Transpiration Effects On Hybrid Nano Uid Ow and Heat Transfer Over A Stretching/shrinking Sheet With Uniform Shear Ow

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Alexandria Engineering Journal (2020) 59, 91–99

Alexandria University

Alexandria Engineering Journal


Transpiration effects on hybrid nanofluid flow and

heat transfer over a stretching/shrinking sheet with
uniform shear flow
Iskandar Waini a,b, Anuar Ishak b, Ioan Pop c,*

Fakulti Teknologi Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dan Pembuatan, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Hang Tuah Jaya, 76100
Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM
Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
Department of Mathematics, Babesß-Bolyai University, 400084 Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Received 7 August 2019; revised 10 September 2019; accepted 2 December 2019

Available online 24 December 2019

KEYWORDS Abstract This paper considers the effect of transpiration on hybrid nanofluid flow and heat trans-
Hybrid nanofluid; fer over a stretching/shrinking sheet for uniform shear flow. The similarity equations are attained
Transpiration; from the governing equations by using similarity transformation technique, and their solutions
Uniform shear flow; are obtained using the bvp4c solver in Matlab software. The effect of the several governing param-
Stretching/shrinking sheet; eters on the flow and heat transfer characteristics are presented and interpreted theoretically.
Dual solutions; Results elucidate that dual solutions exist up to a certain range of the stretching/shrinking param-
Stability analysis eter. Moreover, the dual solutions are observed to occur for both stretching or shrinking cases in the
present of suction parameter. An increasing of copper nanoparticle volume fractions generates an
enhancement in the heat transfer coefficient, however dual behaviour is observed in the skin friction
coefficient for the upper branch solutions. The temporal stability analysis is conducted to determine
the stability of the dual solutions, and it is discovered that only one of them is stable and physically
Ó 2019 Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an
open access article under the CC BY license (

1. Introduction such as water, ethylene glycol and oil are used in most engi-
neering equipment, such as heat exchangers and electronic
Heat transfer enhancement has gained significant attention for devices. However, these base fluids have low thermal conduc-
the past few years due to its important in engineering and tivity, thus limits the heat transfer enhancement. In order to
industrial applications. Conventionally, heat transfer fluids overcome this weakness, thermal scientist improves the afore-
mentioned fluids by adding single type of nanosized particles
* Corresponding author. to form a mixture called ‘nanofluid’ which first introduced
E-mail address: (I. Pop). by Choi and Eastman [1]. Studies have proven that the
Peer review under responsibility of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria nanoparticles have outstanding potentials to elevate the heat
University. transfer rate and the thermal conductivity of the base fluids.
1110-0168 Ó 2019 Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
92 I. Waini et al.


Cf skin friction coefficient c eigenvalue

Cp specific heat at constant pressure (J kg1 K1 ) g similarity variable
ðqCp Þ heat capacitance of the fluid (J K1 m3 ) h dimensionless temperature
fðgÞ dimensionless stream function k stretching/shrinking parameter
k thermal conductivity of the fluid (W m1 K1 ) l dynamic viscosity of the fluid (kg m1 s1 )
L characteristic length of the surface m kinematic viscosity of the fluid (m2 s1 )
Nux local Nusselt number w stream function
p pressure q density of the fluid (kg m3 )
Pr Prandtl number s dimensionless time variable
qw surface heat flux (W m2 ) sw wall shear stress (kg m1 s2 )
Rex local Reynolds number u1 nanoparticle volume fractions for Al2O3 (alumina)
S transpiration parameter u2 nanoparticle volume fractions for Cu (copper)
t time (s)
T fluid temperature (K) Subscripts
Tw surface temperature (K) f base fluid
T1 ambient temperature (K) nf nanofluid
u; v velocity component in the x- and y- directions hnf hybrid nanofluid
(ms1 ) s1 solid component for Al2O3 (alumina)
ue velocity of the free stream (ms1 ) s2 solid component for Cu (copper)
uw velocity of the surface (ms1 )
vw velocity of the transpiration (ms1 ) Superscript
x; y Cartesian coordinates (m) differentiation with respect to g

