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Received: November 10, 2019

Review Article Accepted: March 17, 2020

Published online: May 27, 2020
DOI: 10.1159/000507336
GE Port J Gastroenterol

Palliative Care in End-Stage Liver

Disease ​Patients Awaiting Liver

Transplantation: Review

​ b ​Elga Freire a,
Sara Vieira Silva a, ​ b ​Helena Pessegueiro Miranda

a ​Equipa Intra-Hospitalar de Suporte de Cuidados Paliativos, Serviço de Medicina, Centro Hospitalar e

​ Porto, Porto, Portugal; ​ Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (ICBAS), Universidade
Universitário do
do Porto, Porto, Portugal; c​ ​Unidade de Transplantação Hepato-bilio-pancreática, Centro Hospitalar e
Universitário do Porto, Porto, Portugal; d​ ​Instituto de Saúde Publica da Universidade do Porto (ISPUP),
Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal
the 230 articles reviewed met the inclusion criteria. Ten
ain themes were addressed: symptom burden;
erspectives of life-sustaining treatment and comfort for
atients, families and health pro- fessionals; goals of care
scussions; patient and family needs; quality of life; PC
nd survival; referral to PC, barriers and opportunities;
tegration of PC; outpatient care and cost-effectiveness
nalysis. The referral of patients to PC was only evaluated
Keywords ​Palliative care · End-stage liver disease · Liver
a few studies, all of which reported low re- ferral rates.
etter knowledge of how PC professionals can support
her professionals was considered important, and also
etter ways to integrate PC were considered essential.
Abstract ​Introduction: ​End-stage liver disease (ESLD) is
Conclusion: ​ESLD patients awaiting LT have a significant
the advanced phase of most liver diseases. The cure is liver
need for PC and, despite the insufficient response, were re-
transplantation (LT), only available for a minority of patients.
ported to benefit from this type of care. Future research is
This review summarizes the evidence regarding palliative
essential to determine the means to overcome barriers and
care (PC) in ESLD patients awaiting LT. ​Methods: R ​ eview
better integrate PC for ESLD patients awaiting LT.
of the literature available in Medline, Scopus and Web of
© 2020 Sociedade Portuguesa de Gastrenterologia
Knowledge, with keywords ESLD and PC. ​Results: ​Fifteen
Published by S. Karger AG, Basel

Search Strategy ​We searched for evidence-based articles in the

Cuidados Paliativos nos doentes com Doença following elec- tronic databases: Medline (PubMed), Scopus and
Web of Knowl- edge. The search strategy was limited to all English
Hepática avançada que aguardam transplante
language arti- cles published until June 6, 2019. The terms “palliative
hepático: revisão
care” and “end-stage liver disease” were used as keywords. The key
concepts resulted in 25 articles in Pubmed, 84 articles in Scopus and
115 articles in Web of Knowledge. Additionally, 6 studies were
Palavras-Chave ​Cuidados paliativos · Doença found after searching the references or articles included from the
hepática avançada · Transplante hepático search databases.

​ nly studies involving PC in ESLD patients and a

Inclusion Criteria O
Resumo ​Introdução: A ​ doença hepática avançada population over 18 years old were included.
(DHA) corre- sponde à fase mais avançada das doenças
hepáticas. O transplante hepático (TH) é o tratamento Exclusion Criteria A​ rticles written in languages other than English
were excluded. Editorials, letters to the editor, comments and
curativo, dis- ponível apenas para uma minoria de
narrative case re- ports were excluded, as well as articles that did not
doentes. Esta revisão
include patients waiting for LT.

