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NAME:____________________________________ DATE:_____________________
YEAR/SECTION:____________________________ SCORE:___________________

I.A.MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letter of the correct answer that best describes the statement.

_____1. There are other several causes of fire, they are as follows except from one.
A. Overheated Appliances C. Lighted Candles
B. Worn-out Electrical Connections D. Sudden Surge of Electricity
_____2. Fire drills are conducted at the frequencies specified by the Fire Code and involve all of the
following except from one.
A. Fire Alarm C. Shouting aloud
B. Staff operates emergency systems D. Occupant’ participation is taken into account
_____3. This refers to precautions that are taken to prevent or reduce the likelihood of a fire that may
result in death, injury, or property damage.
A. Fire safety C. Earthquake
B. Fire drill D. Earthquake drill
_____4. It is the shaking and vibration at the surface of the earth resulting from underground movement
along a fault plane or from volcanic activity.
A. Shaking C. Earthquake
B. Vibration D. Volcanic eruption
_____5. It is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury.
A. Sudden Aid C. Emergency Aid
B. Fisrt Aid D. Urgent Aid
_____6. The following are the general Directions for First Aid except from one.
A. Give immediate action C. Plan action to be taken
B. Assess the situation D. Don’t panic
_____7. A good first aider must possess the following except from one.
A. Gladsome C. Watchful
B. Gentle D. Fast
_____8. During the earthquake observed the following except from one.
A. Run C .Hold on
B. Drop D. Cover
_____9. After the earthquake observed the following except from one.
A. Expect aftershocks C. Remember to help your neighbors
B. Check yourself for injuries D. Market for basic needs
_____10. After the earthquake at home observed the following except from one.
A. Inspect your home for damage C. Electricity: Look for electrical system damage
B. Gas: Check for gas leaks D. Inspect your neighbor’s home

B. IDENTIFICATION: Identify the following. Choose your answer inside the box, then write the letter of
your answer.
A. Gladsome F. Diplomatic K. Long pants
B. Watchful G. Sympathetic L. Back belts
C. Gentle H. Resourceful M. Logging boots
D. First Aid I. Dust mask N. Jacket
E. Earthquake J. Raincoat O. Sunglasses

_____1. A flexible pad held over the nose and mouth by elastic or rubber straps.
_____2. Careful in saying a word not to upset other people.
_____3. It is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury.
_____4. Worn around the lower back to provide support to the lumbar.
_____5. A hip- or waist-length garment for the upper body.
_____6. Having a kind and calm characteristics.
_____7. Allow better vision in bright daylight.
_____8. It is the shaking and vibrating at the surface of the earth.
_____9. Possessing a good spirit, likely to display gloom.
_____10. A mutual association or feeling to be shown to the victim.
_____11. A type of footwear and a specific type of shoe.
_____12 .A garment extending from the waist to the knee or ankle, covering each leg separately.
_____13. Pay strict attention to the situation.
_____14. Ability of devising ways and means.
_____15. A waterproof or water-resistant coat worn to protect the body from rain.

C. ENUMERATION: Enumerate the following.

1-10 Personal Protective Equipment

II. DIRECTION: Give the meaning of the following acronyms. (10pts.)

1. PPE -
2. BFP -
3. LPG –

III. DIRECTION: Write a check mark ( ) if the following statement are to be undertaken during the
earthquake and a cross mark ( ) if not.

_____1. Stay inside.

_____2. Drop to the ground until the shaking stops.
_____3. Expect aftershocks.
_____4. Drop, cover and hold-on.
_____5. Check yourself for injuries.
_____6. Check others for injuries.
_____7. Remember to help your neighbors.
_____8. Find a clear spot away from buildings, trees, and power lines.
_____9. If you are in bed, hold on, stay and protect your head with a pillow.
_____10. Listen to a battery-operated radio or television for the latest emergency information.

