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Packet Switching

Packet Switching sends information across computerized systems by separating it into

squares or packets for more productive exchange utilizing different system gadgets. Each
time one gadget sends a document to another, it separates the record into packets with the
goal that it can decide the most proficient course for sending the information over the system
around then. The system gadgets would then be able to course the packets to the goal where
the accepting gadget reassembles them for use.

What is Packet Switching?

Packet switching is the exchange of little bits of information across different systems. These
information pieces or "packets" take into consideration quicker, more effective information
move. Regularly, when a client sends a record over a system, it gets moved in littler
information packets, not in one piece. For instance, a 3MB record will be separated into
packets, each with a packet header that incorporates the starting point IP address, the goal IP
address, the quantity of packets in the whole information document, and the succession
Kinds of Packet Switching
There are two significant kinds of packet switching:
Connectionless Packet Switching: This great kind of packet switching incorporates different
packets, each independently steered. This implies every packet contains total directing data—
however it likewise implies various ways of transmission and faulty conveyance are
conceivable, contingent upon the fluctuating burdens on the system's hubs (connectors,
switches and switches) right now. This sort of packet switching is once in a while called
datagram switching.
Every packet in connectionless packet switching remembers the accompanying data for its
header area:
 Source address
 Goal address
 All out number of packets
 Succession number for reassembly
When the packets arrive at their goal by means of different courses, the getting gadgets adjust
them to frame the first message. Association Oriented Packet Switching. In association
arranged packet switching, likewise called virtual circuit switching or circuit switching,
information packets are first collected and afterward numbered. They at that point traverse a
predefined course, consecutively. Address data isn't required in circuit switching, since all
packets are sent in grouping.

Security and encryption in e-commerce is a growing need among companies and

marketplaces. A Check Point report assured that cybercrime will remain constant in 2019, but
that its attacks will be more sophisticated and intelligent.
Encryption is one of the most effective methods of improving cybersecurity. With the first
option, sensitive customer information (user names, passwords, bank details, etc.) can be
protected through encryption. This process is not easy to explain but can be summed up in the
use of a unique code, which allows the recipient and recipient to decrypt the data needed in
the transaction. In this way, the theft of such data makes no sense to cybercriminals, who will
not be able to decipher them.
Another excellent resource for optimizing security in e-commerce are security certificates.
We are talking about digital identification, capable of verifying the identity of users, as well
as their « humanity » (most cyber-attacks are perpetrated by bots). SSL and SET certificates
are the most widely used and are worth studying in depth.


Also known as Secure Sockets Layer, this security certificate has become one of the must of
the internet. It is used by both large companies and minority bloggers. Its purpose is to
protect your data transactions between a website (provider) and its visitors (recipients).
Identifying sites with SSL certificates is easy: a green padlock appears in the browser,
indicating to users that all their data is secure. However, creating a secure SSL connection
requires the hosting server to have a pre-installed SSL certificate. Fortunately for those
interested, these certificates have a very low cost. Some hosting providers even offer the free
installation of Let’s Encrypt and other SSL software.


And if you’re wondering what secure e-commerce payment protocol you should implement,
SET is an excellent answer. The initials of this protocol correspond to Secure Electronic
Transaction. As its name indicates, it is a system to guarantee the security of monetary
transactions in digital environments.
The operation of SET is simple. Generally speaking, this protocol provides a series of
certificates and digital signatures between the consumer, the company and the banking entity,
which regulate the monetary transaction from its beginning to its end. Considering that it was
created by Visa and MasterCard in collaboration with giants such as Microsoft, IBM or
Netscape, the effectiveness of the SET protocol should not surprise us.
The TLS or Transport Layer Security certificate is an evolution of the aforementioned SSL.
Its objective is to provide secure connections by encrypting data sent between two parties.
This certificate is mainly used in e-mail environments and is not incompatible with its
predecessor (in fact, they can be reconciled).
Netscape created the SSL protocol, and later the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force)
developed the TLS. As you may have noticed, both certificates work in a similar way, but
they are not the same: the algorithms of the TSL certificate are more solid and versatile than
those of its predecessor.
When we talk about HTTPS, we mean Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. This protocol is
an evolution of the HTTP, which incorporates an extra layer of security to the data that are
sent in SSL or TLS connections. Today most digital enterprises are carried out with HTTPS
protocols, instead of HTTP, created by Eric Rescorla and Allan M. Schiffman in 1999, which
are on the way to disappear.
Due to the growing number of cyber-attacks, the use of the HTTPS protocol has become
widespread since 2018. This is due to the fact that the previous HTTP had greater weaknesses
and was not as secure. Specialists recommend the use of HTTPS, but in some cases the S-
HTTP protocol may be needed. Any of these e-commerce security protocols is a safe bet to
shield your business from phishing, malware, online fraud and other cyber-attacks. Its
objective is not to avoid monetary losses derived from an attack: it is to avoid the loss of
customer confidence.

Web 2.0
Web 2.0 generally refers to the world wide site that highlights the user-generated content,
interoperability, and usability for the end-users. Web 2.0 is called a participative social web.
Web browser technologies can be used in Web 2.0 development as well as includes
JavaScript and AJAX frameworks. Currently, JavaScript and AJAX frameworks have also
become the most popular ways to create web 2.0 websites.

Major features of the Web 2.0 –

 Dynamic content is responsive to user input.
 Free sorting of the information, allows users to retrieve as well as classify information
 Developed APIs that will allow the self-usage, by the software application.
 Web access can lead to a concern different, from a traditional Internet base to a wider
range of users.
 Information flows between the website owner and users by evaluation and online
Web 3.0 –
Semantic Web or 3.0 assures to establish “world’s information” in a reasonable way
compared to Google that will ever attain with the current engine schema. It is mainly true
from the perspective of the machine conception when opposed to human understanding.
Semantic Web necessitates the use of the declarative ontological language such as OWL to
make domain-specific ontologies, which machines will use to reason on information as well
as make some new conclusions, not just match the keywords.

 Main features that will help us to define Web 3.0 with Web 2.0:
 Artificial Intelligence
 Combining such capability with natural language processing, Web 3.0, computers will
distinguish the information just like humans to provide faster and relevant results.
 Semantic Web
 Succeeding the evolution of the Web involves Semantic Web. This semantic web
improves web technologies to create, connect and share content through the search
and the analysis based on the capability of comprehending the meaning of the words,
instead of on the keywords and numbers.
 Connectivity
 With Web 3.0, the information will be connected due to semantic metadata. Thus,
user experience evolves at another connectivity level that leverages available
 Ubiquity
 Content is available by the multiple applications, each device will be connected to the
web, and services will be used all over.
 3D Graphics

Three-dimensional design can be used widely in the websites and services at Web 3.0. The
museum guides, e-commerce, computer games, geospatial contexts are some of the examples
that make use of 3D graphics.

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