A Nursing Care Plan For Ebola Patient at Intensive Care Units

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American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine

2015; 3(1-1): 14-20

Published online February 14, 2015 (http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/j/ajcem)
doi: 10.11648/j.ajcem.s.2015030101.13
ISSN: 2330-8125 (Print); ISSN: 2330-8133 (Online)

A nursing care plan for Ebola patient at intensive care units

Mary Bi Suh Atanga1, Ndipowa James Attangeur2 and Kenneth Yongabi Anchang3
Department of Nursing Studies, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Bamenda, Bamenda, Cameroon.
Department of Nursing, Cameroon Christian University, Bali, Cameroon
Phyto-Biotechnology Research Foundation Institute (PRF), Catholic University of Cameroon, Bamenda, Cameroon

Email address:
mbisuh@yahoo.com (M. B. S. Atanga)

To cite this article:

Mary Bi Suh Atanga, Ndipowa James Attangeur and Kenneth Yongabi Anchang. A Nursing Care Plan for Ebola Patient at Intensive Care
Units. American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine. Special Issue: Clinical Innovations, Developments in the Diagnosis,
Management and Prevention of Ebola Disease (Marburg fever) and Hemorrhagic Fevers. Vol. 3, No. 1-1, 2015, pp. 14-20.
doi: 10.11648/j.ajcem.s.2015030101.13

Abstract: The state of the art in the nursing care of Ebola hemorrhagic fever in an intensive care was conceived in
preparation for nursing especially as Cameroon is found close to West Africa where the dead toll had risen too high in the past
several weeks. The objective of this discussion is to outline the steps used from pathophysiology and manifestations of diseases
in planning and implementing nursing care for better outcome without contamination of others (nurses themselves inclusive).
The search for data was from available literature and nursing techniques. The findings have demonstrated the clear
pathophysiology, manifestations, differences between the Marburg haemorrhagic fever and the Ebola, transmission, general
management, different levels of care, patients’ problems, needs and requirement, nursing care, prevention and strict
instructions to be observed. It has provided the basic nursing care plan that could be used in combination with other higher
procedures and international norms and standards. The plan can be used by any nurse or delegated persons to ensure safety
even when death may be eminent.
Keywords: Ebola, Marburg, Patient’ S Problems, Nursing Care, Levels of Care

diagnosis (4) as the starting point. The planning phase

1. Introduction and Justification actually composes of setting priorities, identifying objectives
(goals or aims) proposing interventions, weighing
Nursing has its roots in nurturing and caring; it remains alternatives, stating the rational and predicting outcomes.
patient-client-centered and results are measured in terms of This means that once patient problems (potential and actual)
patient outcome. The role of nursing evolves in response to have been identified, priorities are set to provide direction for
the needs of society and an expanding body of nursing nursing interventions. The rational is usually the scientific
knowledge (1). From another view point,(2) the unique principle (justification or mechanism of action) guiding the
nurses’ function is assisting the individual, sick or well, in the action or less the action may be useless or poorly performed
performance of those activities contributing to health or its (5)
recovery or to a peaceful death, that he will perform unaided The above is intended to solve problems of all types of
if he had the necessary strength, will, or knowledge. client with the ten top conditions in adults now being
To achieve the above, a nursing care plan is required but HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases, neuropsychiatric
the plan follows the nursing process. It is an essential an conditions, unintentional injuries, cardiovascular diseases,
important tool in carrying out the tasks roles, and functions sense organ diseases, intentional injuries, digestive diseases,
of nursing (3). It is a step by step approach to all respiratory diseases, malignant neoplasm.
client/patient care in all conditions. If scrupulously followed Among the infectious diseases is Ebola which can occur in
in any condition, the client/ patient outcome is most often epidemic, a great scourge, deadliest, and closely resembles
very appreciable. In the process the second step in planning, Marburg haemorrhagic fever which must be prevented at all
where all the client/patient problems are prioritized, and cost BUT health care workers must be prepared to treat and
place on the table with clients or patient’s (1) or nursing nurse in case of any unexpected ugly circumstances.
American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 2015; 3(1-1): 14-20 15