IV. TRUE OR FALSE: Write True if the statement is correct, and False if it is wrong.

_______1. Most fires start in the kitchen because people are too negligent about loose valves of LPG
_______2. Fire Prevention Month is being observed in April of every year lead by the BFP.
_______3. During the earthquake, you should stay away from windows and doors.
_______4. Each time you feel aftershocks, drop, cover, and hold on.
_______5. In giving first aid, move seriously injured person.
_______6. Overheated appliances is one of the several causes of fire.
_______7. The fire alarm system is deactivated as part of the drill.
_______8. The fire drill outcomes are documented.
_______9. The fire drill runs not enough to adequately assess the expected responses of supervisory
_______10. Occupants operate emergency systems and equipment.
_______11. Sunglasses allow better vision in light daylight.
_______12. Logging boots protect and comfort the human foot while doing various activities.
_______13. A long-sleeved shirt is a type of shirt, of a style and fabric similar to a t-shirt, although of
course, with long sleeves.
_______14. A steel-toe boot is a durable boot or shoes that has a protective reinforcement in the toe.
_______15. Glasses, also known as eyeglasses are frames bearing lenses worn in front of the eyes.
_______16. A raincoat is a waterproof or water-resistant coat worn to protect the body from rain.
_______17. Lineman’s boots are worn both for their functionality-protecting the foot and leg from
water, snow, mud or hazards.
_______18. Dust mask are generally lightweight worn around the lower back.
_______19. Long pants is a garment covering each leg separately.
_______20. A jacket typically has sleeves, and fastens in the back.

V. ESSAY: Answer briefly. (5pts. each)

1.Why do we need to wear Personal Protective Equipment?

2.What will you do during the earthquake?

3.As a first aider, what will you do to a person who is suffering from injuries caused by an earthquake?

VI. DRAWING: Draw the following Personal Protective Equipment. (2pts. each)

1. Raincoat

2. Sunglasses

3. Dust mask

4. Long sleeves

5. Logging boots

Prepared by:
T. Angelie C. Nilo

NAME:______________________________________ DATE:____________________
YEAR/SECTION:______________________________ SCORE:___________________

I.A.IDENTIFICATION: Identify the following. Write the letter of the correct answer.

A. Base or Underliner F. Permanent Emulsion

B. Body G. Oils
C. Garnishing H. Vinegar
D. Dressing I. Lemon Juice
E. Temporary Emulsions J. Salad Dressings

_____1. Are liquid or semi liquids used to flavor salads.

_____2. A simple oil and vinegar dressing, the two liquids always separate after being shaken.
_____3. A mixture of oil and vinegar that contains egg yolk.
_____4. A cup-shaped leaves of lettuce make attractive bases.
_____5. A seasoned liquid or semi liquid added to the body of the salad.
_____6. Used in place of or in addition to vinegar in some preparation.
_____7. Main part of the salad.
_____8. Should have mild, sweet flavor.
_____9. Should have a good, clean sharp flavor.
_____10. An edible decorative item that is added to salad to give eye appeal and adds flavor as well.

B. ENUMERATION: Enumerate the following.

1-4 Ingredients of Salad Dressing

5-6 Types of Salad Dressings
7-10 Four parts of Plated Salad

II. DIRECTION: Differentiate the following. (5pts. each)

1.Salads - Salad Dressings

2. Temporary Emulsions - Permanent Emulsion

III. SEQUENCING: Arrange the following chronologically.

A.Guidelines for Arranging Salads (1-6)

_____ Cut ingredients neatly.
_____ Keep it simple.
_____ Strive for a good balance of colors.
_____ Height helps make a salad attractive.
_____ Make every ingredient identifiable.
_____ Keep the salad off the rim of the plate.

B. Steps in Washing Salad Vegetables (7-12)

_____ Rinse the vegetables in tap water several times.
_____ Spin-dry the vegetables in a salad spinner.
_____ Soak the vegetable in a solution for about 1 minute.
_____ Gently wash vegetables and pay special attention to the stems and leaves.
_____ The vegetable may further be sanitized in a mild solution.
_____ Prepare a detergent in a bowl of tap water.

IV. TRUE OR FALSE: Write True if the statement is correct, and False if it is wrong.

_______1. Washing all salad vegetables is important to ensure food safety.

_______2. Green salads are plated in a hot plate.
_______3. Avoid plating salads more than an hour or two before service.
_______4. Refrigerate salads before serving time.
_______5. Dressing is added immediately after serving.
_______6. Refrigerate salads until serving.
_______7. Do not add dressing to green salads until serving, or they will sag.
_______8. Garnish that is tossed should be added at serving time.
_______9. Holding boxes should have low humidity.
_______10. Do not hold refrigerated salads more than a few hours, or the salads will sag.
_______11. Keep the salad on the rim of the plate.
_______12. Weight helps make a salad attractive.
_______13. Dressing may be added at service time.
_______14. Served dressing separately for the customer to add.
_______15. Garnish should harmonize with the rest of the salad ingredients.
_______16. Dressing gives height to salad.
_______17. Base or under liner is the main part of the salad.
_______18. Cooked dressing uses starch in addition to eggs.
_______19. The harder the mixture is beaten or shaken, the longer it takes for it to separate.
_______20. The flavors of most salad dressings are not modified by cooking.

