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Meril COVID-19 One-step RT-PCR Kit

Analytical sensitivity of testing:

Product Code : NCVPCR-01
Limit of detection (LOD) for the N assay is < 500 RNA
Pack Size : 32 tests
copies/ reaction.
Product Code : NCVPCR-02
Warnings and Precautions: Pack Size : 96 tests

1. This product is only used for in vitro detection. Please

read this manual carefully before use.
Corona virus belongs to the family of Coronaviridae, in the Storage and Shelf-life:
2. Laboratory personnel should be trained and familiar
order of Nidovirales. It is formed by a positive-sense single- 1. Shelf-life of reagent kit is 12 months. Manufacture date is
with the operation procedures and precautions of the
stranded RNA, usually appears spherical with a size of 80- indicated on the box.
instrument before the experiment. Quality control
120nm and with crown-like spikes on the surface. This large 2. Reagents should be stored in the dark at -20 ± 5 °C .
should be performed for each experiment.
family of virus is commonly circulating among vertebrates, 3. Repeated thawing and freezing should be no more than
3. Laboratory management should be strictly in
such as camels, cats and bats. Novel corona virus (COVID- 10 times.
accordance with the regulations of PCR gene
19) has been identified as a new strain of corona virus. It 4. The reconstituted liquid reagent should be used up at
amplification laboratories. Laboratory personnel must
can cause viral pneumonia and dyspnea in humans. once. Leftover reagents should be stored at 4°C for no
be professionally trained and the experimental process
should be strictly divided into sections. All Intended Use: longer than 1 week.
consumables should be used only once after This kit is designed to detect COVID-19 using real time
Instrument Compatibility:
sterilization. Instruments and equipment should be PCR. The results can be used to assist diagnosis of
This kit is compatible with real time PCR instruments with
assigned to each stage of the experiment and cannot patients with COVID-19 infection, and provide molecular
FAM, HEX/VIC, RED/ROX channels.
be used alternatively. diagnostic basis for infected patients.
4. All samples should be regarded as potentially Sample Requirement
The test results of this kit are for clinical reference only and
infectious materials. Laboratory workers should wear 1. Sample Type: Serum, throat swabs, virus preservation
should not be used as the only standard for clinical
appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) buffer and others
diagnosis. It is recommended to conduct a comprehensive
which includes disposable gloves, laboratory coat or 2. Sample Collection: Collect in accordance with
analysis by combining the test results with patients’
grown. Gloves should be changed regularly to avoid conventional sample collection methods
symptoms and other laboratory tests.
cross-contamination between samples. 3. Sample Storage & Transportation: Sample to be tested
5. Clinical laboratories involving manipulation of Principle: can be processed immediately, or stored at -20 ± 5 °C .
potentially infected specimens should be performed in The primer and probe mix for this kit adopts the dual-target Avoid repeated thawing and freezing. Sample should be
a certified Class II Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC) in a gene design, which targets the specific conserved transported with refrigerant packs in sealed Styrofoam
BSL-2 facility. Diagnostic tests should follow standard sequence encoding the ORF 1ab gene and the box or ice chest.
laboratory practices, including Standard Precautions, nucleoprotein N gene. With the PCR reaction mix provided,
Preparation before Testing:
the amplification of template can be quantitatively
when handling potential patient specimens. For Please follow manufacturer’s instruction to extract virus
laboratory waste, follow standard procedures monitored by the increasing fluorescence signal detected
RNA from clinical sample using RNA extraction kit.
associated with other respiratory pathogens. by a real time PCR instrument.
Extracted RNA can be used directly for PCR detection.
The PCR detection system includes an endogenous Otherwise, keep RNA sample at -70°C if not in use. Avoid
internal control primer and probe mix. The result of internal repeated thawing and freezing.
IFU/NCVPCR02/04 control provides the accuracy of sampling and extraction Note: This product does not contain an RNA extraction kit,
Date: 13/05/2020 process, in order to avoid false negative results. and is compatible with Qiagen/Thermo Viral RNA Kit and
any other commercial kits.
Kit Components:
This kit contains real time PCR amplification reagents, Assay Setup:
