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Managing accidental hypothermia: to see that  >91% of the organisations

Emerg Med J: first published as 10.1136/emermed-2018-207898 on 7 July 2018. Downloaded from on 28 January 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
would employ a vapour barrier. This is

progress but still some way to go

considered an effective method of reducing
heat loss, as moving a patient with severe
hypothermia to remove wet clothes can
Les Gordon,1,2 Peter Paal3 precipitate a cardiac arrest. Precise opera-
tional practices will be influenced by differ-
ences in work setting, reflecting the ability
Accidental hypothermia has become much available unless the important issues have to transport equipment into remote areas,
better understood over the last 25 years. been thought-through beforehand. the need for heat and effective insulation
Not only is it recognised that it signifi- In this issue of the journal, Freeman if the patient will remain in a cold envi-
cantly worsens the prognosis if it occurs and colleagues report the results of a ronment for some time during evacuation
alongside many medical conditions survey conducted in 2017 on aspects of (eg, mountainside or boat compared with
including major trauma1 2 and elective hypothermia management by UK Prehos- a warm land vehicle or aircraft) and the
surgery,3 but it is also well established that pital Search and Rescue providers. The speed of transport to hospital. The most
severe accidental hypothermia (core authors are to be commended for tackling concerning survey results are where prac-
temperature <28°C) is eminently surviv- this important work. The first people to tices known to provide suboptimal care are
able if treated correctly, even in the pres- attend to a patient with hypothermia will used, for example, measuring temperature
ence of cardiac arrest.4 In practice, be prehospital healthcare providers or by the skin or rectal routes and failure to use
hypothermia can be divided into two Search and Rescue personnel depending external heat to slow cooling.
groups: mild hypothermia (core tempera- on the location, and decisions and actions Clearly, there is still room for improve-
ture 32°−35°C, table 1) and everything taken by them could significantly affect ment. A recent international survey of
else. In the presence of trauma, mild hypo- ultimate patient outcome. It is therefore hypothermia management in mountain
thermia starts at 36°C,5 reflecting its dele- essential that these practitioners have a plan rescue also concluded that most teams do
terious effect on outcome. Mild to work from based on best evidence6 and not follow standard guidelines for the treat-
hypothermia is very common so prehos- are appropriately prepared with adequate ment of severe hypothermia.7 Although the
pital and hospital staff will have experi- knowledge and suitable equipment. The Freeman study could not investigate the
ence managing it. The condition per se is investigators posed five questions: (1) pack- reasons underlying the observed divergence
not lethal and there is a lot of latitude aging; (2) use of active warming; (3) specific from best practice, it is possible to propose
regarding general management and to requirements for wet casualties; (4) ther- some factors that might account for the
which hospital a patient is taken. By mometry and (5) availability of a protocol findings. Accidental hypothermia has been
contrast, severe hypothermia is relatively or standard operating procedure for pack- included in the European Resuscitation
rare and very unforgiving. There are aging. No questions were asked about the Council section on Cardiac Arrest in Special
special requirements for managing the management of hypothermic cardiac arrest Circumstances since 2005, but unlike many
patient with wet clothes, packaging and or the most appropriate receiving hospital other causes of cardiac arrest, a protocol in
the use of heat. Above all, the peri-arrest for patients with hypothermia. Although an easy-to-follow format is not provided.
and cardiac arrest situations must be the overall response rate was ≈60%, the As a result, practitioners have to read the
managed differently from the normo- results are nevertheless useful. Clearly, there whole section in the published guideline
thermic patient. Moving a patient with are not only differences between services themselves and distill the information into a
severe hypothermia can easily trigger a but also differences between organisations suitable format for field use. People who are
cardiac arrest that is resistant to treatment working within the same service and most not used to reading medical publications,
until rewarming to >30°C has occurred importantly, some significant deviation such as some of the organisations surveyed
(thereby making the rewarming process from published best practice in a way that in the Freeman study, may not feel able to
more difficult and worsening the ultimate would not be expected in the management do this work. Historically, some voluntary
prognosis), and once an arrest has of other potentially fatal conditions, for organisations have not had a clear gover-
occurred, resuscitation should not be example, cardiac arrest. One reason for the nance framework because some members
stopped until the patient is warm. wide range of responses may be because the feel that having a structured approach is not
Personnel who rarely encounter patients survey question asked about ‘potentially appropriate for their voluntary status, and
with hypothermia cannot be reasonably cold/hypothermic’ casualties. This descrip- they therefore may not employ best-prac-
expected to remember all the special tion is very broad so it is difficult to assess tice guidelines.
requirements and have the appropriate the responses because best management The Freeman study is a wake-up call for
equipment and skills immediately depends on how cold the patient is. Moun- UK prehospital services and also a reminder
tain Rescue England and Wales (including for experts that developing guidelines is not
Cave Rescue) has had a severe hypothermia sufficient on its own if the frontline carers
Department of Anaesthesia, University Hospital
protocol since 2014 yet surprisingly, only do not use them. Like everything in medi-
Morecambe Bay Trust, Lancaster, UK
Langdale Ambleside Mountain Rescue Team, 81% of mountain rescue team respondents cine, achieving the best outcome depends on
Ambleside, UK were aware of this. Disappointingly, only practitioners employing the most up-to-date
Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care one-third of Ground Ambulance services evidence-based approach. Changing atti-
Medicine, Barmherzige Bruder Salzburg, Teaching have a protocol. Ideally, protocols should tudes is never straightforward, but making
Hospital, Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg,
Austria not only describe packaging but should a concise version of the protocols avail-
also include important clinical issues such able in an easy-to-follow format is a simple
Correspondence to Dr Les Gordon, Department of
Anaesthesia, University Hospitals Morecambe Bay Trust,
as safe handling of a patient who might initiative that could make a difference.
Ashton Road, Lancaster LA1 4RP, UK; have cardiac instability and the manage- Ideally, resuscitation councils should do
​hlgordon@​btinternet.​com ment of hypothermic arrest. It is pleasing this work because they have the credibility.
Gordon L, Paal P. Emerg Med J November 2018 Vol 35 No 11    657

