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Grade 6 - KarangTuri - Unit 7 - Theatre Workshop

What are these? Label them.

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

socks dress hat shirt

sweatshirt jacket trainers

shoes trousers skirt

jeans t-shirt bag

_____________________ _____________________ sunglasses

Blessing Star Children English Course

Jl. Purwosari Raya no. 46
Grade 6 - KarangTuri - Unit 7 - Theatre Workshop
Fill in the blanks with “is” or “are”.

1. Kate _____ cooking a turkey for 6. The baby ____ laughing.

dinner. 7. The girls _____ painting Easter

2. Mom _____ setting the table. eggs.

3. John ______ making coffee. 8. We _____ eating turkey.

4. The boys _____ watching TV. 9. The dog ____ barking.

5. It ____ snowing outside. 10. They _____ celebrating Easter.

Write the correct “ing” verb in the blank.

1.Kate is ______________ dinner 6.The children are ____________

(prepare). candy (eat).

2.They are _________ for Easter eggs 7.You are ______________ a nice song

(hunt). (sing).

3.We are ______________ turkey 8.The dog is _____________ the cat

(eat). (chase).

4.The Easter Bunny is ___________ 9.The cat is ________________ (run).

(come). 10.He is _______________ coffee

5.I am ____________ Easter eggs (drink).


Negative form. Fill in blanks with

“is/ are /not” and/or “ing”verb”

1. I am ______ cooking. 3. She is not _____________ (laugh)

2. He _______ not eating. 4. It ___ ____ _________ (rain).

Blessing Star Children English Course

Jl. Purwosari Raya no. 46
Grade 6 - KarangTuri - Unit 7 - Theatre Workshop

5. They are _____ painting Easter eggs. 8. Mary is _____ sleeping.

6. We _____ not eating now. 9. Kate and John ____ not watching TV.

7. You ____ _____ _________(walk). 10.The dog ___ _____ _______ (bark).

Make a question.

Fill in the blank with “be” and “ing” verb

1._______ I _____________ dinner? (cook)

2. _______ Jack ______________ pie? (bake)

3._______ the girls ______________? (eat)

4.____ it_______________? (rain)

5. ____ they___________ Easter eggs? (make)

6.______ you ____________? (coming)

7. ____ the dog ________________?(bark)

8._____ she ________________?(talk)

9.______he ____________________?(laugh)

10._____ Kate and John ____________?(sleep)

Give short answers to the given questions.

1. Are you listening to me ? Yes, _______________

2. Is Sara doing homework? No, _______________

3. Are your cousins singing? No, _______________

4. Is, Bob playing rugby? Yes, ________________

5. Are you watching a new film? No, _________________

6. Are your parents cooking dinners? Yes, __________________

Blessing Star Children English Course

Jl. Purwosari Raya no. 46
Grade 6 - KarangTuri - Unit 7 - Theatre Workshop

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences in Present

1. Sara / playing/ Tom/ ball / are/ ?/ the / ball/ with/
2. not / my / living / nice / friends / are/ flat / a / nice/ in/
3. having / party / Sunday / I / on / am / a /
4. ? / Sandy’s / studying / brothers / French / at / are / university /

Complete the sentences with the correct form to be.

1. Hi, Patrick. What ________ you doing?

2. _______ I calling the right number?

3. _______ Patrick sleeping?

4. What _______ doing?

5. _______ they shopping in the centre?

6. Why _______ you using Patrick's phone?

Match the answers to the questions above.

1. He's shopping with some friends. ____

2. Because I'm chatting with you. ____

3. No, he isn't. ____

4. I'm not Patrick. I'm his brother. ____

5. Yes, they are. ____

6. Yes, you are. ____

Blessing Star Children English Course

Jl. Purwosari Raya no. 46
Grade 6 - KarangTuri - Unit 7 - Theatre Workshop

Write questions in Present Continuous.

1. What / the teacher / do / at the moment?


2. Who / sit / next to you?


3. You / feel / happy at the moment?


4. What / the teacher / wear / today?


5. we / study / the present simple / now?


6. What / you / think / about?


Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.

carry chat dance drive fly point

run shop sit stand swim wait

1. ______________ for the cook come.

2. ______________ at things I want to eat on the menu.
3. ______________ with Mum on the phone.
4. ______________ around the garden for exercise.
5. ______________ my new car.
6. ______________ for new clothes.
7. ______________ my shopping home.
8. ______________ to New York in my private plane.
9. ______________ in a cinema to watch my new film.
10. ______________ in the street for photos.

Blessing Star Children English Course

Jl. Purwosari Raya no. 46
Grade 6 - KarangTuri - Unit 7 - Theatre Workshop

11. ______________ to salsa music.

12. ______________ in my amazing pool.
Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs provided.

1. Mario loves ____________ Liana’s shopping bag.

2. Lorena likes ____________ French songs at home.

3. Your grandma prefers ______________ a jumper for me than watching TV. She

says it’s boring.

4. Elsa has a farm. She enjoys ______________ the hens.

5. Daniel is fond of _______________ the rope.

6. My niece is a hairdresser. She hates _______________ women badly combed

their hair.

7. This barman enjoys _______________ cocktails for you.

8. Margaret likes _______________ vegetables at any time.

9. Sarah visits the dentist twice a year. He hates ____________ pains in her teeth.

10. My grandma hates _______________ cigarettes for her husband but he loves

_______________ them.

11. Housewives often hate __________________ clothes.

12. Juan prefers ____________ football than ______________ his lessons. His

parents are very disappointed.

13. My uncle hates ________________ magazines. He prefers newspapers.

14. Little George loves __________________ in the field.




Blessing Star Children English Course

Jl. Purwosari Raya no. 46
Grade 6 - KarangTuri - Unit 7 - Theatre Workshop

Polite phrases

polite phrases:

please, i'm sorry, thank you, excuse me

Blessing Star Children English Course

Jl. Purwosari Raya no. 46

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