¬
build given new reg (7955), special c/n Early airliner with Maddux Air Lines, Inc., Los
EX-2 (q.v.). Angeles (1928-29). Acc San Diego
6/22/29, Clarence Wood pilot; fuselage
Gn6 Gn 12
replaced by LAC with c/n 42 (fuselage
Type Vega only), WW J5 #9269 installed. Curtiss- Type Vega
Model 1 Wright Flying Service, Los Angeles (1929-
Model 1
Reg NC 4097 31); acc Fallon, Nev., 5/12/31. Purchased Reg 7162, C 7162, NC 7162
Mfg 2/28 "as is" by Carl B. Squier, Burbank, Calif, Mfg 8/30/28
Eng WW J5A #8272 (gen. mgr. LAC for DAO (1931 -32); con¬ Eng WW J5C #9013
ATC none verted to Model 5C under ATC 384 with ATC 49

Sold through distributor Air Associates, P&W Wasp C #2851. Philip H. Philbin, Air Sold to Texas Pipe Line Co., Houston (1928-
Inc, of N.Y.C. to Erle P. Halliburton, Dun¬ Express Corp., N.Y.C. (1932-33); modified 30), cost $14,750; prd red, white trim;
can, Okla. (1928), who rook on LAC to 2P or 553-ib cargo ship with Hi-5peed named Texaco 2. Used by head of com¬
agency himself. Flown in '28 Ford Reli¬ 1/g. Acc Columbus, Ohio. c. 12/32; re¬ pany Burt E. Hull for business trips,- piloted
ability Air Tour, pilot Robert Cantwell. paired in Detroit. Capitol Airlines, Inc. by Frank Hawks, Bert Pidcoke, Mart Nie-
Sold Northern Airlines, Inc. (N.D.) (later (later Capitol Speed Lines, Inc.), Sacramento minen, etc. Transferred to The Texas Co.,
International Airways, Inc, Minor, N.D.)
and San Bruno, Calif. (1933-34); re¬ N.Y.C. (1930-31). Overhauled by DAC
(1928-31); Dakota Air Service, Ryder, N.D. stored to Model 5C. Varney Speed Lines, Inc., 3/31. Thomas R. Navin, Chicago (1931-
(1931-32); Iowa Airways Corp., Fort Burbank; Varney Speed Lines, Southwest Di¬ 32); purchased less motor, equipped
Dodge (1932-33); William A. Cooke, vision, El Paso (1934-35). Operated wirh speed ring half-cowl. Washed our
Blue Ash, Ohio (1933-34). Paul F. Jones briefly by Lineas Aereas Occidentales, 5.A, Chicago 2/5/32.
& Jennings B. McJunkin, Youngstown, Ohio Burbank (1934), with Mexican reg. Vat,
Inc, El Paso (1935-37); new fuselage,
(1934); washed our Youngstown, Ohio
6/24/34. P&W Wasp #4522 installed 11/36.
Turned on back acc El Paso 5/15/37; no Gn 12D
C/n 7 injuries. Nor repaired. Type Vega
Type Vega Model 1
Model 5 Gn 10 Reg NC 7425
Reg X 4769 Type Vega Mfg 8/31/28
Mfg 3/15/28
Model 1 Eng WW J5A #9033
Eng P&W Wasp #690 Reg NC 6911 ATC 49
ATC none
Mfg 8/19/28 Given c/n 12B instead of c/n 13 "for ob¬
First Wasp-powered Lockheed. Sold to Eng WW J5A #8949 vious reasons." Sold to Northern Califor¬
Harry J. Tucker, Santa Monica, Calif. ATC 49 nia LAC distributor Chadbourne Aircraft
(1928); prd white, red and blue trim; Sales Co., San Francisco (1928-29), cost
Demonstrator for Air Associates, Inc., Roo¬
named Yankee Doodle. Piloted by Lee $12,537. Used as demonstrator,- acc Del
sevelt Field, N.Y. (1928-29). Owned
Shoenhair, Arthur Goebel, and Charles Paso, Calif., 5/6/29, pilot H. McM. Lemcke.
briefly by Amelia Earhart, N.Y.C. (1929);
Collyer with owner Tucker on record- Repaired 1930. Ralph E. Morrison, San
turned in for c/n 36 (NC 31E). Dismantled
breaking flights, races. Made first nonstop Francisco (1930-31), Helena, Mont.
by LAC.
flight L.A-N.Y.C. 8/19-20/28; first air¬ (1932-35); used for charter. With Morri¬
plane to fly nonstop in both directions,- On 11 son made forced landing in mountains
first to fly nonstop coasr-ro-coasr with a Type Vega near Fishtrap, Mont., 4/21/35. Damaged,
passenger. Demolished acc near Palace Model 1 abandoned at sire.

C/n 14 Finance Corp, Los Angeles (1930). Mar¬ Lt. Col. William Thaw, Pittsburgh (1928),
Type Vega garet Bromley (Mrs. A. Harold), Glendale, cosr $30,000. Ptd purple and gold; racing
Model 1 Calif. (1931); Dr. V. S. Tisdal, Elk City, Okla. number 33; pilot John P. Morris, Pitts¬
Reg NC 7426, NR 7426 (1931-33); Mrs. Clara A. Bradway, Okla¬ burgh. On eve of race sold to Macfadden
/Wg 9/19/28 homa City (1933-34). Braniff Airways, Publications, Inc, N.Y.C, for $35,000;
Eng WW J5AD #9106 ' Inc, Oklahoma City (1934-35), who named True Srory. Demolished acc near
ATC 49 converted ro airliner, equipped with Decatur, Ind, 9/13/28 during race. Thaw,
Airliner for Universal Air Lines, Inc, Chicago speed ring half-cowl. A. Paul Mantz, United Morris injured.
Air Services, Burbank, Calif. (1935—36),
(1928-31); cosr $14,750; Transferred ro
American Airways, Inc, Robertson, Mo. with WW J5 #B9189. Washed our No¬
(1931). Vance Dreese & Burke D. Adams, De¬ gales, Son, Mexico, 2/17/36. On 20
troit (1931). Chamberlin Flying Service, Inc, Type Vega
On 17
Jersey City (later Jackson Heights, N.Y.) Model 5
(1931-36?); purchased less engine, Type Vega Reg X 7440, NC 7440
equipped with borrowed Packard Die¬ Model 1 Mfg 9/19/28
sel R-980 engine; converted to 7P, with Reg X 7439 Eng P&W Wasp CB #853
navigation hatch in wing, under CAA Mfg 9/1/28 ATC none
Memo 2-427 of 11 /9/32; named Miss Eng WW J5A #9048
Sold ro Standard Oil Development Co,
Teoneck (unofficially called The Flying ATC 49
N.Y.C. (division of Standard Oil of New
Furnace). Established still-existing world Sold ro Capt. Sir George Hubert Wilkins, Jersey) (1928-29). Flown by Maj. E. E.
altitude record for diesel-powered air¬ N.Y.C. (1928-30) for use in Antarctica by Aldrin of the company, taken on Euro¬
craft (19,928 feet), Ruth Nichols pilot Wilkins-Hearst expeditions of 1928-29 pean tour in 1929: first Lockheed air¬
2/14/32. A Paul Mantz, Burbank, Calif. and 1929-30. First Vega ro be flown off plane ro fly in Europe. Traded in at LAC
(1936); Fred O. Yeager Fetterman, Brook¬ water, test pilot Joe Crosson, San Pedro, on new Vega (c/n 118), and original
lyn, N.Y. (1936-37). Washed our Roose¬ Calif, 9/28. Sold ro Argentine Republic, Bue¬ Wasp engine pur in latter. Reg canceled
velt Field, N.Y, 5/15/37 ("Aircraft nos Aires (1930-?). Reported crashed and ship dismantled by LAC c. 12/29.
unlicensed and flying in violation."— and burned "somewhere in the pam¬
CAA). pas" early 1930s.

On 16 C/n 21
C/n 15
Type Vega
Type Vega
Type Vega Model 5
Model 1
Model 5
Reg X 7429, NC 7429, NR 7429
Reg X 7441
Reg NC 7427 Mfg 12/24/28
Mfg 8/27/28
Mfg 10/19/28 Eng P&W Wasp CB #928
Eng WW J5A #9139
Eng P&W Wasp B #826
ATC none
ATC 93
ATC 49
Sold to Lockheed distributor Schlee-Brock
Personal plane of Erle P. Halliburton,
Sold ro Santa AAaria Airlines, Inc, & Hancock Aircraft Corp, Detroit (1928-29); used
Duncan, Okla, and Los Angeles (1928-
Foundation College of Aeronautics, Santa as demonstrator. Washed our Chicago
31); prd yellow, named The Tester.
Maria, Calif. (1928-29) for short-line 7/25/29. Wing and engine salvaged.
Flown by Robert W. Cantwell ro win Class
charter service, instruction. Grant B.
C transcontinental air derby and Free-for-
Schley, Santa Barbara, Calif. (1930-31);
All in 1928 NAR, racing number 22. Fit¬
J. S. Wakefield, San Diego (1931); Wilson On 22
ted with NACA cowl; won Civilian Cabin
Aero Corp, Burbank, Calif. (1931-32).
Ship Race, 1929 NAR. Also used as Type Vega
Thomas Slingsby, Valley Airlines, Sacra¬ Model 5
standby airliner for Southwest Air Fast Ex¬
mento (1932-33), with WW J5 #8255. Reg NC 7952
press, Tulsa (1929-30). R. L. Robbins, Fort
N. B. Rich & R. W. Kenyon, Boston (1933- Mfg 12/4/28
Worth (1931-32); navigation hatch cur
34); Charles B. Whitehead Flying Service, Eng P&W Wasp CB #941
in fuselage ro rear of wing, WW J5 in¬
N.Y.C. (1934); Waco Sales of New York, ATC 93
stalled. Named Forr Worth, used on Sear-
Roosevelt Field, N.Y. (1934-35); East
rle-Tokyo nonstop refueling attempts Used by LAC in East as demonstrator
Carolina Airlines, Inc, Wilmington, N.C.
7/8-9/31 and 8/2-3/31 (reinstalled orig¬ (1928-29), sold to Amelia Earhart, N.Y.C.
(1935-36). Joe Lewis, Burbank (1936-
inal Wasp c. 7/15/31). W. N. Gregory Jr, (1930-33). Damaged acc Norfolk, Va,
37); used as ambulance for Aerial Hospi¬
Augusta, Ark. (1932-33), with Wasp C 9/25/30. Repaired by DAC 8-9/31, fuse¬
tal Service. Destroyed acc Santa Maria
#2869. Demolished acc Valmeyer, III, lage replaced by that of Vega c/n 68
4/18/33. Pilot Gregory, four passengers (g.v), and made a Vega 5B. New Wasp
killed. #3812 installed 1932; prd deep red,
On 16
gold trim. Used by Miss Earhart for first
Type Vega C/n 19
woman's transatlantic solo flight 5/20-
Model 1 Type Vega 21/32. First woman's solo transcontinen¬
Reg NC 7428 Model (unassigned) tal nonstop flight, Los Angeles-Newark,
Mfg 9/29/28 Reg X 7430 8/32. Sold for permanent exhibition to
Eng WW J5 #9189 Mfg 9/4/28 Franklin Institute, Philadelphia (1933-66)
ATC 49 Eng P&W Horner #223 with Wasp #888. National Air and Space
Sold to Continental Air Express, Inc, Los An¬ ATC none Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washing¬

geles (1928-30); used on Los Angeles- Bought os entry in transcontinental non¬ ton, D.C. (1966—). On prominent dis¬
San Francisco line. Repossessed by Pacific stop race to 1928 NAR or Los Angeles by play.

Gn 23 cross-counrry flighrs. One of firsr Vegas ro Gn 27

Type Vega be firred wirh borh NACA cowl and Type Vega
Model 5 wheel panrs. Col. Arthur C. Goedel, Los Model 5
Reg NC 7953, XA-BFU (Mexico) Angeles (1930-36); modified ro IP for Reg 196E
Mfg 12/28 '30 NAR, racing number 62; NR reg; re¬ Mfg 12/11/28
Eng P&W Wasp CD #956 converted ro NC in 1934. Laura Ingalls, Eng P&W Wasp CB #1058
ATC 93 Grear Neck, N.Y. (1936-41); equipped ATC 93
wirh Wasp SCI #1533 in '41. Washed
Airliner for Universal Air Lines, Inc., Chicago One of two brand-new Vegas (c/n 27,
our Albuquerque 8/11 /41. Miss Ingalls un¬
(1929-31). Transferred to American c/n 39) destroyed by fire which swepr
Airways, Inc., Robertson, Mo. (1931); LAC renrs of Los Angeles Auro Show 3/5/29,
(1931). Draniff Airways, Inc., Oklahoma Gn 25 Recorded in name of Rule & Sons Insurance
City (1931-37); converted ro Vega 5C Corp., Los Angeles, who paid rhe claims.
Type Vega
wirh larger fin and rudder. Cracked up Sr.
Model 5
Louis 1937. Repaired and sold by Aero
Reg NC 194E
Brokerage Co., Los Angeles, ro Gordon 5.
Mfg 12/28 Gn 26
Barry, El Paso; flown on Barry's Lineas
Eng P&W Wasp CD #971 Type Vega
Aereas Mineras, S.A (LAMSA), Mazarlan,
ATC 93 Model 1
Sin., Mexico (1937-1944); Lineas Aereas
Mexicanas, S.A. (also LAMSA), Mexico, D.F. Owned by distributor Schlee-Brock Air¬ Reg NC 7805, X 7805, NR 7805
(1944-46). Capt. Carlos Cervantes Perez, craft Corp., Derroir (1929-30); equipped Mfg 12/11/28
Ensenada, B.C., Mexico (1946). Thoughr wirh floors, flown on rheir Arrowhead in¬ Eng WW J5C #9214
ro hove been dismanrled, parts incorpo¬ ternational Airlines of Duluth. G. W. ATC 49
rated wirh rhree orher ex-LAM5A Vegas Mennis, Texas Worth Tool Co., Fort Worth
Demonstrated and sold on rhe spot ro
ro make Cervantes's rhree flyable ships. (1930); demolished acc Alvord, Texas, Cromwell-Hunt Aero Service, San Angelo,
4/27/30. Pilor James H. Kelly, Mennis, Texas (1928-29). Damaged acc Clarks¬
Gn 24 another passenger killed. ville, Tenn., 3/4/29; repaired by LAC wirh
Type Vega
c/n 45 (fuselage only). Cromwell Air Lines,
Model 5 Gn 26
San Angelo (1929-30); R O. Dulaney Jr.,
Reg NC 7954, NR 7954 Type Vega Fort Worth (1930-31); back to LAC
Mfg 8/12/28 Model 5 (1931-32). C. C. Spangenderger, Dallas
Eng P&W Wasp #920 Reg NC 195E (1932-33); equipped wirh 240-hp Gui-
ATC none Mfg 12/11/28 berson Diesel engine; prd red and black;
Purchased by F. C. Hall, Chickasha, Okla. Eng P&W Wasp CB #989 reg then NR. A. Harold Bromley made
(1928-29), for $20,240, wirh special ATC 93 various cross-counrry flighrs wirh ship, in¬
painr and ierrering. The firsr Winnie Mae, Firsr flown by Nevada Airlines, Inc., Los An¬ cluding one nonstop N.Y.-L.A hop in
named for Hall's daughter, and flown by geles (1929-30). Repossessed; sold ro preparation for a Pacific flight arrempr.
his pilor Wiley Posr. Sold back ro LAC Braniff Airways, Inc, Oklahoma City Cardiff & Peacock, Ltd., Bakersfield, Calif.
(1929). Nevada Airlines, Inc., Los Angeles (1930-33); converted ro Vega 5C with (1933); converted back ro WW J5
(1929-30); named Sirius and flown by larger fin and rudder. Destroyed acc Sr. engine. Washed our Dos Palos, Calif.,
Capr. Roscoe Turner in '29 NAR and on Louis 4/22/33. 7/11/33.

C/n 24: Nevada airliner (previously rhe firsr Winnie Mae) ends up
(lirerally) expounding pacifism ("No A.E.F.") wirh Laura Ingalls in
New Mexico.

C/n 29 Easr Sr. Louis, III. Reg NR and sold ro Ruth Eng WW #B9314
Type Vega Stewart, Sr. Louis (1931-32); Mrs. Srewarr ATC 49
Model 1 and Mrs. Debbie Sranford planned a LAC demonsrraror (1929). Acquired by
Reg NC 7894 N.Y.C.-Buenos Aires flighr. Demolished Amelia Earhart, N.Y.C. (1929-30), in ex¬
Mfg 11/10/28 acc near Newville, Pa., 1/5/32. Mrs. Srew¬
change for c/n 10 (q.v.). Flown ro rhird
Eng WW J5C #9235 arr and Mrs. Sranford killed.
place women's L.A.-Cleveland race
ATC 49
1929 ("powder-puff derby"). Turned in
C/n 00
Sold ro LAC disrriburor Schlee-Brock Air¬ for c/n 22. Parks Air College, Easr Sr. Louis,
Type Vega
craft Corp., Derroir (1928-29); based ar III. (1930-37); used by school for insrruc-
Model 1
Dulurh; flown on rheir subsidiary Arrow¬ rion and charter, engine equipped wirh
Reg NC 32E
head Inrernarionai Airlines. MAS Co., An- speed ring half-cowl; prd red, cream, Acc
Mfg 1/29
rigo, Wis. (1929-30). Washed our Sr. Easr Sr. Louis 3/8/34. St. Louis Flying Service,
Eng WW #9285
Paul 4/30/30. Sr. Louis (1937); Mountain Flying Service,
ATC 49
Denver (1937). Disposirion unknown.
C/n 00 Sold ro California Aerial Transport, Los An¬
Type Vega geles (1929-32); prd whire wirh red On 37
Model 1 cross, named Invalid Coach, used as an Type Vega
Reg 7895, CF-AAL (Canada), ambulance. Frank Oldfield, Los Angeles Model 1
AN-ABP (Nicaragua) (1932-33); United Air Services, Burbank, Reg NC 35E
Mfg lore 1928 Calif. (1933-34). Crashed San Berna- Mfg 2/29
Eng WW J5A #9243 dino, Calif., 7/9/34. Pilor George E. Plague Eng WW #9319
ATC 49 and rwo passengers killed, one injured. ATC 49
Sold ro Commercial Airways, Ltd., Edmon- LAC demonsrraror (1929-30). Parks Air
On 04
ron, Alra., Canada (1929-31). Prd or¬ College, Easr Sr. Louis, III. (1930-31); used
ange, flown by Capr. W. R. May on early Type Vega for insrrucrion. Back ro LAC as demonsrra¬
airmail roures of norrhern Canada,- oper- Model 1 ror (1931); Thomas R. Navin, Navin Air
ared on wheels, skis, floors. Returned ro Reg C 33E, R 33E, N-41, LN-ABD Transport, Chicago (1931). Washed our

LAC for insrallarion WW J6 (300-hp) en¬ (Norway) near Lansing, Kan., 9/22/31. Pilor An¬
gine, also 9" nose shorrening 1930. Mfg 10/28 drew Kelson, passenger killed.
Transferred ro Canadian Airways, Ltd., Win¬ Eng WW J5C #9293
ATC 49 C/n 33
nipeg (1931-36). Canadian Pacific Air¬
lines, Vancouver (1936-44); International Commercial and resrricred licenses ro Type Vega
Current Aviation Enterprises, N.Y.C. (1944); LAC. 400-gal gas capaciry. For "Polar Ex- Model 1
Jack Baker A Cia. Inter-Americana de Aviacion, plorarion." Sold ro Schlee-Brock Aircraft Reg NC197E
Managua, Nicaragua (1944-45); Jimmy Corp., Derroir (1929), Bryde & Dahl, San-
Mfg 2/29
Angel, Managua (1945); Tropical Air defjord, Norway (1929-37), for use in Eng WW #9321
transporte, Managua (1946-7). Sold or whale hunring and explorarion in rhe ATC 49
raken by Angel ourside Nicaragua in Anrarcric. Mounred on ponroons, flown LAC demonsrraror (1929-30). Airliner for
1946. Final disposirion unknown. by Comdr. Pljalmar Riiser-Larsen and Lr. Wedell-Williams Air Service, Inc., Parrerson,
Finn Lurzow-Plolm in Anrarcrica 1929- La. (1930-36). Afrer acc Orange, Texas,
C/n 01
30. Used for whale hunrs in Greenland 10/12/30, converred ro Vega 5 under
Type Vega warers 1931. Named: Qarrrsiluni ("soul ATC 93, and P&W Wasp #71 insralled.
Model 1 of rhe whale"). Norsk Luftfoto A/S North American Aviation, Inc., N.Y.C.
Reg NC 7896 (1937-38). Firred wirh skis and flown as (1936-37); Charles H. Badd, Glendale,
Mfg 10/28 phoro plane in Norway. Scrapped 1938 Calif. (1937-41); converred ro 2D under
Eng WW J5C #9244 and engine used ro power a propellor- ATC Memo 2-377 and P&W Wasp, Jr„
ATC 49 driven sledge in Norwegian mounrains. #13 insralled. Marshall Searle, Searle Aero
Sold Through LAC disrriburor Schlee-Brock Industries, Inc., Beverly Hills, Calif. (1941-

Aircrafr Corp., Derroir, ro Wolverine Flying C/n 35 43). War Dept., U.5. Engineer's Office, San
Service, Ltd., Lansing, Mich. (1929-30). Type Vega Francisco (1943-7) ("Ship gov'r property
Washed our Lansing 2/10/30. Model 1 in operation ourside rhe conrinenral lim-
Reg NC 34E, X 34E irs of rhe U.5."—CAA). Final disposirion
On 02
Mfg 1/29 unknown.
Type Vega Eng WW #9302
Model 1 C/n 39
ATC 49
Reg NC 7973, NR 7973 . Type Vega
LAC demonsrraror (1929). Flown by resr
Mfg 12/28 Model 1
pilor Plerb Fahy for 36-hour-56-min en¬
Eng WW #9250 Reg 198E
durance record 5/28-29/29 Burbank,
ATC 49 Mfg early 1929
Calif. Washed our Flinr, Mich., 8/4/29. Eng WW J5B #9322
Operared as demonsrraror by Schlee-
Brock Aircraft Corp., Derroir (1929-30). On 36 ATC 49
Gentry Shelton, Sr. Louis (1930-31) used Type Vega One of rwo brand-new Vegas (c/n 27,
ship on his Shelron-Jefferson Airways as Model 1 c/n 39) destroyed by fire which swepr
an airliner. Aces Sr. Louis 7/1/30 and Reg NC 31E rents of rhe Los Angeles Auro Show
6/21/31; repaired by Parks Air College, Mfg 1/29 3/5/29. Recorded in name of Rule & Sons
C/n 40: George Wesringhouse's Elizoberh Lind went ro Tailmanrz
Aviation, was painted and reregistered for an Amelia Earhart
movie, and was loaned for Continental Airlines' thirtieth anniver¬
sary. It is now in the Ford Museum at Dearborn, Michigan.

InsuFrance Corp., Los Angeles, who paid (1955); A. Paul Mantz, Sanra Ana, Calif. Moines (1946); equipped wirh speed
rhe claims. (1956-61); Tallmantz Aviation, Inc., Sanra ring half-cowl, and small panrs. Les Maul¬
Ana (1961-66). Re-reg. 1962 wirh old din, Brownsville, Texas (1946—61);
On 40
Amelia Earharr number N965Y (of c/n hangared ro 1960, restored 1960-61,
Type Vega 171, q.v.), prd red and gold. Leased 1964 wirh rebuilr WW J5. Washed our 5/19/61
Model 1 ro Conrinenral Airlines for publicity rour. near Brownsville on way ro exhibition ar
Reg NC 199E, NR 199E, N 965Y Prd whire, red rrim, in Varney Air Trans- Harlingen AFB. No injuries.
Mfg 1/20/29 porr (VAT) livery. Ford Museum, Dearborn,
Eng W J5A #9347 Mich. (1966—). On prominenr display. On 42
ATC 49 Type Vega
On 41 Model —
Sold ro Montana Development & Air

Transport Co., Kalispell (1930). Firred Type Vega Reg 201E (canceled)
wirh floors and taken on air survey and Model 1 Mfg 1929
phoro expedirion ro Labrador and Green¬ Reg NC200E, N161N Eng —
land by MacMillan Arctic Exploration Co., Mfg 1928 ATC —
Los Angeles (1931), under Comdr. Don¬ Eng WW J5A #8526
Fuselage only, used as replacemenr on
ald D. MacMillan wirh pilor Charles ATC 49
Vega of Maddux Air Lines (c/n 9) after
Rocheville. Named The Viking; firred as Sold ro Alaska-Washington Airways, Searrle acc San Diego 6/22/29. Reg canceled.
Vega 2D, wirh P&W Wasp, Jr., #7, under (1929-30); prd orange,- named Taku.
ATC Memo 2-377 of 8/21/31, NR reg. Northwest Air Service, Inc., Searrle (1930); On 40
Paul S. Grade, Los Angeles (1932); Mace flown by John Blum ro win Searrle-Chi- Type Vega
Naylor, Deverly Hills (1933); George T. cago race of 1930 NAR. W. H. Muirhead, Model —
Westinghouse, Dainbridge, Wash., and Floyd A. Hart & W. H. Fluhrer, Medford, Reg —
Tucson, Ariz. (1935-54). Prd gray-blue, Ore. (1930-33); replacemenr fuselage Mfg 1929
named Elizabeth Lind. Flown on borh only of c/n 44 installed. Stanley G. Fuller, Eng —
floors and wheels. Una R. Kurtzer, Searrle Milford, Iowa (1934-41); Vic Ede, Des ATC —

Fuselage only, used as replacemenr on C/n 49 Gn 50

Cromwell-Hunr Air Service Vega (c/n 28) Type Vega Type Vega
after acc Clarksville, Tenn., 0/4/29. * Model 5 Model 5
C/n 44 Reg NC 400E Reg NC 624E
Mfg 2/29 Mfg early 1929
Type Vega
Eng P&W Wasp #1096 Eng P&W Wasp #1186
Model —
ATC 90 ATC 90
Reg —
Mfg 1929 5old ro Nevada Airlines, Inc., Los Angeles Sold ro Erle P. Halliburton, Tulsa, and
Eng — (1929-00). Repossessed by LAC. Braniff flown by his Southwest Air Fast Express
ATC — Airways, Inc., Oklahoma City (1900-01); (1929-00). Transferred ro new S.A.F.E.,
converted ro Vega 5C wirh larger fin and Inc., Dallas (1900). Transcontinental &
Fuselage only, used as replacemenr on
rudder 11/00 under ATC 084; prd red, Western Air, Inc., N.Y.C. (1901-00). Their
Vega (c/n 41) during ownership of F. A.
whire trim. Destroyed acc Kewanee, III., #251; reconditioned and new wing in¬
Hart and W, H. Fluhrer, Medford. Ore.
12/5/01 Two passengers killed, pilot and stalled 7/01. Hanford's Tri-State Airlines,
C/n 45 three passengers injured. Sioux City, Iowa (larer Hanford Airlines,
Type Vega Inc., Kansas City) (1905-07). Destroyed

Model —
Gn 50 in hangar fire, Sioux City 1/20/07.
Reg — Type Vega
Mfg 1929 Model 5 Gn 54
Eng —
Reg NC 404E, XA-BFT (Mexico) Type Vega
ATC — Mfg 2/29 Model 5
Eng P&W Wasp #2098 Reg NC 657E
Fuselage only, used as replacemenr on
ATC 90 Mfg 4/29
Maddux Air Lines Vega (c/n 11). Work
Sold ro Nevada Airlines, Inc., Los Angeles, Eng P&W Wasp #1427
done overnight by LAC crew.
used as airliner (1929-00). Repossessed ATC 90
Gn 46 by LAC. Braniff Airways, Inc., Oklahoma Sold ro Alaska-Washington Airways, Searrle
Type Vega City (1900-07); converted ro Vega 5C (1929-02); flown on floors; prd orange,
Model — under ATC 084. Gordon S. Barry, El Paso named Ketchikan, larer Wrangell. Con¬
Reg — (1907), and Barry's Lineas Aereas Mineras, verted ro Vega 5B under ATC 227 by LAC
Mfg 1929 5.A. (LAMSA), Mazarlan, Sin., Mexico 6/00. Alaska Southern Airways, Inc., Searrle
Eng — (1907-44). Flown wirh passengers, mail (1902); Shell Aviation Co., Ltd., San Fran¬

ATC — and express; prd lighr blue. Lineas Aereas cisco (1902-00). Washed our Searrle
Mexicanas, S.A. (also LAMSA), Mexico, D.F. 4/27/00.
Fuselage only, assigned ro William Brock
(1944-45); acc Monclova, Coah., 2/22/
of Schlee-Brock Aircraft Corp., Detroit. Use Gn 55
unknown. 45; no injuries. Parrs used ro repair line's
orher Vegas. Type Vega
Gn 47 Model 5
Gn 51 Reg NC 658E
Type Vega
Model —
Type Vega Mfg 12/28
Reg —
Model 5 Eng P&W Wasp #1089
Mfg 1929
Reg NC 405E ATC 90
Eng —
Mfg 2/29 Sold ro Erle P. Halliburton, Tulsa, and
Eng P&W Wasp #1169 flown by Southwest Air Fast Express (1929-
ATC 90 00). Minor acc Sweerwarer, Texas, 0/18/
Fuselage only, sold ro The Texas Co., Pipe¬
Sold ro Erle P. Tulsa, flown by
Halliburton, 00; repaired by LAC. Transferred ro new
line Division, Housron. Probably used as
his Southwest (1929-00).
Air Fast Express Southwest Air Fast Express, Dallas (1900-
replacemenr on rheir Texaco 2 (c/n 12).
Texas Pipe Line Co., Housron (1900). De¬ 01). George A. Thorne, N.Y.C. (1901-02);
Gn 48 molished acc Housron 11/22/00. Pilor rebuilr 1901 as Vega 5C under ATC
Type Vega Bert Pidcoke killed. Memo 2-085 of 9/22/01. Foreign flighr
Model 5 by pilor Boberr S. Fogg and sale ro Karh-
Reg NC 402E Gn 52 erine Christie, Toronto, planned, bur nor
Mfg 2/29 Type Vega made. Minor acc Saranac Inn, N.Y., 7/15/
Eng P&W Wasp #1070 Model 5 02. Edo E4545 floors installed 1902.
ATC 90 Reg NC510E Skyloft, Inc., N.Y.C. (1900); prd red. De¬

Mfg 0/29 molished acc near Leipsic, Del., 8/1.9/00.

