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Hi All,

I want to use 1/3 frequency reuse pattern and would like to take your advice on how I should plan the HSN and
MAIO. Necessary info is as follows:

1. I have 30 frequencies. I reserved 12 of them for BCCH,and divided the remaining into 3 frequency groups. When
doing it I divided them in such a way that there’s adjacency within one group. Frequency groups are as follows:
FG1: 1 4 7 10 13 16
FG2: 2 5 8 11 14 17
FG3: 3 6 9 12 15 18

So I have 6 MAIOs (0..5). Since I have mostly 4/4/4 TRX per cell and one is BCCH (non-hopping) TRX, I have 3
TRXs per cell and 6 frequencies these TRXs can hop.Frequency load is 50% so I should have no adjacent channels
while hopping. I’m going to plan MAIOs as follows:
1 0,2,4
2 1,3,5
3 0,2,4

I guess above configuration will work. My question is how should I plan HSN? Should I give same HSN for co-site
cells or different? What is the criteria for this? And what about the neighbour sites?
Briefly speaking how should I assign HSNs considering the sites and their neighbours?

Thanks in advance for your answers.

Erkan Okay

4th April 2006 at 12:43#44704REPLY

Erkan Okay,

If you´re using a reuse pattern like the one you just mentioned, The MAIO distribuition is correct… This way you will
avoid co-channel and adjacent frequencies between co-site cells.
The HSN should be planned in a way that neighbours cells don´t have same HSN (it means they’ll hopp in differents
pseudo-random sequences).
Remember of the basics, your network should be the most homogeneous possible (which means equals azimuths,
no huge cells coverage overlaps, etc)

4th April 2006 at 14:37#44705REPLY

Dear Erkan,
MAIO, Mobile Allocation Index Offset means from which frequency the system shall start hopping.
HSN, Hopping Sequence Number means how pseudo-random the system shall start hopping.
So, by assigning HSN you are avoiding co-channel/adjacent channel interference and collision, how can you do this?
by setting the same HSN for the cells within the same site thus providing synchronization.

As for neighbor cells you’ll do the same making sure to have different HSNs for neighbour cells.

I hope I made it clear

4th April 2006 at 15:16#44706REPLY

Erkan Okay
Fabio and Rami,
Thanks a lot for your answers. So I’m going to have same HSN for co-site cells and different HSNs for neighbour
There’s one more thing related to this discussion:
As far as I know “being synchronous” means TRXs on a site hop at the same exact time, and in general their frame
numbers are identical.
Does the assignment of same HSN to cosite cells make them synchronous or are cosite cells already synchronous
(or asynchronous) by their nature? Or is there a specific feature which makes cosite cells synchronous?

I admire your answering my questions. Thanks again.


4th April 2006 at 15:48#44707REPLY

Dear Erkan,

HSN has a value from 0-63 and each value corresponds to a certain hopping sequence. i.e. frequencies to hope on.

What same HSN does is that it reserves the same hopping sequence for the same cells in a certian manner, i.e. it
reserves the same frequencies to be selected for hopping in order to avoid co-channel and adjacent channel

4th April 2006 at 16:22#44708REPLY

Co-site Cells are already synchronous, and, that´s the purpose of the MAIO, as Rami just said.
The MAIO will say to the TRX, with which frequency it should start hopping.
And as said before, the same HSN with different MAIO will make the TRX´s hopp in a same sequence but with a
offset in the frequency list (they´ll begin in different frequencies to avoid co-channel or adjacent collision).
5th April 2006 at 05:37#44709REPLY

rf learner
Hi Erkan

you need to use same HSN for a site n different HSN for other sites…

this pattern will avoid collision between cells, hence reduce interference..

n all other thingss are assumed to work properly…

that depends on probility of mutually exclusive events..

u r doing things in a rite way, dont get confused

RF Learner

13th April 2006 at 11:35#44710REPLY

Abhishek Sharma
Hi All,

I’m working with NOKIA system. I want to know about HSN2 i.e. when we use baseband hopping. I also want to know
which hopping method (RF or Baseband) is most likely??

15th April 2006 at 14:35#44711REPLY

Jitendra Singh Rawat

Iam working in tyco electronics Project in Hutch O&M. I want to know everthing about the BTS.