Data Synthesis and Data Collection Process ​Detailed information of

© 2020 Sociedade Portuguesa de Gastrenterologia
Published by S. Karger AG, Basel
the articles included was categorized by major themes: symptom
Sara Vieira Silva Equipa Intra-Hospitalar de Suporte de Cuidados burden; perspectives of life-sustaining treatment and comfort for
Paliativos Serviço de Medicina, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário do patients, families and health care pro- fessionals; goals of care
Porto Largo Abel Salazar, PT–4050 Porto (Portugal) nevessp @
discussions; patient and family needs; qual- ity of life; PC and survival; referral to PC, barriers and opportuni- ties; integration of PC; outpatient care and cost-effectiveness anal- ysis. Data extraction
Commons Attribution-
l License (CC BY- was done manually, without resorting to any extraction software.
ccessLicense). Usage Quality review was not assessed as the purpose of this review is to
as any dis- tribution of
scan the current literature in order to determine what has been
Sara Vieira Silva Equipa Intra-Hospitalar de Suporte de Cuidados reported and what needs to be investigated related to PC in ESLD
Paliativos Serviço de Medicina, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário do
patients awaiting LT.
Porto Largo Abel Salazar, PT–4050 Porto (Portugal) nevessp @
Sara Vieira Silva Equipa Intra-Hospitalar de Suporte de Cuidados
Paliativos Serviço de Medicina, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário do
Porto Largo Abel Salazar, PT–4050 Porto (Portugal) nevessp @ Results
known about the remainder of ESLD patients and spe-
cifically about PC for patients awaiting LT. A total of 230 articles were reviewed for inclusion
This review summarizes the available us- ing the keywords. The articles were then screened and
evidence-based literature regarding PC in ESLD patients further eliminated after reviewing the abstracts, with 89
awaiting LT. retained for further reading. Of these, only the 15 articles
that met the inclusion criteria were selected. A flow dia-
sumariza a evidência sobre cuidados paliativos (CP) em
Methods doentes com DHA que aguardam TH. ​Métodos: ​Revisão
da literatura existente na Medline, Scopus e Web of
We conducted a review in order to scan the current Knowledge. Palavras chave pesquisadas CP e DHA.
Resul- tados: ​Quinze dos 230 artigos encontrados
literature and identify the nature and extent of research evidence
cumpriram critérios de inclusão. Dez temáticas foram
related to PC in ESLD patients awaiting LT. The review was carried
out by one reviewer and was supervised by two experts, one abordadas: car- ga sintomática; discussão de objectivos
hepatologist and one PC specialist. de cuidados; per- spectivas sobre tratamentos de
suporte artificial e con- forto; necessidades do doente eompli- cations of liver disease [1]. It is responsible for
família; qualidade de vida; CP e impacto no prognóstico; most 2% of all deaths and is currently the 7th leading
referenciação para CP, barreiras e oportunidades; use of death at the European level [2]. ESLD is the
integração dos CP; cuidados de ambulatório e análises
ading cause of or- gan failure amongst the population
de custo-benefício. Poucos es- tudos avaliaram a
nder 65 years [3], thus corresponding to a very significant
referenciação para CP, todos com baix- as taxas. Mais
conhecimento e formação dos profissionais que
ss of years of potential life. Episodes of decompensation
acompanham doentes com DHA parece ser ne-ave a signifi- cant impact on mortality, and it is estimated
cessário, bem como, melhor articulação entre os diferen- at, after the first episode, mortality at 5 years may reach
tes intervenientes. ​Conclusão: D ​ oentes com DHA que5% [4]. The only effective treatment is liver
aguardam TH apresentam importantes necessidades de ansplantation (LT), available for a minority of patients.
CP. Apesar da insuficiente resposta a este nível, Previous studies have shown that ESLD patients
parecem beneficiar deste tipo de cuidados. Estudos
u- ally present with high symptom prevalence [5], similar
futuros que clarifiquem como ultrapassar as barreiras e a
patients with other advanced diseases such as cancer,
melhor inte- gração dos CP nos doentes que aguardam
TH são essen- ciais. ©​ 2020 Sociedade Portuguesa de Gastrenterologia
eart or respiratory failure. Symptom burden associated
ith LT complexity and the high risk of mortality suggest
Published by S. Karger AG, Basel
gnificant palliative care (PC) needs for ESLD patients.
espite these important needs, PC referral remains low and
Introduction e available data are scarce [6]. In one of the rare known
udies [7], only 10% of the patients excluded from the
End-stage liver disease (ESLD) is the advancedansplant list were referred for PC. Little is
phase of most liver diseases and is characterized by the