Greek symbols
b constant strain rate

Since that, many researchers have conducted the study on the this proposed thermophysical model has been employed by
heat transfer of a nanofluid for different aspects, experimen- several authors to study the effect of physical parameters on
tally or numerically. For example, the investigation on the hybrid nanofluid flow for example Hayat and Nadeem [19],
mathematical models of nanofluid is reported by Tiwari and Hayat et al. [20], Jamshed and Aziz [21], Yousefi et al. [22],
Das [2]. This model examines the behaviour of a nanofluid tak- Rostami et al. [23], Subhani and Nadeem [24], Dinarvand
ing into account the solid volume fractions of the nanoparti- [25], and Saba et al. [26,27]. It is worth mentioning that, the
cles, and then the transport equations are solved numerically dual solutions on flow and heat transfer of a hybrid nanofluid
with finite volume approach. The Tiwari-Das nanofluid model has been studied by Waini et al. [28–31] considering the
have been widely employed by several researchers to study var- unsteady flow, nonlinear surface, curved surface, and thin nee-
ious aspects of flow such as Yacob et al. [3], Bachok et al. [4], dle, respectively. For further reading, the comprehensive
Rohni et al. [5], Das et al. [6], Ahmad et al. [7], Dinarvand review on nanofluid or hybrid nanofluid is deliberated in the
et al. [8], Soid et al [9], Khan et al. [10–12], Saba et al. book by Das et al. [32] and also can be found in the following
[13,14], and Ahmed et al. [15,16]. However, some kind of papers such as Sarkar et al. [33], Sidik et al. [34], Sundar et al.
nanofluid called ‘hybrid nanofluid’ are developed in order to [35], Akilu et al. [36], Babu et al. [37], Leong et al. [38], Ahmadi
improve the thermophysical properties of the regular nano- et al. [39], Huminic and Huminic [40], and Mahian et al.
fluid. Hybrid nanofluid is an extension of nanofluid which [41,42]. Other than that, the following papers also can be
composed of two different nanoparticles disperses in the base referred in order to gain more knowledge related to fluid
fluid. This new type of heat transfer fluid attracted many dynamics, for example, Ahmed et al. [43], Mohyud-din et al.
researchers to investigate the real-world heat transfer problems [44], Adnan et al. [45,46], Khan et al. [47,48], Zeidan et al.
due to its capability of enhancing the heat transfer [49,50], and Zeidan [51–53].
characteristics. The boundary layer flow with uniform shear free stream has
In this regard, the study on the heat transfer enhancement not gained much consideration compared to other flow condi-
of a hybrid nanofluid has been investigated as a new concept in tions. This type of flow condition has been initially studied by
boundary layer flow problem. For example, Devi and Devi [17] Wang [54]. He stated that the laminar mixing of two fluids in
numerically investigated the problem of hybrid Cu-Al2O3/ relative shear is important in the investigation of wakes and
water nanofluid flow over a permeable stretching sheet with separated flows. After that, this work was further generalized
hydromagnetic effects. In this work, the authors introduced to a power-law shear driven free stream flow with several
a new thermophysical model of a hybrid nanofluid. This new aspects of flow reported in the literature, for example in
thermophysical model has been verified and validated with Weidman et al. [55], Magyari et al. [56,57], and Cossali
the experimental results of Suresh et al. [18] and gives an excel- [58,59]. On the other hand, the thermal characteristics of the
lent correlation with the existing experimental data. Since that, Blasius flow problem over a semi-infinite flat plate driven by
Transpiration effects on hybrid nanofluid flow and heat transfer 93

