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English Homework

Pedro Ramos Macea


Miguel Ángel Malaver

Inglles II

National University Open and Aistance

Sahagún – Córdoba

March of 2020
Future Factual Conditional phrases.
1. If we wash our hands every 3 hours, we will have more oportunities to survive.
2. People will be kind to you, if you talk to them in a nice way.
3. If you respect your parents, your family will be always blessed.
4. I won’t be able to keep my scholarship if I don’t study hard.
5. If we week praying, God will listen to us.
6. If you don’t say sorry, I will not forgive you.
7. If you won’t call me, I won’t give you my approval.
8. If you keep calm, people will be calm too.
9. If you get a Passport, you will travel the world.
10. If you read books, your IC will be better.
stand up
took out
look up
catch up
sit down
calm down
plug in
warm up
broke up
I gave up

A year ago my girlfriend and I decided to spend out vacation together, we looked
up for the perfect place and finally chose to go to Rionegro Antioquia. We took
out clothes for cold weather and then we flew there. The flight was really nice, we
enjoyed it but we had a tough time because we stood up for an hour before the
flight departed. Once we got to my aunt’s place we sat down to rest and catched
up with her about all the family’s matter. Next day we visited many places and
took many potos, but after a while we had to go back because our phones ran out
of battery and we plugged them in just at home. Rionegro is a very cold city, after
getting home my aunt preoared us some drinks and we warmed ourvelves up after
drinking it. After some days there we had to go back to Sahagún, we didn’t wake
up on time and almost los tour flight. My girlfriend freacked out and I gave up
trying to keep everything quiet. After a time she calmed down but sadly after that
we broke up.

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