For care in the intensive care to be effective, intensive care other therapies. The other aspect to consider is Technology.
arrangements (at level one -district hospital, two- general/ Intensive care is a young specialty but the technology for
regional hospital, three- specialist hospital), and principles fast fluid replacement must be considered first in Ebola
must be taken into serious account. These are found in three nursing than the respiratory units for mechanical ventilation
levels and nurses’ work in all of these levels requiring being which developed from the polio epidemic of 1952–3. These
abreast with care of Ebola patients when they are called up at units offered potentially life-saving intervention during acute
any level to do so. Therefore, the levels of care, principles of physiological crises, with the emphasis on medical need and
intensive care for infectious diseases, and the diseases profile, availability of technology. As the technology and medical
specific nursing care plan, general and preventive nursing skills of the specialty developed, so technicians were needed
need to be addressed even without an outbreak in Cameroon. to maintain and operate machines. Although many ICUs
The overall objective of this write-up is to:To give an employ technicians, technology-related tasks are still
overview of the levels of care in intensive care Expose the delegated to nurses—such as managing bedside machines,
general principles of intensive care nursing, Discuss the recording observations from them and changing regimes as
disease in relation to similar diseases,Provide a basic nursing prescriptions change. However, the fact that technology
care plan, Provide general and preventive care tips. provides a valuable means of monitoring and treatment
Intensive Care units (ICUs) are arranged by single- should not allow it to become a substitute for care as seen
discipline like medical ICU, surgical ICU, burn ICU, below. For nursing to retain a patient-centred focus, it is the
infectious ICU among others (10). At all times there should patients themselves and not the machines that must remain
be a single entry and exit point, attended by the unit central to the nurse’s role. Therefore, technology should not
receptionist. Through traffic of goods or staff to other justify the role or presence of nurses when other manageable
hospital areas must never be allowed. The ICU must have materials are available. Healthcare assistants (and, potentially,
areas for public reception (not in the case of Ebola), patient robots) can be trained to perform technological tasks—and
management and support services which could be divided are cheaper to employ than the nurses. While acknowledging
into: reception area, patient area, storage and utility, technical the need for technical roles, then, ICU nurses need to be
area, staff area, offices, and other support areas. more than just technicians to be able to provide all the care
The principles of the intensive care unit must include: outlined.
Supportive intravenous fluids: As nurses work in the Artificial Ventilation is also crucial. Intensive care units
intensive care unit they assume many roles as the patients are developed from respiratory units with the provision of
usually more helpless than other kinds of patients requiring mechanical ventilation and care of ventilated patients, is
increase fluid intake in the case of Ebola to replace lost fluids fundamental to intensive care nursing be it Ebola or other
and electrolytes in the diarrhea and vomiting. The case of non-communicable conditions. Artificial ventilation should
Ebola and Marburg hemorrhagic fevers are worse as the meet physiological deficits (metabolic oxygen demand and
nurses need to battle with prevention of spread to others and carbon dioxide elimination). Early positive pressure
protective clothes for them following the loss through these ventilators were simple and basic, driven by gas or electrical
two routes and other secretions. For this to happen. A bellows, delivering gas at a set rate (time), volume or
Strategy for Nursing identified four possible roles for nurses pressure and so ventilators were classified as: time cycled,
as surrogate parent to these needy near dehydration clients, as volume cycled, pressure cycled. Ventilated patients have
technician in the use of all intensive care gadgets, as respiratory failure, so ventilator failure or disconnection may
contracted clinician in making decisions on when fluids are be fatal. Modern ventilators include alarms and default
needed, and as advocate for provision of material and settings, but each nurse should check, and where appropriate
equipment necessary in this very important task of intensive reset, alarm limits for each patient and some authors
in a very contagious disease. Within the ICUs there could recommend a ‘rule of thumb’ margin of 10 per cent for alarm
conflicts: the technician, the doctors’ assistant, the carer for settings.
patients over fluid intake. While others deal with technical
treatment and maintenance, being the ‘prickly’ professional
nurse work noting all issues of values and beliefs: ‘remember 2. Airway Management Plan for Ebola
our patients are human’ (13). This question of values is well Patients in Intensive Care
illustrated by the semantic dilemma of whether to call the
specialty ‘Intensive Therapy’ (ITU) or ‘Intensive Care’ Another consideration is airway management. Most
(ICU)—in practice, the terms are often interchangeable, and patients admitted to ICUs receive ventilator support,
many ICU staff value cure rather than care. Care can (and normally necessitating endotracheal tubes (ETTs) or
should) be therapeutic, but therapy (cure) without care is tracheostomies. ICU nurses are therefore responsible for
almost a contradiction in terms. Thus, in order to emphasize ensuring patency of, and minimizing complications from,
the caring human role of critical care nurses (and other staff), endotracheal tubes (intubations).Traditionally intubation
the art is refers to ‘intensive care in intensive care units could be: oral, nasal, tracheostomy .Pain management in
(ICUs)’with the use of many technical equipment Ebola infected patients is worth considering. Pain is a
(technology in practice) to facilitate fluid replacement and response to stimuli which can be physical or psychogenic.
16 Mary Bi Suh Atanga et al.: A Nursing Care Plan for Ebola Patient at Intensive Care Units