a uniform shear in the far field are investigated Magyari and  1=2
characteristics length L ¼ mf =b , where b is the constant
Weidman [60]. However, most of the studies only consider sta- strain rate and mf is the kinematic viscosity of the base fluid.
tionary surface with no stretching or shrinking effects. There- Meanwhile, free stream velocity with uniform shear is given
fore, to fill the gap, Fang [61] has initiated to study the effect of as ue ðyÞ ¼ by. It is also assumed that the surface temperature
stretching/shrinking surface on flow and heat transfer charac- Tw and the far field fluid temperature T1 are both constant.
teristics with a uniform shear free stream. Then, Aman et al. Considering the hybrid nanofluid, supposed that the size of
[62] has extended this problem subjected to a convective nanoparticles is uniform, and the effect of the agglomeration
boundary condition. Further study has been done by Yacob of nanoparticles is neglected because the base fluid and the
et al. [63] to a nanofluid flow where the effect of volume frac- nanoparticles are synthesized as a stable mixture.
tion and the type of the nanoparticles on the heat transfer The governing equations of the hybrid nanofluid for the
characteristics are taken into consideration. In a very interest- continuity, momentum and energy equations by employing
ing paper, Weidman et al. [64] have studied the effect of tran- the usual boundary layer approximations are written as (see
spiration on the steady boundary layer flow of a viscous and Devi and Devi [17]; Fang [61]; Weidman et al. [64]):
incompressible fluid past a moving semi-infinite flat plate dri-
ven by a uniform shear in the far field using Crocco variables. @u @v
þ ¼0 ð1Þ
A unique feature of the problem is that the transpiration @x @y
parameter appears both in the boundary conditions and in
the governing equations. The stabilities of multiple solutions @u @u 1 @p lhnf @ 2 u
u þv ¼ þ ð2Þ
are studied using a linear temporal stability analysis for the @x @y qhnf @x qhnf @y2
self-similar flow. However, the case of a hybrid nanofluid of
this problem has not been discussed and yet not been available @T @T khnf @ 2 T
in the literature. u þv ¼ ð3Þ
@x @y ðqCp Þhnf @y2
Therefore, the aim of this present paper is to study the
hybrid nanofluid flow and heat transfer over stretching/shrink- subject to the boundary conditions:
ing sheet for uniform shear flow. In addition, the effect of the
v ¼ vw ðxÞ; u ¼ uw ðxÞk; T ¼ Tw at y¼0
transpiration is also considered. Here, we are employing nano-
fluid equations model proposed by Tiwari and Das [2]. This u ! ue ðyÞ; T ! T1 as y ! 1 ð4Þ
model analyses the behaviour of hybrid nanofluids considering
the alumina (Al2O3) and copper (Cu) solid volume fractions of where u and v are the velocity components of the hybrid nano-
the nanoparticles. Then, these nanoparticles are suspended in fluid along x- and y- axes, T represents the hybrid nanofluid
water to form Al2O3-Cu/water hybrid nanofluid. The present temperature, p represents the pressure and k represents the
numerical results are compared with those of previously pub- stretching/shrinking parameter. Note that, k > 0 corresponds
lished data for validation purpose. to a stretching sheet, k < 0 to a shrinking sheet and k ¼ 0 is
for the static sheet. Further, qnhf , lhnf , ðqCp Þhnf , and khnf repre-
2. Mathematical model sent the density, dynamic viscosity, heat capacity, and thermal
conductivity of the hybrid nanofluid.
Consider a two-dimensional steady flow and heat transfer over We are employing the equations to evaluate the thermo-
a stretching/shrinking sheet in a hybrid nanofluid with a uni- physical properties for the nanofluid and the hybrid nanofluid
form shear flow. Fig. 1 illustrates the coordinate system of as in Devi and Devi [17], and Oztop and Abu-Nada [65] which
the physical model, where the x- and y- axes are measured is provided in Table 1. Here, u1 and u2 represent the volume
along the surface of the sheet and normal to it, respectively. fractions of Al2O3 and Cu nanoparticles, respectively where
As in Fang [61], the velocity of the stretching/shrinking sheet u1 ¼ u2 ¼ 0 indicate the regular fluid. Meanwhile, l, q, Cp ,
  ðqCp Þ, and k represent the dynamic viscosity, density, specific
is taken as uw ðxÞ ¼ mf =L4=3 x1=3 ; where L is the characteristic
length of the surface. The problem can be rescaled with a heat at constant pressure, heat capacity, and thermal conduc-
tivity, respectively. Meanwhile, the subscripts hnf, nf, f, s1, and
s2 are used to represent the hybrid nanofluid, nanofluid, fluid,
Al2O3 and Cu solid components, respectively. Table 2 provides
the physical properties of the nanoparticles and the base fluid
as in Oztop and Abu-Nada [65].
Following Fang [61], Aman et al. [62], and Yacob et al. [63],
we look for a similarity solutions of Eqs. (1)–(4) using the fol-
lowing similarity variables:
 x 2=3 T  T1  x 1=3 y
w ¼ mf fðgÞ; hðgÞ ¼ ; g¼ ð5Þ
L Tw  T1 L L
where w is the stream function which is defined as u ¼ @w=@y
and v ¼ @w=@x that satisfies continuity Eq. (1). With these
definitions, the velocities are expressed as:
mf 0 1 mf 1  0