25th April 2006 at 21:44#44712REPLY

Hi Jitendra,
BTS is nothing dont worry about it.
27th April 2006 at 18:57#44713REPLY

Erkan Okay,

If you have on your site all TRXs connected to only one BCF then you can say that they all are synchroonized .
If you have more then 2 BCF on one site then the trxs from different bcf not sinhroized by default.Then you should
use “an extra powerful” feature from your suplier for sinchronizations.
(Nokia Multi BCF)
If you do not have a feature for bcf synchronizations then you must use different HSN for different bcf.


28th April 2006 at 11:43#44714REPLY

RF Learner
As an RF Engineer i know that all the sctor of a site are sync.

that is y we say sync HO.

8th May 2006 at 07:15#44715REPLY

Ryan W
What’s the different between RF hopping and baseband hopping (both in GSM)?
Which one is better,why? And what parameters I should know ?(beside MAIO,HSN).
I hope u can help me.Thanks 4 ur information

14th May 2006 at 09:22#44716REPLY

RF Learner
RF hopping is better than BB hopping

In case of BB hpping the no. of frequencies are limited due to da no. of TRX’s.

thus if u add one more TRX u have to accordingly for hopping.

In RF hopping u can use any no. of frequencies. hence better results than BB hop.

For parameters Enable Hopping then use HSN, MAIO Offset, MAIO STEP, MA List.

in BB hop

31st May 2006 at 11:28#44717REPLY

Rf learner,

just because u have defined a neighbour as SYNC y (does not mean that the neighbours are in SYNC).
But the Sector of same site are always synchronised , we can synchronise BTS sites in a cluster also to improve the
quality of the netwoek.

What factors should i prepare if i want to make RF Hopping or Synthesizer Frequency Hopping(SFH) in a site/zone?
And can u explain the step and their parameters? Please help me, Thx a lot 4 ur answer.

14th June 2006 at 16:00#44719REPLY

As general, how many bts in one cluster is mostly important, for full network , itsmean need much ARFCN so, its
better to use HY than BB, for traffic is less better to use BB..

25th June 2006 at 12:34#44720REPLY

Please Help Panji!,I need that information too.

27th June 2006 at 08:20#44721REPLY

What factors should i prepare if i want to make RF Hopping or Synthesizer Frequency Hopping(SFH) in a site/zone?
And can u explain the step and their parameters? Please help me, Thx a lot 4 ur answer.

27th June 2006 at 15:03#44722REPLY

i’m rf engineer
want can i do if i have drop call due to sudden loss

7th November 2006 at 12:40#44723REPLY

could some one explain to me what the term “MAIO Step” means. i know about MAIO offset, but i never heard of
MAIO step.

8th November 2006 at 15:45#44724REPLY

hi adeel,

i never heard about this… maybe it is the same thing as offset ? what is the context in which you read this words ?

9th November 2006 at 02:56#44725REPLY

Hi Adeel
MAIO Offset = show the different using MAIO between TRX, in order to minimize interference, start with MAIO offset.
Example: (with MAIO Step =2)
TRX 2 = using MAIO 4
TRX 3 = using MAIO 6
TRX 4 = using MAIO 8

10th November 2006 at 09:27#44726REPLY

hi adeel,
MAIO step is in Nokia Equipment and it is the diff. between two MAIO values for ex. if you use your MAIO as 2,4,6,8,
…… like that then MAIO step is 2.


15th November 2006 at 05:31#44727REPLY

Dear sir,

My company has license for 24 1800 freq. from 601 to 624.

then how many HSN and MAIO we can use in our company’s network?

There is any restrictions on using HSN and MAIO for the licensed freq?

for the above freq., are there any specific HSN or MAIO which only can be used?

15th November 2006 at 06:27#44728REPLY


first you have to design your average site configuration (3×4 ?)

For a 3×4 configuration, it will require 12 frequencies, which are NOT adjacent. with your current frequency band (24
channels), you can barely get one “clean” site… but the next site will use all adjacent channels.

well, in this case you’ll need to use avery agressive frequency re-use planning and a perfect network design… and
therefore you need an expert radio engineer to plan it and follow-up.

16th November 2006 at 05:20#44729REPLY

Dear sir,
Tanks a lot for ur prompt response.

But, could u plz. answer actually what I want?

I want to know in SFH case, have we require any specific MAIO and HSN for our specific ferq. channel?

