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Chat/Messenger codes/abbreviation


1. HAND – have a nice day

2. LMK – let me know
3. IKR – I know right
4. NVM – never mind
5. SLR – Sorry late reply
6. BTW – by the way
7. TIA – thanks in advance
8. TYT – take your time
9. TTYL – talk to you later
10. ROTFL – rolling on the floor laughing

Codes that we usually use daily

But today we will discuss about the most important coded message of all time – the DNA code.

Show picture of chromosome.. identify chromatin

Sections of the chromosome – gene responsible for certain traits.. basic unit of heredity
How is passing of genes allows traits to be passed on from parents to offspring
DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid

Reading Material (30 minutes)

DNA: The Blueprint of Life

All cells require some form of instruction or guideline to

be able to function properly. They need rules or codes
to make materials in the cell. And that code is the DNA.

DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid, a double

stranded molecule (see picture at the side) found inside
the nucleus of the cell. It contains the information or
code that determines inherited characteristics. It has
the code for making proteins. The double stranded
structure has repeating sub-units/building blocks called
nucleotides. Therefore, a DNA is a chain of nucleotides.

A nucleotide has three important parts: (1) a phosphate group (2) a sugar
and (3) nitrogenous base. In DNA, the sugar is deoxyribose, which is part of
its name. Nitrogenous bases are organic molecules containing nitrogen in
the form of ring structure. There are
four different types of nitrogenous
bases: (1) adenine, (2) thymine, (3) cytosine and (4) guanine.
Adenine and guanine are called Purines with double ring of carbon
and nitrogen atoms while thymine and cytosine are called
Pyrimidine with single ring of carbon and nitrogen atoms. A
phosphate group attaches with a deoxyribose sugar and any one
of these 4 nitrogen bases. With this, there can be four types of

The slanted shape of the DNA molecule causes it to form a spiral or helix shape. Because it is
double stranded, the term double helix is used to describe its structure. Along the sides of the
structure are backbones made of alternating phosphate and sugar molecules called sugar
phosphate backbone bonded together. On the inside, like the rungs of a ladder are the nitrogen

The four types of nucleotide containing the different

nitrogen bases join together in a very complex way to form
the double helix structure. The base adenine always pairs
with thymine, while the base cytosine always pairs with
guanine. Adenine and thymine has two hydrogen bonds while
cytosine and guanine has three hydrogen bonds. Strands of
the DNA are said to be complementary to each other. You can
predict one strand if you know the other strand.

It is the order of these four bases of the DNA or the base

sequence that allows your body to create you. This
sequence is the code that controls the production of all the
proteins of an organism. Proteins determine the traits that
will be shown in an individual.

GUIDE QUESTIONS: ANSWERS ONLY!!! (on your notebook)

1. What is a DNA?
2. Enumerate the components of a nucleotide. (3)
3. Enumerate the four nitrogen bases. (4)
4. Describe the structure of the DNA.
5. How do the nitrogen bases pair?
6. Why is the sequence of nucleotide important in determining traits?
Code that makes you, you is found in the four nitrogen bases.
Twisted ladder or double helix structure
Like any good structure, there has to be main support
Sugar and phosphate bond together to form twin backbone
Base pairing

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