Vieira Silva/Freire/Pessegueiro Miranda ​GE Port J Gastroenterol ​2 ​DOI: 10.1159/000507336

am following PRISMA guidelines [8] showing all litera-
re procedures as well as the resulting number of articles
lected is displayed in Figure 1. An overview of the 15
ticles included is presented in Tables 1 and 2 with the
ticles organized according to publication date [9–23].
ata gathered from the articles were summarized using
ercentages and frequencies for descriptive purposes.
​ 12)
Most studies originated in North America (​n =
in Europe (​n ​= 3). Studies predominantly used quantita-
​ 9) or mixed (​n =
ve (​n = ​ 4) designs. We found only sur-
​ 11).
eys, mostly prospective (​n =
Study populations included patients, carers and
ealth care professionals. The male gender predominated,
nd the median age of patients ranged from 51 to 62 years.
en main themes were addressed: symptom burden; per-
ectives of life-sustaining treatment and comfort for pa-
ents, families and health care professionals; goals of care
scussions; patient and family needs; quality of life; PC
nd survival; referral to PC, barriers and opportunities;
tegration of PC; outpatient care and cost-effectiveness

ymptom Burden ​Few studies addressed directly symptoms

ESLD pa- tients awaiting LT. An early PC intervention
udy has found that the most commonly reported
mptoms were fatigue, sleep disorders and pruritus [9]. In
nother study patients reported lack of energy, pain, sleep
sorders and

3 ​GE Port J Gastroenterol DOI: 10.1159/000507336

drowsiness as the most frequent, severe and distressing
symptoms [10]. Other frequent and severe symptoms were
dry mouth, lack of concentration and itching. Lack of
concentration was considered more distressing than dry
A qualitative interview study of patients and
bereaved carers found deteriorating physical health was
com- pounded by ongoing psychological issues, commonly
re- lating to alcohol dependence, including depression and
guilt related to the nature of the disease [11].
Attitudes toward symptom management, such as

Palliative Care in Patients Awaiting Liver

pain in ESLD patients, were evaluated and showed that =8

30–40% of participants, despite having moderate pain,

reported using no pain medication. The patient who used it
reported having less than 50% relief and were only Articles included (​n
= 15)
moderately satisfied with their overall pain treat- ment. Full-text articles
Moreover, although 8 out of the 11 patients who were not excluded with reasons (​n
= 74)
LT candidates took a strong opioid, only 2 out of the 9
patients awaiting LT were given the same pain relief
treatment [12]. In a survey of LT service providers [13],
nurses, postgraduate year 1 medical and surgical trainees g. 1. ​PRISMA flow diagram showing the
were less likely to agree that LT providers were proficient erature method search. ​n,​ number of ar-
in managing pain and depression than at- tending les.
Records s
physicians. Also, postgraduate year 1 medical and surgical
trainees (86%) and attending physicians (100%) were Records identified through
reported more likely to avoid using opioid medication to database searching
• PubMed (​n =​ 25)
​ 0.0001).
treat pain in these patients than nurses (62%) (​p = ​ 115)
• ISI Web of Science (​n =
Records excluded (​n • Scopus (​n ​= 34)
= 141) Additional records
identified through
other sources (​n =​ 6)

Full-text articles
assessed for eligibility (​n
Vieira Silva/Freire/Pessegueiro Miranda ​GE Port J Gastroenterol ​4 ​DOI: 10.1159/000507336
Patients, Fam
intensive car
patients (all c
122 health ca
trajectory an
treatment an
metaphor “on
enabled patie
experience o
families are i
treatment de
can theoretic
have little ch
[14] stated th
patients’ stay
was the obvi
treatment de
toward the g
explained to
interrelated w
meant in the
illness; (iv) d
course amon
between prof

PC intervent
showed that,
patients with
over time am
0.03) [15]. T
who died and
increased sig