Sold ro Alaska-Washington Airways, Searrle
(1929-00); prd orange; named Juneou.
Eng P&W Wasp #1107 Pilor Harold E. McMahon killed.
Wirh pilot Anscel Eckmann, navigaror ATC 90
Robert E. Ellis, and mechanic Jack Hal- Sold through LAC distributor Schlee-Brock Gn 56
loran made first nonsrop Srareside- Aircraft Corp. of Derroir ro subdisrriburor Type Vega
Alaska flighr (Searrle-Juneau) 4/15/29. Ohio Lockheed Sales Corp. (larer called Model 2/5
Equipped with floors, and larer a radio Middle States Airlines), Akron (1929). Air¬ Reg NC 606
rransmirrer. Ship "rerurned ro LAC" some- liner on Cleveland-Pirrsburgh route. De¬ Mfg 0/29
rime in lore '29 or '00. (See c/n 110, Reg. molished acc Pittsburgh 8/12/29. Pilor H. Eng WW J6 #10167
#102N.) E. Smith killed. ATC 140/252

Sold ro Ohio Lockheed Sales Cokp., Akron Petroleum Co., Torreon (1902-00); A Gn 62
(1929); Schlee-Brock Aircraft Corp., De¬ Paul AAantz, United Air Services, Ltd., Bur¬ Type Vega
troit (1929). Converted 1901 by Detroit bank, Calif. (1900) with Wasp #1678. Model 2/5/5 B
Aircraft Corp., to Vega 5 with P&W Wasp Sydney Flying Service, Inc., Tulsa (1900— Reg NC 2846, XB-BHA (Mexico)
#1472. Chicago-Detroit Airways, Chicago 04); Leigh Taliaferro, Ponca City, Okla. Mfg 5/29
(1901). Crashed Chicago 9/14/01. Pilot Al (1904). L. H. Wentz, Ponca City (1904- Eng WWJ6 #10040
Malvick killed. OS). Rebuilt. John E. Grimmett, Ponca City ATC 140/90/227
and Midland, Texas (1905-06) with
Engine changed 7/29 ro P&W Wasp
Cn/57 Wasp #1517. Transportes Aereos de Chia¬
#1678. Sold ro Schlee-Brock Aircraft
Type Vega pas, S.A. (TACSA), Tuxrla, Chiapas, Mexico
Corp., Detroit (1929); Nevada Airlines, Inc.,
Model 2 (1906-09) with Wasp #1652. N/C to: Cia
Los Angeles (1929); C.A.T. Lines, El Paso,
Reg NC 574E Aeronautica Francisco Saradia, S.A. (1909—
Texas (1929). Transferred ro Corp, Ae¬
Mfg 1929 42). Flew in 1940 with wing of c/n 58
ronautica de Transportes, S.A., Torreon,
Eng WWJ6 #10186 (q.v.X Washed our Mexico, D.F., 11/26/
Coah., Mexico. (1929-00) Mexican Cert.
ATC 140 42. No injuries.
#14. Made inaugural Mexico, D.F —El
Sold through distributor Schlee-Brock Air¬ Paso flight with mail 8/17/29. Prd red,
craft Corp., Derroit (1929), and flown on
Gn 60 ivory trim. Listed in C.A.T. bankruptcy, bur
rheir Arrowhead International Airways Type Vega disposition unknown.
our of Duluth (1929-00). C. J. Conner & Dr. Model 2/5
Reg NC 2875, XA-DEC (Mexico)
Gn 60
A. C. Chesher, New Hodds, N.M. (1900-?),
with W #10090. Damaged accs Little¬ Mfg 4/29 Type Vega
field, Texas, 0/1/00 and Seminole, Texas, Eng WW J6 # 10066 Model 5
12/10/00. Parrs stored at Santo Barbara, ATC 49/140/90/084 Reg NC 625E, NR 625E
Calif. (1904), bur apparently never re¬ Mfg 4/25/29
Sold to Schlee-Brock Aircraft Corp., Detroit
paired. Eng P&W Wasp #1047
(1929); Canadian-American Airlines, Inc.,
ATC 90
Ltd., Minneapolis (1929); E.S. Shank, Shank
Gn 58 Flying Service, Morgan and Robbinsdale, Sold ro Marlzxnd Production Co., Ponca
Type Vega Minn. (1929-01); Hanford's Tri-State Air¬ City, Okla., which became Continental
Model 2 lines, Inc., Sioux City, Iowa (1901-06). Oil Co. (1929-00). Converted by LAC ro

Reg NC 620E, XA-BKG (Mexico) Wing from c/n 50 installed in 1904. Con¬ Vega 5C under ATC 084 in 2/00. Marron
Mfg 1929 verted ro Vega 5 with P&W Wasp Price Guggenheim, Roslyn, N.Y. (1900-04).

Eng WWJ6 #10212 #2208, then #2207 in 1905. Acc Pem¬ Flown by Russell W. Thaw. Reg NR for
ATC 140 bina, N.D. 8/9/04. Repairs and spare South American Flight. Damaged acc
Vega wing "Ser. #72" and Wasp #2054 Paramaribo, Surinam, 0/25/04. Sold
Sold through distributor Schlee-Brock Air¬
craft Corp. Detroit (1929), to Williams insralled. Hanford Airlines, Inc., Kansas through LAC ro Herdert G. Fales, West
Iron Works, Tonkawa, Okla. (1929-00). City, Mo. (1906—08) with Wasp #4765 Newton, Mass., later N.Y.C. (1904-40).
John J. Moran, Moran Drilling Co., Wichita and radio equipment. Mid-Continent Air¬ P&W Wasp S0D1 #4820 installed; prd
Falls, Texas (1900); Emdree H. Hunt, Tem¬ lines, Inc., Kansas City, Mo. (1908-40); R. white, blue trim. Used by Fales for busi¬
ple, Texas (1900-04). Converted ro L. Brown and D. S. Zimmerley, Kansas City, ness and pleasure trips with International
Vega 5, ATC 90, P&W Wasp #2256 in¬ Mo. (1908-40); R. L. Brown and D. 5. Nickel Co. While in hands of Paul Mantz
stalled. Lloyd Earl, Fort Worth (1905-07). Zimmerley, Kansas City, Mo. (1940-41) for sale in West, caught fire and de¬
Charles H. Badd, Glendale, Calif. (1908); with Wasp #4818. Fred Elmer Secor, Los stroyed, Hermosillo, Son., Mexico, 5/00/
converted ro 2D, with Wasp, Jr., #71. Angeles (1941-42) as camera plane. 40.
Transportes Aereos De Chiapas, 5A. (TACSA), Charles H. Badd, Glendale, Calif. (1942-
Gn 64
Tuxrla, Chiapas, Mexico (1909); name 40); Lineas Aereas Mineras, S.A., Mexico, D.F.
(1940-46); Capt. Carlos Cervantes Perez,
Type Vega
changed to Cia. Aeronautica Francisco Sar-
Ensenada, B.C., Mexico (1946-?). Last re¬
Model 2
adia, S.A (CAF5SA) (1909-40). Damaged
ported damaged and derelict on beach
Reg NC 857E
acc Ixtepec, Oaxaca, 0/10/40. Wing
Mfg 5/29
placed and flown for rime on fuselage near Ensenada in late 1940s.
Eng WWJ6 #10090
of Vega c/n 59 (q.v.X Further rebuild as
ATC 140
original uncertain. Gn 61
Sold to Schlee-Brock Aircraft Corp., Detroit
Type Vega
Gn 59 (1929-00), as airliner on rheir subsidiary
Model 5B
Canadian-American Airlines, our of Min¬
Type Vega Reg NC 2845, XA-BHJ (Mexico)
Mfg neapolis. By sheriff's sale ro M&S Co., An-
Model 5 5/29
rigo, Wis. (1900). Michael M. Rudner,
Reg NC 2874, XA-BHB, XA-BAW Eng P&W Wasp #1747
Rudner Flying Service, Chicago (1900-01).
(Mexico) ATC 221
Destroyed acc Toledo 5/11/01. Pilot Rub-
Mfg 4/29 Sold ro Corp. Aeronautica de Transportes, nerand passenger killed, another hurt.
Eng P&W Wasp #1679 S.A., Torreon, Coah., Mexico (1929-02).
ATC 49/90/227 Prd red, ivory trim,- airliner for C.A.T. After Gn 65
Originally with WW J6 #10040, bur liquidation of assets in 1900, sold as “one Type Air Express
Wasp installed by LAC. Sold to Corp. Ae¬ old airplane body." Frank Michelson, De¬ Model 0
ronautica de Transportes, S.A, Torreon, troit (1904-06). Rebuilt at Detroit with Reg NC 514E, P-BDAH (Brazil)
Coah., Mexico (1929-02). Cost: $18,500. used wing and Wasp Cl #829. Michael Mfg 0/14/29
Prd red, ivory trim. Wasp #1652 installed. Hanratty, Chicago (1906-08). Washed Eng P&W Wasp C #1141
Held in default of payment by Huesreca our Chicago 1/8/08. ATC 102

Sold ro New York, Rio, and Buenos Aires. Mfg 1929 red our as an Execurive model—wirh
Line, N.Y.C. (1900), on floors, for service in Eng P&W Wasp #1677 table, typewriter, chemical toiler, ere Prd
Brazil and Argenrina. Named Moroca. ATC 90 whire, blue trim. Independent acquired
NYRBA acquired by Pan American Airways, Sold Through Schlee-Brock Aircraft Corp., by Phillips Petroleum Corp., Bartlesville,
Inc, N.Y.C., who reporred airplane srored Okla. (1901); Parks Air College, East Sr.
Derroir (1929) ro Cromwell Air Lines, San
in Buenos Aires 1/01. Disposirion un¬ Angelo, Texas (1900); James J. Marrern Louis, III. (1901); Robert E. McGlynn and
known. flew for Cromwell. James J. Mattern (Jim¬ Maurice V. Foley, East Sr. Louis, III. (1901-

mie Marrern Fasr Flying Service), Forr 02). Rebuilr as Vega 5C. John Wyeth,
On 66 Wyeth Hardware & Mfg. Co., Sr. Joseph, Mo.
Worrh (1901-02). Rebuilr and firred for
Type Vega round-rhe-world flighr; prd red and blue, (1902-08), wirh P&W Wasp #1711.
Model 5B whire rrim; named Century of Progress. Flown by pilor H.C. Brasfield. Iowa Aerial
Reg NC 858E, AN-ABL (Nicaragua) New cockpir made afr of wing ro be¬ Surveys, Des Moines (1909-40) wirh P&W
Mfg 1929 come only dual-conrrolled Vega so SCI #221 and alrerarions as a phoro
Eng P&W Wasp #2006 equipped. Flown by Marrern and Bennerr plane. Register & Tribune Employees Credit
ATC 771 Griffin N.Y.C.-Harbour Grace-Berlin 7/5— Union, Des Moines (1940-42). Charles H.
Babb, New York, N.Y. (1942-44). Cia. Red
Original owners and operarors unknown. 6/02. Crashed Borisov, U.S.S.R., 7/6/02;
Area Mexicana, S.A. (RAAA5A), Mexico, D.F.
Vandemark Flying Service, Lockport, N.Y. pilors unhurt Some porrions salvaged, re-
(1902-00); Columdia Airways, Blooms- rurned ro U.S. and incorporared inro c/n (1944-49), wirh Wasp H #21944
burg, Pa. (1905-06); Standard Aerial 118 (q.v.), which gor c/n 69's old regisrra- (RAMSA owned/operared by Gordon and
Surveys, Newark (1907-41); Harold E. rion. Judith Barry). Luis Stuck, Mexico, D.F.
Curran, Syracuse (1944). Jimmy Angel & Jack
(1949-55). Hycon Manufacturing Co., Pas¬
On 70 adena, Calif. (1955-57), wirh P&W
Baker, Managua, Nicaragua (1944-
45). Desrroyed acc Boaco, Nicaragua, Type Vega R-1040 AN1 #121016. Elwell K. Nold,
2/19/45. Model 5 Houston (1957). Major overhaul. General
Reg NC 870E Electric Co., Schenectady, N.Y. (1957-

On 67 Mfg 1929 62). Resrricred operation in anriradar

Eng P&W Wasp #1790 resting. David D. Jameson, Oshkosh, Wis.
Type Vega
ATC 90 (I960-) Restored as replica of Winnie
Model 5/5 B
Assigned ro disrriburor-airline Middle Moe of 1900. Srill flying 1988.
Reg C 859E, R 859E
Mfg 5/29 Srares Airlines, Inc., Akron (1929). Demol¬
Eng WWJ6 #10509 ished during delivery flighr near Clovis, On 70
ATC 140/90 N.M. 8/11/29. Pilor Orville Srephens, rhree Type Vega
passengers killed. Model 5/5C
C License ro LAC. Engine replaced 6/29
wirh P&W Wasp #1747. Sold ro As¬ Reg NC 891E
On 71 Mfg 5/29
sociated Aviators, Inc., Wausau, Wis.
(1929). R. Lie. for racing as 1 PCLM, 150 Type Vega Eng P&W Wasp #1449
gal gas ranks in cabin. Enrered in 1929 Model 5/5 B ATC 90/084
NAR nonsrop Los Angeles-Cleveland Reg C 871E, XA-BHL (Mexico) Sold ro Schlee-Brock Aircraft Corp., Derroir
race. Forced landing ar Willard, N.M. Re- Mfg 5/29 (1929); Ohio Lockheed Sales Corp, Akron
rurned for insrallarion of new P&W Wasp Eng WWJ6 #10518 (1929); Middle States Air Lines, Inc., Akron
#2007. Crashed in srorm norrh of ATC 140/90 (1929-01). Acc Rydal, Go. 1/10/00. Re¬
Needles, Calif., 9/2/29. Pilor John P. C License ro LAC Engine replaced 7/29 turned ro LAC and new fuselage installed
Wood killed, mechanic Ward Miller par- wirh P&W Wasp #1707. Planned for as Vega 5C. Lockheed Aircraft Corp. Bur¬
achured safely. sale, on floors ro Old Gold, Adelaide, bank, Calif. (1901); Midland Air Express,
Australia (wirh c/n 80, q.v.). Exporr Cert Inc., Kansas City, Kan., wirh Wasp #682.
On 66 #E-204 issued 10/01/29, bur canceled Default in paymenr, LAC/DAC in receiv¬
Type Vega due ro Ausrralian imporT resrricrions. Sold ership (1902); Philip H. Philbin, Jr., New
Model 5B ro Schlee-Brock Aircraft Corp., Derroir York (1902); Air Express Corp, New York
Reg NC 868E (1929); Corp. Aeronautica de Transportes, (1902-00). Their #102. Modified by ex-
Mfg 5/29 S.A., Torreon, Coah., Mexico (1929-02). DAC employees ro cargo carrier, wirh Hi-
Eng P&W Wasp #2005 Prd red, ivory Trim. New Wasp #1926 in¬ Speed l/g. Prd silver, green rrim. Capitol
ATC 227 stalled. UnlisredJn liquidarion of C.A.T. as- Air Lines (Later Capitol Speed Lines, Inc.), Sac-

sers in 1902. Disposirion unknown. ramenro (1900-04). Varney Speed Lines,

Demonsrraror for LAC (1929-01), parric-
Burbank and larer El Paso (1904-05);
ularly in easrern U.S. Damaged minor
On 72 Varney Air Transport, Inc., El Paso (1905).
accs Newark 2/20/00 and Washington,
Type Vega Execurive Crashed Rattlesnake Burre, near Walsen-
D C., 9/24/00. Repaired, bur DAC decided
Model 5A/5C burg, Colo., 5/1/05. Pilor John J. Monrijo
irwas "worn our." Fuselage incorporared
Reg NC 898E, XA-DOK, XB-MAA killed.
inro Amelia Earharr's Vega (c/n 22) in
1901. Srill exisrs as parr of rhar airplane. (Mexico), N 174D, N 105D, NC
Exhibired ar National Air and Space Museum, 105W On 74
Washington, D.C.
Mfg Spring, 1929 Type Vega
Eng P&W Wasp #1616 Model 5B
On 69 ATC 90/084 Reg NC 892E
Type Vega Sold rhrough LAC Distributor Erie P. Halli¬ Mfg 5/29
Model 5 burton, Tulsa, ro Independent Oil & Gas Eng P&W Wasp #1472
Reg NC 869E, NR 869E Company, Tulsa (1929-00). First Vega fir- ATC 227

On 72. 1 airplane, 6 guises.

Sold ro Schlee-Brock Aircraft Corp., Detroit

(1929). Operated out of Duluth, Minn.,
on floors. Was ro hove been sold ro sub¬
sidiary Arrowhead International Airways,
Ltd., Port Arthur, Onr., Canada, under Ex¬

port #E-232, bur export canceled. De¬

molished in accident, Hamilton, Onr., 5/
14/30. Pilot Don H. Walker.

C/n 75
Type Air Express
Model 3
Reg NX 3057, NR 3057, NC 3057
Mfg 5/13/29
Eng P&W Wasp #1389
ATC 102
Demonstrator for LAC. Engine replaced
with Wasp #1449, P&W Horner #247
and Horner #491. Unsuccessful transcon¬
tinental record flight by Herb Fahy, 1929.
First Lockheed use of wheel pants. Prd
black, silver trim. Sold to General Tire &
Rudder Co., Akron (1929-30). Named

The General Tire. Flown by Henry J.

Brown to first place, NAR Los Angeles-

Cleveland nonstop race 1929. Gilmore Mfg 5/29 De-icer experiments 1931. Washed our
Oil Co., Ltd., Los Angeles (1900-32). Eng P&W Wasp #1554 Vineland, Ont., 5/16/31.
Flown by Col. Roscoe Turner ra easr- ATC 93/169
Gn 80
wesr Transcontinental record 5/30, and in Sold to United States Air Transport, Inc.,
NAR and other events. Prd cream, red Type Vega Executive
Washington, D.C. (1929), Washington- Model 5A
trim, with special compartnhenr for "Gil¬ New York Air Line, Washington (1929);
more," a lion cub mascot. Named The Reg NC 309H, XA-BAM (Mexico)
Washington Flying Service, Washington Mfg 6/29
Gilmore Lion. Wasp engine installed 11/ (1929-30); Pan American Grace Airways,
30. Col. Roscoe Turner, Los Angeles Eng P&W Wasp #1518
N.Y.C. (1930-35). Ptd Green, silver trim. ATC 93
(1932-38). Flown in advertising Mac¬ Flown on Chilean airmail routes. Washed
Millan Motor Oil as Roscoe Turner's Ring- our Lima, Peru, 5/8/35.
Sold to William Gidds McAdoo, Los Angeles
Free Express. Acc near Cleveland, Ohio, (1929-35), for personal transport; pilot
3/11/35. Repaired. Dismantled; fuselage Gn 79 Harry Ashe,- ptd blue, named The Blue
burned 1940; wing sold to A. Paul Manrz. Type Vega Executive
Srreak Converted for extra equipment
under ATC Memo 2-284 of 10/10/30.
Gn 76 Model 5A (special)
Transportes Aereos de Chiapas, S.A (later
Type Air Express (later Vega)
Reg NC 308H, NR 308H, X 308H
Cia. Aeronautica Francisco Sarabia, S.A.),
Model 3 Mfg 5/29
Eng P&W Wasp #1517 Tuxrla, Chiapas, and Mexico, D.F, (1935-
Reg NC 306H 40), with Wasp #1814; ptd red, ivory trim
Mfg 5/29
ATC 93
and wings. Briefly fitted with wing from
Eng P&W Wasp #1525 Sold to B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron (1929- XA-BKG (c/n 58) after acc Tapachula,
ATC 102 31). Operated as advertising, executive Chiapas, 4/18/38. Final disposition c.
and experimental plane. Prd white, blue 1940 uncertain.
Sold to T.A.T. Flying Service (Texas Air
trim; named Miss Silverrown, also Tesr
Transport), Fort Worth (1929-30); dam¬
Plane No. 2 and Tesr Plane No. 3. Pilot Gn 81
aged, Dig Spring, Texas, 9/12/29. Re¬
paired using fuselage only of c/n 93
Leland F. Schoenhair set world speed rec¬ Type Vega
(temporary reg 523K, unapplied). Trans¬
ords, tried for transcontinental records, Model 5
ferred Southern Air Transport Flying Ser¬
participated in 1929, 1930 NAR events. Reg NC 336H, RX-14 (Panama)
vice, Fort Worth (1930-31). American
Damaged Dubois, Pa., 6/23/29; rebuilt at Mfg 6/28/29
Airways, Inc., N.Y.C. (1931-32); Peter R.
LAC with c/n 95 (replacement fuselage Eng P&W Wasp # 1543
Beasley, Receiver, DAC, Detroit (1932-33).
only) 1929. Used in Goodrich Rubber's ATC 93
Convened by ex-DAC employees to Vega
5C under ATC 384. Rapid Air Lines Corp.,
Omaha (1933-34), with Wasp C C/n 76: Air Express flew on Texas air roures. Converted ro a Vega, ir became Rapid Air
#1506; named Ahsarben Comer. Lines' Aksarben Comer.
Hanford Airlines, Inc., Sioux City, Iowa

(1934-37); damaged Albany, Minn., 10/

17/34; restoration intended; stored. De¬
stroyed in hangar fire Sioux City 1/20/37.