Table 1  Staging and treatment of accidental hypothermia in the absence of major trauma (from Brown et al and Paal et al8 9)

Emerg Med J: first published as 10.1136/emermed-2018-207898 on 7 July 2018. Downloaded from on 28 January 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Stage Clinical symptoms Typical core temperature Treatment
Mild (HT I) Conscious, shivering 35°–32°C Warm environment and clothing; warm sweet drinks and active movement (if possible).
Patients with HT I with significant trauma, comorbidities or those suspected of secondary
hypothermia should receive HT II treatment.
Moderate  (HT II) Impaired <32°–28°C Full-body insulation; vapour barrier; active external and minimally invasive rewarming
consciousness* (shivering techniques (warm environment; chemical or electrical heating packs or blankets; forced air;
may have ceased) warm parenteral fluids).
Horizontal position and immobilisation.
Core temperature monitoring (not skin or rectal).
Minimal and cautious movements to avoid arrhythmias.
Severe (HT III) Unconscious*, vital signs <28°C HT II management plus:
present Airway management as required.
Preference to treat in an ECMO/CPB centre, if available, due to the high risk of cardiac arrest.
Consider ECMO/CPB in cases with cardiac instability that is refractory to medical management
and for patients with comorbidities who are unlikely to tolerate the low cardiac output
associated with HT III.
Severe (HT IV) Vital signs absent Cardiac arrest is possible Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and up to three defibrillation attempts and no epinephrine until
below 32°C. Risk increases temperature >30°C.
substantially below 28°C Prevent further heat loss (insulation, warm environment; vapour barrier).
and continues to increase Airway management.
with ongoing cooling. Active external and minimally invasive rewarming (see HT II) during transport is recommended.
Do not apply heat to head.
Transport to ECMO/CPB.
*Consciousness may be impaired by comorbid illness (ie, trauma, central nervous system pathology, toxic ingestion, etc) independent of core temperature.
CPB, cardiopulmonary bypass; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; HT, hypothermia.

A summary of the essential points for acci- acquisition, analysis and interpretation of appropriate 2 Winkelmann M, Soechtig W, Macke C, et al.
dental hypothermia is shown in table 1 references, the drafting and revision of the manuscript Accidental hypothermia as an independent risk
and the final approval of the submitted version. factor of poor neurological outcome in older multiply
based on recent international reviews.8–11 injured patients with severe traumatic brain injury:
Versions should also be available for other Funding  The authors have not declared a specific
a matched pair analysis. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg
grant for this research from any funding agency in the
groups that could need them, including public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors. 2018.
control room staff who deploy prehos- 3 Torossian A, Bräuer A, Höcker J, et al. Preventing
Competing interests  None declared. inadvertent perioperative hypothermia. Dtsch Arztebl
pital teams and hospital staff, especially if
Patient consent  Not required. Int 2015;112:166–72.
rewarming will have to be undertaken by 4 Paal P, Brown D. Cardiac arrest from accidental
non-extracorporeal life support methods. Provenance and peer review  Commissioned; hypothermia, a rare condition with potentially excellent
In the absence of a formal guideline, indi- internally peer reviewed. neurological outcome, if you treat it right. Resuscitation
vidual organisations have to decide locally © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2018. No commercial 2014;85:707–8.
re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ. 5 Gentilello LM. Advances in the management of
how to manage hypothermia, perhaps hypothermia. Surg Clin North Am 1995;75:243–56.
at short notice, with all the potential for 6 Gordon L, Ellerton JA, Paal P, et al. Severe accidental
inaccuracy that this approach engenders. hypothermia. BMJ 2014;348:g1675.
An authoritative evidence-based guideline To cite Gordon L, Paal P. Emerg Med J 7 Podsiadło P, Darocha T, Kosiński S, et al. Severe
supported by education and the availability 2018;35:657–658. Hypothermia management in Mountain Rescue: a
survey study. High Alt Med Biol 2017;18:411–6.
of essential equipment is the ideal, as seen 8 Brown DJ, Brugger H, Boyd J, et al. Accidental
with ALS. Without this approach, a repeat Received 17 June 2018 hypothermia. N Engl J Med 2012;367:1930–8.
of this survey done in 5 years’ time will Accepted 21 June 2018 9 Paal P, Gordon L, Strapazzon G, et al. Accidental
Published Online First 7 July 2018 hypothermia – an update. Scand J Trauma Resusc
probably find no improvements.
Emerg Med J 2018;35:657–658. Emerg Med 2016;24:111.
doi:10.1136/emermed-2018-207898 10 Zafren K. Out-of-hospital evaluation and treatment
Correction notice  This article has been corrected of accidental hypothermia. Emerg Med Clin North Am
since it was published Online First. In table 1, the
treatment for severe hypothermia has been amended.
References 2017;35:261–79.
1 Wang HE, Callaway CW, Peitzman AB, et al. Admission 11 Haverkamp FJC, Giesbrecht GG, Tan E. The prehospital
Contributors  Both authors have made equal hypothermia and outcome after major trauma. Crit management of hypothermia – an up-to-date
contributions to the conception of the paper, the Care Med 2005;33:1296–301. overview. Injury 2018;49:149–64.

658 Gordon L, Paal P. Emerg Med J November 2018 Vol 35 No 11

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