u ¼ 4=3 x1=3 f ðgÞ; v ¼  x 3 2fðgÞ  gf ðgÞ ð6Þ
L 3 L2=3
Fig. 1 Physical models and coordinate systems. so that:
94 I. Waini et al.

Table 1 Thermophysical properties of nanofluid and hybrid nanofluid.

Properties Nanofluid Hybrid nanofluid

Density qnf ¼ ð1  u1 Þqf þ u1 qs1 qhnf ¼ ð1  u2 Þ ð1  u1 Þqf þ u1 qs1 þ u2 qs2
h   i
Heat capacity ðqCp Þnf ¼ ð1  u1 ÞðqCp Þf þ u1 ðqCp Þs1 ðqCp Þhnf ¼ ð1  u2 Þ ð1  u1 Þ qCp f þ u1 ðqCp Þs1 þ u2 ðqCp Þs2
l lf
Dynamic viscosity lnf ¼ ð1uf Þ2:5 lhnf ¼ ð1u 2:5
ð1u2 Þ2:5
1 1Þ

Thermal conductivity ks1 þ2kf 2u1 ðkf ks1 Þ ks2 þ2knf 2u2 ðknf ks2 Þ
knf ¼ ks1 þ2kf þu1 ðkf ks1 Þ  ðkf Þ khnf ¼ ks2 þ2knf þu2 ðknf ks2 Þ  ðknf Þ
ks1 þ2kf 2u1 ðkf ks1 Þ
knf ¼ ks1 þ2kf þu1 ðkf ks1 Þ  ðkf Þ

sw xqw
Cf ¼ ; Nux ¼ ð12Þ
Table 2 Thermophysical properties of fluid and qf u2w kf ðTw  T1 Þ
where sw is the shear stress along the surface and qw is the heat
Physical properties Fluid phase (water) Al2O3 Cu flux from the surface, which are given by:
qðkg=m3 Þ 997.1 3970 8933    
@u @T
Cp ðJ=kgKÞ 4179 765 385 sw ¼ lhnf ; qw ¼ khnf ð13Þ
kðW=mKÞ 0.613 40 400
@y y¼0 @y y¼0

Using (5), (12) and (13), we get:

lhnf 0 0 khnf 0
x Cf ¼
Re1=2 f ð0Þ; Re1=2 Nux ¼  h ð0Þ ð14Þ
2 mf 1=3 lf x
vw ðxÞ ¼  x S ð7Þ
3 L2=3
where the local Reynolds number is given as Rex ¼ uw ðxÞx=mf .
Following Weidman et al. [64], it is shows that the streamwise
pressure gradient 3. Stability analysis
1 @p 2 mf 2 1=3
 ¼ x S ð8Þ
qhnf @x 3 L8=3 To study the temporal stability of the solutions of Eqs. (1)–(3),
the unsteady form of these equations is considered. Following
is necessary to maintain the flow. Here, S is the transpiration
Merkin [66], and Weidman et al. [67], the dimensionless time s
parameter with S > 0 for suction and S < 0 is the injection
is introduced. The new variables for Eq. (5) are given by:
or blowing parameter, respectively. The transpiration parame-
 x 2=3 T  T1
ter S penetrates the boundary layer to interact with the exter- w ¼ mf fðg; sÞ; hðg; sÞ ¼ ;
nal shear flow. Thus, the transpiration parameter S will L Tw  T1
appears both in the boundary conditions and in the similarity  x 1=3 y mf t
g¼ s ¼ 4=3 2=3 ð15Þ
equation due to Eqs. (7) and (8). L L L 3x
Employing the similarity variables (5), Eqs. (2) and (3)
Using (15), the following equations are obtained:
along with the boundary conditions (4) are transformed to
the following ordinary (similarity) differential equations: lhnf =lf @ 3 f @2f @f @2f
3 þ 2f   ¼ 2S ð16Þ
lhnf =lf 0 0 0 00
qhnf =qf @g3 @g2 @g @g@s
f þ 2ff  f0 ¼ 2S
3 ð9Þ
qhnf =qf
3 khnf =kf @2h @h @h
    þ 2f  ¼0 ð17Þ
3 khnf =kf 00 0 Pr qCp hnf = qCp f @g2 @g @s
    h þ 2fh ¼ 0 ð10Þ
Pr qCp hnf = qCp f
with the boundary conditions:
subject to the boundary conditions: @f
fð0; sÞ ¼ S; ð0; sÞ ¼ k; hð0; sÞ ¼ 1
fð0Þ ¼ S;
f ð0Þ ¼ k; hð0Þ ¼ 1 @g

f ðgÞ ! 1; hðgÞ ! 0 as g ! 1 ð11Þ @2f
ðg; sÞ ! 1; hðg; sÞ ! 0 as g ! 1 ð18Þ
where primes denote differentiation with respect to g, and
Pr ¼ lf ðCp Þf =kf is the Prandtl number. We noticed that in To determine the stability of the steady solution f ¼ f0 ðgÞ and
h ¼ h0 ðgÞ of Eqs. (9)–(11), we write (see Weidman et al. [67]):
the case of zero transpiration ðS ¼ 0Þ and considering regular
fluid ðu1 ¼ u2 ¼ 0Þ, Eqs. (9)–(11) reduce to the problem dis- fðg; sÞ ¼ f0 ðgÞ þ ecs FðgÞ; hðg; sÞ ¼ h0 ðgÞ þ ecs GðgÞ ð19Þ
cussed by Fang [61], and the present results are compared
for results validation. where the unknown eigenvalue is denoted by c, while FðgÞ and
The physical quantities of interest are the skin friction coef- GðgÞ are relatively small compared to f0 ðgÞ and h0 ðgÞ. Then,
ficient Cf and the local Nusselt number Nux , which are defined Eq. (19) is substituted into Eqs. (16)–(18) to obtain the linear
as: eigenvalue problems as follows:
Transpiration effects on hybrid nanofluid flow and heat transfer 95

lhnf =lf 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 studied by Weidman et al. [64] as displayed in Fig. 2. The

3 F þ 2f0 F þ 2f0 F  2f0 F þ cF ¼ 0 ð20Þ
qhnf =qf results exhibit features similar to those found by the aforemen-
tioned paper (see Fig. 1 in Weidman et al. [64]). Meanwhile,
3 khnf =kf 00 0 0 the variation of local Nusselt number h0 ð0Þ against k for
G þ 2f0 G þ 2h0 F þ cG ¼ 0 ð21Þ S ¼ 0; 0:1; 0:25 and 0:5 when u1 ¼ u2 ¼ 0 (regular fluid) and
Pr ðqCp Þhnf =ðqCp Þf
Pr ¼ 6:2 are demonstrated in Fig. 3 which is not considered
with the boundary conditions:
Fð0Þ ¼ 0; F ð0Þ ¼ 0; Gð0Þ ¼ 0
F ðgÞ ! 0; GðgÞ ! 0 as g ! 1 ð22Þ
The stability of the steady flow solutions f0 ðgÞ and h0 ðgÞ is
analysed by the smallest eigenvalue c. Following Harris et al.
[68], without loss of generality, we find the smallest eigenvalue
c in Eqs. (20)–(22) to determine the stability of the solutions
for the case of F ð0Þ ¼ 1.

