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1. What types of evidence dominate in this essay?

Is the purpose of the essay to inform or to

Evidence from research and surveys is what predominates the text. Statistics about boys
and girls reading were cited frequently in their essay to bring information. The purpose of the
essay seems more to be informative because the no clear and coherent thesis was created and
the dominant use of statistical evidence suggests that it was more to inform about the figures
relating to boys and girls reading.

2. Do you agree with Mark Bauerlein and Sandra Stotsky analysis of the literary preferences of
girls and boys? Explain.
I do agree about boys’ and girls’ preferences, though not concrete, in my experience
younger boys and girls do seem to like certain genres of books described by Bauerlein and
Stotsky but not nearly as exaggerated as this, it is much more nuanced than that.

3. Taking the opening two paragraphs as the author's’ introduction, how do they capture their
readers’ interest?
The opening paragraphs encapsulate readers’ interest by showing us startling statistics.
It is made a little dramatic to draw attention and worry about the issue by describing it as a
“serious” issue. The intense beginning works to make the issue more important by using quotes
like “..worrisome trends going largely unnoticed.”

- Rough lines on face to see the face very well, emphasizes masculinity. Smoking a
cigarrete, cowboy, and rough face shows the masculinity
- Looks like he has something else to do so that people woild associate smoking the
cigarrete with adventure or being out and doing stuff
- Cowboys are rough and accomplish goals of being a cowboy and being rugged, not
fancy or rich.
- Feeling of candidy
- Experiences of being a man and effects of toxic masculinity. Harmful to men because
they can’t express emotions
- Forced to suppress emotions because of being a man
- Stereotypes of men like hunting, drinking, etc
- Experienced them himself, makes position clear about the traditional stereotypes and
provides another perspective
- Inherently, traditional men's values is belittling
- It isn’t too hard to imagine another concept of mens value nowadays
- Toxic masculinity and men’s values is not emphasized for men and their struggles aren’t
- Personal anecdote about her son, 6th grade and creative. Wants to start playing sports
to be a jock because he believed girls would like him more
- Fight in a sport or virtually, his things don’t have anything to do with being competitive.
- Doesn’t show that he dominates on anything thus
- Scientific studies for information
- “Man’s World”, how men used to dominate more especially before. Emphasize women’s
- Girls usually fare much better than men in school, straight A students, etc.
- More likely to be involved in school activities
- College differences are larger.
- Schools/colleges often have more women
- Many more women graduates than men , 1.5 ratio
- Women are more productive members of society
- Women are more superior today than they ever have been
- It doesn’t emphasize that women are more successful initially
- There are many more factors than the new information and women’s roles in school and
society increasing
- Women are achieving higher level jobs, it doesn’t change marriages now because
education level and women’s success do not have as much of an effect.
- It is much more nuanced and dynamic.

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