Gn 77
Type Air Express
Model 3
Reg NC 307H
Mfg 5/22/29
Eng P&W Wosp #1617
ATC 102
Sold to New York, Rio & Buenos Aires Line
(NYRBA), N.Y.C. (1930); in service in Ar¬
gentina. Named Marajo. NYRBA acquired
by Pan American Airways, Inc., N.Y.C.
(1930-32). Sold less engine to George &
Katherine Daufkirch, N.Y.C. and Nonh
Beach, N Y. (1932-33); Dernarr Macfad- rapid air ijnescord^
den, N.Y.C. (1933-34); Air Engineers, Inc.,

N.Y.C. (1934-36); E.S. Ewan, N.Y.C. and SCHOOLS SALES SERVICE

Fon Lauderdale, Fla. (1936-38). Given
by Capr. Ewan, less engine, to Lindsay-

Hopkins Vocational School, Miami (1938-

4?); used for training in shopwork

Scrapped during WWII.
Gn 78
Type Vega
Model 5
Reg NC 9424

Demonstrator for LAC (1929-00); flown C/n 85 (1930). Damaged Searrle 3/22/30; no in¬
1929 Ford Air Tour by Wiley Posr. Sold ro Type Vega juries. Plane scrapped.
Aiaska-Washington Airways, Inc., Searrle Model 5 On 90
(1930-32); operated on floats; prd or¬ Reg R 393H
Type Vega
ange. Acc Mercer I., Wash., 9/12/30; re¬ Mfg 7/29
paired at LAC with new fuselage,
Model 5B
Eng P&W Wasp #1653
Reg NC 504K
elevators. Named Petersburg. Nick Dez, ATC 93
Mfg 8/29
Seattle (1932-34), with Wasp #1427.
New plane with temporary reg R 393H Eng P&W Wasp #1900
Alaska Southern Airways, Inc., Searrle
issued ro LAC. Prepared for General Tire ATC 227
(1934). Pacific Alaska Airways, Inc. (subsid¬
& Rubber Co. of Akron. Crashed during Sold ro Corp. Aeronautica de Transportes,
iary of Pan American Airways, Inc.) N.Y.C.
delivery flight near Randsburg, Calif., 8/4/
and Fairbanks (1934-36), with Wasp D S.A. (CAT.), Torreon, Coah., Mexico
29. Pilot Virgil Cline killed. (1929-30); prd ivory, with red arrow.
#814. P.F. FIotchkiss, Fort Worth (1936),
with Wasp #1470. E. L. Taylor, Jr., Tyler, Damaged near Monterrey, Nuevo Leon,
On 86 5/27/30; no injuries. Wreckage burned.
Texas (1936-37); Marcos A. Geladert,
Panama City (1937-?). Disposition un¬ Type Vega
Model — On 91
Reg — Type Air Express
C/n 62 Mfg mid-1929 .Model 3
Type Vega Eng — Reg 521K (canceled)
Model 5 ATC — Mfg 7/29
Reg NC 397H Reported as only "fuselage with chassis" Eng —
Mfg 7/29 supplied ro Schlee-Brock Aircraft Corp., ATC 102
Eng P&W Wasp #1603 Detroit. Application and use unknown. Fuselage only, sold to The Texas Co., N.Y.C.
ATC 93 (1929), as replacement on their Texaco
Original reg 504K unapplied. Sold as air¬ On 87 5 (c/n EX-2, q.v.).
liner ro U.S. AirTransport (Washington-New Type Vega C/n 92
York Air Line), Washington, D.C. (1929). Model 5
Type Air Express
Damaged on delivery flight, East Sr. Louis, Reg NC 394H
III., 7/15/29. Washington Flying Service,
Model 3
Mfg 6/29
Washington, D.C. (1929-30). Converted
Reg NC 522K
Eng P&W Wasp #1615
ro 6P under ATC 169. Pan American-Grace
Mfg 8/27/29
ATC 93
Airways, Inc., N.Y.C. (1930-33?); prd sil¬
Eng P&W Wasp #2256
Sold to Dr. Walter M. (later Mid-
Cross ATC 102
ver, green trim; flown in Chile as U.S. Mail
Continent Air and Cross
carrier. Damaged Santiago 1/10/31; re¬ Sold ro Reginald L. Brooks, N.Y.C. (1930-
Airways, Inc.), Kansas City (1929-30);
paired by Curtiss-Wright Export Co. at San¬ 32), used for sports flying. Edmond
price $19,450. Fitted w/panrs and cowl.
tiago 1932. Reported scrapped, 1933. Guggenheim, N.Y.C., & Marron Price
Crashed Aransas Pass, Texas, 7/10/30.
Guggenheim, Roslyn, N Y. (1932). Dr. Daniel
C/n 63 Pilot Gene Gabbert and four passengers
A. Poling, N.Y.C. (1932-34); prd white,
Type Vega killed.
red-and-blue trim,- named Raymond
Model 2A C/n 68 Robins. Russell W. Thaw was pilot for
Reg NC 505K both Guggenheims and Poling. Swiflight
Type Vega Executive
Mfg 8/29 Jersey City (1934).
Model 5A Aircraft Corp.,
Eng WW J6 #A-10726 Crashed near Palmetto, Ga., 4/27/34.
Reg NC 395H, (XA-BHM Mexico?)
ATC 252 Pilot Hugh Herndon and mechanic Ed
Mfg 8/29
Originally to have had P&W Wasp Eng P&W Wasp #1815 Sherman parachuted.
#1617, bur Wright installed. Built on ATC 93 On 90
order (with c/n 71 C871E, q.v.) for Old
Sold to August Belmont & Co., N.Y.C. (1929- Type Air Express
Gold, Adelaide, Australia. Aircraft were ro
30), Ernest Benway, pilot; lent ro Col. and Model 3
have been exported through Canada,
Mrs. Lindbergh for trip ro Miami, Back ro Reg 523K (canceled)
due ro Australian ban on nonempire im¬
DAC, Detroit (1930). Corp. Aeronautica de Mfg 8/27/29
ports. Export Cert. #E-233 issued, bur can¬
Transportes, S.A. (CAT.), Torreon, Coah., Eng —
celed due to Canadian noncompliance.
Mexico (1930-?); ptd red, ivory trim; ATC 102
LAC letter of 9/24/30 stares ship "disman¬
used as airliner. No record of disposition.
tled." Fuselage only, sold ro Texas Air Transport,
Fort Worth (1929), as replacement on
On 64 C/n 89
their Air Express c/n 76.
Type Vega Type Vega Executive
Model 5 Model 5A On 94
Reg NC 392H Reg NC 396H Type Vega
Mfg 8/29 Mfg 8/29 Model 5
Eng P&W Wasp #1652 Eng P&W Wasp #1792 Reg NC 974H
ATC 93 ATC 93 Mfg 8/29
Sold ro Corp. Aeronautica de Transportes, Demonstrator for LAC, Burbank, Calif, Eng P&W Wasp #1748
S.A. (C.A.T.), Torreon, Coah., Mexico (1929); damaged Yuma 8/19/29; no in¬ ATC 93
(1929-?). Disposition unknown. Re¬ juries; repaired by LAC. G. Ray Boggs, Los Sold to Alaska-Washington Airways, Inc., Se¬
ported crashed in airline seivice. Angeles (1929-30); repossessed by LAC arrle (1929-32); flown as airliner on Edo

floors; named Sirka. Alaska Southern. Sold ro Beardsley & Piper, Chicago (1929- DAC as demonstrator (1901-02).
Airways, Inc., Searrle (1900-04); named BO), for use in rheir foundry machinery Hanford's Tri-State Airlines,
Inc. (later
Doronof. Destroyed acc Pinra Day, Chi¬ business. Accidentally burned Chicago Hanford Airlines, Inc.), Sioux Ciry, Iowa
chagof I., Alaska, 10/10/04. 6/25/00. Replaced by c/n 125. (1902-08). Accs Minneapolis 9/7/04 and
Ellendale, N.D., 8/1/07. Repaired. Charles
C/n 95 On 99 H. Babb, Glendale, Calif. (1908—41).
Type Alaska Air Transport, Inc., Juneau (1941-
Vega Type Vega
Model 5 Model 5 42), as Vega 5C wirh Wasp #4528.
Alaska Coastal Airlines, Juneau (1942-
Reg 892E (canceled) Reg NC 47M
Mfg mid-1929 Mfg 9/9/29 52). Destroyed by fire Sirka 11/14/52.
Eng — Eng P&W Wasp #1925
ATC 90 ATC 90 On 102
Fuselage only, sold ro D. F. Goodrich Co., Sold to Julian Oil Co., Oklahoma Ciry Type Vega
Akron (1929), as replacement for rheir (1900). Rebuilt 5/01 as 5C, ATC 084, as Model Special/5C
Vega c/n 79. 7P for Midland Air Express, Kansas Ciry Reg NC 02M, NC 19958, XA-DAI
(1901 -02). Damaged Cheyenne 9/1 /01, (Mexico)
On 96 Mfg 7/29
overhauled by DAC 10/02. Philip H. Phil-
Type Vega Executive din, Air Express Corp., N.Y.C. (1902-00). Eng P&W Wasp C #1824
Model 5A Damaged Livingston Manor, N.Y., 12/9/ ATC Memo 2-256 of 8/10/00/ 084
Reg NC 975H, TI-62 (Cosra Pica), XA- 02; rebuilt at Detroit wirh wing of c/n 107 Built for Evening News Association, Detroit
FAL and XB-KAQ (Mexico) (q.v.); modified ro cargo carrier wirh Hi- (1929-04); used as news-garhering-and-
Mfg 7/29 Speed l/g, prd silver, green trim. Alaska phoro plane, wirh special equipment.
Eng P&W Wasp #1791 Air Express, Inc., Searrle (1900-04); oper¬ Prd red, white trim, named Detroit News;
ATC 90 ated on floats. By marshal's sale to North¬ operated on wheels, skis, and floats.
Sold ro W.H. Dunning, Jr., Fort Worth west Air Service, Searrle (1904-06). Pittsburgh Airways and Central Airlines,
(1929-00); W.T. Ponder, Dallas (1900- Rebuilt (Vega 50 0/06. Wilbur Irving, Inc., Pittsburgh (1904-05); Braniff
01). Braniff Airways, Inc., Oklahoma Ciry Irving Airways, Juneau (1906); Alaska Air Airways, Inc., Oklahoma Ciry (1905).
(1901-04); converted ro Vega 5C under Transport, Inc., Juneau (1906-42), Braniff #9. Converted to Vega 5C under
ATC 084; damaged Graham, Okla., 11/ named Nugget; Alaska Coastal Airlines, ATC 084 8/05. Philip Whitmarsh, Los An¬
20/04; repaired by Braniff. Transportes Juneau (1942-58), prd dark blue, yel¬ geles (1905-42). Named Wings Over Af¬
Aereos Centros Americanos de Costa Rica, low trim. Crashed near Tenakee, Alaska, rica and used in movie work. Applied for
San Jose (P-1945); charter service and 1/15/58. Pilot Fred B. Sheldon killed, rwo export ro the Philippines, bur canceled
special rrips; prd red. Comunicaciones passengers injured. and issued Reg #NC 19958 c. 8/05. Sold
Aereos de Veracruz, S.A, Villahermosa, by broker Charles H. Babb ro Lineas Aereas
Tab., Mexico (1945-47), wirh Wasp C/n 100 Mineras, S.A., Mazarlan, Sin., Mexico
#1804. CAVSA acquired by Aerovias La- Type Vega (1942-40), wirh Wasp SCI #1540. Price.-
tinos-Americanos, 5.A., Jalapa, Veracruz Model 5B $6,750. Wasp #4844 insralled and Wasp
(1947—48), wirh Wasp C #4065. Ramiro Reg NC 48M, XA-BHK (Mexico) #0161 in 6/40. Washed our, burned Par-
Garza, Mexico, D.F. (1948); Alfonso Brito, Mfg 10/29 ral, Chih., Mexico, 6/20/40.
Mexico, D.F. (1949). Crashed Curzamala Eng P&W Wasp C #1926
de Pinzon, Gro., 4/29/49. Pilot Jose Caleri ATC 227 C/n 100
and one passenger killed. Sold as airliner ro Corp. Aeronautica de Type Vega
Transportes, S.A. (CAT.), Torreon, Coah., Model 5B
On 97 Mexico (1929-02). Mortgaged ro Huas- Reg NC 504M, XA-BHI, and XB-AAD
Type Vega teca Petroleum Co. of Torreon (1902). A. (Mexico)
Model 5 Paul AAantz, United Air Services, Ltd., Bur¬ Mfg late 1929
Reg NC 46M bank, Calif, (1900-08). Rebuilt by LAC Eng Wasp C #2005
Mfg lore 1929 1904, Converted from Vega 5B ro 5C, ATC 227
Eng P&W Wasp #1901 1905, wirh Wasp #1815. Accs. Pomona, Sold to Corp. Aeronautica de Transportes,
ATC 90 Calif., 2/2/06; Las Vegas 5/00/06; Braw- S.A. (C.A.T.), Torreon, Coah., Mexico
Airliner for Corp. Aeronautica de Transpor¬ ley, Calif., 7/21/08. Wasp H #882 in¬ (1929-02); prd red, ivory trim,- cost
stalled 1908. Cracked up during filming $18,500. Mortgaged and sold 1902. Brief
tes, S.A. (CAT.), Torreon, Coah., Mexico
of Only Angels Hove Wings near St. service on Cia. de Transportes Aereos, Mer¬
(1929). In service just four days: on sec¬
ond rrip crashed Cerro del Carbon Moun¬ George, Utah, 12/10/08. Dismantled and ida, Yucatan (1900). Col. Roberto Fierro,
tain north of Mexico, D.F., 11/4/29. Pilot scrapped. Mexico, D.F. (1904-06), wirh Wasp C
John A. Carmichael and three passen¬ On 101 #1707. Sold to agents of Spanish Republi¬
gers, including Governor of Aguascal- can Air Force (1907-?). Reported based
Type Vega
ientes, killed. at Quinranar de la Zarga during Spanish
Model 5B (modified)
Civil War,- used ro fly supplies and person¬
On 96 Reg NC 49M
nel ro Madrid. Lost prior ro 8/22/07.
Type Vega
Mfg 10/29
Model 5
Eng P&W Wasp #2097
Reg NC01M ATC 227 On 104
Mfg 7/29 Sold to Asa Candler, Jr., Atlanta (1900- Type Vega
Eng P&W Wasp C #1816 01); baggage compartment sealed off Model —
ATC 90 under ATC Memo 2—274, 9/29/00. To Reg 505M (canceled)
C/n 102. Radio reporter's plane for the Derroir News next flew
passengers on Central and Draniff routes, appeared in movies with
two different licenses, and ended up as an airliner in Mexico.

Mfg c. 10/29 (later Cia. Aeronautica Francisco Saradia, Gn 110

Eng P&W Wasp #2006 S.A.), Tuxrla, Chiapas, Mexico (1937-41). Type Vega
ATC (?) Washed our Merida, Yucatan, 3/41. No Model 5
Apparently partially assembled. LAC re¬ injuries. Reg NC 102N
quested cancellation of reg, 1/4/30, and Gn 109 Mfg 3/30
reported plane "used for replacement Eng P&W Wasp #1073 (?)
Type Vega
on a repair job." ATC 93
Model 5D
On 105 Reg NC 540M, XA-DLZ (Mexico) Apparently this airplane was originally
Mfg 8/29 c/n 48 NC 432E {q.v.) of Aivgka-
Type Vega
Washington Airways, which had been re¬
Model 5D Eng P&W Wasp C # 2699
ATC 227 turned to LAC for rebuild. Given new fu¬
Reg NC 536M
selage to which Reg #102N had been
Mfg 10/29 Sold to Wedell-Wiluams Air Service, Inc.,
assigned, and completed with A-W
Eng P&W Wasp #2007 New Orleans (1929-34); flown on their
markings and named Juneau. Damaged
ATC 227 airline routes. Converted to Vega 5C
in acc, Inglewood, Calif., 3/26/30. Nor de¬
Sold to Asa Candler, Jr., Atlanta (1929- under ATC 384 on 2/13/34. Charles H.
livered and license canceled.
Dadd, Glendale, Calif. (1937-41). Miguel
GO); destroyed hanger fire 3/4/30.
A. Zuniga, Mexico, D.F. (1941-42), with Gn 114
On 106 Wasp SCI #2440. Leased as an airliner, Type Vega
flying for Li'neas Aereas Mineras, SA. Model 5
Type Vega
(LAMSA), Mazarlan, Sin., in which Zuniga Reg 103N (canceled)
Model 50
had an interest. Wasp replacements Mfg 9/29
Reg NC 537M
1941-42: #1679, #1340, #2440, Eng —
Mfg 5/30
#2005. Acc Parral, Chihuahua, 11/16/42, ATC 93
Eng P&W Wasp #2006
no injuries. Dismantled at LAMSA shops in Fuselage only,- partially completed, con¬
ATC 227
Torreon. Parrs used on other Vegas of verted to 7P Vega under ATC 227, and
Sold to Wedell-Wiluams Air Service, Inc., line. given c/n 126 (q.v.).
New Orleans (1930-31); used as airliner.
Washed our Marshall, Texas, 1/7/31. Gn 110 Gn 115
Type Vega Type Vega
Gn 107 Model — Model —
Type Vega Executive
Reg 541M (canceled) Reg 104N (canceled)
Model 5A
Mfg early 1930 Mfg 9/29
Eng — Eng —
Reg NC 538M
Mfg 11 /29
Eng P&W Wasp #1927 LAC wrote CAA 6/3/30: "Plane % com¬ Fuselage only. LAC writes CAA 7/2/30:
ATC 93 pleted. Uncertain as to immediate com¬ "Cancel registration as this is a shell only,
pletion." Reg canceled and incomplete nor even partially complete and in stor¬
Demonstrator for DAC (1929-31), and
plane doubtless used as replacement, a age."
for personal transport of DAC president
repair or new job.
Edward S. Evans. Wasp #2851 installed. Gn 116
Used by Amelia Earhart to set NAA wom¬ Gn 111
Type Explorer
en's speed trial record 11/29. Acc 7/8/31 Type Vega Model 4
Port Columbus, Ohio; rebuilt as Vega 5C Model — Reg NR 856H
by LAC 1931. Converted to 7P under ATC Reg 100N (temporary) Mfg 9/29
384, with larger rail and Airwheels. Mfg 11/29 Eng P&W Wasp #1555
Washed our Greencastle, Ind., 10/14/31. Eng P&W Wasp #2006 ATC none
Wing used to rebuild c/n 99 (q.v.). ATC —
Duilrfor A. Harold Dromley’s projected Ta¬
Uncompleted. LAC wrote CAA 9/24/30 to coma to Tokyo flight, using portions of
Gn 108
effect that NC 100N had been disman¬ wrecked Explorer c/n 2 (q.v.) Same reg
Type Vega Executive tled and would nor be flown. Requested os original and also named City of Ta¬
Model 5A cancellation of temporary registration. coma. Equipped with belly skid and pro¬
Reg NC 539M, NO 539M, XA-DFP
Gn 112 vision made for dropable l/g. Had an
experimental counterbalanced vertical
Mfg 1 /30 Type Vega
rudder. Washed our Durbank, Calif., 9/18/
Eng P&W Wasp SCI #2254 Model 5D
29, on first rest when rudder tore off in
ATC 93 Reg NR 500V
flight. Test pilot Herb Fahy injured. Later
Sold to Shell Petroleum Corp., Sr. Louis Mfg early 1930
a third Explorer built for Dromley, c/n 147
(1930-34). Acc Mitchel Field, N.Y., 2/16/ Eng P&W Wasp C
30; rebuilt by LAC. Flown by James H. ATC 227
Doolittle and James G. Haizlip on various Sold to John Henry Mears, N.Y.C. (1930), Gn 117
cross-country and racing missions. Con¬ for round-the-world flight. Special radio Type Vega
verted to Vega 5C under ATC 384, 2/13/ and equipment; prd red and silver, Model 5D
34. General Tire & Rudder Co. , Akron (1934- named City of New York Pilot Henry J. Reg NC 105N, NR 105N
37). Named Miss Streamline; flown by Drown. Flight begun; crashed Harbour Mfg late 1929
Roy W. Drown; Wasp #2246 installed Grace, Newfoundland, 8/3/30. Drown Eng P&W Wasp C #2038
1936. Tpansportes Aereos de Chiapas, SA. and Mears unhurt. ATC 227

C/n 117: Sranavo Eagle becomes Cosro's Crystal City.

Sold to Standard Oil Development Co., Mattern, Inc.,Chicago, III. (1933). Landing Sold to Wedell-William5 Air Service, Inc., Pat¬
N.Y.C. (1929-05). Used for testing and gear, stabilizer, gas ranks of c/n 69 (q.v.) terson, La. (1930-36), Converted to
evaluation of aviation fuels, oils, and lu¬ installed. Registration changed to that of Vega 5C under ATC 384 on 3/20/35, rear
bricants, and for advertising by affiliated c/n 69, NR 869E, bur full-length eagle cabin metal-lined. North American Avi¬
Standard Oil of New Jersey and the Sra- paint job retained, red on blue and ation, Inc., N.Y.C. (1936). Charles H. Badd,
vano Specification Board. Flown by Maj. white. Named Century of Progress. Wasp Glendale, Calif. (1938), with Wasp SD
Edwin E. Aldrin, Robert Ellis, Will W. White, C #1677 installed. Mattern made first #435IX. Lineas Aereas Mineras, S.A.
and other Sravano pilots. Originally prd N.Y.C.-Norway nonstop flight 6/3- (LAMSA), Mazatlan, Sin., Mexico (1939—
red, white trim,- later with full-length sim¬ 4/33. Went on in round-the-world solo 44); cost $7,500; prd dark green, ivory
ulated eagle paint job, white on red, and flight attempt; cracked up 80 miles west trim. Damaged in hurricane which col¬
still later red on white. Named No. 6, and of Anadyr, Siberia, 6/33. Mattern unhurt. lapsed hanger roof Mazatlan 10/43; re¬
unofficially called the Sranavo Eagle, and Plane abandoned. built in LAMSA shops at Torreon. Lineas
The Flying Trademark. Joseph Costa, Cor¬ Aereas Mexicanas, S.A. (also LAMSA), Mex¬
Gn 119
ning, N.Y, (1936-37). Prd white, named ico, D.F. (1944-46).Capt. Carlos Cervantes
Crystal City; prepared for South American Type Vega Perez, Ensenada, B.C., Mexico (1946-47);
flight with possible South Atlantic hop to Model 5B Pedro Marrique Filatti, Mexico, D.F.
Portugal. Washed our Conceiqao do Reg NC 102W (1947-?). Rented to Servicio Aereo Pan-
Serro, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 1/15/37. Costa Mfg 3/30 ini for service between Mexico, D.F., and
unhurt. Eng P&W Wasp #1427 Tlapa, Gro. Final disposition unknown.
ATC 227
Gn 122
Sold to Alaska-Washington Airways, Inc., Se¬
Gn 118 Type Vega
attle (1930); airline operation on floats.
Type Vega Caught fire and burned after forced land¬ Model 5B/5C
Model 5B ing Kingston, Wash., 8/4/30. No injuries. Reg NC 105W, NR 105W
Reg NC 106N, NR 869E Mfg 6/30
Mfg late 1929 Gn 120 Eng P&W Wasp S 3088
Eng — Type Vega ATC 227/384
ATC 227 Model 5B Sold to F. C. FIall, Oklahoma City (1930-
Sold to Standard Oil Development Co., Reg NC 103W 32). Prd white, blue trim. Named Winnie
N.Y.C. (1929-33). Standard Oil's Vega Mfg 3/4/30 Mae (Later The Winnie Mae of Okla¬
c/n 20 traded in to LAC and its engine, Eng P&W Wasp # 1555 homa). Flown by Hall's personal pilot,
P&W Wasp CB #853, installed in this ATC 221 Wiley Post. Won Los Angeles-Chicago
ship. Flown by Sranavo pilots to set sev¬ Sold to Alaska-Washington Airways, Inc., Se¬ nonstop race of 1930 NAR. Record flight
eral intercity speed records. Originally prd attle (1930); airline operation on floats. around the world with Post and Harold
white, red lettering; then with eagle out¬ Lost our of Prince Rupert, B.C., 10/28/30, Garty, 6/23-7/1/31. Wiley Post, Okla¬
line, and later with full-length simulated w/pilot Robert Renehan, 2 others. homa City (1932). W. M. Fain, Oklahoma
eagle paint job, red on white. Named City (1932-33); Fain & Post Drilling Co.,
No. 1, and also called Sranavo Eagle and Gn 121 Oklahoma City (1933-35). Acc Chicka-
The Flying Trademark, like its sister ship Type Vega sha, Okla. 4/22/33. Repaired. Flown by
c/n 117. Used 1930 by Foreign Advertis¬ Model 5B Post on record solo flight around the
ing & Service Bureau of New York, with Reg NC 104W, XA-BKF, XA-FAF world 7/15-22/33. Badly damaged in
pilots Will W. White and Clement Mc¬ (Mexico) acc Quincy, III. 9/21/33. Rebuilt by Braniff
Mullen for goodwill flight N.Y.C.-Buenos Mfg 4/30 at Oklahoma City. Used by Post in high-
Aires 2/14—19/30. Set speed records Eng P&W Wasp C #2896 altitude flight experiments, 1934-35.
every leg of 51-hour-36-min flight. Jimmie ATC 227 Equipped with dropable l/g and belly

skid. Wiley Post, Oklahoma Cify (1935).- Sold to Temple Bowen, Bowen Air Lines, Fort near Walsenburg, Colo., 9/28/36. Pilot C.
Purchased by Acr of Congress 1935 and Worth (1930). Destroyed by tornado H. Chidlaw and wo passengers killed.
on prominent display ar National ’Aiit and three days after factory completion dare
C/n 100
Space Museum, Washington, D.C. at Houston 8/1/30.
Type Air Express
C/n 123 Model Special
C/n 127
Reg NR 974Y, NC 974Y
Type Vega Type Vega
Mfa 5/31
Model 5D Model 5B
Eng P&W Wasp #3899
Reg NC 106W Reg NC 161W, XA-DAM (Mexico)
ATC none
Mfg 4/30 Mfg 7/30
Eng P&W Wasp C #2898 Eng P&W Wasp C #3167 Originally ordered by Louis Wasmer, Spo¬
ATC 227 ATC 227 kane, Wash., and begun in mid-1930
with reg 177W (unapplied). Order can¬
Sold to Julian Oil & Royalties Co., Okla¬ Sold to Bowen Air Lines, Fort Worth (1930-
celed; ship nor completed until 1931.
homa City (1930-31). Named The Cher¬ 36); flown on Bowen routes, converted
Sold to Atlantic Exhibition Co., Inc., N.Y.C.
okee, piloted by L. E. Gray: W. M. Newton, to Vega 5C under ATC 384 as of 4/22/35.
(1931-32), for transatlantic flight to be
Oklahoma City (1931). Bpaniff Airways, Chemical Process Co., Breckenridge, Texas
attempted by Laura Ingalls; flight nor
Inc., Oklahoma City (1931-34); in ser¬ (1937-?). Charles H. Bard, Glendale,
made. O. J. Whitney, Inc., Jackson Heights,
vice on airline routes. Crashed near Co¬ Calif. (1942), with Wasp SC! #5012.
N.Y. (1932-33). Laura Ingalls, Garden
lumbia, Mo., 12/8/34. Pilot Lewis Dowen Lineas Aereas Mineras, S.A. (LA/VISA), Mazarlan,
City, N.Y. (1933-36); converted to Air Ex¬
killed. Sin., Mexico (1943-44); Lineas Aereas Mexi¬
press 3 under ATC 102 as of 5/1/33, with
canas, S.A. (also LAAASA), Mexico, D.F.
Wasp #1670. Flown by Miss Ingalls
C/n 124 (1944-49). Dismantled c. 6/49.
around Sourh America, 2/28-4/25/34,
Type Vega for which she received Harmon Trophy.
Model 5B C/n 126 Charles H. Babb, Glendale Calif. (1936).
Reg NC 107W, XA-BFR (Mexico) Type Vega Chojin & Takamoto Masakatsu, Alameda,
Mfg 4/30 Model 5B Calif. (1936-40) (these brothers
Eng P&W Wasp #3160 Reg NC 162W planned, bur never made, a nonstop
ATC 227 Mfg 7/30 flight to Japan). Richard W. Snell, Berke¬
Sold to W. T. Ponder, Dallas (1931-32). Eng P&W Wasp #3200 ley, Calif. (1940-41); Pacific Aipmotive
ATC 221 Corp., Oakland, Calif. (1941-42). Staked
Bowen Air Lines,Fort Worth (1932-36);
converted to Vega 5C under ATC 384 as our during WW II near Reno; destroyed c.
Sold to William H. Dunning, Sequoia Oil Co.,
of 4/22/35. Lineas Aereas Mineras, 5.A., Ma- 1942 by windstorm.
Fort Worth, and Beverly Hills (1930-32).
zarlan, Sin., Mexico (1937-38), with Windows blocked our and bore name of On 131
Wasp C #2909; cost $5000; prd red, ivory "Air Express & Trading Co." (1930). A. Type Air Express
wings. Flown on LAM5A airline routes. Weston Kimball, Kimball Flying Service, Sac¬
Model 3
Crashed Mexico, D.F., 5/5/38. Pilot Miguel ramento (1932—33); J. B. Miller, Los An¬ Reg 182W (canceled)
Angel Padilla killed, five passengers in¬ geles (1933). Shell Aviation Co., Ltd., San Mfg mid-1930
jured. Francisco (1933); named Shell Oil No. 6. Eng —
Plane "practically washed out" acc near ATC 102
On 125 Pasco, Wash., 11/11/33; pilot William G.
Ordered by Sam Wilson, Spokane, Wash.,
Type Vega Fletcher killed. Rebuilt with new fuse¬
who placed the order through Vance
Model 5B lage, etc., for Charles H. Babb, Burbank,
Breece, then a salesman-rest pilot for
Reg NC 152W, XA-DAH (Mexico) Calif. (1934). H. C. Lippiatt, Burbank
LAC and DAC. Apparently never com¬
Mfg early 1930 (1935). Hans Mirow, Mirow Air Service,
Eng P&W Wasp C #3161 Nome (1935-42). Accs Nome 4/28/36,
ATC 227 Nome 4/8/38, Anchorage 4/16/40; re¬ C/n 132
paired and rebuilt in Seattle each time. Type Vega Executive
Sold to Beardsley & Piper, Chicago (1930-
Alaska Star Airlines, Anchorage (1942-
42); used by partners of engineering firm Model 5A
44); Alaska Airlines, Inc., Anchorage Reg NC 904Y
as executive transport; prd red, gold trim.
(1944). Crashed and burned Sourh Fork Mfg mid-1930
Lineas Aereas Mineras, S.A. (LAMSA), Maza-
of Kuskokwin River 8/2/44. Pilot, four pas¬ Eng P&W Wasp #3195
rlan, Sin., Mexico (1942-44); prd brown,
sengers escaped. ATC 93
with white arrow; flown on airline routes.
Cracked up San Luis Porosi 5/11/44. No Sold to McAleer Manufacturing Co. Detroit
injuries. Parrs used to maintain other C/n 129 (1930-34); ptd black, yellow trim,
Vegas for successor airline (after 1944) Type Vega named Miss McAleer; used for advertising
Lineas Aereas Mexicanas, S.A (also Model 5B and executive transport by industrial pol¬
LAAASA), Mexico, D.F. Reg NC 176W ish firm. Acc Flint, Mich., 6/24/31; re¬
Mfg 9/30 paired by DAC. Flown by Capr. Russell A.
CJn 126 Eng P&W Wasp #3164 Young. Central Airlines, Inc., Pittsburgh
ATC 227 (1934); converted to airline service for
Type Vega
Model 5B Sold to Bowen Air Lines, Fort Worth (1930- their routes. Crashed near Everett, Pa.,
Reg NC 160W 35); airliner on Bowen routes. Accs Hous¬ 9/12/34, on charter flight with rear gas
Mfg 7/29/30 ton, 12/11/30, and Jewett, Texas, 1/22/ from Pittsburgh to Providence, R.I. Pilot
Eng P&W Wasp #3164 31; repaired. Varney AirTransport, El Paso (CA operations mgr. Theodore Taney)
ATC 227 (1935-36). Crashed Rattlesnake Butte, killed when chute failed.

