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Going back to those days when I was
just a kid who loves to learn and to play
outdoor games. One of the best
memories I had is when me and my
friends discovered the Agawan Base
game. This game needs to have a team Scrapbook
work which enhanced our social skills TASK 2:

and critical thinking as a child. Now I'm

gonna show you in this scrapbook how
we play Agawan Base through Submitted by: Rosimo, John Dave P.
Illustration. Submitted to: Mr. Hirao, Henricson O.

3 VS 3? NO
Here we go! As you can see, I have
MO N these illustrations from internet which

MON we could use as a material to

demonstrate our strategies when we're
playing Agawan Base.

We are the red team and our opponents

are the blue team.
Yep, I still remember my childhood
friends' nicknames because we still have
J EROME communications until now and planning
to have a reunion after this pandemic

U TOY hehe.
Before we start the game, we were always
talking about what strategies must be done to
have a score and win the game. As a child, we
are not able to make critical plans. Therefore,
our only plan is to run separately so that our
opponents will chase us and leave their base.

Since I am the fastest among our team, my

main goal is to make the two opponents chase
me and the rest of our team will run together
to the blue team's base. And because there is
only one who can defend there, we have 90%
chance to win.
The game begins! I started to run and go
behind our enemies and wait for them to
go on our base. Since I am near their
base, they tried to defend but I am faster
than them. 

My two other teammates run to the

opposite side. They can't catch me so
they switched their direction to my
teammates and that's the opportunity to
tap their base. With my 100% speed, we
managed to score and rest for a while.
Moving on to the second wave, we
changed our tactics. This time Biboy will
run alone and Ichad will come with me.
But it didn't work because they caught
him while running, and now we need to
save him from being trapped in the
enemies' base.
This was a very hard to accomplish,
because their attention will be focused
on me and Ichad. We are little bit tired
and and hungry that time so we can't run
faster than we used to be in the first
wave. We still tried to save Biboy but
then the enemies caught the two of us so
they also got 1 point.
Agawan Base is a kind of outdoor game that
must be played by the children in this generation.
Why? Because it has a lot benefits for them especially
in their physical fitness. You can also consider
Agawan Base as a mind game which you need to use
strategies or tactics toegether with your team to win the

I highly recommend Agawan Base not only for the children, but also for 
teenagers, and adults. It is very enjoyable to play it with your friends,
neighbors, and also with your family. Keep in mind that outdoor games are
better than just sitting there with gadgets. We need to be more socialized not
only through social media, but through face to face interactions.

You may start to plan now, make your own team and opponent team. After
this pandemic, you will overwhelmed by the time you play outside your house,
you can feel like you were born again in this world.

y !

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