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Universidad Católica del Cibao - UCATECI (UCATECI)

Yobanes Capellán
Edgar McKenzie
topic :
English 2
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1.What is Halloween? ............................................................................................................................. 2
2.what is your origins?........................................................................................................................... 2
3.What does all hallow's eve mean and why did it change to Halloween?............................... 3
4. what is Samhain? ................................................................................................................................ 3
5.What did the ancient Celts believe with the arrival of Samhain? ............................................ 3
6. who is jack o’ lantern? ....................................................................................................................... 4
7. What is trick or treat and where does it come from?................................................................. 4
8. what does anton lavey think of halloween day? ......................................................................... 5
9. Who celebrates halloween and what rituals do they use? ....................................................... 5
10.. What does the church think about Halloween? ....................................................................... 6
11.What is your opinion after having investigated the subject? ................................................. 6
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................ 7
Bibliographic references ....................................................................................................................... 8
Yobanes Capellán 2017-1009


Halloween is a festival that is celebrated mainly in the United States , Northern Mexico , and
some Canadian provinces on the night of October 31 . The festival originated in Celtic of the
Samhain and festivity Christian of the Day of All Saints . It is largely a secular celebration although
some consider it to have a religious background. The Irish immigrants passed versions of the
tradition to North America during the great faminefrom 1840, It was celebrated in the Anglo -
Saxon countries , mainly in Canada , the United States , Ireland and the United Kingdom . The
expansive force of US culture has made Halloween popular in other Western countries as well .

The day is often associated with the colors orange and black and is strongly tied to symbols such
as the Jack-o'-lantern.. Typical Halloween activities are the famous trick-or-treating and costume
parties , as well as bonfires , visiting haunted houses , pranks, reading scary stories and watching
horror movies .

Yobanes Capellán 2017-1009

1.What is Halloween?
Halloween 2020 will occur on Saturday,
October 31. The tradition originated with
the vancient Celtic festival of Samhain,
when people would light bonfires and
wear costumes to ward off ghosts. In the
eighth century, Pope Gregory III
designated November 1 as a time to
honor all saints. Soon, All Saints Day
incorporated some of the traditions of


2.what is your origins?

In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated November 1 as a time to honor all
saints. Soon, All Saints Day incorporated some of the traditions of Samhain. The evening
before was known as All Hallows Eve, and later Halloween. Over time, Halloween
evolved into a day of activities like trick-or-treating, carving jack-o-lanterns, festive
gatherings, donning costumes and eating treats.


Yobanes Capellán 2017-1009

3.What does all hallow's eve mean and why did it change to
The word itself literally means "hallowed evening," and was previously known to early
European celebrators as All Hallows' Eve. All Hallows' Eve (October 31) and All Saints'
Day (November 1) both paid homage to saints ("hallows" = saints). The name was
eventually shortened to "Halloween," which we know and love to this day.


4. what is Samhain?
According to historian Nicholas Rogers, author of Halloween: From Pagan Ritual to Party
Night, Samhain was a “time of stock-taking and perhaps sacrifice” — including probably
animal sacrifice — during which “pastoral communities [prepared] to survive the winter.”

Lang Cady (2018)

5.What did the ancient

Celts believe with the
arrival of Samhain?
The world of the gods was believed to
be made visible to humankind, and
the gods played many tricks on their
mortal worshippers; it was a time
fraught with danger, charged with
fear, and full of supernatural

Yobanes Capellán 2017-1009

episodes. Sacrifices and propitiations of every kind were thought to be vital, for without
them the Celts believed they could not prevail over the perils of the season or counteract
the activities of the deities.


6. who is jack o’ lantern?

In the 17th century, it referred to a night watchman,
a man who literally carried a lantern.But, it was also
a nickname for strange, flickering lights seen at
night over wetlands or peat bogs and mistaken to
be fairies or ghosts. This natural phenomenon is
also called ignis fatuus, which means “foolish fire,”
friar’s lantern, and will-o’-the-wisp.


