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Regia trati en No
Aame o saycel
Coussee cod

PAysietogical tfacli sa
Cel 8longatdn- Jhe piimany ahysio logi cal auxin in
planls Zo sti mulale he
elongation calls shael. un

veny &tongo cdmmon eg hes can be bsesvedd in

phelo lrophie Carvalres hare lhe unilateral light
enegpuatly dsbi butis Lhe a u n i n d n Ahe alem. lupb

r e higher conce nbnalon ef aurin an he shadecd siide

causis h e cells h a t sede o n
elongale napiollg mee

sesutli'g ta
benoling h e slem lio louuarols Ae
wnnladeral lighl

oi cal dominance - S has been a cammon

many vastular planl espewaly dhe Zalt n e l 4oan
sely brancheol ones ihat he terminal kul inloct
a n a g2ouung hegrouth s f lhe loteral kucls juat

beloc it rtrpuratta remainecl seypsesseol

3. Root Jnisiaion contsast -

slem, he Aighes
lo Ahe
concenbbali@n u i n nhi bi Ahe elongalon Aoal
bub t h e mumb en a alesal k i a n c soal is cottiolessod
i e , 1he Aighes nlali@n a conce

consiolerably noreasecl
auxin dni i o l e s m o i e lalisal kranc Joali
menai @n Rot NO
Regea trati an Wo
Abme of the se ecd
Cousse code
Sey signalure :

PAysiotogieal fec dux

1Cel Elongausn-Jhe pAimary ahysio logicol au nin
planls lo sti mulal dhe elongalian cells shool n

Aveny atongol cdmmon eg hes

can be obsesvecl in

uhere l h e uni lateral lighkt

Pholo rophic Cur valures
n AY he stem lp
ually dobi butis Lhe Aunin

he shadeel ide
he hegher conce nbralon oauein @n

causis Lhe cells n hat sde o elongale mone napiolly

louuarols 2e
Aesulting inbenoling e slem ijo
wnilat eral lighY.
2 yoi cal dominance - It has been a common sbsenuollon
many vastular.planld especally h e Zalt anol a spar
sely brancheelsras Ahal if he terminal hud inlact
Ond goauing e grouth of h e dotenal suels just
khelocw i Frernunattal remainécl seyppse44 e l

3. Root Jniliatio n -
Jn centaastlo hs slem, h e Aigkes
concenbrolie a Acal
auci n nhi'bils Ahe elongali tn
bub the mumb en a f lotesol bsaneh oals is cottoleusd

Consiolerakly rereaseel ie, 1he Argher conce niation a

auxi n n ialis morelalesal inanch e l s
ra Roll Ne
Rega thati en Wo

Cousse code

PAyaielogieal feck fdux

1Lall longalion -Jhe paimary physiologieal auxir i r
planls lo sti mulae the elongalisn s c e l s vn hoot
cdmman heis can bcabseAveel i
veny o n o l eg

PKelolrophic Carvalues uhene lhe uni latenal aght

XY h e s t e m lyp
neuatly desbi brtes h e u r i n

a n h e hadel ide
he highes
cence nbra
h e cells n
lon ef aunin
h a t s t d lo elongale e moe apioly

slim lijo louaros Ke

Haullin9 tn
bendling e
dnilatenal bigh.
oi' col dominance - S has 6 esn a cemme abserallon
he lal anel pa
in many vaslulan planls epewally
sely brancheol n e Ahal the teminal kud s inlact
suols ust
Ond goaiing Ae groudh of he. Lotena

kelocs i Ptrnauattd hemainecl styppsesseel

3. Reot Jritiauon contsast lo Ahe slem, Ihe Aighes

concenbalion a o u i n nhi biks Ahe elongali on Aoal

bub L he mumb en af olesol k6iarch Aoals s
1he AegkeA conce nbaion
Censiolerobly ncreaseel i e ,
n i uoles lalisaL bnonch Jo0ls
auxi n

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