C/n 100 Lithuania. Cracked up near Dallinrode, (1931). Sold ro New York & Western Airlines,
Ireland, 9/22/35; Waitkus unhurt. Rebuilt Inc., Pittsburgh (1931). Repossessed by
Type Vega
Model 5D In Lithuania. Lithuanian Air Corps, Kaunas DAC 1931. Transcontinental & Western Air,
(1936-?). Supposed to have later been Inc., Kansas City (1932-34). Run into by
Reg NC 905Y, XA-DED (Mexico)
Mfg 9/30 taken ro Moscow when government another plane on ground, Oklahoma
Eng P&W Wasp C #3201 token over by U.S.S.R. in 1940. City 12/4/32; repaired by TWA at Kansas
ATC 227 City- Varney Speed Lines, Inc., El Paso (1934-
35); Vat, Inc., El Paso (1935-37). Washed
Sold ro Kessler Oil & Gas Co., Oklahoma City C/n 135
our El Paso 4/27/37. No injuries.
(1930), pilot Ted Hurlbut. Den H. Wofford, Type Vega
Tulsa (1931). F. C. Hall, Oklahoma City Model DL-1 On 137
(1931-32); prd white, blue trim; named Reg NC 497H Type Vega
Winnie Mae of OR I a homo Cry, OR la.— Mfg 2/27/30 (Detroit) Model DL-1 D
the third and last of Hall's Vegas of simi¬ Eng P&W Wasp #2095 Reg NC 288W
lar name. Pilot for first three owners also ATC none Mfg 6/30 (Detroit)
Frank Hover. Hal Poach Studios, Culver Eng P&W Wasp
First Vega assembled by DAC, using Dur¬
City (1932-33); Hanford's Tri-State Air¬ ATC 308
alumin fuselage built at Detroit and
lines, Inc. (later Hanford Airlines, Inc.),
wooden wing shipped from LAC. Used as Demonstrator for DAC (1930-31). Sold ro
Sioux City, Iowa, and Kansas City (1933-
demonstrator by DAC (1930-31). Used New York & Western Airlines, Inc., Pittsburgh
38). Flown on Midwest routes. Name
by Amelia Earharr ro set three NAA (1931); repossessed by DAC (1931).
changed ro Mid-Continent Airlines, Kansas
speed/load trials records for women Transcontinental & Western Air, Inc., Kansas
City (1938-41). Charles H. Dadd, Glen¬
6/30. Acc Lenox, Tenn., 7/23/30, pilot City (1932-33); Hanford's Tri-State Air¬
dale, Calif. (1942). Lineas Aereas Mineras,
Luke Christopher of NAA. Rebuilt and re¬ lines, Inc., Sioux dry, Iowa (1934-35).
S.A. Mazarlan, Sin., Mexico (1943-44);
modeled by DAC as Vega DL-1D under Varney Air Transport, El Paso (1935-37),
cost $7,500; prd red, white trim. Acc Dur¬
ATC 308, with wire-braced Hi-Speed l/g. succeeded by Continental Air Lines, Inc.,
ango 4/1/43; repaired in LAMSA shops at
Leased for use by New York & Western Denver (1937-41). Jerome Martin, El Paso
Torreon. Lineas Aereas Mexicanas, S.A. (also
Airlines, Inc., Pittsburgh (1931), and (1941-47). New Mexico Doard of Educa¬
LAMSA), Mexico, D.F. (1944-45?); dam¬
Transcontinental & Western Air, Inc., tion, Las Cruces, N.M. (1948-?); used
aged acc Tayolrira, Dur., c. 1945. Dis¬
Kansas City (1931-32). Sold ro Trans¬ for vocational education,- dismantled,
assembled and parrs sold (see c/n 60).
continental & Western Air, Inc., N.Y.C. scrapped.
(1932-34); flown on TWA airline routes;
C/n 104 On 138
their #253. Cracked up Sr. James, Mo.,
Type Vega 1/31/34. Nor rebuilt. Type Vega
Model 5D Model 5C
Reg NC 926Y, NR 926Y Reg NC 934Y
Mfg 1930 C/n 136 Mfg late 1930
Eng P&W Wasp #2100 Type Vega Eng P&W Wasp #3463
ATC 227 Model DL-1 D ATC 384
Sold to Shell Oil Co., San Francisco Reg NC 483M Sold to Margery Durant, Old Wesrbury, L.I.,
(1930-35). Prd orange-yellow, red trim,- Mfg 2/27/30 (Detroit) N.Y. (1930-33), for personal transport,
named No. 4, flown by Shell aviation Eng P&W Wasp pilot Charles La Jorre,- named Ariel. Accs
mgr. Maj. John Macready and others. Lr. ATC 308 Roosevelt Field, N.Y., 12/22/30, and
Felix Waitkus, American-Lithuanian Trans¬ Demonstrator for DAC (1930-31), re¬ Santa Darbara, Calif., 3/22/31; repaired.
Chicago (1935); prd
atlantic Flight Assn., ceived ATC during this period. Under Flown 1931 on pleasure trip ro points in
white, gold trim; named Liruanica II. At¬ lease to Pittsburgh Airways, Inc. '(New Europe, Africa, the Near East. Rodert L.
tempted nonstop flight N.Y.C.-Kaunas, York & Western Airlines, Inc.), Pittsburgh Copsey, Mercer Air Service, Newark (later

C/n 136: Second DL-1 Vega wirh TWA. After being damaged by
C/n 135: Assembly of first Vega wirh Duralumin fuselage, ar Derroir ground collision wirh another plane, its new rail had o mix-up in
Aircraft Company's plant in Detroit painted numbers.

Summit, N.J.) (1933-04). Central Airlines, ■ C/n 141 passenger Herb Condie left via para¬
Inc., Pittsburgh (1934). Washed our Pitts¬ Type Sirius chute when ailerons became detached
burgh 6/1/34. Model 8 in flight.

On 109 Reg NC 349V

Mfg 2/10/30
Type Vega On 145
Eng P&W Wasp C #2100
Model 5D Type Sirius (later Alrair)
ATC 300
Reg NC 997N, XA-DIT (Mexico) Model 8A
Mfg 3/31 (Patterson, La.) Shell Oil Co. (later Shell Aviation Co, Ltd.),
Reg NC15W, NR15W
Eng P&W Wasp San Francisco (1930). Prd orange-yellow
Mfg 3/13/30
ATC 227 and red. Flown by Shell's aviation mgr.
Eng P&W Wasp C #2851
Maj. John A. Macready on unofficial
Parts shipped to Patterson, La., and as¬ ATC 300
speed trials and cross-country trips. Devel¬
sembled by Wedell-Williams Air Service, Experimental Sirius demonstrator for LAC
oped wing flutter at air show, Tracy,
Inc., Patterson and New Orleans (1931- (1930-31). Flight tests as regular Sirius
Calif., 10/30 and returned to LAC. Dis¬
36); flown on airline routes. Converted to 4/30, and with new type fin and rudder
mantled and scrapped 12/30.
Vega 5C under ATC 384 as of 3/3/35. 7/30. Converted to Alrair & reg NR on 5/
Charles H. Dadd, Glendale, Calif. (1937). 29/31. Sold to James Goodwin Hall, N.Y.C.
C/n 142
Transportes Aereas de Chiapas, S.A., Mexico, (1931). Prd yellow and black; named
D.F. (1937); used as TACSA airliner. Pun Type Sirius
The Crusader, for anri-Prohibirion organi¬
into by truck, Minarirlan, Veracruz, 9/10/ Model 8
zation in which Hall was an officer. Used
37, repaired. Fritz Dieler, Mexico, D.F. Reg NR 12W
for intercity speed record flights and in
(1937-42). Dieler hired to fly for Cia. Mfg 3/13/30
1931 NAR. Crashed Meiers Corner, Staten
Aeronautica Francisco Sarabia, S.A., (suc¬
Eng P&W Wasp C #2110
Island, N.Y., 9/29/31. Passenger Peter J.
cessor to TACSA) during an emergency, ATC 300
Brady and housewife on ground killed;
1942. Because of owner's German citi¬ Built for use of Mexican flyer Roberto Hall miraculously escaped unhurt.
zenship, Vega impounded by Mexican Fierro. Flown as demonstrator by LAC
government 1942; overhauled by Cia. and DAC. Crashed Roscommon, Mich.,
Mexicana de Aviacion shops, and used 4/25/30. Pilot Herbert J. Fahy killed; pas¬ On 146
by Minister of Communications. Col. senger (Mrs. Claire Fahy) unhurt. Type Sirius
Roberto Fierro, Mexico, D.F. (1944-45). Model 8A
Cia. Transportes Aereas de Sonora, S.A., On 143 Reg NC 16W
Guaymas, Son. (1945-46). Declared Type Sirius (later Alrair 8D) Mfg 3/13/30
unairworthy 1946. Presumed scrapped. Model 8A Eng P&W Wasp C #2110
C/n 140 Reg NC 13W ATC 300
Mfg 3/13/30 Sold to Stafford L Lambert, Sappingron
Type Sirius Eng P&W Wasp #2854
Model 8 (later 8 Special as seaplane) Mo. (1930-32), for sports flying. The Texas
ATC 300 Co., N.Y.C., (1932-33); prd red and
Reg NR 211
Mfg 10-11/29 Sold to Joan Fay Shankle (Mrs. Clarence E.), white,- named Texaco 16; flown by J. D.
Eng P&W Wasp #2099 Boston,- Ft. Sill, Okla., and Tubac, Ariz. Jernigan. Waco Sales of New York, Inc.,
(1930-36). Flown by both Capr. & Mrs. Roosevelt Field, N.Y. (1933-34); Diversi¬
ATC none (300)
Shankle on cross-country trips and by Mrs. fied Shares, Inc., Cleveland (later Dubois,
Developed by LAC to specifications of Shankle in 1930 NAR. Converted to Alrair Wyo.) (1934-35). Cuban Naval Air Force,
Col. Charles Lindbergh. Degun as an Ex¬ 8D under ATC Memo 2-423 of 10/8/32. Havana (1935-45); prd. with naval insig¬
plorer (temporary reg 139N), nor eligible Acquired and flown by Clarence Cham¬ nia; rear cockpit closed off; named 4 de
for NR reg. Completed 11/29 as Sirius 8, berlin, Jersey City, bur registered to Louise Sepriembre. Flown by Lr. Antonio Menen-
Sold to Charles A. Lindbergh, N.Y.C. (1930- Ashby (Chamberlin), Fort Fairfield, Maine, & dez y Palaez from Havana to Brazil, and
34); prd black, orange wings. Carefully East Orange, N.J. (1936-40). Chamberlin across the South Atlantic to Seville, Spain,
rested by Lindbergh before record trans¬ named ship Miss Srrarosphere, planned 1-2/36. Reported destroyed in hangar
continental flight 4/20/30. First Lockheed new Atlantic flight bur did nor make it. fire Havana 1945.
to be fitted with sliding cockpit canopies. Sold through broker Charles H. Babb,
WC 1820 #13461 installed 8/30. Con¬ N.Y.C. (1940). Reported acquired by U.S.
verted to Sirius 8 Special as seaplane, Army Engineer's Office for use outside C/n 147
early 1931. Flown on Lindbergh survey the U.S. Said to have been cracked up by Type Explorer
flights, Pan American Airways 7-10/31, Army pilot during WW II in vicinity of Bak¬ Model 7 (special)
and 7-12/33, covering North Pacific, ersfield, Calif. Reg NR 100W
North Atlantic, and South Atlantic routes.
Mfg 3/30
Damaged Hankow, China, 10/2/31; re¬ On 144 Eng P&W Wasp C #2853
turned to U S. and rebuilt by LAC. New
Type Sirius ATC None
WC engine and floats with fuel -ranks in¬
stalled; prd black, red wings. Finally
Model 8 Longer wing than contemporary Sirius
named Tingmissorfoq 1933. Presented
Reg NC14W models, and single cockpit; 900-gal gas
1934 to American Museum of Natural
Mfg 3/13/30 capacity. Built for projected Tacoma-
Eng P&W Wasp C #2140 Tokyo flight by Harold Bromley, named
History, N.Y.C On exhibit there, and at

Air Force Museum, Wright-Parterson AFD,

ATC 300 dry of Tacomo; rhird plane of this name
Ohio (1934-60). National Air Museum Demonstrator for LAC and DAC, pilot Her¬ (see c/n 2 and c/n 116). During rests by
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. bert J. Fahy. Washed our Sr. Louis 4/12/ LAC, crashed Muroc Dry Lake, Calif., 5/24/
(1960—); on prominent exhibition. 30. Pilot Stafford L. (Casey) Lambert and 30. LAC rest pilot H. W. Carlin killed.

On 146 one reported at Detroit 9/14/05. Appar¬ shipped ro England 1905. Attempted
Type Explorer ently kept (bur never repaired) by London-Melbourne flight 11/05, disap¬
Model 7 (special) Skyways, Inc., Cleveland (1905-07) and peared over Bay of Bengal 11/8/05 with
Reg NR101W Samuel R. Sague, Cleveland (1907). Kingsford-Smith and Tommy Perhy-
Mfg 4/00 bridge. Wheel from ship found floating
On 151
Eng P&W Wasp C #0172 off Burma 6/1/07.
Type Sirius
ATC None On 150
Model 8A
Originally builr for projected Paris-N.Y.C. Reg NC 117W Type Sirius (later Alrair), YIC-25 (U.S.
flight by Col, Arthur C. Goebel, Single Mfg 4/18/00 Army)
cockpit; 800-gal gas capacity; prd. blue Eng P&W Wasp C #0100 Model 8A
and yellow,- named Yankee Doodle. ATC 000 Reg XII9W, NR 119W, AC. 02-090
Goebel did nor rake delivery. Sold to Pure Mfg 4/18/00
Sold ro Air Services, Inc., Roosevelt Field,
Oil Co,, Chicago (1900). Used for adver¬ Eng P&W Wasp C
N.Y. (1900-02); prd white, red trim. Ed¬
tising, and prepared for flight from N.Y.C. ATC 000
ward H. Conerton, Mineola, N.Y. (1902-
ro Paris (or Pome) with pilot Roy W.
00); John English, Schenectady (1900). Regular Sirius builr by LAC. Approved
Ammel; prd blue, white lettering,- named
Cracked up Raleigh, N.C., 1900. Frank 9/19/00 for experiments with retractable
Blue Flash. Damaged in ground fire Gila l/g: first Lockheed to be equipped with
Cordova, Roosevelt Field (1900);
Bend, Ariz., summer 1900; repaired at
Anthony Stinis, Floyd Bennett Field, N.Y. fully retractable l/g. Tests made by Vance
LAC Ammel made first nonstop flight
(1900-04). Repaired; Wasp #1921 Breese and Marshall Headle. Officially
N.Y.C.-Canal Zone 11/9-10/00. Cracked
installed 5/04, Paramount Productions, converted ro Alrair, with Wasp B, as of 0/
up Ancon, C.Z., 11/21/00; Ammel in¬
Inc., Jersey City (1904-06). United Air 7/01. Turned over ro U.S. Army Ar Corps,
jured. Wing salvaged and eventually in¬
Services, Ltd. (A. Paul Mantz), Burbank, Bolling Field, Washington, D.C. (1901 —
corporated in Orion c/n 195 (q.v.X
Calif. (1906-40); modified as photo 02), for official resting by Corps. Flown by
C/n 149 plane, wirrh swivel cockpit camera and Capt. Ira C. Eaker on crosscountry flights,
wing cameras 9/07; Wasp SCI #1815 in¬ and in both the Bendix and Thompson
Type Sirius
stalled 7/08. Crashed after midair colli¬ races ar 1901 NAR Fitted with P&W R-
Model 8
sion Downey, Calif., 5/9/40. Pilot Walter 1040-17 #920. Prd blue and yellow,
Reg XB-ADA (Mexico)
Quinton and two passengers killed. Army striping on tail, bur civil reg re¬
Mfg 4/00
tained. Officially acquired by US-AAC 11/
Eng P&W Wasp #2889 On 152
01 and stationed ar Wright Field, Ohio.
ATC 000 Type Sirius (later Alrair 8D) Damaged in belly-landing, written off 6/
Sold to Col. Roberto Fierro, Mexican Army Model 8A (later 8 Special) 02. Hulk destroyed in rests of bottled car¬
Air Force, Mexico, D.F. (1900-06). For Reg NR 118W, NC 118W, X 118W, bon dioxide fire extinguishers Wright
use in special long-distance and record VH-USB (Australia), G-ADUS Field 9/27/02. Total flying hours: 150.
attempts,- prd. white, sun red trim,- (G.B.)
named Anahuac. Fierro and mechanic- Mfg 7/21/00 C/n 154
copilot Arnulfo Cortes made first nonstop Eng P&W Wasp #0104 Type Vega
flight N.Y.C.-Mexico, D.F., 6/21/00. Used ATC 000 Model DL-1B
for various duties by Mexican Army Air Builr for Capt. George R Hutchinson, Balti¬ Reg NC 8497
Force, with their insignia. Eventually be¬ more, Md. (1900-01), to be used on Mfg 1900 (Detroit)
came Gen. Fierro's personal plane in rec¬ New York—Paris record flight attempt. Eng P&W Wasp
ognition of his flight. Sold to Spanish Forward cockpit closed off, special ranks,- ATC 008
agents 1906, rumored price $25,000. named Richmond, Virginia, U.5.A. Demonstrator for DAC (1900-01).
Flown by Spanish Republican Air Force Cracked up Los Angeles 8/2/00; flight Leased to Bran iff Airways, Inc., Okla¬
(1907-?) Reported lost on Basque front plans abandoned. Rebuilt by LAC. homa City (summer 1901). On return
prior to 8/22/07. Douglas Fairbanks & Victor Fleming, Beverly ferry flight ro DAC, crashed Chicago 7/12/
Hills, Calif. (1901), for sports flying by the 01. Pilot Chester R Bailes and a passen¬
On 150
actor and director. Victor Fleming, Culver ger killed.
Type Sirius City, Calif. (1902-04). Converted ro Sirius
Model 8C On 155
8 Special, reg under ATC Memo 2-400
Reg NR116W, NC 116W of 2/4/02. Sold back ro LAC in 1904 and Type Vega
Mfg 4/18/00 converted ro Alrair 8D with Wasp SE Model DL-1 Special
Eng P&W Wasp C #0087 #5222 installed, and new wing with 2° Reg G-ABGK (G.B.), VH-UVK
ATC none dihedral. Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith, Lon- (Australia), A42-1 (RAAF)
Special model called Sport Cabin Sirius gueville, N.S.W., Australia (1904-05); re¬ Mfg 10/00 (Detroit)
with both tandem cockpits and rwo- built to qualify for MacRobertson Race Eng P&W Wasp Cl
place cabin. Sold ro Hugo Walter London-Melbourne, 10/04; prd blue and ATC Memo 2-016 of 1 /0/01
Blumenthal, N.Y.C. (1900-02). Reg NC silver, named Anzac. Shipped ro Aus¬ Sold ro Lt. Comdr. Glen Kidston, London
under ATC Memo 2-074 of 8/10/01. Prd tralia, renamed Lady Southern Cross; (1900-01); prd white, black trim,- to be
red and white; piloted by Jimmy Collins withdrawn from race. Flown by Kings- used for sport and commercial flying. Set
until Blumenthal iearned to fly. Bernarr ford-Smith and Capt. P. G. Taylor on first London-Paris intercity record 1901; also
Macfadden, N.Y.C. (1902-00); Katherine Australia-U.S. flight 10/21-11/4/04. Al¬ new London-Caperown speed record
Daufkirch, East Elmonr, N.Y. (1900); tered under ATC Memo 2-420 and en¬ 0/01-4/6/01, with Kidston, pilot Owen
Interstate Aeronautical Corp., Cleveland gine modified ro SCI ro conform ro Carthcart-Jones, a radio operator and a
(1900-05). Involved three accs, final British airworthiness requirements. Plane mechanic. Use of plane administered by

q rrusr after Kidsron's death (1931-34). Peg AC. 31-405 Pichard Von Hake, laid off as chief engi¬
H. C, Miller,, Perth, Australia (1934-?). Mfg late 1930 (Detroit) neer of LAC, paid $2,000 to DAC receiv¬
Only Lockheed entry in the’ Mac- Eng P&W Wasp P-1340-7 ers for a metal Vega fuselage,
Pobertson Pace London-Melbourne 10/ ATC - completed the plane from Lockheed
34; flown by James Woods and D. C. T. parrs in Durbank, and turned it over to
Standard Derroir-Lockheed Vega DL
Dennett; named Puck. Cracked up LAC for sale. Sold to John Morrell & Co.,
model for Army command transport
Aleppo, Syria, 10/21/34, Woods and Den¬ Ottumwa, Iowa (1933—34); pilot Cliff
evaluation. Sold to US. Army Air Corps,
nett injured. Eventually shipped to Aus¬ Kysor, used for executive transport and
Dayton (1931-35). Tested at Wright
tralia and rebuilt. Poyal Australian Air advertising meat products; prd two
Field, Dayton, then assigned to Dolling
Force, Melbourne (1942-45); impressed shades of green, red insignia; named
Field, Washington, D.C. (1930-32) As¬
into PAAF service as auxiliary plane. Morrell's Pride II. Draniff Airways, Inc.,
signed to 36rh Pursuit Sq., 8rh Pursuit
Scrapped 10/45. Oklahoma City (1934-39); converted
Grp., Langley Field, Va. (1932-35), as
''#99'',- later with 59rh Service Sq. as and used as airliner. Lloyd Earl, Fort
Gn 156
"#103." Scrapped at Langley Field as of Worth (1939-42). C. F. Lytle, Green
Type Vega Construction Co., and Texas & Northern
Model DL-1 5/16/35. Total flying hours: 999.
Airways, Sioux City, Iowa (1943-44); cost
Reg NC 8495, 239M C/n 159 $10,000; used for personnel transport in
Mfg 11/30 (Detroit) construction of Whitehorse Division,
Type Vega YIC-17 (USAAC)
Eng P&W Wasp #3537 Alaska Military Highway. Northern Air Ser¬
Model DL-1 D Special
ATC 308 vice, Fairbanks (1944-48), with Federal
Reg AC. 31-408
Sold to Dowen Air Lines, Fort Worth (1930— Mfg 12/30 (Detroit) skis. Northern Consolidated Airlines, An¬
32); The Texas Company, N.Y.C. (1932); Staf¬ Eng P&W Wasp P-1340-17 chorage (1948-52), used on air routes,
ford L. Umdert, Drooklyn, N.Y., & Minoc- ATC — with Northwest skis. Pussell Pivers, Fair¬
qua, Wis. (1932), with P&W Wasp banks (1952-62); Marvin M. Greenlee,
Single-P Speed Vega, with Hi-5peed,
#2909. Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey, Fairbanks and Compton, Calif. (1962-
wire-braced l/g, doughnut-tail wheel,
N.Y.C., (1932—34). Equipped with Air 64); Mint Aviation Company, Jack Lowe &
cabin gas ranks, etc. Duralumin fuselage
Wheels, given Sranavo Eagle paint job. Pobert L. Taylor, Ottumwa, Iowa (1964-
left bare, yellow wing and army insignia.
Flown by James Matrern, Toronro-N.Y.C. 68); Pobert L. Taylor, Ottumwa, Iowa
Sold for evaluation to U.S. Army Air Corps,
7/30/33, making first international radio (1968-83); Tom A. Thomas, Mid-America
Dayton (1930-31). Assigned Wright
broadcast from an airplane, en route. Air Group, Frederick, Okla. (1983—).
Field, Ohio; later to Dolling Field, Wash¬
Central Airlines, Inc., Pittsburgh (1934);
ington, D.C. Used for attempted transcon¬
Draniff Airways, Inc., Oklahoma City tinental record flight by Capr. Ira C. Eaker Gn 162
(1934-37). Draniff #10. General Tire & Never assigned, never built.
3/31. Fastest USAAC plane of its rime:
Pubder Co., Akron (1937-40). Pe-reg. NC
rated 221 mph. Cracked up in forced
239M; flown by Poy W. Drown. Named: landing Tolu, Ky., 3/10/31; Eaker unhurt. Gn 160
Miss Streamline II. Tested with pneumatic Wreckage taken to Wright Field; Never assigned, never built.
engine suspension, using P&W Wasp scrapped 4/22/31. Total flying hours: 33.
SI D1 #5326. Deech Aircraft Co., Wichita Gn 164
(1940); FIarry A. Hammill, Austin, Texas C/n 160
Never assigned, never built.
(1940-41); Charles H. Dabb, Glendale, Type Vega
Calif. (1941). Acc Dallas, Texas, 11/6/41. Model 5C
Gn 165
Doth wings broken. Nor repaired. Reg NC 972Y
Mfg 5/31 Type Sirius (later Alrair DL-2A), Y1C-
On 157 23 (USAAC)
Eng P&W Wasp #3898
Type Vega ATC 384 Model DL-2
Model DL-1 Peg X 8494, NP 8494, A.C. 32-232
Wing had been sent to DAC, returned to
Reg NC 8496, XA-DAY (Mexico) Mfg 8/30 (Detroit)
LAC for manufacturing. Sold to Parks Air
Mfg 11/30 (Detroit) Eng P&W Wasp C #2036
College, East Sr. Louis, III. (1931); Phillips
Eng P&W Wasp ATC 378
Petroleum Co., Dartlesville, Okla. (1931-
ATC 308 Duilr as Sirius for experiments with metal
36). Aero Transport Corp. Glendale, Calif.
Sold to Dowen Air Lines, Fort Worth (1930- (1936-40), used for charter and movie fuselage by DAC (1930-31). Converted
35); Glen Harroun, Fort Worth (1935); work. E. Duke Gartner, Palm Springs, Calif. to metal Alrair DL-2A, with Wasp E, re¬
Edwin W. Pitchey, Fort Worth (1936-41); (1940-41); Herbert l. White, California tractable l/g, and 186-gal gas capacity as
Charles H. Dabb Co., Glendale, Calif. Aircraft Corp., Van Nuys, Calif. (1941-
of 4/27/31. Sold to U.S. Army Air Corps,
(1942). Lineas Aereas Mineras, S.A. (LAMSA), 43). U.S. Engineer's Office, War Department, Washington, D.C. (1931-42). Command
Mazarlan, Sin., Mexico (1940-44), with San Francisco (1943), to be operated out¬ transport for use of Asst. Secy, of War F.
Wasp Cl #3163. Prd light blue on bare side U.S. Destroyed in hangar fire Van Trubee Davison, and Chief of Air Corps
Duralumin. Lineas Aereas Mexicanas, S.A. Gen. James E. Fechet; pilot usually Capr.
Nuys 10/10/43.
(also LAMSA), Mexico, D.F. (1944-46?). Ira C. Eaker, also Lr. Elwood P. Quesada.
Cracked up Parral, Chihuahua, c. 1945- C/n 161 Official conversion to Alrair under ATC
46. No injuries. Sent to LAMSA's Torreon Type Vega Memo 2-386 of 10/17/31. After rests at
shops, bur nor repaired. Model DL-1 D Special Wright Field, Ohio, assigned to Dolling
Reg NC 12288 Field, Washington, D.C. (1931-38);
On 158 Mfg 3/33 Chanute Field, III. (1938). Condemned
Type Vega, YIC-12 (USAAC) Eng P&W Wasp SCI for further flying 9/23/38. Scrapped 6/42.
Model DL-1 ATC Memo 2-448 of 5/29/33 Total flying hours: 1,075.

