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A trembling and shivering world:

Koji Yamamura’s Franz Kafka’s
A Country Doctor

By Nobuaki Doi However, at the end of the film, he continuously change. Their identities
glances at the pond on his own head. are not consistent either. The
If watching a live-action film is He witnesses a multitude of his selves skull-like moon turns into a noose.
analogous to looking into a mirror, behaving in a manner similar to his The doctor who hangs himself from
then watching an animated film is own. The stingy man goes mad and it turns into a horse as the stars in the
similar to looking into water. When throws himself into the water. night sky fall and change into
calm, the surface of water can be Watching the surface of the water is snowflakes.
reflective like a mirror. However, on always a confusing experience in Why is the appearance of the
being disturbed, the reflection in Yamamura’s world. characters in this film never stable?
water becomes distorted. In Aquatic In Franz Kafka’s A Country Doctor In Yamamura’s words, this film
(1987), Koji Yamamura’s graduation (2007), water is not actually adopts a “perspective of mind”. This
work, the reflection of a man who depicted; however, there is a sense perspective does not adhere to the
was looking into a river started to that you are observing the trembling convention of the manner in which
tremble and metamorphose when an surface of water. The characters the eyes see but depicts the world as
apple dropped into it. Water does constantly vibrate, and their contours the mind perceives it. For example,
not always throw up an accurate when the doctor thinks about his
reflection. At the beginning of Mt. Nobuaki Doi is an animation critic serving girl who is left with the brutal
Head (2002), the stingy man looked and the manager of the site called groom, the disturbance in the
into a mirror and confirmed that a Animations doctor’s mind manifests itself in the
22 tree had started to grow on his head. violent trembling of his contour. The
doctor’s internal turmoil can be eyes. The two horses move their were about to swallow the viewer.
judged based on his appearance. necks together. The patient’s sister This feeling also emerges during the
Animation does not simply reflect the swings the bloodied cloth in circles. last part of the film. At this point, the
world as it is. It has the possibility of The doctor repeatedly turns his head viewer’s hitherto unquestioning
making an inner vision visible. A round. These repetitive movements perception of the world is altered.
Country Doctor utilizes this possibility lend this film its humorous element. You find it difficult to decide whether
to the farthest extent. Shaking contours also have their own the scene is real. Animation can
It is difficult to move freely in rhythm. This film features an depict a world that does not exist.
However, you start to wish that it
should belong to somewhere.
At the end of the film, the doctor
says, “Betrayed! Betrayed! Respond
to a false alarm in the dead of night ...
and it will never be made good
again!” Subsequently, the bell rings,
someone opens the door, and the
film ends. You have heard the sound
of the bell. Therefore, it will never be
the same again for you as well. It is
too late.
A Country Doctor is basically a
faithful adaptation of the original
story; however, one exception was
made. An aphorism by Kafka, “The
water. If one were to experience instrument known as the Ondes true path goes by way of a rope that is
drowning under the strong currents Martenot. “Ondes” is French for not stretched at any height, but is just
of the sea, they would have felt their “waves”. The waves of sound above the ground. It seems meant
bodies being tossed at the mercy of harmonize with the pictorial waves, more for one to trip on than to be
its uncontrollable power. In A Country and the vibration gradually gets walked upon”, was quoted at the
Doctor, the doctor is depicted as stronger. If you are in tune with this beginning of the film. This describes
though he were being swallowed by rhythm, a comfortable feeling the film aptly. It causes you to
the current of his fate. At midnight, develops around this swaying surface experience the sensation of tripping
he is summoned by the sound of the of water. or stumbling. By watching this film,
bell. Without his permission, horses However, you soon realize that you feel dizzy, stumble, and, with
take him to the patient’s house. the silence gradually grows stronger tottering steps, drop into the water.
When he concludes his diagnosis and as the film moves toward its end. Watching A Country Doctor is like
attempts to leave for home, his body This silence creates a sense of waking up from a nightmare. A
turns against his will in the opposite foreboding. You begin to notice the dream can be more vivid than banal
direction and he is prevented from strange scenery. What are those eyes daily existence. The confused brain
leaving the house. Public servants and noses buried in the snow? Where cannot distinguish between a dream
show up one after another, strip the is the doctor heading? The doctor and reality. Unless one awakens from
doctor naked, and carry him to the seems to be going in the wrong the dream, one cannot be sure that it
bed with the sick boy. He believes direction. As you begin to feel was simply a dream. It is possible that
that he acts independently; however, uneasy, the images reflected on the this seemingly real world is nothing
the truth is that the strong current of screen start to lose their stability. The but a dream that you have yet to
his fate carries him without giving flashlights blink repeatedly and the awaken from. What the stingy man in
consideration to his own wishes. field of vision slips frequently. The “Mt. Head” experienced is not
The water of A Country Doctor connection between the scenes another person’s problem any more.
trembles too much. It is cruel for the gradually loses flow. The horses walk You cannot deny the possibility that
doctor who is in the water, but indoors. Behind them, there sit a there is someone watching and
amusing to the viewer, who views large number of doctors with their laughing at you from the other side of
him from the outside of water. The bodies shaking, as if demonstrating the water. You suddenly realize that
viewer is in a safe place, so watching their bad moods. Confusion sets in you remain alone in the middle of
the swaying surface of water is your mind. The excessively violent nowhere. Is this real, or is it a dream?
comical once you adjust to its rhythm shaking of the water creates an You start to tremble and shiver
and learn to “hear” this film with the uneasy sensation as though the water between the two worlds. 23

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