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Bicol University


English Department
Legazpi City

SY 2013-2014

I. Course Title : Philippine Literature

II. Course Description :
This is a study of literary forms or genres as exemplified by selected literary works written at different periods in Philippine History. This subject also focuses on the literatures of all regions of the
Philippines, whether written in native or foreign languages, from beginning of the Philippine history to the present.
III. Credit Units : 3 Units
IV. Time Duration : 54 Hours
V. Placement : All Courses
VI. General Objectives :
1. Increase awareness of the mission, vision, goals and objectives of the college and the quality policy in relation to the objectives of the course.
2. Define basic literary terminologies.
3. Show understanding of the texts read by giving reactions to ideas presented to sharpen critical thinking skills and reasoning ability.
4. Evaluate the worthiness of the ideas presented in the literary piece to deepen insights and sharpen outlook in life.
5. Apply ideas gained from reading and discussion to current situations and issues.
6. Instill love for our people by understanding our peculiarities, customs and values.
7. Demonstrate appreciation for literature as expressions of feelings and discovery.
8. Manifest emotional and spiritual maturity in evaluating the texts read.
9. Read texts that will develop awareness of disaster reduction and prevention measures to safeguard people’s lives and properties.
10. Foster awareness and appreciation of politically correct and gender sensitive terms and ideas in the texts read.
VII. Course Outline :
Content Specific Duration/ No. Activities/ Methodologies/ Audio/ Visual Suggested Assessment
Objectives of Hours Strategies Materials Techniques
A. Orientation 1.Discuss the Discussion -reading materials / Group/ Individual
VGMO and the quality computer aided materials Presentation
policy 1 -White board & marker ( recap of VGMO, expectations
2.Level expectations & details of the course)
3. Explain the details of
the course
B. Course Proper -reading materials/ Written
1. Introduction 1.Expound/ Explain the 3 Webbing computer aided materials examination
• Definitions of definition of literature Buzz Sesssion -White board & marker
Literature 2. Enumerate, classify
• Classification, literary genres.
Qualities, 3.Discuss elements of
Standards prose & poetry, literary
• Literary Genres terminologies
• Elements of
Prose & Poetry
• Literary Terms
C. Literary Periods in the * Note details -reading materials / Make a paper mache map to
Philippines * Discuss the computer aided materials show relevant information
characteristics of 5 Group Reporting/ Activity -White board & marker about the period
literature in each
period/era Make a concept map
*Trace the
development of Phil.
D. Ancient / Phil. -reading materials /
Oral Lore from computer aided materials
Pre-Colonial * Note details 2 Connecting Lines -White board & marker Present a pantomime/skit
Times *Assess the Filipino
1. The Creation of the World values , character and Approach
ideas implied in the Simulations
-reading materials / Illustrate using Venn diagram
2. The Great * Note details 1 Small Group Discussion computer aided materials the similarities & differences of
Flood * Compare & contrast -White board & marker the myth from the Biblical
the myth from the Tandem/Peer teaching account of the Great Flood
Biblical account of the
Great Flood
Reading materials /
3. The Legend of Mayon Volcano * Note details 2 Fishbone Technique computer aided materials
(Bicol) *Comment on the -White board & marker Write an essay on women
attributes of the main Tandem/Peer teaching empowerment
character with
stereotyping of women
Reading materials / Make a chart showing the
4. The Legend of *Note details Consequence & Sequel Approach ( computer aided materials consequence & sequel of
Mariang *Relate the story to the 2 CS ) -White board & marker actions relevant to issues on
Makiling present problem on deforestation/abuse of nature
deforestation/ abuse of Simulations Write an essay on
nature which causes a deforestation
lot of disasters. Present a skit
5. Tungkung Langit at Alunsina *Note details 1 Fishbowl Technique Reading materials / Research about “high
*Appraise the traits of Group computer aided materials maintenance characters” and
the characters and Dynamics -White board &marker how to maintain relationship
identify the contributory with them and report to the
factors in having such Reporting class.
Reading materials /
computer aided materials
6. Ibalong *Note details 3 Story-Reading Framework -White board & marker Present a dance drama
*Evaluate the
authenticity of
viewpoints in relation to
Bicol culture.
7. Indarapatra Reading materials /
at Sulayman *Note details Think- Aloud Technique computer aided materials Write a dialogue between
*Determine the 2 -White board & marker Indarapatra & Sulayman
worthiness of the views
Copy at least 10 proverbs.
Reflect on them and write how
8. Proverbs *Note details 2 Dyadic Sharing Reading materials / each proverb touched you as a
*Analyze the Filipino computer aided materials person.
proverbs & determine Projects -White board & marker Write your own proverbs in
their effects to values relation to disaster awareness
formation of the and prevention and compile
Filipinos them.
Reading materials /
9. Riddles *Note details 2 JIGSAW Technique computer aided materials Write your own riddles and
*Determine the -White board & marker compile them.
common subjects in the Projects
riddles & point out their
relevance to the life of
the early Filipinos
E. Philippine
Writing during
the Spanish
under the