C/n 166 Mfg 4/01 (1940). Destroyed on ground by fire,

Type Sirius Eng P&W Wasp #0901 Memphis 8/26/43.
Model 8A ATC 421 On 172
Reg NR115W Sold ro Bowen Air Lines, Inc., Fort Worth Type Orion
Mfg 4/00 (1931-04). Gear-up landing Austin, re¬
Model 9
Eng P&W Wasp C #3160 paired by 5/12/01. C. G. Peterson, N.Y.C. Reg NC 975Y, XB-AHQ (Mexico)
ATC 000 (1904). Aerovias Centrales, S.A, Mexico, Mfg 5/01
A standard Sirius wirh extra fuel ranks, full D.F. (1904-05); cost $7,975, wirh Wasp Eng P&W Wasp C# 4217
capaciry 603 gals. Sold ro Emil Salay, #1812. Operated by ACSA (Pan Ameri¬
ATC 421
Treas., Hungarian-American Ocean Flight,
can subsidiary) on Mexican routes. Pan
Sold to New York & Western Airlines, Inc.,
American Airways, Inc., N.Y.C. (1935-06).
Flint, Michigan (1900-31). Prd black and Pittsburgh (1901); prd whire, red trim. Re¬
red, whire trim; named Justice for Hun¬ Based at Brownsville, Texas, wirh new
U.S. reg. Back to Mexico wirh Pan Am possessed by DAC (1931). Philip H. Philbin,
gary. Flown by George Endres and Alex¬ Jr., Air Express Corp., N.Y.C. (1932-33);
ander Wilczek (Magyar) N.Y.C.-Harbour subsidiary Cia. Mexicana de Aviacion, S.A,
Mexico, D.F. (1906). Crashed Pico de Ori¬ ptd silver, green trim; rheir #104. Modi¬
Grace-Bicske (Hungary) 7/15-16/01. fied as cargo carrier. Acc Seligman, Ariz.,
Received $10,000 prize for flight. Plane zaba, Veracruz, 8/3/06. Pilot Joaquin
Rivadeneyra Vasquez killed. 1/25/33; repaired and bought by Pacific
retained by Endres. Hungarian reg (if
Airmotive Corp., Burbank, Calif. (1900).
any) unknown. Crashed and burned Rome C/n 170 San Luis Mining Co., San Francisco (1933-
5/21/02. Endres and Capr. J. Pirray killed.
Type Vega 06); operated for hauling gold our of Tay-
Engine and portions of plane on exhibit olrira, Dur., and Mazatlan, Sin., Mexico,-
Model 5C
in museum at Budapest.
Reg NC 959Y pilor Gordon S. Barry. Lineas Aereas Mineras,
On 167 Mfg 2-0/31 S.A. (LAM5A), Mazatlan (1936-37). Re¬
Type Sirius Eng P&W Wasp #3717 ported sold ro Spanish Republican Gov¬
ATC 384 ernment (1937-?). Disposition unknown.
Model 8A
Reg NC 167W Sold ro Prest-O-Lite Storage Battery Sales
C/n 170
Mfg 7/00 Corp., Indianapolis (1931-06); named
Eng P&W Wasp #3168 Prest-O-Lite II; pilot Dick Knox. Blue Bird Type Orion
ATC 000 Air Service, Inc., Chicago (1906); prd red.
Model 9
Crashed Napierville, III., 9/29/36 while Reg NC 984Y, XA-BEJ (Mexico)
Sold to Wedell-Williams Air Service, Inc., Pat¬
engaged in photographing Burlingron Mfg 5/01
terson. La. (1930-32); Lucille Traut-
RR's "Zephyr." Pilot Oscar Hanold and Eng P&W Wasp C #4226
wein Bottenfield, Dripping Springs, Texas
three passengers killed. ATC 421
(1932); John (Jode) Pundt, American Liberty
Oil Co., Dallas (1902); C. E. Gates, Hous¬ Sold to New York & Western Airlines, Inc.,
On 171
ton (1902-00); Harry B. Barnhart, Dallas Pittsburgh (1901); prd whire, red trim. Re¬
Type Vega possessed by DAC (1931). Philip H. Philbin,
(1903); Glen Harroun, Bowen Air Lines,
Model Hi-Speed Special 5C Jr., Air Express Corp., N.Y.C. (1932-33),-
Fort Worth (1930-35). Converted by LAC
Reg NR 965Y, X 965Y, NC 965Y prd silver, green trim; rheir #105. Modi¬
ro Sirius 8C under ATC Memo 2-074 as
Mfg 0-4/01 fied as cargo-only carrier. Damaged
of 0/13/05. Apparently leased as mail
Eng P&W Wasp # 2849
1/30, repaired. Phillips Petroleum Co., Bar¬
carrier ro Delta Air Lines, Inc., Atlanta,
ATC none tlesville, Okla. (1900-04); converted ro
Ga., for Dallas-Charlesron route. Crashed
at Birmingham, Ala., 12/24/05; pilot R. C. Originally built on order of John Henry reduced 5-passenger carrier 12/30 under
Reinhard injured. Mears, N.Y.C., to replace wrecked c/n 112 ATC memo 2-367. Aerovias Centrales,
(q.v.), prd red and silver,- named City of S.A, Mexico, D.F. (1934); cost $10,500.
On 168 New York Similar to his c/n 112 Vega Operated on Mexican routes by ACSA
Type Orion except for having Hi-Speed wirebraced (Pan American subsidiary). Crashed Bur¬
Model 9 l/g, Mears did nor rake delivery. Sold ro bank, Calif., 6/20/04. Pilot C. L. Bucher
Reg X 960Y, NC 960Y Elinor Smith, Freeport, N Y. (1901-02), for killed.
Mfg 2/01 projected Atlantic flight; renamed Mrs.?;
C/n 174
Eng P&W Wasp C #0900 acc Garden City, N.Y., 8/22/31; conven¬
ATC none tional l/g installed. Ocean flight nor Type Orion
made. Transferred to Patrick H. Sullivan Model 9
The firsr Lockheed Orion, originally re¬
(husband of Elinor Smith), N.Y.C. (1932); Reg NC 988Y, NR 998Y, XA-BEL
ferred to as a "Sirius 6-passenger cabin
William W. Harts, Jr., N.Y.C. (1902). Amelia (Mexico), NC 10976, XA-BDH
plane" and an "Alrair Model 9." Ap¬
Earhart, Rye, N.Y. (1900-36).- flown Ha-
proved wirh ATC 421 of 5/6/01. Sold to
waii-Oakland, Calif, 1/11-12/05; Los An- Mfg 6/29/01
Bowen Air Lines, Inc., Fort Worth (1931-
geles-Mexico City 4/19-20/05,- and Eng P&W Wasp C #4218
33). Acc Fort Worth 8/26/01; ferried to
Mexico City—Newark 5/9/35,- also in var¬ ATC 421
LAC and repaired. Cracked up Tulsa 6/2/
03, pilot R. Stein Lee and two passengers ious cross-country flights and NAR events. Sold to Asa G. Candler,Jr., Atlanta (1901 -
injured, one passenger unhurt. Seth 5. Terry, Reno, Nev., and Quincy, 00) as executive transport; wirh modifi¬
Calif. (1906-39); Glover Edwin Ruckstell, cations flown in Bendix Race 1931 NAR
C/n 169 Boulder City, Nev. (1939-42). Used for by Beeler Blevins,- also by Ruth Nichols.
Type Orion charter and sightseeing; named Record H. C. Lippiatt, Los Angeles (1933-04).
Model 9 Breaker. Charles H. Babb Co., N.Y.C. Currier's Tablets, Inc., Hollywood (1934);
Reg NC 964Y, XA-BEI (Mexico), NC (1942-40), wirh Wasp 51D1 #0812. 0-5P installed under ATC Memo 2-067.
10977, XA-BAY (Mexico) Frank M. Matthews, Bethlehem, Pa. Aerovias Centrales, S.A, Mexico, D.F.

(1934-05); flown by AC5A, Pan Ameri¬ Sold to New York, Philadelphia & Washington Transport Museum, Lucerne, Switzerland

can subsidiary, on Mexican routes. Pan Airway Corp. (Ludington Washing¬

Lines), (1976—). Restored in configuration and
American Airways, Inc., N.Y.C. (1935-36); ton D.C. (1931). Prd white, red trim; markings of c/n 189, Reg. #CH-167 (q.v).
based ar Brownsville, Texas, wirh new flown briefly on airline routes. Crashed On prominent display.
U.S. reg. Again ro Mexico, rhis rime for Camden, N.J., 11/5/31. Pilot Floyd L. Cox
Pan Am subsidiary Cia. Mexi'cana de Avi- and four passengers killed. On 161
acion, S.A, Mexico, D.F. (1936). Crashed Type Orion
ar Poblado Francisco Rueda, Veracruz, On 179
Model 9
10/6/36. Pilot Hueodoro Cardenas killed. Type Alrair, XRO-1 (USN) Reg NC 12223, XA-BHA, XA-BEU
Model DL-2A (Mexico)
On 175 Reg 9054 (Navy) Mfg 9/26/31
Type Orion Mfg 9/31 Eng P&W Wasp #4110
Model 9 Eng WC #17331 ATC 421
Reg NC 991Y ATC —
Sold ro Varney Air Service, Ltd. (later Varney
Mfg 6/23/31 Ordered by Asst. Secy, of Navy David 5. Speed Lines, Inc., Alameda, Calif. (1931-
Eng P&W Wasp C #3628 Ingalls for evaluation and use as nova! 34). Prd white, red trim; named West
ATC 421 command transport. First naval airplane Wind. Transferred to Varney's Mexican
Sold ro Continental Airways, Inc., Chicago wirh fully retractable l/g. Flighr tests and airline, Lineas Aereas Occidentales, S.A, Bur¬
(1931-32), for service on their Chicago- trials for LAC by Marshall Headle, delivery bank, Calif. (1934-35), wirh Mexican
Washingron airline; prd blue. Destroyed to Navy by Roscoe Turner. Sold to U.S. reg. J. B. Messick, El Paso (1935-36);
in hangar fire Chicago 2/5/32. Navy, Washington, D.C (1931-38?); sta¬ Glover E. Ruckstell, Grand Canyon, Ariz.
tioned at Anocostia Naval Air Station; (1936); Fritz Bieler, Mexico D. F. (1937);
C/n 176 flown and evaluated by Lr. R. B. Pirie, Juan H. Garcia Echeveste ("citizen of un¬
Type Alrair Secy. Ingalls, and many naval aviators. known nationality") (1937). Exported ro
Model Special Stored 8/33. Weight limits restricted 7/38. Spanish Republican Air Force (1937-?). In¬
Reg NR 998Y Further use and disposition unknown. volved in Spanish Civil War. No record of
Mfg 7/31 disposition.
Eng WC #17781 On 160
ATC none Type Alrair (later Orion 9C Special) On 162
Special ship for Macfadden Publications, Model DL—2A
Type Orion
Reg X 12222, NR 12222, NC 12222
Inc., N.Y.C. (1931-32); cosr $32,000, prd Model 9
black, upper portions gold leaf, named
Mfg 9/31
Reg NC 12224, XA-BHB (Mexico)
The Gold Eagle. Used for personal trans¬ Eng P&W Wasp E #1783
Mfg 9/31
ATC Memo 2-386 of 10/17/31
port by publisher Bernarr Macfadden, Eng P&W Wasp #4317
and special flights by his pilot, Louis T. Experimental ship built by LAC. Leased ATC 421
Reichers. Flown in 1931 NAR, and made for trial ro Transcontinental & Western Air,
Sold to Varney Air Service, Ltd. (later Varney
first Montreal-Havana nonstop record 4/ inc., Kansas City (1931); flown as mail
Speed Lines, Inc., Alameda, Calif (1931-
32. Renamed Miss Liberty. Flown by carrier on TWA routes; their #252. Acc
34). Prd white, red trim; named South
Reichers on New York—Harbour Grace- Columbus, Ohio 10/10/31; returned to
Wind. Acc Alameda, Calif., 3/11/33, re¬
Dublin-Paris flight attempt. Crash-landed LAC. Converted to Orion 9C Special 6/32,
paired wirh new wing. Transferred ro
in ocean 17 miles off Kinsole Harbour, under ATC Memo 2-416 of 7/11/32;
Varney's Mexican airline, Lineas Aereas Oc-
Ireland, 5/13/32. Reichers rescued. Plane pilot's cockpit changed and baggage
cidentales, S. A., Burbank, Calif. (1934); re¬
abandoned. compartment became cabin. Sold ro
named West Wind. Shipped to Europe for
Shell Aviation Corp. (Shell Petroleum
Go 177 possible participation in MacRobertson
Corp.), Sr. Louis (1932-38). Prd yellow-
Race London-Melbourne 1934; Franklin
Type Orion orange and red; named Shellighming; pi¬
Rose pilot. Demonstrated ro King Carol of
Model 9 loted by Shell's aviation mgr. James H.
Romania at Bucharest and sold. Roma¬
Reg NR 12220, NC 12220 Doolittle on cross-country and exhibition
nian Army Air Force (1934-35?). Re¬
Mfg 8/31 flights. Acc Evansville, Ind., 7/14/32; WC
ported crashed north of Bucharest c.
Eng P&W Wasp #3176 #815 installed 1936. Cracked up Sr.
ATC 421 Louis 5/7/36; stored, rebuilt by Parks Air
Sold to Continental Airways, Inc., Chicago College, East Sr. Louis, III. A. Paul Mantz,
On 160
(1931-32); prd blue. Flown in Bendix Burbank, Calif (1938-43); prd red, white
trim,- flown in Bendix races 1938 and Type Orion
Race of 1931 NAR by Continental pilot
1939 NAR and used as movie photo Model 9
Harold S. Johnson, then placed in airline
plane. Matt Redmond Peck, Gardena, Calif.
Reg NC 12225, XA-BHC (Mexico),
service. Acc La Porte, Ind., 9/15/31; pilot
F-AQAS (France)
and six passengers unhurt. Overhauled. (1943); Barnsdall Oil Co., Tulsa (1943-
48); H. J. Kenley, General Aerial Surveys, Mfg 9/31
Destroyed in hangar fire Chicago 2/5/32.
Tulsa, (1948-51); Joseph Carl Eaton, La
Eng P&W Wasp C #4323
On 176 Mesa, Calif. (1951-53); Henry 5. Roller, ATC 421

Type Orion La Jolla and San Diego, Calif. (1953-55). Sold ro Varney Air Service, Ltd. (later Varney
Model 9 Back ro A Paul Mantz, Santa Ana, Calif. Speed Lines, Inc.) Alameda, Calif. (1931-

Reg NC 12221 (1955-62); Tallmantz Aviation, Inc. 34). Prd white, red trim,- named North
Mfg 9/31 (1962-66); Rosen-Novak Auto Corp., Wind. Transferred to Varney's Mexican
Eng P&W Wasp C #4107 Omaha (1966-68); David Johnson, Peter¬ airline, Lineas Aereas Occidentales, S.A,
ATC 421 borough, N.H. (1968-76); Swiss Air Burbank, Calif. (1934-35), wirh Mexican

reg. C. A. Collins, Polm Springs, Calif. Transport Corp., Glendale, Calif. (1906). Sold to Hal Roach Studios, Inc., Culver City,
(1905-06); Charles H. Dadd, Glendale, Charles H. Dadd, Glendale, Calif. (1906). Calif. (1902); 0° wing dihedral, 6" longer
Calif. (1906). Rudolf Wolf, Inc., N.Y.C. Rudolf Wolf, Inc., N.Y.C (1906). Exported fuselage nose, retractable rail wheel. Prd
(1906). Shipped via The Nerherlands and via The Nerherlands and France (French white, red trim,- named The Spirit of Fun;
France to Spanish Repdulican Air Force reg F-AQAV applied?) to Spanish Repudli- pilot James D. Dickson. Roach and Dick¬
(1907-?). Involved in Spanish Civil War. can Air Force (1907-?); involved in Span¬ son made South American circuit 1902;
No further disposition. ish Civil War. No record of disposition. plane shipped ro Shanghai, flew from
China to South Africa 1902. Crashed Vic¬
C/n 184
C/n 186 toria Falls, Northern Rhodesia, 11/17/02.
Type Orion Dickson killed, passengers Arthur Loew
Model 9 Type Orion
and Joseph Rosrhal injured.
Reg NC 12226 Model 9
Mfg 10/01 Reg NC 12228, XA-BHE (Mexico)
C/n 188
Eng P&W Wasp #4522 Mfg 10/01
Eng P&W Wasp C #4524 Type Alrair
ATC 421 Model 8E
ATC 421
Sold ro Varney Air Service, Ltd. Oarer Varney Reg X 12200, J-DAMC (Japan)
Sold ro Varney Air Service, Ltd. (later Varney
Speed Lines, Inc), Alameda, Calif. (1901- Mfg 1/02
04). Prd white, red trim; named East
Speed Lines, Inc.),Alameda, Calif. (1901- Eng P&W Wasp 51D1 #4620
04). Prd white, red trim,: named Spring
Wind. Acc Alameda 12/24/02; repaired. ATC none
Crashed Flayward, Calif., 0/25/00. Pilot Wind. Transferred to Varney's Mexican
airline, Lineas Aereas Occidentales, S.A., Bur¬ Designed for export, with tandem cock¬
Noel D. Evans, two passengers, eleven pits, and either cargo or passenger cabin.
bank, Calif. (1904-05) with Mexican reg.
people on ground killed. 5old through Okura Trading Co., agents,
Confiscated 6/21/05 by Cia. Mexicana de
C/n 185 Petroleo "El Aguila," S.A. ($7,800 due).
ro Mainichi Shimdun (Daily News), Osaka,
Sold by them ro Adel Espinosa, Mexico, D.F. Japan (1902-07). Used for special
Type Orion
(1905-06); pilot Charles Daughan. Fritz
flights, airmail transport, newsgarhering.
Model 9
Dieler, Mexico, D.F. (1906-07). Mark Pilot Seizan Okura and flight engineer
Reg NC 12227, XA-DHD (Mexico),
Wolf ("from Arizona") (1907), for export.
Tokushi Fuse made first round-trip flight
F-AQAV (France)
Obviously went to Spanish Republican Air Tokyo-Manila 11/10-26/05. Crashed
Mfg 10/01
Force (1907-?). Involved in Spanish Civil
Osaka 4/12/07. Pilot Oka and passenger
Eng P&W Wasp #4520
ATC 421 War. No record of disposition. killed.

Sold to Varney Air Service, Ltd. (later Varney On 189

Speed Lines, Inc.) Alameda, Calif. (1901- C/n 187 Type Orion
04). Prd white, red trim, named Winter Type Orion Model 9D
Wind. Transferred to Varney's Mexican Model 9A Special Reg X 12201, CH-167, HB-LAH
airline, Lineas Aereas Occidentales, 5. A, Reg X 12229, NC 12229 (Switzerland)
Burbank, Calif. (1904-05), with Mexican Mfg 11/01 Mfg 2/16/02
reg. C. A. Collins, Palm Springs, Calif. Eng P&W Wasp SC #1927 Eng WC #17794
(1905-06); named El Marelto. Aero ATC Memo 2-097 of 1 /16/02 ATC 462

On 187-. Hoi Roach Studios' Spirit of Fun flew movie executives on

four continents.

Sold ro Curtiss-Wright Export Corp. N.Y.C. • Reg NC 12278 C/n 196

(1902); Swiss Air Traffic Limited Company, Mfg 5/17/03 Type Orion
Zurich (1932-06). Firsr and fasresr U S. Eng P&W Wasp Model 9F
commercial air Transport plane sold ro ATC 508 Reg NC 12284
foreign airline market. Flown on Zurich- Mfg 7/03
Used a fuselage started for Air Express 0.
Munich-Vienno express service under Made into a special cargo/passenger Eng WC R-1820-F21
Swissair director Balz Zimmermann. Sold
Orion 9E under ATC 508. Sold ro ATC 512
through French agents ro Spanish Republi¬ Transcontinental & Western Air, Inc., Kansas Registered to George A. MacDonald, Mil¬
can Government, Madrid (1906-07). Used
City and N.Y.C., (1900-05); their #257; ford, Kan., and Del Rio, Texas (1933-36);
os V.I.P. transport and courier during prd red and white. Fitted with Goodrich
Spanish Civil War. Flown by American MacDonald was personal pilot for Dr.
De-icers 10/30. Acc Albuquerque 1/15/ John R. Brinkley, the actual owner. Prd
pilot Joseph Rosmarin. Suffered belly- 04, pilot H. H. Holloway injured; repaired. white, black trim; named Doctor Brinkley
landing and scrapped. Robert Blair, Los Angeles (1905-07);
III. Traded ro LAC on new Electro. Charles
On 190 used for charter. Cracked up Jackson, H. Babb, Glendale, Calif. (1906) Rudolf
Type Orion Ohio, 12/8/06. Purchased by LAC with in¬ Wolf, Inc., N.Y.C. (1936-07). Exported via

Model 9B tent ro rebuild. Scrapped 1908. The Netherlands and France ro Spanish
Reg X 12232, CH-168 and HB-LAJ Republican Air Force (1937-09). Report¬

(Switzerland) edly survived Spanish Civil War. No further

On 194
Mfg 2/25/01 Record.
Type Vega
Eng WC #17791
Model 5C Special
ATC 462 Gn 197
Reg NC 12282, NR 12282
Sold ro Swissair (Swiss Air Transport Co., Mfg 1/26/30 Type Orion
Ltd.), Zurich (1902-05). Flown on Euro¬ Eng P&W Wasp SCI #4950 Model 9D
pean airline routes, ond on special air¬ ATC none Reg NC 12285
mail speed flights ro Tunis 5/20/30, ond Mfg 7/00
Sold ro Continental Oil Co., Ponca City,
Istanbul 6/28/04; Swissair director Walter Eng P&W Wasp SI D1
Okla. (later Denver) (1903-44). Prd red,
Mirrelholzer pilot. Sold through French ATC 514
green trim,- used for executive transport.
agents ro Spanish Republican Government Sold to (later Ameri¬
American Airways, Inc.
Acc Denver 6/10/04; repaired. Reg NR for
(1906-07). Used as transport and liaison can Airlines, Chicago (1900-04);
special CAA propeller rest at LAC 9/41.
aircraft during Spanish Civil War. No rec¬ their #145; prd blue and orange. Acc
Manning & Brown, Inc., Denver (1944-45);
ord of disposition. Cash, Texas, 12/6/00; repaired. Con¬
Most & Bacon Air Service, Alhambra, Calif.

On 191 (1945); A. Erwin Hobart, Beverly Hills verted ro cargo carrier (no passengers).
(1945-47); Alexander Banks, East Palo Washed our Memphis 11 /15/04.
Type Vega
Model 5C Alto, Calif. (1947); Wayne R. McQueen, Cul¬
Reg NC 980Y ver City, Calif. (1947-48); James Baker, Gn 193
Mfg 5/02 Concord, Calif. (1948); L. H. Roberts and Type Orion
Eng P&W Wasp #2898 Jack Thoaaas, Antioch, Calif. (1948-49). Model 9D
ATC 084 Donald J. Murphy, Anchorage (1949-54); Reg NC 12286
prd black, yellow trim. Broken in two by Mfg 7/03
Assembled by laid-off employees under
heavy snows, scrapped Anchorage 0/54. Eng P&W Wasp SI D1
Firmon Gray, during period of LAC reor¬
ganization. Sold to Braniff Airways, Inc., ATC 514
Oklahoma City (1932-05), for airline ser¬ On 195 Sold ro (later Ameri¬
American Airways, Inc.

vice. Crashed East Fort Worth 1119/35. can Airlines, Chicago (1900-04),
Type Orion (later Orion-Explorer)
Pilot William C. Mous killed. combination mail and passenger ship;
Model 9E
their #146; prd blue and orange.
On 192 Reg NC 12280, NR 12280
Crashed near Sunbrighr, Tenn., 12/22/04.
Type Orion Mfg 5/00
Pilot Russell Riggs killed.
Model 9 Special Eng P&W Wasp
Reg NC 12277 ATC 508
Gn 199
Mfg 12/6/02 Sold to Transcontinental & Western Air, Inc.,
Eng P&W Wasp Kansas City (later N.Y.C.) (1900-05); their Type Orion
ATC none #258; prd red and white. Charles H. Babb, Model 9D
Glendale, Calif. (1905). Installed Explorer Reg NC 12287
Used a fuselage started for Air Express 0. Mfg 8/33
Built as a cargo plane, no passenger wing from c/n 148 (q.v.), plus fixed l/g.
Wiley Post, Oklahoma City (1905); prd
Eng P&W Wasp SI D1
searing. Converted ro pass/cargo Orion ATC 514
9E under ATC 508 5/00. Purchased by red; P&W Wasp S3H1 #5778 installed,
Transcontinental & Western Air, Inc, Kansas
also 3-bladed propeller; used EDO 5000 Sold to (later Ameri¬
American Airways, Inc.

floats and rudders, installed at Seattle. can Airlines, Chicago (1900-05),

City (1900); their #256; prd red and
Flown on projected "leisurely” world trip combination mail & passenger plane;
white. Crashed in Missouri River at Kansas
by Post with actor/humorist Will Rogers. their #147; prd blue and orange. Gear-
City 7/28/00. Pilot E. J. Noe killed.
Crashed near Walakpi, Alaska 8/15/35. up landing Bassetts, Texas, 12/0/00; re¬
On 193 Post and Rogers killed. Engine salvaged. paired. Washed our Pittsburgh Landing,
Type Orion Wreckage burned. Sire marked by me¬ Tenn., 1/10/05. Pilot John W. Johannpe-
Model 9E morial stone. ter escaped via parachute.