4. Results and discussion

The resulting similarity Eqs. (9) and (10) subject to the bound-
ary conditions (11) are solved numerically using ‘bvp4c’ solver
in Matlab software. This solver employs the finite difference
scheme and the 3-stage Labatto IIIa formula, where the initial
guess and changes step size is supplied to obtain the required
accuracy of the solution. Also, the appropriate thickness of
the boundary layer, g1 must be chosen relying on the param-
eters applied. The details of this method is clearly discussed in
Shampine et al. [69]. Also, this outstanding solver has been Fig. 2 Variation of f00 ð0Þ with k for various values of S.
broadly utilized by other researchers such as Awaludin et al.
[70], Soid et al. [71], Jusoh et al. [72], Khashi’ie et al. [73],
Kamal et al. [74], and Waini et al. [75]. To conduct this study,
0.1 solid volume fraction of Al2O3 (i.e. u1 ¼ 0:1) is added into
the base fluid as suggested by Devi and Devi [17]. Conse-
quently, several solid volume fractions of Cu are added into
the mixture in order to form Cu-Al2O3/water hybrid nanofluid.
As in Oztop and Abu-Nada [65], the Prandtl number of the
base fluid (water) is kept constant at Pr ¼ 6:2, and will be used
to generate for most of the results of the present study.
Table 3 is provided to compare the numerical values of the
skin friction coefficient f00 ð0Þ with published data from Fang
[61] for k < 0 when u1 ¼ u2 ¼ 0 (regular fluid) in the absence
of transpiration ðS ¼ 0Þ. It is worth mentioning that, the
shooting method has been used in Fang [61] to solve the prob-
lem. Therefore, the numerical results presented in Table 3 can
also represent a comparison of numerical methods employed
to solve this type of problem. Table 3 shows that the present
results demonstrate an excellent agreement with those
obtained by Fang [61]. On the other hand, the variation of
f00 ð0Þ against k have been validated for regular fluid
ðu1 ¼ u2 ¼ 0Þ when S ¼ 0; 0:1; 0:25and 0:5 which previously Fig. 3 Variation of h0 ð0Þ with k for various values of S.

Table 3 Values of f00 ð0Þ for k < 0 when u1 ¼ u2 ¼ 0 (regular fluid) and S ¼ 0.
k Fang [61] Present results
First solution Second solution First solution Second solution
0.1 0.993440 0.017703 0.993440 0.017703
0.2 0.971925 0.018388 0.971925 0.018388
0.3 0.931424 0.000045 0.931424 0.000045
0.4 0.864452 0.044824 0.864453 0.044824
0.5 0.752585 0.134657 0.752585 0.134657
96 I. Waini et al.

in Weidman et al. [64]. We found that the values of h0 ð0Þ According to Weidman et al. [64], suction parameter ðS > 0Þ
shows a significant increment in the present of suction param- tend to accelerate the flow near the wall, however this suction
eter ðS > 0Þ. parameter is associated by an adverse pressure gradient which
We observe that, the lower branch solutions for zero tran- tends to decelerate the flow as can be seen in Eq. (8).
spiration ðS ¼ 0Þ terminates when k approaching the origin Figs. 4 and 5 display the variation of skin friction coeffi-
ð0; 0Þ from the left, while the dual solutions are continuing gen- cient Re1=2
x Cf and local Nusselt number Rex
Nux against k
erated when k > kc for S > 0 as shown in Figs. 2 and 3. This for u2 ¼ 0:01, 0:05 and 0:1 when u1 ¼ S ¼ 0:1 and Pr ¼ 6:2.
implies that the dual solutions occur for both stretching or For fixed value of k, an increasing of u2 generates an enhance-
shrinking cases in the present of suction parameter ðS > 0Þ. ment in the local Nusselt number Re1=2 Nux which means the
Also, it is found that the critical values for S ¼ 0; 0:1; 0:25 heat transfer coefficient is elevated on the surface, however
and 0:5 are kc1 ¼ 0:5969, kc2 ¼ 0:5686, kc3 ¼ 0:5306, dual behaviour is observed for the skin friction coefficient
and kc4 ¼ 0:4768, respectively. From these particular finding,
x Cf . Furthermore, we observe that the solutions are not
we can say that suction strength leads to the separation of the
unique for k > kc , while no similarity solutions are obtained
boundary layer. This behaviour occurs due to the antagonistic
for k < kc . It is found that, kc1 ¼ 0:5624, kc2 ¼ 0:5425
roles of transpiration and pressure gradient on the flow.