How the stimuli are perceived by the cerebral cortex 44°C). Circadian rhythm causes metabolism and temperature
determines whether pain exists and, if so, its type and to peak at around 6 p.m. (making this the most suitable time
intensity (‘quality’) must be assessed. The pain in Ebola is to detect pyrexia, although normal fluctuations rarely exceed
from the abdomen and chest as seen in symptoms. If signals 1°C over the course of a day. Three stages of febrile response
are blocked, pain cannot be sensed. Pain is therefore have been described t: (a) chill phase: discrepancy between
necessarily individual to each sufferer, a complex interaction existing body temperature and the new hypothalamic set
between physiology and psychology. The individuality of point; the person feels cold, shivering to increase
pain experiences underlies widely quoted definition as: ‘pain hypermetabolism; (b) plateau: temperature overshoots the
is whatever the experiencing person says it is, existing new set point, triggering heat loss mechanisms; endogenous
whenever the experiencing person says it does’. Pain relief pyrogen levels also start to fall; (c) diaphoresis and flushing:
can therefore block either reception or perception of pain heat loss through evaporation, with massive reduction in
signals. endogenous pyrogen levels, which causes uneven resolution
However some patients may deny pain, even if of pyrexia. Fever is a symptom, not a disease; attempts to
experiencing it (possibly due to social expectations—‘stiff cool patients, whether by reducing bedding or through active
upper lip’). Nurses should not accept denial of pain, but interventions such as tepid sponging, may stimulate further
explore reasons for that denial. Assessing pain, perceptions hypothalamus-mediated heat production and so become self-
and needs can be difficult with most ICU patients due to defeating. Shivering increases metabolism three- to five fold,
intubation, sedation and/or impaired psychomotor skills, but consuming oxygen and nutrients needed for tissue repair,
pain relief and the provision of comfort are fundamental to while increasing carbon dioxide production. Since many ICU
nursing. Pain has been described in terms of ‘hurt’ and ‘tissue patients are already hypoxic, compounding hypoxia by
damage’, but ‘hurt’ merely replaces one word by another peripheral cooling may prolong recovery. Some disease
without clarifying concepts. Pain as a signal of tissue damage processes like immunocompromise and treatments like
(defense mechanism) also ignores psychological stressors, chemotherapy inhibit fever, while artificial cooling may
individual interpretations, or powerlessness to prevent tissue mask clues for diagnosis. Thus the patient, rather than the
degeneration causing chronic pain like in arthritis or other thermometer, should be treated.
pathologies. Temperature control is a strong indicator to Nutrition benefits from multidisciplinary team approaches
manage. are the best; bedside nurses can usefully coordinate care and
try to understand that enterai feeding is usually preferable; if
nasogastric feeding fails, lower gastrointestinal tubes should
3. How Nurses can Manage Pyrexia in be considered; feed regimes should be individually assessed;
Intensive Care feed regimes should be fully completed, benefits and
problems being monitored; diarrhoea is rarely caused by
Nurses treat pyrexia immediately, regardless of causes or nasogastric feeding, so is not an indication to stop feeds.
severity. Pyrexia (fever) is a homeostatic elevation of body Fluids and feeds are needed in the nursing of Ebola and
temperature which may be problematic. Heat is produced Marburg fevers and fluid loss via diarrhea and vomiting are
through metabolism (especially hepatic). Human bodies can replaced.Oral ill-health has significant short-term and long-
only function healthily within a narrow temperature range. term effects. Oral hygiene facilitates: comfort; sensory
The thermoregulatory centre (anterior hypothalamus) balance and prevention of infection. Patients in ICU often
responds to central and peripheral thermoreceptors to develop dry mouths (xerostomia) from absence of oral intake;
conserve heat (vasoconstriction) and increase heat production adverse effects of therapeutic drugs (like morphine, diuretics,
(shivering) when cold and heat loss when hot (sweating, tranquillizers and antibiotics; sympathetic nervous system
vasodilatation). The thermoregulatory set point varies stimulation (reduces salivary secretion) causes poor salivary
between individuals, but in health maintains body production and drying (convection) from mouths wedged
temperature, usually at 36–37°C). Pyrogens (e.g. TNFα, open by oral endotracheal tubes. The moistening of patients’
interleukin-1) increase the thermoregulatory set point mouths provides comfort, but it also reduces the oral stasis
(usually peaking at 40.5°C), initiating heat production to which, together with immunosuppression, exposes them to
achieve the higher level (fever). Hypermetabolism to produce potential oral infection. Plaque formation can occur rapidly;
heat increases oxygen consumption. Despite being pyrexial, survivors of ICU may subsequently suffer tooth loss from
the person feels cold, so attempts to keep warm like extra plaque damage. Oral hygiene also contributes to
bedding/clothing. Heat damages living tissue; as most psychological comfort. The mouth is used to communicate.
bacteria and viruses are more susceptible to heat than human Lip-reading is possible despite intubation, and following
cells, pyrexia can be a defense mechanism so that extubation, oral discomfort may make speech difficult. The
temperatures up to 40°C may be best untreated. The mouth is also associated with intimate emotions (smiling,
management of pyrexia should be guided by individual kissing); patients with, or thinking they have, dirty mouths or
assessment rather than rigid protocols. Hyperpyrexia halitosis may feel psychologically isolated. The provision of
(heatstroke; above 40°C) damages human cells and so should oral hygiene merely replaces activities ICU patients would
be treated before reaching the limits of life (at about 43– normally perform for themselves, if able. Mouth care should
American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 2015; 3(1-1): 14-20 17

