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Name: _____________________________

Date: _________________ Per: _____

Assessment #17: Combined & Ideal Gas Laws PRACTICE
For each of the following questions or statements, select the most appropriate response and write its
letter on the answer line:

_____ 1. Which of the following accurately describes the particles of an ideal gas?
A. particles are affected by intermolecular forces at extremely high pressures
B. particles can undergo chemical reactions
C. particles have no mass or volume
D. particles will condense to a liquid when compressed and/or cooled

_____ 2. A sample of a gas originally at 25°C and 1.00 atm pressure in a 2.5 L container is allowed to
expand until the pressure is 0.85 atm and the temperature is 15°C. The final volume of the
gas is:
A. 2.1 L
B. 2.6 L
C. 2.8 L
D. 3.1 L

_____ 3. A gas occupies 355 mL at a pressure of 99.5 kPa and a temperature of 22°C. The pressure
on the gas is subsequently increased by 10.0 kPa and the volume is dropped by 75 mL.
What is the new temperature?
A. 1.5°C
B. -267°C
C. 19°C
D. -17°C

_____ 4. If a sample of gas occupies 6.8 L at 376°C and 1.5 atm, what will be its volume at standard
temperature and pressure (STP)?
A. 0.0 L
B. 4.3 L
C. 14 L
D. 74 L

_____ 5. A container with an initial volume of 1.00 L is occupied by a gas at a pressure of 155 kPa at
25°C. By changing the pressure, the volume of the gas increases to 6.00 L as the
temperature is simultaneously raised to 100.°C. What is the new pressure of the container?
A. 20.6 kPa
B. 6.46 kPa
C. 32.3 kPa
D. 103 kPa
_____ 6. What is the volume occupied by 5.29 mol of a gas at 44°C and 105.7 kPa?
A. 1.30 L
B. 18.3 L
C. 132 L
D. 478 L

_____ 7. A 0.325 L flask filled with gas at 0.914 atm and 19°C contains:
A. 1.22 x 10-4 mol
B. 0.0124 mol
C. 0.19 mol
D. 12.4 mol

_____ 8. The amount of neon gas that occupies 60.82 L at 31°C and 48.9 kPa is:
A. 0.058 g
B. 24 g
C. 2400 g
D. 18000 g

_____ 9. The pressure of a sample of 6.022 g CH4 in a 30.0 L vessel at 402 K is:
A. 41.8 kPa
B. 245 kPa
C. 671 kPa
D. 1260 kPa

_____ 10. A sample of 2.35 moles of helium gas occupies 57.9 L at 27.0°C and 1.00 atm. At 150.°C
and 1.00 atm, the volume of this sample is:
A. 10.4 L
B. 41.1 L
C. 57.9 L
D. 81.6 L
1. C
2. C
3. D
4. B
5. C
6. C
7. B
8. B
9. A
10. D

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