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Grade & Section Date

Teacher Joan R. Esquierdo

St. Rita’s College of Balingasag Christian Living 7 │ Student Study Guide 11 1


Lesson 1: Prayer as Foundation of Relationship with God

TASK 1. A: Individual Learning Activity

3-2-1 Assessment

3 - What are the three effects of Prayer in me?


2 - What are my two most common ways of praying?


1 - What is my commitment after realizing the importance of



St. Rita’s College of Balingasag Christian Living 7 │ Student Study Guide 11 2

TASK 1. B: Individual Learning Activity

Identify the A.C.T.S. in the prayer “The Lord’s Prayer” and explain why.

Our Father, 1.______________________

who art in heaven, ________________________
hallowed be thy name; ________________________
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
_______________________________ Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass ________________________
against us; ________________________

________________________ and lead us not into temptation,

________________________ but deliver us from evil. Amen.

St. Rita’s College of Balingasag Christian Living 7 │ Student Study Guide 11 3

TASK 2: Individual Learning Activity

Create a prayer using the ACTS formula addressing the current situation today.
Partially Meets Does Not Meet
Exceeds Standards Meets Standards
Standards Standard
10 8
6 4

Prayer is sincere and Prayer is sincere Prayer is somewhat Prayer appears to be

original. It is evident that and original however sincere and original thoughtless or not
Sincerity the thoughts and emotions the ideas expressed but was not able to sincere. The prayer
and were expressed well. The were somewhat express the thoughts is copied from the
Originality ideas are relevant irrelevant to its well. internet.
especially in addressing content.
the concern of the society.

The ACTS format is 3 types of prayer are 2 types of prayer are 1 type of prayer is
Technicaliti evident in the prayer. It included in the included in the included in the
es has at least 50 words prayer. It has at least prayer. It has at least prayer. It has at least
written in the format. 40 words written in 30 words written in 20 words written in
the format. the format. the format.














St. Rita’s College of Balingasag Christian Living 7 │ Student Study Guide 11 4

TASK 3: Social Learning Activity
a) Ask your father / mother about a religious song that their parents taught them.
b) Using the lyrics of the religious song, identify the parts of the lyrics which pertains to Adoration, Contrition,
Thanksgiving, and Supplication (Whichever may be present in the song and not necessarily that the ACTS
acronym be complete).
c) Use the box below to do your work.

Title of the song


St. Rita’s College of Balingasag Christian Living 7 │ Student Study Guide 11 5


RVM Integration Questions Answer

1. How would you describe a person who prays


2. How do you think people are helped by their

faith in facing this COVID 19 pandemic?

3. What does it entail to have a good

relationship with one another?


After I have learned the importance of prayer, now I know that …



St. Rita’s College of Balingasag Christian Living 7 │ Student Study Guide 11 6

To make our Module become learner-friendly, please help us answer the following

In what aspect of this module is helpful to your learning?

2. Which part of this module are least helpful to your learning?


3. Other comments/suggestions

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present
your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts
and your minds in Christ Jesus”. Philippians 4:6-7

YFE in
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC)
Catechism for Filipino Catholics (CFC)
List of Links:
Link 1:
Catechism of the Catholic Church: Christian Prayer
Link 2:
Student Prayer
Link 3:
Quotes To Motivate To Prayer. Or Prayer Provoking Prayer Quotes
Link 4:
Prayer Discussions Starter
Link 5:
Reasons Why We Pray
Link: 6 :
Link: 7:
Catechism of the Catholic Church

St. Rita’s College of Balingasag Christian Living 7 │ Student Study Guide 11 7

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