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Last Will bot “Will”

This AI is designed to simulate an extra player in the game. Use it to play solo, or
add it to a 2 or more player game to effectively increase the player count by 1.
I have nicknamed the AI 'Will.' You will need to assign Will a player color as it
can pick plans and errands. You may wish to play once using $75 to get the hang of how
Will plays his half of the game.

Solo: You may choose or randomly deal yourself a last will card to determine the
base amount. You may include occupations from the expansion. If you do, randomly
deal Will an appropriate occupation card. Both you and Will receive the appropriate
amount of money for the last will card dealt.

Solo: You always go first, and the planning phase is played out as per a 2 player
game. In other words:
1. You choose a plan and block it off.
2. Roll randomly twice to determine which 2 plans Will will block.
3. You select a plan to keep.
2+ player: Will randomly chooses a plan first, then each other player will choose a
plan in turn order.
To randomly choose a plan, roll 1d6, and count from left (first player) to right.
Will likes going before other players!

Players proceed in planing phase order selecting errands.
Will may have 1, 2 or 3 errands depending on the plan it chose.
On Will's Turn to choose an errand: Randomly generate a number 1-6 and add the
CURRENT ROUND to that number, consulting the chart below.

When Will needs to claim a card, he will claim the appropriately faced card. If
there are multiple appropriate cards available, he picks a special (red or purple back)
card if possible. To break any ties, he claims the first appropriate card on the card offer
starting on the top left, and move to the right, then down to the second row.
Will doesn't have any cards in hand, nor does he develop a player board so any
card he DOES claim, is simply discarded and is unavailable to other players.
If the rolled choice is not available (IE: already taken by other players), then Will
pursues the next number on his list.
2 Red or Purple (IE: special) Card: Will claims the first red or purple card not yet
3 Wild Card: Will claims a companion wild card.
4 Building Card: Will claims a building card.
5 Housing Market: Pick up all 4 housing market tokens, shuffle them, and
redistribute randomly.
6 Helper: Will claims a helper card.
7 Demerit or Extension: If the expansion is in play, Will claims a space that earns
him a demerit at an occupation. If not available, he will claim a player extension
8 Red or Purple (IE: special) Card: Will claims the first red or purple card not yet
9 Wild Card: Will claims a companion wild card.
10 Card: Will plays his errand on a spot that claims any card.
11 White Card: Will claims a white card
12 Housing Market: Pick up all 4 housing market tokens, shuffle them, and
redistribute randomly.
13 White Card: Will claims a white card
14 Card: Will plays his errand on a spot that claims any card.

Will receives a number of actions based on the plan he selected in the planning
If playing with the 'getting sacked' expansion, Will automatically gains one
demerit token, and covers the bottom-most space of his occupation card.
For each action, Will discards 1d3+4 money from his supply.

Go Bankrupt before the end of round 7, or have the least money at the end of
round 7 in the event that no player goes bankrupt. Will can claim victory.

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