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No. __5__ Date : 09 – 10 – 2020

Nurse Patient Technique Used Rationale

“Ay ako nga ay

iyong gugupitan ng Accepting Acceptance is not
buhok. Gawa ng necessarily the
“Sige po medyo mahaba na daw” same thing as
mahaba na nga, agreement; it can
kukuhanin ko laang be enough to
ang pangupit.” simply make eye
contact and say
“Yes, I understand.”
Patients who feel
their nurses are
listening to them
“Itay tawa naman Offering Humor and taking them
diyan ng kaunti seriously are more
kapuge ng nag likely to be
gupit sa inyo eh.” receptive to care.

Lightening the
mood with humor
can help nurses
establish rapport
quickly. This
technique can keep
patients in a more
positive state of

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