composed of the following: 1. Reagent Preparation (Perform in Reagent Processing
Sr. Volume Volume Area)
No. (32 Test) (96 Test) 1.1 Master Mix Preparation:
COVID-19 Enzyme Mix 32 tests/ 96 tests/ Take out the components from the box and let it thaw at
1 room temperature until equilibrated. Resuspend the
(Lyophilized) bottle bottle
Obelis s.a., Bd General Wahis 53, 1030, Brussels, Belgium. Lyophilized Enzyme Mix in 400 μL Enzyme Mix Buffer.
2 COVID-19 Primer-Probe Mix 32 μL/vial 100 μL/vial Add 500 μL RNase-free water and gently pipette up and
T +32 (0) 2 732-59-54, F +32 (0) 2 732-60-03,E
3 Enzyme Mix Buffer (5×) 130 μL/vial 400 μL/vial down. Avoid generating air bubbles. Wash the wall of
tube by pipetting to prevent lyophilized powder from
COVID-19 PCR Positive
4 30 μL/vial 90 μL/vial remaining. Place the tube aside for 30 min.
Note: The reconstituted liquid reagent should be used up
COVID-19 PCR Negative at once. Leftover reagents should be stored at 4°C for no
5 30 μL/vial 90 μL/vial
Control (DEPC-treated H2O) longer than 1 week.
1.2 Reaction Mix Preparation: “None”. For example, for ABI series instruments, set Target Ct Interpretation Limitations of Detection Methods:
The recommended sample volume used in the reaction is “Passive Reference” to “None”. Value
1. The test results of this kit are for clinical reference only.
5 μL or 10 μL. Refer to one of the columns below to 4. Result Interpretation (Please refer to the user manual of ORF1ab gene 2019-nCov ORF1ab gene
Ct≤40 The clinical diagnosis and treatment of patients should
prepare the reaction mix: instrument for setting, the following analysis uses ABI (FAM) positive
be considered in combination with their symptoms,
series instruments as an example) Nucleoprotein N 2019-nCov Nucleoprotein N
1 × Volume Required Ct≤40 medical history, other laboratory tests and treatment
4.1 After the reaction is completed, the results are gene (HEX) gene positive
For 5 μL For 10 μL response.
automatically saved and the amplification curves of the Internal control
Sample Sample Ct≤40 Internal control positive
detected target DNA and the internal control are (ROX) 2. Analysis of possibility of false positive & negative results:
Resuspended master mix 9 μL 9 μL analyzed separately. 2.1 Improper sample collection, processing &
ORF1ab/N/ICON Primer & 4.2 According to the analysis, the amplification plot will The validity and the interpretation of each specimen result transportation, and low sample concentration may cause
1 μL 1 μL
probe (FAM/HEX/ROX) adjust the Start value, End value and Threshold value of according to the results of each channel are given below in false negative results.
RNase-free water 5 μL - the Baseline (Users can adjust the values according to tabular form. 2.2 Variations in the target sequence of the novel corona
the actual situation. Start value can be set within 3~15, virus (COVID-19) or sequence changes caused by
Total volume 15 μL 10 μL ORF
End value can be set within 5~20; Users can adjust the Nucleoprot Internal Results other reasons may lead to false negative results.
amplification curve of negative control to make it linear 1ab Action to be 2.3 Improper reagent storage can lead to false negative
ein N gene control Interpretati
※Multiply the numbers according to the number of tests. gene taken
or below the threshold line). Click “Analyze” to perform (HEX) (ROX) on results.
1.3 Aliquot 15 μL (or 10 μL, depending on sample volume) the analysis and the parameters should meet the Report results to
2.4 Other unproven interferences or PCR inhibitors may
of the above reaction mix into the PCR plate of the following requirements mentioned in “Section 5. Quality SARS-CoV- cause false negative results.
Positive or sender and
chosen PCR platform. Aliquot into wells according to the Control”. Lastly, record the qualitative results in the Plate Positive Positive 2 Positive 2.5 Cross-contamination during sample processing may
Negative appropriate health
number of samples to be tested, include one well for the window. authority. cause false positive results.
positive control and one well for the negative control. 5. Quality Control Report results to 2.6 This assay should be performed according to Good
Transfer the reaction mix to Sample Processing Area. 5.1 COVID-19 PCR Negative Control: SARS-CoV- sender and Laboratory Practice (GLP) regulation. Operators
or Positive Positive
None of the FAM, HEX & Internal Control (ROX) 2 Positive. appropriate health should strictly follow the manufacturer’s instructions in
2. Sample Adding (Perform in Sample Processing Area) Negative
2.1 For 5 μL sample: Add 5 μL of the following into the channels have a Ct value or Ct > 40. performing the test.
SARS-CoV- Report results to