Palliative Care in Patients Awaiting Liver

5 ​GE Port J Gastroenterol DOI: 10.1159/000507336
Goals of Care Discussions ​Goals of care discussions seem
to be less common in patients considered for LT [15], and
we found different perspectives from different professionals
in the survey of Beck et al. [13]: a vast majority of nurses
(96%) and post- graduate year 1 medical and surgical
trainees (91%) re- sponded that it was appropriate to hold
goals of care dis- cussions during clinical visits with the
patient’s primary care provider, while only about a third of
attending physi- cians (31%) agreed (​p ​= 0.0001). In
contrast, more attend-
Vieira Silva/Freire/Pessegueiro Miranda ​GE Port J Gastroenterol ​6 ​DOI: 10.1159/000507336
ing physicia
tient’s hepat
ing clinical
ing.​PC interv
intensive ca
increased fro
of advance d

Palliative Care in Patients Awaiting Liver

7 ​GE Port J Gastroenterol DOI: 10.1159/000507336
Patient and Family Needs ​Patients with ESLD who die
while awaiting transplan- tation seems to have greater
unmet needs for PC than other decedents, even if all
received relatively aggressive care during their terminal
hospitalization [15].
Two studies addressed indirectly some patient and family needs [11, 21]. Physical health problems and ongo-
ing psychological issues (related or not with alcohol and
other dependences) were identified as associated to phys-
ical disability, financial insecurity and the risk of increas-
ing isolation [11]. Some patients feared advance care
planning would result in a loss of hope and referred un-
certainties about disease trajectory. Regarding LT, being
assessed unsuitable was considered as an uniquely diffi- cult
period [11]. Families were perceived to be in need of
support themselves, requiring frequent reassurance as the
patient’s condition deteriorated [21]. Caregiving was as-
sociated with psychological distress (particularly relating to
ongoing alcohol use and hepatic encephalopathy) and
deprioritization of individual needs [11].

Quality of Life N ​ one of the selected articles assessed quality

of life di- rectly. Beck et al. [13] reported that patients and
their families value goals of care discussions and were
grateful for PC. Responses from the Family Quality of
Dying and Death questionnaire, after a structured PC
intervention in the surgical intensive care unit [15], revealed
a trend toward improvements in “time with family and
friends,” breathing comfort, spiritual services, presence at
time of death and overall physician care.

PC, LT and Survival ​The study of Medici et al. [20]

