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Certificate Requirements

Students must be enrolled in the Bachelor of Music or the Bachelor of Music in Performance.

(a) Health Applications in Music (1.5 FCE)

SMU400H1 Introduction to Music in Healthcare
Two of:
SMU200H1 Healthy Practices for Healthy Musicians
SMU401H1 Music Psychology
SMU405H1 Health and Music Performance
PMU412H1 Introduction to Performance Techniques for Palliative Care
Other related courses may be approved

(b) Music Technology (1.5 FCE)

TMU111H1 Computer Applications in Music
Two of:
EMU371H1 Multimodal Approaches to Music Teaching and Learning
TMU304H1 Video Documentation
TMU305H1 Concert Video Production
TMU313H1 Introduction to Music Recording
TMU319H1 Electroacoustic Music I
TMU320H1 Electroacoustic Music II
TMU330H1 Live Coding: Digital Audio in Real Time
TMU406H1 Max/MSP
TMU411H1 Interactive Music and Sound – Video Games
Other related courses may be approved

(c)World and Popular Musics (1.66 or 1.5 FCE)

World and Popular Musics with Ensemble Option (1.67 FCE)

HMU345H1 Global Popular Musics
One of:
Any HMU300–level elective in Ethnomusicology
HMU433H1 Topics in Ethnomusicology: Introduction
HMU435H1 Topics in Ethnomusicology: Current Issues
Other related courses may be approved
Two of:
Any WME-World Music Ensembles

(d)World and Popular Musics (1.5 FCE)

HMU345H1 Global Popular Musics
Two of:
Any HMU300–level elective in Ethnomusicology
HMU433H1 Topics in Ethnomusicology: Introduction
HMU435H1 Topics in Ethnomusicology: Current Issues
Other related courses may be approved

Academic Calendar 2019 - 2020

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