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First Aid on Action

Last October 26, 2019, we conducted another two seminars (Seminar on Disaster Risk
Reduction Management and Seminar Workshop on tending on as a primary Year Student. it
had been held at Eastern Samar State University- Main Campus i used to be excited for the
seminar, because i do know that i'll learn lots of things although it's not associated with my
course which is engineering science, but as a private here in an
exceedingly country that's liable to disasters it's really important so as to survive.
For me this subject tending on Action is extremely common, but during the seminar i used to
be amazed to how the speaker delivered the subject. And grateful because i'm one in all the
scholars who has given the chance to attend on the seminar. And thankful on the knowledge I
gain after the seminar. I volunteered to participate within the tending session because I
wanted to develop skills that may be useful in any scenario.

Through this seminar workshop on tending on Action. I’ve learned such a big amount
of things. We as a private who makes decisions, we want to think first before doing the
action so as to make sure our safety. Unsafe acts and unsafe conditions in an
exceedingly place can cause an accident that may interrupt an activity, cause a private into an
injury or death, and damage to a property. one and all must be concern in terms of safety
awareness to possess a fruitful life that's off from accident.

Different research approaches are needed to maximise profit and minimize cost, innovates

systems, and to resolve different problems faced by an organization. We as Industrial
Engineers should continually consider different operations that are needed to assist the
corporate increase its level of competence and to require more advantage over the
opposite company
it's good to find out the seven principles of Red Cross; Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality,
Independence, Voluntary Movement, Unity, and Universality. These principles cover the
most objective which is to save lots of lifetime of one and all whom is in vulnerable
situations. it's needed for a private to find out what to try and do just in case of an accident.
Every individual should be knowledgeable and skilled in terms of giving tending to save lots
of lifetime of an individual.
What made this different from my other experiences was that I had to acknowledge ethical
considerations. i do know that my actions trigger consequences that i'm held answerable
for. for instance, I learnt that sometimes, people that are in need of help might not necessarily
need my help, but rather professional attention. this might be a results of lack of trust, which
is understandable since i'm only a student. My lack of qualifications may end in worsening a
situation so before I take action, i need to consider what the person feels and what I can do to
assist. With this process, I follow ethical guidelines to not worsen a situation.

After the seminar workshop i used to be really thankful, grateful, amazed and wowed on the
items I’ve learned.

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