reported that 4 of the 6 transplanted patients experienced an
improvement of their MELD score during hospice stay,
suggesting that this service can potentially provide effective
care to ter- minally ill patients. None of the other studies
revealed data regarding the impact of PC on prognosis.
Referral to PC, Barriers and Opportunities ​The included
% rate (8/157) of referral to hospice care [20].​Factors
studies revealed different rates of referral of ESLD patients
to PC, ranging from 4.5 to 29.1% [13, 17, 18], with an
sociated with low PC referral included Afri-
increasing tendency over the past 10–15 years [13, 18, 19].
n-American, Hispanic and Asian ethnicity [18, 19] and
Specifically from patients awaiting LT who died, bsence of insurance coverage [18]. Factors associated with
only 2% received PC consultation [13] and in a nation-widecreased referral to PC were older age [17, 18], Cau-
US weighted sample of 59,687 patients dying in the hos-sian ethnicity [17], “do not resuscitate” status [18],
pital with decompensated liver disease from 2009 to 2013,eatment in a teaching hospital [18, 19], in medium [18]
18,027 (29.1%) received a PC consultation during the nd large-sized hospitals [18, 19], presence of hepatocel-
hospitalization and 331 patients were awaiting or re- ceivedlar carcinoma [18], presence of metastatic cancer [18],
LT (1.9%) [19]. A study about the utility of the MELDgher MELD score at listing [17, 20] and at delisting [17]
(Model for End-Stage Liver Disease) score in transplant nd higher Charlson comorbidity index [19]. Decedents
candidates and simultaneous hospice referral described a
who were listed or received LT during admission were alsoapproach with ongoing medical interventions), issues
less likely to receive PC than those who were not list- ed forarising from patients’ social circumstances (stigma, social
LT [19]. isolation and the social consequences of liver disease) and
Late referrals to PC among patients who dieddeficiencies in the organization and delivery of services.
awaiting transplantation were identified by Kathpalia et al. Benefits of PC were verified on life-sustaining
[17], who found that the median number of days betweentreat- ments [19], goals of care discussions [15] and
PC consultation and death was 4. Different perspectivessymptom management reported in the early PC intervention
were identified by Beck et al. [13] among differentstudy [9]. As a matter of fact, these studies found a 50% im-
profession- al groups, with nurses (88%) and postgraduateprovement of the initial moderate-to-severe pruritus, and of
year 1 medical and surgical trainees (63%) being morethe general well-being, appetite, anxiety and fatigue. Pain,
likely than attending physicians (44%) to report that theremyalgia, sexual dysfunction, sleep disturbance and dyspnea
were patients for whom they wished they had consulted PCalso showed improvement, but this improve- ment did not
earlier (​p ​= 0.001). Attending physicians were less likelyreach statistical significance, and the early intervention also
than nurses or postgraduate year 1 medical and surgicaldecreased depression (27.8%). An American study
trainees to agree that it is appropriate to consult PC whenidentified a significantly lower mean of total costs and
the patient is diagnosed with ESLD, when the patient islength of stay for patients who received PC consultation in
listed for transplantation or when a patient with ESLD isits terminal hospitalization, with an asso- ciation of PC
admitted to the hospital for any reason. In contrast, theconsultation with reduced hospital length of stay and
majority of attending physicians agreed that it is appro-reduction in nearly all procedures [19].
priate to consult PC when the patient is imminently dying
[13]. In another study, the majority of LT service sur- geonsIntegration of PC ​A qualitative study on the incompatibility
felt that PC should have been introduced earlier in theof health care services and end-of-life needs in advanced
patient course, but only a few considered that there was aliver dis- ease reported that patients relied on hospital
delay in the institution of PC under their care [15]. services for most aspects of care, with general practitioners
Attending physicians, more than any other group, often be- ing bypassed in decision-making and perceived as
were identified by all respondents (including attending being unaware of ongoing developments [11]. On the other
physicians themselves), as creating a barrier to involving hand, general practitioners consider themselves as like- ly
PC in the care of their patients [13]. In addition, they were
to have an established relationship with the patient and a
much more likely than nurses and postgraduate yeargreater 1 understanding of their social situation and needs,
medical and surgical trainees to identify the patient and whereas specialists offer expert knowledge on liv- er
family members as creating a barrier to PC consultation. disease and treatment options [21]. They highlighted the
Many respondents cited lack of clear criteria for involvingimportance that primary care physicians place on being able
PC and difficulty prognosticating end of life in ESLD pa- to provide a coordinating role but only when supported by
tients as significant barriers. In a qualitative study involv-
members of the specialist teams. Manag- ing complex and
ing general practitioners from the UK [21], the main con- unusual symptoms, or judging when to introduce a PC
cerns identified were those relating directly to the condi-approach, for instance, would benefit
tion (symptom management and the need to combine a PC

Vieira Silva/Freire/Pessegueiro Miranda ​GE Port J Gastroenterol ​8 ​DOI: 10.1159/000507336

om this collaboration. Collaborative working with the
upport from specialist hospital clinicians was regarded as
sential, with general practitioners acknowledging their
wn lack of experience and expertise in this area. Further
aining of general practitioners and PC profes- sionals on
sues specific to liver disease were referred in another
udy [22]. Improved awareness of supportive care on
mptom control, advanced communication and prognosis
scussion for all professionals, and bet- ter knowledge of
ow PC professionals can support gen- eral practitioners
nd liver specialists were also referred as important
easures [22]. A study of proactive case finding to improve
oncurrently curative and PC in pa- tients with ESLD
owed that patients in the quality im- provement project
ere more likely to be considered for LT (77.6%, ​p ​<
001), to have their transplant evalua- tion completed
2.4%, ​p ​= 0,01) and to receive PC (62.5%, ​p =
​ 0.38) [23].

