Ferguson Unrest

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The killing of Michael Brown triggered a wave of manifestations along the US. All started in
Ferguson, Missouri: the first wave of protests started August 9 until Aug 25, 2014; and the
second one continued in November 24 until December 2. Brown, a young African-American
male was the suspect of a robbery in which after he was shot 12 times by the police Officer
Darren Wilson, who was not condemned by the Grand Jury and did not have to pay any fees
related to the case. It is thought that the shooting occurred on racial dispute.

The Ferguson evidence: Michael Brown 'looked like a demon', The Palm Beach Post, Tuesday,
Nov. 25, 2014, available at

demonic-being-ki/njFtt/ (retrieved --).

tension-simmers-after-a-police-shooting/?_r=0 //

Both articles state what happened in Missouri, but with subtle differences between them. On
the one hand, the Palm Beach Post article describes the circumstances appealing to the Officer
Wilson’s declarations, arguing that Michael Brown was furious and ‘looked like a demon’ and
started to run at him with the intention of attacking him, and, though police said he was
unarmed, Wilson still shot him after allegedly searching under his shirt. On the other hand,
New York Times’ publication prefers to rely on the people’s protesting response, which is not
included in the first article. Moreover, the New York Times explains that Wilson will not be
charged because forensic proofs assure that him and Brown had an encounter, previously the
shooting, in which Wilson was allegedly hurt by the young male, who got shot at least six times
after. The protesters, state the article, asked the Government to restrain the police officers to
use their gear against unarmed citizens.

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