18th November 2006 at 21:13#44730REPLY

Please i need some very specific ideas here. In our network we are having this funny experience of MAIO ofset
frequency exceeded. I learnt MAIO was not turned ON on the BSCyet.
I have also found out that this is common with BB hopping. Can anyone help out with how to plan plan frequency and
manage Hopping employing the BB hopping mode.

26th February 2007 at 07:36#44731REPLY

Dear Rami,

HSN has a value from 0-63 and each value corresponds to a certain hopping sequence. i.e. frequencies to hope on.

so, HSN =0, means cyclic hopping (no hopping, generally BCCH carrier)

but HSN=1-63, means pesudo-random hopping.

I want t know say, HSN =6 , what does it means?

Let, i have 40 ARFCN (from 1-40), 1-15 is used for BCCH, 16&17 for guard period, 18-40 is in MA List.

If I put HSN = 13, what does it stands for? And what is its hopping sequence?


28th February 2007 at 14:09#44732REPLY

UZz Man
Well actually each HSN Number corresponds to a different pseudo random sequence … different HSN for different
sites simply means that even with the same MA list they will be on different carriers at a certain instant of time
yep… hsn = 6 or 40, it is pseudo random. so by definition, you can’t know what sequence of frequencies it will
produce (random). But you know that HSN = 40 and HSN = 6 will be different. That’s all you need to know,
operationally speaking, so there will be know collision.

Now, if you want to program your own BTS and your own frequency hopping module, yeah, you’ll need to know 🙂


28th February 2007 at 20:48#44734REPLY

Hi all,
Dear Yen you said :
so, HSN =0, means cyclic hopping (no hopping, generally BCCH carrier)
As i know cyclic hopping doesn’t mean no hopping but hopping between frequencies in the sequence with the same
order each time. BCCH carrier should be a unique frequency and there is no hopping..!
Any one have more details plz
best regards

28th February 2007 at 21:55#44735REPLY

yes, you are absolutely right !

1- HSN = 0 means a cyclic repetition of the pool of frequencies

2- there is absolutely no SFH hopping on the TRX that carries the BCCH timeslot. (there can be BBH hopping, but in
this case, HSN is not used)

24th March 2007 at 00:52#44736REPLY

Were you able to get an answer for your last question? If yes, can you please share with us?


2nd April 2007 at 07:19#44737REPLY

Ashish Bansal
If HSN is the pseduo random sequence of TCH freq hopping, then what is the use of MAIO STEP?

2nd April 2007 at 18:55#44738REPLY

MAIO is applied to same timeslot of different TRX (belonging to a same cell). For instance, each timeslot #3 will have
a different MAIO, because they’re using the same HSN.

If all timeslot #3 have the same HSN (=sequence), they need to start their sequence at different frequencies, so they
don’t run the same “pseuo random” sequence at the same moment. The MAIO will “offset” the sequence for each

The “pseudo random” property means it will perform a sequence that looks random, but that in fact is not : the
sequence of frequencies is fixed, and will keep repeating itself after one run.

15th May 2007 at 16:51#44739REPLY

Hi all .. I got a lil confusion on maio, can anyone please tell me when one trx has same MAIO then is it same for all 8
time slots of one trx.

16th May 2007 at 08:34#44740REPLY

yes it is same for all timeslots of that particular trx.

20th May 2007 at 07:10#44741REPLY

i am agree with you
as i know about HSN AND HOPPING becase we have 2 channel group ,
channel group one which assign for BCCH carrier and hopping is off
and channel group two which assign fro TCH channel and hopping is on for that

24th May 2007 at 10:25#44742REPLY

hello all,i am a beginer in GSM technology.can any please describe me the difference between Synthesized hopping
and baseband hopping.

24th May 2007 at 11:47#44743REPLY

hello majba,

synthesized hopping :

all TRX except BCCH TRX will hop over a list of frequencies (= frequency hopping sequence). You can put as many
frequencies as you want in the list (up to more than 30 usually).
Only the BCCH TRX requires a fixed frequency (bcch frequency that shouldn’t be included in the FHS !).

baseband hopping :

All TRX can hop, but the list of frequencies is limited to the number of TRX in the cell. For instance, if you have 4
TRX, the amount of frequencies will be 4. Then, like a round robin mechanism, each TRX will use, for each TDMA
frame, one of those four frequencies.

Only the 1st timeslot of the BCCH TRX cannot hop.

Each other timeslot can hop.

Everytime a timeslot uses the BCCH frequency, it cannot use dowlink power control.

Hope it helps,

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