utpatient Care O​ f the 15 studies selected, 1 took place in

e hospice [20], 8 studies exclusively included inpatients
3–19, 23] and 4 studies were developed in the outpatient
tting [9– 12]. Of the 4 studies that included only health
re profes- sionals, 2 also considered the outpatient context
1, 22]. From the published results it is not possible to
sess that there are differences between the needs of
patients and those of outpatients. Baumann et al. [9]
ported that after the early palliative care intervention in
e outpa- tient setting, 50% of moderate to severe
mptoms im- proved and 43% of patients showed
mprovement in clin- ically significant depressive
mptoms, greater in those with more symptoms.
In another 2 studies [21, 22], many general
actitio- ners felt unable to manage advanced cirrhosis in
e com- munity. All health care professional groups seem
wish to increase community provision of PC support and
c- ognized that they required further training to improve
eir skills in caring for people with ESLD [22]. Service
onfiguration was one of the key areas identified for fu-
re research [22].

ost-Effectiveness Analysis ​Based on the National Inpatient

ample (national data set across the USA) having been

Palliative Care in Patients Awaiting Liver

listed or receiving LT during the hospitalization was uncertainty as the cornerstone of this psy- chological
associated with higher overall costs compared to the process, with very diverse perspectives being reported by
unlisted status [19]. In this study, Patel et al. [19] reported patients: some expressed joy and relief and regarded
that PC consultation was associated with lower costs and transplantation as an opportunity; others man- ifested a
procedure burden at the end of life. sense of danger at facing the likelihood of death and of
developing cancer during the waiting period [30, 31].
Difficulty coping, loss of trust in physicians and med- ical,
9 ​GE Port J Gastroenterol DOI: 10.1159/000507336 personal and social uncertainties have all been re- ported
[30–32]. LT patients with a coexisting history of substance
abuse, in particular, would probably benefit from special
We have identified 15 studies which met the
attention [33], since this population tends to be threatened
inclusion criteria. Studies were quite diverse on themes,
by negative attitudes of health care profes- sionals, has a
including symptom burden in ESLD patients to
significant risk of noncompliance to treat- ment and might
life-sustaining treatment decisions or integration of PC.
have special concerns about both symp- tom management
There were also differences on the populations studied, all
and caregivers’ support.
studies includ- ed patients with ESLD awaiting LT, but
Despite the significant symptom burden, symptom
some also includ- ed noneligible LT patients. The authors
anagement is still probably suboptimal as suggested by
found no ran- domized controlled trials. In accordance with
w rates of pain relief [12] and inappropriate profession- al
previous literature male patients under 65 years old
kills [13]. Adequate medication in ESLD is challeng- ing,
predominate [24].​In a global perspective, the studies nce most drugs are metabolized in the liver, thus putting
atients at a higher risk of adverse effects. As a result,
considered in this ​ review reported significant PC needs of
hysicians often resort to less aggressive symptom
ESLD patients awaiting LT and some benefits of PC but anagement. Moreover, physicians may avoid the pre-
still an inade- quate response to these needs, with ription of opioids to those with a history of substance
challenging barriers to better integration of PC for patients buse and often fear the side effects of opioids (e.g., con-
awaiting LT. ipation and worsened encephalopathy) [34].
Symptoms such as fatigue and sleep disturbance Although there were few studies that directly
were the most frequent and severe symptoms identified valuate [9, the impact of PC in LT patients, most of them
10] similar to what has been described in a recent entified potential benefits, not only in symptom
meta-anal- ysis [25]. Pain was also reported in one of the anagement [9], but also in goals of care discussions [15],
included studies [10]. In contrast, breathlessness and sexual life-sustaining treatment decisions [19] and even in direct
dys- function were not mentioned as they had been in nd the indirect health costs [19]. Similar results have been
same meta-analysis [25], with sexual dysfunction not even ported in patients awaiting other organ transplants
being evaluated, which suggests that it should also be 5–37]. There is an inherent difficulty in discussing goals
included in future symptom assessments. Psychologi- calcare and advanced directives with patients pursuing
needs were identified but apparently not in the same manner urative ther- apies, but as suggested by Potosek et al. [34]
by all professionals, as recommended [11, 13]. A significant is impera- tive to discuss those and to identify health care
burden from psychological symptoms, such as depression, oxies, as encephalopathy can impair decision-making.
