Project 1 Developing Ideas Market Research 1

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Project 1

Developing Ideas &

Market Research
Before you make a final decision on the subject of your podcast, you need to
consider the following questions:

1. How this subject/topic brings young people together

2. In what capacity is this subject/topic a part of your life e.g. is it a hobby,

interest, part of your day to day life, a group/community of people in society?

3. How does this subject impact/influence your life and your generation

4. What is it that engages/interests you with this subject

5. What role does it play in society

6. When do you engage/participate with this subject

7. Do you know someone you can interview about this subject/topic

8. Will you be able to discuss all of the above with confidence and passion?
I am considering basing my podcast
around the topic of being a British dog
How this subject/topic brings my generation together

Owning dogs has connected me with a lot of people over the years. I often make new connections and friends with fellow dog owners

whilst out walking my dogs or when out and about socialising. It also has brought me and my family together in a lot of ways as we all

own dogs, so we often share our experiences of 'raising dogs' and often arrange family dog walks/days out to catch up.

In what capacity is this subject/topic a part of your life

Being a dog owner impacts my life on a daily basis 24 hours a day. I have to plan my day around the dogs to make sure they are

walked, fed and entertained.

How does this subject impact/influence your life and your generation

My life has been hugely impacted by being part of the dog owner community - As a dog owner you have to consider your job/working

hours to ensure the dogs aren't left alone at home for too long each day, I've had to landscape my garden because they kept digging

holes in an attempt to escape, it impacts the types of holidays I can go on - I have to camp or go to dog friendly accommodation as I

don't feel comfortable leaving them in kennels with other people as they are so mischievous! Owning a dog has had a positive

influence on me as it has taught me responsibility and to have a lot of patience!

What is it that engages you with this subject
I am considering basing my podcast
around the topic of being a British dog

I love being a dog owner as my home feels empty without a family dog - I've always grown up around dogs. I love how it connects me

with people from all backgrounds and generations and how I always have a funny story to tell about what my naughty dogs have been

up to. It's fulfilling being a dog owner as they offer unconditional love and are always loyal. I also love the dog retail market from the

cute bows to dog toys.

What role does it play in society

Owning a dog brings people from all backgrounds and generations together as it provides common ground in conversations and

social situations. More and more people are becoming dog owners as they can be good therapy and company, particularly during the

recent lockdown. The trend of owning a dog has also impacted dog retail products e.g. clothing, toys, posh dog food etc. More and

more individuals are having dogs rather than children

When do you engage/participate with this subject


Do you know someone you can interview about this subject/topic

My best friend, family members

Now that I know which subject to focus
on, I need to consider the key points that
I want to discuss around this topic...

Ideas for Key Points:

1. Why are so many members of society now dog owners?
2. What does being a dog owner in modern society involve?
3. How does owning a dog bring people and families
4. What impact (good or bad) does owning a dog have on day
to day life?

1. Insert the 8 questions from the first
slide onto your My Culture page under

the subheading "Shortlisting an Idea"
2. Type your thoughts and responses to
the questions listed
3. List some ideas that you have for the
key points you want to discuss in your
Now that you have short listed your idea, you need to conduct market research to
fully inform your intentions for the project and to assess the current market:

1. Find out what other podcasts/podcast episodes are in the market that are discussing the
same or similar topic
2. Listen to a similar podcast episode and make notes on the structure, content, duration and
presenting style of the episode
3. Are they popular/successful?
4. Find out how the majority of audiences access podcast material e.g. Apple podcasts?
Spotify? YouTube?
5. What devices do audiences use to listen to podcasts?
6. Which age group engage with podcasts the most?
listening-by-age-uk/ podcast-industry-
presenting style:
Collate your findings into your Podcast Research Portfolio PowerPoint under a
new section titled Market Research (You should already have this PowerPoint
set up with your production research)
Remember to reference all of your findings

Write a summary of what you found out from your market research and discuss
how this will impact your own podcast idea

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