Praying For Community: Mich, The Challenge and Spirituality of Social Teaching, 112

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Assignment 6b

1.     “Basic justice demands the establishment of minimum levels of participation in the life of
the human community for all persons.” Cite examples of how this principle is violated in church
and society. (Two examples for each sector – a) family or church /faith community, and b)

Basic justice demands establishment of minimum levels of participation of human community

for all persons. There are principles in the demands and these principle are violated because of
human’s emotions and other factors and trials which probably made people disregard the
principles to get their own goals or desires.

2.     In our families and faith communities, how can we cultivate a sense of responsibility for
building a society in which the dignity of each person is recognized and protected?

We can cultivate the sense of responsibility in building a society in which the dignity of each
person is recognized and protected by love and respect. Love and respect will cultivate our
sense of responsibility for building a society because love and respect will be the foundation of
the strength of the masses.

3.     What is/are your reflection/s on “Praying for the Community”

Praying for Community

Embracing God,
We praise you for the communities of life which sustain us:
creation, family, church, and the community of all people.
May we learn from your Son Jesus to love our neighbor more deeply,
so that we may continue your work of creating a community
of justice and peace in our world.
May that same love of neighbor fill us with creative energy to
overcome the obstacles of intolerance and indifference and to
build inclusive communities in our neighborhoods, nations, and among all your children.

God has given us everyone, and we should thank Him for that. All of the people around us give
us life and love, and we should give them back. In order to maintain a world with justice and
peace we should follow the teachings of Christ. With this, together we conquer every
challenges on our path.

Mich, The Challenge and Spirituality of Social Teaching, 112.

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