therefore constant and so to maintain hygiene: keep the oral occlusion pressure.
cavity moist; promote comfort; protect from infection; Sensory balance and psychological health are threatened
prevent trauma; prevent dental decay by twice daily by exogenous (for example environmental) and endogenous
cleansing and after each episode of vomiting when there is (for example body rhythms) factors. Sensory imbalance
vomiting.Eye care in ICUs often suffers from the vagaries of includes overload and deprivation, although literature may
ritual, priorities and knowledge, and receives scant attention use other names (ICU syndrome, ICU psychosis/delirium,
in the nursing literature, so that ICU nurses have little sleep disturbance/deprivation). Confusion may have many
evidence beyond scattered anecdotes to guide practice. Some causes: sensory imbalance, acute cerebral
of the risks ICU patients’ eyes are exposed to, and some hypoxia/ischaemia/damage, and chronic cerebral damage.
approaches to care from the little specialist literature are Most touch in ICU remains task-orientated which is not too
provided. However, suggestions necessarily remain tentative, good for patients in the ICU. Task-orientated touch is
substantial research being needed to develop evidence-based necessary, but reduces individuals to commodities,
practice. Eye care is important for both physiological and reinforcing their dehumanization. Patients appreciate having
psychological reasons. Eye contact helps communication; their pillows turned and their head stroked in a comforting
nurses may feel squeamish about touching eyes, but ocular manner (affective touch). This touch cannot be with direct
abnormalities often provoke anxiety among patients and contact to the patient in the case of Ebola and Marburg fevers
relatives. Vision is, for most people, the most used sense, and but attempts should be made to touch even with protective
so visual deficits contribute significantly to sensory dressing hindering direct touch which seems task-orientated.
imbalance. Therefore, ICU nurses should evaluate; the eye Following the diarrhea in Ebola heamorrhagic fever, the anal
care performed and visual appearance checked with twice region requires constant care. This care should be moist
daily cleansing. While assessing and caring for a patient’s cleansing with emulsifying scream applied after that to avoid
eyes, nurses can also make neurological assessment of pupil skin excoriations.
size and reaction, accommodation for near and long vision The increasing emphasis by the nursing profession on
(assessed by placing a finger near the patient’s nose and psychology and the psychological needs of patients, whether
moving the finger away causes pupils to diverge). Ocular conscious or unconscious, makes psychological care an
damage may invalidate any or all of these tests and aid called essential part of holistic care-a focus noticeably absent in the
in. medical and technological perspectives of care. Most ICU
Despite the high profile of wound and pressure area care, nurses are more concerned with the psychosocial stressors,
skincare remains problematic in ICUs with many patients while patients are more concerned with their physical care.
developing sores. Traditionally, pressure sores were equated Patients’ needs and nursing care vary between units and
with bad nursing, and this created a culture of guilt and individuals, but, if the foregoing is right, there is cognitive
denial in nursing. Most ICU patients are exposed to high risk dissonance between ICU nurses and their patients. Since
of skin breakdown from: prolonged peripheral hypoperfusion; patients are admitted to ICU with acute physiological crises,
oedematous tissue; anaerobic metabolism; intervention must necessarily focus care on their physical
immunocompromise; malnutrition and weakness of tissues needs-for instance the fluid needs of the ICU patients. More
from the Ebola infection Injury can be through disease or is needed in their care rather than ritualistically following
treatments like surgical incision, invasive equipment or lying lists of pre-ordained cues (like assessment forms), nurses
down for too long. Since the skin is renewed every 28 days should actively evaluate the holistic needs of their patients;
healing is prolonged compared to most ICU admissions. The by acknowledging these individual psychological needs. ICU
high ICU nurse-patient ratios should facilitate individualised nurses can complement the valuable physiological care
assessment and care to prevent breakdown and minimize offered by the other professions but the psychological lies
complications. A pressure Sore is localised tissue necrosis exclusively in their hands. In recognising both the physical
resulting from prolonged lying down, evasive interventions and psychological needs of patients, nurses can add a humane,
or rumpled bed linen. Forty per cent of American ICU holistic perspective into the care, preparing their patients for
patients develop pressure sores (16); in the UK the incidence recovery and discharge amidst the troubles of Ebola. The
is probably higher due to the higher dependency of ICU intrinsic needs of patients derive from their own
patients here. Pressure sores can be caused by both extrinsic physiological deficits, including many ‘activities of living’
factors like unrelieved pressure; shearing; friction, and (like communication, comfort, freedom from pain); meeting
intrinsic factors; age; malnutrition; dehydration; these needs is fundamental to nursing, and this provides the
incontinence; medical condition; medication. The supply of focus of nursing in ICU. People are influenced by, and
tissue oxygen and nutrients and the removal of waste interact with, their environment; their extrinsic needs, which
products of metabolism require capillary perfusion; initial define each person as a unique individual, rather than just a
damage causes cellular micro- trauma, and so supporting biologically functioning organism. These aspects include:
microcirculation and the provision of adequate nutrition are dignity, privacy, psychological support, and spiritual support.
fundamental to pressure sore prevention. Capillary perfusion Generally, the nursing care in ICU is concerned with
depends on various forces including external pressure. The provision of life support, monitoring critical illness in
pressure needed to prevent capillary flow is called capillary patients and their response to interventions, and prevention of
18 Mary Bi Suh Atanga et al.: A Nursing Care Plan for Ebola Patient at Intensive Care Units