Fig. 4 x Cf with k for various values of u2 .

Variation of Re1=2 Fig. 6 The velocity profiles f0 ðgÞ for various values of u2 .

Fig. 5 Variation of Re1=2

x Nux with k for various values of u2 . Fig. 7 The shear stress profiles f00 ðgÞ for various values of u2 .
Transpiration effects on hybrid nanofluid flow and heat transfer 97

and kc3 ¼ 0:5287 are the critical values for u2 ¼ 0:01, 0:05 of disturbance, means that the flow is in a stable mode. In
and 0:1, respectively. the meantime, negative value of c corresponds to an initial
The profiles of the velocity f0 ðgÞ, shear stress f00 ðgÞ and tem- growth of disturbance which means the flow is in unstable
perature hðgÞ for u2 ¼ 0:01, 0:05 and 0:1 when k ¼ 0:5, mode as s ! 1. Note that, c tends to zero when k is approach-
u1 ¼ S ¼ 0:1 and Pr ¼ 6:2. are presented in Figs. 6–8, respec- ing the critical value, kc ¼ 0:5287 for both upper (stable) and
tively. These profiles demonstrate that two distinct profiles lower (unstable) branches. This behaviour implies that the
which shows the dual nature of the solutions are obtained as solutions are bifurcate at the critical values.
displayed in Figs. 4 and 5. From these figures, we see that
the rise in u2 contributes to the decrement of f0 ðgÞ and f00 ðgÞ, 5. Conclusion
while hðgÞ is elevated for the upper branch, but opposite
behavior is observed for the lower branch. In this paper, the steady flow and heat transfer over a stretch-
The smallest eigenvalues c against k when ing/shrinking sheet with uniform shear flow and transpiration
u1 ¼ u2 ¼ S ¼ 0:1 are plotted in Fig. 9. As we can see from effects in a hybrid nanofluid is examined. For validation pur-
Eq. (19), positive value of c corresponds to an initial decay poses, the present results have been verified with the previous
published data and an excellent agreement is found between
those results. It is observed that there is a region of unique
solutions for the case of zero transpiration ðS ¼ 0Þ. Here, we
found that the dual solutions occur for both stretching or
shrinking cases in the present of suction parameter ðS > 0Þ.
Also, it is noticed that the region of dual solutions is slightly
decrease with suction strength. The values of Re1=2 x Nux is
enhanced with the increasing of u2 for the upper branch solu-
tion, whereas dual behavior is observed for Re1=2
x Cf . We found
that, the effect of u2 is to increase the temperature, but it
decreases the velocity and shear stress of the hybrid nanofluid.
The stability of the dual solutions is determined by the tempo-
ral stability analysis, and we found that only one of them is
stable and physically reliable.


The financial supports received from the Ministry of Educa-

tion, Malaysia (Project Code: FRGS/1/2019/STG06/
UKM/01/4) and the Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
are gratefully acknowledged. The work of Ioan Pop was sup-
ported by the grant PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2016-0036,
Fig. 8 The temperature profiles hðgÞ for various values of u2 . UEFISCDI from the Romanian Ministry of Sciences. The
authors also wish to express their thanks to the very competent
Reviewers for the very good comments and suggestions.


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