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UNIT 5 - Answer Key

Lesson 1, p. 30–31

1a an answer to a letter

b Check 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8.

c 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F


1. bathtub 2. bed 3. CD player 4. armchair 5. stove 6. table 7. DVD player 8. refrigerator 9.

microwave 10. sofa 11. shower 12. bookshelf

Living room: CD player*, armchair, bookshelf*, DVD player*, sofa, table*

Bathroom: bathtub, shower

Bedroom: CD player*, bed, bookshelf*, DVD player*

Kitchen: stove, bookshelf*, refrigerator, microwave, table*

* These can go in more than one room.

1. There is a beach near the resort. 2. There are two cafés in the village. 3. There is a place to
park your car. 4. You can play tennis here.

1. There’s a hotel in the village. 2. There’s a/one spa in the village. 3. There’s a/one take-out
restaurant in the village. 4. There are three stores in the village. 5. There’s a tennis court in the
village. 6. There isn’t a school in the village. 7. There isn’t a bank in the village.

1. There are 2. Are there 3. There is 4. There isn’t 5. Is there 6. There isn’t 7. There aren’t
8. There is 9. Is there 10. There are

Lesson 2, p. 32–33


2. h 3. d 4. a 5. f 6. b 7. e 8. g

2. armchair 3. bookshelves 4. CD player 5. microwave 6. coffee maker 7. dishwasher

8. dining-room table

b 1. CD player 2. dining-room table 3. armchair 4. microwave

1. stereo 2. sink 3. sofa 4. television 5. bed 6. refrigerator 7. laptop computer


1. I have two brothers. 2. They have a swimming pool. 3. Álvaro has a stereo. 4. We have a new
sofa. 5. You have a phone message. 6. I have three TVs.

1. We don’t have a big kitchen. 2. Does your girlfriend have a car? 3. She doesn’t have a DVD
player. 4. Do they have a microwave? 5. Do you have a watch?

1. Does your town have a mall? Yes, it does. or No, it doesn’t. 2. Does your town have an airport?
Yes, it does. or No, it doesn’t. 3. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Yes, I do. or No, I don’t.

6 Answers will vary.

7a in a big house in the country

b 1. have two 2. has three 3. has three 4. have 40

c 1. Yes, they do. 2. No, she doesn’t. 3. Yes, he does. 4. Yes, it does. 5. No, they don’t. 6. Yes,
they do.


Lesson 3, pp. 34–35


1. green 2. friendly 3. dry 4. modern 5. easy 6. busy 7. green

1. Concerts are really/very/pretty/not very exciting.

2. Our classroom is really/very/pretty/not very comfortable.

3. Television is really/very/pretty/not very relaxing.

4. My diet is really/very/pretty/not very healthy.

5. Video games are really/very/pretty/not very interesting.


2. very tall building 3. really famous person 4. not very popular job 5. not very big car 6. really
healthy meal

1. Police officer isn’t a very popular job. 2. The Empire State Building is a very tall building. 3. The
mini isn’t a very big car. 4. Brad Pitt is a really famous actor. 5. Chicken and potatoes is a really
healthy meal.


John is from Scotland, in the north of Great Britain. He lives in Edinburgh, a large city in the
southeast of the country.

There are many interesting places in Edinburgh: museums, theaters, and restaurants. There’s an
arts festival every year, and John always goes to it with his friends. The city is also near beautiful
lakes and mountains.

John likes Edinburgh because it’s a very friendly place. He also thinks the city is very beautiful,
but he doesn’t like the weather—it’s very cold!

Hi Keith,

Thanks for your email.

I’m so glad that you want to come to Peru. It’s a stunning country with a rich history and
wonderful people.

I come from Lima, the capital city. There are some excellent museums as well as fine Spanish
churches in the centre. Within an hour’s bus ride south is the coastline lined by a series of
attractive beaches. Above them, the fortress -temple complex of Pachacamac sits on a
sandstone cliff, near the edge of the ocean. To the north, meanwhile, the oldest stone pyramids
in the world sit abandoned in the desert of Caral.

I hope you can come next year!

Best wishes,


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