was also identified in more than 50% of ESLD patients egarding cost-effectiveness analysis, more studies are
included in an Italian survey [26], and anxiety was reported quired.
in pretransplantation patients ranging from 27 to 44% [27, Only 2 studies indirectly addressed the quality of
28]. The experience of waiting for a LT has considerable fe of patients with ESLD [13, 15]. Both favored the PC
impact on patients [29]. Qualitative studies have described pproach which has a beneficial impact on it. However,
robust studies that specifically assess quality of life areabandonment and likely imminent death [34], all of which
essential as one of the cornerstones of the overall PCmust be addressed. Development of clinical trig- gers for
approach. PC consultation and effective collaborative ap- proach may
The study of Medici et al. [20] reported anclarify better integration [21].
improve- ment of their MELD score during hospice stay, This review was limited by the restricted number of
suggesting that this service can potentially provide effectivearticles included, written only in English, which resulted in
care to terminally ill patients. Although no other study hasa data set that is limited to North American and Euro- pean
di- rectly assessed the impact of PC on the prognosis andESLD patients that may not take into consideration other
survival of ESLD patients, it is expected that this might berelevant realities. Note also that important differ- ences
positive, similarly to studies regarding other medical con-regarding design of the studies may have resulted in
ditions [38]. significant data heterogeneity, which is beyond the scope of
Referrals of LT patients to PC seem to bethis review since quality assessment was not eval- uated.
increasing but are still quite low and probably occur only in
very late stages of the disease, putting patients at risk for
decreased quality of care at the end of life [13, 17–19]. Conclusions
Many barriers have been identified, considering patients,
carers, health care professionals and services. The “on the This review found notable discrepancy between the
train” per- spective hinders the ability of all the intervenersneed for PC and its use in ESLD patients awaiting LT. The
to con- sider a simultaneous approach of PC while awaitingbelief that transplantation and PC are mutually exclusive
transplantation [14]. Kathpalia et al. [17] considered thatstill prevails. However, there is increasing evidence that the
these patients represent a unique subgroup of patients with astrategy of providing PC alongside disease-directed therapy
terminal condition – by virtue of having ESLD – but awaitwhile awaiting LT might benefit patients, carers and even
the promise of a cure through LT. In this setting, PC, whichthe health system. This review indicates some potential
traditionally has been considered only for areas for developing shared care models. Fur- ther research
those “at the end of life,” may be perceived – by both the is required, with more robust studies, to bet- ter define the
patient and providers alike – as unnecessary and unwel- optimal strategy of the best way of PC inte- gration for
come. More and appropriate education of health care ESLD patients awaiting LT.
professionals and training is probably necessary, as sug-
gested in surveys analyzed here [13, 18, 19, 21, 22].
Statement of Ethics
Integration of PC in LT patients seems to be consid-
ered essential by all parts [13, 15, 21, 22]. Transplant can- The authors have no ethical conflicts to disclose.
didates not only benefit from being provided PC, since they
suffer from a terminal condition with significant needs, but
Disclosure Statement
also require a complete and complex medical care even
when their condition is very advanced [39]. Also, LT The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
patients who are removed from the waiting list often
experience withdrawal of specialty care, feelings of

Vieira Silva/Freire/Pessegueiro Miranda ​GE Port J Gastroenterol ​10 ​DOI: 10.1159/000507336

Funding Sources

The authors have no funding source to declare.

Author Contributions

Sara Vieira Silva contributed to the conception of the work,

acquisition, analysis and interpretation of the data work, drafted the
work and gave the final approval of the version to be published. Elga
Freire contributed to the conception of the work, writing of the
results, discussion and conclusions, to revising it critically for
important intellectual content and gave the final approval of the
version to be published. Helena Pessegueiro contributed to the
conception of the work, writing of the results, discussion and con-
clusions, to revising it critically for important intellectual content and
gave the final approval of the version to be published.


Palliative Care in Patients Awaiting Liver

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Vieira Silva/Freire/Pessegueiro Miranda ​GE Port J Gastroenterol ​12 ​DOI: 10.1159/000507336

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