V. ESSAY: Answer briefly. (5pts. each)

1.What is the best base or under liner to be used in preparing fruit salad? Why?
2. What will happen if oil and vinegar are combined?
3. Why is it important to keep the salad off the rim of the plate?
4. Why do we need to wash all salad vegetables?

VI. DRAWING: Draw and label the four parts of plated salad.

NAME:______________________________________ DATE:____________________
YEAR/SECTION:______________________________ SCORE:___________________

I.A.MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letter of the correct answer that best describe the statements.

_____1.Very delicate and easily overcooked.

A.Seafood B. Fish C. Meat
_____2. Has almost no fat, so it easily becomes dry.
A.Fat fish B. Lean fish C. Shellfish
_____3. Become tough and rubbery when cooked at high temperature.
A.Shrimps B. Mussels C. Squids
_____4. Sign of age or spoilage (shellfish)
A.Smell sweet B. Smell fresh C. Strong fishy odor
_____5. Extremely soft and delicate and contains high percentage of water.
A.Flesh of mussels B. Flesh of oyster C. Flesh of clams
_____6. Dark green or bluish green but turns red when cooked.
A.Crab shell B. Shrimp shell C. Lobster shell
_____7. Boneless side of fish, with or without skin.
A.Fillets B. Steaks C. Drawn
_____8. Viscera, scales, head, tail and fins are removed.
A.Dressed B. Drawn C. Steaks
_____9. They have a pair of hinged shells.
A.Univalves B. Bivalves C. Cephalopods
_____10. They have a single shell.
A.Bivalves B. Cephalopods C. Univalves

B. ENUMERATION: Enumerate the following.

1-5 Examples of Fin Fish

6-10 Examples of Shellfish

II. DEFINITION: Define the following terms. (3pts. each)

1.Fin Fish –

2. Shellfish –

3. Lean Fish –

4. Fat fish –
III. SEQUENCING: Arrange the following guidelines chronologically.

_____ Make every component count.

_____ Keep it simple.
_____ Maintain unity.
_____ Keep food off the rim of the plate.
_____ Keep space between items.
_____ Add gravy or sauce attractively.
_____ Arrange the items for the convenience of the customer.

IV. TRUE OR FALSE: Write True if the statement is correct , and False if it is wrong.

_______1. Part of serving any kind of food is presentation.

_______2. Select plates large enough to hold all the items without crowding.
_______3. Keep food on the rim of the plate.
_______4. Fin fish are fresh when eyes are clean, shiny and bulging.
_______5. Live crabs should be kept alive until cooked.
_______6. Clams become tough and rubbery if undercooked.
_______7. Serve hot foods hot, on cold plates.
_______8. Lean fish has almost no fat, so it easily dry.
_______9. Cook oyster just enough to heat thoroughly to keep it juicy and plump.
_______10. Discard any mussels that are very light in weight or seem to be hollow.
_______11. Glazed shrimp should be shiny with freezer burn.
_______12. Crustaceans are soft sea animals.
_______13. Univalves have a pair of hinged shells.
_______14. Fish consists of water, protein, fats and small amount of minerals and vitamins.
_______15. Fish cooks very quickly, even at low heat.
_______16. Fish is naturally tender.
_______17. In butterflied fillets both sides of a fish still joined, but with bones removed.
_______18. The shrimps shell is dark green or bluish green but turns red when cooked.
_______19. Fresh fish has shiny scales, and tightly cling on skin.
_______20. Flesh of oyster is extremely soft and delicate and contains high percentage of water.

V. ESSAY: Answer briefly. (5pts. each)

1.Differentiate Fin Fish from Shellfish.

2. Differentiate Mollusks from Crustaceans
3. Explain the relationship of Balance in food preparation
4. Explain the relationship of Garnishes in food preparation

VI. DRAWING: Draw and label the parts of a fish.

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