On 200 $6,000. Dwight W. Mercer, Mercer Air Ser¬ C/n 207

Type Orion vice, Burbank, Calif. (1945-63). Dis¬ Type Orion
Model 9D assembled and srored outdoors. G. E. Model 9D
Reg NC 229Y Moxon, Los Angeles, 1963-88. John Reg NC 13749
Mfg 8/33 Desmond, Philadelphia, 1988, for restora¬ Mfg 12/30/33
Eng Wasp 51D1 tion. Eng P&W Wasp 51D1
ATC 514 ATC 514
Sold ro American Airways, Inc., Chicago C/n 204 Sold ro Northwest Airways, Inc. Oarer
(1933); rheir#148; prd blue and orange. Type Orion Northwest Airlines, Inc.), Sr. Paul (1933-
Crashed after mid-air fire wesr of E! Paso Model 9D-1 35) ; rheir #52; prd whire, black rrim.
11/21/33. Pilor J.G. Ingram injured and Reg NC 232Y, NR 232Y, XA-BDY Casper (1935—
Wyoming Air Service, Inc.,
burned in escape via parachure. (Mexico) 36) . Washed our Buffalo, Wyo., 10/24/
Mfg 10/33 36.
C/n 201
Eng P&W Wasp 51D1 #2443
Type Orion On 206
ATC Memo 2-464 of 12/1 /33
Model 9D Type Orion, UC-85 OJSAAF)
Reg NC 230Y Sold ro John Madee, Mabee Consolidated Model 9D2
Corp., Tulsa (1933-34); special inrerior,
Mfg 8/33 Reg X 799W, NC 799W, AC 42-
Eng P&W Wasp 51D1 couch and three chairs. F. C. Hall, Inc., 62601
ATC 514 Oklahoma City (1934-36), with Wasp Mfg 6/34
#5441. Named Sheridan of Oklahoma; Eng P&W Wasp SI D1 #5517
Sold roAmerican Airways, Inc. (later Ameri¬ pilor Roy O. Hunt; flown in Bendix Race
can Airlines, Inc), Chicago (1933-34); ATC Memo 2-488 of 9/11 /34
1935 NAR. Fain Drilling Co., Oklahoma
rheir #149; prd blue and orange. Con¬ City (1936); General Development Co., Sold ro Evening News Assn., Derroir (1934-
verted by AA ro Orion 9 under ATC 421 Tulsa (1936). Carlos Panini, Mexico, D.F. 41), used by Derroir News for newsgarh-
in 11/34. Blue Bird Air Service, Inc, Chi¬ (1936); cosr $23,000. Exported for use of ering and broadcasting over Srarion
cago (1934-36); Wyoming Air Service, Inc. Spanish Republican Air Force (1937-?). In¬ WWJ. Special equipment including pod
Oarer Inland Air Lines, Inc.), Casper, Wyo. volved in Spanish Civil War. No record of wing camera; prd red, whire rrim;
(1936-41). Harold S. Johnson, Oak Park, disposirion. named Early Bird. In acrive use 1934-38.
III. (1941); Aircraft Exporting Corp., N.Y.C. Arthur D. Knapp, Mechanical Products, Inc.,
(1941-44). Alaska Star Airlines Oarer Jackson, Mich. (1941-42); Defense Supplies
Alaska Airlines, Inc), Anchorage (1944- C/n 205 Corp., Washingron, DC. (1942). War De¬
?). Disposirion unknown. Type Orion partment, Washington, D.C. (1942-44). As
Model 9D UC-85 assigned ro March Field, Calif.;
C/n 202 Reg NC 13747. F-QAR (France) used by Col. A. Paul Manrz; plane nick¬
Type Orion Mfg 12/33 named "Scurrleburr"; prd olive drab,
Model 9D Eng P&W Wasp 51D1 #5450 U5AAF insignia. Danny A. Fowlie, Van
Reg NC 231Y, XA-BDZ (Mexico) ATC 514 Nuys, Calif. (1944); cosr $6,511.48.
Mfg 8/33 Ohlsson & Rice Mfg. Co., Los Angeles
Sold ro Northwest Airways, Inc. (later
Eng P&W Wasp 51D1 (1944-45); F. H. Steward & Thelma M.
Northwest Airlines, Inc.), Sr. Paul (1933-
ATC 514 Gibson, Chino, Calif. (1945-47). Installed
35) ; rheir #50; prd whire, black trim. Oil
Sold roAmerican Airways, Inc. Oarer Ameri¬ Field Airlines of Dallas, Inc, Dallas (1935- engine and cowling from an AT-6. After
can Airlines, Inc.), Chicago (1933-35); 36) ; Charles H. Babd, N.Y.C. (1936). Rudolf acc Los Angeles, scrapped 11 /47.
rheir #150; prd blue and orange. Acc Wolf Inc, N.Y.C. (1936-37). Exporred via
Dallas 11/25/33; repaired. Operared by
On 209
The Netherlands and France (reg FAGAR
AA as a cargo plane. Long & Harmon, Dal¬ Type Orion
applied?) ro Spanish Republican Air Force
las (1935); Byrd-Frost Air Transport Co., Model 9D
(1937-?). Involved in Spanish Civil War.
Inc, Dallas (1935-36), pilor Joe Towle. No record of disposirion. Reg F-AKHC (France)
Carlos Panins, Mexico, D.F (1936); cosr Mfg 1934
$23,000. Exporred for use of Spanish Eng P&W Wasp SI D1
C/n 206 ATC none
Republican Air Force (1937-?). Involved
in Spanish Civil War. No record of disposi¬ Type Orion Sold ro racing pilor Michel Detroyat, Paris,
rion. Model 9D France (1934) as an entry for rhe Lon-
Reg NC 13748 don-Melbourne MacRoberrson Race of
On 203 Mfg 12/33
10/34. Engine changed ro Hispano-Suiza
Type Vega Eng P&W Wasp SI D1 9V Radial of 575 hp. Performance nor up
Model 5C ATC 514 ro expectations and Detroyat withdrew
Reg NC 13705 Sold ro Northwest Airways, Inc. Oarer from rhe race. Ministere de L'Air, Paris
Mfg 9/33 Northwest Airlines, Inc.), Sr. Paul (1933- (1934-36). Assigned ro Centre d'Essais
Eng P&W Wasp SCI 35); rheir #51; prd whire, black trim. des Avions Nouveaux (CEPANA) and rest-
ATC 384 Wyoming Air Service, Inc. Oarer Inland Air flown by various military pilots. By order
Sold ro Shell Aviation Co., Ltd. (Shell Oil Lines, Inc.), Casper (1935-40); Harold 5. of Pierre Cor, French Air Minister, flown in
Co.), San Francisco (1933-44); prd yel¬ Johnson, Jolier, ill. (1940-41); Aircraft July 1936 ro Spain by Eduoard Corniglion-
low-orange and red; named Shell No. 7. Exporting Corp., N.Y.C. (1941). On ferry A-Aoulinier, with novelist Andre Malraux
Wasp #5407 installed 1938. Charles H. flight ro Alaska, burned after gear-up and wife, returning with new Spanish
Babb, Glendale, Calif. (1944); cosr landing Pine Bluffs, Wyo., 9/30/41. ambassador. Soon transferred ro Spanish

Republican Government, Madrid (1936)' Eng Wasp SI D1 #4838 Eng P&W Wasp SI D1
and flown by French pi lor Georges Cor- ATC none ATC -
nez on liaison trips. Acc Muniesca,* Spain Tandem cockpits and cargo/passenger
Special ship for Laura Ingalls, Newark
8/15/36. Wings sawed off afrer accident cabin. Exported and sold through Okura
(later Great Neck, N.Y.) (1934-36). No
and no repairs made. Trading Co. ro AAainichi Shimbun (Daily
searing in cabin, 650-gal gas capacity.
On 210 Prd black, red trim,- named Auro-da-Fe. News), Osaka, Japan (1934-44). Used
Set nonstop rransconrinenral records with for newsgathering throughout Japan.
Type Vega, UG101 (USAAF)
Miss Ingalls 7/11/35 and 9/12/35; second Destroyed in hangar at Flaneda Airport,
Model 5C
in Bendix Race 1936 NAR. Rudolf Wolf, Tokyo, during bombing raid by USAAF in
Reg NCI 4236 A. C. 42-94148, NC
Inc., N.Y.C. (1936-37). Exported via The autumn 1944,
Netherlands and France ro Spanish Republi¬
Mfg 6/34
can Air Force (1937-7). Involved in Span¬ On 214 (Vega Co. c/n 1)
Eng P&W Wasp SCI #5536
ish Civil War, Reported "crashed in
ATC 384 Type Alrair
Spain." No record.
Last Vega built by LAC. Sold to W. P.
Model 8G
Fuller, Sr (later, W. P. (Frank) Fuller, Jr.),
On 212 Reg NX 18149, NR 18149
Type Orion Mfg 12/37
San Francisco (1934-36). Phillips Petro¬
leum Co., Bartlesville, Okla, (1936-40); Model 9F-1 Eng Menasco Unirwin (2)
Wasp C #3104 installed 1938. Don Reg NC 14246, XA-BDO (Mexico) ATC none
AAarshall, Dallas (1940-42). War Dept., Mfg 8/34 A very special Alrair, apparently built
U.5. Engineer's Office, Los Angeles (1942- Eng WC SR-1820-F2 from spares three years afrer production
44) ; completely rebuilt, with original ATC 557 of Lockheed single-engine series had
Wasp SCI #5536 reinstalled; cost Sold to Phillips Petroleum Co., Bartlesville, ceased. Assembled ro test the use and
$15,000. As UC-101 assigned to March Okla. (1934-36); flown by Phillips's avia¬ efficiency of a pair of 6-cylinder, in-line
Field, Calif. Back to Don AAarshall, for tion mgr. Will D. Parker. Fritz Bieler, Mex¬ Menasco engines of 260-hp each,
Charles FI. Babb, Burbank, Calif. (1944- ico, D.F. (1936-37); Juan FI. Garcia geared ro a single propeller, called the
45) , cost $5,105. Ross B. Boardman, San Echeveste ("citizen of unknown national¬
Unirwin Installation. Built by Airover
Marino, Calif. (1945). Crashed El Paso ity") (1937). Exported to Spanish Republican (name later changed ro Vega Airplane
6/9/45. Pilot Raymond F. Darwin killed, Air Force (1937-7). Involved in Spanish
Co., a special-purpose, wholly owned
three passengera injured. Civil War. No record of disposition. manufacturing subsidiary of Lockheed
Aircraft Corp.), Burbank, Calif. (1937-
On 211 On 210 40); originally listed as c/n 1 of Airover (or
Type Orion Type Alrair Vega). Named Flying Tesr Srand; most of
Model 9D Special Model 8F resting done by pilot Bud Martin. Sold ro
Reg NR 14222 Reg X 14209, J-BAUC (Japan) FIonvard FI. Bah, Santa Monica, Calif.
Mfg 11 /34 Mfg 1934 (1940-42). Converted 9/40 under ATC

Lost single-engine Lockheed, rhe Alrair c/n 214 builr in 1937.


Memo 2-423 of 10/8/32 ro Alrair 8D, 30. Crashed West Palm Deach 1/17/30. from LAC. Established distance record for
wirh P&W Wasp C #3104; "Vega c/n 1" Pilot Hawks unhurt, two passengers in¬ women, Oakland—Louisville, Ky., 10/23/
changed ro LAC c/n 214 as of 6/19/42. jured. 31. Caught fire and damaged Louisville
California Aircraft Corp., Von Nuys 10/26/31; Miss Nichols escaped. Rebuilt
(1942). Dechtel-Pric'e-Calahan Co., Edmon¬ by Chamberlin as a "sunken-wing Vega''
C/n 619
ton, Alra. (1942-43?); Canadian reg (if (wing 14" down into fuselage), and bub¬
any) unknown. B-P-C were contractors, Type Vega ble-type hatch over cockpir. Wooden
building the Canol Project in northern Model 5 Special belly skid attached, and conventional
Canada, and assembled a motley fleer Reg NR 496M l/g made dropable. Cracked up Floyd
of older aircraft to transport men and Mfg 3/30 (Detroit) Bennett Field, N.Y., 11/4/32. Aviament
equipment from Edmonton ro Norman Eng P&W Wasp C #1472 Corp., Jersey City (1932-?). Wrecked air¬

Oil Wells. C/n 214 thought to have been ATC — craft stored, offered for sale. Eventually
among planes junked and burned when Duilr at Detroit by William S. Brock and became unfit and scrapped.
U.5. Army detachment rook over D-P-C Edward F. 5chlee, using parts in stock (ex¬
On (none)
equipment c. 1943. cept fuselage) of their Schlee-Drock Air¬
craft Corp., which was liquidating its Type XP-900, YIP-24, YP-24 (U5AAC)
assets. Fuselage supplied by LAC. Due ro Model (Pursuit plane by DAO
unexplained mixup, c/n 619 assigned ro Reg AC 32-320
C/n EX-2 Mfg 1931 (Detroit)
this fuselage and then the plane itself.
Type Air Express Sold ro William 5. Brock, Detroit (1930). Eng Curtiss Conqueror V-1570C
Model 3 Radio equipped (Station KHlLO); prd red #587, AC #30-970
Reg 7955, NR 7955, NC 7955 and cream. Flown by Brock and Schlee ATC —
Mfg 11/24/28 to new Florida-California round-trip speed Experimental 2P low-wing fighter. First
Eng P&W Wasp #984 record 6/17-18/30. Crosley Radio Corp., Army Air Corps low-wing fighter and first
ATC none Cincinnati (1930-32); named The New with fully retractable l/g. Designed by
Originally c/n 5 (q.v.). Rebuilt after acc Gncinnari; flown by Brock in nonstop DAC engineer Robert J. Woods. Metal fu¬
6/6/28; used by LAC as demonstrator. race 1930 NAR. Lent by Crosley ro Ruth selage built at Detroit attached ro
First commercial airplane to be fitted Nichols, Rye, N.Y., and prepared by Clar¬ wooden wing shipped from LAC.
wirh the newly developed NACA cowl¬ ence Chamberlin, Jersey City, for Miss Equipped with 602-hp, in-line engine,- 3-
ing. Given ATC 102 os of 1 /11 /29; prd red Nichols's record flights. Established bladed propeller,- one ,30-cal, one'.50-cal
and silver. Flown by Frank Hawks wirh women's transcontinental records 12/30, machine gun firing through propeller,
Oscar Grubb to new nonstop transconti¬ altitude record 3/6/31, speed record plus one flexible ,30-cal gun aft. Tested
nental speed record 2/4/29. Sold to The 4/13/31. Wire-braced l/g, Hamilton con¬ at Detroit; delivered to U.5. Army Air Corps,
Texas Co., N.Y.C. (1929-30),- prd red, trollable-pitch propeller installed. Prd Dayton, for evaluation 10/31. Crashed
white trim,- named Texaco 5. Flown by white and gold; renamed Crosley Radio Wright Field, Ohio, 10/19/31 (test pilot
Flawks in record solo round-trip nonstop Ship, and then Akira. Beginning transat¬ ordered to abandon plane and leave via
transcontinental flights 6/27-28/29, and lantic flight attempt, cracked up Sr. John, parachute when control lever for lower¬
on various intercity record hops. Fuselage N. B., 6/22/31; Miss Nichols hurt. Repaired ing l/g broke in flight). Total flying hours:
only c/n 91 replaced original as of 1/9/ 8/31 wirh new fuselage and stabilizer 20.

Single-Engine Lockheeds Since 1927

C/n= Constructor's number(/.e., manufacturer's serial number; cf. rhe
Individual Hisrories, Supplement A)

U.S. prefixes:
None = very early usage, or temporary

NCorC = Commercial NXorX = Experimenral

NRorR = Resrricred N = since 1948

U.S.A. NC 7954 Vega, c/n 24, NC 13976 Orion, c/n 174

later NR NC 13977 Orion, c/n 169
NR 211 Sirius, c/n 140 7955 Air Express, c/n E X 14209 Alrair, c/n 213
NC 606 Vega, c/n 56 later NR, NC NR 14222 Orion, c/n 211
NX 913 Vega, c/n 1 NC 7973 Vega, c/n 32, NC 14236 Vega, c/n 210
2779 Vega, c/n 1 later NR NC 14246 Orion, c/n 212
2788 Vega, c/n 1 X 8494 Sirius (& Alrair), < NX 18149 Alrair, c/n 214;
2804 Vega, c/n 1 165; later NR later NR
NC 2845 Vega, c/n 61 NC 8495 Vega, c/n 156 NC 19958 Vega, c/n 102
NC 2846 Vega, c/n 62 NC 8496 Vega, c/n 157 NC 48610 Vega, c/n 210
NC 2874 Vega, c/n 59 NC 8497 Vega, c/n 154 N 105D Vega, c/n 72
NC 2875 Vega, c/n 60 NC 9424 Vega, c/n 78 N 174D Vega, c/n 72
NR 3057 Air Express, c/n 75; NR 12220 Orion, c/n 177; NC 31E Vega, c/n 36
later NC later NC NC 32E Vega, c/n 33
3625 Vega, c/n 3; later X NR 33E Vega, c/n 34
NC 12221 Orion, c/n 178
X 3903 Vega, c/n 4 NC 34E Vega, c/n 35;
X 12222 Alrair (& Orion),
NC 4097 Vega, c/n 6 later X
180; later NR,
X 4769 Vega, c/n 7 NC 35 E Vega, c/n 37
NC 12223 Orion, c/n 181
4897 Air Express, c/n 5 NC 194E Vega, c/n 25
NC 12224 Orion, c/n 182 195E Vega, c/n 26
5885 Vega, c/n 8 NC
NC 12225 Orion, c/n 183 196E Vega, c/n 27
NC 6526 Vega, c/n 9
NC 12226 Orion, c/n 184 NC 197E Vega, c/n 38
NC 6911 Vega, c/n 10
NC 12227 Orion, c/n 185 198E Vega, c/n 39
NC 7044 Vega, c/n 11
NC 12228 Orion, c/n 186 NC 199E Vega, c/n 40,
7162 Vega, c/n 12;
X 12229 Orion, c/n 187; later NR
later C, NC
later NC NC 200E Vega, c/n 41
NC 7425 Vega, c/n 12D
NC 7426 Vego, c/n 14; later X 12230 Alrair, c/n 188 NC 432E Vega, c/n 48
NR X 12231 Orion, c/n 189 NC 433E Vega, c/n 49
7427 Vega, c/n 15 X 12232 Orion, c/n 190 NC 434E Vega, c/n 50
7428 Vega, c/n 16 NC 12277 Orion, c/n 192 NC 435E Vega, c/n 51
Vega, c/n 18; later NC 12278 Orion, c/n 193 NC 513E Vega, c/n 52
X 7429
NC, NR NC 12282 Vega, c/n 194; NC 514E Air Express,
X 7430 Vega, c/n 19 later NR c/n 65
X 7439 Vega, c/n 17 NC 12283 Orion, c/n 195; NC 574E Vega, c/n 57
X 7440 Vega, c/n.20; later later NR NC 623E Vega, c/n 58
NC NC 12284 Orion, c/n 196 NC 624E Vega, c/n 53
X 7441 Vega, c/n 21 NC 12285 Orion, c/n 197 NC 625E Vega, c/n 63;
NC 7805 Vega, c/n 28; -later NC 12286 Orion, c/n 198 later NR
X, NR NC 12287 Orion, c/n 199 NC 657E Vega, c/n 54
NC 7894 Vega, c/n 29 NC 12288 Vega, c/n 161 NC 658E Vega, c/n 55
7895 Vega, c/n 30 NC 13705 Vega, c/n 203 NC 857E Vega, c/n 64
NC 7896 Vega, c/n 31 NC 13747 Orion, c/n 205 NC 858E Vega, c/n 66
NC 7952 Vega, c/n 22 NC 13748 Orion, c/n 206 C 859E Vega, c/n 67
NC 7953 Vega, c/n 23 NC 13749 Orion, c/n 207 NC 868E Vega, c/n 68


NC 869E Vega, c/n 69, 118, NC 106W Vega, c/n 123 Australia
larer NP NC 107W Vega, c/n 124 VH-USD Alrair, c/n 152
NC 870E Vega, c/n 70 NP 115W Sirius, c/n 166 VH-UVK Vega, c/n 155
NC 871E Vega, c/n 71 NP 116W Sirius, c/n 150;
NC 891E Vega, c/n 73 larer NC
NC 892E Vega, c/n 74 NC 117W Sirius, c/n 151 Drazil
NC 898E Vega, c/n 72 NP 118W Sirius (6 Alrair), P-DDAH Air Express, c/n 65
NC 306H Air Express (&■ Vega), c/n 152; larer NC,
c/n 76 X 119W Sirius (& Alrair),
NC 307H Air Express, c/n 77 c/n 153; larer NP Canada
NC 308H Vega, c/n 79; NC 152W Vega, c/n 125 CF-AAL Vega, c/n 30
larer NP, X NC 160W Vega, c/n 126
NC 309H Vega, c/n 80 NC 161W Vega, c/n 127
NC 336H Vega, c/n 81 162W Vega, c/n 128
Costa Rica
TI-62 Vega, c/n 96
NC 392H Vega, c/n 84 NC 167W Sirius, c/n 167
P 393H Vega, c/n 85 NC 176W Vega, c/n 129
NC 394H Vega, c/n 87 NC 288W Vega, c/n 137
NC 395H Vega, c/n 88 X 799W Orion, c/n 208, France
NC 396H Vega, c/n 89 larer NC F-AKHC Orion, c/n 209
NC 397H Vega, c/n 82 NC 229Y Orion, c/n 200 F-AQAP Orion, c/n 205
NC 497 H Vega, c/n 135 NC 230Y Orion, c/n 201 F-AQAS Orion, c/n 183
NP 856H Explorer, c/n 2, 116 NC 231Y Orion, c/n 202 F-AQAV Orion, c/n 185
NC 974H Vega, c/n 94 NC 232Y Orion, c/n 204;
NC 975H Vega, c/n 96 larer NP
NC 504K Vega, c/n 90 NC 904Y Vega, c/n 132 Great Britain
NC 505K Vega, c/n 83 NC 905Y Vega, c/n 133 G-ABGK Vega, c/n 155
NC 522K Air Express, c/n 92 NC 926Y Vega, c/n 134; G-ADUS Alrair, c/n 152
NC 31M Vega, c/n 98 larer NP
NC 32M Vega, c/n 102 NC 934Y Vega, c/n 138
NC 46M Vega, c/n 97 NC 959Y Vega, c/n 170 Japan
NC 47M Vega, c/n 99; X 960Y Orion, c/n 168; J-BAMC Alrair, c/n 188
larer N larer NC J-BAUC Alrair, c/n 213
NC 48M Vega, c/n 100 NC 964Y Orion, c/n 169
NC 49M Vega, c/n 101 NP 965Y Vega, c/n 171,
NC 239M Vega, c/n 156 larer X, NC Mexico
NC 483M Vega, c/n 136 N 965Y Vega, c/n 40 XA-BAM Vega, c/n 80
NC 496M Vega, c/n 619 NC 972Y Vega, c/n 160 XA-BAW Vega, c/n 59
NC 534M Vega, c/n 103 NP 974Y Air Express, c/n 130; XA-BAY Orion, c/n 169
NC 536M Vega, c/n 105 larer NC XA-BDH Orion, c/n 174
NC 537M Vega, c/n 106 NC 975Y Orion, c/n 172 XA-BDO Orion, c/n 212
NC 538M Vega, c/n 107 NC 980Y Vega, c/n 191 XA-BDY Orion, c/n 204
NC 539M Vega, c/n 108; NC 984Y Orion, c/n 173 XA-BDZ Orion, c/n 202
larer NP NC 988Y Orion, c/n 174; XA-BEI Orion, c/n 169
NC 540M Vega, c/n 109 larer NP XA-BEJ Orion, c/n 173
NC 102N Vega, c/n 113 NC 991Y Orion, c/n 175 XA-BEL Orion, c/n 174
NC 105N Vega, c/n 117; NP 998Y Alrair, c/n 176 XA-BEU Orion, c/n 181
larer NP XA-BFP Vega, c/n 108
NC 106N Vega, c/n 118 XA-BFP Vega, c/n 124
N 161N Vega, c/n 41 XA-BFT Vega, c/n 50
NC 997N Vega, c/n 139 U.S. Novy XA-BFU Vega, c/n 23
NC 349V Sirius, c/n 141 9054 Alrair, c/n 179 XA-BHA Vega, c/n 62
NP 500V Vega, c/n 112 XA-BHA Orion, c/n 181
NP 12V Sirius, c/n 142 XA-BHB Vega, c/n 59
NC 13W Sirius (& Alrair), XA-BHB Orion, c/n 182
c/n 143; larer NP
U.S. Army XA-BHC Vega, c/n 90
AC. 31 -405 Vega, c/n 158
NC 14W Sirius, c/n 144 XA-BHC Orion, c/n 183
AC. 31-408 Vega, c/n 159
NC 15V Sirius (& Alrair), XA-BHD Orion, c/n 185
AC. 32-232 Alrair, c/n 165
c/n 145; larer NP XA-BHE Orion, c/n 186
AC. 32-320 XP-900, none
NC 16V Sirius, dr 146 XA-BHG Vega, c/n 9
100V A.C. 32-393 Alrair, c/n 153
NP Explore1’, c/n 147 XA-BHI Vega, c/n 103
NP 101V A.C.421-62601 Orion, c/n 208
Explorer, c/n 148 XA-BHJ Vega, c/n 61
102V Vega, c/n 119 A.C.421-94148 Vega, c/n 210
NC XA-BHK Vega, c/n 100
NC 103 V /egc c/n 120 XA-BHL Vega, c/n 71
NC 104V Vega, c/n 121 XA-BHM Vega, c/n 88 (reg
NC 105 V Vega, c/n 122; Argentina reported applie
larer NP P-48 Vega, c/n 4 XA-BIT Vega, c/n 139

XA-BKF Vega, c/n 121 XB-AHQ Orion, c/n 172 Panama

XA-BKG Vega, c/n 58 XB-KAQ Vega, c/n 96 PX-14 Vega, c/n 81
XA-BLZ Vega, c/n 109 XB-MAA Vega, c/n 72
XA-DAH Vega, c/n 125
XA-DAI Vega, c/n 102,
XA-DAM Vega, c/n 127
Nicaragua CH-167 Orion, c/n 189
XA-DAY Vega, c/n 157
AN-ABL Vego, c/n 66 CH-168 Orion, c/n 190
XA-DEB Vega, c/n 103
AN-ABP Vega, c/n 30 HB-LAH Orion, c/n 189
XA-DEC Vega, c/n 60
HB-LAJ Orion, c/n 190
XA-DOK Vega, c/n 72
XA-FAF Vega, c/n 121
XA-FAL Vega, c/n 96 Norway
XB-AAD Vega, c/n 100 N-41 Vega, c/n 04
XB-ADA Sirius, c/n 149 LN-ABD Vega, c/n 34

John Henry Mears's second City of New York, wirh 20-year-old Elinor
Smirh, ro whom ir was given. Flown by her as Mrs, ? (below, wirh
Demr Dalchen), and then acquired by Amelia Earharr.