complications, particularly prevention of nosocomial families and various groups. Presently in Cameroon,
infections as they are very common in ebola. It is also government has put all efforts to prevent by health education
concerned with patient comfort, understanding and family to the general public, intensify quarantine, and reinforce
information, understanding and support (11). Very important health workforce capacity, provision of equipment and
in the deadliest disease is that there must be prevention which material and general financial preparedness in conjunction
must include the total population through mass health with international organizations like the World Health
education as below. This must include involvement and Organization. Due to the highly nature of the contamination
recognition of communities and total population as critical of the disease, the personnel and every other treating or
role players in management (12) using the four Ps as below organizing individual must be dressed properly in protective
The art of prevention in Ebola is the duty of all “task for all”- clothing already mentioned.
health personnel, government, communities, individuals,

Table 1. Nursing care plan for Mr X, bed number xx, time xx, date xx

S/N Client’s problem Objective Intervention Rational Expected outcome

Internal heat is displaced by
To reduce temperature Cools body surface,
1 Fever Tepid sponge vaporization via the cooled
within the first 30 min exposes spores.
skin surface
Block pain receptors.
Serve analgesics. Apply
To reduce headache Increases blood flow for Patient expresses relief of
2 Headache warm compress. Position
within first 30 min. circulation. Reduces headache.
head on pillow
intracranial pressure
Relaxants relief pain by
their smoothing effects. Patient expresses relief on a
To reduce pain all Serve muscle relaxant.
3 Joint /muscle pain Massage encourages daily basis all through care
through Apply gentle massage
vasodilatation for inflow period
of macrophages
Constrict blood vessels
To reduce bowel Serve cold drink with reducing blood flow that
4 Diarrhoea movements with the antacids and may irritate intestinal
first 30 min antispasmodic lining. Coats lining.
Reduces peristalsis
Relaxes the vagus nerve
To relief patient of endings reducing irritation. Vomiting episodes reduced
Serve anti-emetics.
5 Vomiting vomiting within 30 Reduces backward within the first 30 minutes of
Compress diaphragm
min. movement of stomach nursing care
Encourages increase blood
To reduce abdominal Serve warm water to flow with microphages to Patient expresses relief
6 Stomach pain pains within the first drink. Serve antacids. stomach. Coat stomach within 30 minutes of nursing
30 min Serve anti-spasmodic lining. Reduce peristaltic care
Clears skin of discharges
from rash & prevent Body is gradually cleared of
To reduce rash and Assisting BD baths.
further spread. Stops rash as itching is prevented.
prevent sores all Application anti-pruritic
7 Skin rash itching prevent No bedsores following
through agents. Frequent change
excoriations from change of positions and free
hospitalization of position
scratching. Encourages circulation of blood
To clear eyes of Cleanse with cleansing Relieves the discharge, Eyes open and see well after
8 Discharging eyes
discharges PRN lotion regularly enhancing opening of eyes each cleansing
Apply warm compress on Increase blood supply by
To stop the hiccup in Hiccups disappear within the
