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My warmest greetings and congratulations to Buenlag National High School as you celebrate

your 52nd Foundation Anniversary.

As the Public Schools District Supervisor, I take pride and pleasure to every milestone and
breakthrough this school reaches. The essence of Foundation Day is not merely celebrating it
within a day with a number of festive activities, but Foundation Day is a special day to
commemorate the sacrifices of the administration, teachers and stakeholders as they offer
every learner unsolicited service though quality education.
Foundation Day also marks the toughness of this institution through the years. Though
numerous dilemmas and challenges arise, this school remains resilient to give our clients what
they rightfully deserve.
Let this special occasion remind every member of the community and school to do his/her part
not just to preserve the legacy of this school but even surpass it. Let us all help one another to
build a stronger, brighter, better Buenlag National High School.
Happy Foundation Day and May God Bless us all!

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