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Identify three areas for improvement from your research and

observations that would contribute to an improved work environment for
the organization as well as best efficiency and productivity. FINANCE

1. Re-design manager role (based on below next question)

2. Policy about a NON-meeting day. While everyday operation employees
face usually 2 typical things:
1. Operation task to do
2. Meetings to attend

Recently in the everyday work life, skype meeting quantity and time period
increased, which means the employees need to attend 3-4-5 meetings per day.
These meetings usually take 30min or more (really rarely below 30min- almost
never). On the meetings usually employees discuss with managers about issues
and possible solutions – which results that employee has a lot of pressure in
these meetings, because she/he needs to prepare. If they found the solution
during the meetings, she/he needs to initiate that solution. So, meetings give
additional work about:

- Prepare to the meetings

- Participate on the meetings
- Initiate the solution what was discuss on the meetings.

Based on this if a person has 3-4 meetings per day, the whole day is about
meetings and not about daily operations. This is usually cause over hours for
the employee on the low level of hierarchy chain (operation employees). GE
should have a policy about NON-meeting days where operation employees can
focus only on the daily process.

3. Compensation package and operation structure

GE should increase compensation package because everyday operations for

finance people requires lot of over hours. They should give money to the
employees not just vouchers, also if a team performed well, they could organize
team buildings or team programs. Also, they should know compensation
package for over hours is not enough for an employee in a long-term period.
People need work-life balance, compensation packages can be a safeguard
measure in a short period, but if the over hours appears in a long period, the
company will lose high experienced employees, because they need balance in
their life not just money. In this case if an employee experienced lot of over
hours in a long period, company should investigate the root causes of the issue
and re-structure that operation process.

2. Discuss and develop potential improvements. Please include the

managers role in the designed improvements. FINANCE OPERATIONS

Right know GE has only one type of manager role, this role’s responsibility to
support the employee request, goals, set up carrier plan, control the operation
AND also the manager role has operational jobs to do on her/his own. This is
way too much if we the manager has more than 5 people in the team. The
company should make this role to split to 2:

1. Manager for employee wellness and carrier future

Manager for employee wellness and carrier future would control and
foreseen employee’s feelings and emotions about the job. If employees have
an issue within the team which related to arguments, feelings (not pure
operations), employee wellness manager should be the responsible to
manage these issues. Also, she/he can monitor and set up individual goals
and plans with the employees during 1 on 1 meetings based on individual
goals such as carrier plan, salary plan.

2. Manager for operations

Manager for operations role should be the responsible for team’s

performance in daily operations, everyday tasks. Team goals about the job
and not for individuals.

The two managers should co-operate with each other to know employees
well, and setup goals based on that.

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