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The Really Nasty Horse Racing Game

Text in bold clarifies or amends the game as Players must now choose which of their horses will
outlined by the rules included with the 21 st enter which race, by secretly entering the numbers
Anniversary Edition. 1 to 6 on their betting slip under the Stable Entry.


Each game is a race meeting, at which six races will Before each race all the Lane cards are shuffled
take place. Each race you may earn money by: and one dealt to each player. Players place their
horse on the lane number dealt to them.
 Your horse finishing in a prize winning position.
 Your placing a bet on the winning horse. My wife says you should use only the lane cards
numbered up to the number of players.
Each player in turn calls out to the Bookmaker their
The board is layed out in the middle of the table. stable entry (horse's grade) and their lane number.
Players choose a colour of their silks. These are marked up on the Bookie's Board next to
The Really Nasty cards are shuffled and the each player's silk colour. The odds are calculated
number shown dealt face down to the players. by consulting the Odds Table on the game board.
The horses' odds are then entered in the Odds
3 players – 6 cards 4 players – 5 cards column on the Bookie's Board.
5 players – 4 cards 6 players – 3 cards
These cards are for the entire race meeting, and PLACE YOUR BETS
are concealed until played. You many now place a bet on one and only one horse,
Each player receives £20,000 and a betting slip. your own or another player's. Each player needs to
Again, these are for the entire race meeting. consult the Bookie's Board to consider the odds,
stable entry and starting lane of each horse in
To establish the order of the races, the Race cards order to place bets wisely. Each player writes the
are shuffled and dealt out face up in a row. The colour they have selected, on their own betting slip
players enter the names of the races on their along with the odds and the amount of the wager.
betting slips in the Race column. Without showing what is written on your betting
slip, fold it and place it on top of your colours in the
betting ring along with the stake. All players can
Each player has a stable of six horses, graded 1 see how much other players have wagered but not
(better) to 6 (worse). A horse’s grade dictates on which horse. Players do not have to place bets.
where it will ‘double up’ (in its turn move up to twice
as many lengths as the number rolled). For AND THEY’RE OFF!
example, a grade 1 horse ‘doubles up’ when it ends it Whoever has lowest lane card dealt starts play by
initial movement in any of the Early Pace, Quicken rolling a die and moving their horse. Play continues
Up and Finish Well sections. Lesser horses 'double clockwise.
up' in fewer sections, see the board for details.

Remove 4.7 centimetres and the result fits in the box unfolded.

You move lengths until you cannot move another Horses double up by finishing what would otherwise
length or the number of lengths moved is the be their last move in an Early Pace, Quicken Up or
number rolled. Finish Well section, and being one of the grades
listed on the board as doubling up in that section.
You move a length by moving to an adjacent empty
space. You may not move backwards. You may not The Early Pace section applies to the first straight,
reverse your last move. You may always move to a not to the finishing straight.
higher numbered lane (move out). You may only
You only double up once per turn.
move to a lower numbered lane (move in) if you
rolled a six and only once per turn - even when When you double up, you continue to move lengths
doubling up. You may not take back a legal move. until you cannot move another length or the
number of lengths moved is double the number
Diagram time!
rolled. Normal movement rules apply. If you rolled
a six and have not yet moved in, you may move in
once during this movement. Otherwise you may not.


All races are one and a quarter circuits long.

Horses that pass the finish line are removed

from the race track, the first three with riders
to do so taking taken their places in the Winners

When no more horses can enter the Winner’s

enclosure, the race is over.
If only one horse is left in the race it must
complete the course to win.


 If 5 or 6 horses race, 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes

are paid out.
 If 3 or 4 horses race, 1st and 2nd prizes are
paid out.
 If 2 horses race then only 1st prize money is
paid out.

