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BBA LLB 2019-24

Mohan has been the sales manager of a state office for an automobile manufacturer. His
work involves close liaised with the automobile dealers in various districts with
manufacturers. He is also responsible for selecting and starting up new dealers in Town. In
June, Mohan had a heart attack, which kept him in the hospital for eight weeks and at home
for four more weeks. During his absence, his position was filled by a man, who was promoted
to the job. After recovery Mohan reported to his officer. Mohan's officer told him that he
was being demoted to Assistant Sales Manager in order to give him relief in his work
pressure. Consequently, there would be slight reduction in his salary also.
Q.1.) Evaluate the handling of this personnel situation by Mohan's officer.
A.1.). The action of the Personal Management lacks reasoning and better judgment of work ethics
on their part. Mohan was the sales manager and did his job in all honesty with various tasks, shows
his commitment towards the job. Having suffered from a heart attack and returned within a span
of 12 weeks displayed his willingness towards his work. Mohan in times like this would need more
financial support and moral support, both of which the company failed to provide. Not having a
satisfied workforce and wrongful demotion hampers the productivity of an enterprise. Thus, the
company should have looked after the interest of Mohan. The least they could have done was not
reduced his salary, as the hinderance of work was out of Mohan’s control.
In hindsight, the company and the managing officer both appear to be in a conundrum as well.
Since a company would want an effective employee force to increase the efficiency, the steps taken
by the management insinuates the best interest for the same. The demotion, on the other hand, may
also help Mohan recover better from his ailments as now he would have less workload and more
time. However, a decrease in the salary surplus does not appear to be the best of decisions. Further,
staying in the same company after the demotion does not fare best for Mohan as now, he would
have to work with the employees he once was superior to. This may increase some sociological
issues for him.
Alternatively, the managing officer of Mohan, could have taken steps like making 2 Co-Sales
Managers instead of one Sales Manager giving both Mohan and the promotee a fair chance of
opportunities. Moreover, the collective experience of Mohan and the promotee would have been
beneficial for the company. Given that the company would have to employee two people for the
same job though not feasible would have helped in the long run. Mohan being at such a post at
least deserved some perks like monetary help in time of crisis like this.

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