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Mage Wars® Core Set


Adramelech, Lord of Fire Creature 1 Lay Hands Incantation 1
Agony Enchantment 3 Leather Boots Equipment 1
Animal Kinship Conjuration 1 Leather Gloves Equipment 1
Arcane Ring Equipment 1 Lightning Bolt Attack 3
Asyran Cleric Creature 4 Lightning Ring Equipment 1
Banish Incantation 2 Mage Staff Equipment 1
Battle Fury Incantation 2 Mage Wand Equipment 3
Battleforge Conjuration 2 Magebane Enchantment 1
Bear Strength Enchantment 3 Maim Wings Enchantment 2
Bearskin Armor Equipment 1 Malacoda Creature 1
Beastmaster Mage 1 Mana Crystal Conjuration 5
Beastmaster Ability Mage 1 Mana Flower Conjuration 5
Bitterwood Fox Creature 4 Mana Leech Creature 3
Blinding Flash Attack 2 Mana Siphon Conjuration 1
Block Enchantment 5 Marked for Death Enchantment 2
Blue Gremlin Creature 2 Minor Heal Incantation 5
Brogan Bloodstone Creature 1 Mohktari, Great Tree of Life Conjuration 1
Bull Endurance Enchantment 2 Moloch's Torment Equipment 1
Call of the Wild Incantation 3 Mongoose Agility Enchantment 2
Cervere, The Forest Shadow Creature 1 Moonglow Amulet Equipment 2
Chain Lightning Attack 2 Moonglow Faerie Creature 2
Chains of Agony Enchantment 2 Mordok's Obelisk Conjuration 1
Charge Incantation 2 Mountain Gorilla Creature 1
Cheetah Speed Enchantment 2 Necropian Vampiress Creature 1
Circle of Lightning Enchantment 1 Nullify Enchantment 5
Cobra Reflexes Enchantment 2 Pacify Enchantment 2
Crown of Protection Equipment 1 Pentagram Conjuration 1
Darkfenne Bat Creature 3 Perfect Strike Incantation 2
Darkfenne Hydra Creature 2 Piercing Strike Incantation 2
Darkpact Slayer Creature 2 Pillar of Light Attack 3
Dawnbreaker Ring Equipment 1 Poison Gas Cloud Conjuration 2
Death Link Enchantment 1 Poisoned Blood Enchantment 2
Deathlock Conjuration 1 Priestess Mage 1
Decoy Enchantment 4 Priestess Ability Mage 1
Deflection Bracers Equipment 1 Purge Magic Incantation 2
Demonhide Armor Equipment 1 Purify Incantation 1
Dispel Incantation 5 Rajan's Fury Conjuration 1
Dissolve Incantation 5 Redclaw, Alpha Male Creature 1
Divine Intervention Enchantment 1 Regrowth Enchantment 2
Divine Protection Enchantment 2 Regrowth Belt Equipment 1
Dragonscale Hauberk Equipment 1 Resurrection Incantation 1
Drain Life Incantation 2 Retaliate Enchantment 2
Drain Power Incantation 2 Reverse Attack Enchantment 2
Eagle Wings Enchantment 2 Reverse Magic Enchantment 2
Electrify Attack 2 Rhino Hide Enchantment 3
Elemental Cloak Equipment 2 Ring of Asyra Equipment 1
Elemental Wand Equipment 2 Ring of Beasts Equipment 1
Emerald Tegu Creature 2 Ring of Curses Equipment 1
Enchanter's Ring Equipment 1 Ring of Fire Attack 2
Enfeeble Enchantment 2 Rouse the Beast Incantation 2
Essence Drain Enchantment 3 Royal Archer Creature 2
Evade Incantation 2 Sacred Ground Enchantment 2
Explode Incantation 2 Sacrificial Altar Conjuration 1
Fellela, Pixie Familiar Creature 1 Samandriel, Angel of Light Creature 1
Feral Bobcat Creature 2 Seeking Dispel Incantation 3
Fireball Attack 3 Shift Enchantment Incantation 2
Firebrand Imp Creature 3 Skeletal Sentry Creature 2
Fireshaper Ring Equipment 1 Sleep Incantation 2
Firestorm Attack 2 Sosruko, Ferret Companion Creature 1
Flameblast Attack 2 Staff of Asyra Equipment 1
Flaming Hellion Creature 2 Staff of Beasts Equipment 1
Fog Bank Wall 2 Staff of the Arcanum Equipment 1
Force Hold Enchantment 2 Steal Enchantment Incantation 2
Force Orb Enchantment 1 Steelclaw Grizzly Creature 1
Force Push Incantation 3 Stonegaze Basilisk Creature 1
Force Sword Enchantment 1 Suppression Cloak Equipment 1
Gate to Hell Conjuration 1 Suppression Orb Conjuration 1
Gate to Voltari Conjuration 1 Tanglevine Conjuration 3
Gauntlets of Strength Equipment 1 Tarok, The Sky Hunter Creature 1
Geyser Attack 2 Teleport Incantation 3
Ghoul Rot Enchantment 2 Teleport Trap Enchantment 2
Goran, Werewolf Pet Creature 1 Temple of Asyra Conjuration 1
Gorgon Archer Creature 1 Temple of Light Conjuration 1
Gray Angel Creature 2 Temple of the Dawnbreaker Conjuration 1
Group Heal Incantation 2 Thunderbolt Attack 1
Hand of Bim-Shalla Conjuration 1 Thunderift Falcon Creature 2
Harmonize Enchantment 3 Timber Wolf Creature 3
Hawkeye Enchantment 2 Tooth & Nail Conjuration 1
Heal Incantation 3 Turn to Stone Enchantment 2
Hellfire Trap Enchantment 2 Valshalla, Lightning Angel Creature 1
Helm of Fear Equipment 1 Vampiric Strike Incantation 2
Highland Unicorn Creature 2 Vampirism Enchantment 2
Huginn, Raven Familiar Creature 1 Wall of Fire Wall 2
Idol of Pestilence Conjuration 1 Wall of Stone Wall 2
Ivarium Longbow Equipment 1 Wall of Thorns Wall 2
Jet Stream Attack 3 Warlock Mage 1
Jinx Enchantment 2 Warlock Ability Mage 1
Knight of Westlock Creature 2 Whirling Spirit Creature 1
Knockdown Incantation 2 Wind Wyvern Hide Equipment 1
Lair Conjuration 1 Wizard Mage 1
Lash of Hellfire Equipment 1 Wizard Ability Mage 1



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