Any unclaimed prize money is paid to the winning

Red is wrong, white is right, green is right (once) horse's owner.
when you have rolled a 6. If there are no finishers, no prize money is paid
WINNING BETS On the nominated player’s first turn, they do not
roll but simply turn their horse the wrong way
After each race (including any card play) is
complete, bets on the winning horse, and only the
winning horse, are paid out. On the nominated player’s second turn, they do not
roll but turn their horse the right way round to
Winnings are calculated by multiplying the stake by
face the right direction.
the odds. All stakes on the winning horse are
returned. All other stakes are lost. On the nominated player’s third turn, they race as
If there are no finishers, all bets are lost.
(b) False Start (Recall)
To be played in a race before any horses have
Discard the race card for the race just completed, reached Briars Brook. The race is restarted. All
If race cards remain, return to Under Starter’s horses that started the race restart the race,
Orders. Otherwise, the race meeting is over. including those that fell, in their original lanes. All
bets are unchanged. Except for the False Start
AND THE WINNER IS (Recall) card, all cards used in the current race are
At the end of the race meeting, the player with the returned to those who played them.
most money is victorious. (c) Faller

These cards may be played when a horse ends its

V1.0 Monday, 21 January 2013 turn on the named fence (the Briars Brook fence
includes the adjacent water spaces).

These cards must be played before the next

player rolls.
Except where stated, the play of a card is to be
Horses on the named fence (including in the water
complete before another card is played. Subject
at Briars Brook) may fall.
to this and where stated, cards are played when
a player likes, not necessarily in their turn. If only one horse may fall, it is falling. If more
than one horse may fall, the player who played the
Except where a race is recalled, cards are only
Faller card says which of the horses are falling. He
played once per race meeting. Because of the
may include his own horse.
Recall card, cards played at the start of the
current race should be kept separate and only Cards ‘Riderless Horse’ and/or ‘Remount’ may now
discarded when a horse has reached Briars Brook. be played.

Except where stated, a player’s horse need not Horses that are still falling now fall. They are out
still be in the race for them to play a card. of the race and are removed from the race track.

(a) Whip Round This completes the play of the Faller card.

When played, the player nominates a horse whose Another Faller card for the same fence may now
player has not yet rolled in the current race. This be played.
completes the play of the card.
(d) Riderless Horse It cannot be played on a horse that is on a fence
(including in the water at Briars brook).
This card can only be played during the play of a
Faller card or Slipped Up On The Flat. Card ‘Riderless Horse’ may now be played.

The riderless horse replaces on the race track If the horse is still slipping up, it falls. It is out of
one of the horses that is falling / the horse that the race and is removed from the race track.
is slipping up. This horse is no longer falling /
(j) Objection and Steward's Enquiry
slipping up.
These can be played when no more horses can
For the remainder of the race, the player whose
enter the Winner’s enclosure.
horse was replaced on his turn moves the riderless
horse. This horse moves according to the normal A player playing an Objection Card must deposit
movement rules except it need not move as many £10,000. They then nominate which horse in the
lengths as indicated by the die roll and does not winning enclosure they are objecting to, and roll.
double up. A roll of 1 sees the objection sustained. The
The riderless horse is not placed if it crosses the nominated horse is disqualified, and removed from
finish line. the winning enclosure. Any horses below it in the
winning enclosure move up a position. The deposit is
(e) Remount
returned to the player of the card. Any other roll
This card can only be played during the play of a sees the objection denied. The result stands, the
Faller card. deposit is lost.

A horse that is falling as a result of Faller card is A Steward's Enquiry card requires no deposit and is
chosen by the player of the remount card. This successful if a one or a six is rolled.
horse is no longer falling.
More than one Objection and/or Steward's Enquiry
A remounted horse can fall if another Faller card is cards may be played per race.
played, in this or any future turn.
(h) Photo Finish
(g) Horse Under Pressure
This card can only be used after the first horse has
These can only be used on the final straight. They crossed the finish line. The card is played to the
are produced before the player, to whom it is used very next horse whose turn it is to move. Should
against, rolls the dice. That horse must then veer this horse cross the finish line on it turn the judge
sideways in the direction indicated on the card. makes a mistake and declares the second horse the
The horse must move the maximum number of winner. The horse that crossed the finishing line
spaces sideways that are available in accordance first moves to second place. If the horse does not
with the dice roll. It can then progress forward. cross the finish line, the card is still considered
(h) Slipped Up On The Flat
This card can only be played by a player whose
horse is still in the race.

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