(ATC = Approved Type Certificate; P = searing; C = closed cabin; O = open cockpit; L = landplane; S = seaplane;
WC = Wright Cyclone; DL = metal fuselage; C/n = constructor's [serial] number; L/g = landing gear)

Wing Wing
Model ATC — Date Description Engine HP Position Span
Vega 1 49 7/9/28 5PCLM WW J5 220-225 High 41'

Vega 5 90 12/1/28 5PCLM P&W Wasp B 420-450 High 41'

—Seaplane " ” 5PCSM " " >>

Vega Executive 5A " " 5PCLM ” » »

Air Express 0 102 1/11/29 5—7PCLM P&W Wasp 420-450 Parasol 42' 6"

Vega 2 140 4/29/29 5PCLM WWJ6 300 High 41'

Vega 5 169 6/28/29 6PCLM P&W Wasp C 450 High 41'

Vega 5B 227 9/9/29 7PCLM P&W Wasp C 450 High 41'

—Seaplane - 7PC5M " » »

Vega 2A 252 10/7/29 7PCLM WWJ6 300 High 41'

Sirius 8 300 3/14/30 2POLM P&W Wasp C 450 Low 42' 914"

Sirius 8A

Vega DL-1 308 4/2/30 7PCLM P&W Wasp Cl 450 High 41'

Vega DL-B

Sirius DL-2 378 10/27/30 1-2POLM P&W Wasp C 450 Low 42' 10"

Vega 5C 384 12/19/30 7PCLM P&W Wasp Cl 450 High 41'

—Seaplane " >> 7PCSM " " "

Orion 9 421 5/6/31 7PCLM P&W Wasp SC 450 Low 42' 9V2"

Orion 9B 462 2/25/32 7PCLM WC R-1820-E 575 Low 42' 9 VC"

Orion 9E 508 5/22/33 1-7PCLM P&W Wasp SCI 450 Low 42' 914"

Orion 9F 512 7/19/33 5-7PCLM WC P-1820-F2 645 Low 42' 914"

Orion 9D 514 8/31/33 1-7PCLW P&W Wasp SI D1 550 Low 42' 914"

Orion 9F-1 557 10/8/34 5-7PCLM WC SR—1820-F2 650 Low 42' 914"

Explorer 4 none (1929) 1POLM P&W Wasp 450 Low 48' 6"

Explorer 7 (special) none (1930) 1POLM P&W Wasp C 450 Low 48' 6"

Curtiss Conqueror V-
XP-900 none (1931) 2P pursuit 1570C 602 Low 42' 914"

Altair 8E none (1932) 1-4PCLM P&W Wasp SI D1 550 Low 42' 914"

Alrair 8F none (1934) 1-4PCLM P&W Wasp SI D1 550 Low 42' 914"

Altair 8G none (1937) 2 POLM Menasco Unirwin 2 @ 260 Low 42' 914"



M = monoplane; WW = Wrighr Whirlwind; P&W = Prorr & Whirney;

Empty Gross Top

Wing Weight Weight Speed Orig¬ Con¬
(sq ft) Length Height (lbs) (lbs) (mph) inals verted Remarks
275 27' 6" 8' 4V2" 1650- 2900- 135 28 — C/ns 4, 17, 29, 30, 34, 40, 41 os seaplanes
1875 3470

275 27' 6" 8' 4V2" 2492 4033 165 36 2 C/ns 38, 56, 58 converted, w/cowl 180-185 mph
" » 2977 4698 157 W/cowl 172 mph
— 5
” 2492 4670 9 W/cowl 175 mph
165 —

288 27' 6" 8' 41/2" 2533 4375 167 7 1 Open pilot's cockpit; w/cowl 176 mph; c/n 130 con¬

275 27' 6" 8' 6" 2140 3853 160 5 1 C/n 57 as seaplane; c/n 30 converted

275 27' 6" 8' 6" 2465 4033 180 — 2 P increased; c/ns 78, 82

275 27' 6" 8' 6" 2490 4265 165 29 3 P increased; w/cowl 180 mph
" " « 2925 4750 157 — 2 C/ns 119, 120 w/Edo K floors,- w/cowl 172 mph

275 27' 6" 8' 6" 2305 4220 160 1 — P increased; c/n 83

294.1 27' 6" 9' 3" 2974 4600 173 5 — 2° dihedral; c/ns 140, 141, 142, 144, 149
27' 10" ><
3056 " «> 8 — Larger fin & rudder,- c/n 153 first fully rerracrable l/g

275 27' 6" 8' 2" 2563 4270 178 4 — By Derroir, Duralumin fuselage
« - " " » 3 1 Wire-braced l/g, c/n 135 converted

294.1 28' 6" 9' 2" 2958 5200 175 1 — C/n 165, by Derroir

279 28' 6" 9' 2" 2565 4500 185 6 24 Larger rail
" ” » 3153 4880 175 — 3 C/ns 55, 99, 101

294.1 27' 6" 9' 8" 3420 5400 227 14 1 2° & 3° dihedral; c/n 201 converted

294.1 28'11" 9' 8" 3570 5400 195 2 — 3° dihedral; c/ns 189, 190

294.1 27' 6" 9' 8" 3860 5600 228 2 1 C/ns 193, 195; c/n 192 converred

294.1 27'11" 9' 8" 3708 5400 242 1 — C/n 196

294.1 28' 4" 9' 8" 3640 5800 226 10 — Wing flaps,- longer nose

294.1 28' i y2" 9' 5" 4100 5800 235 1 — C/n 212

310 27' 6" 8' 2" 3075 9008 165 2 — C/ns 2, 116

313 27' 6" 8' 2" '3075 9008 165 2 — 2° dihedral; c/ns 147, 148

292 28' 9" 8' 6" 3010 4360 214 1 — U5AAC YP-24 (no c/n)

294.1 28'11" 9' 3" 3550 5800 220 1 — C/n 188; randem cockpits & cargo-or-P cabin

294.1 28' 11" 9' 3" 3650 5800 221 1 — C/n 213; randem cockpits & cargo-or-P cabin

294.1 28'11" 9' 3" — — — 1 — C/n 214 Flying Tesr5rand


SUPPLEMENT C (Continued)


ATC = Approved Type Certificate,- P = searing; C = closed cabin,- O = open cockpit; L = landplane; S = seaplane,-
WC = Wright Cyclone,- DL = metal fuselage,- On = constructor's [serial] number, L/g = landing gear)

Wing Wing
Model ATC — Date Description Engine HP Position Span
Vega (unossigned) none (1928) 2PCLM P&W Horner 515 High 41'

Vega 5 Special none (1930) 1-2PCLM P&W Wasp C 450 High 41'

Vega Special 2-256 8/13/30 3-5PCLM P&W Wasp C 420 High 41'

—Seaplane » 3-5PCSM " " " -

Vega 5D (modified) 2-274 9/29/30 7PCLM P&W Wasp 420 High 41'

Vega 5A Special 2-284 10/10/30 5PCLM P&W Wasp 450 High 41'

Vega DL-1 Special 2-316 1/3/31 5PCLM P&W Wasp Cl 420 High 41'

Vega DL-1 D Special none (1930) 1PCLM P&W Wasp CIV-1340-17 600 High 41'

Orion 9 2-367 1/17/31 3-5PCLM P&W Wasp C 450 Low 42' 91//

Vega 5C Special none (1931) 1-2PCLM P&W Wasp 450 High 41'

Sirius 8 Special none (1931) 2POSM WC SIT-1820-F2 650 Low 42' 9 Vi"

Air Express Special none (1931) 1POLM P&W Wasp 450 Parasol 42' 6"

Sirius 8C 2-374 8/10/31 4PCLM P&W Wasp C 450 Low 42' 9 Vi"

Alrair (unossigned) none (1931) 2POLM P&W Wasp 450 Low 42' 9 Vi"

Alrair Special none (1931) 2 POLM WC P-1820-F2 645 Low 42' 9Vi"

Vega 2D 2-377 8/21/31 5PCL/SM P&W Wasp Jr 300 High 41'

Vega 5C 2-385 9/22/31 3PCL/SM P&W Wasp 420 High 41'

Alrair DL-2A 2-386 10/17/31 2POLM P&W Wasp E 450 Low 42' 9 Vi"

Alrair DL-2A none (1931) 2 POLM WC 645 Low 42' 9Vi"

Orion 9A Special 2-397 1/16/32 5PCLM P&W Wasp C 450 Low 42' 9 Vi"

Sirius 8 Special 2-400 2/4/32 2 POLM P&W Wasp 450 Low 42' 9 Vi"

Orion 9C Special 2-416 7/11/32 3PCLM WC SR—1820-F2 650 Low 42' 9 Vi"

Alrair 8D 2-423 10/8/32 2POLM P&W Wasp SCI 450 Low 42' 9 Va"

Vega 1 Special 2-427 11/9/32 7 PCLM Packard Diesel P-980 225 High 41'

Orion 9 Special none (1932) 1 PCLM P&W Wasp 450 Low 42' 9 Vi"

Vega 5C Special none (1933) 7 PCLM P&W Wasp SCI 450 High 41'

Vega DL-1 D Special 2-448 5/29/33 7 PCLM P&W Wasp SCI 450 High 41'

Orion 9D-1 2-464 12/1/33 5-7PCLM P&W Wasp SI D1 550 Low 42' 9Vi"
Orion 9D-2 2-488 9/11/34 5 PCLM P&W Wasp SI D1 550 Low 42' 9 Vi"

Orion 9D Special none (1934) 1 PCLM P&W Wasp SI D1 550 Low 42' 9 Vi"
Orion-Explorer (special) none (1935) 2PCL/SM P&W Wasp S3H1 550 Low 48' 6"


M = monoplane, WW = Wright Whirlwind; P&W = Pratt & Whitney;

Empty Gross Top

Wing Weight Weight Speed Orig¬ Con¬
(sq ft) Length Height (lbs) (lbs) (mph) inals verted Remarks
275 27' 6" 8' 4Vs" — — — 1 — C/n 19, Thaw racer

275 27' 6" 8' 6" — — — 1 — C/n 619, built by Schlee-Brock

275 27' 6" 8' 2" 2842 4750 185 1 — C/n 102 Derroir News
" " " 3245 4750 157 ■— 1 C/n 102 w/APCD 9500 floats

275 27' 6" 8' 6" — — — — 1 C/n 101; baggage compr sealed off

275 27' 6" 8' 6" 2492 4217 — — 1 C/n 80 Executive; added equipment

275 27' 6" 8' 2" 2563 — — 1 — C/n 155, Kidston

275 27' 6" 8' 2" — — 221 1 — C/n 159, Army Y1C-17; extra sreamlined

294.1 27' 1" 9' 8" 3420 — — — 2 Passenger P restored; c/ns 173, 174

275 27' 6" 8' 2" — — — 1 — C/n 171; Hi-Speed l/g

294.1 27' 1" 9' 3" 4289 7099 185 — 1 C/n 140, Lindbergh; Edo floats

288 27' 6" 8' 6" — — — 1 — C/n 130, Ingalls; wire & regular l/g

2941 27' 6" 9' 3" 3354 4600 175 1 1 C/n 150; c/n 167 converted; Sport Cabin

294.1 27' 10" 9' 3" 3000 4600 224 — 2 C/ns 145, 153 from Sirius 8A

294.1 28'11" 9' 3" — — — 1 — C/n 176, Macfadden

275 27' 6" 8' 2" 2405 3600 162 — 3 Engine change; c/ns 38, 40, 58

275 27' 6" 8' 2" — -— — — 1 P change; c/n 55

294.1 27' 6" 9' 6" 3310 5200 204 1 1 C/n 180; c/n 165 converted

294.1 27' 6" 9' 6" — — — 1 — C/n 179, Navy XPO—1

294.1 28' 9' 8" 3445 5410 227 1 — 3° dihedral, longer nose; c/n 187

294.1 27' 6" 9' 3" -— 5200 — — 1 C/n 152, Fleming

294.1 27' 6" 9' 8" 3440 5824 200 — 1 C/n 180 Shellighming

294.1 27' 1" 9' 3" 3000 4600 227 — 3 2° dihedral; c/ns 143, 152 (Kingsford-Smith), 214

275 27' 6" 8' 2" — — — — 1 C/n 14, Chamberlin

294.1 27' 6" 9' 8" — — — 1 — C/n 192, TWA cargo carrier

275 28' 6" 9' 2" ' — — — 1 — C/n 194, Continental Oil

275 27' 6" 8' 2" • — — — 1 — C/n 161, assembled by Von Hahe

294.1 28' 4" 9' 8" 3640 5400 226 1 — C/n 204; wing flaps

294.1 28'11" 9' 8" 4182 5800 226 1 — C/n 208; phoro/radio ship; later USAAF UC-85

294.1 28' 4" 9' 8" — — — 1 — C/n 211, Ingalls racer Auro-da-Fe

310 27' 6" 9' 8" — — — — 1 C/n 195, Post; fixed l/g, also on floats


(Compiled from Federal Aviorion Agency and Lockheed records)

Of rhe 217 accountable constructor's numbers in the series (cf. Supplemenr

A for dossiers of c/ns 1-214, plus special c/ns EX-2 and 619, and rhe XP-
900 wirh no c/n), 198 individuals were completed and flown.

Duilt Type Model (General) Individuals

110 Vega — Many variations of landing gear (see ° b c below), rails, searing, doors, etc.
9 Vega Executive C/ns 72, 79, 80, 88, 89, 96, 107, 108, 132
10 Vega DL (metal fuselage) C/ns 135S 136S 137S 154s 155, 156, 157, 158, 159S 161b
8 Air Express -- C/ns 5, EX-2, 65, 75, 76, 77, 92, 130c (c/n 76 converted to Vega)
4 Explorer — C/ns 2, 116, 147, 148
14 Sirius — C/ns 140°, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 166, 167
(c/ns 143, 145, 152, 153 converted to Alrair)
1 Sirius DL (metal fuselage) C/n 165 (converted to Alrair)
4 Alrair — C/ns 176, 188, 213, 214 (c/n 214 originally wirh Menasco Unirwin installation)
2 Alrair DL (metal fuselage) C/ns 179, 180 (c/n 180 converted to Orion)
1 XP-900 Army pursuit plane No c/n; USAACs YP-24
(metal fuselage)
35 Orion Many variations of cabin, rails, fairings, etc. (c/n 195 converted to Orion-Explorer°)

198 = Total
Duilt Remarks Individuals
6 Never fully assembled, or used as replacements; regisrra C/ns 104, 110, 111, 114, 115, 131
rions canceled
10 Used as Fuselage Only replacements; registrations either C/ns 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 86, 91, 93, 95
never assigned or canceled
3 C/ns never assigned C/ns 162, 163, 164

19 = Total Not Duilt

b Known to have flown on skis: c/ns 4, 17, 30, 34, 60, 64,
102, 161.
Known to have flown as seaplanes: c/ns 4, 17, 25, 29, 30, 34, 40,
c Known to have flown wirh wire-braced landing gear
41, 48, 54, 55, 57, 81, 94, 99, 101, 102, 119, 120, 140, 195.
c/ns 9, 73, 99, 130, 135, 136, 137, 154, 159, 171, 619.



(Cf speeds, ere, in Supplemenr C)

Normal range varied from 700 to 1,000 miles in Vegas. With climbers, 1,200 fpm. Tops was rhe XP-900 (rhe Army pursuit
added fuel capacity, range could be extended to as much as plane), v/hich could make 1,820 fpm.
5,500 miles in an Explorer.
Service ceiling averaged our at about 22,000 feet for rhe
Landing speed varied from 50 mph for a Vega wirh rhe low- entire single-engine series. Normal ceilings ranged from 15,000
powered Wright Whirlwind engine to 60-65 mph for a cowled feet for rhe early Vegas to 25,900 for rhe Alrair. Colonel Lind¬
and panted Vega equipped wirh a Pratt & Whitney Wasp. The bergh's Sirius had a ceiling of 26,100.
Orion and Alrair landed faster 65-70 mph—bur this was cur
Seaplanes. Vegas on floats wirh a normal load of around
to about 58 mph wirh rhe introduction of wing flaps.
1,500 pounds took off in 15 seconds, wirh o light load were
Rate of climb varied from 1,300 feet per minute for a regular airborne in 12 seconds. Landing speed varied between 50-60
cowled and panted 7-place Vega to 1,480 fpm for rhe last mph. Normal cruising range was 650 miles,- cruising speed was
Orion produced (1934). The Sirius and Explorer were slower about 130 mph.



Single-Engine Lockheeds Since 1928-34
In 1929 srondard equipment on all models was: electric self¬ dome, and cabin lights; combination hand-electric inertia
starter; Standard steel propeller,- cabin heaters, Bendix brakes,- starter,- magnetic compass,- bank and turn, air speed, and rare
magnetic compass,- tachometer,- olrimeter; air speed indicator- of climb indicators; rachomerer; altimeter,- clock; oil pressure
bank and turn indicator; oil pressure gauge; 8-day clock; auto¬ and temperature gauges,- indirect instrument lighting. Tail
matic fire extinguisher,- navigation, dash, and cabin lights,- First wheel or skid optional. Bonded for radio.
Aid kit.
Gasoline capacity could be varied from 100 gallons in stan¬
Vega Executive standard extra equipment included: a folding dard ranks to 900 gallons for a long-range Explorer.
desk; a new Corona typewriter; sears convertible to a lounge,-
Oil capacity was ordinarily 10 gallons, bur again could be
lavatory, chemical toilet; extra baggage compartment.
arranged as high as 44 gallons for the Explorer.
In 1901 standard equipment far the Orion was: NACA cowling,
Color. In 1930 was optional if 8 weeks allowed for delivery.
and cylinder baffles,- Lockheed retractable landing gear with
Special upholstery $200 extra,- special lettering and/or designs
oleo shock units,- Goodrich semiballoon tires and brakes; Ham¬
ilton-Standard propeller; landing lights; two parachute flares;
automatic pressure fire extinguisher; cabin hearer,- navigation,
(Prices flyaway Burbank, Calif.)
Type 1926 1929 1900 1931 1904 Remarks
Vega (Wright Whirlwind) $13,500 $14,750 $14,985 — — —

Vega (P&W Wasp) $20,000 $18,900 $18,985 $19,000 $20,000 1930-31 with cowl & pants;
1934 Model 5C with cowl
Vega Executive (Wasp) — $19,250 $19,985 $20,000 — 1930-31 with cowl & pants
DL Vega (metal) (Wasp) — — $21,985 $22,000 — With NACA cowl
Air Express (Wasp) $21,000 $21,250 $19,885 $20,000 — With NACA cowl
Sirius (Wasp) — $18,500 $18,98.5 $19,000 — With cowl & pants
Orion (Wasp) — — — $25,000 $20,000 1934 Model 9D
Alrair (Wasp) — — — — $25,000 1934 Model 8E



Single-Engine Lockheeds 1927—37
Type 1927 1928 1929 1900 1931 1932 1900 1934 1907 Originals Conversions Final
Vega 2 29 60 29 4 1 3 1 — 129 1 from Air Express 130

Air Express — 2 5 — 1 — — — — 8 1 to Vega 7

Explorer — — 2 2 — — — — — 4 — 4

Sirius — — 1 14 — — — — — 15 5 to Alrair 10

Alrair — — — — 3 1 — 1 1 6 1 to Orion 10
5 from Sirius

Orion — — — — 17 1 13 4 — 35 1 from Alrair 36

XP-900 — — — — 1 — — — — 1 — 1

Total 2 31 68 45° 26b 3C 16d 6 1 198 7 198

By Lockheed Aircraft Corp. (LAC) 183 b Includes 1 Vega assembled by Wedell-Williams, Patterson, La.;
By Detroit Aircrafr Corp. (DAO 11 2 DL Alrairs completed by LAC; XP-900 built by DAC.
Assembled by others _4 c Includes 1 Vega assembled under direction of Firman Gray,
198 Burbank, Calif.

° Includes 9 DL (metal) Vegas & 1 DL Sirius by DAC; 1 Vega d Includes 1 DL Vega assembled under direction of Richard A.
assembled by Schlee-Brock, Detroit. Von Hake, Burbank.




Event Year Plane Notes

First rrans-Arcric flight (Alaska-Spifzbergen) 1928 Vega c/n 4

First nonstop flight Los Angeles-New York 1928 Vega c/n 7, Yankee Doodle

First to fly coast to coast in under 24 hours 1928 Vega " " "

First to fly nonstop coast to coast each way 1928 Vega " " "

First to carry a passenger nonstop coast to coast each way 1928 Vega " " "

First to fly from and over Antarctica 1928 Vega c/n 4

First airplane from which new land was discovered 1928 Vega c/n 4, over Antarctica

First commercial airplane to be fitted with NACA cowling 1929 Air Express c/n EX-2

First nonstop flight Stateside to Alaska (Seartle-Juneau) 1929 Vega c/n 48, Juneau

First solo nonstop transcontinental east-west flight (New York— 1929 Air Express c/n EX-2, Texaco 5
Los Angeles)

First solo nonstop transcontinental west-east flight (Los Angeles- 1929 Air Express
New York)

First solo one-stop round-trip transcontinental flight (New York— 1929 Air Express
Los Angeles-New York)

First nonstop flight New York—Mexico City 1930 Sirius c/n 149, Anahuac

First nonstop flight New York—Canal Zone 1930 Explorer c/n 148, Blue Flash

First commercial transport equipped with fully retractable land¬ 1931 Orion c/n 168
ing gear

First commercial airplane to make a record flight around the 1931 Vega c/n 122, Winnie Mae

Wilkins and Eielson prepare for rheir hisroric first flight over Antarc¬


Event Year Plane Notes

First flight U.SA-Hungary 1931 Sirius c/n 166, Justice for Hungary
First American commercial transport sold to foreign airline 1931 Orion c/n 189, ro Swissair
First ro fly over rhree oceans’ 1931-33 Sirius c/n 140, Lindberghs' N. Pacific,
N, & 5. Atlantic surveys

First U.5. military low-wing aircraft wirh fully retractable landing 1931 Altairs c/n 153, USAAC; c/n 179, U5N

First U.5. Army low-wing pursuit plane 1931 XP-900 c/n none, USAAC YP-24

First nonstop flight Montreal-Flavana 1931 Alrair c/n 176, The Gold Eagle

First woman's solo flight across the Atlantic 1932 Vega c/n 22

First woman's solo nonstop transcontinental west-east flight 1932 Vega "

First nonstop flight New York—Norway 1933 Vega c/n 118, Cenrury of Progress

First nonstop flight New York—Berlin 1933 Vega c/n 122, Winnie Mae

First solo flight around the world 1933 Vega " "

First flight Australia-Oakland 1934 Alrair c/n 152, Lady Sourhern Cross

First woman's solo flight Flonolulu-Oakland 1935 Vega c/n 171

First nonstop flight Mexico City-New York 1935 Vega "

First woman's solo nonstop transcontinental east-west flight 1935 Orion c/n 211, Auro-da-Fe

First flight Tokyo-Manila and return 1935 Alrair c/n 188

First flight Cuba-Spain via South Atlantic 1936 Sirius c/n 146, 4 de Septiembre


The Atmosphere and Heavenly Oodles City of Tacoma c/n 2

Aksarben Comer c/n 76 Crystal dry c/n 117
Aquarius c/n 49 Fort Worth c/n 18
Arcrurus c/n 26 Juneau c/n 48
Libra c/n 50 Justice for Hungary c/n 166
Sirius c/n 24 Liruanica II c/n 104
West Wind c/n 181 Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A. c/n 152
South Wind c/n 182 The New Cincinnati c/n 619
North Wind c/n 180
East Wind c/n 184 People
Winter Wind c/n 185 Doctor Brinkley III c/n 196
Coast Wind c/n 186 Elizabeth Lind c/n 40
Raymond Robins c/n 92
Beasts, Birds, and Bugs Sheridan of Oklahoma c/n 204
Early Bird c/n 208 Winnie Mae of Oklahoma c/ns 24, 122, 100
Golden Eogle c/n 1
Gold Eagle c/n 176 Products
Black Horner c/n 75 MorelI's Pride II (Ham) c/n 161
Gilmore Lion c/n 75 Prest-O-Lite II (Batteries) c/n 170
Shellighrning (Petroleum) c/n 180
Honoring Countries and Cities Texaco 5 (Petroleum) c/n EX-2
Anohuac c/n 149 The General Tire (Rubber) c/n 75
dry of New York c/n 112 True Story (Magazine) c/n 19

Roscoe Turner named his plane for his mascor and occasional


Other Languages The Crusader c/n 145

The Spirit of Fun c/n 187
Akira (American Indign) c/n 619
The Tester c/n 18
Auro-da-Fe (Portuguese) c/n 211
The Viking c/n 40
4 de Sepriembre (Cuban) c/n 146
Yankee Doodle c/ns 7, 148
Tingmissarroq (Eskimo) c/n 140
Qarrtsiluni (Eskimo) c/n 04
Moraco (Portuguese) c/n 65 And, of Course-The Ladies!
Marajo (Portuguese) c/n 77 Lady Southern Cross c/n 152
Miss Liberty c/n 176
Fanciful Names Miss McAleer c/n 102
Ariel c/n 108 Miss Patsy c/n 11
Blue Flash c/n 148 Miss Silvertown c/n 79
Century of Progress c/n 118 Miss Stratosphere c/n 140
Nugger c/n 99 Miss Streamline c/ns 108, 156
Puck c/n 155 Miss Teaneck c/n 14
The Blue Streak c/n 80 Mrs. ? c/n 171
The Cherokee c/n 120

Norrh Wind in a publicity phoro with its own collection of heavenly


Numbers in italics indicate illustrations. Ammel, Boy W., 95-96, 96, 177 Bromley, A, Harold, 65-68, 66, 69, 76,
C/n references are to dossiers of individu¬ Anahuac (Sirius c/n 149), 94, 95, 156 95, 109
als in Single-Engine Lockheed series, Sup¬ Anderson, Lloyd, 109, 140 Brown, Henry J., 46, 47, 47, 75, 166
plement A. Angel, Jimmy, 106 Brown, Bay W., 166, 166
Antique Airplane Association, 179 Bryde G Dahl, 27
Aerovfas Centrales, S.A, 126, 141 Anzoc (Alrair c/n 152), 70, 70 Buffelen, John, 65, 66
Air Associates, Inc., 40, 47 see also Lady Southern Cross
Air Express, 29, 32, 33, 47, 107, 111, Ariel (Vega), 102, 170 Canadian Airways, 127, 105, 106
112, 116 Arrowhead International Airlines, 124, Canadian-American Airlines, 40, 124,
airliners, 111-112, 107, 166, 217 107 125, 136, 107
engines, 01, 00-04 Asohi Shimbun (newspaper), 65, 68, 69, Candler, Asa, 49, 172
first (c/n 5), 01, 111-112 108 Cantwell, Bobert W., 45, 45, 110, 115
flights, notable, see Gilmore Lion, The, Auro-da-Fe (Orion c/n 211), 51, 51, 52, Carman, Joseph L., 115
Ingalls, Laura; Texaco 5 107, 108, 156 Carol, King of Bomania, 128, 129
last, 106-107 Carhcart-Jones, Owen, 100, 100, 101
prototype (rebuilt c/n EX-2); 01 -02 Dabb, Charles H„ 140, 158, 174, 176— Carlin, Hugh W. (Ben), 68
racers, see Black Horner, The; General 177 C.A.T. Line, see Corp. Aeronautica de
Tire, The Dalchen, Dernt, 56, 75 Transportes, S.A.
Air Express Corp., 112, 120, 124, 108 Barry, Gordons., 109, 140, 143, 144 Central Airlines, 121, 124, 129, 102, 220
Airwheels (Goodyear), 89, 148, 161 see also Lfneas Aereas Mineras, S.A. Century of Progress (I, Vega c/n 69), 79,
Akira (Vega c/n 619), 54, 55, 55, 91 Barry, Judith M., 143, 144 80, 80, 81
see also New Cincinnati, The Bellanc, 120 Century of Progress (II, Vega c/n 118),
Alaska Air Express, 124, 100 Bellande, Edward A., 14-15, 15, 112 80, 81, 81, 82, 160
Alaska Air Transport, 124, 100 Bendix Race, 49-51, 52, 108, 122, 169, Chamberlin, Clarence D., 50-55, 56, 89,
Alaska Coastal Airlines, 124, 125, 100 172 90, 91, 157, 176, 177
Alaska Southern Airways, 124, 102 Bennett, Donald, 101 Cheesman, Al, 26, 27
Alaska-Washingron Airways, 115-116, Bevins, O. IX, 00 Ga. Aeronautica Francisco Sarabia, S.A.
124, 102-100 Bez, Nick, 102 (CAFSSA), 127, 142-140
Alco Hydro-Aeroplane Co., 198 Black Horner, The (Air Express c/n 75), Cia. de Transportes Aereos, 140
see also Model G 04, 07, 87 dry of New York (I, Vega c/n 112), 74,
Aldrin, Edwin E., 162, 162, 160 Blevins, Beeler, 49, 50, 172 75, 75-76, 257
Alrair, 50, 69, 70, 102, 108, 149, 150, Blue Flash (Explorer c/n 148), 95-96, City of Tacoma (I, II, III, Explorers c/n's 2,
177 100, 177 116, 147), 66-68, 67, 87, 109
Army, U.S., seeYIC-20; Y1C-25 Blue Streak, The (Vega), 142, 170 Collins, Jimmy, 40, 41, 176
engines, 49, 152, 154 Blumenthal, H. Walter, 41, 176 Collyer, Charles B. D., 01, 74, 75
first, 49, 148 Boeing 247, 120 Commercial Airways, Ltd., 126, 105, 106
flights, notable, see Crusader, The; Boggs, G. Bay, 10, 05, 117 Continental Air Express, 114, 124
Fuse, Tokushi; Gold Eagle, The; Lady Bowen Air Lines, 119-121, 124 Continental Air Lines, 124, 126, 128,
Southern Cross; Miss Liberty; Okura, Braniff, Paul, 120, 121, 109 129, 129, 161, 169, 212
Seizan Braniff, Thomas E., 120, 121 Continental Airways, 49, 122, 122, 124
landing gear, retractable, 49, 101, Braniff Airways, 120-122, 124, 102, Continental Oil Co., 161, 172
148 161, 220 Corp. Aeronautica de Transportes, S.A.
meral fuselage, 52, 129, 154, 164 Breese, Vance, 75, 120, 148 (CAT. Line), 67, 126, 109-140,
Navy, U.S., see XBO-1 Brinkley, John f\, 155, 156, 170-174, 140 156
racer, 49, 149 173 Costa, Joseph, 109-110, 109, 160
American Airlines, 110, 125, 127 Brock, William S„ 09-41, 40, 48, 49, 50, Cramer, Parker D. "Short/," 26
American Airways, 115, 118, 119, 120, 106, 166 Crocker, Harrison G., 151-150
121, 124, 100 see also Schlee-Brock Aircraft Corp. Cromwell Air Lines, 79, 118, 124


