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"Mental Revolution" may lead to failure of the "manipulation"! Examples: I.

Among other "proofs" that the Shroud of Turin is a fake, will present a purely geometrical argument (he does not need any physical-chemical analysis): As seen, the only way in which Christ's body could be covered to leave this kind of traces was: shroud was lying on a flat surface, the body was placed on back on a half of the piece, with the other half was covered the body thru folding. So, the images, "the front" and "behind" of the body tend to approach with their "head", in the middle of the flax piece.

Important: . 1) on the images, the legs are in such a position that would seem to be like the way they were nailed with the holdfast, to the cross. 2) the left leg is towards the front of the body, right leg is under him, in the image "front" . 3) the right foot is toward the front of the body, in the image "back". 4) but the images are formed simultaneously (or so it would have been natural); so, is meaningless as, in one image, a leg is toward the "front"of the body and, in the other image, another leg.

Is meaningless even if we want to consider also the mirror reversal.

5) The only explanation is: a) the "body" was rotated by on "front" on the "back" and the shroud was "impressed" twice, consecutively, only on one side of it. b) the shroud was "impressed" (also twice), on the same side of shroud without to rotate the body of the "Jesus", once from "above" the body and once again "from below", placing the flax piece in a convenient position. It would be an explanation for this "mess"? This explanation is there! As can be seen easily the image "front" of the head is a two-dimensional projection of the face of "Jesus" (which have, in reality, three dimensions). Just as in the case of the "negative" of a classical photo! But the shroud normally is molded on his "face. It follows that the distance between the ears (which is approximate because the ears are covered with hair) must be much higher on the shroud which was molded on the "face", resulting a deforming of the image of the face (a round image). What is not found! So, the shroud it has not been molded on the corpse! Most likely he was "impressed" by caloric radiation (infrared waves) when is lying at a short distance from a "corpse" prepared to radiate (statue gilded with gold or silver, or a body that have suffered the same treatment ...?). That explains why the image is a "negative". In these circumstances it came up the problem of the heat and that "Jesus" could not be suspended, at short distance, being hot, between the folded girls of the shroud than consecutively, for each of the "impress". Hence, it resulting the error with the changing of the leg. Perhaps the "impress must to be made quickly, so that "Jesus" not become too cool.

II. You have below a copy from an email address which is addressed to the "publisher" of Dan Brown, at the 05/23/2007. Flag this message Wednesday, May 23, 2007 7:18 AMFrom: pascu gabriel View contact details To: customerservice@randomhouse.comMister,

I like to tell you something very important: Dan Brown is missing the point in Da Vinci Code! How is that? If Da Vinci must tell us that the personage in the right said of Jesus Christ is Maria Magdalena, he must put in the picture 14 PERSONAGES ( Jesus, 12 Apostles AND MARIA MAGDALENA), in conditions in which the clerics must see only 13 (Jesus and 12 Apostles). And, in the picture ARE 14 PERSONAGES! The 14-th personage is the hand with the knife. So, the prove for the existence of a code is, in this case, obvious and this prove is not the breasts of Maria Magdalena (Da Vinci cant make them so obvious). I like to mention my name there. And more, I must tell you that the Orthodox Church in Romania knows about this issue because in the reproductions (made for years ago) from the Last Super by Da Vinci the hand with the knife is missing all the times. With respect, Gabriel Pascu-Romania From the text follows that the existence of a "code" can be so easily demonstrated that: 1) Dan Brown's book ("The code") is superfluous. This is not so obvious if you are falling into the trap of make reasoning for the sake of art". And those who buy this it show that this type of exercise (reasoning) is not easy enough for them, 2) The Church couldn't not to observe the "code" (I found that the Orthodox Church has removed "the hand with the knife" from the reproductions of "Last supper" -"Iscariot" meaning is also " the bearing- knife man"). It follows that the Church and this "browns" (including those who have raised the issue of "authenticity of the shroud) play a perverse game of manipulation in which I cannot enter.

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