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September 30th

Good morning! Pranaam! Namaste!

The cockerel call.

● Transcending morning of the sun starting with the Rooster's call at the time of the
brahmamuhurtha (auspicious time).
● They wake people up at the right time to maintain the metabolism.
● When we wake up the melatonin and serotonin are balanced.

More input.
● The data input has increased from 300 inputs maybe 30MB, from the time of our
predecessors. Now it is atleast 30GB input
● The data input occurs through our senses of eyes, ears, nose and our tongue.
● This data puts extra burden on the brain and glands.

Clarity and strain.

● A camera has not come close to our eyes clarity yet.
● The best of best camera equipement is used to shoot in the wild and to shoot sports but
it is not like our eye.
● Every 30 minutes of work on the computer, phone, books or laptop closely needs a
break of atleast 5 minutes. Look a minimum of 20 feet away into nature to calm the eyes
● Close the eyes for another 5 minutes and then resume working.

Karma cleaning by a guru.

● A guru programmes the mind and the neural network as we watch every moment of the
● A gurukul helps in removing karma and a disciple should always give and contribute in
every way he/she can.
● Karma has to be cleared, to be a yogi / saint.
● 14 unwholesome qualities have to be removed to reach zero entropy - the least state of
energy where omega should first be 1 and then followed by 0 entropy.

Conserve at all times.

● We worship the intellect and ego and live in the head.
● This is energy consumption.
● Centre of gravity and mass is in the sole and deep in the earth.
● This is energy conservation leading to singularity.
● We are then balanced.
● Oestrogen keeps everything in the heart and testosterone takes away every thing.
● Women = birth immortality.

School knowledge for exercise.

Frequency = f
Interval = i
Time = t and intensity by repetitions.

Jaanu shiraasana.
● The preparation and the goal of the aasana is to reach the centre of gravity.
● Moving in an imbalanced way, the body compensates one part and strengthens it. But
the imbalance remains.

Sports vs yoga.
● Ultramarathon runners have weak lungs.
● Weight lifters have a weak heart.
● Weight lifter energy = 2 seconds.
● Sprinter energy = 8 to 10 seconds.
● Ultrmarathon runner = 40 minutes to an hour.
● Weight lifter = high glycaemic load.
● Ultramarathon = low glycaemic load.
● Yogi = no glycaemic load.
● A yogi needs only the hardest yak cheese / chhurpi and milk to sustain the Himalayan
● They can chew the cheese like gum for hours. Rich in proteins and essential fats.

Training body and mind.

● The class first should be heard, then reflected and understood upon gradually.
● Eating multiple times a day is a way to maintain low glycaemic load, but it still means our
focus is on food.
● We have to be over this Annamayya kosha.
● Desire increases, search for partner increases and focus decreases as we indulge more
● We cant have lust and the soul. Only one.

Women, men and yogis.

● Oxytocin = women = love.
● A girl should look for compatibility in a guy and who can take care of her emotionally and
● Household chores and cooking for a family by a woman are all done in zero resistance.
● Women were never obese.
● A man is meant to plough the field and those are the weights a man lifted.
● Yogi has a ketogenic body not by following a ketodiet but because of zero resistance.

● Basal metabolic expenditure or Basal metabolic rate (BMR) has to be calculated.
● Respiratory quotient (RQ) - the ratio of volume of carbon dioxide released to volume of
● Input quality = output quality.
● Carbon dioxide and RQ measuring tells us if we are burning proteins, fats or

● The truth has to be validated according to Patanjali.
● One should be grateful to every teacher and then move forward to reach singularity.
● South of India has no mudra, kriya or pranayama. Those are northern techniques.
● One limb of yoga practiced in isolation causes damage.
● Yoga is not asana alone.
● Bandhana - tightening the whole body is better than shot put and heavy weight lifting.

● Everything in nature that burns is carbon and ends in carbon, producing energy.
● Energy started with fire, coal, gas, etc.
● 1g of carbohydrate = 4kcal energy.
● 1g of protein = 4kcal.
● 1g of fat = 9kcal.
● Carbs and proteins in excess becomes fat.
● The end products like saccharides, amino acids and fatty acids produce the energy.
● A ketogenic body produces 129 to 276 ATP molecules against the usual 28 to 32 ATP
from 1 molecule of carbohydrate and fat respectively.
● Pure ghee, butter and milk were highly used in India for the high energy.
● Being relaxed makes the body ketogenic.
● Butter was less often used as it is a byproduct of producing ghee.

● By producing sugar the by product is molasses.
● Every intermediary product must be known by a yogi to be an alchemist.

Garcinia indica / kokum.

● Its concentrate has high HCA (hydroxy citric acid) content but makes the teeth sensitive.
● Add honey depending on its sweetness and also on teeth and it also handles HCA.
● Maximum recommended dose is 40ml.
● If one has weak joints, then only 1 or 2 tsp is the recommended dose.

● Cranberry concentrate for infections and for microbiome in the intestines.

Quality of the mind decides if we are non vegetarians or not. Even Dalai lama eats meat.

● Absolute fragrance which is oil based - attar.
● Applied to every guest especially during weddings.
● Angelic environment is created.
● Paaneyambu - drink for guests with rosepetals.
● Black and pink rose absolute are expensive and the best.
● Rose hydrolysate is paniya or paneer used as perfume and deodorant.
● Rose fragrance and lotus fragrance help develop vairagya / detachment.
● Jasmine and sandal oil can also be used as perfume.

Fish oil.
● Fish oil free should be free of all heavy metals with a proper proportion of DHA and EPA.
● Very good for the brain and joints with a combination of squalene, sardine, krill, cod and
wild salmon oils.
● Quality is decided by its totox values.

Sweet almonds.
● The ones that have a curve on one side are the healthiest.
● Vacuum packed to preserve all the essential oils.
● High quality almonds with healthy fat come from Srinagar.
● Almond flour also has the same high quality.

Persian Pistachio - green gold.

● Akbari is the most expensive produced exclusively for export.
● Ahmad aghaei.
● Fandoghi.
● Kalleh Ghouchi.
● Badami.

Texts and listening to a guru.

● Yoga Makarandha 1st chapter (only) is a great starter and Sanathana Dharma a great
● Whatever is heard / shrutha from a guru, that has to be made into a memory - smritha.
● Not heard from a guru = not smritha.
● Saints, yogis, lamas are the only ones who are allowed to talk about these standard

Stages of maturity.
● Being more intelligent is not helpful. Being wise is.
● A yogi can convert any bad situation to a good one with a smile.
● Everyone should grow with age and mature with age like Krishnamachaarya.
● Sivananda was always working for the sake of others and never expecting anything and
making things easier for others.

Kill temptations.
● If blood glucose increases above 170 mg/dl that is high and is excreted in urine.
● Sheethali pranayaama kills the urge to eat or drink.
● Inflammation becomes growth as we conserve the oxygen and emotions.
Conserve and be active.
● For the purpose of 2 or 8 seconds we end up with injuries.
● Apply resistance but only for the sake of relaxing the body and conserving energy.
● Every movement of vinyaasa has to be effortless and in line with the planes and axes.
● This shows how light and agile we are as we move.
● We can be energetic in the evenings even after a whole day of work.
● In the mornings we are alert and chirpy and by the end of the day we droop and drool
because we consume too much energy and oxygen.
● Sleeping during meditation is not shushuptha or dhuriavastha. It is just sleeping.

Thank you _/\_

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