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3) According to you, what should a company's approach be in the marketplace

(Dairy industry)?
a) First-mover
b) Fast-follower
c) Late-mover
4) What was the reason given for the downsizing exercise?

5) According to you, what prompted the downsizing exercise?

(Choose not more than two)

Business downturn
Improve staff utilisation
Outsourcing and contracting
Long-term strategic factors
New technology processes available to
smaller companies

6) Was the length of the downsizing exercise?

Too Long Just Right Too short

7) Was the restructuring exercise necessary to enable BT to adapt to its microenvironment

(Motivate your choice briefly)

8) Should the implementation of work teams be included in the restructuring

process? (Motivate your choice briefly)


What were the most important goals to be achieved with the downsizing
exercise? (Choose one or more of the following points)
Decreasing cost levels to remain at competitive price levels
Becoming more profitable
Speeding up decision-making
Cutting bureaucracy and eliminating layers of hierarchy
Improving customer relations
10) To your collection, how much scope is there for BT to improve in the
utilisation of its resources in terms of capital, labour and equipment?

A lot of scope for improvement Marginal scope fr improvement No scope for improvement

11) How did the downsizing after completion affect those who remained in the
company? (Choose one or more of the following points or add additional points
applicable according to you)
a) More responsibility
b) More people reporting to you
c) Less management levels - thus improved communication down to the ground
d) Low morale levels
e) High morale levels
f) New skills had to be acquired

12) To what extent was the downsizing experienced as negative?

18) Did productivity improve because of the restructuring exercise?

(Motivate briefly


20) Will BT's profit reach the expected levels after the restructuring exercise was
(Motivate briefly)


22) Did outsourcing or the concept of outsourcing form part of the restructuring
(Motivate briefly

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