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Description - Relatives

Of all of my relatives, I like my godfather Charles the best. He has been a friend of the family for
many years. He has a wife and two children, and he lives with his wife in a small village near Debrecen.
He is in his late sixties, but he is still young in spirit. He has a dark complexion, thin black hair, but
now it is greying which he swept back because it is getting thinner. He has a snub noise, square jaw, a
mean mouth and bushy eyebrows. When you met him, the first thing you notice is his big, smiling eyes.
His eyes are greyish blue. His face is wrinkled now, but I think he is still rather handsome. He is well built
but he has a little beer belly.
He is the sort of person you can always go to if you have a problem. He is extremely generuos, but
not very tolerant with people who don’t agree with him. He is well-ballanced and friendly but not a sociable
man. He is sincere, honest and merciful, and always proud for his little house and car and his social place.
He is never agressive or violent. Despite the fact he had a strict childhood, he is rather understanding and
He likes watching TV and gardening, and he goes for short walks over the river with her wife. He is a
very active person. He is interested in stamps, he has a big stamp-collection. Usually he meets his friends
to exchange stamps. He likes our national food and culture. Every weekend he goes for plays chess with
his friends. He is intested in languages, so he knows three languages: English, French and German. He is
a very intelligent man. I hope that I am as clever and contented as he is when I’m his age.
First I’d like to speak about the tours. There are two type tour; package tour and individual tour.
The package tour is cheap. You can just go by bus or plane, you can’t make the initerary, you can’t worry
about where you sleap night. But you must go back to the bus, when the tourguide said.
The individual tour is most free. You can rest on the museum as much time as you can, but must
search an accomadation where you stay at night.
Secoundly, let me talk about the internal and the foreign tour.
Although the foreign tour is most exited that the holiday at home, I think first you should know your
country, and than go abroad. The foreign tour is harder, becouse you will know the language at country
where you are. You must go to the travel agency and you need a lot of money to stay longer time.
The internal tour is simpler, becouse you haven’t got any problem for the language. You can go
sightseeing everywhere, every time. You can go with your own car. In Hungary the people are choose the
package tour, becouse they are lazy or they aren’t enough bravery to go on individual tour. As I have
already said I like the package tour at home, at Hungary (it’s may becouse I’m lazy). According to my
mother the package tour is not realy interesting that the individual. I think this summer we will go on
holiday at home, in an individual tour. Finally I write some relaxation: relax in the sun, visit an exhibition, go
for sightseeing and do an active holiday.

My worst holiday
In the summer of 1996 we decided to go on a holiday in Greece. We tried to catch a taxi, but no one
stoped for us. So you can imagine, we almost missed the bus. To tell the truth that was a Neoplan bus, but
we didn’t aware of that. We couldn’t sleep for the noise of the engine. We didn’t used the toalette, becouse
it was wrong. We didn’t bought anything on the buffet, becouse it was closed.
But the worst was still to come. We didn’t enjoyed the air condition, becouse it was wrong too. It was
absolutely unbearable. Etc. The travel was only 35 hours, becouse a frontier guard stoped us for 9 hours.
Why? Because he wasn’t so rich and he thought to so he will make a fortune with our money! When we
arrived at long last in the appartement we reckoned the worst, but we were disappointed pleasantly.
Finally the holiday wasn’t so horrible, just the travel. After we „enjoyed” the travel on the way home, too.
New York and London
I think the major difference was the height of the place in New York. Everything was up, everything is
faster and the people are much ruder: pushing in the street, fights about getting on the bus. People don’t
queue like they do in England.
The average Englishman is cold and not very open. In the States it’s very different. They are
enthusiastic and spontaneous than English people. Americans stand closer when they are talking.
Americans are more open, they speak their minds, so if they don’t like something, they actually tell you
directly. Not like the British, who might think one thing and say another. Maybe the British are ruder than
the Americans. English people in America are respected. Everyone wants to talk to them. But Americans
in England are thought to be a little inferior because they get exited by everything. They think everything is
so ’cute’.
And another thing is Americans work a lot harder than the English people. For the English their private
lives are important, their holidays are important, their gardens are important, their dogs are important, but
Americans, work is the most important thing in our lives. Americans live to work. Once an English man
made a friend, it’s a friend for life, but it takes very long time.
In New York all shops are open till ten o’clock and some supermarkets are open twenty-four hours a
day. Most shops don’t open as early as in England, they don’t open until about ten or eleven in the
morning, becouse they all work much later. Everything’s open on Sundays. In the States only the banks
are shut, everything else stays open. In the States it’s easier to make money and it’s easier to spend it.
Shops are open all the time over there. In England you had to race to reach the supermarket before 5:30.
Some shops are open later now, and on Sundays, but they are still harder to find than in the States.
In New York the public holidays are much shorter than in London. Holidays seem to be longer in
London, and around Christmas and New Year the whole country closes down for two weeks.
New York is as cosmopolitan as London, but it’s not as mixed. Nationalities stay in their own areas;
like there’s the Russian section, the German section…
New York taxi drivers must be the rudest in the world. They never speak and they don’t seem to
know where anything is. In London it’s very different. Taxi drivers tell you they life stories and know every
street in London. The underground isn’t very clean but at least you can use it and feel safe. New York is
quite a dangerous place. The subways are unusable, dirty and uncomfortable.

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