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José Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda son of Teodora Alonso

Realonda a disciplinarian and hardworking and Francisco Mercado a farmer he is
surrounded by a loving and supporting family that taught him to become kind and God-
fearing. Young Jose Rizal has a poor health that’s why he has personal maid that is
also made him introduced to literatures like stories and fairytales. One of the important
persons that built Jose Rizal’s foundation is Teodora Alonso Realonda his own mother
that helps him to build a good character and exposed him to reading books he has an
easy access to books because they have their own library at their house. He showed an
exceptional intelligence at a very young age and shows an interest to poetry that his
mother decided that he needs a private tutor that will help him more to his interests. At
the age of nine Jose Rizal was sent by his father to Binan to study Latin he was
accompanied by his brother Paciano. His early exposure to reading books and writing
poetry with the help of his mother and teachers and also his intelligence build his skills
in writing and his knowledge in speaking in different languages like Latin and French
help him to write his historical novels. He entered Ateneo de Municipal de manila and
shows his excellence in academics and eventually earned a land surveyor’s and
assessor’s degree he was accomplishing this while studying Philosophy and Letters at
the University of Sto. Tomas.

By knowing that his mother is going to be blind, he decided to take

ophthalmology at the UST Faculty of Medicine and Surgery in Europe and told by his
brother to be prepared to liberate the Philippines from the Spaniards. In June 1884 he
got his degree and title of Licentiate in Medicine. He wrote the Noli Me Tangere (Touch
me not) in 1887 to show the inequalities and how the Spaniards govern and El
Filibisterismo (The filibusterism) his second novel a sequel of the first and in December
30, 1896 he was executed in Bagumbayan by being accused as the organizer of the
revolution which he objected because he has other movement-plan. He spent his life for
his country and died doing the same.

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