9 Hiccups the diaphragm. Serve vasodilatation for inflow
the first 30 min. first 30 min. of nursing care
warm drink of body defences
To reduce bleeding
Internal and/or external Bleeding is reduced within
10 within the first day of Apply ice packs or soaks Constrict blood vessels
bleeding the first day of nursing
To replaced lost fluids Skin tugor of patient de is
Promotes homeostasis by -
11 Dehydration with the first 30 Place intravenous fluids firm demonstrating control of
minutes of nursing dehydration
Emulsifies mucus Patients expresses the
Thin first one hour of Serve lozenges and
12 Sore throat membrane lining, disappearance of sore within-
care antibiotics
eliminates microb -----
Encourages abdominal and Patients expresses relief
To reduce chest pain Fowler’s position.
13 Chest pain chest organs and structures within the first 30 min. of
in the first 30 min. Warmth to chest
to be maintained in their nursing care
American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 2015; 3(1-1): 14-20 19

S/N Client’s problem Objective Intervention Rational Expected outcome

normal positions
To reduce delirious
Constant touch, Patient reacts to touch, feels
state all through Stimulates sensory
14 Delirium conversation and change sensations all through period
period of responses
of position of hospitalization
Proper hand washing
To stop any form of even with protection. Kills all micro-organisms
All surfaces and materials are
15 Viral spread contamination all Sterile protective clothes. or stops replication and
free of pathogens all through
through Proper disposal of used multiplication
No source of
To stop any form of Observe & maintain contamination is present.
Potential for nosocomial Patient leaves hospital with
16 hospital acquired isolation roles. Check for Ascertains the non
infection. no new infection.
infection all through. any incubating illnesses presence of an incubating
To inform patient on Instills an element of Patient narrates the disease,
Deficit knowledge of the Outline the disease,
17 the cause and comprehension of the causes and prevention on
disease cause and prevention
prevention disease discharge

This plan is just a demonstration with basic nursing tasks only. There is much more to be done for each of the problems.

General Nursing Care the problems are not exhaustive. Tips to general and
Strict infection control preventive nursing have also been provided to reinforce the
Strict isolation public health measures used.
Strict asepsis
Protective clothes Recommendations
No direct contact with patient
Application of intensive care principles 1. Continuous and strict prevention must be maintained
Disinfection & disposal of all used materials 2. Each patient must be considered as an individual
Strict disposal of the dead requiring a specific nursing care plan at any one point
Preventive Nursing in time.
Education on healthy lifestyles 3. The level of the intensive must at tertiary level with
Balanced and well cooked food strict isolation roles.
Reduce or no alcohol
No cigarette smoking
No playing with monkeys References
No eating of bush meat
Regular exercise [1] Watson, J.E. Medical-Surgical Nursing and Related
Physiology. 3rd Ed. Richard Clay Ltd Salfolk, England. 1990.
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Good personal hygiene [2] Henderson, V. ‘Preserving the essence of nursing in a
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