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These programs aim to produce thoughtful and creative performing musicians. A clearly defined talent in a performance area is critical, as is the potential for future
musical growth. Our goal is to help students become creative, entrepreneurial performers who are able to respect and understand the traditions of music while
embracing future directions. The performance curriculum is centered around private applied lessons, masterclasses by resident and guest teachers, ensemble
participation and a wide range of performance electives. There are extensive opportunities for solo, chamber music and ensemble performance as well as specialized
courses in performance styles and literature, pedagogy, languages, world music, conducting, jazz, performance skills and the business of music.


1 2 3 4
HMU111H1 - Introduction to Music & Society 0.5
HMU126H1 – Historical Survey II 0.5
HMU225H1 – Historical Survey I 0.5
HMU3**H1 – History & Culture Elective 0.5 +
MMU100H1 – Lives in Music ü
PMU185Y1, 285Y1, 385Y1, 485Y1 – Applied Music & Recital 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
PMU182Y/190Y/195Y/198Y1 – Major Ensemble 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67
TMU130H1, 131H1, 230H1, 231H1 – Music Theory 1.0 1.0
TMU132H1, 133H1, 232H1 – Musical Skills 0.67 0.33
TMU107Y1 – Keyboard Skills 0.33
PMU105Y1, 205Y1, 305Y1, 405Y1 – Inst. Performance Class 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33
PMU191Y1 (optional in Yr 1) – Chamber Music (0.33)
PMU291Y1, 391Y1, 491Y1 0.33 0.33 0.33
PMU378Y1, 478Y1 or 379Y1, 479Y1 – Orchestral Studies* 0.33* 0.33*
Music Electives**(1.0-1.67 credits total) 0.33-0.67 0.67-1.0
Breadth Electives (4.0 credits; minimum of 3.0 credits from Arts & Science) 0.5 2.0 1.5
GRAND TOTAL: 20.0 5.0 5.17 5.0 4.83
* Not required for Saxophone and Euphonium Majors.
**All Brass, Woodwind, and Strings majors (with the exception of Saxophone & Euphonium) are required to complete 1.00 credits of Music Electives.
Saxophone and Euphonium majors are required to complete 1.67 credits of Music Electives.
+ HMU3**H1 can be taken in a higher year.

Academic Calendar 2019-20

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