appropriate wells according to plate setup: Sample(s), 5.2 COVID-19 PCR Positive Control: Negative Negative Positive Product Performance:
2 Negative sender
Positive Control, Negative Control FAM, HEX & Internal Control (ROX) channels Ct ≤ 35 Sample is Clinical sensitivity and specificity:
2.2 For 10 μL sample: Dilute positive control with 5 μL 5.3 The above requirements must be met at the same time repeated once 1. 20 Nos. of SARS-COV-2 positive samples (equal
DEPC-treated water to total volume of 10 μL. Add 10 μL of in the same experiment. Otherwise, this experiment is from extraction. If
representation of samples with low medium and high Ct
the following into the appropriate wells according to plate invalid and needs to be repeated. a second failure
occurs, it is values) and 75 Nos. of SARS-COV-2 negative samples
setup: Sample(s), Diluted Positive Control, Negative Control Quality Cantrol
Negative Negative Negative Invalid reported to sender were tested.
2.3 After adding the samples, cover the lid immediately. Internal
ORF1ab Nucleoprotein N as invalid and 2. 10 nos. other virus positive and SARS COV-2 negative
Spin down briefly using a centrifuge to remove air Control control
gene (FAM) gene (HEX) recommend samples tested and found no cross-reactivity i.e. human
bubbles. Transfer the mixture to amplification area. (ROX)
recollection if Corona virus, Influenza A virus, Influenza B virus,
3. PCR Amplification (Perform in Amplification and Analysis No Ct patient is still
Negative No Ct value or No Ct value or Respiratory syncytial virus, Adenovirus, Parainfluenza
value or clinically indicated.
Area) Control Ct > 40. Ct > 40.
Ct > 40. virus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus
3.1 Place the tubes on the sample holder in the instrument. Positive influenza, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pertussis,
Set up the test panel according to the positions of Ct ≤ 35 Ct ≤ 35 Ct ≤ 35 Note: If the target gene signal (FAM, HEX) is strong, the
positive control, negative control and RNA samples. Internal Control (ROX) may be negative.
3.2 Select the detection channels as following: Positive Threshold: Results :
2. If the internal control ROX channel failed to detect Ct or
a) Select FAM (ORF-1ab gene) and HEX (N gene) According to the study of the reference value, the Ct Ct > 40, it indicates that the concentration of the tested Sensitivity and Specificity of Meril COVID-19 One-step
channels to detect COVID-19 RNA. reference value for the target gene detected by this kit is sample is too low or there is an inhibitory reaction from RT-PCR Kit
b) Select ROX channel to detect internal control. 40, and the Ct reference value of internal control is 40. the interfering substance. Users have to repeat the
3.3 Enter the amplification program. Recommended as SARS CoV-2 real time PCR Confirmed
below: Result Analysis: Meril COVID- samples
3. For positive samples and virus cultures, there is no
Step Temp. Time Cycle 1. First to analyze the amplification curve of internal control requirement of the internal control results. For negative 19 Positive Negative Total
1 Reverse Transcription 50°C 15 min 1 ROX channel. If Ct ≤ 40, it indicates that the detection is samples, the internal control should be positive. If the One Step RT- Positive 20 0 20
valid, and users can continue the subsequent analysis: internal control is negative, the test result of the sample PCR Kit Negative 0 75 75
2 cDNA Initial Denaturation 95°C 3 min 1
3 Denaturation 95°C 15 sec a) Ifa typical S-type amplification curve is detected by is invalid. The cause should be found and eliminated. Total 20 75 95
the FAM or HEX channel, with Ct ≤ 40, it indicates that Users should redo sampling and repeat the experiment.
Annealing, Extension and COVID-19 virus is positive. (If the retest result is still invalid, please contact the
55°C 40 sec 45~50 Parameter Estimate (%) Lower-Upper 95% CIs
Fluorescence measurement b) IfFAM and HEX channels do not detect a typical S- manufacturer.)
4 Specificity 100 88-100
type amplification curve (No Ct) or Ct > 40, it indicates 4. Determination of grey area results: If the fluorescence
Cooling 25°C 10 sec 1 signal of a sample has a significant increase in the FAM Sensitivity 100 83-100
that COVID-19 virus is negative.
c) Ct cut-off for each fluorescent channel is provided and HEX channels, but the Ct value is greater than 40,
Save the file after settings and run the reaction. Please below in tabular form. the sample is in the grey area and needs to be re-
set the fluorescence internal control of the instrument to examined. If the retest result is still in the grey area, it is
judged as positive.

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