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Final Activity

Warm-up (Activities)

“Think about a time when you have pretended to be something that

you are not or when you have hidden your true feelings.

a. Why did you choose to hide a part of your identity?”

b. Answer the question “Who am I?” 

Draw two masks: One depicting what you
look like on the outside and the other
depicting what you look like on the
inside. The outside mark can include how
you think others perceive you

1. Who is Albert E. Bandura?

2. Define self-efficacy
3. Summarize the Self-efficacy Theory (1-2 paragraph).
4. Describe the Bobo Doll Experiment
5. In the Bobo doll study, a child was more likely to beat
up the doll if_____________.

1.Who is Carol S. Dweck?

2.Summarize the Fixed and Growth Mindset of
Carol S. Dweck
(1-2 paragraph).

1.Who is Edwin A. Locke?

2.Summarize the Goal Setting Theory (1-2

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