7. What is trick or treat and where does it come from?

As for the trick or treating, or
“guising” (from “disguising”),
traditions, beginning in the
Middle-Ages, children and
sometimes poor adults would
dress up in the aforementioned
costumes and go around door to
door during Hallowmas begging
for food or money in exchange for
songs and prayers, often said on
behalf of the dead. This was
called “souling” and the children
were called “soulers”.

(Eveleth Rose ,2012)

Yobanes Capellán 2017-1009

8. what does anton lavey think of halloween day?

Says that there are three important days for Satanists:
1. His birthday 2. April 30, and 3. The most important
day HALLOWEEN Lavey says that it is on this night
that occult satanic powers and witchcraft reach their
level of higher potency, and any sorcerer or occultist
who has been having difficulty with spells or curses,
on October 31st can achieve success because Satan
and his powers are at their peak that night.

(De la cruz Carrizales German, 2010).

9. Who celebrates halloween and what rituals do they use?

the young


1. Scorpio fire ritual: closing stages: It is an ideal time to leave old identities (loves,
possessions, jobs)
2. Halloween walk through nature: there was a walk in the middle of nature (in the
mountains or a sacred place).
3. Ritual to have an oracle dream on Halloween eve: We ask a question three times
that we want the dreams to answer us (it is better if we write it down on a piece
of paper and leave it on the nightstand). The answer we want will come that night.
(It is important to formulate well to get an accurate result.)
4. Ritual to honor the ancestors: The best way to honor our ancestors is by
recognizing that “we are” our tree, with its lights and shadows, as well as our
5. Purification bath at 12 at night: According to European folklore, there is a
“witching hour”, it is quite mentioned and many people around the world wake up
at night at that time, even without knowing what it is about. try: it is at 3 am when
the supernatural creatures wake up, the "veil between the worlds" is thinner and
spells are performed.
(Gualano Clara, 2017)

Yobanes Capellán 2017-1009

10.. What does the church think about Halloween?

The Catholic Church tries to stop its expansion and warns that Halloween "is not an
innocent party", because "it has a background of occultism and anti-Christianity."
(Vidal Jose maniuel, 2009)

11.What is your opinion after having investigated the subject?

Well, people celebrate that day as the day of the dead when they are actually praising Satan
which is not possible because we all want to get to know Christ not lose our souls before that.
For only God is worthy of praise and glory.

Yobanes Capellán 2017-1009


You already know what Halloween really is, you can search for information on the internet, you
can go to the Celtic and Satanic calendars and realize what is really the same, Satanists celebrate
all the Celtic holidays. It is where thousands of children are sacrificed for a "where Satan is
worshiped", as Christians say for God this party is an abomination, it is a totally satanic party
even if they disguise it with sweets. You do not celebrate October 31, you are participating in all
that they do, you are participating in child sacrifices even if you do not know it based on the
spiritual where man does not have knowledge. Why well does the Bible say that you cannot love
two masters because you love one and hate the other, then you are with him with God or you
are with the devil since a water source cannot release fresh water and salt water. I wish you
were hot or cold but because you are lukewarm God will vomit you out of his mouth this is in

Yobanes Capellán 2017-1009

Bibliographic references

• History-editors(2009). History: “Halloween 2020”.

• DONOVAN BLAIR (2020). Countryliving: “What's the Real History of

Halloween—and Why Do We Celebrate It on October 31?”.

• Lang Cady (2018). Time: “What Is Samhain? What to Know About the Ancient
Pagan Festival That Came Before Halloween”.

• Britannica(fs). Britannica: “Samhain”.

• Dictionary(fs). Dictionary: Who Is Jack In Jack-o’-lantern, Anyway?.

• Eveleth Rose (2012).Smartnews: “The History of Trick Or Treating Is Weirder

Than You Thought”.

• Vidal Jose manuel (2009). EL Mundo: “La Iglesia alerta de que Halloween 'tiene
un trasfondo anticristiano”.

• Gualano Clara (2017). Clarin: “31 de octubre Halloween: el origen y 5 rituales

para la noche de brujas”

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