10. Juan Osong *Note details 1 Story Pyramid reading materials / Write own version of Juan
Bicol) *Judge the merit of computer aided materials Osong
ideas presented in the -White board & marker
Reading materials /
11. Ang Huling *Note details 2 computer aided materials Interpretative reading
Paalam ni Rizal *Determine the themes Socratic Method -White board & marker Write a short essay on
and their merits to Film Showing heroism.
historical events Online Discussion
Reading materials /
12. Ang Dapat * Note details Guided-Individual Learning computer aided materials Translate the text to Bicol
Mabatid ng Mga *Judge the relevance of 2 -White board & marker language
Tagalog ideas
Write a short essay about love
for one’s country.
Reading materials /
13. Urbana at Feliza * Note details 2 Significant Human Experience computer aided materials Conduct a
*Analyze the structure Approach (SHE) -White board & marker Panel discussion
of the poem “ Balik-Tanaw sa Urbana at
*Explain the social Feliza “
implications of the
text Present a skit

F. Literature of the 20th Century

f.1 Pre-War Period

14. Like The Molave (an excerpt)

*point out images 2 *Small Group reading materials / Write a slogan on the social
used Discussion computer aided materials issues found in the text.
*paraphrase lines *Buzz Group -White board & marker
*cite social issues Discussion

15. Soledad * Note details Reading materials /

*Identify the moral 2 Six Thinking Hats computer aided materials Conduct a
issues implied and -White board & marker Buzz Session or a Debate on
give reactions Love vs Lust
*Explain and give your
stand on celibacy
16. Footnote to * Note details 2 Plus, Minus, Interesting Reading materials Conduct a
Youth/ * Evaluate the ideas, Approach(PMI) /computer aided materials Debate on Early Marriage
The Fence opinions & actions of -White board & marker
the characters Group Dynamics Write a short essay on love
* The Small Key * Comment on the trust and trust issues.
* Dead Stars issues present in the Peer teaching
Reading materials / Make a scrapbook showing
computer aided materials happy moments with your
17. My Father Goes to Court *Note details 2 Gradual Psychological Unfolding -White board & marker family & loved ones
*Justify the Write a simple essay about
relationship of contentment and/or
contentment to real happiness.
f.2 Post War
18. Order for Masks *Note details Conceptual Approach Reading materials/ Make masks
*Make judgments on 2 computer aided materials, Write a reaction paper
the speaker’s state of white board & marker
*Identify gender &
social issues

19. Magnificence *Note details Dimensional Ordinary / Reading materials / Research on how the family,
*Comment on gender Dimensional Intensive computer aided materials church and state help stop
and other societal -White board & marker violence on women.
issues unveiled in the 2 Film Showing
* Visitation of the Gods stories Write a short essay on
Online Discussion accreditation.
* May Day Eve/ Summer Solstice (Facebook)
Present a comedy skit.
f. 3 Contemporary/ More-
Recent -
Times -
20. Mother’s Break -
- *Note details 2 Team Teaching reading materials / Make a card for your mother
- *Draw-out the computer aided materials and write how much you love
strategies used by the Interactive -White board & marker and appreciate her.
writer to bring out the Learning
theme Thru Facebook, post a photo
of your mother and write a
caption that speaks of your
appreciation of her.
21. Song of the
Teargassed Man * Note details Reading materials / Speech Choir/Dramatic
*Analyze critically 2 Consider All Factors Approach computer aided materials Reading
* The House on Zapote Street the political, social and (CAF) -White board & marker
psychological issues Present a skit
* There’s A Teenager in the House presented in the texts. Interactive Learning
Write a short essay on being a
Zeta Shortcut Reading materials / Focus Group Discussion on
22. Carlos Palanca’s award- *Note details 3 computer aided materials current social/cultural issues.
winning plays *Interpret the behavior Film Showing -White board & marker
of the characters Play Presentation
Group Dynamics

Online Discussion

VIII. Course Requirements:

1. Attendance
2. Quizzes/ Mid-Term/ Final Exams
3. Film Showing with Film Critiquing
4. Submission of Reaction Papers/ Projects
5. Participation in Classroom Activities
6. Participation in Class Presentations and other Play Production activities
IX. System of Grading MIDTERM GRADE (MG)
Class Standing (Quizzes/ Long Tests
/Performance Tests Recitation/Interaction/
Participation in Class Activities) 40%
Reaction Papers/Projects 20%
Midterm Examinations 30%
Attendance/Behavior/Homework 10%
Class Standing (Quizzes/ Long Tests
/Performance Tests Recitation/Interaction/
Participation in Class Activities) 40%
Reaction Papers/Projects 20%
Final Examinations 30%
Attendance/Behavior/Homework 10%


1/3 MG + 2/3 TG = FG

X. References

Baltasar, Silverio, Philippine Literature: Past and Present. Quezon City,
Philippines: Katha Publishing House, Co. Inc. 1981.

Croghan, Richard. The Development of Philippine Literature in English ( Since 1900 )

Quezon City : Phoenix Press, Inc., 1995

Del Castillo. Teofilo and Buenaventura S. Medina , Philippine Literature from Ancient
Times to the Present. Quezon City, Philippines: Rex Printers, 1972.

Espinas, Merito Bicol Voices Anthology, Legazpi City, Rex Printers, 1993.

Kahayon, Alicia, Philippine Literature: Choice Selections From Historical Perspectives. Manila,
Philippines : National Bookstore, Inc., 1997.

Patron, Ida Yap. Interactive Reading, Responding to and Writing About Literature.
Quezon City, Philippines: Great Books Trading, 2002.

XI. Suggested Readings:

http: // Tagalog/ Literature/ literary_forms_in_phil.lit.htm

Note: This syllabus allows flexibility in the application of concepts

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