Crosley Radio Corp., 41,48, 53, 89 Wright Whirlwind, 14, 17, 21, 28, 49, see also Vega, first
Crosson, Joe, 23, 24, 25, 26, 132-133, 87, 113, 136, 161, 162 Goodrich, B. F. Co., 33, 45, 165
178 Experimental Aircraft Assn., 180 Gray, Firman, 35, 148
Crusader, The (Alrair c/n 145), 49, 96- Explorer, 67 Griffin, Bennett, 16, 79-80, 80, 161
97 engines, see Supplement C Grubb, Oscar E., 32-33
Crystal Clry (Vega c/n 117), 109-110, first, 2, 20, 23, 66
163 flight, notable, see Blue Flash Haizlip, James, 115, 164, 166
Curriss HS2L (Loughead), 6, 6, 8 flight, Pacific, attempted, see City of Hall, F. C„ 48, 51, 76, 83, 115, 117, 118,
Czechoslovak Aircraft Works, 157 Tacoma 155, 171
last, 95 Hall, James Goodwin, 49, 50, 96, 97
second, 66 Hall, Norman 5., 6, 118
Davison, F. Trubee, 148, 149
third, 67 Halliburton, Erie P., 44-45, 45, 68, 113-
De-icers, 165, 165, 166
wing, distinctive, 66 114, 114, 171
Delra Air Lines, 118
Hanford Airlines, 122, 124, 125, 127,
Derroir Aircraft Corp. (Derroir-Lockheed),
Fahy, Herbert J., 29 33-34, 47, 67, 86- 132
35, 198
87, <37, 94, 176 Harmon Award, 23, 107
Derroir News (Vega c/n 102), 132, 170-
Fates, Herbert G., ii, 172 Hawks, Frank M., 2, 31-33, 33, 41, 107,
171, 170, 22Q
Fecher, James E., 146, 148, 149 112, 117, 147, 161
Detrayat, Michel, 101, 155
Federal Aviation Administation, xi Headle, Marshall, 36, 113, 146, 148,
Dickson, James B., 98-99, 99
Federation Aeronautique Internationale 154
Doctor Brinkley III'(Orion c/n 196), 156,
(FAD, 87, 91 Hearst, George, Jr., 14, 16, 17
Fierro, Roberto, 94-95, 95, 156 Hills, G. W„ 100
Dole Race, 14-18, 20, 30, 95
Flighrs, notable, see Supplement H Hughes, Howard, 28, 174
Doolittle, James H., 49, 50, 51, 129, 163,
Flights, record: Hull, BerrE, 161
164, 165, 166, 169
altitude, see Nichols, Ruth; Post, Wiley Hull, Theodore T., 139, 140, 140, 145
Duralumin fuselage, 166, 224
endurance, see Fahy, Herbert J. Hunter, Ben S„ 12, 13, 31, 35, 117, 198
Duranr, Margery, 173, 174
speed, see Earharr, Amelia; Nichols, Hutchinson, George R., 69
Ruth; Shoenhair, Leland F. Hybrid Orion-Explorer (c/n 195 rebuild),
Eaker, Ira C, 49, 50, 147-149, 152 "Flying Furnace," 90, 91 130, 177-178, 178
Earharr, Amelia, 2, 48, 56, 57, 64, 71, F-1 (Loughead flying boar), 3, 6, 6, 7, 7,
110 169, 176, 179, 198, 212, 237 8, 8, 9 Independent Oil & Gas Co., 115, 159,
Atlantic solo flight, 55-57, 107 F-1 A (Loughead landplane), 6, 7, 7 8 161, 179
Mexico City round-trip flight, 101-102 Ford Museum, 28, 169, 212 Ingalls, Laura, 51-52, 52, 101, 106-
Pacific solo flight, 71-72 Eon Wonh, 65, 68 108, 107, 110, 155, Mb, 210
races, 47-48, 51, 52 4 de Septiembre (Sirius c/n 146), 109, International Airways, 113, 124
speed records, 88-89 109 International Nickel Company, ii
Early Bird (Orion c/n 208), 157, 170— Fowlie, Danny, 158 Invalid Coach, 167, 167
171, 171 Franklin Institute, 64
Eastern Air Transport, 119, 123 Fritz, Lawrence G„ 86, 112, 114, 129 Jameson, David, 179-180
Eckmann, Anscel C., 115 Frost, John W„ 14, 15, 16, 17, 17, 18 Jay, Ken, 15, 198
Eielson, Carl Ben, 20, 21, 22-23, 27, Fuller, W. P., 176 Jefford, Jack, 133
113 Fuse, Tokushi, 108 Jensen, Martin, 16, 17, 18
Elizabeth Lind (Vega c/n 40), 169, 212 Johnson, Harold 5., 49, 50, 122
Ellis, Robert E., 115, 163 Garty, Harold, 55, 76-78, 77, 117 Jones, Harold 5., 68, 79
Endres, George, 60-61, 60 General Electric Co., 179 Juneau (Vega c/n 48), 115, 116, 116
Engines: General Tire, The (Air Express c/n 75), Justice for Hungary (Sirius c/n 166), 60-
Curriss Conqueror, 150 46, 47, 166 62, 60
Curriss V-8, 4, 5 General Tire & Rubber Co., 34, 37, 46,
Guiberson diesel, 69 75 Keeler, Fred E, 12, 13, 26, 34-35, 143,
Hispano-Suiza, 101 Gerschler, James, 35, 148, 201 198
Loughead-Sradlman, 10, 10 Gilmore (lion), 37-39, 38, 48, 49, 117 Kelly, Marie, 30
Packard diesel, 90 Gilmore Lion, The (Air Express c/n, 75), Kidsron, Glen, 99-100, 100
Pratt & Whitney Horner, 34, 43, 166 38-39, 39 Kimball, James, 61
Pratt & Whitney Wasp, 30, 31, 35, 43, Goebel, Arthur C., 16, 17, 30, 30, 31, 43, Kingsford-Smirh, Charles, 2, 69-71, 71,
54, 62, 76, 84, 89, 100, 108, 110, 45, 48, 49, 50 51, 86, 95, 96, 161 101, 110
124, 131, 132, 133, 162 Gold Eagle, The (Alrair c/n 176), 57, 58,
trimoror, 157 97 Lady Southern Cross (Alrair c/n 152), 69,
Wright Cyclone, 49, 52, 57, 103, 105, Golden Eagle (Vega c/n 1), 15, 16, 17, 70, 70, 71, 101, 102
137, 154, 156 18, 19, 20, 21, 29-30, 58 LaJorre, Charles, 173

Lambert, Stafford L. "Casey," 174, 175, ■ MacRobertson Pace, 69, 91, 100-101, Nichols, Ruth, 54, 56, 90, 91, 101, 176
176 129, 155 record, distance, 90
Landing flaps, 10, 70, 107, 101 Maddux Air Lines, 112-113, 113, 123, records, altitude, 89-91
Landing gear, 19, 23, 24, 27, 28, 46, 124 records, speed, 89
102, 116, 134, 135, 146, 147, 178 Magyar, Alexander, 59-62, 60 transatlantic attempt, 53-55
Airwheels (Goodyear), 89, 148, 161 Mainichl Shimbun (newspaper), 108 Nikrent, Joe, 88, 89
belly skid, 66, 91, 92, 93 Malraux, Andre, 155 Northrop, John K, 6, 6, 10, 12-16, 15,
dropable, 16, 66, 92, 93 Mantz, A. Paul, 52, 71, 71, 140, 157, 20, 23, 26, 31, 111-112, 198, 199,
floors, 23, 24, 104, 138, 178, see also 168, 169, 169, 170 201
Supplements COD Marshall, Don, 158 Northwest Airways, 126, 131, 132, 135
retractable, 2, 49, 101, 119, 129, 146, Mattern, James J., 68, 79-83, 80, 81, Nugget (Vega c/n 99), 133, 134
148, 152, 157, 200; see also 83, 98, 118, 163
Supplements C & H May, Wilfred R. "Wop,” 135-136 O'Brien, John, 117, 139
Skis, 21, 22, 25, 28, 135, 136, 137; Mears, John Henry, 74-75, 75, 148, 237 Okura, Seizan, 108
see also Supplement D Menendez, Antonio, 109, 109 Orion, 52, 101, 120, 121, 122, 128, 131,
wheel pants, 34, 46, 89, 92, 162-163 Mid-Continent Airlines, 121-122, 124 132, 138, 141, 155, 156, 158, 172,
wire-braced (speed), 76, 89, 106, Miller, H. C„ 101 178
123, 147; see also Supplement D Miller, Ward, 46-47 airliners, 49, 119-123, 128-131,
Law, Bernard A., 139, 140 Mirow Air Service, 133 137-138, 141
Lindbergh, Anne Morrow, 35, 36, 37, 38, Miss Liberty (Altair c/n 176), 53, 58-59 design influence of, 157
103, 103, 104-106 Miss McAleer (Vega), 132, 166 engines, 52, 101, 107, 131, 174
Lindbergh, Charles A., 2, 15, 38, 103, Miss SiIverrown (Vega c/n 79), 33, 42, existing, 52, 169
111, 112, 129, 164, 198 45, 48, 86, 88, 165, 165, 166 first, 119-120
advisor to Pan American, Miss Stratosphere (Altair c/n 143), 109, flights, notable, see Auto-da-Fe,-
Transcontinental & Western Air, 103 157, 176, 177 Shellightning; Spirit of Fun, The,-
record, transcontinental, 36 Miss Streamline (Vega c/n 108), 142, Swissair
Sirius prototype, 35-36 166 last built, 161
transocean surveys, 104-106 Miss Streamline 2nd (metal Vega c/n metal fuselage, 52
Lfneas Aereas Mineras, S.A. (LA*MSA, 156), 166, 166 military, Romania, 129
Barry), 126, 143, 143, 144, 145 Miss Teoneck (Vega c/n 14), 90 military, Spain, see Warplanes,
Lfneas Aereas Occidenrales, S.A. see also "Flying Furnace" Spanish
(L.A.O.), 126, 141, 141, 142 Mirrelholzer, Walter, 137 military, U.5., see UC-85
Lippihcorr, Harvey, 27 Model G, 4-6, 4, 5, 8 racers, see Auto-da-Fe; Candler, Asa;
Liruanica II, 62, 63, 63, 64, 222 Monocoque (molded single-shell) Detroyat, Michel; Johnson, Harold S.;
Lockheed Aircraft Co., xi, 12, 13, 14, 34, fuselage, 2, 9, 10, 157, 201-203, Shellightning; Sheridan
198 202 203 seaplane, see Hybrid Orion-Explorer
Lockheed Aircraft Corp., 34-35, 198, Morrell's Pride II (Vega), 166 wing flaps, first Lockheed, 131
199 Morris Jack, 43 Oviatr, Tod, 23, 36
Lockheed Mountains, 26, 27 Morrison, R. E., 167-168, 168
Loew, Arthur, 98, 99 Pacific Alaska Airways, 126, 128
Loughead, Allan Haines, 3-13, 6, 12, National Advisory Committee for Palmer, Richard W., 148, 201
15, 20, 24, 30, 33, 35, 118, 143 Aeronautics (NACA), 31, 32 Pan American Airways, 103, 128, 129,
designer, 4-10, 199 National Aeronautic Assn. (NAA), 16, 87, 140, 141
manufacturer, 4-25, 198, 201-202 88, 89 Pan American-Grace Airways (Panagra),
Loughead, Malcolm, 3-10, 6, 12, 198 National Air and Space Museum, 64, 126, 127, 137, 138
Loughead Aircraft Mfg. Co., 5-10, 8, 12, 106, 161, 179 Parker, Will D„ 161
198 National Air Races (NAR), 34, 42-52, 75, Parks Air College, 35, 166-167
Lougheed (Loughead), Victor, 3-4 97, 161, 164, 176 Philbin, Philip H., 123, 133
Lurzow-Holm, Finn, 27 Nebesar, Robert, 157 Phillips Petroleum Corp., 155, 157, 161
Neison, Marsinah, 100 Piersol, James V., 170-171
McAdoo, William Gibbs, 142, 173 Nevada Airlines, 35, 45, 116-117, 117, Pilgrim, 120
MacDonald, George A., 173, 174 124, 139 Pittsburgh Airways, 123, 125, 132
Macfadden, Bernarr, 33, 43, 44, 49, 53, New Cincinnati, The (Vega c/n 619), 48, Plew, James E., 4
57-58, 97, 176 54, 89-90 Poling, Daniel A., 172, 173
Mackenzie, Gordon, 133 see also Akira Porter, Orval, 25, 26, 26
MacLaren, Mary, 8 New York, Rio & Buenos Aires Air Line Post, Wiley, 2, 48, 49, 55, 84, 92, 93,
MacMillan (Donald B.) Expedition, 28 (NYRBA), 126, 127, 137, 138 110, 130, 161, 178, 180
McMullen, Clement, 98, 98 New York & Western Airlines, 123, 124, airline pilot, Mexico, 139
Macready, John, 29, 163, 163, 164 129 Congressional award, 179

dearh flighr, 178-179 Shupe, Cecil, 113 119, 126

racing, 48-49 Simmons, Sheldon, 133 Texas Co., The, 31, 33, 147, 161-162
srrarosphere flights, 91 -93 Sirius, 37, 40, 69, 94, 95, 109 see also Hawks, Frank; Texaco 5
world flighr, first (with Gariy), 76-78 converted to Altair, 49, 69, 148, 150, Thaw, Pussell, 101, 172, 173
world flighr, solo, 83-85 176, 177 Thaw, William K., 43-44
Prarr & Whitney Alrcrafr Corp. (P & W), DL-2 model, 150 Thompson Trophy Pace, 45, 149
see Engines engines, 35, 103, 105 Tingmissarroq (Sirius c/n 140), 105-106;
Prest-O-Lite II (Vega), 166 first (c/n 140), 2, 35-36, 37 see also Lindbergh, Charles A;
Puck (Vega c/n 155), 99, 101 flights, notable, see Anahuac; 4 de Sirius, first
Pure Oil Co., 91, 95, 130 Sepriembre; Lindbergh, Charles A.; Transcontinental & Western Air (TWA),
Purnam, George Palmer, 56, 71 Justice for Hungary 38, 91, 93, 126, 129-130, 130,
last, 118 155, 164, 169, 177, 198, 224
Qarrtsiluni, 28 military, see Anahuac Transposes Aereos de Chiapas, S.A.
Quesada, Elwood, 149 navy, Cuba, see 4 de Sepriembre (TACSA), 126, 142
seaplane, see Lindbergh, Charles A. True Story (Vega c/n 19), 43-44, 43
Pacing, 42-52 Special, 69 Tucker, Harry J., 30-31, 30, 43-44
see also Bendix Pace; Dole Pace; Sport Cabin, 40, 41, 176 Turner, Poscoe, 38, 49, 110, 117, 154,
MacPoberrson Pace; National Air Sirius (Vega c/n 24), 45, 46, 48, 117, 154, 161
Paces; Thompson Trophy Pace 117 Gilmore Oil Co., promotion for, 37-
Raymond Robins (Air Express), 172, 172 Smith, Charles P., 121 39, 161
Record Breaker (Vega c/n 171), 103 Smithsonian, see National Air and Space Nevada Airlines manager, 36, 117
see also Earhart, Amelia Museum racer, 45, 46, 48
Peeve, Poberr C., 137 S-1 (Loughhead sport biplane), 3, 9, 9 record, transcontinental, 36
Peichers, Louis T„ 49, 50, 51, 53, 57-59, 10, 11, 13 Vancouver-Agua Calienre flighr, 96,
97, 97 Southwest Air Fast Express (S.A.F.E., 161
Pichfield Co. of Calif., 31 SAFEway Airlines), 45, 114-115,
Piiser-Larsen, Hjalmar, 27 120, 126, 127 UC-85 (Orion c/n 208), 157, 158
Poach, Hal, 98 Spanish Civil War, see Warplanes, see also Early Bird
Pobbins, Peginald L., 68-69, 79 Spanish UC-101 (Vega c/n 210), 157
Poberrson, MacPherson, 69 Spirit of Fun, The (Orion c/n 187), 98, Universal Airlines, 113, 126
see also MacPoberrson Pace 230 U.S. Army, see UC-85, UC-101, Y1C-12,
Podman, Durton P., 5, 6, 198 Squier, Carl B„ 35-36, 101, 123, 173— Y1 C-17, Y1C-23, Y1C-25, YP-24
Pogers, Will, 112, 115, 178, 178 174, 198, 199, 201 U.S. Navy, seeXPO-1
Pose, Franklin, 101, 123, 128, 141 Sradlman, Anthony, 5, 6, 10, 198, 199
Posmarin, Joseph, 98, 99 Stanavo "eagles" (Vegas c/n 117, 118 & Varney, Walter T., 123, 129, 141, 141,
Porhermere, Viscounr, 59, 61, 62 metal Vega c/n 156), 80, 81, 82, 155
Pyan, Thomas Forrune III, 122 97-98, 121, 163; see also Century Varney Speed Lines, 123, 127, 128-
of Progress (II); Crystal City; Martern, 129, 141, 141, 155
5a I ay, Emil, 59-60, 61, 62 James Vega, xii, xiv, 1, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 23,
San Luis Mining Co., 143 Standard Oil, 162-163 24, 27, 28, 30, 34, 38, 42, 43, 46,
Santa Maria Airlines, 114, 126 Srearman, Lloyd, 128, 201 48, 50 54, 64 65, 72, 73, 74, 75,
Sarabia, Francisco, 142, 142 Stinson, 120 77, 79, 80 81, 82, 84, 86, 91, 93,
Schlee, Edward F., 39-40, 40, 53, 136 Swissair, 126, 137-138, 138, 155, 157, 99, 113, 116 117, 120, 121, 129,
Schlee-Brock Aircraft Corp., 39-40, 53, 169 130, 133, 134, 135, 136, 140, 142,
137 144-145, 148, 159, 160, 162, 165,
Scott, Gordon, 16-18, 17 Tollman, Frank G., 168-169, 170 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 172, 176,
Scuttlebutt, see UC-85 Tallmanrz Aviation, Inc., 168-169, 212 180
Shankle, Joan Fay, 1 76 see also Mantz, A. Paul; Tollman, airliners, 112-145
5hellighrnlng (metal Orion c/n 180), 52, Frank G. belly skid, 91, 92, 93
129, 164, 165, 165, 166, 169 Taney, Theodore, 123, 132 construction, 13-14; see also
Shell Oil Co., 63, 163 Taylor, P. G. (Bill), 70, 71, 71 Monocoque fuselage
Shell Petroleum Corp., 49, 164 Taylor, Poberr, 179 engines, 15, 21, 30, 43, 49, 84, 89,
see also Doolittle, James H.; Tester, The (Vega c/n 18), 45, 45, 68, 110, 133, 147
Shellighrning 114 Executive model, 88, 159, 160, 161,
Shelton, Gentry, 118 Texaco 2 (Vega), 161 166, 172, 173, 179; see also
Sheridan (Orion), 51, 51, 155 Texaco 5 (Air Express c/n EX-2), 33, 34, Supplement D
Shoenhair, Leland F., 30, 33, 45, 48, 49, 34, 112 first (prototype), 13-18
86, 88, 113, 165 Texaco 16 (Sirius), 108, 162 flights, notable, see Carhcarr-Jones,
Shrader, Pay, 161 Texas Air Transport (T.A.T.), 117-118, Owen; Century of Progress; Earhart,

Amelia; Hall, James Goodwin; Vultee, Gerard F., 23, 24, 31, 35, 66, 67, Wood, John P., 46-47
Juneau; Kidsron, Glen; Liruanica II; 200, 201 Woods, James, 101
McMullen, Clement; Turner, Roscoe; Woods, Robert J., 150, 153, 201
White, Will W.; Wilkins, George Wairkus, Felix, 62, 62-64, 222
Hubert; Winnie Mae; Yankee Warplanes, Spanish, 131, 141, 154-157,
XP-90Q (USAAC YP-24 fighter, no c/n),
Doodle 155, 156, 157, 174
150-151, 151, 152, 153
last built, 158, 177 Wedell, James R., 114, 118-119
see also YP-24
metal fuselage, 89, 101, 121; see also Wedell-Williams Air Service, 114, IIS-
XRO-1 (metal Altaic c/n 179), 153, 154
Supplemenr D 119, 126, 157
military, U.5., see UC-101; Y1C-12; Western Air Express, 31, 111-112, 126,
Y1C-17 137 Yankee Doodle (Vega c/n 7), xiv, 30—
racers, 42-52 White, Will W„ 98, 98, 163
31, 30, 43, 44, 95
record, endurance, see Fahy, Wilczek, Sandor, see Magyar, Alexander see also Supplement H
Herbert J. Wilkins, George Hubert, 19-27, 20, 26, Y1C-12 (metal Vega c/n 158), 149-150,
records, altitude, see “Flying Furnace"; 66 151
New Cincinnati, The; Winnie Mae Williams, Harry P., 118-119 Y1C-17 (metal Vega c/n 159), 147, 147,
records, speed, see Earhart, Amelia; Winnie Mae (Vega c/n 122), 1, 2, 48, 148
Miss Silverrown; New Cincinnati, The 48, 77, 79, 84, 93, 101, 115, 180, Y1C-23 (metal Alrairc/n 165), 148, 149,
seoplone, first, 23-26; see also 210 150
Supplement D engine, 76, 83, 92, 110 Y1C-25 (Alrairc/n 153), 49, 148, 149,
skis, flown on, 21-23, 27, 137; see instruments, 83, 92 149
also Supplemenr D mail carrier, 130 Yerex, Lowell, 139
Speed model, 154-155; see also modifications, 76, 83, 92 Young, Don, 35, 95, 161
Landing gear, wire-braced; National Air and Space Museum, 179 YP-24 (USAAC 2-P pursuit plane, no c/n),
Supplemenr D racer, 48 150-153, 152
“sunken-wing," 91 stratosphere, pioneer flights, 92-93 see also XP-900
warplane, Spanish, 155, 156 world flight, first (Posr-Garty), 76-78
Viking, The (Vega c/n 40), 28, 28, 169 world flight, second (Post solo), 83-
Von Hake, Richard A., 35, 148, 166, 85 Zimmerman, Dalz, 137
201, 201 Wolf, Rudolf, Inc., 155 Zuniga, Miguel A., 143

A lifelong resident of New York Store, Richard Sanders Allen grew up during rhe
golden age of aviation. He has held numerous jobs, ranging from Wall Street office
boy to Executive Director of rhe New York State American Revolution Bicentennial
Commission. A veteran of rhe Air Transport Command of World War II, he was
awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in engineering history in 1962. Over rhe past
forty years he has gained a distinguished reputation os a researcher, compiler, and
writer in such diverse fields os nineteenth-century bridge-building and iron-making,
rhe Spanish Civil War, and aviation history. Revolution in the Shy is an outgrowth of
Rick Allen's early and consuming love of airplanes, flying, and flyers. He lives in


c/f11an it e


North Atlantic Survey
1 st Portion—N.Y.-Newfoundland-Moscow
2nd Portion—Geneva-South Atlantic-N.Y.

Dasepiion •
Island "‘ ■
WILKINS—2nd Hnarft Antarctic Expedition

WILKINS—lit Heant Antarctic Expedition 1929-30

(Continued from front flap)

with all its triumphs and tragedies, is

supplemented by hundreds of historical
photographs and scale-model drawings.
It successfully blends technical history
with the excitement, adventure, and
romance of aviation, and chronicles the
careers of the brash young men and
women who proved that flying could
really get you there. Its first edition in
1964 garnered wide acclaim from the avi¬
ation community.

A lifelong resident of New York State,

Richard Sanders Allen grew up dur¬
ing the golden age of aviation. He is a vet¬
eran of the Air Transport Command of
World War II. In 1962 he was awarded a
Guggenheim Fellowship in engineering
history. For the past forty years he has
gained a distinguished reputation as a re¬
searcher, compiler, and writer in such di¬
verse fields as nineteenth-century bridge
building and iron making, the Spanish
Civil War, and—his first love—aviation
history. He lives in Albany.

Jacket design by Peter A. Davis

Jacket photo
courtesy of Lockheed Aircraft Corp.

a division of Crown Publishers, Inc.
225 Park Avenue South
New York, New York 10003
Praise for the first edition

"If any one book can be said to contain all there is to know about
one type of airplane, Revolution is it, and it gives its knowing in
rare, smooth readability." Richard Bach, Flying magazine

"The information gathered here is as impressive as the book is

exciting. Although crammed with enough facts to win the
approval of any scholar, it reads like a novel." Library Journal

"Brought back many memories: it is very well done."

Jimmy Doolittle
"Revolution in the Sky offers a fascinating, fast-reading story of
excitement, romance, and adventure. For aircraft historians it is
an exhaustive technical account of early Lockheeds in fine detail
and accuracy. Rick Allen's monumental effort excels from any
• -
an^e- American Aviation Historical Society Journal

"The most beautiful presentation of an aviation historical subject

that I have ever seen. Col. Gene Gurney,
Director of USAF Book Program

"Well-researched history with suberb photos of the unique -r •v-'y ■■ *•.

Lockheed monocoque-fuselage/cantilever-wing monoplanes of

-S-- :v V--W ;w
■ -»v ^' ■•■ • • •*• 7 5. 1927-37. A/r Progress
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ISBN 0-S17-SbL7fl-fl

9 0 0 0 C

2015-07-10 9:17
7 566787

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