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Learning table on crime, deviance & gender

Key assumptions
1. Official crime statistics show that males are roughly four times more likely to commit crimes than females. However, women are involved in all types of crime and female crime is rising.
2. Self-report study data shows that females are less likely to offend than males.
3. Victim surveys show that women are more likely to be victims of sexual and violent assaults than males. They also show that women fear a range of crimes more than men.
4. Female crime has largely been neglected by most sociological theories of crime and deviance. Radical feminists such as Heidensohn (1986) suggest this is because of the domination of sociology by men. The result is that crime issues relating to males, social class and ethnicity have been
at the centre of most sociological theories of deviance.

Liberal & radical feminism Evaluation -   (eet) Interactionist feminism Evaluation -   (eet) Postmodern feminism Evaluation -   (et) Synoptic links
Response to OCS Strength Response to OCS Strength Response to official crime statistics Strength Research methods/methodology

These early feminist explanations 1. Radical feminist ideas have gained Interactionist feminists reject official 1. Interactionist feminist theories have Postmodernist feminists largely reject 1. Postmodern feminist theories have Liberal & radical feminists largely
largely accept the statistics and empirical support. Dobash & Dobash crime statistics, seeing them as little gained empirical support. Campbell the official statistics. They believe gained empirical support. Fagan accept ocs.
believe that females are less criminally (1979) support the view that domestic more than a social construction. They (1981) found that females were more females are under-represented in the (1993) notes in America that black Interactionist feminists reject ocs.
inclined than males. They stress that violence is a product of patriarchal point out that females are under- likely to receive cautions from the statistics and attempt to explain in women are drawn into the drug Postmodern feminists argely reject
women are more likely to be victims of marriage relationships. They found represented in the statistics and police than males and Hedderman causal terms recent rises in female industry due to poverty and lone ocs.
domestic violence and sexual assaults that domestic violence was often therefore the statistics do not present and Hough (1994) claim that female criminality and deviancy. parenthood. This suggests there is
than men. triggered off by husband’s perception an accurate picture of the social offenders are far less likely than male some validity in the postmodern Theories/perspectives
that his wife was not carrying out her distribution of criminality. offenders to receive a custodial The causes of female crime and feminist ideas.
Why women are less criminally ‘duties’. This suggests there is some sentence for nearly all serious deviance Liberal & radical feminism,
inclined - liberal feminists validity in radical feminist ideas. The extent of crime and deviance offences. This suggests there is some Weakness interactionist feminism, postmodern
by gender is socially constructed validity in the interactionist feminist 1. Women’s liberation feminism.
Liberal feminists such as Weaknesses ideas. 1. Postmodernist theories have been
Steffensmeier and Allan (1991) Interactionist feminists abandon Postmodern feminists claim that the criticised on a theoretical level. Other topics
maintain that women are socialised 1. Liberal and radical feminist theories attempts to offer causal explanations Weaknesses increase in female aggressive Biological theories stress the
into a different set of moral values have been questioned on empirical of female crime and deviance. Instead behaviour is linked to shifting gender importance of PMS in the causation of
Other topics
than men. For example, they suggest grounds. Panorama’s research into they examine the social processes 1. Interactionist feminist theories have roles. They also argue that the rise in some female violent crime. This
that females are socialised to be violent women would seem to suggest that lead certain women to be under- been questioned on empirical female white-collar crime is linked to suggests that postmodern feminists
caring, compassionate and are that violent crime is in fact a significant represented in official crime statistics. grounds. Steven’s and Willis (1979) the increase in female participation in only offer a partial view on crime and Power & politics
therefore less likely to commit crime, and growing problem amongst question the potential biasing effect of the workplace. deviance.
especially violent crime. females (e.g. girl gangs and female Interactionist feminists share Becker’s the police on crime statistics. This is  Powerful agents of social
domestic abusers). This suggests that (1963) idea that the social distribution because they point out that the police 2. Poverty control (police) more likely to
Why women are less criminally the validity of liberal and radical of crime and deviance is dependent on initiate only 8% of recorded crimes. enforce the law against males
inclined - radical feminists feminist ideas have to be questioned. processes of social interaction This suggests that the validity of Postmodern feminists such as Naffine  Low levels of female crime and
between the deviant and powerful interactionist feminist ideas have to be (1987) claim that changes in global deviance due to a lack of
Radical feminists such as 2. Liberal and radical feminist theories agencies of social control. questioned. economies have given rise to a ‘pink- power.
Heidensohn (1986) claim that have been criticised on a theoretical Interactionist feminists suggest that collar ghetto’ of insecure, low wage,  Domestic and sexual violence
women’s lower crime rates can be level. Postmodern feminists would females are less likely to be policed 2. Interactionist feminist theories have part time jobs. It is suggested then due to the power of men over
explained in terms of patriarchy. She suggest the ideas are dated and do and labelled deviant than males. been criticised on a theoretical level. that women employed in the ‘pink- women.
claims that both in the private sphere not take into account the significant Perhaps this is because of sexism and Marxist feminists would argue that collar ghetto’ engage in petty crime  As women become more
(family) and public sphere (work and changes which have occurred in chivalry within the police. social class is ignored. They would because of economic necessity. powerful, opportunities increase
leisure) men exert power and social women’s lives. For example women’s point out that selective law for female crime. For example,
control over women. Heidensohn greater (if unequal) access to paid enforcement is not only tied to gender powerful white-collar crime.
argues that the consequence of this is employment. This suggests that but also social class. This suggests  Postmodern feminists explain
that women have fewer opportunities liberal and radical feminist ideas only that interactionist feminist theory only crime committed by powerless
to commit crime and acts of deviance. offer a partial view on crime and offers a partial view on crime and females.
deviance. deviance.
Why women are more likely to be Families and households
victims of domestic violence and
sexual assaults - radical feminists  The family as an agency of
socialisation instils feminine
Radical feminists such as Kelly behaviours amongst women.
(1988) claim that women’s greater risk Behaviours which are less likely
of domestic violence and sexual to draw females into crime and
assaults is the result of patriarchy. deviance, especially violent
They claim that such violent crimes crime.
are the product of male power and  Men’s patriarchal control of
control in families and society at large. women in the home limits
Radical feminists also highlight that opportunities for female crime
such experiences impact a great deal and deviance.
all women’s lives. This is because  Domestic and sexual violence
women fear crime more than men and taking place in households due
as a consequence adopt various to patriarchal family structures.
avoidance behaviours, for example
not going out alone at night.

In conclusion postmodern feminists offer a strong theory. This is because they recognise that official statistics on gender and crime have problems. Postmodernist feminism can and has been used to account for recent growths in female street crime. Furthermore postmodern feminists
appreciate the way in which female crime is intertwined with factors such as ethnicity and social class. However, all sociological debates will soon need to look more closely at female street crime and deviance. Recent research by Tara Young (2006) suggests that although girl gangs in the
traditional sense are rare in London there are plenty of girl only groups which engage in arrange of deviant and anti-social behaviour. It can further be concluded that although radical feminist ideas on gender and offending seem dated, their observations and explanations of domestic violence and
sexual violence remain significant today.

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